  • Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2012Fredo Durand and Diego Gutierrez(Guest Editors)

    Volume 31 (2012), Number 4

    Parameterization-Aware MIP-Mapping

    Josiah Manson and Scott Schaefer

    Texas A&M University

    Figure 1: From left to right, we show the input texture (10242), then the monster frog model drawn with the full-resolutiontexture and the fourth mip-levels (642) downsampled with a box filter that ignores texels that are not used in the model inaddition to mipmap guttering and our parameterization-aware bilinear filter. The tent filter does not preserve details as well asour method and allows the background color of the texture to bleed in at texture seams.

    AbstractWe present a method of generating mipmaps that takes into account the distortions due to the parameterizationof a surface. Existing algorithms for generating mipmaps assume that the texture is isometrically mapped to thesurface and ignore the actual surface parameterization. Our method correctly downsamples warped textures byassigning texels weights proportional to their area on a surface. We also provide a least-squares approach tofiltering over these warped domains that takes into account the postfilter used by the GPU. Our method improvestexture filtering for most models but only modifies mipmap generation, requires no modification of art assets orrasterization algorithms, and does not affect run-time performance.

    Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism [ComputerGraphics]: Color, shading, shadowing, and texture—

    1. Introduction

    Movies and games are filled with three-dimensional ob-jects represented as triangle meshes. The geometry of thesemeshes is important, but much of the detail and interest ofan object comes from the variation of colors on its surface.Texture mapping provides a way of annotating surfaces withinformation such as color. Typically the color at any pointon a model is calculated from an image, called a texture,that is applied to the object. Textures are stored as two-dimensional grids of color samples (texels), but there is noobvious way of automatically mapping a point p ∈ R3 on

    a three-dimensional surface to a point t ∈ R2 in a texture.Instead, a parameterization Θ : R3→ R2 of the object’s sur-face is usually supplied by an artist, where the surface of theobject is cut into separate charts that are flattened into theplane. For triangle meshes, Θ is typically encoded as texturecoordinates associated with each vertex of the triangles.

    The projection of a point p on an object’s surface to apixel s on the screen is given by Φ : R3 → R2. To draw atextured surface, the graphics card (GPU) samples the valuein the texture associated with a triangle at the coordinateΘ◦Φ−1(s) in order to determine the color of the pixel. How-

    c© 2012 The Author(s)Computer Graphics Forum c© 2012 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publish-ing Ltd. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ,UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.

  • J. Manson & S. Schaefer / Parameterization-Aware MIP-Mapping

    ever, a pixel on the screen may correspond to a large area ofthe texture for distant objects, which necessitates filtering toavoid aliasing. Depending on how distant an object is, a filterh may integrate over many texels. Rather than compute ex-act filter integrals, GPUs use precalculated downsamplingsof the texture that are stored in a mipmap [Wil83].

    Filters can be expensive to evaluate with no distortion,but evaluation is even more complicated over the distortedsupport of h(Θ◦Φ−1(s)). Several algorithms have been de-signed to improve the quality of texture filtering since theinvention of mipmaps. The simplest improvement is to gen-erate mipmaps using more advanced filters derived from sig-nal processing. More recently, researchers have focused ondesigning anisotropic filters that can be evaluated in real-time.

    We solve a problem that is related to, but separate from,anisotropic filtering. Anisotropic filtering calculates texturesamples by transforming the filter using a first-order approx-imation of Θ ◦Φ−1, which is the affine transform definedby the Jacobian of Θ ◦Φ−1. Describing the local distortionby an affine transformation is correct for a single point, butis only approximate when integrating over the support of h,unless the distortion from screen to texture space, Θ◦Φ−1,is uniform. GPUs typically approximate integration of h bysampling from a mipmap. However, at higher mip-levels,texels contain many triangles and the assumption of unifor-mity of Θ◦Φ−1 is violated.

    We assume that the parameterization of the model is fixedand improve the texture quality without modifying the modelor the base texture. Our observation is that we can correctfor nonuniform distortion of Θ during mipmap generationand improve texturing, with or without anisotropic sampling.Our method uses the fact that Θ is view-independent to pre-compute mipmaps that prefilter the texture to correct for thenonuniformity of the parameterization of a surface in thesupport of h. Our method calculates corrects for parametricdistortions introduced by Θ and show how to optimize tex-ture reproduction when sampled trilinear postfilter. We solvethe large-scale problem where parameterization changes be-tween triangles, while anisotropic filtering solves the small-scale problem of sampling points on the screen. Figure 1shows an example of the improvement obtained by using ourmethod instead of tent filtering. The left model is drawn us-ing the 10242 input texture, while the center and right im-ages are drawn with 642 tent and parameterization-awaremipmapped (PAM) bilinear filters.

    Anisotropic filtering on a GPU still benefits our methodbecause anisotropic filtering adapts to changes of Φ, whichare only known at run-time. Thus, anisotropic filtering andour method complement each other. We generate optimizedmipmaps as a preprocessing step and improve image qualitywith no change to art assets or rasterization algorithms andno cost to run-time performance. As an added benefit, ourmethod automatically ignores the unused portion of the tex-

    ture that forms the background color, which prevents colorbleeding at higher mip-levels.

    2. Related Work

    Mipmapping is a classic technique for improving the perfor-mance and quality of texture filtering for real-time render-ing. The goal of mipmapping is to accelerate the calculationof downsampled images by arbitrary scales by interpolatingbetween precomputed power-of-two scalings of an image.Trilinear mipmapped texture filtering was first published in1983 [Wil83] and derives its name from the Latin phrase,“multum in parvo,” which means “much in little.” Mipmap-ping has had hardware implementations since the first textur-ing hardware, and even in the first consumer graphics card,the Voodoo 1, which was introduced in 1996.

    The original description of mipmapping generated down-sampled images using a box filter, but one can easily imagineusing higher-order filters at each level, such as in a Gaussianpyramid [Bur81]. An obvious way to improve the quality ofmipmapping is to use high-quality antialiasing filters to gen-erate the images at each mip-level. Shannon’s sampling the-ory [Sha49] states that, before sampling, a signal should beconvolved with the sinc filter to remove frequencies higherthan the sampling frequency. Convolving an image with sincis expensive to compute because sinc has infinite support, sosinc is often windowed. The Lanczos filters are examples ofwindowed sinc filters.

    Hummel [Hum83] described optimal prefilters forlinearly-dependent postfiltering bases such as tent and cubicB-splines. However, Hummel only considers functions overan infinite, uniform grid. Kajiya and Ullner [KU81] solvea least-squares problem where intensities are constrained tobe in the range [0,1] to render fonts on CRT displays wherethe pixel response is approximately Gaussian. Least-squaresdownsampling [ZZZ∗11] is a method for finding a down-sampling that optimizes over point samples. In contrast, ourwork finds a downsampling that is optimized over all mip-levels at the same time to match the postfiltering performedby GPUs, handles boundary effects of the image and chartboundaries, and accounts for nonuniform parameterizationof the surface during filtering.

    Mipmaps work well for sampling high-frequency tex-tures, but do not properly sample triangles with oblique pro-jections onto the screen. Heckbert [Hec89] described theproblem of filtering a warped image in its full generality be-fore suggesting two sampling approaches. If the warping isan arbitrary function, one can sample the image at a highresolution and apply a postfilter to resample at the target res-olution. This approach is commonly referred to as supersam-pling, and there has been research on the best sampling pat-terns to use [DW85, MN88, EDP∗11, Fat11]. Postfilters canreduce aliasing or trade aliasing for noise, but because in-formation about the input image and warp is not used, theycannot generate a band-limited signal.

    c© 2012 The Author(s)c© 2012 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  • J. Manson & S. Schaefer / Parameterization-Aware MIP-Mapping

    The second approach is to approximate the warp as beingaffine within the support of the filter. The warp is definedby Θ ◦Φ−1, and the Jacobian J(Θ ◦Φ−1) at a single pointprovides a first order approximation of the warp as an affinetransformation. Since the initial description of mipmapping,most subsequent work has been on how to sample imageswith affine transformations of filters. Elliptical weighted av-erages (EWA) [GH86] assumes that the pixel sampled on ascreen has a radial Gaussian filter. Lin et al. [ZLW06] pro-vide a similar method that samples with a tensor product ofwindowed sinc functions. Another approach is to decom-pose an anisotropic filter into a weighted sum of isotropicfilters that approximate EWA. Feline [MPFJ99] is an ap-proach for estimating an elliptical Gaussian filter by eitherseveral radial Gaussian filters or by trilinear filters. A recentpaper [MP11] has extended the idea of Feline by buildingfilters from the anisotropic samples provided by GPUs.

    There are several approaches to accelerating anisotropictexture filtering. Summed area tables [Cro84] can be usedto calculate the contribution from constant rectangular fil-ters. Texture potential mipmapping [CS00] is a multires-olution extension of texture potential mapping [CS97],which stores summed line tables rather than area tables forquickly approximating affine transformations of box filters.Ripmaps [Hec89] are a simple extension of mipmaps, wherenonuniform, power-of-two scalings in x- and y-coordinatesare precomputed. While mipmaps take only 4/3 of the origi-nal image’s space, ripmaps take four times as much space tostore. Ripmaps represent scaling in the x- and y- directionswell, but are identical to mipmaps along the diagonal. An-other method for precalculating anisotropically filtered noisetextures is to decompose a texture into directional frequencybands [GZD08]. During sampling, the authors approximatethe filtering kernel by taking a linear combination of the tex-ture’s frequency components.

    Given a filter definition, one should take into account howthe texture is mapped onto the surface of a 3D model. Acommon problem is that colors from unused portions of thetexture can bleed through texture seams on the surface ofthe object. Guttering [WWOH08] can reduce this problemby creating an extended border of similar color around thechart boundary. The process of guttering can be automatedthrough a push-pull algorithm [GGSC96, SSGH01] wheretexels outside of texture charts are not used during mipmapcreation. Then, the image is successively upsampled by fac-tors of two from the lowest resolution, overwriting only theunused texels.

    One can also circumvent the problem of surface parame-terization by storing textures on the surface itself, such as inPtex [BL08] and Mesh Colors [YKH10]. Both of these meth-ods implement mipmapping and anisotropic filtering calcu-lated directly on a surface. Alternately, textures can be storedin three-dimensional space around a surface [BD02, LH06]to avoid surface parameterization. In general, these meth-

    ods tend to be slower than typical texturing, either becausethey are more complicated or because they have no hardwaresupport. In contrast, our method improves texture samplingwhen using the native trilinear sampling implemented byGPUs. Some methods [PCK04,RNLL10] also remove seamsthat result from trilinear filtering by changing the surfaceparameterization Θ, but do not fix other parameterization-induced filtering artifacts. We improve texture filtering with-out modifying Θ.

    3. Parameterization-Aware Filtering

    The mapping Θ between the surface of an object and a tex-ture is often nonuniform, meaning that each triangle canhave a different texel density. Additionally, triangles mayoverlap in texture space and some of the texture space maynot be used. Most methods for generating mipmaps filter thetexture without regard to how the texture is applied to thesurface of an object. We show that image filtering operationscan be performed directly on the surface of an object ratherthan in texture space.

    By filtering over the surface of the object, we can enforcethat the weight of a texel is proportional to the surface areathat it covers on an object. Weighting by surface area meansthat if a texel is used in two overlapping charts, then the texelwill be given twice the weight of a texel used in a singlechart. Conversely, if a texel is not used on the surface of anobject, it will be given zero weight. All of the filtering is per-formed in a preprocessing step, which means that the GPUcan draw textured objects using completely standard texturesampling operations. Parameterization-aware filtering incursabsolutely no run-time performance penalty and is robust todegenerate inputs such as triangles that have zero area in ei-ther object space or texture space.

    In typical texture sampling that does not account for pa-rameterization, the coefficient ch for the sampling filter h iscalculated by evaluating integrals over texture space of theform

    ch =∫∫


    iĉib̂i(u,v) du dv,

    where ĉi are the coefficients (i.e. colors) of the texels, whichare also associated with basis functions b̂i that comprisethe input image Î, where i denotes the translation of thebasis functions. Although b̂i can be arbitrary, GPUs typi-cally multiply texture samples by bilinear basis functions fortexture magnification. We therefore use a bilinear basis. Inparameterization-aware filtering, we evaluate filters by inte-grating over the surface Ω of the object

    ch =∫∫

    Ω h(Θ(p))∑i ĉib̂i(Θ(p)) d p∫∫Ω h(Θ(p)) d p


    where p are three-dimensional points on the surface and thefunctions h and b̂i are defined in texture space, as before.

    c© 2012 The Author(s)c© 2012 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  • J. Manson & S. Schaefer / Parameterization-Aware MIP-Mapping

    In typical texture filtering, no normalization is required be-cause the integral of h is assumed to be unit, but we needa normalization term because the domain of h may be dis-torted when integrating over a surface. In practice, we eval-uate ch by summing over triangles in a mesh. Each triangleTk of Ω has a barycentric basis with the triangle coordinates(0,0),(1,0),(1,1). Let Γk : R2 → R3 be the map from thisbarycentric basis to the triangle Tk. We can then write that

    ch =∑k

    ∫ 10∫ x

    0 h(Θ(Γk(x,y)))∑i ĉib̂i(Θ(Γk(x,y)))∆k dy dx

    ∑k∫ 1

    0∫ x

    0 h(Θ(Γk(x,y)))∆k dy dx,

    (1)where ∆k is the absolute value of the determinant of the Ja-cobian of Γk and is simply equal to the area of triangle Tk.

    Because h and bi are typically piecewise polynomial func-tions that align with the texel grid, we cut the 3D polygonsTk so that their images Θ(Tk) in texture space intersect onlyone texel, which can be done quickly and robustly. Now thatboth bi and h have a single polynomial, Equation 1 has aclosed-form expression.

    Our method integrates directly over 3D triangles by us-ing their image in a barycentric space. Equivalently, we canintegrate over the image of triangles in texture space Θ(Tk),which requires multiplying by |J(Θ−1)|, where J is the Jaco-bian of a transform, instead of ∆k to account for the changein variables. We say that our mipmaps are parameterization-aware, because we weight texels by their parametric dis-tortion |J(Θ−1)|, whereas standard filtering gives all texelsequal weight. By integrating over the 3D triangles Tk ratherthan their image in texture space Θ(Tk), we avoid problemswhere 3D triangles in Ω map to degenerate triangles in thetexture, which would make J(Θ−1) undefined.

    A beneficial property of our optimization is that ourmethod does not interfere with the anisotropic filtering that isperformed by GPUs, because we solve a different problemfrom anisotropic filtering. First, consider when anisotropicfiltering produces the correct result. If a square texture ismapped to a rectangle, anisotropic sampling will appropri-ately stretch the sampling filter by the aspect ratio. In thiscase, our method is unaffected by the change in parameteri-zation and produces the same result as traditional image fil-tering, because the Jacobian of the parameterization is uni-form and all texels have equal weights. Therefore, the re-sult from anisotropic filtering is unaltered by our method andproduces the correct result.

    Our method produces different images only when the pa-rameterization is nonuniform, which is exactly when the as-sumptions of anisotropic filtering are violated. Excluding de-velopable surfaces, flattening a surface will always introducedistortions. Severe distortions within a texel are common atlower-resolution mip-levels, when texels cover many trian-gles of the surface. We show an example of nonuniform pa-rameterization in Figure 2. In the top row of the figure, weshow a flat, triangulated object on the left and its texture on

    Figure 2: The top images show the parametric distortionwith object space left and texture space right. The middlerow shows trilinear mipmapping and the bottom row shows16x anisotropic mipmap sampling. From left to right: box,PAM box, and PAM constrained trilinear mipmaps.

    the right. Although blue and green triangles have equal areasin object space, blue triangles use the majority of the texture.This means that the blue color dominates higher mip-levelswith standard mipmap generation. In contrast, our methodgives blue and green colors equal weight in the distance,while preserving the sharp transition between colors in theforeground. This effect can be seen in the middle row ofFigure 2, where the plane turns blue in the distance insteadof blue-green. Our method draws the correct color at highmip-levels in the distance. Comparing PAM box filtering inthe middle and PAM constrained trilinear filtering on right,the images are similar but PAM trilinear filtering allows lessblue to bleed into the green bands.

    In fact, anisotropic filtering and our method are comple-mentary. Because the projection Φ is only known at run-time, anisotropic filtering is required to accurately filter sur-faces with respect to their orientation to the camera. On theother hand, anisotropic filtering cannot correctly filter whenthe Jacobian of Θ changes over multiple triangles. Combin-ing our mipmaps with anisotropic filtering provides a goodapproximation of Θ ◦Φ−1 integrated over the entire filter’ssupport. The bottom row of Figure 2 shows how texture fil-tering is improved by a combination of anisotropic filteringand parameterization-aware mipmapping. Anisotropic filter-ing samples from higher-resolution mip-levels, which im-proves image quality, but the plane still turns blue in thedistance for the left image. Anisotropic filtering combined

    c© 2012 The Author(s)c© 2012 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  • J. Manson & S. Schaefer / Parameterization-Aware MIP-Mapping

    Figure 3: We show an example of a high-resolution image(top left) downsampled using a box filter (top right), op-timized for bilinear reconstruction (bottom left), and op-timized for bilinear reconstruction constraining values to[0,1] (bottom right).

    with our method draws crisp lines that correctly appear blue-green in the distance.

    4. Optimal Trilinear Approximation

    GPUs store downsampled images as a small set of precalcu-lated images, called a mipmap, in order to accelerate down-sampling at arbitrary resolutions. The GPU approximatescolors at intermediate resolutions by trilinearly interpolat-ing between the color samples of the two closest resolutions.Our goal is to make the color samples calculated by trilinearfiltering match the color of the input image Î as accuratelyas possible, which we do by solving a least-squares opti-mization as suggested by Kajiya and Ullner [KU81]. Ourcontribution is to simultaneously optimize the entire mip-stack so that we find the optimal representation over all res-olutions rather than within a single two-dimensional image.This means that, instead of filtering each image in the mip-stack separately, the filtered images are all interdependent.We also incorporate corrections for parametric distortions inour optimization and explicitly handle the effects that chartboundaries have on the optimization, whereas Kajiya andUllner [KU81] assume that pixels reside on an infinite planeand can all be treated identically.

    Performing a least-squares optimization significantly im-proves downsampled image quality but can introduce ring-ing. In Figure 3 we show an example of an image that is

    Figure 4: A mipmap can be visualized as a stack of overlaidimages as shown on the left. The alignment between neigh-boring resolutions is shown on the right.

    downsampled followed by upsampling with a bilinear filter.Comparing the box filter (top right), and least-squares opti-mization (bottom left) shows that the optimized filter repro-duces the original image more accurately and appears lessblurry but suffers from some ringing artifacts. As describedby Kajiya and Ullner [KU81], some of the ringing resultsin values that are outside of a monitor’s displayable range.Finding the best values to reproduce an image on a physicaldevice requires optimizing for values constrained to [0,1].We show the results of this constrained optimization on thebottom right of Figure 3. This image appears sharp, withfewer artifacts than the unconstrained optimization.

    The trilinear interpolant is best understood by visualiz-ing the mipmap as a stack of images as shown on the leftof Figure 4, where basis functions are centered on texelsand are shown as black dots. The stack defines a rectan-gular solid parameterized by u, v, w and the images areevenly distributed in w from 0 to n. Given an input imageÎ at resolution 2n, the mipmap of Î is a stack of n+ 1 im-ages I = (I0, I1, ..., In). The images are indexed in order ofthe distance at which they are displayed so that I0 has sameresolution as Î and the resolution of Iw is 2n−w. The canon-ical trilinear basis function is the tensor product of unit tentfunctions, and the trilinear basis function, b j(u,v,w), of im-age w is scaled in u and v by 2w but is not scaled in w. Theindex j is a triplet of integers that indicates the translationand scaling of b j.

    We minimize the error of a sample by minimizing the dif-ference between Î and I over all distances.

    minc j


    ∫ 10∫ x

    0∣∣∑ j b j(Θ(Γk(x,y)),w)c j

    −∑i b̂i(Θ(Γk(x,y)))ĉi∣∣2 ∆k dy dx dw.

    The system is large, but sparse, so we solve the system us-ing conjugate gradients implemented in TAUCS [TCR03].When w is outside of the range [0,n], we reproduce thebehavior of GPUs by sampling from the closest availablemip-level. For w < 0, there is more than one pixel per texeland the image is magnified using bilinear interpolation. Theweight from the negative values of w is infinite and adds

    c© 2012 The Author(s)c© 2012 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  • J. Manson & S. Schaefer / Parameterization-Aware MIP-Mapping

    Figure 5: The top right model is drawn with the full 10242 input texture. The row of models directly below that are drawn with642, 322, and 162 box filtered textures that ignore texels that do not intersect triangles. The bottom row uses PAM box filteredtextures at the same resolutions and does a better job of preserving the original texture.

    only to the basis functions of I0, which constrains Î = I0.Likewise, for w > n, more than one copy of the texture mayexist in a pixel and we constrain In to be the area-weightedaverage of Î. Constraining I0 and In dramatically reduces thesize of the linear system we solve. At a small cost to imagequality, we can instead optimize color reproduction for eachmip-image individually by using a bilinear basis instead of atrilinear basis. If we use box basis functions instead of bilin-ear or trilinear functions, the linear system is diagonal andeach texel is independent. This means that, for box filtering,the least-squares solution reduces to the filtering describedin Section 3 and is quite fast.

    We show how the trilinear basis functions of neighboringresolutions overlap on the right side of Figure 4. We use bluefor one resolution and red for half the blue resolution. Solidlines show the primal grid, dashed lines show the dual grid,and dots show the centers of basis functions. Because thedual grids over which trilinear basis functions are defined donot nest, we must cut triangles by a grid that is twice theresolution of the high-resolution image (the half-texel grid).

    Conceptually, basis functions of color samples from out-side of the image’s domain can intersect the image. GPUsdefine multiple methods for dealing with this problem. InOpenGL, borders are treated differently based on the wrapmode of the image, of which three are commonly used. Oneapproach is to add a one texel border around the image sothat color values are defined for all basis functions that in-

    tersect the image. The second and third approaches requireno extra storage by defining the border values to be equalto values within the image. If the image tiles, border colorsare defined by taking the modulo of a texel’s index, whilenonrepeating images clamp border colors to be equal to thenearest color in the image. Fortunately, it is simple to matchour optimization to the wrap mode used to sample textures.The examples in the paper all use the clamp functionality inthe optimization except for Figure 2, which uses wrap modein the optimization.

    5. Results and Discussion

    We compare our parameterization-aware filtering using abox filter versus naïve box filtering in Figure 5. The inputtexture is shown in the top left corner of the image. In thisexample, there is relatively little unused texture space, so thebackground color has less of an effect on the filtered images.However, this model exploits symmetry to reuse parts of thetexture and contains overlapping charts. For example, thereare four gray pipes with red grills in the model, but only oneinstance of these objects in the texture. Moreover, some ofthe triangles in the three-dimensional surface map degener-ately to lines in the texture.

    Our method handles all of these issues properly. The toprow shows the model drawn with its 10242 input texture.The middle row shows the results from using a standard

    c© 2012 The Author(s)c© 2012 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  • J. Manson & S. Schaefer / Parameterization-Aware MIP-Mapping

    Figure 6: We show an example model with its 10242 input texture on the left. The subsequent models are drawn with downsam-pled textures at 642 resolution calculated using a box filter, a box filter that ignores texels that do not intersect triangles anduses guttering, and our parameterization-aware bilinear filter. Unused parts of the input texture are magenta to illustrate thecolor bleeding that occurs with image filtering that does not use information about the model.

    box filter and the bottom row shows the results from usingour PAM (parameterization-aware mipmapping) box filter.From left to right, the resolutions of the textures in the mid-dle and bottom rows are 642, 322, and 162. One can seethat parameterization-aware filtering significantly reducesthe amount of blue that bleeds into the grey at the top of themodels. Each of the blue lights is inset slightly, and the wallof the inset is given a disproportionately large fraction of thetexture space. Our PAM filter weights these insets propor-tionally to their surface area rather than their texture area toreproduce the appearance of the original model more faith-fully. We should note that our method even handles the casewhen two triangles with different Jacobians overlap, wherea texel will be weighted by the sum of the surface areas thatintersect that texel.

    A consequence of using Θ to weight downsampled colorsby how often they appear on a surface is that unused partsof a texture are given no weight, so that the colors betweencharts have no effect on downsampled images. We show anexample of the effect from using different filters on a lizardmodel in Figure 6, where we modified the input texture to bemagenta between charts in order to emphasize how the back-ground color affects filtering. From left to right, we show themodel drawn with its 10242 input texture, and models withtextures downsampled to 642 using a box filter, a box filterthat ignores unused parts of the texture, and our PAM bilin-ear filter. Standard box filtering does not take into accountwhich texels are visible on the model and allows the unusedtexels colored in magenta to influence the color of texels atseams. Ignoring unused texels in a box filter approximatesthe effect of our parameterization-aware box filter, but is not

    sufficient by itself. The support of the box downsampling fil-ter is smaller than the support of the trilinear filter used byhardware to sample the texture, which means that at leasta one texel border of similar colors must be added aroundcharts. Our method can directly optimize for trilinear filter-ing, which takes into account the full support of the samplingfilter, fractional texel coverage, and overlapping/degeneratecharts.

    Our filter preserves the color of the surface, but the tentfilter picks up a magenta tint, especially in the last image,where the tent-filtered lizard is almost entirely magenta. Thelizard appears slightly lighter in the last images with ourmethod, because the lighter color of the lizard’s undersideis added to the average color. Moreover, our PAM filter pre-serves details better than the tent filter, as can be seen bycomparing the 2562 images where the tent-filtered textureis blurrier than the PAM-filtered texture. Although we couldhave used a different background color to reduce the filter-ing artifacts, any color will still incorrectly affect the filter-ing results. There are existing methods for removing tex-ture seams [PCK04, RNLL10] that also prevent the back-ground from affecting the surface color, but these methodsdo not correct for other artifacts due to parameterization. Weshow a similar result in Figure 1, where it is clear that ourparameterization-aware method preserves details better thanconventional texture filtering and eliminates color bleedingacross chart boundaries.

    In Figure 7, we show a graph of the errors from using abox filter compared to parameterization-aware box, bilinear,and trilinear filters for Figure 2. This example utilizes the en-tire texture, so differences in the graph are entirely from dif-

    c© 2012 The Author(s)c© 2012 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  • J. Manson & S. Schaefer / Parameterization-Aware MIP-Mapping

    Figure 7: Graphs of the errors of textures in Figure 2 mea-sured at different mip-values from zero through eight. Thefilters used are box (blue), PAM box (red), PAM constrainedbilinear (yellow), and PAM constrained trilinear (green).

    ferences in parameterization, and not from background colorbleeding. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the approx-imation measured at different mip-values is shown by solidlines and the RMSE over all mip-levels is shown by dashedlines. The PAM bilinear and trilinear filters have noticeablylower error than the box filter. The bilinear filter has lowererrors at integer mip-levels than the trilinear filter, but has aslightly higher overall error. One can see that correcting forparametric distortion significantly reduces the RMSE, espe-cially at low resolutions.

    We show the times taken to calculate mipmaps using avariety of filters at different input sizes in Table 1, all calcu-lated for the lizard model on an Intel Core i7-2600k. Calcu-lation time mostly depends on the number of texels in chartsrather than triangles in the mesh as long as there are fewertriangles than texels, because triangles are cut to a fine grid.We should emphasize that mipmap generation only needsto be performed once, after which results can be stored.Hence, mipmap generation time should not be an issue formost applications. Nevertheless, the worst case of solvingfor mipmaps that are optimized for trilinear filtering froma 10242 source image takes slightly more than one minute.Error graphs suggest that optimizing for bilinear reconstruc-tion is almost as good as optimizing for trilinear reconstruc-tion, but takes a fifth of the time. Therefore, we expect mostpeople to use PAM bilinear filtering instead of PAM trilin-ear filtering. Parameterization-aware box filtering is very fastbecause no linear system has to be built or solved. In mod-els with parametric distortion, parameterization-aware boxfiltering provides a significant reduction in error and costsonly a second of preprocessing time.

    An important point is that the filtering operations we de-scribe in this paper assume a linear color space. Image for-mats often use only eight bits per color channel, which is

    64 128 256 512 1024box 0.004 0.004 0.011 0.034 0.134tent 0.004 0.008 0.037 0.164 0.697

    Lanczos 3 0.033 0.151 0.677 3.064 13.58PAM box 0.030 0.051 0.124 0.338 1.061PAM bi. 0.166 0.344 0.993 3.703 15.48PAM tri. 0.411 1.291 4.699 18.606 75.68

    Table 1: Times measured in seconds to construct mipmapsfor the lizard from different input resolutions. Traditional fil-ters that ignore parameterization are shown on top, whileour filters are shown on the bottom.

    insufficient precision to represent dark colors well. There-fore, most images are stored in the sRGB color space, whichprovides more bits for low intensities. This requires that weconvert images from sRGB to a linear space, perform oursampling, and convert our results back to sRGB before sav-ing. For rasterization, we perform all calculations in a linearfloating point format and use the EXT_framebuffer_sRGBextension of OpenGL to rasterize into the sRGB color space.

    6. Conclusions and Future Work

    This paper presents a method for calculating downsampledimages for display as textures in three-dimensional applica-tions. We minimize the difference between a source imageand bilinearly or trilinearly interpolated textures and correctfor distortions introduced by mesh parameterization. We per-form all calculations as a preprocessing step to improve im-age quality without changing the renderer or reducing run-time performance.

    There are several extensions to our method that we wouldlike to investigate. One of the assumptions we made in ourmethod is that mesh geometry is static. In practice, meshesare often animated, which means that the optimal texture isdifferent for each frame of animation. It is trivial to mod-ify Equation 1 to use the average Jacobian over all frames,but how often a frame is displayed may not be known in ad-vance, such as in a game. In practice, most realistic objectsundergo nearly isometric deformations, and our method willperform well even when using a single, static pose.


    This work was supported in part by NSF CAREER award IIS1148976 and the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Pro-gram. We would also like to thank Bay Raitt for the modelof the monster frog, Murat Afsar for the model of the lizard,and the Los Angeles Fire Department for the image of thefire truck.

    c© 2012 The Author(s)c© 2012 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  • J. Manson & S. Schaefer / Parameterization-Aware MIP-Mapping

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