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Note to readers: This is an unofficial summary of Tynan's Superhuman

by Habit: A Guide to Becoming the Best Possible Version of Yourself,

One Tiny Habit at a Time. It is a condensed version of the original book.

It has not been approved by the original author of the book.

You can buy the original book here.

The information in this book has been provided for educational and

entertainment purposes only

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Building Habits

What is a habit?

“It’s an action you take on a repeated basis with little or no required

effort or thought.”

He adds that the power of habit lies in the “no required effort or

thought.” And, it is this effortless action that enables us to improve our

health, quality of life, productivity and enjoyment in the world without

having to drain our willpower.

According to the author, people who consistently excel at their work, stay

healthy and connected with others – while maintaining their calm and

happiness – achieve them because they have mastered the ability to

build and sustain new habits.

Every one of us has limited amount of willpower. To build a new habit,

we need all the willpower we have. But once we have sustained the habit,

we no longer need to use our willpower. If we rely solely on our

willpower to do something, we will give in or give up when we get tired

or hungry.

Don’t Spend Your Willpower, Invest It

Habits don’t require conscious thought, willpower and focus. This is

great because we can only do a limited amount of things each day, both

personally and professionally. When our actions become automatic,

things that used to be hard are now easy to do. We free our willpower.

We can then achieve our goals and the life we want without burning out.

So, if we want to be hyper-productive, physically active, eat right, build

good relationships, learn things, while at the same time feeling positive

and fulfilled, we must switch from taking deliberate actions to making

them automatic.

He says that we can establish most habits from one to twelve months.

You Already Have A Million Habits

Most of our daily actions like brushing our teeth, inaction like

procrastination, and our outlook of life like seeing the negative or

positive in things are dictated by our subconscious through habits.

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We don’t have to weigh our actions, looking for the pros and cons

because they have become automatic.

He says that our habits are a fundamental component of who we are.

And if we are dissatisfied with our lives, we should first examine our

habits. When we replace a few negative habits with positive ones, we can

experience more happiness.

Good habits are harder to build than bad habits. He cites an example of

how easy it was for him to become a chronic procrastinator. Since he was

a child, he chose to do fun and interesting things instead of things that

involved work. As a result, he developed a poor work ethic in his adult

life. He then realized that to achieve his goals, he had to change.

During the process of change, he had to battle with himself. It took him

six months of straining willpower and mental discomfort to overcome


He says, “This process was hard and it burnt out all of my willpower.”

But it paid off. He now finds it easy to maintain the habit of being highly


New Habits vs. Old Habits

“New habits are things that you do, but old habits are things that you are.

There’s a difference between waking up early and being an early riser,

eating a healthy meal and being a healthy eater, getting some work done

and being a productive person.”

How do you go about converting a new habit into an “old habit?” And

how do you know when your action has established into a habit?

It’s when you no longer have to consciously think about doing it. It is

when it becomes something you subconsciously do. And this is the way

to do it if you want to improve yourself permanently.

But since building each new habit requires a lot of willpower, there is

only a limited number of new habits that we can work on at any given


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Think Very Long Term

A small action when repeated, adds up over the long term.

“Smoking a single cigarette really isn’t very bad for your health, but

smoking thousands of them per year adds up and turns smoking into one

of the nastier habits you could have… Drinking green tea once won’t have

any effect on your health, but drinking a few cups every day for years will

actually make you a healthier person.”

Consistency Is Everything

The most important factor in developing a habit is consistency.

The author says that we should be scared to fail to execute a habit. To

avoid from not taking action, he suggests that we make a habit easy to

do. If we have to skip, we must admit it. And, we must provide a reason

why we are skipping the action.

Whatever the reason we provide, our mind will challenge it.

“If you say to yourself, “Okay, I’m not going to meditate tonight because

I’m just too tired,” a part of you may challenge, “Even though I am tired,

maybe I can just get through it.”

What will happen then? Somehow, we will be able to push through it and

take action.

He suggests that we establish a few ready-made responses to challenge

our arguments when we need to skip doing the thing that we should do

Absolutely Never Skip Twice

We may, in the moments of weakness, give in to temptations and skip a

day. But, we should never miss twice.

He writes,

“Missing two days of a habit is habit suicide. If missing one day reduces

your chances of long-term success by a small amount like five percent,

missing two days reduces it by forty percent or so. Three days missed

and you may as well be starting over. At that point you have lost your

momentum and have made it far too easy for you to skip in the future.”

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Tynan says that when you miss a habit, it should be our top priority to do

it the next day. We need to be specific by stating when we will do it. And,

if we missed taking the particular action because of a problem, we must

find a solution in advance so that we can execute the action.

Plan Variances

There will be times when we might not be able to follow through with a

habit because we do not have control of the situation. When this

happened to him during his travel to China, he was unable to follow

through with his clean-eating habit. So he made a premeditated and

conscious decision to pause the habit.

He says that if we have to pause, we must make our plan concrete, in

black and white and we must specify when the variance will end.

“For example, instead of doing your regular gym routine while traveling

through Europe, you commit to do twenty pushups every morning, and

then as soon as you return home, resume your normal routine.”

Doing the plan is necessary because otherwise, our brain will consider

that breaking the habit is acceptable. And it will tell us that it won’t

matter if we miss more days, which usually means, the end of that habit.

You Just Go – Do a Terrible Job

When we begin our plan to create a new habit, we feel motivated and our

stress level is low. But, those feelings may not be there when we need to

execute them. We might be sick, tired, and busy.

So what do we do when we have lost the motivation but have already

promised ourselves to follow through with our plan?

“Just do a terrible job… Remember that the power of a habit isn’t

actually in the individual execution, but in the consistency. It is far, far

worse to skip doing something than to just do a horrible job of it. This

feels wrong and sounds counterintuitive, but it’s true. Skipping a day

makes you feel guilty and unmotivated to do it the next day. Doing a

crappy job makes you feel a little bit guilty, but also proud that you

worked through a tough time, and eager to improve the next time.”

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Don’t Reward the Lazy Brain

While we are building our habits, our brain will try to sabotage us. It is

its nature to stick to the old, low-energy, and efficient ways.

When we feel tired and mentally exhausted, what most of us will do is

take a break. The brain will then go back to “resting.” By repeating it

each time, it becomes a habit. This is what quitters do.

The solution is to push through that phase by doing what we are

supposed to do. By taking action despite not wanting to do so, we are

giving a clear signal to the brain that we are not putting up with its ways.

If we do this enough times, the brain will get the point. It will stop

sabotaging us.

Forgive and Focus

At some point, we will miss a day, maybe two, and make mistakes. Most

of us might beat ourselves, give up, and lose our self-esteem because we

think we have failed.

That is not how we should treat ourselves. We must push ourselves

forward. We need to determine which area needs our attention and focus

on it.

Challenge ourselves to do better next time. Forgive ourselves. Learn from

our mistakes.

Celebrating Success

When we succeed in sticking to a habit, give ourselves a reward. He

suggests that we take a moment of reflection and self-congratulation. It

is as simple as the act of smiling or making a fist coupled with a “Yes” to

remind us that we succeeded.

Take Pride in Process, Not in Results

He suggests that we evaluate our progress based on our actions and how

well we stick to our plans. We must avoid focusing on short-term result

because we may not see immediate outcome, which could add stress and

might cause us to quit.

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Choosing Habits

“The core skill required for choosing habits, as well as for staying on

track once a habit is implemented, is the ability to be brutally honest

with oneself.”

The author says that we must figure out which bad habit is holding us

back from achieving our goals. We can use the information to pick a

better habit and replace the bad one.

We must identify our weaknesses and admit that we have failed to meet

our standards. Most of us will find it difficult because it creates internal

tension, pain, and discomfort.

How to Discover High Priority Habits

He provides a guide on when and how to choose which habits we want to

break and replace it with.

“The easiest time to choose a habit is when something is a major

impediment in your life, or where there’s one habit that currently

extends its negative influence into other areas of your life.”

We might want to shoot for the obvious big bad habits that we want to

break like quitting smoking. But we can start with the little ones to help

us build momentum and self-confidence, which will give us the strength

and motivation to tackle the larger ones.

If we aren’t convinced that the benefits of breaking a bad habit exceed

the negative impact, we will consider that habit as less important. We

have a better chance of succeeding creating a habit when we know we

can succeed. And with each success in breaking a bad habit and creating

a new one, we will pave our way for a lifetime of habit building.

Another way to choose a habit is to ask our friends.

We can also look at what we feel are “just aren’t you.” It will help us

expand how we define ourselves. He says,

“Exploring areas that “just aren’t you” are how you expand how you

define yourself and take things to the next level. You become more

rounded and versatile, but you also find connections between various

habits. Spending time with ballet and programming, two nearly polar

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opposite practices, allowed me to really examine how I learn things, as

that was the only common thread between the two.”

An area that he suggests we examine is our social skills. He says that the

quality of our live will be determined by our interactions with others.

It’s Always Your Fault

The author tells us to assume that everything that happens to us is our


“Not happy? Assume that it is your fault. Not in shape? Assume that it is

your fault. Not as wealthy as you’d like to be? Assume that it is your

fault. Don’t have as many friends as you’d like, get sick frequently, or live

in a messy house? All your fault.”

He adds,

“Not everything is actually your fault, but by assuming it is, you give

yourself an opportunity to take responsibility for the future by coming up

with a plan to change things. You also over-correct for the bias we all

have against believing we are responsible for negative outcomes.”

We shouldn’t feel guilty just because we assume that we are at fault.

Rather than feeling guilty, we should practice self-compassion to help us

treat our self-inflicted wounds. We can look at the potential fault as an

opportunity because when we discover something in our lives that we are

not happy with and take responsibility, it implies that we have the power

to change it.

However, if we have wronged someone, we ought to feel guilty and make

things right.

There’s Nothing You Can’t Do

The author used to think that successful people were born with certain

advantages. But after he made friends with successful people who seem

to him are superhuman, he discovered that they are exceptional not

because of who they are but what they do. Each of them has a set of habit

that led them to the top of their fields.

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“You can do just about anything if you break it down into habits and

execute on them. That’s not to say that it’s easy, only that it’s possible.

The key is to be honest about what’s stopping you from success, take

responsibility for it, and create new habits to correct.”

We develop greatness by repeatedly improving our craft, taking

responsibility for our success, identifying our weaknesses and turning

them into strengths.

Addition Versus Subtraction

In his opinion, there are two types of people. The first type finds it easier

to add new things to do. The second type finds it easier to subtract


How do you know if you move toward adding or subtracting?

“A simple test is to think about whether it’s easier for you to cut out junk

food or to go to the gym. Those who prefer to go to the gym are adders,

and those who cut out junk food are subtracters.”

He says that it is good to be able to do both. But when we begin working

or a new habit or when we are correcting a failed attempt from a

different angle, it might be better if we lean toward our strength; which

is either one of them.

Don’t Overshoot

We should tie a habit to a goal.

“…don’t eat healthily because it sounds like a nice habit, eat that way

because you want to live longer, be more capable of physical activity, or

improve your appearance.”

Securing Your Motivation

We need both excitement and motivation in forming new habits.

Excitement is unsustainable. It does get us through the first two weeks of

a new habit. After that it will wane. This is when we need motivation to

stick to the habit development. Without motivation, we might end up

losing interest and then feeling bad for giving up. We might also feel

pessimistic and reluctant to build new habits in the future.

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The author then says that if we are not going to follow through with a

habit, it is better not to start it. Furthermore, the time spent building

that discarded habit would have been better used to form a habit that we

feel motivated to follow through and succeed.

The first step in creating a new habit is to be honest with ourselves and

find out why we want to develop it. We must have a strong reason that

will motivate us to stick to it through the hard times, and when we are

under pressure, a month and a year from now.

“In most areas of life it’s better to try and to fail than to not try at all. In

habits it’s far better to succeed at an easier habit, and then build up from


Discovering Motivation

If we start to create a new habit due to outside pressure, the chance of

success is slim because it is not something we desire to do. So, we must

learn to motivate ourselves.

He suggests we answer the following questions:

o What good things will happen if I implement this habit?

o What bad things will happen if I implement this habit?

o What good things will happen if I don’t implement this habit?

o What bad things will happen if I don’t implement this habit?

This exercise lets us see the positive and negative, our options, our fears

and desires, and what life would be like. It helps stir our motivation.

When we are done with the exercise, he suggests that we write a note or

letter and state what would happen if we stick to our goal and what

would happen if we don’t.

It worked for him.

“Whenever I’d be exhausted and want to quit, I’d read the letter, feel

some of the enthusiasm, and one or two of the points would hit home

and keep me going.”

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Start Easy and Often

If we are worried that our excitement will wear off and we might not

follow through with our routine, we must make it easy to complete the

task. The way to do it is to start small. We then build upon it and

strengthen the habit.

For example instead of starting to meditate for 30 minutes every other

day, we would do better if we just meditate for one minute. Once it

becomes a habit, we then make it to two minutes. We then increase the

duration to five minutes, followed by ten and fifteen minutes. Once

meditation becomes a habit and a lifestyle, we can then meditate for 30

minutes as we initially planned.

This strategy of starting small and being consistent will take us several

months to a year to achieve our target. In order not to discard the idea,

think long-term. Think of the benefits and cumulative effect.

The Magic of Daily Habits

When creating a new habit, think of something we can and will execute

daily. Why? Because it is unlikely we will reschedule it. It remains in our

consciousness, and it becomes a part of our life. Just like brushing our


Don’t Build Habits That can be Automated

“The primary reason we build habits is to ensure that things are done on

a regular basis. To do this we move repeating tasks from our conscious

mind to our subconscious mind, so that they happen automatically. For

some tasks, though, we can take things a step further and completely

automate them outside of our own consciousness.”

These tasks include those things that have to be done on a regular basis

such as making our credit card payments.

Loading and Maintenance

To replace established bad habits with new ones takes a lot of willpower,

efforts and adherence. This is because we are creatures of routines. To

motivate ourselves to stay mentally strong during the difficult times, we

can remind ourselves that this phase is temporary.

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The phase he is talking about is what he calls the loading habit and the

maintenance habit.

Here’s the explanation.

“The purpose of the loading habit is to completely remove all

associations with your old habit. You start small, build up to your loading

habit, keep at it until you believe that your new behavior is fixed in place,

and then switch to maintenance… Often times you’ll reach your goals

during the loading phase. Your aim with maintenance is to keep the

benefits and to continue to get better, even if that improvement is slight.”

The Habit of Building Habits

When we succeed forming each new habit, it becomes easier to form

future ones. If we have difficulty, we should find out what the cause it.

For some people, it could be lack of motivation to implement it. For

others, it could be having trouble choosing the right habit to build. Some

may find it had to stick with a habit.

By finding out our weakness, we can take action such as finding the

motivation, getting guidance, or find someone who will make us


Triggering Habits

Stress triggers negative habits such as gambling and overeating. Waking

up at night triggers smoking. Boredom triggers wasting time online.

Without a trigger, an inconsistent action is just something we do. We

can make use of triggers to form positive habits and get rid of negative


Before we begin a new habit, we should think of what the trigger is going

to be and commit to it.

“If you have the habit of browsing gossip sites whenever you turn on

your computer, and you retrain yourself to respond to open emails as

soon as you turn on the computer, you both gain a new good habit and

lose a bad old one.”

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He tells us to take a look at the triggers for our bad habits and find a

more productive way to deal with it. For example, if we realize that we

overeat when we feel stressed, we can replace it with drinking greet tea.

This strategy doesn’t require us to add a new trigger to the habit. We are

using the existing trigger to change our action.

Chaining Habits

Chaining habits is about using one habit as a trigger for other habits;

creating a chain.

He provides the following example.

“When I wake up, the very first thing I do is put a pot of water on the

stove. Putting the water on is a trigger to brush my teeth, so I do that

while it boils. Once it’s done, I make tea and sit down at my desk. That’s

a trigger for me to read my email, check my calendar, and check various

reports and stats that may affect how I plan my day.”

Chaining habits make our habits become a routine, effortless, and

automatic. It gives us the freedom to use our time and willpower to make

forward progress.

The disadvantage is that when our schedule is disrupted, so is our chain

of habits. As a result, we might let the habits slip. To avoid this from

happening, be prepared in advance by acknowledging that it can and will

happen and when it does, we will act on at least one of the habits in the

chain. When the disruption is over, we can get back to the chain.

Accountability With Friends

It is good to be accountable. But if we are unable to do it, ask a friend to

help. It makes it easier for us to evaluate our progress.

The disadvantage of asking someone to help us is we will not develop

self-reliance. It also increases our compliance.

So, only ask a friend to help us if the habit is difficult and important for

us to accomplish.

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Habitualizing Input for Instant Change

When we talk about changing habits, what we are saying is: we want to

change our behavior. Some of our habits are hard to change because of

an underlying strong belief. The way to change these kinds of habits is to

make a quantum shift in our beliefs. We can do this by learning and

acquiring knowledge. The other way is to read and gather information

that distort and challenge our perception.

When to Quit Habits

Some of us might want to quit in the early stages of building our habits

when it gets difficult and mentally challenging. We might also think of

quitting because we realize that continuing with the action doesn’t serve

us, have negative consequences, or not showing us the result we want.

Quitting is not a good thing to do because it creates a cycle of failure. We

will find it difficult to develop habits in the future. Furthermore, making

a decision to quit when we have not had an emotional firsthand

experience and have not waited long enough to enjoy the benefits is a

bad decision.

The author suggests that we quit only when we no longer want to quit.

The reason why we should do this is because at that point of time, we will

not be influenced by the lazy brain. We would have established the habit

by then. If we still want to get rid of it, we would probably do so because

the benefits of quitting outweigh the negative.

Beware of Disruptors

“The three main disruptive habits are the use of drugs, the seeking of

stimulation, and the habit of hanging out with negative friends.”

The habits of taking drugs and consuming alcohol affect our decision

making capabilities. They also serve as triggers for other bad habits. As

for seeking stimulation, what we are trying to do is get a quick fix of

dopamine. The action comes in the form of web browsing, channel

surfing, or simply focus-shifting.

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The reason why negative friends are disruptors is because they hinder us

from building positive habits. Our friends are people who behave and

think like us. When we want to change and develop new positive habits,

these friends see this as a threat because of their insecurities.

To deal with the habit of taking drugs or alcohol, we need to find the

trigger and when it shows up, instead of repeating the old behavior,

replace it with a new and positive one. As for the habit of seeking

stimulation, we need to take time to reflect and decide to do better things

with our time. When it comes to our negative friends, we don’t have to

discard them. Instead, choose to surround ourselves with positive


The Natural Habitat of a Habit Builder

Besides willpower and motivation, our environment has an effect on

building our habits. The right environment will reduce the possibility of

us slipping up. The right environment should be distraction free so that

it enables us to focus and where we have motivated and supportive


Imposing Your Habits on Others

The author advices us not to not share our enthusiasm and try to get our

friends to switch their habits. This is because when they do, they were

not driven by their own problems and goals. Our friends might give up

when the going gets tough. They might feel bad for trying and may resent

us for pushing them to change their behavior.

Instead of persuading them to change and build new and better habits,

build ours until we succeed and let them see the change. It is up to them

then if they want to ask us for advice and help to create the habit.

Practical Analysis of Various Habits

The author offers a list of common habits that people want to develop,

his experiences in building them, the pros and cons of the habits, and

also tips on how to go about making it happen.

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Positivity Habits

Positivity habits include being positive toward yourself and positivity

toward others.

This habit is about building our skills of seeing the positive in ourselves,

people and any situations. Having this habit helps us improve our

outlook, increases optimism, enhances our ability to deal with negative

events, and improves our mood, which is essential to better


Developing positivity toward others increases our ability to work with

other people, develop feeling of goodwill towards them, be more open

and willing to be positively influenced and be able to consider other

views of situations.

He suggests that whenever we feel or think negatively toward others, we

are to remind ourselves of this quote.

“Remember that everyone is just doing their best and trying to be happy,

just like you.”

It takes one to three months to establish the positivity habit. To begin

developing this habit, think of one positive aspect on a negative situation

whenever a negative thought appears.

Health Habits

Health habits are habits that will improve our life expectancy, well-

being, and the ability to fully use our physical and mental functions.

Health habits include eating healthy food, getting a good night’s sleep,

meditation, drinking tea daily, taking vitamin D supplement, and

working out.

We don’t have to work on building all the habits at once because by

establishing just one or two healthy habits, the effects will transfer to

other areas of our lives.

Eating healthy food has a big impact on life expectancy and increases our

moods, and mental abilities. When we are taking good care of ourselves,

we feel better. It motivates us to build other positive habits such as

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exercise and drop unhealthy habits like using drugs and drinking


When it comes to healthy eating, what we need to remember is this:

“Sugar and highly refined grains are the most significantly unhealthy

things in the standard diet. Eliminating those two groups of foods is

about eighty percent of getting to a healthy diet. Focus your willpower

getting them out of your diet.”

The habit of getting good sleep will increase our energy levels, decrease

stress, improve our focus and mental abilities as well as being less

susceptible to depression.

“The first step towards a good sleep habit is creating a good sleep

environment. The key components of a good sleep environment are

complete darkness and silence. “

Some of the benefits of creating the meditation habit include improved

impulse control, less stress, and improved focus. If we meditate for five

minutes each day, we will notice the effects in two months.

He includes the habit of drinking tea daily because the health benefits

outweigh that of coffee or soda.

“The majority of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D, which is an

important vitamin for everything from your immune system to the

strength of your bones and muscles. If you work indoors and don’t spend

an obviously significant amount of time in the sun every day or two, you

are almost certainly deficient.”

The habit of working out should be made a high priority. This habit

increases longevity, improves our body composition, self-esteem, and

physical abilities.

Expansion Habits

By expansion habits, the author means, “habits that help increase the

quality of input we take in, and use that input as constructively as


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The habits include traveling to unusual countries, developing daily

writing habits, seeking out masterpieces, and pushing our comfort zone.

The author states the difference going on a vacation and travelling. He


“One is an escape from reality, and the other is a means to connect more

deeply with it.”

The benefits of travelling include exposure to different mindsets, works

of art, architecture and nature outside our country. And, we develop self-


Developing daily writing habit forces us to evaluate our thoughts. We

also gain clearer thinking and improve our communication skills.

When he says to build the habit of seeking masterpieces, what he means

is to go out there and expose ourselves to mastery. “A masterpiece is

anything made by someone who is an expert in their craft.” From his

experiences, this habit helps increase motivation, provides inspiration,

and increase personal standards.

Why should we develop the habit of pushing through our comfort zone?

It guarantees our personal growth. It helps us confront our fears and

builds our confidence and enables us to discover new interests and

abilities, which can inspire and change us. If we don’t push through our

comfort zone, we might miss opportunities.

Organization Habits

The next group of habits to develop is organizing habits. The habits

including daily imperfect cleaning, staying on top of email, keeping a

useful calendar, and getting rid of stuff.

On daily imperfect cleaning, he says, “if you can set a lower standard for

acceptable cleanliness, cleaning becomes a lot easier, and a lot of the

pressure is relieved. I recommend setting this level at a nine out of ten.”

His method for staying on top of email: “As soon as you read any email

that requires further action, including replying, following up, visiting a

web site, etc., you flag or star it…Once per day, preferably early

afternoon when you’ve had the chance to read emails and still have a

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bunch of productive time left, go through all of the starred emails and

either reply, take the necessary action, or unstar it.”

The purpose of developing the habit of keeping a useful calendar is to

avoid missing or being late to your appointments. It also eliminates the

need to keep a mental note.

Social Habits

The next category is social habits. They include the habit of always being

on time and to delete or contact the people in our contact list.

“The way you interact with people is largely based on a set of habits. By

changing just a few of those habits, you can be a better friend, colleague,

or family member”

When we always arrive on time, we are giving respect and thus gaining it.

To add to that, we are also showing to ourselves that since we can show

up at a time we agreed upon, we will be able to do much more difficult

things consistently.

What he means by delete and contact is to organize our contact list. The

author deleted all the names and numbers of people whom he will not

get in touch with or want to get to know better. For his Facebook friend

list, he keeps only those whom he would go have dinner with.

Productivity Habits

“The interesting effect of building productivity habits is that because so

much of your output is defined by your habits, you’ll have a major

advantage in anything you do. So even if your specialty is programming,

if you decide to become a writer, a lot of those habits that you built are

universal enough that you’ll start with a leg up.”

This category of productive habits include what he calls twice then quit,

eliminate starting procrastination, plan when stuck, and rating your day.

What is this twice, then quit habit?

“Twice, then Quit is very simple. When you want to quit working for the

first time, don’t. Push through and work some more. The second time

you want to quit, also don’t quit. Push through again. The third time you

want to quit, go ahead and quit.”

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How does it help us? It pushes us through when we feel like quitting

because we know we can do so after our second push instead of when we

face a stumbling block. By doing this we will quit only when we feel

exhausted and no longer can focus on what we are doing.

On eliminating starting procrastination, he says, “When I began trying to

track down where wasted time was going, I found that I procrastinated

quite a lot. That wasn’t surprising by itself, but what I didn’t expect to

find was that almost all of my wasted time was before I even got to


To solve this problem of starting, we should do the highest productivity

activity first thing in the morning and before we do anything else.

By “plan when stuck” he means that when we feel stuck, we should set

our timer for thirty minutes and start planning on what we should do.

Why rate our day? Because “what gets measured gets managed.” We do

this every night by looking at how little time we have wasted on a scale of

one to ten.

He ends the book with this message.

“This book is called Superhuman by Habit because the results can seem

truly superhuman when willpower is leveraged in this manner.”

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What Next?

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Enjoy Your Personal Growth Journey.

Fatimah Musa

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