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Volume 2/17

February 2017

Ascension & Holy Tr in ity , Episcopal Church

334 Burns Ave., Cincinnati , OH 45215

WORSHIP SCHEDULE - 8:00am & 10am in the Church

Children's Sunday School at 10am.

Child care in the Nursery. On Wednesdays Holy Eucharist is celebrated at 10am

(in the Memorial Chapel of Ascension & Holy Trinity)

Contact the church:

(513) 821-5341 | [email protected]



Rev. Eric’s Blog:



[email protected]


Ascension & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church lives to put God's love into action!

The Vision of Ascension & Holy Trinity: A vital and growing faith community, with

overflowing worship services and Christian growth

opportunities. A church with compassion-centered

ministries through which all find a place and take

God's love into the world.



News from the Pews

Birthdays 1 Alexis Schmitt

2 Meg Argo

2 Gail Bason

2 Tamera Boss II

2 Adam Flem

3 Ella Wakefield

4 Caitlin Murphy

5 Brandon Criddle

6 Jackie Barton

6 Bettie Holland

8 David Kiley

9 Galen Graham

9 Claire Anne Latzy

9 Colin Stevens

10 Sharon Snavely

11 Caroline Stephens

12 Jeanne Boss

12 Megan Fitzwater

12 Jerry Salmen

13 Evan McCauley

13 Cindy Stegman

15 Betty Bence

15 Brandon Cordes

15 Jonathan Finke

18 Ryan McCauley

19 Joseph Hopple

20 Richard Hartley

21 Betsy Cooper

23 Suzanne Barnes

24 Melissa Erickson

24 Carol Fey

24 Harrison Glover

24 Jonathan Hale

27 Carolyn Rumke

For current

calendar of

events, please

go to the

church website:

And scroll down. Have you signed-up?

Click on the coffee cup!

Email address change for Cindy Stegman - [email protected]

and George and Jeannette Thiemann -

[email protected]

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It was a Wednesday afternoon. That

morning I had read over upcoming bulletins,

looked over the Annual Meeting packet, had a

meaningful Holy Eucharist with several in our

Memorial Chapel, and met with a few different

parishioners. I grew hungry. So, I packed up

my work and headed home for leftover tomato

soup and pancakes—don’t judge; weird lunch

combination, but delicious. Having eaten my

tasty lunch of leftovers and cleaned my dishes,

it was time to settle in to write this article.

The dog was snoring. My wife was at

work, and our children were at school. All should have been a “go” for

article writing time. At some point, though, while emptying the dish-

washer, I had gotten a spot of water on my eyeglasses. Initially, I didn’t

give much attention to the drying droplet. But then, once the moisture

had fully dried I was left with a blemish on said eyeglasses. Seated in

front of my computer attempting to write this article, the more I became

consumed with my smudged spectacles. It grew to the point where all I

could manage to focus on was the smudge. I fought the urge to do

something for a few minutes attempting to move beyond the spot, but I

soon realized that the more I tried ignoring the mark the more prevalent it

became. Finally, I stood up from my chair, walked upstairs to the master

bathroom and retrieved a lens wipe. I quickly went back downstairs,

acknowledged the dog, and commenced thoroughly cleaning my lenses.

In other words, I did what needed done for me to see beyond two inches

in front of my face and to begin work again.

What does the above have to do with anything aside from my

pleasure in pristine eyewear? Too often, many become fixated on one

particular thing or another. Each year when the Vestry nominating

committee is formed I remind them of the importance of their work in

nominating folks without agendas. That is to say, excellent candidates

for Vestry are members who are able to look at the larger picture of our

life in Christ through Ascension & Holy Trinity, and not members who

fixate on tiny details such as the color of our cocktail napkins or any

dust on blinds (or spots on their eyewear).


(Continued on page 4)


Lately, many of us have been consumed with national and world

news. Some are happy about news events, while others are quite

dissatisfied and downright dismayed. And, it doesn’t just have to be news

events that consume our thoughts. With New Year’s resolutions still in

people’s minds, many are consumed with counting calories and exercise

routines. Many become consumed with our children’s education. I tend to

be a man of extremes. My kind of thinking usually goes something like

this: if meditation for just two minutes a day three days a week is good for

me, then I’ll meditate every day for a minimum of fifteen minutes. Or, if

three days of moderate cardiovascular exercise is recommended, then I’ll

go with six or seven days of vigorous cardio activity.

The one constant in life is change. Things around us are perpetually

changing. Leadership changes. Weight fluctuates. Emotions go all over

the place. As Christians, though, we are people of hope. We have hope

because due to Jesus’ death and his resurrection and ascension, death did

not have the final say. Our mortal lives are being brought to completion

through our inner transformation into the body of Christ. No, the world

isn’t a perfect place. There is hurt and pain on many corners; but, there is

also joy and light and love to be found and acknowledged, too.

Yes, the spot on my glasses was an easy fix. Using a lens wipe, my

glasses were clean again in about ten seconds. We cannot take a lens wipe

to any government, weight loss plan, meditation practice, or any area of

our lives. A lens wipe is an extremely simple remedy. The principle is

important, though. I could continue fixating on that spot, or I could do

something about it. If you are happy and content and at peace with your

life in Christ, what will you do about it? If you are discontent, frustrated,

even fearful with the world around you, what will you do about it? For

me, I try my best to practice what I preach. I work on daily practices that

sustain my life of prayer in God. I listen to some news, and then I check

out for a while and focus on playing with my children. I do my best to

exercise on a regular basis, but I also enjoy a treat from the Wyoming

Bakery with my boys every now and then.

What can you change? What can we change? What can I change?

I hope and pray we have the clarity of mind and heart to act when we

need to act, to be patient when patience is needed, and to always allow

God’s transformative light to radiate from our innermost being. I look

forward to seeing you in the pews and on the streets!

In God’s Grace,

Eric L. Miller+ Rector

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PRAYER LIST—Please call the Parish Office to add, remove or update a name. Names remain on the list for three months.

Prayers are offered verbally during Sunday services for those added within the last month, and for all on the list at staff Morning Prayer and Wednesday Eucharist.

The Lectionary for February: Year A

February 5 ~ 5th Sunday after


Isaiah 58:1-9a, [9b-12]

Psalm 112:1-9, (10)

1 Corinthians 2:1-12, [13-16]

Matthew 5:13-20

February 12 ~ 6th Sunday after


Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Psalm 119:1-8

1 Corinthians 3:1-9

Matthew 5:21-37

February 19 ~ 7th Sunday after


Leviticus 19:1-2,9-18

Psalm 119:33-40

1 Corinthians 3:10-11,16-23

Matthew 5:38-48

February 26 ~ Last Sunday after


Exodus 24:12-18

Psalm 99

2 Peter 1:16-21

Matthew 17:1-9


Ronald Vanoss, Dan Albright, Nancy Shaw, Jeff Moore, Richard Cotterill,

George Thiemann, Ellianna Ludka, Jennifer Blevins, Nick, Trey Baker, Dan

Dace, Doris Shaneor, Nancy Hobson & Family, Norann Amos, Dona

Turpin, Madalyn Humphrey, Alan Fischoff & family, Teresa Walters, Jay An-

stoy, Joyce, Doug Parrish, Jan Place, Emily, Karen, Chris Wright, Junior and

Betty, Sue White, the Dwyer family, Anthony Armbruster, Beth Swain, Joe

Davidson, Ruth & Harry, Marian & Roy, the Todd family, Elizabeth Sadler,

Marge Jones, Sam Flower & family, Beth & Scott Carroll, Glenn Schaaf,

Osckar Hewlitt-Fink, Lance Bainbridge, Donna Judy & Family, Otto Warm-

bier his parents Fred & Cindy and siblings Austin & Greta, Elise Davis,

George Huber, Debbie Hawk, Margaret Gieringer, Brenda Meranda, Leslie

Munz, Reese Ryan, Ora Miesse, Carl Stollenmayer, Craig Jolly, Mitchell Cody,

Amy Rohs & Family, Daniel, Mellisa & Fiona Kenshalo, Wendy Owens,

Mary Kay Schmeing, Skip Criddle, Jim Bruckmann, Robin Hendley, Mary

Shumard, Nick Finke, Ralph Damico, Jeremy Forte, Kathy, Pauline Perella,

Richard Boenning, Sid Phillips, Noland Haeger, John, Reneé & Robert Ku-

yath, Nancy McCue, Ann, David Kiley, Terry Kessler, Meghan Walters, Bill

Gellner, Kitty Schaaf, Virginia Gridley, Candy Temple, Maria Luisa Macias.


A&HT ANNUAL MEETING Sunday, January 29 2017

Congratulations to our returning and new Vestry members:

Senior Warden ~ Rich Gómez Junior Warden ~ Ariel Miller

Members at large ~ Mary Allardyce, Nikki DeWitt, & Mary Melville

Our thanks to Jean Panos and Chris Rumke

for your service.

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On “Shrove Sunday”, February 26 the Chancel Choir will

present Bob Chilcott’s “A Little Jazz Mass” during the 10:00

service. They will be joined by guest singers, a bassist, and the

Children’s Choir will also be present. All of the music for the

service will explore the adventurousness of jazz and modern

harmonies along with its predecessors such as Gospel music and


What is “Shrove Sunday” you may be thinking? It is the Sunday

before Lent, the Last Sunday of Epiphany, or Quingesima Sunday

(as stated in The Book of Common Prayer, 1662). To shrive

means to “absolve” and is the basis for the ancient traditional

season of Shrovetide. It is a pre-Lenten season still observed in

some Christian traditions as a time to examine one’s carnal nature

in preparation for the penance of Lent. The season culminates in

Shrove Tuesday, commonly referred to as “Fat Tuesday” (Mardi

Gras), the grand conclusion to the Carnival celebrations and the

eve of Lent.

So this year at A&HT, we will have an encapsulated Shrovetide

beginning with the Jazz Mazz on Shrove Sunday and ending with

the talent show on Shrove Tuesday. It is a time when perhaps the

secular yearnings within come to the surface momentarily, such

as within the sensual strains of the Jazz Mass, only to be quelled

by the fast of Lent beginning Ash Wednesday.

Hope to see you there.

Mark Heiskanen Minister of Music

[email protected] | (513) 821-5341 ext. 204.

February Children's Choir Schedule

5 No Rehearsal 12 Rehearsal 11:20 - noon

19 Rehearsal 11:20 - noon

26 10:00 “Shrove Sunday” Service -Call 9:30 (church) Choristers preferably between the ages of 7 - 12 are encouraged to participate.


RESIDENT’S THOUGHTS... He has told you, O mortal, what is good;

and what does the Lord require of you

but to do justice, and to love kindness,

and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)

As I look back over the text from the prophet Micah (6:1-8) that

was appointed for January 29, I feel a twinge of regret for not

spending more time on it in my sermon, because what a powerful

text this is!

When it boils down to it, what I think is at the heart of this text is

Israel’s persistent question, “What do I have to do to please

God?” Burnt offerings? Bowing down at God’s feet? The life of

my first born?

And God comes back to them and says (and I’m paraphrasing

here, of course); You know what kind of God I am. You know

that I don’t want your burnt offerings or your empty praises at my

feet. I just want to be with you. I want you to seek justice and

love kindness, and I want you to let me walk alongside you while

you do that. Nothing more, but nothing less either.

This month, as we think about the things upcoming in our lives,

how can we better seek justice and kindness, for ourselves and for

others? And how do we invite God along on that journey with us?

How do we keep God at the center of our lives, at the center of

our conversations with others, at the center of our working for

justice and peace on the earth, so that God’s spirit informs all that

we say and do? I’m going to keep working on figuring this out for

myself. Will you join me?


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This month’s Meeting

7:30am ~ Friday, February 10

At Frisch’s 8383 Vine St.,

Hartwell location.

Your Loose Change offerings in January and February are

designated for the Rector’s Discretionary Account.

The Christmas offering resulted

in $2,071—This was split equally

between El Hogar mission and the

local HOPE Coalition of Habitat

for Humanity. Thank you.

Manna List focus for February

Canned tuna

....and a few items we always need...

Crackers, Soup, Ramen Noodles, Canned Spinach,

Peanut Butter, Canned Fruit, Cereal; toilet paper, Empty cottage

cheese/yogurt containers (used to fill with laundry soap etc.)

Remember, we bless the 1st Sunday of the Month!



Group visits in February:

Wednesday 15th at 9:30am and

Saturday 25th at 11am

Contact Mary Melville for info.


Ascension & Holy Trinity volunteers are invited to help serve a Valentine Lunch to the senior residents of St. Paul Village in Madisonville on Wednesday February 15. If you've not yet experienced this rewarding and joyful ministry, come and join us on Wednesday February 15. We will car-pool from A&HT leaving about 11:30am and the lunch will be finished by 2:00pm. Contact Noel Horne: [email protected] to sign up


Christian Formation

Winter/Spring 2017

Book Study

Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis by J.D. Vance

Start Date: Feb 5th (read first three chapters before this meeting)

Meets on Sundays, at 11:30am in the Assembly Room every other week, beginning

on Feb 5th

*Dates of meetings: Feb 5, Feb 19, March 5, March 19 April 9

Bible Study

Kerygma - Book of James – Faith and Works, Lenten Study

Start Date: Feb 26

Meets at 9:00am for 4 weeks in the Library beginning on Feb 26th.

*Meeting dates: Feb 26, March 5, March 12 and March 19

CS Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Book Study and Movie

Multi-generational Given by Leanne Anderson

Start Date: April 23 (read before)

*Bookmarks with thought questions and talking

points handed out in March to use while reading

*Book read aloud to Sunday School children during

Sunday School on April 2 and/or April 9

*Book Discussions held in Assembly Room

at 11:30 on April 23 and April 30

*Narnia, the movie will be shown on

April 30 in the Parish Hall

Great Courses – Islam

Finishing Islam, group deciding on what dates.

Contact Rich Gomez for info

Adult/Teen Movie Night

Les Miserables – Feb. 26th 6pm in the Parish Hall

Questions for Reflection and Scripture Passages to

Ponder will be emailed out to all those signed up a week

before or handed out before the movie for drop ins.

*Bring a snack to pass

*Will offer babysitting if needed – please inquire when

you sign up

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responded to our Worship +2

stewardship campaign have

combined to raise total pledged

support to $403,570 for 2017.

That’s a landmark total, almost

9% more than 2016 pledges.

A total of 100 households

made pledges for this year!

We’ve been striving for years

to reach that goal, and you’ve

made it happen!

In addition, several people

volunteered for new roles including Eucharistic ministers, acolytes,

parish health, and outreach. This is welcome news as the parish works

to live into our vision to make A&HT “a church with compassion-

centered ministries through which all find a place and take God’s love

into the world.” Your stepping up brings new energy and ideas to our

many ministries and helps prevent burn-out as we continue vital work


We are thrilled to report that 17 of our pledges were from house-

holds who did not pledge in 2016, many of them new parishioners.

This is wonderful news, especially given the reality that every year

some of the longstanding supporters of the parish move away or die.

39 renewing pledgers increased their pledge and 37 maintained

their pledges at the same level as last year.

If you are looking for new ways to put your talents to work in

service of God and neighbor, you can find a list of current ministries

and roles in the narthex (back of the church) on the ledge closest to the

hallway door. Many of these

are open to children.

Thanks again for your superb

response, both in your financial

support of the parish and in

your Worship + 2 discernment

to choose at least one way to

grow your faith, and at least

one way to serve.

Amy Getgey and Ariel Miller,

2016 Stewardship Co-Chairs


WY WILD* RETURNS to A&HT! Sunday, February 5th—Noon to 1:15 pm—Parish Hall

PIZZA Lunch + more. You + GAMES = FUN!!!

Pick up 1:15pm

*WY Wild is the Youth Group for any 6-8th grade student

that attends a house of worship in WYoming OH

A&HT is the host of "Wyoming Wild" exciting event for middle

school students, which rotates to various Churches in Wyoming through-out the school's academic year.

We are looking for several volunteers, on Sunday, Feb 5th, to help set & clean up, serve lunch, and coordinate games from 11:45am to 1:45pm, without you this event cannot take place! Volunteers can be parents or teen siblings of middle school students, HS Students who have partici-pated in "Wyoming Wild", or you as an interested volunteer!

Please be in touch to Christina, via email([email protected]) or see me at the 10am Service!


Potluck Dinner



SHOW 6:45pm

Parish Hall at


Time to

"Get Your Act


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Contributed by Bev Cody. "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that

all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." 3 John 1:2 (NIV)

ERS-Parish Health Ministry & Xavier University

Present two days devoted to dementia care:

Refresh Your Soul Conference Xavier Dementia Care Summit March 13, 2017, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. March 14, 2017, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Cost for RYS Conference: $59.00 ($69.00 after Feb. 8); No registrations accepted at the door

(Registration for each day is to be completed separately)

The Cintas Center at Xavier University, 1624 Herald Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45207

Registration forms are available outside the church office. For more information contact Rebecca Schroer (513) 979-2246 or to register online:

Refresh Your Soul Speakers:

Keynote John O’Leary, BSBA, CPE Bestselling author and inspirational speaker, John O’Leary will share his story of being burned on 100% of his body as a backdrop for the ‑ rest in your life. The admi-ration John has for those with struggles -- like his father who has Parkinson’s disease and his grandmother who has dementia -- and the appreciation he has for their caregivers will be palpable. John’s incredible story will inspire you to share hope, purpose, perspective, faith and love with everyone you meet and serve. His emotional storytelling, unexpected humor, and authenticity make each of his presen-tations truly transformational. John’s recent book, ON FIRE: The 7 Choices to Ignite a Radically Inspired Life, was an instant #1 National Bestseller.

Loretta Anne Woodward Veney, MA, CPP Ms Veney is an author and well known speaker who has motivated, taught and trained audiences throughout the U.S. and Europe. She is founder and principal consultant of Superior Training Solutions, LLC. She has delivered numerous presen-tations on dementia and elder care planning for the Alzheimer’s Association, support groups, and memory care communities. She chronicles her nine-year journey with her Mom’s dementia as their parent/child roles have reversed in her book, Being My Mom's Mom - A journey through dementia from a daughter's perspective. Their journey has been faithful, funny, heartbreaking and hopeful.

Teepa Snow, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA Teepa Snow is one of America’s leading educators on dementia. Working as a Registered Occupational Therapist for over 30 years, her experience has led her to develop Positive Approach™ to Care techniques used by families and professionals working or living with dementia throughout the world. She has an independent prac-tice as well as clinical appointments with Duke University & University of N. Carolina Chapel Hill. She is an enlightening, witty, entertaining, and energetic speaker.


DAY TWO: Xavier Dementia Care Summit Topics: Teepa Snow speaks on how professionals can promote wellness and well-being for people living with dementia; Expert panel provides different perspectives on dementia care; resident-driven com-munities approach; visioning for the future of dementia care; accessibility to services. For registration and more information: Jo Plunkett (513) 745-3354,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stayin’ Healthy: Fall Prevention Program

Each year, millions of older people-those 65 and older-fall. In fact, one out of three older people falls each year, but less than half tell their doctor. Falling once doubles your chances of falling again.

Falls Are Serious and Costly

One out of five falls causes a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury.

Each year, 2.5 million older people are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries.

Over 700,000 patients a year are hospitalized because of a fall injury, most often because of a head injury or hip fracture.

More than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling, usually by falling sideways.

Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries. Adjusted for inflation, the direct medical costs for fall injuries are $34 billion

annually. Hospital costs accounts for two-thirds of the total.

The Four Pillars to Preventing Falls:

1. Keep your home safe 2. Talk with your Physician or Pharmacist to review your medications 3. Have your vision tested annually 4. Begin an exercise program

What Can Happen After a Fall?

Many falls do not cause injuries. But one out of five falls does cause a serious injury such as a broken bone or a head injury. These injuries can make it hard for a person to get around, do everyday activities, or live on their own.

Many people who fall, even if they’re not injured, become afraid of falling. This fear may cause a person to cut down their everyday activities. When a person is less active, they become weaker and this increases their chances of falling.

Exercise and/or being active are vital to your overall health. The National Insti-tute on Aging has a free fitness program called “Go4Life,” which is available online.

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They have online tools to help you keep track on everything from a healthy diet to exercise safety tips. If you cannot access the website and would like program information/material, please contact Beverly at 513-470-7846.

Here is a link to there website: Here is a link to some “Go4Life” exercise videos posted on YouTube:

This February, Parish Health Ministry will be promoting fall prevention safety.

Look for fall prevention safety tips and other material on the PHM bulletin board, in the church announcements, the A&HT Facebook page, and our new website. Here is a link for a short video on the 6 Steps on Preventing Falls:

PHM members - Maurice Bason, Beverly Cody (Co-chair), Betsy Cooper, Nikki De Witt, Melissa Erikson, Lynn Fitzwater, Angela Horne, Jo Ir-vine, Kathy Kessler (Co-chair), Terry Kessler, Nancy Melville, Rose-mary Miller, Jean Panos, Mary Lynn Roca, and Brittany Rosen.

Acknowledgements At most commission meetings a time is set on the agenda to express acknowledgements

for activities and volunteers over the previous month, here are two from January.

Worship—Altar Guild for Christmas decorations; Anne Brack for a full slate of lectors and Eucharistic Ministers; Ericksons for the Christmas pageant; Acolytes and the Zollers’ leadership; Sarah Folsom for the children’s choir; Lynne Kellner for her leadership on Jim McCue’s memorial service; Eric for another great year! Eric & Maggie for increased social media coverage.

Vestry—Gail Bason for all work with new corner signs. Worship Commission for all work on Christmas services. Ariel and Amy for all their work and continuing work on the stewardship campaign and vestry for their support. Thanks to Melissa & Craig Erickson for directing the Christmas pageant, the kids, altar guild, Mark and choir for all extra duties over the season. David Criddle for help and assistance with the sound system. Thanks to Chris Rumke and Jean Panos as this is their last official vestry meeting before the annual meeting.




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