Page 1: Par the. V *$0*$ - · /jiQufo belonging to Mr. JolhtiaSurr, potter, matter for names,


. 1

. i V « I « I I

C O O P E R S T O 'W N,h*

/ \

4cfu!>r (iLrvhoelftccwld have bad’ a chance .even ofoer^dfoencicfs ougnt-to De ovceiOQfc. o f foxing btosds^ or h^vc known the &ft% ed, when a quty h iiuppfcd upon one, and itslA fc w n e ] - fo fe n o g o n ly o d e < k a rte r o f linuts finely purfued ^ t b a t ls i wben"-4ch of hev*-Yiu:k% tew ^ r, did on t ie" ^ -- ' ■ ••-•• *'* '•

\ / \ J n v ty u * * - o *V r C pS S*k,j

l a

04U and r t **the < |obc» Aria bemgrtakea foiSAirica^ in' an one attempts nothing, bvit'a pLVmtelligi- Jewmth November, m the jea




\ i


^ T H O T S 'kA Y , 'N 0V tM B :& K - Z ^ X h f t , * u a r r * . r f n , 1 T" Mk ^ '7 ~ t ~ . V— * r j *. * •.■ ' * which, jk<5 dwelt. _ _ fele difomrfe, on tbefubjeft diretfly or unp& of our Laid o«& feven bun' W \ ; t -V- Whether intended or not, edly afligned him ; as, xn a k w focitty, on (*fe d «<nd pi QHyZ&m; i IV__r - Gfttb£fse!ft% QrFm ^^ Europe, where (no the icience of Jaw, to that fgtsety i or to a me- - - - * — 1/jiQufo belonging to Mr. JolhtiaSurr, potter, matter for names, things being, or intended dical, one ; ** on the fiibjed of furgery and

of this platcei took fire by accident, and was to fo , the fame) ihe is improved, we are told, medicine; thus* in aicientific \yay, to throw’ vfi$al|ri:os^ihied, . ’ - ; for f a b l e r ’ (probably then by this light on the objerfts ©f fteh mfotutions ■— T o

v ■.*->■■ . ■ ! 1 '■ v /ttrpreffed * fay nothing of other volunteered bftrrangues$&biaaf

the place of delivery,..manner of addrefs &©.^iekinac, op ht?rretora from a Jpiog* captivity Athens. A t “-Borne, jfoud to jfoftruehon,” in thebegimung of this, how different is 0- ao)dng the Chippeway Iodmns, near foat place is the sitsxt piace we hear* of her being, and, ven the latter h«ilf of it, which, is the only — fio be was a ' fiddler fin tie fiiff fegi- thattcg* ffofh full of foldiers j but fo oddly one, that eveij fo much as difooveis the do*ipent m toe1 New-York Ime, in capt; James 'oniployetf (we uhderftand fiom the fame au- fign of fiich in addre(s from everything to be Radford’ s company., and wai take* ^priioiier thdrity) ilie peed pot j(one would think) at looked form it ? and where is here, an operi- lieai Fort Jefofifon, bn or about the. 23d,,of u.11 fear tbeiB,. while *■• buymgt the dm of in? of fobje&s for further improvement in a

v June 1792»\by the jShAvyanefo Indians, who amis’ * ^ # .||ie is feprefemed, however, fcicntific piofoflionil manner ? or arty thing, fold him co^-Cbi^iejfrij^, by uverpowered^nd remaining in bon- but mdrejchool ho)hfli declamation ? andjum-


payin«nc of cn<? hund.^d potuids t;fn lawful n,o»iry *%the Sut^-df N eW 'Yoilt, i«id the r u . 'u int er^ff therein, convey to the fuhfcri her Ji^oh V oens, aV the Coittjiy Otfego and lUtp Aiote^aidj/by indp*i t ire o f reie<ii^ by way of mortg A LL thnt of land, and being.' in the (bounty of Otfepc and JNte a(o-e r (id, withm 'the bt uncis of a pstt«©f granted t e l ew isand H ich- ard Morris!, ht<qiires, m the year one thoufand feven hundred ?nd eighty*ir?t known.fitHf (hfiin^tidhe^, 10 rhe plan of the fuhaivifion of faid patent, by ior number forty rts , nud is bouncted as

whomhe was ttken toDefroit-,frdm*thence up dage -’ tiil the } 5th Centurv, the P a l o f fo ble of woids without meaning-joi^d or fin- foUcws to w ii— O a the a ea f t b y lotLake Huron to Michibnia:ckinac,; jwhere- he ca!ie<J,or European Ignorance, when, fhe is gie£ In fhort, u is unfortunate We have not a numberVorty five on the fouth by l©ehasrefided as a Have to «the Indians, withtji ^ bave again plunged from it, and, Bean S\ui i|oong us, on terms of intimacy number forty-two* on the* Weft b y i r t18 or 20 mites of the Britilh fort, till July a ut w e , feom herfeif downward, over head with the Doctor, who, if he could not have numb 5r thirty-nine, ?*ri on the northbth'wheft his Indiin matters took him with and eais, and fo, by diving, no doubt, (as it prevented tl -» appearance of fuch a perform by the TCijJ lri^ton rr^ci , conMinitif?them to Detroit, whei-e they ctme foi their is here we again firft hear o f her ) crofled ance, might nave corrected it, as he did one, by eftimatibn, two* Hundred a (id tea

1 '-jidnual 'fupply *ol clothing, annjnitubon and the .Atlantic and fafoly landed on a foihif declaring to die; author when he returned it arres cria ftd , b« the-fame m oteorlefs.* proMfiop whidh pltbe he made his efcape, t o bc diHmgmfhed from others, as one of ** that he Kft it with but half the faults it had A lfd sp|^r«af ;dt^

Vhile the Indians were drunk, m one of their native freedom/' ftirely then incapable of when he received it” - having firatk out ©very accrued ©Cth®*jfaid 'Mort^gd'':ha4fo'abttuvh canoes, rqA fortunately gat op board a admitting fkvery-^But how foon are we and ftcpnd kfie— I would only here increafo the b ^ ll ;

r" ‘ Brinfh vdTel commanded by capt Mc GoWan, 0,0 A£he uttdeenved in this fond deluhon. number by one halt ; as that cannot now he done, pleafe to add the. following errata, to what you faft week, pubhihed in relation to the fame cpmpofition. *

I M n t i c e i a ^ - t h e r e f o r e h e r f t b y g i v e n , t h ^ r t h e “O d d p r e m i f e s w i l l b e f o l d a t 7 > u l)h 0 v e n d u e , a t t h e C o u r t - H o u f e i n C o o p e r f t o w n , t h e i i r f t M o n d a y i nJ u n e n e x t . . c t e l e v e n o 'c l o c k inr t h e

by whom be wts treated with great humanity, To* fay nothing o f the Spama.ds and.and taken to Fort Eric, from whence fie came P o rta b le , in the fopth, even here, inftead of by land to Niagara, thea by water to themouth *the promife^ Liberty and peace, it feems,of Genefee kive«, thea up'die Fiver to Con- foe is engaged, with'“ Kings anipneftseom- .newaeus, from thence by Canandar&ua to this kmed**1 unequalipontelt, for a mere female! E r r a t a . The occafion and defign of fuch n r m e o f 'a power t o f e 1 1

mkefe, on his way to his father's, ivhohe fays r*-fhen*. feen- fighting them, however, m a an addrefs. c ln ' ” *A onAhves.X& oiv9 chiles-below Philadelphia, on the “ lohgamd glorious ftruggle^, and « pre- Do. Further, the fubjeft and mannerChetfer nbad. He ha6 purfued his qyur& down ▼aiIs’ ;’ biEt,, not fully, ‘till her cliddren of this of treating it.

% e 1 $ u la & h a n n a h f o r P h ila d e lp h ia , ^ ^ c o n t i n e a t , b r o u g h t f o r t h a n d g r o w n j i p d u r in g E r r a t u m . T h e p u b h f h i n g o f it .

jfoe'Cguffii'iSfc, flily ^%?hehind, andj>a>e the J)o. Data m it

Par the.______ Thcti, he, 'Uiei' they, ; it or th av m o v^ o ^ tt^ l1

w - 1 jr- 7 n r agaio “ froraplAce toplace,” ’till, ^Frodum or^ and D ijccocrtes in to re] at ! Ibe is oh the ‘ ‘ Banks pfv the P h y ju a l W orld ! ■: go” I l ’ means this the Lake, or the Coun* -

: ” - j i w , ' - * f i >*' # -•%- \ v ty f i f tbe latter, where are its banks ? if the* \ N O T H E R JuPiTER brougnt to light. fornier, vwlien was it a “ wildernefs, mlnbited

i j j k M a t t e r m d - d f V ^ a n - f . if not by^he W oh, the JJeaf aad foe E.nfoer.?’? the ffffts ftom foe $ * god* ac- ahd Jnoiy were they expelled ?< or were they

Do,% ■ew i**.

(Toto c*lo) the author’ s qualrfi- 'CAtiOfv fojr'^wrUing^and Ipeak-

m t h e f a i d M o r t g a g e c o n ta i n e d , a n d puR fiiam f f a t h e . f t a t u t e i n - « n f e i n ^ d e <ttid p r o v i d e d * ' ' “ \

' ' 3J A G 0 P '-M O R R IS ,' •Dotted Nov, 2 0 ||.1795*♦" 3-^61

V cotdiug: t o ; t h e ^ e a f o e n J ^ o k ^ :: *$0*$ •%'yoiit‘lutt r’s own accphnt.of himfeihfob|a Wlfo* orOyeni^ts ? did the pucpofe become

; - in ch*B4« Walls.” meant ■ aditoL “ or .rl ’ i ustx U ty

: C P J I t ILfe;S.

- „ , nCr% tr _ ,% , J O * o u t o f t h e C o u r t o f C o m m o » -p le a s f o ri n f ? — “ _ jh e =£ a s jn ty .g f O tfego , I have fe iz e d a tid -fh a ll

p w n p | a m cxpofe i t . ptiblic fille, a t th e ■Court-Uoufe. in* C o o p e T f t o w r y d i i ^ b i i r f i f i t y ^ f o ^ ' f o y i d f o : i ' f o y ;

T-. \ J ~ A r o f J a n u a r y h t K t i a t o h e o 'c l o c k 'R ffirmd u o t iv s w iM p ja M W ' f ; fq jgiC ^ to

roving/ nii e 8 s qf Ljirid, vyitfi the; Builduigsi .and;“ There have been, For a ldpg.fort^

v:m y through, JbeCphieff A ffurgeon of foftie pote j andnotODly, that, but a great dificWererin Natufo' and beyond it-^As |rff- :Tbat?' “ abflra£tly,> cbnfidered “ the mind of

ahoht thefo^Ifote^yffoalt^;ferid»>of violent and^ app«rteharice|; thereon," occupied b y Ssiu'cef 1 aifcQhtemed fpirfts,- ^wkbfe" ^mbif Latliktu j ; «tr>d a' piece o f L an d cbhtmniRgtioa wotdd;bO gratifiedby“fo^ ot hbn-, t w e n t y a c r e s , iyi'di the’ BuiUings' and ap- 1 O rf - o f bfhcOs uhdcf oUts,fejpubjicF/ 'They'' pertaidhnces - tlioriotij occupied" by Joliah j pcrceke'that.our citi?ens4 4 m but gefteraily F a a tlliV iffltb fim ted fin' the 'town ‘ 'jEtffcir:

field* ' v> •/ > :hamt* 1 :. * :. 'H a t , P h i n n r y .

;.■T fct above coirtafo* the fuWhuiee o f 4 « *?f. ««' t & * » Hoj.',4 3 7<i5 . :, ■3 S'4 ?.

»oiBb?*%-Fi^foebipbf^lste'Rre:inaye3i|>ed: lately in, do the Iirft Half pf the Baddr Fre- ^ 3 * * & * as - V \aetottefcocoe of.-ew rouf faeoi- to o th fcam.ogue.'bfee the n.edicalfocifcty; .

...and stbruptpefs o: _ _.prppared diftoude, ofj‘ “ from wheaca pio I cio cot fay thisy toi ’ excite prejudice a-

yfcontf«£tioh $t grahimar) at the ioaccuraclf.* IFra inger 'tigfrrnoHoflfrfia<^ o f ddHnguittied <»tegdly..t0 Uogmand Confideffce, aboat tlili fty ucres of imyroved land,

Fheyendea. heart o f die ;hofe* wliohi i their will, r ftrain every”

to break afonHA "the chain of ; ; T b e j # Jof ibit i* fofiic

, . . . .

ieecb tlmfe” —-what I « 4 ^ ' cpnoe£foons/,.T gainfl it,.or raife contraiy prepqffeffipmi';--. 1 .5^ * _ i^ d from T h e y Gri ft Mill. , SaidL--,** thofe'-’ whic-b ? tendA ties lihd elexnal but m fely to fhew i degree of neceffity onus, y* i *- r > ^ ^ S '' Fatni contaihs two.hundred acres* Fqrffiif-. friehdfhip f r S:c. hfiM (ftlf niote ib point of in jtiflice tp ||fis part of foe country, as to teJiMKfi mmffotp pme. mmm - the^B^rnculatS. enQUirp. o f jthf fiifd’crifc^f da

W a bf E-; 'foek to a £ g ,lb r tafciia^ tlie r Wicopinion they ebofom to ‘ f i u * ; * . .* ! . . Zwfoi-i.: ^ context— ^ ^fo.f«..^Y-J-^-^o^te<wfoeir.poWe^./.-Tliey ftnpn.Wetp r

i t . w o d id aH rd tw fod^ ige isce f foy fo c h g e b c ra t1 f . a . H , n» th a t eo th e iu d ie n c e a t 'la rg o * un ion

tftrsauf i f o i c V i t^lucH iifetias^^difcnveredfiri the m afen a l worlds , ahinqa^crSons now,pwhlifoed, only e x te n d i

.thicks, .at foe. aufwer,

L u c ^ y io r foe a’.ithqra hoiveafo, ,fois ma* ; ikrraaeiiihgv s i ttosg: coth eiaA ^ ce a f'la i^ s! nsterta tf df.o#|ovkin-'. % ,ree 0 olb^ anre*a$_n6ffiJtallfoi0B fluew bertobe, ifrfcm tfJa^h^nbfti^d^/foeLabove- ^rofid da$^ ft ' CwfttrflownCMofy ty$$* 3 *$

Butri8 >W» "with ihVioustefoerity* they rhfomto ^ n" ' ' ' " j - q ^ ^

F A R H ,; of one hundred and fixteesi

foe ifi^arkfoidj^fofors* d A a iily * in*«ofoihg to feck lta ^ p fe # s , as, go hot to. found or ^ooger% w n/aliue |, ifienfiai from the’ iorippaly, and fo offend the eye of ear,.but,' k*i J ^ | ion*a05!J?’ twenty acres • dfidtprna^neht,. a'comfofhabte

feat in the ^naiities of $&hy»$e$ki yet, from to Scfeds Isave na meaning, of defooy what •« '* «Gb foe heart 7 und lo^-bafn, will , affpf4 yeaflF f 6therein add four d i r f t M h # d .L p er. ^ ^ d in g ^ tl^ foateof f o e g o d A

.*. 4 ndfoft ^ ^ ^ w ifo b th id fe . hapsth^ former ought not rigidly to be mfiliv 'U4 rwi. f often o v e r w h e l^ ^ fo ^ d ^ t i:^ •©k4^d'-^,tc^>fde4. n i t d f f d d rthe rakeof^feeing.e^y’j&dl^beKas.t&iip jr'. ed ©1)60, and t flwll always readily forego 8nf“ * feuf the v i c ^ e4 whd b^iold atell-pO$4t&me& #*'

f i k i l W f e ^ f o o | b 4 ofoeAfoight have thefB, ’Whetfi tliey are confpenfoted by good « ^ v d«d °r ge„efal cdaimty ^f Catted as well, her fpedes ia notfo eafily dif- fiM ifg ernnam'on fenfe— a fcience, jufily faid e re A ,bert^to te3. ^ - For te«ns, npnly to^Jbe'.fobfdwBer^

-dngfofoed* ; A t h e Worth the feven-at thefametune, poweis,^ t a k e a d v ^ o f fof m o m « d it. ^ ^ ttn tJn g.order.

of chafe* or rathdr nametobe chafed (forfome addrdfii, by no matt of any degree of modef before them, and triumph with a barbaric of its general denominations maybe found un- ty, and fitch only Ihould be excufed, for any” roc^y fo1 fo* general uproaf.

Sudh fWSe_-font fovilera $ pablfo tneafufos;: iup*‘porter of gbod order II the ohje^

The fivtt"of thofe which y e difcover, is, accuracies of gYatpmar and ornaments of lrtd an 4 abufe* Every law created fiif tlie

“ cfo every Irnih) being at length fouled, •of tfeexoufiderattons fuggefted m the mtro .-we have nothing to do, butfollow thepurfuit dudiory apology ; and that, only, fo fat as ©fit, through all its ruetamorphbfes. iuch can with propriety' extend j— viz. the

*1M,_ C i m. r Alf

ton, o f Coopetftown* . -. - M D SE S T H O M SO N .

^mp&Jprn* l2 > r 7 9 5 - 3L £35J

fr o m p a r e n t t o c o m p a n io n * f r o m th u t t o c h i ld , i h eto s* c t o be d i

. a n d th is w it h in t h e d i f f a n c e o f f iv e d i n e s ; f o n e ith e r p re te n d s t o t h e m * rwtr h a s h a d a « o p ­

p o rtu n ity o f a c q u ir in g t h e m a n d . p e rh a p s

ibetot.c to be dlf-pented witb, in a man, tvh^' ° f * J p w j& ^ w r y n w belwatk whkji

that fhe is mother, daughter and daughter’ s Child/all at one inftant of time. It may be* faid, this is nothing umriuai for the fame fo-

. male to feei Which it is iruofhe may,as to dif- ~ ferentbeings, but not* I believe, as to the fame . one, which mull he the cafe here ; taking in the laft, only the thing producing (which is

..allowable) j.o Hand for the thing produced.' The next thing obfembk, in reference to

the fame feaiOn, is, the extent of arm, or, fcopeObvifion, in this Argus Giantjmngiag,

* Glver-preffed « its mthnirgy i f any ip hat, ^ Stayingfigtnfes barkmg at.

kf*t&hfc$iQh fr&M s dnfo»* a fuotd ihou0^M\Mdnptcnni>ey the jtfofably

infetiefirdtdea qffpoch, 'orfairit o f time io rec- ion frvm9M4 er^iSfecnieredna avfufdiiyt 8?

tt Sufif iti ftmMriiy to wBat mvuldktiflc tikett a Ptnglijh

ww4^idlfitch™mitamtigtS't fry ffa'ahbfye car.,as he does, that producing caufe (viz.) Afia, re&m , totally Seftrojed ; the only h ' by foe familiar adjunct “ yon” within his fight , vrt^f palsB fein fpades ®r {hovels, pr touch^—Scarce, however,? wa? foe poor w*t one m m ld thtnh, o f interment rathet

[ ' (Iuch Ihe appears laft) warnilyfwathedtn that ««/ - ' . ,blifsfiil clime,” -before {he is claimed wholly ' t^ uch is the meaning o f " lmstiergef.— -e-

P E fT Y C O L L A R S R E W A R D .' Friday eveifiag ttfcf. a pdSfoh, h^ foe

_ Haiut h f S A M U E L M A S T E R S , is ere£ted for the feeurity of out Bbcrty— all bring fored hi company with tlie fubfcifibers,men, all opiniorrs which ferveto eftahliib,- in tbte town of «SchAgftcoke,'< took from theiamore firmly, our oonftitation, and ctifure,„us C A s r iio niarjly rilie amount ot O N Epermanent tranquility, are attacked by their X HE 0 tJ*S A N J) B O L L A R b. Saidmalignant fophifiry, qfiailed by their clamor- MASTkr.V is -abbut thirty years'-of agi, 5ous calumny.’1' '■ feet ler ot’ "tv*;-iOches high— djark eoiSpiexi-*.. ........................ -• - -.....' ....... .. on, darkfa^%4h|fo has »« imjKdinftofiin. * •' - ' AT n T l C . V -his fpeech, had on a fight grey .coating cftit*

* 1 w .t .' thichfet dveralL and black napped' h&U H i HE Town-Clefik^and Others ^ a*feald mftW, i v fidat

of Otfego C6tinty, are ^ fo prid to any petfon who will Btifn 7 realiefted to take notice, f^ L fe s r £ k .s in any Cadi, fo foat he may

the cepfus muil be mad^accord; ing to law* by that day, under the

to hgrfelfby a Madam “ Mtfopbh,” a no bet- merge, jtgmjiet rifinj oat o f ; jo that, here, a* p e n a lty o f U pon each o f them ,v. .« * ,, . . « . . . - J t S t ^ o « b , C . T r e r *tor tbau Ihe fhould fee, of the lafae family, no gesa

* ‘ ' u<>' - '* --•■ "• " 's t ',* . . . . -■ zm ti-


llBfelS wfl'fy.y *w ■<’" > * ■ ■■ 1 ; .. . . .Wr 4 .

A bel Stoivs, Clinton* Tiosa Count#*- *Tfihn Satfbtay^HstUlhop* Herkeinejr,

ddifiniil Rawfort, Cooperfiown> ^, Xiaac Strung - do, ^

oa?b«t, s.; 1795- ' ' a*-i®


*•' . . .

* • an t

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