
Paris Massacres November 13, 2015 Open (Pick One) 1.As France, what would you do after the Attack on Paris? 2.As France the government of France, what law would you pass to address the Muslim community in France? 3.How should the US respond to this situation? 4.Pretend you are one of the hostages. What would be your final words to the terrorists? The Night Before Jihadi John Muhammad Jassim Born in Kuwait British Citizen (moved to UK at 6) Died at 27 Bio Link= Muhammad JassimMuhammad Jassim France and Algeria Battle of Algers Torture Salah Abdeslam, Bilal Hadfi, Ahmad Almohamad, Omar Mostefai, Samy Amimour and Abdelhamid Abaaoud Bin Laden Born 1957 Died at 54 Jihadi John Born 1988 Ten when Fatwah written 11 on US invades Iraq (he would be 13) From a SB Students 1. Being Algerian, all of my family either live in Algeria or France, considering the close relationship the two countries have since the colonization of Algeria in My cousins are both culturally and nationally one hundred percent French. 3. French have historically been extremely prejudice towards Algerians 4. Algerians have generally had to pay the price for a select few irrational actions (these select few are not usually Algerian, but of Arab or Muslim background) 5. I spoke to my cousins Randa and Ryma today, and both have decided to take off the headscarf/hijab. They both explained to me how much of a problem it is, even when they attend private schools, which was a decision made to avoid most of the racism found in public schools (In France) 6. The same night of the Paris attack, my cousin Walid and my uncle were beat up in their apartment building by neighbors who saw them as a threat just because of their national background. 7. My cousins try really hard to hide all their muslim qualities in public, especially with their peers. For example, they all drink alcohol, eat non halal meat like bacon, and continuously denounce any ties to the muslim community. Just Odd Jahiliyah Jahiliyyah (Arabic: hiliyyah/jhilyah "ignorance") is an Islamic concept of "ignorance of divine guidance" or "the state of ignorance of the guidance from God" or "Days of Ignorance" referring to the allegedly barbaric condition in which Arabs found themselves in pre-Islamic Arabia (in the non- Islamic sense),... Qutib Syed Used Jahili and Jahiliyah to identify aspects of his society that were corrupting Islam and his country (Egypt). Al Qaeda vs. ISIS or ISIL Al Qaeda 1. Enemy is the West 2. Fight Western imperialism 3. Rejects Islamic State 4. Global fight ISIS or ISIL 1. Create an Islamic state 2. Safe haven for all Muslim. Just be Sunni, or Wahab or Salifi 3. Fighting restricted to Syria and Iraq Commonalities 1.ISIS started out as Al Qaeda in Iraq Zarqawi was leader 2.Creation of Islamic state and tactics creates a break Quraysh Tribe where Mohammad started Meccan Society Kaba: Where tribal deities were stored by the Quraysh Tribe. Pre Islam Quraysh Tribe-Mecca Mohammad was a citizen Kaba-Protected by Quraysh so they were viewed like leaders Mohammad has revelation and preeches the corruption of the Quraysh Tribe Mohammad goes to Medina and starts the Banu Hashim Tribe Battle of Badr March 17, 624 AD Quraysh Tribe Vs. Banu Hashim Winner Mohammad Start of Islam-Purge Quraysh of their wicked ways of vice Mohammad Dies June 8, 632 AD Shia Cousin and son in law of Mohammad Ali ibn Abi Talib Sunni The good old Quraysh Tribe Reading Look for the Following: 1.Something from a prior class 2.Jihad 3.Jahili or jahiliyah 4.Levant ISIS or ISIL ISIS Statement French Response (Raid and Bombing) Leader of al Qaeda belittles leader of ISIS as not worthy Sudan Factory Sudanese Factory Destroyed by US Now a Shrine ISIS Claims Responsibility Quran 59:2 France Allah (ta'ala) said, They thought that their fortresses would protect them from Allah but Allah came upon them from where they had not expected, and He cast terror into their hearts so they destroyed their houses by their own hands and the hands of the believers. So take warning, O people of vision [Al-Hashr:2]. Closure Link to class What would you say

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