
$ .





A. INTRODUCTION conditions Emally, s 20.201 states that, when appro-pnate, such evaluation should mdade a phy sical survey

Amendments * to Q 20.205, " Procedures for pickang of measurements of lesels of radunon or concentrations

u p, recening, and opemng packagesJ of the Com- of radioactive matenal present. I xternal contammatienmission's regulations m 10 CFR Part 20. " Standards for levels and external radianon levels r. ear recened pack-

Protection Agamst Radiation,' require that a hcensee ages should be considered unknown until surveyed ifwhc expects to receive a packa : contairung quantities of the quantity and fonn of radioactne matenal m aradioactive matenal m excess of Type A hmits make package is such that if the matenal were unackageJ, thearrangements to recene the package when it is offered bcensee snould take some action to comply with other

for delnery at his facihty by the carner or, if the provisions of l0 CFR Part 20 (such as those dealing wlth

package is routed to be picked up by the consignee at limits on radiation exposure, restucting or posting ofthe carner's facihty, that the consignee make arrange- areas, labeling of contamers, or providmg personnelments to receive notification from the carne, at the time momtonng equipment to nearby persons), some form of

of ar-ival of the package. A bcensee who picks up a control should be estabbshed on rtceipt of the package.

packye of radioactne matenal from a carner's facihty is An evaluation of an mdividual package whish is exemptfrom the more sinngent provisions of s 20.205 can be

9required to do so soon after bemg notified. As soon aspracticable after receipt of a package and within delayed or perhaps even made unnecessary (1) by the

specified time hmits, hetnsees are further required to use of area monitors andNr astuctmg access to an

monitor the external surfaces of cert un packages of incoming package or (2) by oth:r means that ensureradioactive matenal for radioactive contamination and safety and comphance with the promions of 10 CFRfor external radiation levels, subject to the exceptions Part 20.contamed m Annex ! to this guide. If an a nount ofcontammation or radiation level in excess of that This regubtory guide desenbes a method acceptaNespeci ed is detected, the hcensee is required to immedi- to the NRC staff for heensees to comply with thefi

ately report that fact to the f' al deh' enng carner and provis ons in 10 CFR Part 20. s 20.205, with respect tomto the NRC. These requirements ara directed toward arrangements for receipt, pickup, and momtonng ofcontrol of radiation exposure and spread of radioactive packages contammg radioactive materal and withcontammation from packages of radioactive matenal in respect to reportiag of packafes which, on receipt, showt ran sport. evidence ofleakage or excessive radiation levels.

Section 20.201 of 10 CFR Part 20 requires each1r ') 1 Qhcensee to make or cause to be made such surveys as B. DISCUSq@nO Li/

4 may be necessary for him to comply with the regulations

to of 10 CFR Part 20. " Survey" is defimd in that sectionC as an evaluation of the r:.diation hazards mcident to the

Since there is no requircment that packages contam-

h presence of radioactive matenals under a specific set ofing radioactive matenals be routmely momtored forleaks dunng transport, it is necessary that packages beP cked up expeditmusly and that the custence of a leakg

iO be detected rapidly (1) to nummve radiation exposure'l f fectm date, May 22,19'/


- USNRC RE GULATORY GUIDES c .a.we n. umeo m seo..vo* .a u 5 wo .

" * ' * ' * ' ' ' ' C'**'"'** * "h n gt a DC M A Do<..uas,c.o. e.m.s. .ao ......a.oi.ioin. e,ow ""**. .. ..o. .u . . .e.. i . . a. p. a c .i . n o* .- oi...a i.a a .< t.c p.,, . .e i n.

c.......a...,s...oa. t o a.i.a. . . i.cna.go.. . 4 o , i n. . .n ,a .w. . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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c .a . . a . e s. o , c < a.. ... ao, . 6.i.e ... .. .e s.o.a. .ae c o, ,m, % , , , , , ,

... a a.- . . a o. ,.. ..,.o u .. n o . .a o .aivoc a. o n...a. e,c- iao.. ..i ov e .a , % %% , y ,,

r . . .. o.. . .n o. ., < . . . o . ., , w . , ,, . 4. . m .. . . i o . ,* . v .a o m e . r .. .. . . i . 3 g, g %,, g ,_ ,om ,,y,

, n. .n . .a c . .. m a. .a . a c . .. . p .. . . .< i.: .a .. s , i a . c o - . . . .o a , g,,_,,,,,gg,, , g,,,,,,,,,,,,

c o - - . . . .a . .. n . .. . a. e oc ,ay......a.. .. is... .o......acoo....e 5 u ...r.... .ae r *.ai P oi .c no a 50 c .a .. .'

.t .si t meg .a d g oe d., w.41 b. .. ve. 4 .. .p p r ope ..t. to .( t orrbf Ph04. . C O(Opa.. Of pwbh.h.4 guide m .T b. Obi .*a.d b y WHITea . .q ue. f RadM .9 erb $ t h.

syi.a f . .a d .O p.fl.(t ge f aerrn.s .ca Of . e p.. at . HO Wr . w . f ( Omaagat s g,n

th. goede i f e.a .e s. d m et h*a .bo vi .e. mor th. .ft.P st. e. . WW li b. p.s day,.%a. t o sk. U s .ewt i , R.g a.e,,y c ommis. c * Wr..heagt a OCM A rt.atega Dog.c ig. Of f.4. .f $9.end eedg pm.att .t W . y w ..f ul m .w .tv .E m g t h. a..d 90.*.,..O#.



of transport personnel and licensee personnel, (2) to complymg with the package pickup and monitonngmmirrure the sprcad of contammation, (3) to aUow requirements of paragraphs (a), t b), and (c) of g 20.205.Identification of personnel, vehicles, property, and facili-ties that have been exposed or contar mated dunngtransport, expediting remedial action, (4) to minimize D. IMPLEMENTATIONthe time a package is in a carner's facihty and thussubject to accidents, and (5):o obtain evidence of a leakin a package other than the package being monitored. The purpose of this section is to provide information

to applicants and hcersees regarding the st:ft's plans forLicensees receiving packages contuning radioactise utilizing this regulatory guide.

matenal have the responsibihty to expeditiously pick upthe packages at carner's terminals and to menitor thepackage's external surfaces for radioactive contamma. Effective on publication of this guide, the methodtion or excessive radiation levels, as well as to notify the descnbed herein w1!! be considered acceptable by the

debyenng carner and NRC immediately if external Commission's staff m assessmg licensees' performance

radiation or radioactise contamination in excess of that with respect to picking up snd receiving packages ofspecified is detected. radioactive matenal from carrier operations. Alternative

me th ods that satisfy the requirements tn theAnnex 1 to this docume;it contains a discussion * of Conimission's regulations will also be considered

the requirements of @ 20.205 to assist hcensees in acceptable.

under:tandmg and complying with the regulatoryrequireme nts.

* This d ncussion ts also contained in a document entitledC. REGULATORY POSITION " Procedures for Picking t'p and Recemng Packages of Radio-

active Mate n al,' W ASil 1313. June 1974. Copies may twbrained fr m the N a ti nal Technical Information service.

The Euidance contained in the NRC document, United Sutes Depaitment of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal" Procedures for Picking Up and Receiving Packages of Road, spnngfield, Va. 22151, at a pnce of 14.00 for a puntedRadioactive Matenal" constitutes an adequate basis for copy and $1.45 for , microficne copy.



158 2207.3 2


e .



INTRODUCTION reim< a htensee w h. > c s pe c t s to resene a pt kacewntamme radu it t n e "utenal u. cuew of 'l > pe A

The reculations of both the NRC and the Deputment knute to arrange to reten. th< Fake when it isof Iransporta mn IDOT ) prmide package design stand- of fered f or deinery at hn taahty hy the cainer or. if ther

to be p:cked up by the consienee at theards and prouuoris f or testmg pamkages pnor t ' ship- package is

ment to reduce to a nummum the shances of leakage carncis f aality. tu arrange :a he nontied by the carnerJanne t ran spor t Under the present r e gula tio n s. of the arrnal of the paska; at the time of its arrnal Ahoweser, <arners are n ot required to hase radution- hsensee who paks up a patkage of radmactne matenalmmutonne tapabattes T herefore. the enhest op, srtu- trom a carner's taahty n re<pned to do so ex ped enir) 14 ) r miinit tiring (i e.. the first time package. in tiou s!) . L icen,ees are f urther remitred to monittir. asroutme tunmortatn>n shannels are m 11 e hands of soen as practiaNe atter ret eipt and withm spesihedpersons equipped and tramed m rad:ation momtonng)is time hmit s. the ex tern al wt as s <t mtam pt kres of

at the conugnee's plant raJioactn e matena! f or rado. u m mt c ai anJ

tot external radutmn lesch it per th o a y s :!mdT he rewrd mer the past 25 ) ears m the tunsporta- amoun t t t ontanunation or a m iNa u hanon lesels is

tion of radmactne matenals shows that proceJures to detect.d. tne h ensee is required to munediately reportcontrol leakne tru m p.Lkaecs cont unmg radioactne that fact to the final delnenng carner and to the NRCmatenals base been highly ef f ectne. In the shipment ofmt hons of packages between the 1940's and early 1974 The requuement that paskages be monitored ononly about im or so containers ne know n to have receipt prosides a positne means for detecting anyleaked sigm th an t radutmn lesel or leakage from packages,

substantutes me remord of no leakage. and proudes data

Althouth m some of these incidents accident conde that can be a basis f or chancer m specific desmns that

tions caused tadure of contamers. ses e ral failures would turther redu; the thance et high rad.iti n Pvehoccurre d m the absense of an accident In a few cases mwhich there was no appa ent evidence of damage or


leakage, there was considerable spread of contammation .W hether the quantity of a radionut hJe euced s T y pe A hmitsbecause the leakaze went undetected for some t:me ma c de determined as touow s The T y pe A quantity bmitsAlso, in sescral cases excessne external radiation levels Mer for cirht transport groups of radionathdes d nulosure BL

were measured on a packge on receipt. makmg it neteuar to know w hat transport groupt u one ormore radMsotopes a m Rado:nushJes are. m general amgnedto tra nsport troups a. ,1 mg ta th eir radic t o u,. it) bec

Af ter or r such contammation mcident the Natmna.1 I n,.losure Al T he most raJietouc sut h as the notopet ofTranmortat.on Saf ety Board report of its insestigation pluionium, are in Group a with a 1> pe A hmit of 1 mdhcune.noted that celay s in pa kup. momtoni.e and reportmg Group 11. whah m Judes radionut bdes w it h ra kt oucity

ecntnhuted o the spreaJ of contamination. The NTSB equnatent to that of stronnum 9d and banum-133. has a T > pe Ahma of W mhum Group UL w hnh mJuh radionuthdes

report poin!+ d out th at N)T authonty does not extend wnh touuty equnalent to many tornmenh used notopes suGto the cor stinee of a shipment of radioactne matenals e tenum-144. t cuum 137. iodme 131. and thatham 204, has a


and recom nended thr the Commission im pose 3 Ty pe A hmd of 3 cunes Group lV. w th h tontams commonlyt hromum-51. (obalt-5 8. Fold-19 8.requirement that huensees fromptly pl .k up and morn- use d isu t u re s su h as

moh tJen um +>, an d tec h netiumW9. h as a f > pe A hrrut of 20tor paskaces <f radionine mat e nals if the t) pe

t u nes (;r6 iu ps V through \ ll an: specialtied groups includmg.n s t M e d in t,iat im iu,e n! inert gases such as kry pton in unt amprewd torm and matenals.

n iz.w-hazard form suth as tritism til 3) as a cas or luminousDc!ay m reponinc of leakmg packaces by consignees, pa2 n t

either as a result < >f delas s in tr.insperting a package toud orm" i n I ndosure bi n a spesiahied group whhh

the imwnee or delJ); m hh rec oni/ing that a "ackage appha to many ma'enah th at are either m s ihd. nond npersible- '

cam mn tintnbute t() the spread id radioactive form or m a t ap s ule th at w ill re t a in its t on te n t s underun uth' and t<i it s mnomim and radiolog) cal prestnhed onditions, the l y pe A hmit f or a radioisotope ir

repiirting or f ailure to report spo ial form n 20 ( i as compred w ith a vanety of T y pt 4< W ae p e' s e s Deln s inhmas ter ra&amtopes not in spmal f annes mne ra hation les els ma) make it imposilble or

mere dd:hult to auss arid deal with any oserexposures If the ra dion uc hJe e s pec ted to ac re cived n krsow n, itstransport group can be found in the hst in i ntiosure A. and the

d ## '" M'MAm adments to i 20 20( "Protedares f or pi king D P" ^ h"R" ' '" D', n ( r"e p r*no *u t e d he reof 10 (I l% n . in I ndow n: B forap ret en a anJ openmg packagesf of the (,.>mrnis tammi f rom t h ,s. it t an be determmed w hether thesm is ruubtmns in 10 CFR Part 20. " Standards for especrea pu kge t enren ts w m be m e u cu of the T y pe AProtes tmn Aamst Radutmn.' that hase been adopted hmas

158 221m


. .-

or leakage occurnng These requirements are directed potential a:cidents in the carner's facility; i e , thetoward the control of (1) radiatien exposure and (7) longer the package remams at th, carnar's facdit) andspread of raloactne contammation from packa;ei of the more times it is handled, the greater the chance ofitsradmactne matenal m transpon. mvohement m an acc: dent.

EcJituus movement to the consignee, combmedwith the momtonng r quired by paiagraphs 20.205(b)

DISCUSSION OF REQUIREMENTS and 20205(c) discussed below, prondes the means fortimely detection of any leaking package er otherwise

1. Arrangements for Receipt or Notification of Package unsafe package. The sooner J-'ection and reporungAmval occur, the more timely can be the remedial action to

reduce the consequences of an unsafe package havmgThere has been concern that, m the absence of a been m the transport system.

requirement for facihtatmg the transfer between canierand consignee, a package recened alter ncrmal workmg 3. Prompt Mordtoring of Packageshours on Fnday might remam in the carner's termmalover the weekend because of the carner's inabdity to SigmGuant contammation on the external surfaces ofdehver to or esen to notify the hcensee. Thus, @ a pahage may hase been caused by leakaze of either:0205(a) of 10 CCR Part 20 is intended to ensure that that oackage or another package sto'wed w[th it dunngthe transfer of a package with greater than Type A transportation Wlucheser the source, such contamma-quantity of radmactive matenal from a carner to a tmn may have been spread m the carner's vehicles andbeensee is not delayed on that account. A pnmary facihties to cther packages in the same transportationpurpose of this regulation is to minmuze the time these system. Prorrpt momtonng of packages on receipt bypackages spend in the carner's termmal so that packages the consignet and immediate reporting of any evidencewith a relatively lugh potential leak hazard may be of sigmficant contammation on the outside of a packagemonitored for external contammation within a reason- wfl permit the carner to identify the vehicles, facihties,ably short time after transportation. goods, and property mvolved which might also be

contaminated. If there is evidence that persons may have2. Expeditious Pickup of Packages received sigmficant radiatwn doses (more than 500

mrem, m most cases, would be considered a significantThe provisions of the regulations are mtended to dose),it is essential that action be mitiated at the earhest

ensure that a package contaming radioactive matenals is possible time after exposure so that the exposuretransferred from the carner system to the consignee with conditmns can be reconstructed, doses can be estimated,

a mmimum of delay. Most packages are debsered persons with significant exposures can be identified anddirectly to the consignee's facihty, frequently by a local nonfied, and appropnate actior can be taken to collectdehvery service or second carrier. These packages must biolopeal samples or to provide medical treatmentbe dehvered "without un necessary delay' ( see, for where indicatedexample,49 CFR Part 177, s 177.853 of the regulationsof the Department of Transportation). It is important to momtor for high radiation levels

and for evidence of contammation on both extemal andWhen the routmg papers for a package of radioactise internal <urfaces of each package to avoid unnecessary

matenals arnving at the carner's terminal facihty desig- exposure ' personnel and spread of contammation mnate that the package will be picked up at that facdity the consignee s .Nihty. If a speci6cd amount of externalby the consignee, the carner has the responsi5thty of con tarrina tion is found on a package, the situationpromptly notifying the consignee that the package is should be treated as though that package were !eakmg.available to be picked up. The new paragraph 20.205(a) even though the contamination may have come fromof 10 CFR Part 20 imposes a requireme e on the another package. For pre ection of the personnel andr

consignee to pick up such package expedincusly af ter | of the c,nsignt e, the package should bebeing notified by the carner of its arnval. 'solatra, and radiolagically tuined personnel should be

askec. to assist. Fenons who have come in contact w,thExpeditious movement of a radioactne matenal the package should be detamed unti! momtored and

package from a carner's terminat facihty to the con- re: eased by trained personnelsignee reduces the amount of radiation exposure oftransport workers. In cases where the packages are held Many asers of radioactive matenal follow the procem areas occupied by the carner's employees, radiatwn dure o f thoroughly momtonng each package beforeexposure is directly related to the time the package is bn wr g it mside the laboratory, hospital, or plant. Goodheld at the terminal Also. delays m pickup may result in h e ilt's physhs practice dictates tha: each package beextra package handhng by camer personnel and thus m) atured mside and out while it is bemg opened andaddition ' rad:ation expo ure Fydmous pickup also b> fore the pat kagmg or the contents are moved awayreduces the renod of exposure of the package to rom the unpackmg location

158 2227u


4 Immedute brification packap would not be se n t tr o.- te onptsatny sarnerterminal to arrne at r.) i dh e r 1me In tius c ase, t he

1 h:ch ,s h r a d.a n. " d we ra te s de t':J en wr. a g - w N lxeJ t. ae tam the s apabihty toi .o


2 . m., '(: e'ht: re th d Ohl | 'per".'r TCs Cn C re 'i!'h a l l - i' tt ri . c;s e t!.e [L L, F ( depen dmgE !! fre 6,n w hethe r p i t.p, s ,' !) . ;> J: og n h. a r so'' amt |1' g ,'

rim 5 ;2 i m ali: !! In a!c e x c s ,:s e s ! smin a when phknp b ' '. e n J ! H tes '' If 4 s arners

a r- t stemt artse t i t no re Wan 0 U! ten: mi o.'r. o , a s, - k and t!erei,,

nt i is !, ' t 1. N R( r.J ik n er w h . las' iud are n > restrhto f s i n w| ia,rtuA ; i.uc mayin t w m the pa h J.c ' must bC rph! cd i ".n"Jdiarch arrn e, t he conv ,' t e a pa' ty G JJ Fe .yua4 opero'

ended, so that whtneser ib pi i .e artnes at the

urrier terrnmal tuihn, the anv ae n namble tof HOCtiDURES enter pu k it up i * rc :1.

1. Procedurvs for Recening Padnes or Miification of in sanmury . the wan, ner :s whuh tb onsynetheir Amial

should make to - enc - c t kace a non!n ahon ih.O apaikan he bt. cri ret e ne d at the tar riet h f a. i!it y depen d

ime 'he requ,rcr ent t i ' sene px kar ; n:le ,

In part I'n w In th pJ,up fe h !!sels it i 1.c, . .

1.' n L tb :n up expeditnwh ha . two aspects (a) who' reCelsed at th; 'crn ,J .a' r ts [it) } |:e atlange-d,'Ai! : ke ' u rents an ' ( N w hat a r r an gemen t s ine n ts sh('J,u, pn4LM lea.

i .r . J .H u !hJ! t he D:"

,Ih '. a .! ? w ug be u, u n o, . ,ns.

' ca oc, ,

s tin tainin g Till tr" t h an a l ) ,= h 2;rs t I ra 1 sactne, ,a Re km lh d !' , liir Al ra'lgC r en t s (If n w ik !nees nutenah f rom the urr 't: 4: .mw hii e \ pes t to t eJelke quJntitles ''l radl''as tn e inateridm excess of 13 pe A quantities must make arangements .. bpeditious I,ickup of Pad am,

pu kue or not:ticatmn of its arrnd at thete mene -

< arner 's f aci:its ln $ , M,5 of I U, ( = f N Pa rt _U. Sc w<1d ''c Miede,J

n ous!) ' relaine to ' uku np rnke ,atth a mc rir

h Arrmaements f or Receipt or PN kup of Packages laul|1!y ik n''t (,e|U :d. j e r r ,t tin t, J tib!:!I s i n n. ,,i s i .' u a,,



When ir n determined that arrangeinerits it>r receipt orsituations In the ti l w aa rude!n?pwkup of ra.kages must be maje the arrancements are a n mm" ,e r e n u.tion of the rqunen 'er expe w, A %.u, 1

: d 'rla r d s Etern|Ined b) tb rtiutine te tht expected. , paCkJf 5 aa ept ahi 'l t;m N N(- stf! a l' Ni

@;M u 'ht w m kin g hours et the t m al deinenng.rne id urancements the conwee hn made withhe sup; a i of th. radMJCin C TnJtenal h0 II kU UI d Il '- ~ ''^ '4 UJi'hIUC'

mat enal shouh! be .m on 3hel a3 s n as p a. n u b ieln (L m p.e s t a the hsensee wnsignee and 1:n after re,.e n m e nohh.a b ', 9, .c'< mu tbc

ur ;ter urce on a shipment tune f or the uJioactne packap is auda+n.atena! that wii! rest in its annmp danng nonn2woding hours < t the normal w orkweek If the suppher a H notice :s prw P ' hnny the normal w or kd.a.<!ctenann that this can be aaomphshed with a reasor' pakup should be o q m j th sr : day it pumnabL. Jenee of sertamt) and ances to it. the consignee cable, w,thm tw o or thre > as

neee t'n!) mintairl his abdit) 1.) recene packages dunr;ghn normal workmg haurs.if routme shipments arnve on b. When nothatun ry th- umer omu s after

normd workmg ho as a- it is rn ' prac ha+ to p..ka't !ar h he 13!t t h s s a ri he taken mn, Asunt in

run inc f or the s ara';ihty to res.ene . otihcation of th up or to arrane ior ; < L < f a pa. k y m a same R'

3 allahi it) t'l P L kJgeN Ilir ph kup 1'r In arratiglry tt) IaCiIl!) that s3*ne d r. Il L J p d P 1u!'i be J.. s t M ' 4' hed asi es en e mkagn w!en deinered it the suppher and early as pomble tH Au' o rg ih re a dutm,'

aronge t ut the mmignee w ill rak up a tion can N m#ie ht. a p akay of udmatnew rmig' '

pL kap at t!.; airp dt tir at Wme tither tinal delnenng 'nJt'n d a tt I '; [ n \s .!:1) * ;! I. :Is iLie! pt critid

c"cri te:muuh ti e mnse c shou!J numtain. danng a pe y J. C O > min) ed'rth'

norm d workm ' houn. the ab:hty to be notined by the caoos n e ne 'o ' l u h%tn :. e

. amer an ! to p k up the pas k age .n d , ' me wnn a qua nty yxa:er th mly; \ wtth 's g- He ;. nnai her N t r , l y y ij

.\ rl . t s t'i .i[!!J ar|'d t aV wlGJId k an .irrangement paJ Mi 13 Ill It a L{" I!;1It '!i''J}) be#

he r w eer m m rpher .m d t h h crocewns:gnee that maJe to taic p- mem 2 i t e ' > th eu ~ t aat a pukupd!i'w s shi'' nen t and arrlVd at a;is ti'; e tir jt J specihi tapah!!!) 'ht bi l h '.! <m w ee Lel.js, htdtda) s'


InF e IU i' d a r;r.g n(irmM w i'r ku i b @s |M thn sase, the an d other dJy s ' hat U' i 'Iniv nalAi kn O s Phkupwt'fking hi Jrs '11 the Carr er af li's termlr:M !A lhties P| 3 l) pe A i' t k J. with . ' U b a! I: ddr j


w ' JI.} f n flne r tI L rc j J1ied r Tgrat). gg by th; ci n- and {c C73||) | w~r cg!c7pr y31 ysei, _3r ee F

It r!, o ner ternunai :s < fen ' !) f rem 5 03 post por.ed ur to n ~str. J w m an T yp A ando "

the Jn per week. fm exampL. !b l y pt li J ew m r Led on thei: *1 'fu$ n r e s x!'1 e

158 223m


atsW J mm pnocs ante q uJoactne Any remasaHe radica;tne centammanen feund needtv < < n?' be repc!!ed imme& ate |) if the aserage* amaunt of

raleactne antammanen as measured on the wipingmatena does not ex;eed 0 01 4 (22.000 ismiegra-

2tiens per mmute) per 100 cm of pas kae surface area3 %nnon n,. e f Pad un momtared

v i st ue ' de:cr one the external The phrase "as saen as pra;t:caHe" as it relates to. ,

seJe @mg due:t rnomtonng of packages a!so should be apphed witharc i sr - , 1

roar n el atsde the pac k:ge Ceubihty The conugnee who picks up a pa.kage at the+ -er.}., m susts, eto e miom e requnement m cener's facihty rn a y choose to muni+or the pa;kage,

utf ent te 'nak e cursar) whde he is it the carnar s fa ili*) Ihat w uld < ertam!)prac _n.. .s'

.d enh pniue (1) at : ' sana e and (:) at be "as scan as practicable ' How eser the apphcatien ot,e

+t n u kag- w:" a GeicerSbd!er dete, tor 7s soon as practicable to momtymg of ra kase$ b)+

i 3 .t o r rte suh ts A!vm'um-25 of wnsicnees non'ulb wdl be deterrn ned m relatien to thetime hhen the pa[kage arrnes at the consignee > ta,dity,n . r.t ame d m the po kage. In,

enma, a neu'r A . tor Omu!J a!v be used) If whether deinered there by a cuner er brought there byo encah raduten Incis wd! below 10 the censignee: n a-

tt and w e!! below 200 mrem per< - o at s

. ur a na enacc sunt . it n unnn essary to make a a If the package arrnes at the consignee's taahtyn. .r e t ded um - Gunng a normal workday, it should be momtored the

same day - if practicaHe. withm an hour or two ofreceipt. In any case. It n required that the package be

un sm n m h ates more than 10 moratored withm 3 hours Bec au se of the very lo w'

e n, m , pn kage, or more than probabihty that any indnidual pn kag will be found toy., Fr at the p u iage surtne a more carcful be contammateJ. it is not arnidered r etessey to detam.

o tL le M s is necessary f or the more the carner who deiners a px kage until a p,wkage nmo, ut

n m cas :re ntt the pn-kage bemp momtored monitored, unle;s the pu kage n damaged or showsc el t o , 4 ether pxiares It the packages evidence of leakmg The name of the Jelnermg carnerJ: s

, ; s an .n w here the bn kcrourJ lesel of radiation should be kept asadable untd the pAkage has beenr ,

Js ',w ami rdainely wnstant, u might be momtored howes er. smce this carrier must be notitiedme1 aner pas kages aw ay trum the m the esent sigmtkant external wntanunation r f ounJ,


oe Mc es ternM radution lesels. Themm s

f ase i. i 'caWE' ! 11) at [ht >urtase (i e., by b it J paCkJg" n reCened at the (ilnsigDee'> tJsl!il)n phy saally possihe to after normal workmg hours and it is not pra.ucable toetc.t a.Js as,a , 1

a L e, w hhh w Nld be hase the package momtored the day of reteipt, them ;i sm!n ' !L i

g i a s an han ' et. tor cumple. between heat momtonng s!.ould be accomphshed a3 earb as possible* 'm the surface. An the following morning in any case. the package must beraa f.n i md t) 3 ft .

apro pnate t,, of sunn mst rumen t. properly all- nionitored within t h hours af ter receiptac sh alj N uscJ. and the radiation ;esels at the

the sartne m aH dnections f romin and tt' +ss

6 m n kag A id be au uratd> ineasu ed The radia- 4 Immediate Notificationta o ch a put iit niidme tunes and t!.e degree ofaauua at the measuren ents should ie recorded These if external radiation or radioactae wntammation"redt- %AJ be pouJcJ to the carn r and the NRC as in excess of that specified is detecteJ cn a paskage the

that dosage cakulations can be recipient must immediately notif y the deinenng carner,<, a, aM m

R J" i e the last carner known to base handled the shipmentbef ore the consignee took pm -sion of i' Ihn evner isnormally identitied on the . bi:1 l his notiiicationto the carner should be immt ' n. as soon asapa kac vr n tern A surtase mntann.M '


I.a' ' ei ll.; es a t w i Ate p J'; < d1re } '| rs t , a p(Mbe. alter makmg sure tha. .ig - acuin levels J<imnt or that the pnkage is t-tufh .ntammated | his

* i; * nh one or more representatne sestions'

''tif CJtion normMI) n h) te|e p hi me (je < 3 3;e the'l'' !A I the pA kJRe Ihe Mipe test n! ''

other absorbentO- paper+L A, a u

' P "une ! nea l usuaHy about 100Jen d i a

m n !n mi .! 'h onka' vnf te, using strong * Ite oerne retm to the .ontammm ~n in m the sream areat m v .n J na e 'rbent rnatenal is mosed w nd M the Adnt Menal up t r 100s W and & n no'

, refer to the verue wnummanon oi uuinde w.pc s.unricst G fj af I't t2 !: iti ' i es el is aI ' )I Ilc aI

, me aN obent nuterui *q neh wen he o ,e permmea m u s m e .a wn', -.- . n

t s if e.] Al' _. pt:a'CI . a!| ra''' T !\ UNef !be N)f IU Ula l'nsis i

158 224m


cine arns i resronse ta such '; fu M and a re ora ,,t sun o r an n te p trcJ hy 10arte wu!d take o r

nmitisanon. the presence et high external radunon O R Pan 20. pancrap!. _ U N h o ta

lese!s or mitammation should be lehm'e!> contirmed' etore not:tisanon by <heckmg the operinon et the INSI RLS11 N1 A 1 ION

@ rnerunnt mstrument by thesimg the radunon meas-uren ents by rewipmp the paskar urtate by countmg If och beta or gamm raduto.n n uneSe i the tough

ac wah ah nger tune penod. or by whalese, other t anfirmt Jud ot external radutm:i ies ch can b- *h 4

to'n seems appornate f or the procedure Femi u'cJ Gei er-Mueber IGM) detes ti co m ter 11 simih antlesCls (! neutr(ms are pi m:l'! ? 'i s in Ih. < a se or a

poi. .m u m-ontammg c ihn m enn-2 5 2 orI)OI recu!st:or.s regure that tht canier nolate any packace s

eqmpment and ras .hties that have been m o ntact with berylha m or pl u t om s oberylnam sou rs es. a neutronthe contamm.u :d pa kar a.m th .t he nonfy both the detector 3ho"lJ N useit m a. hut.on 'o the GM trector.Depar tmen t of T rrgortanon at 20:4?NI CO .ind the anu the sum of the measa.ed IA sh.iuld be consideredcons:gnor t shipper) of the piekace lhe Dqartment at ir es aiuatme the bel at raJunonTransportat on will accqt this notiticauon at any hourof any day. dol then take the tninatne and, upon I or m.ue m urate d tem: nanons a GM detc< tor.determmmg whether widecreaJ contammanon is liich. ion t h.m%r. ss m tdbt mn lamb.n.s ' o tt:er acc u rateWdl wt'rl. with th< consignor and odier carrters lovelsed tallbralej mstrument apj ! inate f t r IIf ty pe anJ |cselsto tau w nat ut < i is neceuary to control th: spread of of radiation to be meaarce ' ,uld be m G ns Jctr

e t >P t al n ;n a t a .O aPd i pn7!!) deal with t[le stintaTnt- Ilon sb t'ukd bC /.D e n enf t|' i'C n d L1 s e. N ' 'IliCII) . afl did Ibc rCa Mo[3n3tr d setiliI' , t as l'tlek an d prUperi) . L'ther taJtors a!!C;tillp th' Js Jrat i

en: n acdobtamed with w h.oeser mm '

The a mpnate NRC Rec:onal Offis e (see 1 nJosure(1 k Rd be nontied bs the Ocensee to ensure that the Packar r a'fnes nomub aiccked f or contanuna-

Jew nbed abme Iheen ] a:r,er takes N res;u: red ac tion to unoke tte non by the _ ' est i s-

a measured withelm J N t" .snd I)Ol in the response to the UiCldent.and Ick c} oI Ci'IIIiW nhIhM1 ut t !: t wi tto prevW teshms a! adsice and assistanse where neces- apprornate radunon derectmo msnu: ents.sary ~Ihn nonficanon. a!so. wdi be a cepted at any hour

of a:n d n Instrumentanon needcJ te detect the levels of exter--

m ' 20 205 si, ou!d be03} con tJ r"!T Jti: m spea hedRI:COR DS readdy audaHe A : im wmi w GM &tector. ather m a

@.'portanle mom 1onne nutrun ent or uvd in corgunctmn

V. %) m detestac and reportmg h:gh external with a shieb!cd s >untmy t hamber. should be sufhcienta leakmc r Jouctne matenal pas kar m m st cas s t i monitor f or the les els ; f c ontanunanonrnh a n . .n !c u ! s ,

nas be mm rtant m t ii asseamp the radiation doses to speufied A s,m nHatmn w ell c ounter, imrmatly used topei N ( 2) t.tintrohmg thi $pread of ra }DQct|ve con- measure med|Ca! pat!Cnt t a r*lp! ? , wilu|d ;dso normallyr mmat:on. md < M hnutmp the cous m nme, money. be adequate to thn taa W hen external contammanona

and m;nrv of us conv:quences. It is suggested. but not can be determined at thoe le.cis on!v by the measure-Iegmred bs th0 f e p u ! .a n or' that a consn' nee's records ment of alph 4 radunim te r if th c on t armn an t ismd!;.it e w |4 0 h' w aa .lotified i>f th0 air b a} o! J p3c kace polomum-21ul mstrumentanon to detec t alpha Iadia-

DiikCd up and mD 'It') d incIudm@ tion is n ems M;, OntC th mstrumentJoun 3n d3rld w he it w a$

m yani ns * O Te lv ,n s t C i deb)sI!any |n r! s es e'lr a high procedures for nn mtonng a pas ke ' contaming specificd ? !c C t e i . r'. s ''r d 6 tiUld be radionuc|lde(s) aN estab!K!!cd. the rntmin>rity can belI J do !!iM1 |G e! i r !CJkal

sept m n r ms nenhed and I o 6 m unsanon. accomphshed by a person wuh a munmum amount ofladl() lit!ta! (tr m: mit orirlp t r a:iilni IberC dlilu}d, of

1 he i et man 2 pa<kaus a a ne essary course, be a tramed persen en cali to asmt if there is an.

wnt n er pn Wlu tris of 10 ('} R Part 20. unusua! Instrument resporb.4 ''

@ 158 22512



Transport Grouping of Radionuchdes(from 10 CFR Part 71, Appendix C)

n e ,n. n : ' n adion ode "' mu, o, men t - asunuu4"- (.coi.e t iem - med 9-i.m " c,On

Aiaraum 199) S c 2 21 I triJeum 8") ir190 IV 5t renhum ( 381 Sr $ $ m IVAc 7 2R I Ir I92 Ill Ss # 5 19Amergeum (915 Am24i ir194 lb %r 59 tile

Am 24 3 i fron vle) . Fe 59 IV Sr 90 ||Ane mon e ( $ 1 ) %h i22 IV Fe 99 14 Nr 91 til% 124 |Il As t rten ( 36) . Kr 8 9 m 111 Sr 9 2 IVW 12 $ .!! Ar 8 4 m luntom \ Sulph ur ll 6 l %r l1 IVAr g:,n ( 3 8 ) At 3? %I prene1)*- T ant arum I? )I T a 18 2 11 1Ar 4 i II At II S Ill I tc h nelium d e 31 Tc 96 m l%Ar d i t urum V As 8 5 t un( om 41 Tc 96 IVrressed ) * * preshed ) * IC 9'm Ibafgeme ( 3 3 ; As 71 1% At 8' II It 9' IVA3 94 14 hi 8 ' f un om % T c 49 rn 1%As 'k TN nresseJ ) * It 99 1%As ' ' 14 Lanteanum f 5 7) tal40 1% T ellurium l % 2, Te 12 9 m 14Aa'arine l a t ) At 211 Ill Leaj(42; Ph 20 1 lb f e IIT m 1%He rium d 5 6 ) Ha 131 lb Pb 210 || Te 12 7 lbBe 113 11 Pb212 11 Te 129 m tilha 140 ||1 Lutetium I? ll t u l'2 111 f e 129 IV

te r m eli um 19 9 ) hm 249 I tu''' ik le 13 3 m 111e

Herv lb um .41 He ' 1% Magnesium (12 l Us 2 R ill Te 132 IVtis m ur h d ' ); be206 1% Manganese ( 2 5 ) un 5; 1% T erhiern 46 5 ) T h 160 lilMe20' 111 Ma 54 l'' Th eih um f 81 ) Tl200 IVBi210 'l Mn 56 Tl201. Ib*He212 lil Merc mr>190) Hg 19 ' m 1% Tl 202 IVist imane ( )11 Isr 112 1% Hg19' lb T1204 lil( 4dmium t en t i J 109 f% Hg 201 IV T horium (90) Th 2 2 7 11tJl'5m lie Mi a * 1 haamri prod Il Th 225 i( o I|5 IV un AFP Th 2 30 1( aeoum (20) (a49 lb A4ot y ddenum I421 M. > 9 9 IV Th 211 iL a4' I ood y mium ( bol NJ14? 1% Th 2 3 2 til( af.formum (98 6 * f 244 I NJ 14 4 f% Ih 214 Il< f 2 50


* rr't umum f 911 Nr2i' I Th Nat urai ill( f 242,

Nr 2 39 1 T b ullurn 69 T m 16 8 Ill( at h,in t s> > 14 s k el ( 2 81 Ni sh Ill Tm 170 111i

t erium (12 s ( e let 1% Ni i d f4 i m 171 IVi e le 3 lb N. * 1 1% Tin 190) %n 113 lb( e 144 til Ni 6 % 1% sn 117 m lli( esa um ( 9 i e < s I 11 IS' N eobiu m e4II Nh 9Lm f% Nn i 2 I tili s I 14 m | Nb 9% 1% %e125s I 14 Nb 97 Ik T retium 11) Hi IVi

s1 e34 ( ss N I* i.% 1P4 1% H 3 f as a gaa es1 16 | . M 6 91 n .A lumanous reint neI l' ill i 191 i shorbed on s did(hlorre(i # i 1 36 118 ' es '

mater al) V ili 13R ' sh m i401 fJ'O' f ungsten 114) ' 181 lb( hromium ( 2 4 ) t il is Pd 10u 4 Ig5 (%i *6 || 1 ,%. st o- 3i P 12 t4 w 1R' 1yt obatt i2*p

< . 4* la at 'm i! o ei I91 1% I t aru ur". 4 2 2 30 'Io (R m Il 19 l '' 1 l% L ' * )] 15 a 54 1 PI 19 5 m 14 1 21) # F I il, Pt 19' n 1%e60 '2 14 11( errer 4 2 91 L u 64

|ll4 Pt 14 1% | 2651)3 !!!t urium f 96; a m 242 Iu rs 6 44 ' Pu 21. f I l l ( 2 )6 11a m 24) 6 u 2 49 f f ) I i ; la [Ili m 244 Pu 240 t I Nat ural ill( m 244 i Pu241(5, i U farishedfF) 1114 m 246 I l'u 2 4 2 l 1 16eptete J IllDs pprosium ( 66 3 li,154 1^ P. so r i um f B 41 ' i 2l0 1 % snaJrum (21) V 4R IVInv 16% IV Polanaeum g l 91 A 42 Ik V 49 ;11! ), 164 1% A 41 !!i % enon t 4 4 ) hr12$ IllIIN um 16 4) F r le9 lb Praedsr-nom (4 9) is 14 % b 8 31 m llile171 lb h 6 41 s% Ac 3 31 m VF urot%m f 6 )) tw 150 ||1 Pro m et hium 1618 Pm 14 7 Ik d um om pteued l * 'Fu 15 2 m ab Om 14 9 l% he 13 ) ligF u 19 2 111 P0 +tattens um 191) P3 230 i g,13 3 4|lu 194 11 Pa lit 1 4 uncompressed * *tu 144 !% Pa211 14 he 139 11Il ine (9 p F 1R 1% h aJr um i 2 8ll ka 2 2 3 Il Re 5 ki ajotanium f 641 aJl$1 lb ka224 li t uh ompreenedl *s .d 14 4 1% ka226 1 ilserhou rn 190 5 Yh I?% ik(.aih um 1311 a .3 6 7 'i[ ka 22N I iltream 4 39 6 i R4 tila a'2 1% 14 aJ.m 196 7 kn 20 l% Y 90 I4(,ermam um 4 3 2 i e'l is km il i 91 m lli(elJ('9I Au 14% lif R hen nam (141 Id e 8 8 3 IV V 95 113Au 194 ill be las 14 y g2 1%tu 195 Ill k e 19 9 IV T 93 IV4 u 196 1% ke IR A 1% / i ni 4 10s /n 65 lbAu 194 14 k e Natural l% In69m lbAu 144 (4 |d ho.1 am e 4 % p kh 16 ) m '% /n 69 l\Fia f ntum f ?2 ) Hr 141 14 k% i fi % IV /if rHum 140 p /r 91 lbIt'd mium 16 7) H + 166 1% isuheJeum i 17 kh A6 lb /r 99 IllHe dra gen f i j H l isee tratium i 1* P 4 ' I4 Ir 9' 1%lfid s urr- f 4 9# In | | 3 m 1% k b Nat ural l%

le o l4 m l li k uthenium d ee p ido v (%1 ri i l i m I% k u 10 * 1% * 4 toma number shown in parentheseslolit i% k u 10 % l\ ' t. n om pteued means af a pt ets" re ni eOdine ( $ 1, i 124 Ill Ru 166 lli g a ceedang one almospherei 124 ill %a re ariu m 16 2 > %m 14 5 Ill * * * 4 0 mu m eig h t shown s 't er t he radioI126 ill Sm 141 til nutl de s emhosI129 ill Nm lil 14 m Met ase shte st atei ! ll ill %m I " 4 lb ( F ) F #hstae malerisiI i 12 l% b an Jeum ( 21 ) NS 46 Ill| 43I I?! N6 4* l%i I34 1= %( 4A 3%i 13% lb Nc6cmum 414 i Ne ' 9 l%

Nahcon f 14 t % 11 1%Nilver f 4 ') Ag 109 lb

Ag 10 0 m 111Ag I I i 1%

%nh ,sm t I l i Na 22 111Na 24 1%

5,) S,



Exempt and Type A Quantity Limits(from amended s 20.205,10 CFR P;rt 20)

bExempt Type AQuantity Limit Quantity Limit

Transport Group' (m rmilicuries) (in curies)

1 0.01 0.00111 . 0.1 0.0501Ii 1 31V 1 20V 1 20VI 1 1000VII 25,000 1000Speaal Form 1 203

d Re de fin. tion of "tiansport group" n gnen m 'l 4 of 10 CFR Put 71. "Special form," also defined in s 714, means any of the fol-low t;.g phy sit al forms of i2cen,cd matenal of any transport group.

(1) The material is in wind form hanng no dimen< ion less than 0.5 mdhmeter or at least one dimension greater than five mtihmeters.does not me|t. subbme, or ignite in air at a tencerature of 1.000* F. will not shatter or crumble if sublected to the percussion testdesenbed below; and is not dissolved or converted into dispersible form to the extent of more than 0.005 percent by weight byimmeruon for I week in wa'er at 68' F or in an at 86' F. or

(2) The material is securely contajned m a capsule havmg no dimension less than 0.5 militmeter or at least one dtmenuon greater thanfive mdlimeters. which will retain its contents if subjected to the tests descnbed below and u hich is constructed of matenals which donot melt. subbme or irnite in an at 1,475" I and Jo not dnsolve or convert mto dispersible form to the extent of more than 0.005percent by weight by immeruon for I week m water at 68' F or in air at 86* l'.

(as I ree Drop - a free drop through a datanse of 30 feet unto a flat essentially unyielding honzental surface, stniang the surfacein such a position as to suffer maximum Jamage

(b) Percusuon - impact of the dat circulu cr.J of a 1-mch, diameter steel rod weighmg 3 pounds. dropped through a distance of40 inshet The capsule or matenal sha:1 be plased o ; a shtet of lead of hardness number 3.5 to 4.5 on the VKkers scale. and dot morethan 1 mch thick. supported by a smooth. essentiaBy unyiciding surface.

Ici lleating - heating m au ta a temperatare of 1.475* I and rematntng at that remperature for a penod of 10 mmutes.

(d) Immersion - immeruon for 24 hours in w. .t room temperature. The water shall be at pH 6-8, with a maumumconductivity of 10 micrombos per cenameter

b Paskages containmc a quantity of radioactne matena! not exceedmg the pertment exempt quantity need not be monitored under theprosisions of ; 20.205.

@158 227





TelephoneRepon Address"

Day time Nignts andliolidays


Connecticut, Delaware, Distnet Repon I, Office of Inspection 215 337 1150 215-337-1150of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, and Enforcement, USNRC,Massachusetts, New llampshire, 631 Park Avenue, KingNew Jersey, New York, of Prussia, PennsylvaniaPennsylvania, Rhode Island, 19406and Vermont

!!Alabama, Flonda, Georpa, Repon II, Of fice of Inspection 4tM-526-4503 404 5264 503Kentucky, Mississippi, North and Enforcement, USNRC,Carolina, Panama Canal Zone, Suite 818. 230 PeachtreePuerto Rico, South Carohna, St. NW., Atlanta, GeorpaTennessee, Virpma Virpn 30303islands, ar d West Virprua

Illllhn ois, In d.ana, Io w a, Repon 111, Office of Inspection 312 858-2660 312 739-7711Mahigan, Minnesota, and Enforcement, USNRC,Missoun, Ohio, and 799 Roosevelt Road,

Wisconsin Glen Elly n, !!hnois 60137

IVAr kansas, Colorado, l daho, Region IV,0ffice of Inspection 817-334-2841 817-334-2841Kansas, lauisiana, Montana, and Enforcement, USNRC,Nebraska, New Mexico, 611 Ryan Plaza Dnve,Not th Dakota, Oklahoma, Suite 1000,Sooth Dakota, Texas, Arlington.lexas 76012Utah, and Wyoming

VAlaska, Arizona, California. Repon V, Office of Inspection 415 486-3141 415 2734 237Ila waii. Nevada. Oregon, and Enforcement USNRC,Washmgton, and U.S. Suite 202,1990 N. Californiaterntones and possessions Blvd., Walnut Creek Plaza,in the Pacific Walnut Creek, Cahfornis 94596

9158 228uio


_ _ . _


W ASHINGTON. D. C. 20555 POST Aot ,sNo Pets PAlo 4-m enU"'Ts o st ate s ave t s aa

CPPICIAL SUSINESS " "" "" ' " " ' ' ' ' * { JPENALTY POR PRIV ATE USR,6300


9158 229

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