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Shoulder/Pec Stretch

Using a doorway, post, etc., firmly grab with one hand at about shoulder level. With a "soft" elbow, twist from the hips away from the arm until you get a mild stretch in the chest and shoulder. Hold for 15 seconds and then repeat with opposite arm.

Cu ganteră

Rear Delt Fly

Get on a rear-delt fly machine (to prevent cheati ng) and use a neutral grip. Keep your chest against the pad throughout the movement.  If you can't understand the directions on the machine, give up on postural correction training and go play in traffic.

Alternate Exercise: Bent-over Laterals

Bend over at the waist, placing the weight on the heels and keeping the chest up. From the starting position, squeeze the posterior deltoids and raise the dumbbells to a point parallel to the ground.  Squeeze at the midpoint and then return slowly to the starting position. Don't use the upper traps; this isn't a shrug!

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Dumbbell External Rotations, elbow supported at 90 degrees

Sit sideways on a preacher bench and support your elbow while holding a dumbbell. In the starting position, there will be 90? angles at both the shoulder and elbow joint; in other words, it'll look like you're waving to someone with your elbow propped up. 

From this position, lower the dumbbell forward (internally rotating the humerus) so that your palm faces toward the floor while maintaining the 90?/90? shoulder/elbow angles. Once the dumbbell has reached the pad, reverse directions by externally rotating the shoulder to return to the starting position. Keep the chest high and chin tucked throughout the movement.

One-Arm Prone Lower Trap Raises

Ideally, this exercise is performed face-down with your chest-supported on an elevated flat bench (i.e. longer legs, so that you're higher off the ground). However, if you don't have access to such a bench, you can do it bent-over; just make sure that your upper body remains parallel to the floor at all times (no cheating!)

Hold a dumbbell in one hand with a supinated group (the thumb points up at the top of the movement). Begin with the arm dangling below you on the bench. Horizontally adduct (think reverse fly) your arm while maintaining the thumb-up position. At the top, your arm should be at the 9 (left) or 3 (right) positions, and the upper arm and torso should form a 90-degree

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angle. Throughout the movement, concentrate on retracting the scapulae while keeping it tight to the rib cage (no winging).

Pe scaun

Dip Shrugs

Set yourself up as if you had just completed a dip with bodyweight; keep the body as vertical as possible (minimizing forward lean). With the elbows locked, shrug your shoulders so that all the movement occurs at the scapulae. It's very important that you attempt to keep your scapulae held tight against the rib cage throughout the movement; do not let them wing! If you don't have access to a dip stand, you can do these off a bench (as shown below).

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JosWarrior Lunge Stretch

Go into a lunge with the arms outstretched overhead.  Keeping the head and chest up, let the hips sink down and shift your weight forward so you get a stretch in the front of the hip on the "down" side.  Don't place your hands on your knee or lean too far forward or arch the back to increase the stretch; just let the hips sink and shift forward.  Hold for 15 seconds, and then switch sides. Repeat as necessary.

Scap Pushups

This exercise is also known as a "Pushup Plus." Basically, it's a pushup without any movement at the glenohumeral or elbow joints. Get set up as if you were going to do a pushup, and then just allow your shoulder blades to retract without bending your elbows. You should drop about two inches toward the floor. 

To reverse the motion, protract the scapulae until you're back in the starting position. This exercise activates and strengthens the serratus anterior, a muscle that is crucial in holding the scapulae tight to the rib cage, thus preventing scapular winging.

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Pe saltea

Supine Bridge

Lie on your back with your legs bent to approximately 90 degrees and the feet flat on the floor. From the starting position, squeeze the glutes like you're trying to pinch a quarter and raise your vertebrae off the ground one at a time. Hold and squeeze at the top, then return under control to the starting position. Added bonus: Do this rapidly to music and girls may stick dollars in your shorts!

IT Band/Tensor Fascia Latae Stretch

Lie supine with the knees flexed to 90?. To stretch the right side, cross the right leg over the left so that the lateral aspect of the right ankle is in contact with the left quadriceps. Next, reach through (with the right hand) and around (with the left hand) to grasp the left hamstring. Pull the left leg toward your face, thus applying pressure on your right ankle to move in the same direction (don't let the knee move, though; you can actually push away on it). You

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should feel a stretch along the lateral aspect of the right thigh, particularly where the glutes begin.  Perform the opposite steps to stretch the left ITB and TFL.

Dead Bug Twists

Lie supine with your legs bent to approximately 90 degrees and extend your arms as shown. Draw your navel towards your spine, pressing your low back into the ground. While keeping the stomach tight and back flat, rotate your torso slightly from one side to the other.

Another note:  If at any point during the movement the back comes off the floor, stop the movement and return to the starting position.

Chin Tucks

Lie supine with the head flat on the floor. From the starting position, tuck the chin towards the chest, but keep the head on the ground (e.g. don't let the suboccipitals and SCM take over the movement!)  Hold, relax, and then repeat as necessary.

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Prone Cobras

Lie face down on the floor with your arms lying next to your torso with the thumbs up. Initiate the movement by squeezing the shoulder blades together and raising your upper chest a few inches off the floor.

A key point: as you come up, externally rotate your arms so at the midpoint your palms are facing down. Hold and squeeze at the top, then lower under control to the starting position. You'll be doing a set of these at two positions: 9 and 3 (arms directly out to the sides) and 10 and 2 (arms slightly forward of the previous position?kind of like Superman).



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Single Leg Knee to Chest on Foam Roller

Lie supine with a foam roller positioned directly underneath your spine (parallel to it) between your back and the floor. Posteriorly tilt the pelvis utilizing abdominal hollowing; this should flatten out the lower back (neutral spine) and allow you to maintain contact with the roller with your lumbar spine. 

Raise one knee to the chest while maintaining the flat back position. For most individuals, the actual movement approximates 90-135 degrees of hip flexion. A good trick is to place your hand on your abdomen during the movement to develop a better awareness of abdominal firing (as opposed to hip flexor firing).

Note: If you don't have access to a foam roller, you can pick up one of those pool noodles children use in swimming pools to stay afloat. You'll probably have to cut it in half, but it's important to have one of these items in place for sensory feedback.

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Prone Bridge and Side Bridge

For the prone bridge, bend the elbow so your upper and lower arms make 90-degree angles, and make sure the elbows are placed directly underneath the shoulder. Brace your entire core area and keep your hips up and in-line with your legs and torso. For the side bridge, you'll only be bracing with one arm at a time. "Stack" the feet and keep your body in a straight line.

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