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Images sourced from books:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:

The advantages of sourcing images through books is that you know which company and photographer has taken or used the photo, which allows you to contact them to find it it’s place of origin. The images are always high quality in books, as they are there for thousands to look at. Images tend to relate to the book’s topic, which allows you to relate to what images you would like to source from books. Images will be referenced and will also be noted in the back of the book in the index.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:

It may be hard to find a book which has images relating to what you are looking for. The images may not be what you expect and may not be of use to you. Some books are hard to get hold of as they could be rare books, old books or a limited amount of them produced in the world. Some books may only be in a certain location (museum, certain library etc). Some of the images that are included in books may not be the size of image you are looking for either.

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Images sourced from google images:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:

Main advantages of sourcing images of animals through the internet is that you have instant access to millions of different images of different animals. You have a wider variety of what kind of images you would like to get, and you can easily change your searches to suit your needs. You can gain access to high resolution images rather than poor quality images. You can get them in a variety of sizes which can help be suitable for what you need your images for.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:

Main disadvantages of having your images sourced from the internet is that sometimes you will not be able to find some images that you will want as. Some images tend to be smaller than some of the original sizes which may not be suitable for you. Some of the images may of discoloured from the original colours when it has been taken, and this may affect how it looks. Some of the images that you choose or get may be subject to copyright, which means you can’t use them at all. Some images may be subject to watermarks, black and white only images and sometimes the content may even be blocked for some people so that you will not be able to use them.

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Images sourced from stock image library:

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Images sourced from copyright free site:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:

Advantages of sourcing images from copyright free websites are that the images come in a massive amount of free to use images, with images varying in design. Compared to stock images, the copyright free images are all free, where as you need to order the images, tell the author and photography about the images you would like to use and let them know, so they will give you a price for you to pay to use them. Where as copyright free images are naturally allow you to use images without having to pay. This is good on both sides as it allows you to use either free images or get staged images for a price to use in your website or publications.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:

Disadvantages of sourcing images from copyright free websites are the images may not always be the right size of the image that you need. This makes it harder for you to find the right size image that you want. Another problem is that some of the images may not be ideal for your use if you need them. As the images may all be copyright free, some of them may not be ideal for public use depending on what the images are for. These images will be better than most images you can pay to use as they will do the same job but for free, but some people may prefer having properly paid for and generated photos.

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Images sourced from your own existing images:

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Advantages of sourcing images this way:

Advantages of sourcing your images yourself is the most efficient way to get images. You get to choose how your photo is staged, what to take it of, where to take it, what kind of things you want in it, you can also have plenty of time to repeat the same photo to gain the best one you can possibly get. The photos are generated by you so you easily avoid copyright law, and if your images were good enough you could easily use them to gain profit by selling the image license to others for public use. You also get to choose if you want to edit your image before using it as you’ve taken the image. It is unique to you.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:

Disadvantages of sourcing your own images is that you have to have the effort to go and take the photos yourself. This can eat in to your developing time on these photos or production time for when you need to use these photos. This means planning in advance to find time to take shoots. You may also not get the photo quality you would of hoped for, which means you will of wasted time taking photos. Some of your photos may not be very good compared to professional photographs due to lack of equipment.

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Processing Images

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Original image:

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Cropped image:

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Scaled images:




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Resolution image:

300dpi for print

72dpi for web

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Advantages of different resolutions:

Advantages of having a smaller resolution is that the smaller the files are, which makes it easier and faster to post process those files. The smaller files also reduce overall need for storage allowing you to have more memory on cards and more backup storage space. Lower resolution images don’t and won’t always need to be resized or down sized due to their natural size, and they pretty good as they are. Smaller files also make it possible for cameras to push higher frame rates allowing them to be used for sports and wildlife photography. Advantages of having a larger resolution is that you get a larger output size, so aiming for a huge print with all of the details of the image, or keeping the details of an image on high resolution TV's and monitors, this is the size you want. Down sampling or resampling the pixel dimensions is very helpful and easy with larger output images. These can reduce noise and hide focusing errors if you have them. Cropping options are not limited either with larger point sizes as your images have a lot of pixels, so you can crop heavily and still have plenty of resolution for high quality output.

Disadvantages of different resolutions:

Disadvantages of having smaller resolution is that you don’t have a lot of pixel to start with. So if the image needs a heavy crop then in you are out of luck, and you will lose a lot of resolution. You limits for opportunities for resizing or down sizing is very limited as well as your output sizes. Although some software may be out there which can up sample images, you will struggle to gain access to this software meaning you cant upsize your images. Disadvantages of having a larger resolution are, as the camera resolution will be higher, the bigger the image dimensions in pixels and a larger overall file size. This will take up a lot of storage requiring larger memory cards, hard drives and back up storage, but it will also affect the processing power on your computer as they need to be able to handle larger file sizes at acceptable speeds. It also restricts a camera’s frame rate and buffer, as there is a limit that the camera data can process at a single time. High resolution cameras also require high quality lenses which are capable of resolving a lot of details, so if you own older lenses, then they may not work very well. If you also want to get superb pixel level details in images at 100% zoom then you need to focus your attention on focusing techniques. The camera shake may also go beyond the reciprocal rule, and as a result, a tripod may be used more than you would like.

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Manipulated image with appropriate caption:

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Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes:

I have edited the images by adding a filter from the filter gallery to the image. This changes the way the image looks from the original completely. I used the ink outlines effect to adapt the image to be unique and different from it’s original image. I chose crosshatch over other filter deigns as this keeps the images original picture clear and easy to visualise, whereas most of the other filters within the filter gallery change the image completely so you can’t make out what it actually is. I also added some text, which says ‘Never One, Without The Other’. This references to a League of Legends champion, but works well with this image, as the statement comes from a pair of hunters, who would not be one without the other. This works well for the image as the image has 2 different coloured eyes, meaning that there is always 2 sides to someone or something, and without the other, they are not themselves.

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