Page 1: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

Package ‘rportfolios’February 15, 2013

Version 1.0

Date 2010-11-23

Author Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

Maintainer Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

Depends R (>= 2.0.1)

Description A collection of utility functions to generate varioustypes of random portfolios. The weights of these portfoliosare random variables derived from uniformly distributed random variables

Title Random portfolio generation

License GPL (>= 2)

Repository CRAN

Date/Publication 2012-01-06 06:14:13

NeedsCompilation no

R topics documented:ractive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2ractive.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7random.equal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8random.equal.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9random.general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10random.general.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12random.longonly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14random.longonly.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15random.longshort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17random.longshort.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18random.shortonly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


Page 2: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

2 ractive

random.shortonly.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21requal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22requal.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23rgeneral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25rgeneral.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26rlongonly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28rlongonly.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29rlongshort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31rlongshort.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32rshortonly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33rshortonly.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Index 36

ractive Generate random active portfolios


This function generates m random actively managed portfolios relative to a given benchmark port-folio. Each portfolio is the combination of a benchmark portfolio and a notional neutral long shortportfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long shortportfolios is k.


ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b), max.iter = 2000, eps = 0.001)


m A positive integer value for the number of portfolios in the sample

x.b A numeric vector with the investment weights in the benchmark portfolio

x.g A positive numeric value for the gross notional exposure in the long short port-folio

k A positive integer value for the number of non zero positions in the long shortportfolio

max.iter A positive integer value for the maximum iterations for the long short portfolio

eps A small positive real value for the convergence criteria for the gross notionalexposure


The function executes the function using the R function sapply. The result returnedis the transpose of the matrix generated in the previous step.

Page 3: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

ractive.test 3


A numeric m × n matrix. The rows are the portfolios and the columns are the investment weightsfor each portfolio


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


Grinold, R. C. and R. H. Kahn, 1999. Active Portfolio Management: Quantitative Approach forProviding Superior Returns and Controlling Risk, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

Qian, E. E., R. H. Hua and E. H. Sorensen, 2007. Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management,Chapman \& Hall, London, UK.

Scherer, B., 2007. Portfolio Construction and Risk Budgeting, Third Edition, Risk Books, London,UK.

See Also


###### benchmark consists of 20 equally weighted investments###x.b <- rep( 1, 30 ) / 30###### the gross notional exposure of the long short portfolio is a benchmark weight###x.g <- 1 / 30###### generate 100 random active portfolios with 30 non zero positions in the long short portfolios###x.matrix <- ractive( 100, x.b, x.g )###### generate 100 random active portfolios with 10 non zero positions in the long short portfolios###y.matrix <- ractive( 100, x.b, x.g, 10 )

ractive.test Generate random active portfolios

Page 4: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

4 ractive.test


This function generates m random actively managed portfolios relative to a given benchmark port-folio. Each portfolio is the combination of a benchmark portfolio and a notional neutral long shortportfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long shortportfolios is k. The function is used to evaluate the performance of the portfolio generation algo-rithm.


ractive.test(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b), max.iter = 2000, eps = 0.001)


m A positive integer value for the number of portfolios in the samplex.b A numeric vector with the investment weights in the benchmark portfoliox.g A positive numeric value for the gross notional exposure in the long short port-

foliosk A positive integer value for the number of non zero positions in the long short

portfoliosmax.iter A positive integer value for the maximum iterations for the long short portfolioseps A small positive real value for the convergence criteria for the gross notional

exposure of the long short portfolios


The function executes the function using the R function lapply. The resultwhich is a list contains the investment weight vectors and number of iterations. Thse data are storedin a matrix of investment weights and a vector of iterations. These arrays are returned as a list.


A list with two named components.

xmatrix A numerical m× n matrix of investment weightsiters An m×1 integer vector for the number of iterations used to obtain the investment

weights for each portfolio


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


Grinold, R. C. and R. H. Kahn, 1999. Active Portfolio Management: Quantitative Approach forProviding Superior Returns and Controlling Risk, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.Qian, E. E., R. H. Hua and E. H. Sorensen, 2007. Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management,Chapman \& Hall, London, UK.Scherer, B., 2007. Portfolio Construction and Risk Budgeting, Third Edition, Risk Books, London,UK.

Page 5: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b), 5

See Also


###### the benchmark portfolios consists of 30 equally weighted investments###x.b <- rep( 1, 30 ) / 30###### the gross notional exposure of the long short portfolio is a benchmark weight###x.g <- 1/30###### generate 100 active portfolios with 30 non zero positions in the long short portolios###x.result <- ractive.test( 100, x.b, x.g )###### generate 100 active portfolios with 10 non zero positions in the long short portfolios###y.result <- ractive.test( 100, x.b, x.g, 10 ) Random actively managed portfolio


This function generates an actively managed random portfolio relative to a given benchmark port-folio. The active portfolio is the sum of the benchmark portfolio and a notional neutral long shortportfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long shortportfolio is k.

Usage, x.g, k = length( x.b ), max.iter = 2000, eps = 0.001)


x.b A numeric vector with the investment weights in the benchmark portfolio

x.g A positive numeric value for the gross notional exposure in the long short port-folio

k A positive integer value for the number of non zero positions in the long shortportfolio

max.iter A positive integer value for the maximum iterations for the long short portfolio

eps A small positive real value for the convergence criteria for the gross notionalexposure

Page 6: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),



The algorithm uses the function random.longshort to generate long portfolios that have identicaltotal long and short exposures equal to one half the given gross notional exposure x.g. The resultantportfolio is algebraically added to the benchmark portfolio x.b.


An n× 1 numeric vector with the investment weights.


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


Jacobs, B. I. and K. N. Levy, 1997. The Long and Short of Long-Short Investing, Journal ofInvesting, Spring 1997, 73-86.

Jacobs, B. I., K. N. Levy and H. M. Markowitz, 2005. Portfolio Optimization with Factors, Scenar-ios and Realist Short Positions, Operations Research, July/August 2005, 586-599.

See Also



###### the benchmark portfolios consists of 30 equally weighted investments###x.b <- rep( 1, 30 ) / 30###### the gross notional exposure of the long short portfolio is a benchmark weight###x.g <- 1 / 30###### generate 100 active portfolios with 30 non zero positions in the long short portolios###x <- x.b, x.g )###### generate 100 active portfolios with 10 non zero positions in the long short portolios###y <- x.b, x.g, 10 )

Page 7: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b), 7 Random actively managed portfolio


This function generates an actively managed random portfolio relative to a given benchmark port-folio. The active portfolio is the sum of the benchmark portfolio and a notional neutral long shortportfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long shortportfolio is k. The function is used to evaluate the performance of the portfolio generation algo-rithm.

Usage, x.g, k = length(x.b), max.iter = 2000, eps = 0.001)


x.b A numeric vector with the investment weights in the benchmark portfolio

x.g A positive numeric value for the gross notional exposure in the long short port-folio

k A positive integer value for the number of non zero positions in the long shortportfolio

max.iter A positive integer value for the maximum iterations for generating the long shortportfolio

eps A small positive real value for the convergence criteria for the gross notionalexposure


The algorithm uses the function random.longshort.test to generate long portfolios that haveidentical total long and short exposures equal to one half the given gross notional exposure x.g.The resultant portfolio is algebraically added to the benchmark portfolio x.b.


A list with two named components.

x An n× 1 numerical vector of investment weights

iter An integer value for the number of iterations used to obtain the investmentweights


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

Page 8: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

8 random.equal


Grinold, R. C. and R. H. Kahn, 1999. Active Portfolio Management: Quantitative Approach forProviding Superior Returns and Controlling Risk, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

Qian, E. E., R. H. Hua and E. H. Sorensen, 2007. Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management,Chapman \& Hall, London, UK.

Scherer, B., 2007. Portfolio Construction and Risk Budgeting, Third Edition, Risk Books, London,UK.

See Also



###### benchmark consists of 20 equally weighted investments###x.b <- rep( 1, 30 ) / 30###### gross notion exposure is one of the investment weights###x.g <- 1 / 30###### generate 100 active portfolios with 30 non zero positions in the long short portfolio###x.result <- x.b, x.g )###### generate 100 active portfolios with 10 non zero positions in the long short portfolio###y.result <- x.b, x.g, 10 )

random.equal Random equal weighted portfolios


This function generates a random portfolio of n investments in which there are only k positive equalweights. The weights sum to the given value xt.


random.equal(n = 2, k, x.t=1)


n A positive integer for the number of investments in the portfolio

k A positive integer for the number of investments with positive equal weights

x.t A positive numeric value for the sum of weights

Page 9: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

random.equal.test 9


The R function sample is used to generate a simple random sample without replacement of k valuesfrom the integers 1, 2, . . . , n. These are the subscripts into an n× 1 zero vector to assign the equalweight xt/k.


An n× 1 numeric vector of investment weights for the equal weighted portfolio.


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


x <- random.equal( 30, 5 )

random.equal.test Random equal weighted portfolios


This function generates a random portfolio of n investments in which there are only k positive equalweights. The sum of the weights is xt. The function is used to evaluate the performance of theportfolio generation algorithm.


random.equal.test(n = 2, k, x.t = 1)


n A positive integer for the number of investments in the portfoliok A positive integer for the number of investments with positive equal weightsx.t The sum of the investment weights


The R function sample is used to generate a simple random sample without replacement of k valuesfrom the integers 1, 2, . . . , n. These are the subscripts into an n× 1 zero vector to assign the equalweight xt/k.


A list with two named components.

x An n× 1 numerical vector of investment weightsiter An integer value for the number of iterations used to obtain the investment


Page 10: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

10 random.general


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


Evans, J. and S. Archer, 1968. Diversification and the Reduction of Risk: An Empirical Analysis,Journal of Finance, 23, 761-767.

Upson, R. B., P. F. Jessup and K. Matsumoto, 1975. Portfolio Diversification Strategies, FinancialAnalysts Journal, 31(3), 86-88.

Elton, E. J. and M. J. Gruber, 1977. Risk Reduction and Portfolio Size: An Analytical Solution,Journal of Business, 50(4), 415-437.

Bird, R. and M. Tippett, 1986. Naive Diversification and Portfolio Risk - A Note, ManagementScience, 32(2), 244-251.

Statman, M., 1987. How many stocks make a diversified portfolio, Journal of Financial and Quan-titative Analysis, 22, 353-363.

Newbould, G. D. and P. S. Poon, 1993. The minimum number of stocks needed for diversification,Financial Practice and Education, 3, 85-87.

O’Neal, E. S., 1997. How Many Mutual Funds Constitute a Diversified Mutual Fund Portfolio,Financial Analysts Journal, 53(2), 37-46.

Statman, M., 2004. The diversification puzzle, Financial Analysts Journal, 60, 48-53.

Benjelloun, H. and Siddiqi, 2006. Direct diversification with small stock portfolios. Advances inInvestment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 2, 227-252.

Benjelloun, H., 2010. Evans and Archer - forty years later, Investment Management and FinancialInnovation, 7(1), 98-104.


###### equally weighted portfolio of 30 investments of which 5 are non-zero and### the rest are zero. the weights sum to 1.###result <- random.equal.test( 30, 5 )

random.general Random general portfolio


This function generates a general random portfolio of n investments with k long or short positiobs,The probability that a a non-zero investment weight is positive is p. The maximum absolute expo-sure for any investment is x.u. The default value is 1/k.


random.general(n = 2, k=n, p = 0.5, x.u = 1/k)

Page 11: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

random.general 11


n A positive integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k A positive integer value for the number of non-zero positions

p A positive numeric value for the probability that an investment weight is positive

x.u A positive numeric value for the maximum absolute exposure to an investment


If k < n the function random.general is recursively called with n set equal to k to obtain ak × 1 vector of non-zero long and short weights. The R function sample is used to generate asimple random sample without replacement of k values from the integers 1, 2, . . . , n. These are thesubscripts into an n× 1 zero vector to assign the k non-zero weights. This vector is returned.

If k = n, the R function rbinom is used to generate a vector of plus and minus ones correspondingto the long and short positions. The R function runif is used to generate uniformly distributedvalues between 0 and 1. These are scaled by x.u and then multiplied by the signs. The sum of theinvestment weights is not restricted.


An n× 1 numeric vector of investment weights for the equal weighted portfolio.


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


###### long only portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non zero positions###x.long <- random.general( 30, p=1.0 )###### long only portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non zero positions###y.long <- random.general( 30, 10, p=1.0 )###### short only portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non zero positions###x.short <- random.general( 30, p=0.0 )###### short only portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non zero positions###y.short <- random.general( 30, 10, p=1.0 )###### long short portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non zero positions###x.long.short <- random.general( 30, p=0.5 )###### long short portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non zero positions

Page 12: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

12 random.general.test

###y.long.short <- random.general( 30, 10, p=0.5 )###### long bias portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non zero positions###x.long.bias <- random.general( 30, p=0.7 )###### long bias portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non zero positions###y.long.bias <- random.general( 30, 10, p=0.7 )###### short bias portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non zero positions###x.short.bias <- random.general( 30, p=0.3 )###### short bias portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non zero positions###y.short.bias <- random.general( 30, 10, p=0.3 )

random.general.test Random general portfolio


This function generates a general random portfolio of n investments with k long and short positions.The probability that a non-zero investment weight is positive is p. The maximum absolute exposurefor any investment is x.u. The default value is 1 / k. The function is used to evaluate the performanceof the portfolio generation algorithm.


random.general.test(n = 2, k = n, p = 0.5, x.u = 1/k)


n A positive integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k A positive integer value for the number of non-zero positions

p A positive numeric value for the probability that an investment weight is positive

x.u A positive numeric value for the maximum absolute exposure to an investment


If k < n the function random.general.test is recursively called with n set equal to k to obtaina k × 1 vector of non-zero long and short weights. The R function sample is used to generate asimple random sample without replacement of k values from the integers 1, 2, . . . , n. These are thesubscripts into an n× 1 zero vector to assign the k non-zero weights. This vector is returned.

If k = n, the R function rbinom is used to generate a vector of plus and minus ones correspondingto the long and short positions. The R function runif is used to generate uniformly distributed

Page 13: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

random.general.test 13

values between 0 and 1. These are scaled by x.u and then multiplied by the signs. The sum of theinvestment weights is not restricted.


A list with two named components.

x An n× 1 numerical vector of investment weights

iter An integer value for the number of iterations used to obtain the investmentweights


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


###### long only portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###result.x.long <- random.general.test( 30, p=1.0 )###### long only portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###result.y.long <- random.general.test( 30, 10, p=1.0 )###### short only portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###result.x.short <- random.general.test( 30, p=0.0 )###### short only portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###result.y.short <- random.general.test( 30,10, p=0.0 )###### long short portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###result.x.long.short <- random.general.test( 30, p=0.5 )###### long short portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###result.y.long.short <- random.general.test( 30, 10, p=0.5 )###### long bias portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###result.x.long.bias <- random.general.test( 30, p=0.7 )###### long bias portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###result.y.long.bias <- random.general.test( 30, 10, p=0.7 )###### short bias portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###

Page 14: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

14 random.longonly

result.x.short.bias <- random.general.test( 30, p=0.3 )###### short bias portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###result.y.short.bias <- random.general.test( 30, 10, p=0.3 )

random.longonly Random long only portfolio


This function generates a vector of investment weights for a portfolio where the weights are non-negative, do not exceed a given upper and and the sum of the weights is a given total. The numberof non zero positions is k.


random.longonly(n = 2, k=n, x.t = 1, x.l=0,x.u = x.t, max.iter = 1000)


n An integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k An integer value for the number of non zero weights

x.t Numeric value for the sum of the investment weights

x.l Numeric value for the lower bound on an investment weight

x.u Numeric value for the upper bound on an investment weight

max.iter An integer value for the maximum iteration in the acceptance rejection loop


The simulation methods combines the acceptance rejection method used for generating gamma andgaussian random variables with a continuous analog of the method used in Ross (2006) to generatea vector of multinomial random variables. n−1 random variables are constructed where the first U1

is uniformly distributed in the interval [Xl, Xt]. Random variable U2 is a uniform random variablein [Xl, Xt − U1] given U1. Random variable U3 is a uniform random variable in [0, Xt − U1 − U2]given U1 and U2. This conditional generation of uniform random variables stops with Un−1 which

is uniform on

[Xl, Xt −



]given the first n − 2 random variables. if Xt −


Uj is less

than or equal to Xu, then the final random variable is Un = Xt −n−1∑j=1

Uj . Otherwise, the above

procedure of generating uniform random variables conditionally is repeated until this condition issatisfied. The vector W is a random sample of size n of the values in vector U where the samplingis performed without replacement.

Page 15: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

random.longonly.test 15


A numeric vector with investment weights.


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


Cheng, R. C. H., 1977. The Generation of Gamma Variables with Non-integral Sape Parameter,Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), 26(1), 71.

Kinderman, A. J. and J. G. Ramage, 1976. Computer Generation of Normal Random Variables,Journal of the American Statistical Association, December 1976, 71(356), 893.

Marsaglia, G. and T. A. Bray, 1964. A Convenient method for generating normal variables, SIAMReview, 6(3), July 1964, 260-264.

Ross, S. M. (2006). Simulation, Fourth Edition, Academic Press, New York NY.

Tadikamalla, P. R., (1978). Computer generation of gamma random variables - II, Communicationsof the ACM, 21 (11), November 1978, 925-928.


###### long only portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x <- random.longonly( 30 )###### long only portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###y <- random.longonly( 30, 10 )

random.longonly.test Random long only portfolio test


This function generates a vector of investment weights for a portfolio where the weights are non-negative. Each investment weight is within specified lower and upper bounds. Furthermore, thesum of the weights is a given total. The number of non-zero positions in the portfolio is k. Thefunction is used to evaluate the performance of the portfolio generation algorithm.


random.longonly.test(n = 2, k=n, x.t = 1, x.l = 0,x.u = x.t, max.iter = 1000)

Page 16: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

16 random.longonly.test


n An integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k An integer value for the number of non zero weights

x.t Numeric value for the sum of the investment weights

x.l Numeric value for the lower bound on an investment weight

x.u Numeric value for the upper bound on an investment weight

max.iter An integer value for the maximum iteration in the acceptance rejection loop


See function random.longonly for the details of how this function works. This function is usedprimarily to evaluate the algorithm


A list with two named components.

x An m× n numerical vector of investment weights

iter An integer value for the number of iterations used to obtain the investmentweights


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


Cheng, R. C. H., 1977. The Generation of Gamma Variables with Non-integral Sape Parameter,Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), 26(1), 71.

Marsaglia, G. and T. A. Bray, 1964. A Convenient method for generating normal variables, SIAMReview, 6(3), July 1964, 260-264.

Ross, S. M. (2006). Simulation, Fourth Edition, Academic Press, New York NY.

See Also



###### long only portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x.result <- random.longonly.test( 30 )###### long only portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###y.result <- random.longonly.test( 30, 10 )

Page 17: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

random.longshort 17

random.longshort Generate random long short porfolio


This function generates a vector of investment weights for a long short portfolio where the the grossnotional exposure is x.t.long + x.t.short and the net notional exposure is x.t.long - x.t.short. Thereare k non-zero positions in the portfolio.


random.longshort(n = 2, k = n, x.t.long = 1, x.t.short = x.t.long,max.iter = 2000, eps = 0.001)


n A positive integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k A positive integer value for the number of non zero positions

x.t.long A positive real value for the sum of the long exposures

x.t.short A positive real value for the sum of the absolute value of the short exposures

max.iter A positive integer value for the maximum iterations in the acceptance rejectionmethod

eps A small positive real value for the convergence criteria for the gross notionalexposure


The function implements an algorithm in which the outer structure is the iterative acceptance rejec-tion method. Within each iteration, the R function random.longonly is used to construct a longonly investment weight vector x.long where the sum of these weights is x.t.long. The R functionrandom.shortonly is used to construct a short only investment eight vector random.short suchthat the sum of the absolute value of these weights is x.t.long. The sum of these two weightvectors, x.longshort, satisfies the net notional requirement of the desired portfolio. If the abso-lute value of computed gross notiona exposure for x.longshort minus $x.t.long + x.t.short$ is lessthan the argument eps, then the desired portfolio is generated and result is returned. Otherwise, theprocess is repeated within the acceptance rejection loop until (1) the required portfolio is generatedor 2 the iteration limit is exceeded.


An n× 1 vector of investment weights for the long short portfolio.


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

Page 18: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

18 random.longshort.test


Jacobs, B. I. and K. N. Levy, 1997. The Long and Short of Long-Short Investing, Journal ofInvesting, Spring 1997, 73-86.

Jacobs, B. I., K. N. Levy and H. M. Markowitz, 2005. Portfolio Optimization with Factors, Scenar-ios and Realist SHort Positions, Operations Research, July/August 2005, 586-599.

See Also

random.longonly, random.shortonly


###### long short portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x <- random.longshort( 30 )###### long short portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###y <- random.longshort( 30, 10 )

random.longshort.test Random long short portfolio test


This function generates a vector of investment weights for a portfolio with a given net and grossnotional exposure. There are k non-zero positions in the portfolio. The function is used to evaluatethe performance of the portfolio generation algorithm.


random.longshort.test(n = 2, k = n, x.t.long = 1, x.t.short = x.t.long,max.iter = 2000, eps = 0.001)


n A positive integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k A positive integer value for the number of non zero positions

x.t.long A positive real value for the sum of the long exposures

x.t.short A positive real value for the sum of the absolute value of the short exposures

max.iter A positive integer value for the maximum iterations in the acceptance rejectionmethod

eps A small positive real value for the convergence criteria for the gross notionalexposure

Page 19: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

random.shortonly 19


The function uses the same portfolio generation method described in random.longshort.


A list with two named components.

x An n× 1 numerical vector of investment weights

iter An integer value for the number of iterations used to obtain the investmentweights


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


Jacobs, B. I. and K. N. Levy, 1997. The Long and Short of Long-Short Investing, Journal ofInvesting, Spring 1997, 73-86.

Jacobs, B. I., K. N. Levy and H. M. Markowitz, 2005. Portfolio Optimization with Factors, Scenar-ios and Realist SHort Positions, Operations Research, July/August 2005, 586-599.

See Also

random.longonly, random.longshort, random.shortonly


###### long short portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x.result <- random.longshort.test( 30 )###### long short portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###x.result <- random.longshort.test( 30, 10 )

random.shortonly Random short only portfolio


This function generates a vector of investment weights for a portfolio where the weights are non-positive, absolute weights do not exceed a given upper and and the sum of the absolute weightsweights is a given total. The number of non zero positions in the portfolio is k.

Page 20: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

20 random.shortonly


random.shortonly(n = 2, k = n, x.t = 1, x.l = 0,x.u = x.t, max.iter = 1000)


n A positive integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k A positive integer value for the number of non zero weights

x.t A positive numeric value for the sum of the absolute value of investment weights

x.l A positive numeric value for the lower bound on the absolute value of investmentweights

x.u A positive numeric value for the upper bound on the absolute value of investmentweights

max.iter A positive integer value for the maximum iterations in the rejection method


The function random.longonly is used to generate a long only portfolio that satisfies the lowerbound, upper bound and sum of weight conditions. The value returned is a vector with the oppositesigns.


An n× 1 numeric vector of investment weights for the short only portfolio.


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

See Also



###### generate short only portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x <- random.shortonly( 30 )###### generate short only portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###y <- random.shortonly( 30, 10 )

Page 21: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

random.shortonly.test 21

random.shortonly.test Random short only portfolio


This function generates a vector of investment weights for a portfolio where the weights are non-positive, absolute weights do not exceed a given upper and and the sum of the absolute weights is agiven total. The number of non zero positions in the portfolio is k. The function is used to evaluatethe performance of the portfolio generation algorithm.


random.shortonly.test(n = 2, k = n, x.t = 1, x.l = 0,x.u = x.t, max.iter = 1000)


n An integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k An integer value for the number of non zero weights

x.t Numeric value for the sum of the absolute value of the investment weights

x.l Numeric value for the lower bound on the absolute value of an investment weight

x.u Numeric value for the upper bound on the absolute value of an investmentweight

max.iter An integer value for the maximum iteration in the acceptance rejection loop


The function uses random.longonly.test to generate a long only portfolio in test mode. Thecomponent x compute is used to define the short portfolio. The short portfolio together with thecomponent iter, the number of iterations used to construct the long only portfolio, are stored in alist of named components.


A list with two named components

x An n× 1 numerical vector of investment weights

iter An integer value for the number of iterations used to obtain the investmentweights


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

See Also


Page 22: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

22 requal


###### generate a short only portfolio of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x.result <- random.shortonly.test( 30 )###### generate a short only portfolio of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###y.result <- random.shortonly.test( 30, 10 )

requal Generate equal weighted portfolios


This function generates m random equal portfolios with k non-zero, equal weights and the sum ofthe weights equals xt.


requal(m, n = 2, k, x.t=1)


m A positive integer for the number of portfolios in the sample

n A positive integer for the number of non-zero equal weights

k A positive integer for the number of investments in the portfolio

x.t A positive number for the sum of the weights


The function executes the function random.equal using the R function sapply. The result returnedis the transpose of the matrix generated in the previous step.


A numeric m × n matrix. The rows are the portfolios and the columns are the investment weightsfor each portfolio


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

Page 23: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

requal.test 23


Evans, J. and S. Archer, 1968. Diversification and the Reduction of Risk: An Empirical Analysis,Journal of Finance, 23, 761-767.

Upson, R. B., P. F. Jessup and K. Matsumoto, 1975. Portfolio Diversification Strategies, FinancialAnalysts Journal, 31(3), 86-88.

Elton, E. J. and M. J. Gruber, 1977. Risk Reduction and Portfolio Size: An Analytical Solution,Journal of Business, 50(4), 415-437.

Bird, R. and M. Tippett, 1986. Naive Diversification and Portfolio Risk - A Note, ManagementScience, 32(2), 244-251.

Statman, M., 1987. How many stocks make a diversified portfolio, Journal of Financial and Quan-titative Analysis, 22, 353-363.

Newbould, G. D. and P. S. Poon, 1993. The minimum number of stocks needed for diversification,Financial Practice and Education, 3, 85-87.

O’Neal, E. S., 1997. How Many Mutual Funds Constitute a Diversified Mutual Fund Portfolio,Financial Analysts Journal, 53(2), 37-46.

Statman, M., 2004. The diversification puzzle, Financial Analysts Journal, 60, 48-53.

Benjelloun, H. and Siddiqi, 2006. Direct diversification with small stock portfolios. Advances inInvestment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 2, 227-252.

Benjelloun, H., 2010. Evans and Archer - forty years later, Investment Management and FinancialInnovation, 7(1), 98-104.

See Also



###### generate 100 equal weighted portfolios of 30 investments with 10 non zero positions###x.matrix <- requal( 100, 30, 10 )

requal.test Generate equal weighted portfolios


This function generates m random equal portfolios with k non-zero, equal weights and the sum ofthe weights equals xt. The function is used to evaluate the performance of the portfolio generationalgorithm.


requal.test(m, n = 2, k, x.t = 1)

Page 24: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

24 requal.test


m A positive integer for the number of portfolios in the sample

n A positive integer for the number of investments in the portfolio

k A positive integer for the number of non-zero investment weights

x.t The sum of the investment weights


The function executes the function random.equal.test using the R function lapply. The resultwhich is a list contains the investment weight vectors and number of iterations. Thse data are storedin a matrix of investment weights and a vector of iterations. These arrays are returned as a list.


A list with two named components.

xmatrix An m× n numerical matrix of investment weights

iters An m×1 integer vector for the number of iterations used to obtain the investmentweights


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


Evans, J. and S. Archer, 1968. Diversification and the Reduction of Risk: An Empirical Analysis,Journal of Finance, 23, 761-767.

Upson, R. B., P. F. Jessup and K. Matsumoto, 1975. Portfolio Diversification Strategies, FinancialAnalysts Journal, 31(3), 86-88.

Elton, E. J. and M. J. Gruber, 1977. Risk Reduction and Portfolio Size: An Analytical Solution,Journal of Business, 50(4), 415-437.

Bird, R. and M. Tippett, 1986. Naive Diversification and Portfolio Risk - A Note, ManagementScience, 32(2), 244-251.

Statman, M., 1987. How many stocks make a diversified portfolio, Journal of Financial and Quan-titative Analysis, 22, 353-363.

Newbould, G. D. and P. S. Poon, 1993. The minimum number of stocks needed for diversification,Financial Practice and Education, 3, 85-87.

O’Neal, E. S., 1997. How Many Mutual Funds Constitute a Diversified Mutual Fund Portfolio,Financial Analysts Journal, 53(2), 37-46.

Statman, M., 2004. The diversification puzzle, Financial Analysts Journal, 60, 48-53.

Benjelloun, H. and Siddiqi, 2006. Direct diversification with small stock portfolios. Advances inInvestment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 2, 227-252.

Benjelloun, H., 2010. Evans and Archer - forty years later, Investment Management and FinancialInnovation, 7(1), 98-104.

Page 25: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

rgeneral 25

See Also



###### generate 100 portfolios with 30 investments of which 5 are equal weights and### the remaining are zero###x.result <- requal.test( 100, 30, 5 )

rgeneral Generate random general portfolios


This function generates m random general portfolios with n investments each. There are k positionsthat can be positive or negative. The probability that a given investment weight is positive is p. Themaximum absolute exposure is x.u which has 1/k as the default


rgeneral(m, n = 2, k = n, p = 0.5, x.u = 1/k)


m A positive integer value for the number of portfolios

n A positive integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k A positive integer value for the number of non-zero investment positions

p A positive numeric value for the probability that a non-zero position is positive

x.u A positive numeric value for the maximum absolute exposure to an investment


The function executes the function random.general using the R function sapply. The result re-turned is the transpose of the matrix generated in the previous step.


An m× n numeric matrix. The rows are the portfolios and the columns are the investment weightsfor each portfolio


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

Page 26: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

26 rgeneral.test

See Also



###### 100 long only portfolios of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x.long <- rgeneral( 100, 30, p=1.0 )###### 100 long only portfolios of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###y.long <- rgeneral( 100, 30, 10, p=1.0 )###### 100 short only portfolios of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x.short <- rgeneral( 100, 30, p=0.0 )###### 100 short only portfolios of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###y.short <- rgeneral( 100, 30, 10, p=0.0 )###### 100 long short portfolios of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x.long.short <- rgeneral( 100, 30, p=0.5 )###### 100 long short portfolios of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###y.long.short <- rgeneral( 100, 30, 10, p=0.5 )###### 100 long bias portfolios of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x.long.bias <- rgeneral( 100, 30, p=0.7 )###### 100 long bias portfolios of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###y.long.bias <- rgeneral( 100, 30, 10, p=0.7 )###### 100 short bias portfolios of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x.short.bias <- rgeneral( 100, 30, p=0.3 )###### 100 short bias portfolios of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###y.short.bias <- rgeneral( 100, 30, 10, p=0.3 )

rgeneral.test Generate random general portfolios

Page 27: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

rgeneral.test 27


This function generates m random general portfolios with n investments each that can have k pos-itive or negative. The probability that a given investment weight is positive is p. The maximumabsolute exposure is x.u which has 1/k as the default The function is used to evaluate the perfor-mance of the portfolio generation algorithm.


rgeneral.test(m, n = 2, k = n, p = 0.5, x.u = 1/k)


m A positive integer value for the number of portfolios

n A positive integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k A positive integer value for the number of non-zero long and short positions

p A positive numeric value for the probability that a position is positive

x.u A positive numeric value for the maximum absolute exposure to an investment


The function executes the function random.general.test using the R function lapply. The resultwhich is a list contains the investment weight vectors and number of iterations. Thse data are storedin a matrix of investment weights and a vector of iterations. These arrays are returned as a list.


A list with two named components.

xmatrix An m× n numerical matrix of investment weights

iters An m×1 integer vector for the number of iterations used to obtain the investmentweights


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

See Also



###### 100 long only portfolios of 30 investments###x.long <- rgeneral.test( 100, 30, p=1.0 )y.long <- rgeneral.test( 100, 30, 10, p=1.0 )###### 100 short only portfolios of 30 investments

Page 28: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

28 rlongonly

###x.short <- rgeneral.test( 100, 30, p=0.0 )y.short <- rgeneral.test( 100, 30, 10, p=0.0 )###### 100 long short portfolios of 30 investments###x.long.short <- rgeneral.test( 100, 30, p=0.5 )y.long.short <- rgeneral.test( 100, 30, 10, p=0.5 )###### 100 long bias portfolios of 30 investments###x.long.bias <- rgeneral.test( 100, 30, p=0.7 )y.long.bias <- rgeneral.test( 100, 30, 10, p=0.7 )###### 100 short bias portfolios of 30 investments###x.short.bias <- rgeneral.test( 100, 30, p=0.3 )y.short.bias <- rgeneral.test( 100, 30, 10, p=0.3 )

rlongonly Generate random long only portfolios


This function generates m random long only portfolios with n investments with each investmentweight bounded in an interval and the sum of the weights equals a given amount. The number ofnon-zero positions is k.


rlongonly(m, n = 2, k=n, x.t = 1, x.l = 0,x.u = x.t, max.iter = 1000)


m A positive integer value for the number of portfolios

n A positive integer value for the number of investments in each portfolio

k A positive integer value for the number of non zero weights

x.t A positive numeric value for the sum of investment weights

x.l A positive numeric value for the lower bound of an investment weight

x.u A positive numeric value for the upper bound of an investment weight

max.iter A positive integer value for the number of rejection iterations


The function executes the function random.longonly using the R function sapply. The result re-turned is the transpose of the matrix generated in the previous step.

Page 29: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

rlongonly.test 29


A numeric m × n matrix. The rows are the portfolios and the columns are the investment weightsfor each portfolio


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

See Also



###### 100 long only portfolios of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x.matrix <- rlongonly( 100, 30 )###### 100 long only portfolios of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###y.matrix <- rlongonly( 100, 30, 10 )

rlongonly.test Generate random long only portfolios


This function generates m random long only portfolios with n investments with each investmentweight bounded in an interval and the sum of the weights equals a given amount. The numberof non-zero positions is k. This function is used to test the algorithm that generates the randomportfolios.


rlongonly.test(m, n = 2, k = n, x.t = 1, x.l = 0,x.u = x.t, max.iter = 1000)


m A positive integer value for the number of portfolios

n A positive integer value for the number of investments in each portfolio

k A positive integer value for the number of non zero weights

x.t A positive numeric value for the sum of investment weights

x.l A positive numeric value for the lower bound of an investment weight

x.u A positive numeric value for the upper bound of an investment weight

max.iter A positive integer value for the number of rejection iterations

Page 30: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

30 rlongonly.test


The function executes the function random.longonly.test using the R function lapply. Theresult which is a list contains the investment weight vectors and number of iterations. Thse data arestored in a matrix of investment weights and a vector of iterations. These arrays are returned as alist.


A list with two named components.

xmatrix A numerical m× n matrix of investment weights

iters An integer m× 1 vector for the number iterations used to obtain the investmentweights


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


Cheng, R. C. H., 1977. The Generation of Gamma Variables with Non-integral Shape Parameter,Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), 26(1), 71.

Marsaglia, G. and T. A. Bray, 1964. A convenient method for generating normal variables, SIAMReview, 6(3), July 1964, 260-264.

Ross, S. M. (2006). Simulation, Fourth Edition, Academic Press, New York NY.

See Also



###### generate 100 long only portfolios with 30 investments and 30 non-zero positions###x.result <- rlongonly.test( 100, 30 )###### generate 100 long only portfolios with 30 investments and 10 non-zero positions###y.result <- rlongonly.test( 100, 30, 10 )

Page 31: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

rlongshort 31

rlongshort Generate long short portfolios


This function generates m random long short portfolios with n investments with the given gross andnet notional exposure requirements. There are k non-zero positions in the portfolio.


rlongshort(m, n = 2, k = n, x.t.long = 1, x.t.short = x.t.long,max.iter = 2000, eps = 0.001)


m A positive integer value for the number of portfolios generated

n A positive integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k A positive integer value for the number of non zero positions

x.t.long A positive real value for the sum of the long exposures

x.t.short A positive real value for the sum of the absolute value of the short exposures

max.iter A positive integer value for the maximum iterations in the acceptance rejectionmethod

eps A small positive real value for the convergence criteria for the gross notionalexposure


An m× n numeric matrix of investment weights for the long short portfolios


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


Jacobs, B. I. and K. N. Levy, 1997. The Long and Short of Long-Short Investing, Journal ofInvesting, Spring 1997, 73-86.

Jacobs, B. I., K. N. Levy and H. M. Markowitz, 2005. Portfolio Optimization with Factors, Scenar-ios and Realist SHort Positions, Operations Research, July/August 2005, 586-599.

See Also


Page 32: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

32 rlongshort.test


###### 100 portfolios of 30 investments with 30 non-zero positions###x.matrix <- rlongshort( 100, 30 )###### 100 portfolios of 30 investments with 10 non-zero positions###y.matrix <- rlongshort( 100, 30, 20 )

rlongshort.test Generate random long short portfolios


This function generates m random long short portfolios with n investments that satisfy the givengross and net notional exposure requirements. There are k non-zero positions in each portfolio. Thefunction is used to evaluate the performance of the portfolio generation algorithm.


rlongshort.test(m, n = 2, k = n, x.t.long = 1, x.t.short = x.t.long,max.iter = 2000, eps = 0.001)


m A positive integer value for the number of portfolios generated

n A positive integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k A positive integer value for the number of non zero positions

x.t.long A positive real value for the sum of the long exposures

x.t.short A positive real value for the sum of the absolute value of the short exposures

max.iter A positive integer value for the maximum iterations in the acceptance rejectionmethod

eps A small positive real value for the convergence criteria for the gross notionalexposure


The function executes the function random.longshort.test using the R function lapply. Theresult which is a list contains the investment weight vectors and number of iterations. Thse dataare stored in a matrix of investment weights and a vector of iterations. These arrays are returnedas a list. Gross notional exposure for each portfolio is x.t.long + x.t.short and net notionalexposure is x.t.long - x.t.short. The argument eps is the tolerance applied towards the thegross notional exposure of each portfolio.

Page 33: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

rshortonly 33


A list with two named components.

xmatrix A numerical m× n matrix of investment weights

iters An m×1 integer vector for the number of iterations used to obtain the investmentweights


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>


Jacobs, B. I. and K. N. Levy, 1997. The Long and Short of Long-Short Investing, Journal ofInvesting, Spring 1997, 73-86.

Jacobs, B. I., K. N. Levy and H. M. Markowitz, 2005. Portfolio Optimization with Factors, Scenar-ios and Realistic Short Positions, Operations Research, July/August 2005, 586-599.

See Also



###### 100 long short portfolios with 30 investments and 30 non-zero positions###x.result <- rlongshort.test( 100, 30 )###### 100 long short portfolios with 30 investments and 20 non-zero positions###y.result <- rlongshort.test( 100, 30, 20 )

rshortonly Generate short only portfolios


This function generates m random short only portfolios with n investments with each investmentabsolute weight bounded in an interval and the sum of the absolute value of weights equals a givenamount.


rshortonly(m, n = 2, k = n, x.t = 1, x.l = 0,x.u = x.t, max.iter = 1000)

Page 34: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

34 rshortonly.test


m A positive integer value for the number of portfolios

n A positive integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k A positive integer value for the number of non zero weights

x.t A positive numeric value for the sum of the absolute value of investment weights

x.l A positive numeric value for the lower bound on the absolute value of investmentweights

x.u A positive numeric value for the upper bound on the absolute value of investmentweights

max.iter A positive integer value for the maximum iterations in the rejection method


The function executes the function random.shortonly using the R function sapply. The resultreturned is the transpose of the matrix generated in the previous step.


A numeric imesn matrix. The rows are the portfolios and the columns are the investment weightsfor each portfolio


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

See Also



x.matrix <- rshortonly( 100, 30 )y.matrix <- rshortonly( 100, 30, 10 )

rshortonly.test Generate random short only portfolios


This function generates m random short only portfolios with n investments where each investmentabsolute weight bounded in an interval and the sum of the absolute weights equals a given amount.This function is used to test the algorithm that generates the random portfolios. The number of nonzero positions in the portfolio is k. The function is used to evaluate the performance of the portfoliogeneration algorithm.

Page 35: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),

rshortonly.test 35


rshortonly.test(m, n = 2, k = n, x.t = 1, x.l = 0,x.u = x.t, max.iter = 1000)


m A positive integer value for the number of portfolios

n An integer value for the number of investments in the portfolio

k An integer value for the number of non zero weights

x.t Numeric value for the sum of the absolute value of the investment weights

x.l Numeric value for the lower bound on the absolute value of an investment weight

x.u Numeric value for the upper bound on the absolute value of an investmentweight

max.iter An integer value for the maximum iteration in the acceptance rejection loop


The function executes the function random.shortonly.test using the R function lapply. Theresult which is a list contains the investment weight vectors and number of iterations. Thse data arestored in a matrix of investment weights and a vector of iterations. These arrays are returned as alist.


A list with two named components.

xmatrix An m× n numerical matrix of investment weights

iters An m×1 integer vector for the number of iterations used to obtain the investmentweights


Frederick Novomestky <[email protected]>

See Also



###### generate 100 short only portfolios of 30 investments with 30 non zero positions###x.result <- rshortonly.test( 100, 30 )###### generate 100 short only portfolios of 30 investments with 10 non zero positions###x.result <- rshortonly.test( 100, 30, 10 )

Page 36: Package ‘rportfolios’ · portfolio with given gross notional exposure. The number of non zero positions in the long short portfolios is k. Usage ractive(m, x.b, x.g, k = length(x.b),


∗Topic mathractive, 2ractive.test,,, 7random.equal, 8random.equal.test, 9random.general, 10random.general.test, 12random.longonly, 14random.longonly.test, 15random.longshort, 17random.longshort.test, 18random.shortonly, 19random.shortonly.test, 21requal, 22requal.test, 23rgeneral, 25rgeneral.test, 26rlongonly, 28rlongonly.test, 29rlongshort, 31rlongshort.test, 32rshortonly, 33rshortonly.test, 34

ractive, 2ractive.test,, 3,, 5, 7random.equal, 8, 23random.equal.test, 9, 25random.general, 10, 26random.general.test, 12, 27random.longonly, 14, 16, 18–20, 29random.longonly.test, 15, 30, 35random.longshort, 6, 8, 17, 19, 31random.longshort.test, 18, 33random.shortonly, 18, 19, 19, 21, 34random.shortonly.test, 21

requal, 22requal.test, 23rgeneral, 25rgeneral.test, 26rlongonly, 28rlongonly.test, 29rlongshort, 31rlongshort.test, 32rshortonly, 33rshortonly.test, 34


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