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  • Page 1 Strictly Confidential Theory Of Everything??? Goh Peng Ooi
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  • Page 2 Strictly Confidential Everything And Life As Long As We Refuse To Include Our Sense, Purpose And Language As Part Of Everything, Theory Of Everything Is Not Theory Of Everything The Study Of Our Primitive Senses Is Known As Foundation Of Mathematics (FOM). The Strategy Of Mathematics Is Based Solely On Senses, And It Turns Out To Be Also The Study Of Senses, Including Purposes.
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  • Page 3 Strictly Confidential Our Senses : Primitive And Complex The list of top mathematicians who have worked on foundation of mathematics are given below. Their works represent breakthroughs in our understanding of how and what of our thinking or sensing processes. What these works reveal is that our brains are extremely soft and are able to choose from even softer space-time to achieve our purposes. The two words soft and softer and an extra word continuity provide us with another view of the origin of Life and at least a perspective to the philosophical questions of where I come from, who am I, and Where I am going. Kurt Godel (19061978), Allan Turing (1912 1954) Platonists L. E. J. Brouwer (18821966)Intuitionists Gottlob Frege (1848-1925), Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), Alfred North Whitehead (1861- 1947) Logicists Georg Cantor (1845 1918)Set Theorists On What Basis (Senses)Lead By How To (Mental Actions)Lead By Computing David Hilbert (1862 1943)Formalists SystemLead By Galois Evariste (1811 1832), Sophus Lie (1842 1899)Group Theorists Samuel Eilenberg (1913-1998), Saunders MacLane (1909 2005)Category Theorists Alexander Grothendieck (1928 ), William Lawvere (1937 - ), Myles Tierney TOPOS
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  • Page 4 Strictly Confidential Sense, Action And Nature (Natural Sciences) Symmetry is ubiquitous. Symmetry has myriad incarnations in the innumerable patterns designed by nature. It is a key element, often the central or defining theme in art, music, dance, poetry, or architecture. Symmetry permeates all of science, occupying a prominent place in chemistry, biology, physiology, and astronomy. Symmetry pervades the inner world of the structure of matter, the outer world of the cosmos, and the abstract world of mathematics itself. The basic laws of physics, the most fundamental statements we can make about nature, are founded upon symmetry. Symmetry and The Beautiful Universe, Leon Lederman, 1988 Noble Laureate Mathematical Representation For Symmetry: A.(B.C) = (A.B).C Other conditions like closure, inverse and identity The limit of symmetry is governed by the limit of the above equation and the related conditions. However, the foundation of mathematics is more than the above.
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  • Page 5 Strictly Confidential Sense, Action And Purpose: (Economy, Game) It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. Adam Smith (1723 -1790) Man is an animal that makes bargains: no other animal does this - no dog exchanges bones with another. Economics is not about things and tangible material objects; it is about men, their meanings and actions Ludwig Von Mises (1881 -1973) Economy Links Our Sense, Action, Even Our Languages To Our Purpose. However, Words Can Make All These Murky, Causing Serious Personal Or Academic Damages. Interest = Purpose Exchange= Set Of Actions Economy= System Meanings= Sense, Purpose, Etc Theory Of Everything???? For Example ???
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  • Page 6 Strictly Confidential Languages are designed for different purposes. Common languages are generally not suitable for Epistemology (Theory Of Everything???). Words can sometimes carry the exact inverse intention and approach of Epistemology. It can be beautifully expressed to capture the heart of undiscerning listeners, imitators, and even the authors themselves with a cloud of hidden agenda to command power, economic gains and even minds and souls, as put forward by German writer and linguist Uwe Poerksen (1935 - ) in his book Plastic Words, The Tyranny Of Modular Languages. Words can easily exploit our age of abstraction and over information in that the terms sound scientific to take on an aura of authority while cleverly evading investigation knowing that most people are not into knowledge foundation, measurement and executables. Each turns something indefinable into a limitless ideal which triggers a series of needs. These needs then become self-evident and quickly turn into necessities. Entities indulging in plastic words cleverly built up an ingenious system for perfect manipulation, gaining power, prestige, market and selfish benefits. Faithful followers or blind believers, on the other hand, are bewildered because they have no tools or weapons to tear down these clever deceits. Epistemology And Plastic Words All Mission Critical Works Or Discussions Must Be Wary Of Malleability Of Languages And Devise A Strategy To Counter Its Softness.
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  • Page 7 Strictly Confidential Language Shapes Our Thoughts Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 1951) quote, Language is a part of our organism and no less complicated than it .philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language. On 19 Aug, 2004, New Scientists Magazine reported the work of Peter Gordon, the psychologist at Columbia University on a Brazilian tribe, the Piraha tribe, whose language does not define numbers above two, or the one, two, many language. It was discovered that they were unable to reliably tell the difference between objects in a row when the number is as low as four or five. The result provides the strongest support yet for the so called linguistic determinism, where Ludwig Wittgenstein was one of the originators. Gordon says this is the first convincing evidence that a language lacking words for certain concepts could actually prevent speakers of the language from understanding those concepts. Language shapes our thoughts
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  • Page 8 Strictly Confidential There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature... Sense, Action, Purpose And Words (Niels Bohr) Discussions About Language Niels Bohr (1885 1962) We must be clear that when it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. The poet, too, is not nearly so concerned with describing facts as with creating images and establishing mental connections. Our task is to communicate experience and ideas to others. We must strive continually to extend the scope of our description, but in such a way that our messages do not thereby lose their objective or unambiguous character... We are suspended in language in such a way that we cannot say what is up and what is down. The word reality is also a word, a word which we must learn to use correctly. Philosophy Of Science Niels Bohr "The philosophy of Niels Bohr" by Aage Petersen Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an affirmation, but as a question. A Dictionary Of Scientific Quotation, Niels Bohr How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress. Niels Bohr: The Man, His Science, & The World They Changed, Ruth Moore
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  • Page 9 Strictly Confidential When we talk of language as a symbolism used in an exact calculus, that which is in our mind can be found in the sciences and in mathematics. Our ordinary use of a language conforms to this standard of exactness only in rare cases. Why then do we in philosophizing constantly compare our use of words with one following exact rules? In practice we very rarely use language as such a calculus. For not only do we not think of the rules of usage of definitions, etc while using language, but when we are asked to give such rules, in most cases we arent able to do so. We are unable clearly to circumscribe the concepts we use; not because we dont know their real definition, but because there is no real definition to them. To suppose that there must be would be like supposing that whenever children play with a ball they play a game according to strict rules. The Blue Book, (Language As A Game), Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 -1951) Sense Action Purpose Language = A Game Language Is A Game Definition of A Game Strategy
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  • Page 10 Strictly Confidential Today, "game theory is a sort of umbrella or 'unified field' theory for the rational side of social science, where 'social' is interpreted broadly, to include human as well as non-human players (computers, animals, plants) Everything As A Game Robert J Aumann, 2005 Nobel Laureate (1930 - ) Why Should Natural Science Be A Game? Natural sciences depend heavily on mathematics, including its observation which is sense based. Without understanding our own sense, we do not understand our observations. On the other hand, if we were to trace the history of mathematics, and call the study of knowledge, or Epistemology a human purpose, then we cannot deny that mathematics is a game, as per our later definition. Natural sciences, with all the formulas and observations, is therefore a game.
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  • Page 11 Strictly Confidential A Game Lets Do Not Be Confused By Our Past Use Of A Word. It Is Just A Word, A Piece Within The Whole Game. Sense Action Purpose A Game Definition of A Game: A Concept Encompasses At Least ALL The Following: Strategy 1.A Set Of Strategy 2.A Set Of Actions 3.A Set Of Choices 4.A Purpose 5.Passage Of Time A Game Is Partly Something Originally Given, Partly That Which Develops Freely. Adapted From Soren Kierkegaard (1813 1855) Mathematics Is Something Originally Given, Partly That Which Develops Freely. Physics Is Something Originally Given, Partly That Which Develops Freely. Economy Is Something Originally Given, Partly That Which Develops Freely. Etc Therefore, Theory Of Everything Must At Least Shows What Is Originally Given Set = Collection
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  • Page 12 Strictly Confidential 1.Primitive words 2.If you sense you can, you can. 3.Finite, infinite, possibly Infinite 4. 1 ? 5.Senses ? A broken cup filled with water? 6.Primitive words with/without and TOPOS 7.A concept, A mathematical game 8.Arithmetizing of game? 9.Because we did not know that the world is round. (The issue of parallel) ? Nothing!!! 11.An Ordered 0 and 1? Yi Jing? 12. = {a, {a,b}}. Kuratowski Conversion 13.It makes sense if numbers are nothing(s)?. 14.Ordered Tuple, xRy. Function: specific 15.Convert something-ness to nothing-ness 16. 17.It makes sense, it does not makes sense? 18.????????? 19.A Paradox (Russells Paradox) 20.Never !!!! So, no proof is right. 21.Where our sense point to? Axiomatic Set Theory (Study Of Given) 1.What Is The Meaning Of A Word? 2.Can You Tell Me The Meaning Of Can? 3.Is The World Finite Or Infinite? 4.How Many Points Are There On A Line? 5.What Is Continuity? 6.What Is Logic? What Is Higher Order Logic? 7.What Is A Class Or A Set? 8.What Is Probability? 9.Why Has Euclidean Geometry Lasted For More Than Two Thousand Years? 10.What Is A Number? 11.What Is A Real Number? 12.What Is Order and Tuple? 13.Does Transfinite Numbers Make Sense? 14.What Is Relation? What Is Function? 15.What Is Arithmetic? 16.What Is Freges Logic? 17.What Is Complete? What Is Incomplete? 18.What Is Pure? 19.What Is All? 20.How Can You Prove That A Proof Is Right? 21.What Is Direction?
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  • Page 13 Strictly Confidential Elementary TOPOS (Study Of Given) There Could Be Infinite Ways To Study Given. Greek Started With Logic, A Symmetry Of 2. That Evolved To Axiomatic Set Theory. The Introduction Of Algebra By Islamic World Gave Another View, And That Evolved To Category Theory And Higher Symmetry. The Chinese Tried To Attack Symmetry And Category At The Same Time, Went No Where. Not Surprising Because The Unification Was Finally Done Only In Early 1960, By Alexander Grothendieck. It Is Called A TOPOS, As Shown Above. It Is Just A Concept, Shapes Dont Count. Symmetry Given Choice
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  • Page 14 Strictly Confidential TOPOS Topology Sheaf Non Euclidean Geometry Euclidean Geometry Group Category Algebra Human Language THEORY C Set Internal Language Logic TYPE THEORY History of TOPOS And Its Relationship To Language Internal Language guarantees that all these can be programmed
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  • Page 15 Strictly Confidential Nash Non Cooperative Games Theory The discussions until now allow us to relook at Nash Non Cooperative Games Theory. If we were to read Nash Non Cooperative Games Theory as it is, it will be a tortuous experience. Since so many assumptions were made, all of which relate to either mathematical or scientific foundation. If we were to approach from mathematical or scientific foundation, we found that Nash Non Cooperative Games Theory is a given. It is a paradox. But he was great in that he discovered the paradox. Problems of Nashs Proof: 1.The topic involves senses, choices, arithmetic, languages, symmetry, probability, etc, all of them foundational topics in science and mathematics. 2.What is the meaning of pure? What is the meaning of points? 3.Now that the foundation of science and mathematics is triggered, are the moves in a game more important than the game itself? Especially when we are trying to understand a game. Even if the moves are important, but because a tuple is not a set, should we then just assume that a wrong move is okay? Or should we say, after all, it is just a game? 4.Now if we further trigger probability, which to me is the arithmetizing of a game, which is a game by itself, do we explain a game with a game, especially when one game is contained in another. For example, the so called Long Tail Theory explains that few can be more, which is closely related to the fundamental issue of certain transformation from ideal normal distribution to very bias distribution. For the success evident in companies like Google,, does the success explain the game? This is just like asking a person how did you make it. It is always a story. Anyway, we like to listen to stories.
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  • Page 16 Strictly Confidential Generalizing Nash Non Cooperative Games Theory It could be easier to prove a generalized Nash Non Cooperative Game Theory, thanks to all the geniuses of our mathematical and scientific community. As Sir Isaac Newton said, If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. It is important to note that this is by no means ultimate, it is just a model, a game. I prefer the word game because it is active. 1.Lets assume that other than our sense and purpose, all things were symmetrical. Let the physicists prove this assumption. 2.Symmetry can be both virtual and real. The virtual symmetry is represented by anything that can be expressed as associative axiom, inclusive of Topology, Group Theory, Category Theory, Axiomatic Set Theory, etc. (Let the mathematicians and scientists explain this assumption.) 3.Lets assert that nobody is perfect, therefore all non perfect cooperation are non cooperative. It is a matter of degree. In other words, Nash Non Cooperative Games could possibly be generalized. 4.Lets define Rational being mathematically valid, irrespective of whether the thinking person is aware or not aware of that status. As Niels Bohr said, you are not thinking, you are just being logical. 5.Borrowing Niels Bohrs floating thought framework concept, lets assert Elementary Topos is that framework, represents ALL rational thoughts we know today. 6.All the above are primitive as of today, which means we are able to avoid most paradoxes discovered until today, whether due to various games played, or representation. 7.Since everything is about a model, lets see how we can generalize Nash Non Cooperative Games Theory using elementary TOPOS. In fact, what we had done is to convert the word model to game by adding sense, including common sense into the model. In this way, we convert the non active word model into game, which is active and matches our sense of our everyday life, irrespective of what we are doing, whether as a student, linguist, mathematician or a businessman.
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  • Page 17 Strictly Confidential Axiom Of Choice A Game Sense & Action Logics And Sets Generalized Nash Non Cooperative Games Theory Given Primitive Logic And Axioms Meta- Mathematics Sense Formalization That explains various choices of AC, or various foundations for mathematics, confirming mathematics as an instance of Game.
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  • Page 18 Strictly Confidential Measurements /Standards/Constants/Theories, Etc Sciences Strategy Empirical Experiments Science And Economy As A Game Sense Various Choices Of Mathematics Theoretical Physics Strategy Formalization Money/Standards/Measurements, Organization, Etc Economy Strategy Observation Sense Various Choices Of Mathematics Economic Models Strategy Formalization Strategy is a set of choices inclusive of actions made using a previously defined game
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  • Page 19 Strictly Confidential What So Big Deal Just a hundred years ago, the word success was always linked to sense, purpose and strength, or what we usually called power and relationship. However, as the Internet age kicks in, more and more cases of few for more, or what I called the phenomenon of probability transformation (not probabilistic transformation, since it is the probability that is being transformed), allowed by the digitization of the world, starts to flex its muscles. That explains the successes of Apple, Microsoft, Oracle,, Google, Yahoo, etc. These successes are less about power and relationship, but more about the foundation of science and mathematics, appearing as a game which very few people understand. An elementary TOPOS may be diagrammatically very simple, but together with Axiomatic Set Theory, it is nearly the Theory Of Everything. Even more importantly, it can be programmed. By giving this talk, I hope that some of you will start thinking about : What is probability transformation?, and to those who still talk about 80-20 rule and six sigma, I would like to say that the world has moved to one million to one rule, and more than twelve sigma. This can easily be understood if we can grasp that time-space is relatively soft, or what Niels Bohr said, what is real is made of unreal. An example of real could be so called mental block, an example of unreal could be computing.
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  • Page 20 Strictly Confidential Quantification And Probability Transformation (X.Y).Z = X.(Y.Z)(1) (2) (Association) (Categorical Commutation) How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought independent of experience, is so admirably adapted to the objects of reality?. Albert Einstein Evolution & Change Game And Strategy Axiomatic Set Theory & Logic GivenSymmetry Axiom Of Choice It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change (=probability transformation). Charles Darwin
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  • Page 21 Strictly Confidential Silverlake Business BUSINESS PROCESS AND STRATEGY ON DEMAND (BPSOD) CORE OBJECTS AND PROCESSES (COPS) CHOICE DETERMINATION METHOD (CDM) SUSTENANCE/MAINTENANCE: OBJECT PROCESS METHOD (OPM) RULE AND PURPOSE SECTION (RAPS) Given/ Invisible Hand The above diagram is an elementary Topos. The model is therefore suitable for any business, from banks to conglomerates to nations. As our people get more and more used to my theory, we are expanding into newer and more profitable territory. It is unfortunate that we are in the process of patenting the above, and by patenting rule, we must not demonstrate the solution to public until it is approved. I hope one day I can come back to demonstrate the solution, proving that the above can be computerized, and in human terms, that we can see clearly what was discussed.
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  • Page 22 Strictly Confidential Just The Financial Model Is Mind Boggling REPRESENTATION Branch Delivery System Call Centre Mobile Banking Internet Banking Portable Banking POS & e-POS Corporate Desktop Self Service Device Handler Channel Interaction Customer Experience Passbook Printer Pin Pad Smart Card Reader Biometric Reader Sales Management Service Management Marketing Management Contact Management Activity Management ATM Kiosk Cash Deposit Check Deposit Passbook Printer Signature Reader System Management Connector LOGISTICS Delivery Service Processor JBIS Workflow Connector Business Process Management Document Imaging Connector Middleware Connectors Aldon Control M MIMIX SDS Robot Connect Direct Filenet Documentum K2 Workflow Filenet Overdraft & Structured Credit Remittance Clearing & Settlement Payment Electronic Banking Safe Deposit Structured Deposit Credit & Debit Card Cash Management Trade Finance Treasury Retail FX Customer Liability Customer Loyalty Loan Origination System Floor Stocking Leasing Syndication Dealer Financing Block Discounting Automobile Financing Hire Purchase Fraud Management CORE Anti Money Laundering Performance Management Collection/ Enforcement Compliance & MIS Reporting Insurance Provident Fund Management Investment & Capital Market Airline System Money Changer Human Resource Management Asset Management Bond Payroll Enterprise Retail Solution CIF Deposit Loan GL Micro Banking Factoring Islamic Banking Partial List of Solutions Illustrated But it is simple to trained eyes and minds
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  • Page 23 Strictly Confidential Quality Process Strategy Economy Accuracy Reliability Resilience Integrity Auto Document Validity Maintaina bility Visibility On Demand Flexibility Correctness Usability Understand ability Clarity Testability Interoperabi lity New Products New Services Command & Control Creativity IT As Strategy Not Cost Leadership Predictability Reusability Rich Functionality Portability Continuous Improvement Cultural Invariance Generality Simplicity Low Cost / Process Efficient Effective Share Price Winning Quality Winning Processes Winning Strategy New Incomes What So Big Deal
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  • Page 24 Strictly Confidential 24 One Current Project In China: Cloud Computing Note 1: A2A = Application to Application (G, B, E, F, L, P, C, etc) Note 2: The current model of B2B, B2C etc is over simplistic Everything Was Designed Based On Mathematics
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  • Page 25 Strictly Confidential Some Philosophical And Social Discussions
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  • Page 26 Strictly Confidential If Everything Is A Game, What Makes Sense? If Everything Is A Game, Are We Not Going To Be Even Less God Fearing? No, It Is The Reverse. In Fact, God Holds A Golden Card (Overriding Even The Ace) In The Game Of Our Lives. (In Nashs Paper, That Is The Cause Of Strategies Being Partial. We Cannot Play Our Strategies Perfectly.) What About Our Relationship With Other People? Answer: We Are Going To Be More Sincere, Because It Is Stupid To Play Game With n Players, Especially When n Is Large. It Is Not Only Torturing, But Also Least Effective. So, Focus On Your Strength And Learn What Is Probability Transformation. It Is Less For More, Or What We Called A Better Life Or Successes. But It Is Also Environmentally Friendly. Life Is No More Just About Power And Political Relationships. And Most Importantly, You Find More Meaning And Time In Your Own Life.
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  • Page 27 Strictly Confidential No Brief History Of Time If we scan through the whole of mathematics, we find that our strategy is always to limit time to nearly standing still, an ideal approach that allows our sense to be in order. In other words, mathematics itself is a non standard analysis from time perspective. Since we assume an ideal in time, there can be No Brief History Of Time using mathematical arguments. The argument that we may be able to generalize an ideal to the real situation is most likely not valid here because we are already generalizing, and we have yet to discover the second order or higher order generalization. In conclusion, Timing is the most uncontrollable issue in our life, as the Chinese had observed as since ancient time. Since we can sense time, putting extreme effort in Timing is one of the most important strategies for success, and that even applies to Mathematics. The following sentence may be difficult to understand, but it is the choice of correct timing that allows Mesopotamia/Greeks to discover Algebra and Geometry (even if they had borrowed the idea from somebody else). Finally, Timing Can Be Everything In Life
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  • Page 28 Strictly Confidential Chinese Civilization Is Best Summarized By Kong Zi Chinese Civilization ( ) Tien is silent (given), four seasons just keep rotating, and everything is born out of that. As Can Be Seen In Many Other Documents, Chinese Culture Originates From Given, Though They Appear As Different Words. That Explains Why Chinese Are So Keen On Strategies, Since It Is A Natural Extension Of Given As Per TOPOS. In Fact, Most Of Chinese Famous Phrases Are About Strategies, Whether They Are About Life, Warfare, Scholarship, Or Whatever. (551 479) BC
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  • Page 29 Strictly Confidential Lao Zi (600 BC) Tao As Given If Tao (something given) can be explained, then it is not Tao Tao gives rise to one, one gives rise to two, two gives rise to three, then three results in everything. In Group Theory, this is called Burnside Theorem (1904) Tao finally divides into two, Yin and Yang. Which surprisingly fits into Feit Thompson Theorem (1968) In fact from the above, then everything should appear as sixes, which in Physics is known as the Quark Model, as proposed by Gell-mann Murray and others in 1964. In Mathematics, it is equals to Fisher Theorem (1971).
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  • Page 30 Strictly Confidential Yi Jing (1182BC) Literally Translated, Yi Jing Means Book Of Change. If We Push The Scheme Forward, What We Get Is Cantors Real Number. To Large Extent, That Is Also Equivalent To TOPOLOGY, something to do with our space/time. 0 01 1 0110 01 0110 Cantors Real Number
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  • Page 31 Strictly Confidential Eastern And Western Culture Given Choice S2 GREEKCHINESE Sense/Strategy Science/Mathematics If you look at the above, we can easily conclude that the Westerners do not see something that the Chinese had easily seen. Just like two hundred years ago, most Chinese did not see what the Westerners saw. This explains why some Western professors cannot understand the new Chinese economy. In my opinion, unless there is a catastrophe, the rise of Eastern economies is a given. However, there will be an extremely interesting interplay of Science and Economy.
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  • Page 32 Strictly Confidential Mathematics As A Game: Theory Of Everything As A Conclusion, Mathematics, Like Science, Is Just A Model. It Strategizes To Remove Action From The Equation So That Everything Is Played In Our Brains. However, In Order For Our Brains To Play The Game, Everything Must Be Associative, Or In Laymen Terms, Either Geometrical Or Recurrence Or Nearly Standing Still. That Is, We Limit Time Until We Cannot Sense It Anymore. That Does Not Mean Actual Things Behave That Way, Which Explains All The So Called Paradoxes. That Highlights To Us That It Is Time To Think About Time, And As Explained, Brief History Of Time Is Not About Time. Generalization Is Most Likely Not Valid In This Case. (Since Generalization Is A Kind Of Direction, Which Can Be Sensed And Is Already Part Of Our Mathematics. If We Call All Of These Order, Time Is Most Likely Something To Do With The Complement Of Order..Which I Dislike To Use The Word Disorder. I Would Rather Use The Word Unknown.) While I Do Not Know How To Enter The Research Of Time, I Am However Sure That That Is The Direction To New Epistemology
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  • Page 33 Strictly Confidential Kong Zi ( ) Do Your Best (One Person Game) Manage Your Family (Small Number Game) Take Care Of Your People (Medium Number Game) Serve Human Race (Large Number Game) Kong Zis Strategy On Success
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  • Page 34 Strictly Confidential Silverlake Computing Strategy: Unification Unification Is Not As Logical As Most People Thought. What They Meant By Logic Are At Most Logic Of Order Two Or Three. It Can Be Easily Proven That TOPOS Has Infinite Logics, That Makes Us Feel Good When We Look Up Into The Night Sky. It Shows That We Have Yet A Lot More To Learn, And Most Likely Even After We Die. Currently, Silverlakes Logic Is Of Order 112, And It Is Improving Everyday. CHOICE
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  • Page 35 Strictly Confidential Apologies I Was Asked Whether I Can Give A Talk On Behalf Of AAET About Two Months Ago. A Talk As Above Is Hard To Be Prepared In Two Months. If There Is Any Error In My Presentation, I Hope The Audience Will Be Kind Enough To Let Me Know.

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