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Pablo Picasso

Picasso was born in 1881 in Spain and died in 1973 in France at the age of 92.

He was one of the co-founders of CUBISM and known as one of the greatest genius in art history. Self-photo

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What is Cubism

Cubism is a painting of a normal scene, but painted so that it is viewed from multiple views while the positions of some of the parts are rotated or moved (so that it is odd looking and scrambled).

Le guitariste by Pablo Picasso

What shapes do you see?

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Cubism can show more than one point of view at the same time

See the front of the face and the side of the face in each picture?

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More examples…

Femme à la resille (Woman in a hairnet)

1938, by Pablo Picasso.

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Picasso's work is often categorized into "periods".

The Blue Period (1901-1904). His paintings were mostly monochromatic (one color).

The Old Guitarist (1902) Self Portrait with cloak (1901)

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The Rose Period

Garçon à la pipe

Picasso used orange and pink in contrast to the cool tones of the Blue Period. Some believe that Picasso was in love during this time and therefore may have inspired a change in his painting style.

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African Period

During this period Picasso was strongly influenced by African sculpture.

Head of a Woman, (oil on canvas, 1907

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He used a lot of browns and reds during this period.

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Cubism Period

During this period Picasso focused on geometric shapes and less on color.

See all the little cubes?

Woman with a guitar by Georges Braque

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Synthetic Cubism (Collage style)

Picasso used a variety of materials during this period in his paintings. Such as…

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…newspaper, paper, and oilcloth.

This was a more colorful style of art.

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Thank you class for being such a great audience.

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Mr. Picassohead Website

Are you ready to have a little fun creating your own “Picasso” art?

First, we need to review the math terms: translations, rotations, and reflections

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Oregon Content Standards- 3rd Grade

MathCCG: Transformations and Symmetry: Apply transformations and use

symmetry to analyze mathematical situations. MA.03.GM.09 Predict and describe the results of performing

reflections, rotations and translations.ArtCCG: Understand how events and conditions influence the arts. AR.03.HC.01 Identify an event or condition that influenced a work of

art. CCG: Apply the use of ideas, techniques and problem solving to the

creative process and analyze the influence that choices have on the result.

AR.03.CP.02 Explore aspects of the creative process and the effect of different choices on one's work.

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