
P7 Home Learning 11-22 January 2021


To practise - Task One: Grammar & Reading

1 - Click here to hear Mrs Brown read through the task.

Reminder: A simile is a comparison between two things using 'like' or 'as'.

When something is very light in weight we say it is as light as a feather. This is because it is similar to a

feather in weight but it might be very different in other ways. 'As light as a feather' is an example of a simile.

There are lots of similes used in well known expressions such as the ones in the picture opposite. Copy

and complete the following expressions (you can use your own ideas if you haven't heard them before):

1. as steady as _____

2. as proud as _____

3. as quick as ______

4. as brave as _____

5. as quiet as ______

Click on this link Apollo's Gallop to play a game on Education City to test your understanding of

adjectives, verbs, adverbs, similes and metaphors. Read the text and then click on the blue book on the

right of your screen to get to the questions.

If you do not have your Education City login details, please email your teacher.

To practise - Task Two: Spelling

2 - Click here to hear Mrs Brown read through the task.

Spelling- long vowel revision

face, straight, three, grease, sight, site, mould, tube

Follow our usual spelling routine using the root words above to

1. Say it. Stretch it out and count the number of sounds. Think about what letters make each

sound. Clap the syllables of the word. Spell it.

2. Find rhyming words (Hint: a few of these already rhyme so you are looking for other words which contain the same rhyme but not necessarily the same spelling pattern).

3. Grow it. What words can you make from it? Try adding prefixes and suffixes. You should aim for at least 5 for each root word.

4. Use it in a sentence - Write a sentence using each root word or one of your grown words from part

3. (Try to challenge yourself here. Think: Why? So? Where? When? Who?)

Here is a reminder of what your spelling work should look like. This is just an example and we don't need

to you hand it in this week.

(To practise) Task Three: Tam O'Shanter: Reading the poem

3 - Click here to hear Mrs Brown read through the task.

We are going to be studying the poem 'Tam O'Shanter' by Robert Burns over a variety of activities to

help us explore Scots language. We will email you all a copy of the poem and there will also be a copy

saved in the files area of our P7 Teams Page.

Tam O'Shanter describes the story of Tam, a farmer, who often gets drunk with his friends in a pub in the

Scottish town of Ayr, much to the annoyance of his wife. This poem describes what happens to Tam one

night as he rides his horse, Maggie, home after a visit to the pub. On the way home, he sees the local

haunted church lit up and goes for a closer look. He sees ghosts and ghouls dancing to music played by

the Devil. They are surrounded by historical weapons that have caused harm or death in the past.

Enjoying the dancing, and starting to fancy one of the ghosts, he shouts from his hiding place, 'well

done!', but the dead do not like to be seen and the dancing and lights immediately stop. Tam rides his

horse, Maggie, as fast as he can to escape the ghostly creatures as they chase him away but isn't quick enough to save Maggie from a bit of damage at the end of the poem.

Read over the poem several times in your head or out loud. It is very likely that there will be words you

do not understand or do not know how to pronounce. Don't worry - our next activities should help with this.

It will be useful to frequently go back to the poem and read i t several times to help you become familiar with it. You may wish to start learning it to perform for us (possibly virtually) later in the block.

You may wish to watch this video recital with illustrations which might help you to understand the story.

Click here to view the video. This link also has some extra questions and activities which you might

choose to do.

(To assess) Task 4 - Tam O'Shanter: Understanding Scots vocabulary and annotating

the poem

4 - Click here to hear Mrs Brown read through the task.

The poem is set in eighteenth century Scotland and has a mix of standard English, Scots dialect and slang

language. Your task is to label and annotate your copy of the poem to show the translation or definition

of the words you were unfamiliar with. You can use this Scots Dictionary to help you. You may also find

some of the English words unfamiliar and this English Dictionary will help you to find the definitions. We

have emailed you a copy of the Tam O'Shanter glossary (see below) and have also saved this in the files section of our Teams page.

You can print off the poem and annotate on paper or you can use the mark up tool and annotate it on

your ipad. It is up to you how many verses you complete as the poem is long. Please share your work

with us by email or on the Teams page by taking a photo or screenshotting your work.

We have provided an example of how this might look for the first page of the poem.

(To assess) Task 5 - Tam O'Shanter: Sequencing of storyline

5 - Click here to hear Mrs Brown read through the task.

Now you have translated the poem, you may have a better understanding of the storyline.

The summary section of this wikipedia page helps to explain the basic outline of the story. You might want to look at the summary before completing this task.

Your task is to number these statements to arrange them in the correct order for the story of Tam

O'Shanter. You can either print and cut out the statements to arrange them or complete this activity on

your iPad. Either take a photo or a screenshot and share it with us by email or on the P7 Teams page.

6 - Sequencing Worksheet


Task One: Number Patterns (Practice)

7 - Click hear to listen to Mrs Little reading the task

Click on the following link to view the instructions for Sticky Triangles. Think about your knowledge of

triangular number sequences to help you find a strategy to solve the problem. This video might help you

to remember Triangular Numbers Video or watch the Vimeo clip below (from 2m15 to 3m12)

Task Two: Data Problem Solving (Practice) a) Look at the information in the food survey and answer the questions below it.

8 - Click hear to listen to Mrs Little reading the task

b) Look at the information about pasta toppings. Produce a list to help you answer each of the


9 - Click here to listen to Mrs Little reading the task

Task Three: Mixed Operations (Assess)

10 - Click here to listen to Mrs Little reading the task

Sometimes in word problems you have to decide which type of calculation you are being asked to complete - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication or Division. These are known as the Four Operations.

1. Watch the video below to remind yourself how to use bar models as well as written methods

for Addition/Subtraction calculations.

2. Pause the video where necessary and have a go at completing the examples given just like we do in class.

3. The worksheets referred to in the video are below but can also be found in the files section in

our Microsoft Team. You can 'Save to Files' or just take a screenshot so you can then write

directly onto the worksheet on your iPad. If you prefer and you are able to, you can print a

paper copy and write on that. Please send your completed work to Mrs Brown or Mrs Little by email.

Task Four: Sumdog Competition

11 - Click here to listen to Mrs Little reading the task

There is a new Scottish Borders Sumdog contest happening this week and we know how much you loved the last one!

The contest runs from 15th to 21st January and all you have to do is play Maths games on your Sumdog

App as normal. Points are awarded for the number of Correct answers, not the most questions

answered so remember to take your time. Everyone who answers 100 questions gets a free item for their Sumdog House and there are other prizes available for individuals, classes and schools as before.

Mrs Brown and Mrs Little will try to remember to open the House on Sumdog each day so you can

spend the coins you earn (please message us if we forget). Have fun!

Health and Wellbeing

Task One: Skipper's Toolkit (Assess)

12 - Click here to listen to Mrs Little reading the task

Through our Building Resilience work we have been learning about Skipper's Toolkit and all the things he

does when things get rough on the River of Life. Choose one of the Tools from the Toolkit (see the picture above to remind you) and make up a story to tell to younger pupils to help them understand it.

You can present your story any way you choose:

• As a hand drawn cartoon

• As an animation or movie

• As a written/typed story

• In a little mini book or using the Book Creator App on your iPad

Remember to create characters which would appeal to your audience. Think of a problem one of them

encounters and how they might solve it while demonstrating the Tool that you have chosen e.g a shy

kangaroo who needs to talk things over, a lazy horse who needs to get active, a selfish alligator who learns to make a difference and think of others.

Task Two: My World of Work

13 - Click here to listen to Mrs Little reading the task

Have you any thoughts about what you might like to do once you leave school? Choosing the right path

for you is easier when you can identify your strengths and interests. There is plenty time to choose a career but it is never too early to start understanding yourself.

Here is a fun activity that will help you learn about your skills and personality. It will help you discover

what makes you tick and what you are good at. Plus - just for fun - you’ll find out which animal is most like you.

Click here to try the Animal Me Quiz. You can screenshot your results at the end and you might like to

share your animal on our Teams page!

Task Three: Get Active - Indoor Sock Challenge

Here's a fun way to keep active even if you can't get outside at the moment. All you need is a few of

pairs of socks rolled into balls and a basket or box. Watch the video to see how it is done and see how many points you can score in 1 minute.

Remember - it might not be easy at first but if you persevere and keep trying you might just surprise yourself!

Note: The video below won't play directly in Sway but if you click on the blue 'Watch on Vimeo' button it

should be fine.

14 - Click here to listen to Mrs Little reading the task

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