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Panorama Europe 12 juillet 2019

Grand Est

Affaires Sociales




Education &


Energie &


Industrie &





Recherche &



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Appels à propositions

• Programme EASI - VP/2019/011 – EURES and PROGRESS : Mobility Exchange programme

for SME staff

The general objective of the call is to support short term cross-border secondments for employees, managers

and/or (co-) owners, in particular from small and medium companies. These secondments shall provide

opportunities to develop skills and capacities in host companies (‘learning objective’), as well as for

companies to enhance their business either by establishing new contacts abroad, or by strengthening their

already existing partnerships (‘international business opportunity for SME’).

Deadline: 17 September 2019

• Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme - REC-CONS-RPPI-AG-2019 - Call for proposals

for action grants for limiting dual quality and strengthening consumer organisations in the


Comparative tests carried out in several Member States indicated that certain products, which are sold under

the same brand and with the same or very similar packaging, have a different composition or characteristics

across Member States.

Furthermore, the Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), in close collaboration with the industry

concerned, developed and implemented a common testing methodology to ensure that investigations on dual

quality issues can be based on sound evidence.

In order to complement the activities of the competent national authorities in identifying and countering

potentially misleading branding strategies, it is of utmost importance to further develop the capacities of

consumer organisations, including in the area of comparative product testing.

The present call for proposals under the pilot project “Limiting dual quality and strengthening consumer

organisations in the EU”, therefore, aims at strengthening the role of consumer organisations in relation to

testing and comparing basic consumption products, both in the national and cross-border context, and at

identifying potentially misleading branding strategies or misleading information provided on the packaging,

including in relation to dual quality.

Affaires Sociales

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The empowerment of consumer organisations is also a key element of the future Single Market Programme

and, at the same time, will facilitate the implementation of the New Deal for Consumers legislative package,

once adopted by the co-legislators.

The target group will be consumers and consumer organisations in the European Union

Deadline: 06 November 2019






• Prix CESE de la société civile

Le prix de la société civile, qui est décerné chaque année, a pour but de récompenser et d'encourager des

initiatives et réalisations concrètes menées à bien par des personnes et/ou d'organisations de la société

civile ayant contribué de manière significative à la promotion de l'identité et de l'intégration européennes.

Son objectif général est d'attirer l'attention sur la contribution que les personnes, à titre individuel, et/ou les

organisations de la société civile peuvent apporter à la création d'une identité et d'une citoyenneté

européennes, d'une manière qui témoigne des valeurs communes sur lesquelles s'appuie l'intégration


Le thème du prix 2019 est le suivant "Davantage de femmes dans la société et l’économie européennes". Il

récompensera des initiatives innovantes menées par des personnes et/ou des organisations de la société

civile sur le territoire de l’UE et qui visent à lutter pour l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes et à

sensibiliser l’opinion à cette question dans l’Union européenne.

Date limite : 6 septembre 2019

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• State aid (small amounts) – fishing and fish farming sector (2021-27)

EU rules on limited amounts of state aid (‘de minimis’ aid) for fishing and fish farming expire on 31 December

2020. Follow-up rules are needed so that it can still be managed in a simplified way.

The Commission will evaluate if the rules have achieved the stated objectives and ensure that the new rules

align with the 2021-27 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. Further amendments may be needed once

these rules have been assessed.

Deadline: 20 September 2019


• Analysis of administrative burden arising from the CAP

This study collects evidence and measures the costs related to the implementation of the Integrated

Administration and Control System (IACS) after the CAP 2013 reform. It analyses in-depth the different forms

of IACS, Land Parcel Identification System and related control mechanisms, as well as the costs associated

to cross-compliance. Overall, the 2013 reform led to an increase of the administrative burden on

administrations, which has helped to avoid a significant increase of the burden on the beneficiaries. For the

administrations, IACS administrative costs are estimated to represent around 3% of the annual CAP budget.

For farmers, the share of the administrative burden, excluding compliance costs, accounts for about 2% of

the total aid received.

The study recommends to consider the administrative cost implications of Member States interventions in

the future CAP strategic plans and to stimulate the use of digital technology. The report proposes examples

of actions that could be taken by the Member States. The study also reveals that there is little data available

on the administrative costs related to the CAP implementation which makes comparisons between Member

States difficult and which does not allow for a monitoring of the costs over time.



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• 16 July 2019 (Brussels): The role for humanitarians in education in emergencies

The European Commission’s humanitarian aid budget has significantly increased funding for education in

emergencies: from 1% in 2015 to a commitment to dedicate 10% as of 2019. DGECHO's 2019 Staff Working

Document provides the conceptual framework and programming considerations for the design,

implementation and monitoring of EU funded education in emergencies actions.


Coopération décentralisée

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Recherches de partenaires

• EACEA-51/2018 « Europe for Citizens »: Territory – Environment – Local Life (TELL)

FEDERCONSUMATORI INNA, is an Italian Consumers Association, formed in 1988 and has as its main

objectives the information and protection of consumers and users. It proposes an educational project on

sustainability education for primary and secondary school children of First Instance of the territory. This

includes educational proposals in environmental, food and education for sustainability. The project aims to

raise awareness of an important consumer, “the child and the adolescent” on issues such as energy, air,

water, climate change, sustainable mobility, waste, reuse, circular economy, agriculture and sustainable

supply, seasonality…

Requested partners are public and private organisation and schools.

Deadline: 1 September 2019


Contact : [email protected] (+CC to [email protected])


• Prix européen du patrimoine / Concours Europa Nostra 2020 :

Les Prix Europa Nostra sont accordés annuellement depuis 2002 pour identifier et promouvoir les meilleures

pratiques de conservation du patrimoine culturel matériel et immatériel, pour stimuler les échanges

transfrontaliers de connaissances et d’expériences à travers toute l’Europe, pour sensibiliser et éduquer le

public au patrimoine culturel européen et pour encourager davantage d’initiatives exemplaires à travers le

pouvoir de l’exemple.

Les réalisations remarquables en faveur du patrimoine seront récompensées dans les catégories suivantes:

la conservation ; la recherche ; la contribution exemplaire par des individus ou organisations ; l’éducation, la

formation et la sensibilisation.

Les Prix européens du patrimoine / Concours Europa Nostra honorent chaque année jusqu’à 30 réalisations

patrimoniales remarquables en provenance de toute l’Europe. Le nombre exact de Prix annuels dépend du

type et de la qualité des candidatures reçues. Jusqu’à quatre Grands Prix (un par catégorie) seront attribués

Education & Culture

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aux meilleurs projets sélectionnés et un projet recevra le Prix du Choix du Public sur base d’un vote en ligne

mené sur le site internet d’Europa Nostra.

Date limite : 1er octobre 2019


• Mapping of film and audiovisual public funding criteria in the EU

The European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO) has carried out this mapping at the request of the European

Commission (MEDIA sub-programme), analysing the funding criteria in public national/federal and regional

film and audiovisual funds’ schemes within the EU. The analysis is circumscribed to pre-production (script

development, project development), production, distribution and promotion schemes for theatrical films, TV

films, TV series, and other audiovisual content at national and regional levels.

The analysis builds upon two documents – a national factsheet and a national overview table (matrix), based

on the feedback of national experts for each of the 28 countries tracked. The national overview table is a

spreadsheet with key information and indicators for the schemes of the main funds in the country, including,

inter alia, the country/region of establishment of the applicant, the aid intensity levels, the existence of a

cultural test/assessment or the existence of linguistic requirements.

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• 25-26 September 2019 (Brussels): LIFE project Green4Grey – Final Conference

The European funded LIFE project Green4Grey (2013-2019) investigated how green and blue infrastructure

can respond to urbanisation of the Flemish and European landscape. Participants to the conference will find

out about the realisations and recommendations for Europe. They will discover how the Flemish Land Agency

and its multiple partners faced this challenge. Speakers from EU densely populated regions and cities will

come with concrete examples. During field visits, the opportunity will be provided to look and feel how grey

turned into green in one of Europe’s most urbanised region (Flanders, Belgium).


• 10 October 2019 (Brussels): Building Climate Neutral Cities

The European Commission’s Communication 'Clean Planet for All' presents a long-term vision for a climate

neutral economy by 2050. Many of the environmental challenges are often visible in our cities, but it is also

here that solutions are often developed. Cities are therefore key in meeting the EU's environmental

challenges. The seminar will highlight how cities can in different ways contribute to the goal of a climate

neutral EU. During the session, 5 cities - Bristol, Gothenburg, Lyon, Oslo, and Utrecht - will present their

ambitious work in the field of climate adaptation

• 28-29 November 2019 (Bratislava): EU Clean Air Forum

In November 2017 a first EU Clean Air Forum convened in Paris. This Forum concluded with a clear

message: solutions to improve air quality further are within reach, but to tackle air pollution successfully, we

need to work together across economic sectors, across decision-making levels, across policy areas and

together with citizens.

The European Commission continues to be committed to this and is organising, in close collaboration with

the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, a second EU Clean Air Forum on 28 and 29 November


This Forum will focus on three themes: air quality and energy; air quality and agriculture; and clean air funding

mechanisms. It will bring together decision-makers, stakeholders and experts on the above topics in a two-

Energie & Environnement

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day conference to reflect on the development and implementation of effective European, national and local

air policies, projects and programmes.

Livestreaming will be available


• Stratégie européenne en matière d’écoconception des batteries

The purpose of this stakeholder consultation is to gather stakeholder evidence and views in order to support

a regulatory intervention whose main objective is to foster the production and placing on the EU market of

high performing, safe, sustainable and durable (i.e. long-lasting) battery cells and battery packs/modules,

produced with the lowest environmental footprint possible in a way that is cost-effective. At the same time,

this initiative aims at helping create a level playing field for economic operators.

Batteries are a key enabling technology for low emission mobility and for energy storage. Recent forecasts

indicate that the demand for batteries both in the EU and globally will grow exponentially in the next years.

Up to a third of this demand will be generated in the EU. The EU is strong in some aspects of the battery

value chain, such as battery management systems or recycling, but the core element of the battery, the

battery cell, is not manufactured in Europe at large scale.

Battery technologies play a key role in decarbonising the road transport sector and strongly contribute to

energy storage solutions, both for domestic and grid applications. Their large-scale deployment represents

therefore a substantial contribution to our Energy Union and our sustainable mobility policies.

Date limite : 8 août 2019

• Consultation on the list of candidate Projects of Common Interest in oil infrastructure

The consultation on the list of candidate Projects of Common Interest in oil infrastructure in view of preparing

the fourth Union list of Projects of Common Interest in energy has been launched and will remain open until


The objective of this consultation is to seek your views on the specific candidate projects in oil and their

individual contributions to security of supply by reducing single supply source or route dependency, to

efficient and sustainable use of resources through mitigation of environmental risks and to the interoperability

of the oil pipeline system of the Member States covered by Regulation (EU) no 347/2013.

Deadline: 26 September 2019


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• Assessing the independence and effectiveness of national regulatory authorities in the field

of energy

The general objective of the Study was to assess the de jure and de facto independence of the national

regulatory authorities (NRAs) in the field of energy and their effectiveness in performing key tasks in the

following 12 Member States: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,

Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Spain. New legislative provisions providing for further harmonisation of the

powers and strengthening of the independence of the NRAs were created by Directive 2003/54/EC and

Directive 2003/55/EC and were included in the reviewed Directive 2009/72/EC (2009 Electricity Directive)

and Directive 2009/73/EC (2009 Gas Directive), which replaced the 2003 Directives. The 2009 Directives are

broader in scope as the NRAs are now also charged with the more general objective of achieving an internal

energy market. Specifically, the objectives and tasks of the NRAs are included in Articles 35-40 of the 2009

Electricity Directive and Articles 39-44 of the 2009 Gas Directive. In 2010, the European Commission

published an interpretative note on the 2009 Directives, where it clarifies extensively the manner in which it

interprets the abovementioned articles.


• A just energy transition, opportunity for EU industries, the role of hydrogen in the future

and the example of energy transition in Germany

This report summarises the presentations and discussions of the workshop on “A just energy transition,

opportunity for EU industries, the role of hydrogen in the future and the example of energy transition in

Germany”, which was organised for the ITRE Committee and held on 19th February 2019. This document

was prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Committee.

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Appels à propositions

• Programme COSME

COS-SEM-2019-04-01 - Socially responsible public procurement

COS-SEM-2019-04-02 - Education framework for social economy

COS-SEM-2019-04-03 - Tackling regional/local unemployment via social economy model

COS-SEM-2019-04-04 - Social economy clusters

Deadline: 26 September 2019





• How to tackle challenges in a future-oriented EU industrial strategy? - Volume 1

This study provides a critical assessment of the 2017 EU industrial strategy and of the policy measures it

comprises. Even though the EU industrial strategy is still a “meta-policy”, it successfully promotes a more

integrated and innovative approach. However, it should more clearly identify mission-oriented strategic goals

and mobilise the necessary effort and means to reach them. This document was provided/prepared by Policy

Department A at the request of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee.

• Trade negotiations with Australia and New Zealand

This study explores the context and potential of the FTA negotiations between the EU and Australia and New

Zealand. Through an analysis of the status quo, as well as several academic and policy analyses, it highlights

the main opportunities for the EU from the negotiations, as well as potential threats and obstacles to

agreement. The study explores in detail the likely impacts of market opening on trade in goods and services,

as well as the potential in other key areas, including public procurement and investment. It also highlights the

Industrie & Entreprise

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current architecture of FTAs which Australia and New Zealand have established, especially the very recent

Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), to which both are party. It explores how

these agreements impact on the EU’s competitiveness in the Australian and New Zealand markets and how

FTAs could be leveraged to improve EU integration with these partners and their broader region. The study

also considers how trade and sustainable development (TSD) can be effectively integrated into the

agreements, in line with the objectives of the EU’s ‘Trade for All’ strategy. Finally, several potential wider,

more political impacts of the FTAs are underlined.

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• 7-8 November 2019 (Brussels): EuroPCom 2019

EuroPCom, the European Public Communication Conference, is the largest annual meeting point for experts

in the field of public communication and jointly organised by the EU institutions in Brussels. The 10th edition

of the conference will take place on 7 and 8 November 2019.

Right after the arrival of the newly elected European Parliament and the new College of the European

Commission, the timing could not be better for communication experts to gather and capitalise on the

opportunity provided by the start of this new term of office. Those who communicate Europe at national,

regional and local level as well as in the EU institutions are coming together to exchange new ideas and

discuss methods and tools. Let us look forward together and think of a fresh start to communicate in and on



• EU tax policy – evaluation of communication channels:

The Commission intends to evaluate to what extent the tools it currently uses to communicate with the

public about EU taxation policy are fit for purpose and cost-effective.

It will look in particular at its:

▪ ‘Taxation Trends’ report

▪ ‘Taxes in Europe’ database

▪ ‘Tax policies in the EU’ survey

▪ ‘Taxation Papers’ studies

The findings should help the Commission decide whether and how to further improve its communication

efforts on this issue.

Deadline: 13 September 2019


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• European Parliament's Banking Union reports in 2015 - 2018

This briefing provides an overview of the European Parliament’s expectations and priorities for the banking

union as set out in its annual Banking Union reports during the 8th legislative term. The main themes found

in these reports over the last 4 years are highlighted in the first section of this briefing, while the second part

turns to the ECB Banking Supervisor’s response to the 2017 Banking Union report, the most recent response

available, as well as concrete actions expected from the SRB, who as yet have not provided a formal

response. The annex of the briefing includes a comparison of the positions taken by the EP in the annual

reports in the following policy areas: banking developments and structures; institutional and organisational

issues; regulatory issues; completing the banking unions; risk assessment; supervisory issues and priorities;

crisis management; and policies related to Anti-Money-Laundering (AML)

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• 10-11 September (Brussels): Conference For a strong Digital Europe

The 4th edition of the EIT Digital annual conference will gather more than 1,000 digital experts & opinion

leaders on September 10 at The Egg in Brussels.

Inspiring speakers from politics, industry, research and academia will share their views on Europe’s

challenges and opportunities on the global digital market, ground-breaking digital deep tech innovations and

live demos will be on display at the Innovators’ Village, and participants find new collaboration and business

partners in more than 500 matchmaking sessions.


Appels à propositions

• Mécanisme pour l’interconnexion en Europe – Volet Télécom – Appel 2019 II

Les sujets de l’appel 2019 II sont les suivants : Cybersecurity, eHealth, eProcurement, European e-Justice,

European Platform for Digital Skills and Jobs, Public Open Data.

Date limite : 14 novembre 2019



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• 27 September 2019 (Palma de Mallorca): Annual meeting of the EGTC Platform

The ninth annual meeting of the EGTC Platform will take place this year in Palma, Spain, on 27 September

2019, in partnership with EGTC Euroregion Pyrénées-Méditerranée and the Government of the Balearic


During the event, the participants will discuss the current affairs related to EGTCs, the future of European

Territorial Cooperation (ETC) and the ongoing negotiations in the EU Council related to the ETC and the

European Cross-Border Mechanism. The participants will also have an opportunity to meet the newly created

EGTCs and hear some of the best EGTC practices from around Europe.

• 7-10 October 2019 (Brussels): European Week of Regions and Cities 2019

From 7 to 10 October 2019, more than six thousand people from all over Europe and beyond are expected

to join the largest event of European Regions and Cities, this year under the headline "Regions and Cities:

Pillars of the EU's Future".

The 17th edition of European Week of Regions and Cities offers more than 300 session including Workshops,

Participatory labs, Regions' talks, Q&As on presented themes, Exhibitions "Agora Village" and tastings of

Regions & Cities. Sessions will take place at the Square, the European Committee of the Regions premises

and regional offices.

Politique Régionale

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• 16 juillet 2019 (Paris) : Réunion d'information sur les financements européens en

Photonique - 2019/2020

Le 16 juillet 2019, de 14 à 17 heures, dans les locaux de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers se

tiendra une réunion d'information nationale d'information et de réseautage sur les financements européens

en Photonique.

Les objectifs de cette réunion sont de présenter les opportunités de financement en Photonique dans le

programme de travail 2019-2020 d'Horizon 2020 ; de conseiller les porteurs de projets et présenter les

différents dispositifs d'accompagnement au montage de projets européens ; de permettre aux participants

de présenter leurs idées de projet ; d’organiser un brokerage event en fin de journée.

Les acteurs publics et privés de la recherche et de l’innovation (laboratoires/universités, centres de

recherche, start-up et PME, grands groupes, collectivités territoriales, chambres de commerce et d’industrie,

pôles de compétitivités et d’autres structures d’accompagnement), sont particulièrement les bienvenus.


• 10 septembre 2019 (Paris) : Oraux blancs pour les candidats ERC en Sciences humaines et


Dans le cadre de la préparation à l'entretien oral des candidats ERC Consolidator 2019, l'Institut des

Sciences Humaines et Sociales du CNRS organise des sessions d'oraux blancs ouverts à tous les


Tous les candidats invités à l'audition de l'ERC pour un projet dans le domaine des sciences humaines et

sociales (panels SH) peuvent participer à cette session d'entrainement s'ils le souhaitent.

Les candidats seront mis dans les mêmes conditions que lors des auditions à Bruxelles.


• 16-17 September 2019 (Brussels): Horizon 2020 Environment and Resources Information


Information days on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020, Challenge "Climate Action,

Environment, Resource Efficiency & Raw Materials" - 2020 calls - will take place on 16 and 17 September

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2019 in Brussels. The event targets potential applicants to the 2020 calls for project proposals under the

Horizon 2020 Challenge 5 "Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials".


• 13 November 2019 (Brussels): Boosting innovation through standards – Your gateaway to


This European conference is about bringing new products, systems and services to the market by:

▪ speeding up the adoption of research and innovation outcomes;

▪ generating trust for innovative ideas;

▪ driving business scaling across markets.

Leading experts in innovation and standardization will present their experiences in linking the two worlds

and highlighting how each one is benefiting from the other.

Appels à propositions

Les programmes de travail d’Horizon 2020 ont été mis à jour début juillet et comprennent désormais tous

les appels pour 2020.

Pour en savoir plus :

• RFCS-2019 - Research Fund for Coal and Steel

RFCS-01-2019 - Coal

Research and technological development constitute a very important means of supporting European energy

objectives with regard to the supply of European coal and its competitive and environmentally friendly

conversion and utilisation. Moreover, the growing international dimension of the coal market and the global

scale of the problems confronting it means that the European Union has to take a leading role in meeting

challenges relating to modern techniques, mine safety and environmental protection at worldwide level by

ensuring the transfer of know-how required for further technological progress, improved working conditions

(health and safety) and enhanced environmental protection.

RFCS-02-2019 - Steel

With the general aim of increasing competitiveness and contributing to sustainable development, the main

emphasis of research and technological development is on the development of new or improved technologies

to guarantee the economic, clean and safe production of steel and steel products characterised by steadily

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increasing performance, suitability to use, customer satisfaction, prolonged service life, easy recovery and


Deadline: 17 September 2019




• H2020-JTI-IMI2-2019-18-two-stage - Joint Undertaking - Innovative Medicines Initiative II

IMI2-2019-18-01 - Central repository of digital pathology slides to support the development of artificial

intelligence tools

IMI2-2019-18-02 - Health Outcomes Observatories – empower patients with tools to measure their

outcomes in a standardised manner creating transparency of health outcomes

IMI2-2019-18-03 - Improving patient access, understanding and adherence to healthcare information: an

integrated digital health information project

IMI2-2019-18-04 - Establishing international standards in the analysis of patient reported outcomes and

health-related quality of life data in cancer clinical trials

IMI2-2019-18-05 - Accelerating research & innovation for advanced therapy medicinal products

IMI2-2019-18-06 - Supporting the development of engineered T cells

Deadline: 26 September 2019





• H2020-INNOSUP-2018-2020 - For a better innovation support to SMEs

INNOSUP-10-2020 - Closing the finance gap for IPR-driven start-ups and SMEs

Deadline: 29 October 2019




• H2020-SC1-DTH-2018-2020 - Digital transformation in Health and Care

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SC1-HCC-07-2020 - Support for European eHealth Interoperability roadmap for deployment

SC1-HCC-06-2020 - Coordination and Support to better data and secure cross-border digital infrastructures

building on European capacities for genomics and personalised medicine

Deadline: 13 November 2019




• H2020-DT-2018-2020 - Digitising and transforming European industry and services: digital

innovation hubs and platforms

DT-ICT-03-2020- I4MS (phase 4) - uptake of digital game changers

DT-ICT-05-2020 - Big Data Innovation Hubs

DT-TDS-05-2020 - AI for Health Imaging

Deadline: 13 November 2019




• H2020-FETFLAG-2018-2020 - FET FLAGSHIPS – Tackling grand interdisciplinary science

and technology challenges

FETFLAG-05-2020 - Complementary call on Quantum Computing

FETFLAG-06-2020 - International Cooperation on Quantum Technologies

FETFLAG-07-2020 - Training and Education on Quantum Technologies

Deadline: 13 November 2019




• H2020-INFRAEDI-2018-2020 - European Data Infrastructure

INFRAEDI-05-2020 - Centres of Excellence in exascale computing

Deadline: 13 November 2019

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• H2020-ICT-2018-20 - Information and Communication Technologies

ICT-45-2020 - Reinforcing European presence in international ICT standardisation: Standardisation

Observatory and Support Facility

ICT-48-2020 - Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence centres

ICT-53-2020 - 5G PPP – 5G for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM)

ICT-55-2020 - Interactive Technologies

Deadline: 13 November 2017

ICT-38-2020 - Artificial intelligence for manufacturing

ICT-42-2020 - 5G PPP – 5G core technologies innovation

ICT-44-2020 - Next Generation Media

ICT-50-2020 - Software Technologies

ICT-51-2020 - Big Data technologies and extreme-scale analytics

ICT-54-2020 - Blockchain for the Next Generation Internet

ICT-56-2020 - Next Generation Internet of Things

Deadline: 16 January 2020




• H2020-NMBP-TR-IND-2018-2020 - Transforming European Industry

BIOTEC-06-2020 - Reprogrammed microorganisms for biological sensors

BIOTEC-07-2020 - Multi-omics for genotype-phenotype associations

CE-BIOTEC-09-2020 - Upcycling Bio Plastics of food and drinks packaging

DT-NMBP-23-2020 - Next generation organ-on-chip

NMBP-21-2020 - Biological scaffolds for tissue regeneration and repair

Deadline: 12 December 2019

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CE-BIOTEC-08-2020 - New biotechnologies to remediate harmful contaminants

Deadline: 15 April 2020

DT-FOF-07-2020 - Assembly of micro parts

DT-FOF-09-2020 - Energy-efficient manufacturing system management

DT-FOF-10-2020 - Pilot lines for large-part high-precision manufacturing

DT-FOF-11-2020 - Quality control in smart manufacturing

Deadline: 5 February 2020




• H2020-LOW-CARBON-CIRCULAR-INDUSTRIES-2020 - Competitive, Low Carbon and

Circular Industries

CE-NMBP-41-2020 - ERA-NET on materials, supporting the circular economy and Sustainable

Development Goals

CE-NMBP-42-2020 - Materials life cycle sustainability analysis

CE-SC5-07-2020 - Raw materials innovation for the circular economy: sustainable processing, reuse,

recycling and recovery schemes

CE-SC5-08-2020 - Raw materials policy support actions for the circular economy - Expert network on

Critical Raw Materials

CE-SC5-31-2020 - Develop, implement and assess a circular economy oriented product information

management system for complex products from cradle to cradle

CE-SPIRE-01-2020 - Tapping into the potential of Industrial Symbiosis

CE-SPIRE-07-2020 - Preserving fresh water: recycling industrial waters industry

CE-SPIRE-09-2020 - Alternative mineral resources for high volume production

Deadline: 5 February 2020





• H2020-NMBP-TO-IND-2018-2020 - Foundations for Tomorrow’s Industry

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DT-NMBP-04-2020 - Open Innovation Test Beds for nano-enabled bio-based materials

DT-NMBP-05-2020 - Open Innovation Test Beds for materials for building envelopes

DT-NMBP-06-2020 - Open Innovation Test Beds for nano-pharmaceuticals production

DT-NMBP-11-2020 - Open Innovation Platform for Materials Modelling

DT-NMBP-40-2020 - Creating an open market place for industrial data

NMBP-16-2020 - Safe by design, from science to regulation: multi-component nanomaterials

NMBP-35-2020 - Towards harmonised characterisation protocols in NMBP

Deadline: 12 December 2019

NMBP-36-2020 - Monitoring and safety of transport infrastructures

DT-NMBP-39-2020 - Towards Standardised Documentation of Data through taxonomies and ontologies

NMBP-37-2020 - Incentivising newcomers

NMBP-38-2020 - Citizens and industrial technologies

Deadline: 5 February 2020




• H2020-NMBP-ST-IND-2018-2020 - Industrial Sustainability

LC-NMBP-31-2020 - Materials for off shore energy

Deadline: 12 December 2019

DT-SPIRE-11-2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Technologies for Process Industries

LC-EEB-04-2020 - Industrialisation of building envelope kits for the renovation market

LC-EEB-07-2020 - Smart Operation of Proactive Residential Buildings

LC-EEB-08-2020 - Digital Building Twins

LC-SPIRE-08-2020 - Novel high performance materials and components

Deadline: 5 February 2020




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• H2020-SC1-BHC-2018-2020 - Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable

health systems

SC1-BHC-08-2020 - New interventions for Non-Communicable Diseases

SC1-BHC-24-2020 - Healthcare interventions for the management of the elderly multimorbid patient

SC1-BHC-29-2020 - Innovative actions for improving urban health and wellbeing - addressing environment,

climate and socioeconomic factors

SC1-DTH-13-2020 - Implementation research for scaling up and transfer of innovative solutions involving

digital tools for people-centred care

Deadline: 24 September 2019

SC1-BHC-06-2020 - Digital diagnostics – developing tools for supporting clinical decisions by integrating

various diagnostic data

SC1-BHC-11-2020 - Advancing the safety assessment of chemicals without the use of animal testing

SC1-BHC-17-2020 - Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) - Prevention and/or early diagnosis of


SC1-BHC-20A-2020 - Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) for integrated care solutions

SC1-BHC-20B-2020 - Public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI) for diagnostics for infectious


SC1-BHC-33-2020 - Addressing low vaccine uptake

SC1-BHC-34-2020 - New approaches for clinical management and prevention of resistant bacterial

infections in high prevalence settings

SC1-BHC-35-2020 - Creation of a European wide sustainable network for harmonised large-scale clinical

research studies for infectious diseases

SC1-BHC-36-2020 - Micro- and nano-plastics in our environment: Understanding exposures and impacts

on human health

SC1-DTH-12-2020 - Use of Real-World Data to advance research on the management of complex chronic


SC1-HCC-10-2020 - Towards a Health research and innovation Cloud: Capitalising on data sharing

initiatives in health research

SC1-HCO-01-2018-2019-2020 - Actions in support of the International Consortium for Personalised


SC1-HCO-03-2020 - Bridging the divide in health research and innovation – boosting return on investment

SC1-HCO-07-2020 - ERA-NET to support the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial resistance


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SC1-HCO-14-2020 - ERA-NET: Sustained collaboration of national and regional programmes in cancer


SC1-HCO-16-2020 - ERA-NET: Sustained collaboration of national and regional programmes in research

on brain-related diseases and disorders of the nervous system

SC1-HCO-17-2020 - Coordinating and supporting research on the human microbiome in Europe and


SC1-HCO-18-2020 - Developing methodological approaches for improved clinical investigation and

evaluation of high-risk medical devices

SC1-HCO-19-2020 - Reliable and accessible information on cell and gene-based therapies

SC1-HCO-20-2020 - Coordination of clinical research activities of the European Reference Networks

Deadline: 07 April 2020




• H2020-LC-BAT-2019-2020 - Building a Low-Carbon, Climate Resilient Future: Next-

Generation Batteries

LC-BAT-12-2020 - Novel methodologies for autonomous discovery of advanced battery chemistries

LC-BAT-13-2020 - Sensing functionalities for smart battery cell chemistries

LC-BAT-14-2020 - Self-healing functionalities for long lasting battery cell chemistries

LC-BAT-15-2020 - Coordinate and support the large scale research initiative on Future Battery


Deadline: 16 January 2019





• Consultation publique sur Horizon Europe

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La Commission européenne a lancé une consultation publique en ligne dans le but de définir les objectifs de

la recherche et de l’innovation de l’Union européenne dans le contexte du futur programme-cadre Horizon

Europe 2021-2027

Date limite : 8 septembre 2019



• Governing Missions in the European Union (Rapport Mazzucato II)

This report, Governing Missions, looks at the ‘how’: how to implement and govern a mission-oriented process

so that it unleashes the full creativity and ambition potential of R&I policy-making; and how it crowds-in

investments from across Europe in the process. The focus is on 3 key questions:

• How to engage citizens in codesigning, co-creating, co-implementing and co-assessing missions?

• What are the public sector capabilities and instruments needed to foster a dynamic innovation ecosystem,

including the ability of civil servants to welcome experimentation and help governments work outside silos?

• How can mission-oriented finance and funding leverage and crowd-in other forms of finance, galvanising

innovation across actors (public, private and third sector), different manufacturing and service sectors, and

across national and transnational levels?


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• 11 September 2019 (Brussels): Urban rail investments in the next MFF

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR), the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) and

the European Rail Supply Industry Association (UNIFE) are organising a conference on "Urban rail

investments in the next MFF".

The objective of the conference is to address the challenges and opportunities that are linked to urbanisation

like emissions and congestion. Urban and regional rail projects, at EU, national and regional level could help

to address these problems and bring significant economic, environmental and social benefits.

In the context of ongoing discussions regarding the next MFF, this conference will be a great occasion to

discuss how the EU will continue to boost investment for urban rail projects, be it through funding from its

own funds (Structural Fund/Connecting Europe Facility) or alternative financing schemes.




• 26 September 2019 (Brussels): Sustainable Pathway to Future Aviation – towards

sustainable aviation in Europe

In the framework of Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, ARC, the City of Vantaa

and Helsinki EU office organises the half-day event “Sustainable Pathway to Future Aviation”. The focus

will be put on sustainability and the future of aviation growth in Europe and Finland.




• 7-9 October 2019 (Helsinki): Digital Transport Days

European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc, in cooperation with the Finnish Presidency of the Council

of the European Union, has the pleasure to announce the Digital Transport Days 2019 that will be held this

year from 7 to 9 October in Helsinki. Participants are welcome to come to the Finlandia Hall conference

centre in Helsinki and experience an event which will offer a European viewpoint to digital solutions for


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transport and mobility. It will expose the latest developments in the field, to help define and implement

enabling policies, as well as developing customer-oriented services.


• Development of a methodology to assess the 'green' impacts of investment in the rail sector

The study presents an overview of classification systems (taxonomies) which define environmentally

sustainable activities within the transport sector both globally and in the EU. It maps activities to various types

of rail investments in relation to the EU NACE system that collects statistical data on manufacturing,

construction, passenger and freight rail transport. The study differentiates between new infrastructure

construction and renewal/upgrade of assets and operations. It proposes metrics and thresholds to calculate

CO₂ emissions and suggests a methodology to assess the green impacts of rail sector investments. The

methodology focuses on climate mitigation and discusses the technical screening criteria for climate

adaptation, pollution prevention and control, circular economy, waste prevention and recycling, biodiversity

and land, water and marine resources, and additionality.The study also includes an assessment of the

monitoring costs related to the financing of green investments.

• Taxes in the field of aviation and their impact

Aviation has a unique fiscal regime. On the one hand, in many countries it is subject to specific taxes and

charges, such as a departure tax or a solidarity levy. On the other hand, aviation fuel is generally exempt

from excise duty and many countries exempt tickets from VAT or apply a zero VAT rate in case of

international aviation. Moreover, the Chicago Convention does not allow for taxation of fuel that is on board

of aircraft when they land in a jurisdiction, and other ICAO documents urge States to refrain from taxing

international aviation. EU regulation of taxes requires a unanimous decision of the Council. This study has

made an inventory of taxes in the EU and selected non-EU countries. It has also estimated economic and

environmental impacts of these taxes and of tax exemptions. In EU Member States, VAT or other taxes on

domestic aviation are the most prevalent and exist in 17 Member States. Six Member States levy taxes on

international aviation, invariably in the form of ticket taxes for passengers departing from airports in the

Member State. The highest average tax rates are in the UK followed by Italy, Norway, Germany and France.

• ERTMS business case on the 9 core network corridors

The business case aims to be:

- A tool that provides an economic impact assessment for ERTMS deployment on Core Network

Corridors, based on a robust and comprehensive set of data provided by the stakeholders

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- A tool for comparison between different deployment strategies and approaches

- A tool for testing the impact of the main benefits streams (safety, interoperability, maintenance


- A tool to allow stakeholders to benchmark their own projects and programs Nevertheless, the tool

developed also has several limits.

First of all, it is limited to ERTMS: it cannot be used to assess the overall modernization of railway signalling

system. Secondly, the granularity is limited to the Core Network Corridors (or rail freight corridors); it cannot

be used by specific stakeholders to assess their individual deployment project.

• JRC Report: The Future of Road Transport

The JRC report takes a look at the main enablers of the transformation of road transport which include data

governance, communication technologies and cybersecurity, legislation and infrastructures. It also discusses

the potential impacts in an urban context as well as the economy, employment, energy use, sustainability,

democracy and privacy and social fairness. The report shows how the rapid changes that are occurring

represent a massive opportunity to move towards a safer, more efficient and accessible system of transport.

And despite the potential of these new technologies making our lives better, the need for an update of our

transport systems and policies are essential. A future that ensures cleaner and more equitable transport

requires the improvement of governance and the development of innovative mobility solutions, as this report

aims to achieve.

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