
Find your perfect photographer, fast.

What we want you to know

Your wedding pictures are going to stay with you forever, use this cheat-sheet to help you compare and find your perfect photographer.

For best results: Print this document | You can print as many as you like | Use both pages to compare 4 photographers | Keep making selections until you find the best candidate

As wedding photographers we are on a mission to reshape the idea that your photography should be ordinary, uncertain, boring or intimidating.

Step by step, we want to help you totally own the exciting journey of expressing the best you, through the fun and exciting art of photography. If this puts a skip in your step, then we would love to find out how we can help you be, confidently unique.

Company name

Image quality


Overall vibe

Service received so far


Contact Number

Package Name


Hours Coverage

How many photographers

Amount of images

Engagement shoot

Album included

Printing service

Prints included

Size: Size: Size: Size:

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Find your perfect photographer, fast.

Top Tips:

Your wedding pictures are going to stay with you forever, use this cheat-sheet to help you compare and find your perfect photographer.

Only include photographers on this list who’s photographs really speak to you.

You can use two coulombs with the same photographer if you want to compare his \ her different packages.

Spend a bit of time looking at what it is you really love about a certain photographers style. I.e. Moodiness, moments, elegance, timelessness personality, angle, colour etc. Let your photographer know what really stands out for you about their work. This will help your photographer relate to your needs in a more personal way.

Feel free to ask your candidate photographer to see a few full weddings. This will allow you to better assess how he\she handles different parts of the day.

Stay within your budget. You don’t want to cause yourself unnecessary stress due to over spending. As a guideline, your wedding photographer should be 12-18% of your overall budget.

Cont.... Company Name

Travel Included?

...If not, what’s the cost?

Will you be at my wedding?

Images colour corrected?

Additional services

Overall rating

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For best results: Print this document | You can print as many as you like | Use both pages to compare 4 photographers | Keep making selections until you find the best candidate

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