

Paid Surveys Blueprint

By Philip Brown

Make sure you read this before joining any Paid Survey Company!



This book is supplied for information purposes only and, as

experienced in this subject matter as the contributors are, the

material herein does not constitute professional advice. The

information presented herein represents the view of the

contributors as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with

which conditions change, the contributors reserve the right to alter

and update their opinion based on the new conditions.

This book is designed to provide accurate and authoritative

information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold

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The reader is advised to consult with an appropriately qualified

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are unintentional.



Can you make money with paid surveys online ........................4

How to generate cash with paid surveys ...................................5

How to Really Make Money With Online Survey Companies...7

Online Surveys: The Good, The Bad And The Really Ugly .... 11

7 tips when you join an online survey company ..................... 14

The best survey company – Paid Surveys at Home ............... 17


Can you make money with paid surveys online

Recently, it seems as though there has been a lot of hype

surrounding websites that offer members paid surveys online. If

you do any kind of research into the industry at all, you'll find out

that there are just as many sites out there that try to scam you

than there are ones that genuinely try to help you make money.

That said, how do you tell the difference?

It seems to me that the only way to find out whether or not a

survey site is legitimate or not is to do your homework. Look for

reviews by people who have had experiences with the site, good

or bad. The other way to tell is to look at the way that they charge

members. For example, sites that ask for your credit card

numbers and charge you automatically each month for

membership renewal are usually scams. On the other hand, sites

that charge a reasonable one time fee for membership, and then

give you unlimited access to the lists of paid surveys online that

you can do are usually legitimate. Earning money by filling out

paid surveys online shouldn't be expensive.

If you're on the fence about working as a paid surveyor, there are

only a few sites that I would recommend. These memberships


give members everything they need to make upwards of $3,500

each month, simply by filling out surveys and participating in focus

groups. Besides those two things, the sites teach those who join

how to make money doing simple, everyday things. Take, for

instance, driving your car around town or eating out at your

favorite restaurants. Before I heard of these memberships, I didn't

know it was possible to earn money in such a easy way.

Essentially, if you're looking to break into the paid survey industry,

I highly recommend taking a close look at what these sites have

to offer.

How to generate cash with paid surveys

Recently, I have been paying all of my bills and saving up for a

new car exclusively with paid surveys cash. I know it sounds kind

of weird, and I must admit it's kind of weird telling people what I

do for a living, but I'd never trade my job in for anything in the


First, there is no stress at all associated with work. At my old

office job, I used to toss and turn each night wondering about

advancing in the company or if I was going to be fired. Now, I


relax and watch Maury as I give my opinions to companies who

genuinely have an interest in what I have to say. As far as the

money goes, I make way more than many of my friends and

almost double what I did when I worked downtown. I set my own

hours and never have to worry about what constitutes business

casual. I've traded in my business cards for slippers and

sweatpants, and I've never been happier.

If you want to make the kind of paid surveys cash that I'm making

now, I have a few tips for you. First, find yourself a reputable

website that can hook you up with an extensive list of survey

leads. There are hundreds of websites out there that claim to do

this, but most of them are just out to scam you out of some of

your hard earned money. There are only a few sites that I would

recommend and thesee not only gives you access to massive lists

of surveys (which means that you'll never run out of work and

become unemployed!), but also provide you with different focus

groups that you can participate in. The focus groups are my

favorite, because each one pays around $50.


How to Really Make Money With Online Survey Companies

With over 500 "paid survey" companies on the Internet, it's clear

that this is a business that's here to stay. Some of the sites offer

you an opportunity to "get rich quick" while others offer you a

chance to earn a few extra dollars in your spare time participating

in panels. Can you make a living off of these sites? You sure can

- but not by taking surveys. There simply isn't enough time in

each day to earn a viable living off of the online survey gig.

So how can you make real money with these websites?

It's very simple. You create a "survey portal." While not easy to

set up, once established, it's a way you can earn money and not

even have to fill out one survey. The set-up fees are minimal, but

some computer knowledge is required.

Most of the online survey companies offer a "referral" fee for

directing those who want to earn money by taking surveys to their

site. And this is where the money is.


The first thing you need to do is purchase a domain name. You

will want to get one that is catchy and easy to remember as well

as spell. Once our domain name is secured, you'll need to set up

a website. It doesn't have to be elaborate at all, but should be

attractive to the viewer. And, of course, you'll need to have a

host. Most host companies charge about $25 a month. You want

to make sure you acquire a host that allows ads. Some hosting

sites like Yahoo are very user friendly, but don't allow advertising.

You'll have to do a bit of research into the various survey

companies that offer a referral fee. You can sign up for each site

and you'll receive a "referral link." This link will be posted on your

website in the form of a "hyperlink." You'll want to get as many

referral links as you can to post on your website. When

researching the companies, make sure that referral payments are

made in cash, not points, and that you can receive them by check

or through Paypal. If you decide to accept those that offer points,

you'll have to monitor that site to make sure you cash in the points

for cash periodically. Do not bother with any site that offers points

in exchange for sweepstakes entries or prizes; you're wasting

your time.


Some survey sites offer "affiliate" programs. This is where you

can actually post an advertising banner on your website. It won't

cost you any money, and every time someone actually clicks on

the banner and signs up for the survey company, you'll get paid.

You'll want to use a lot of visual effects in your website giving the

impression that anyone can make a living online doing surveys.

I've seen a lot of survey portals, many of them have photos of

large homes, pools, exotic vacation spots and fancy cars. Be

careful that you don't use any images subject to copyright.

You can also add some "testimonials" to your portal site. You

have to be careful not to deliberately mislead people; but an

ambiguous statement such as "I was working 56 hours a week at

a dead end job and now earn over $10,000 a month - Brenda K."

are not illegal. Because you're not directly saying that doing

surveys is the reason Brenda K. is now earning $10,000 a month.

Brenda K. could have won the lottery and is taking her winnings in

a monthly payout.


In addition to having several hyperlinks directing people to the

survey sites for which you will receive a referral fee, you can also

add other advertising on your website. There are several

companies that offer pennies on the dollar every time someone

clicks on their ad that's on your website. This is just another way

to generate income for your survey portal site.

The most important thing you need to learn how to do is market

your site. In addition to hundreds of paid online survey sites,

there are also hundreds of free blogging sites. Sign up for them,

make as many "friends" as you can and tout the success of your

online business daily in your blog (providing a link to your site, of


While this method of making money may be just this side of the

law and takes a bit of time, a small initial cash investment and

periodic updates, this is the only way to make money in the online

surveys for cash game. PT Barnum knew it; other people know it

and now you do, too. There is a sucker born every minute.

Just make sure the "sucker" isn't you.


Online Surveys: The Good, The Bad And The Really Ugly

There are approximately 500 different Online Survey Companies

advertised on the Internet. I've participated in several online

surveys for cash and researched hundreds of them. I've found

that, just like everything else in life, there are the good, the bad,

and the really, really ugly.

The good survey companies consist of those that actually pay you

a little bit of money for your time, don't sell your information to

telemarketers, don't send you thousands of e-mails, most of

which end up in your bulk mailbox, and tell you exactly what each

survey you're taking is worth in terms of dollars. The good

survey companies are an excellent way to bring in a few extra

dollars from the privacy of your home. They're usually maintained

by parent marketing research companies and confirm your

acceptance via e-mail. Their website will provide extensive

information regrinding the company and earning incentives.

The bad news about the "good" companies is that the surveys are

few and far between, are usually only available by e-mail


invitation and take a while to get a check or deposit into your

Paypal account. If you've ever participated in a survey at the mall

or through a neighborhood research firm, you know that you're

lucky to make $100 a year doing this.

The good news about the "good" companies is that you don't

have to worry about them selling your information to unscrupulous

companies, charging your phone bill for something you didn't buy

or trying to "trick" you into buying anything. A good company

doesn't operate that way.

The "bad" survey companies are the ones that offer cash, actually

pay cash, but fill your e-mail inbox up with so much spam that you

end up spending a good 15 minutes a day deleting all of it. The

"bad" survey companies are legitimate to the point that they

actually do pay cash once you've accumulated a certain amount,

but are also interested in getting you to visit the websites of their

marketing partners, where you will be pressured into signing up to

learn more about affordable health insurance. If you show any

sign of interest, expect at least three calls a week from various

telephone representatives.


The bad news about the "bad" companies is that you have to

keep on your toes. You'll often find yourself directed to other

websites, they will try to sell you many products that you don't

need or want. You have to stay one step ahead of them, or

participating in a survey will cost you more than you'll make.

The really, really ugly sites are just downright scams. They won't

offer you any money, instead, they'll offer you a chance to win

"thousands" in their sweepstakes. Or they'll make ridiculous

claims about making "thousands of dollars a week" on their site.

They will attempt to get as much information from you as possible

and then promptly sell it to third parties. They will try to trick you

into accepting "free" magazines and charge your telephone bill for

a subscription. They will ask for your cell phone number and

charge you for ringtones. They'll do anything and everything to

try to weasel money out of you and you'll receive nothing in


There's nothing good about these really, really ugly sites except

that they're easy to spot for anyone with an IQ over 60.

Unfortunately, the elderly, the young and the very greedy are their

favorite prey. Beware of any online survey site that charges a


"fee" to join, or has a bunch of "testimonials" from people claiming

to have made $10,000 a month on their site. If it was that easy,

no one would work; we'd all stay home and do surveys.

So enjoy the good, be careful with the bad and stay away from

the really, really ugly. There endith the lesson.

7 tips when you join an online survey company

Here's some things to keep in mind when you join an online

survey company:

1 -- Be truthful when filling out your personal information. The

survey companies and the companies offering the surveys, don't

like it when people give them bogus information. This defeats the

whole purpose of them doing research – they want honest

answers from real people - therefore, you risk not getting paid for

a survey that you give false information on. Worse, you stand to

lose your account with the survey company.


2 -- Get yourself one or more free email accounts. One of the

downsides of doing online surveys and offers is that the

companies will often send you junk mail. To avoid having your

main email account filled with clutter, use one or more free email

accounts for your surveys and offers.

3 -- Set aside time to do surveys. In order to consistently make

money this way, you'll need to set some time aside when you can

concentrate on doing nothing but filling out surveys. It might be

one hour per day or two hours on the weekend, but be sure to

stick to your schedule.

4 -- Keep a record of each survey company you join. If you

choose to join more than one survey company, you will find that

you can avoid confusion by making up a form where you can

keep track of each company, your log in user names and

passwords. When you're ready to do surveys, you just open up

your main list and quickly find the information you need to get



5 -- Be patient while your surveys confirm. After you fill out a

survey or offer, of course you'll be anxious to see the money,

however, you'll have to wait until the company sponsoring the

survey actually approves your entry. Only after approval (or

confirmation) can you get paid. Some offers approve quickly,

while others can take a few weeks. This is normal and nothing

you should be alarmed about. If for some reason your survey

never gets approved, then shrug it off and move on to the next

survey. A few offers will fall through the cracks from time to time.

6 -- If you do choose to join a survey membership site that asks

for an upfront fee, then make sure they offer a money back

guarantee. Also, read the fine print to see if there are any time

limitations on getting your money back.

7 -- Keep your important personal information confidential. Never

give out important personal information when filling out a survey

such as: social security number, bank account information,

insurance information, etc.

Now you are ready to visit a get paid for online survey site and

decide which one is best suited for you and the personal goals

you've set.


The best survey company – Paid Surveys at Home

My first foray into the online survey world came just after I lost my

job as a paralegal at a major international company. I was

getting unemployment, but the amount I was taking in was less

than half of what I was making at my job.

While I had various headhunters looking for jobs, I scoured the

newspapers and internet for a position. Nothing. While perusing

the internet one day, I discovered a way I could make money

while working from home. All I had to do was fill out simple

surveys and they would send me a check! It seemed easy


A friend recommended Paid Surveys at Home. I went on the site,

read a little about it and signed up. I had to give my name,

address, telephone number and e-mail address. Paid Surveys at

Home sent a confirmation to my e-mail address and a link to click.

I did so immediately and was ready to start making money.

One of the things I like about Paid Surveys at Home was that you

can choose which surveys in which you can participate. There is


a pull-down menu and if you wish, you can do only the surveys

that are 100% free. There was no "catch" to this. Paid Surveys

at Home even tells you exactly how much information you need to

provide in order to get paid.

The pay for each survey is minimal. Most of them pay 50 cents to

one dollar. But each survey only takes about 5 minutes to

complete and as I was doing nothing at the time, I embarked on

several surveys. Within one hour, I made $12. Not bad for sitting

at home, doing nothing.

As with any online survey company, there are caveats. If you

decide to do online surveys for money, make sure you read the

"fine print" in some of the surveys. There are often "free" gifts

associated with many of the surveys and you are often directed to

various different websites. I noticed that some of the "free" gifts,

although not elaborate, had a catch. They wanted you to try a

product for a certain amount of time, after which, you could

cancel. But your phone number would be billed for the product.


Rule number one in doing online surveys is to watch your phone

bill. While most people are clever enough not to give out their

credit card information online, not all of us read the "fine print."

You certainly don't want to spend an entire day making $30 only

to have most of it tacked on to your phone bill.

Rule number two is not to give out your credit card information.

You want to make sure that the website is honest and that you

won't be billed for any unnecessary charges. The whole point of

doing surveys online is to give your opinion about products and

get a little money. It shouldn't end up costing you anything.

Rule number three is to use your correct information. Many

companies call to make sure that you have given them the correct

phone number. If you are the type of person who really gets irked

by telephone solicitors, this is not the project for you. But, if you

are like me, and feel no obligation to listen to a telephone sales

pitch, it's fine.

After only two days of sporadically filling out surveys on Paid

Surveys at Home, I made over $30. The company pays once a


month, by check and the checks are mailed out on the 15th of

each month. I found that it wasn't a bad way to pick up a few

extra bucks.

One of the things I like about the prospect of online surveys is that

the sky's the limit. When I was a stay at home mom, there were

several survey companies in the area. You had to sign up with

them and periodically, you were called in to test a product. These

tests often lasted about an hour and you made about $50. It was

a good way to pick up extra cash, but the down side was that you

were only able to participate in a survey every six months for each


With online survey companies, you won't make as much money,

but you can participate as often as you like and bring in some

money without leaving your house. It takes a little patience, a

little caution and be prepared to receive an influx of telephone

calls from solicitors.

Of all the online survey companies I tried, I enjoyed using Paid

Surveys at Home the most. It was easy, fun and didn't take up a


lot of my time. It's an ideal way to make a few extra dollars while

staying at home.


Some Important Links

Paid Survey at Home – To join surveys immediately

Cashing In on Paid Surveys – To get more paid surveys


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