Page 1: Oxygen-stabilized triangular defects in hexagonal boron ...€¦ · PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92, 245310 (2015) Oxygen-stabilized triangular defects in hexagonal boron nitride S. P. Huber,

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92, 245310 (2015)

Oxygen-stabilized triangular defects in hexagonal boron nitride

S. P. Huber,1,2,* E. Gullikson,3 R. W. E. van de Kruijs,2 F. Bijkerk,2 and D. Prendergast11Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA

2Industrial Focus Group XUV Optics, MESA + Research Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente,P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, The Netherlands

3Center for X-Ray Optics, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA(Received 27 August 2015; revised manuscript received 10 December 2015; published 29 December 2015)

Recently several experimental transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies have reported the observationof nanoscale triangular defects in mono- and multilayer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN). First-principlescalculations are employed to study the thermodynamical stability and spectroscopic properties of these triangulardefects and the chemical nature of their edge termination. Oxygen-terminated defects are found to be significantlymore stable than defects with nitrogen-terminated edges. Simulated x-ray absorption spectra of the boron K

edge for oxygen-terminated defects show excellent agreement with experimental x-ray absorption near-edgespectroscopy (XANES) measurements on defective h-BN films with oxygen impurities. Finally, we show thatthe structural model for oxygen defects in h-BN as deduced from the simulated core-level spectroscopy isintrinsically linked to the equilateral triangle shape of defects as observed in many recent electron microscopymeasurements.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.245310 PACS number(s): 73.22.−f, 71.15.−m, 78.40.−q, 78.70.Dm

Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is an sp2-bonded planarmaterial and an isoelectronic structural analog of graphitewith very similar lattice parameters. Like its carbon-basedcounterpart, h-BN has many interesting properties, such ashigh in-plane mechanical strength and thermal conductivity[1,2], and has been shown to have an even higher chemicalstability compared to graphite [3]. Despite the many structuralsimilarities between h-BN and graphite, however, there arealso significant differences in material properties. Unlike thesemimetal graphite, h-BN is a wide gap insulator [4], whichallows it to be used as an ultraviolet emitter in optoelectronics[5]. Recently monolayer boron nitride g-BN has been suc-cessfully synthesized [6] and makes a great candidate foruse in conjunction with graphene in novel electronics dueto their structural commensurability but contrasting electronicproperties [7].

A high degree of structural quality and integrity is crucialfor these applications [8]; however, recently several studieson structural defects in h-BN have been published [9–12]that observe the formation of voids of various sizes witha very distinctive equilateral triangular shape. The methodsemployed to study these triangular structural imperfectionsand their formation are electron microscopy–based techniquessuch as annular dark field (ADF) imaging and transmissionelectron microscopy (TEM). The high spatial resolution ofthese techniques allows for a very accurate analysis of thestructural and geometrical properties of the observed defects,but the marginal chemical sensitivity limits the capabilities tostudy chemical properties, specifically of the atoms locatedat the edge of the void created by the defects. In an effort togain more insight into the chemical nature of the defects andtheir edge termination, recent studies have conducted scan-ning transmission electron microscopy electron energy lossspectroscopy (STEM-EELS) measurements to elucidate thespectroscopic signature of triangular voids at the nitrogen [12]

*[email protected]

and boron K edge [13]. The results show very characteristicfeatures in the respective core-level spectra and indicate thatspectroscopic methods are ideal candidates to investigate thetrue chemical nature of triangular defects in h-BN, which isstill open to debate.

The early TEM studies report almost exclusively boroncentric vacancies with nitrogen-terminated edges, as con-firmed by the STEM-EELS work of Suenaga et al. [12],with the origin of this asymmetry being attributed to thelower knock-on threshold value of boron compared to thatof nitrogen under the influence of the electron beam of theTEM measurement itself [14], while nitrogen centric vacancieshave since also been shown to exist under certain experimentalconditions [13]. In stark contrast, x-ray absorption near-edgespectroscopy (XANES) studies on defective h-BN thin filmshave exclusively observed nitrogen voids [15] or oxygenimpurity defects [16–18], as indicated by very prominent anddistinguishing features in the boron K-edge spectrum. In thiswork we provide a solution for this apparent contradictionin literature by means of theoretical calculations from firstprinciples on the thermodynamic stability, chemical nature,and spectroscopic properties of triangular defects that applyto both bulk and monolayer h-BN. Our results reveal a directlink between the geometric properties of the experimentallyobserved vacancy-based defects and distinctive spectral fea-tures observed in core-level spectroscopy measurements.


A. Structural relaxation and molecular dynamics

All structural optimizations and molecular dynamics havebeen carried out within the DFT framework using the Viennaab initio simulation package VASP[19]. Core electrons arereplaced by ultrasoft pseudopotentials within the projectoraugmented wave (PAW) method [20,21], and the 2p and2s electrons for boron, nitrogen, and oxygen are treated asvalence electrons. The generalized gradient approximation(GGA) as formulated by Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) [22]

1098-0121/2015/92(24)/245310(7) 245310-1 ©2015 American Physical Society

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is employed for the exchange-correlation energy. A kineticcutoff energy of 400 eV was used for the plane waves.For the nondefective bulk calculations a 4 × 4 × 2 supercellwith a total of 128 atoms was constructed and the Brillouinzone was sampled at the � point. For the defect calculationsthe supercell was increased to 11 × 11 × 1 for the bulkcalculations to ensure the isolation of the defect from itsperiodic image. A 6 × 6 × 2 cell with 10A of vacuum alongthe c axis of the cell was used for the surface cell calculations.van der Waals interactions were accounted for by applyingthe corrective scheme of Tkatchenko and Scheffler [23] asimplemented in VASP. The supercell structures were optimizedby minimizing the Hellmann-Feynman forces acting on the

nuclei below the threshold value 0.02 eV A−1

. Thermallyinduced structural distortions of the bulk h-BN crystal latticewere simulated by sampling the canonical ensemble (NVT) ata finite temperature of T = 300 K regulated by a Nose-Hooverthermostat. The time step of integration was set to 0.2 fs. Thesystem was thermally equilibrated for 50 ps, after which themicrocanonical ensemble (NVE) was sampled for an additional10 ps, maintaining a temperature of T = 320 K. From the last10 ps of the simulated trajectory, five snapshots, each separatedby 2 ps, were taken to represent a statistical average of thestructure at finite temperature.

B. Formation energies

The formation energy Ef of a defect X in charge state q iscommonly estimated by the equation [24]

Ef [Xq] = E[Xq] + Eqcorr − E[host] −


+q(εF + εv + �v), (1)

where E[Xq] and E[host] are the total energies of the defectiveand pristine host structures, respectively, as derived fromsupercell calculations. The amount of particles of type i, bothnative and impure, that are added or removed is given byni , which is positive for a net amount of particles added andnegative otherwise. The native and impurity atoms are assumedto be exchanged with a reservoir at a chemical potential givenby μi . The chemical potentials for oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen,and boron are computed from the Gibbs free energy from anO2, N2, and H2 molecule in the gas phase and rhombohedralboron in the solid phase, respectively. The charge state q isincluded explicitly in the last term and describes the cost ofadding or removing electrons from a reservoir at a potential setby the Fermi energy εF referenced with respect to the energy ofthe valence band maximum εv of the bulk reference cell. In gen-eral, in charged supercell calculations, due to periodic bound-ary effects, the reference potentials in the bulk and the defectivesupercell structures are not equal and need to be aligned witha term �v [25]. Additionally, an image-charge correctionterm E

qcorr has to be added to account for spurious long-range

Coulomb interactions between the defect charge, its periodicimages, and the neutralizing background charge [24].

C. X-ray absorption spectroscopy

X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) was simulated withinthe density functional theory excited core-hole (DFT-XCH)

approach [26] where the photoexcited atom is modeled byremoving a core electron from the pseudopotential and placingit in the first available empty state. The electronic structureproblem of the system that now includes the core hole is thensolved self-consistently under constrained occupations whileemploying the Shirley interpolation scheme [27] to generateoptimal basis sets in order to reduce computational cost. Theabsorption spectrum is computed by evaluating the transitionprobability between the initial and final state as given byFermi’s golden rule within the dipole approximation. The re-sulting spectrum is broadened uniformly with a Gaussian of 0.2eV at FWHM. To correct for the well-known underestimationof the band gap by the PBE functional, the energy scale isstretched uniformly by a factor of 1.04. Due to the lack ofan absolute energy reference inherent in the pseudopotentialmethod, an energy alignment scheme was employed to yieldcomparably meaningful relative energies for structurally andchemically different systems [28]. Finally, the entire spectrumis shifted by a single value, which is kept constant for allcomputed spectra, to align with the experimental data.


A. Structure of triangular voids

To investigate the structural and thermodynamic stabilityof equilateral triangular defects in h-BN, we created periodicsupercell models of defects with varying edge terminationand size in a crystalline host. We considered defects in bothbulk and surface slab supercells and defect sizes originatingfrom just a single vacancy with three edge atoms up to avoid created by removing 16 atoms, yielding 12 edge atomsin total. In addition to the experimentally observed N- andB-terminated edges, we also investigate the possibility ofoxygen-terminated edges and defects with N- or B-terminatededges passivated with hydrogen atoms. Additionally, weconsidered N-terminated defects with passivated danglingbonds by electron doping instead of hydrogen. A schematicrepresentation of a subset of the relaxed supercells used in thecalculations is displayed in Fig. 1.

All but the O-terminated defects suffered from a largedistortion of the crystal lattice, especially in the vicinity of thecreated triangular void for all considered sizes. The distortionof the crystal lattice after relaxing the O-terminated defectswas minimal, with oxygen atoms displacing slightly awayfrom the center of the void. In the case of B-terminated edgesshown in Fig. 1(d), the boron atoms at the edge of the void areundercoordinated and have a dangling bond, which leads to thecontraction of the void where the corners of the defect almostform a pentagon. Similar behavior is observed for the neutralN-terminated defects depicted in Fig. 2(a), but the deformationis even stronger compared to B-terminated defects.

By doping the N-terminated defect structures with addi-tional electrons (one for each N edge atom), the danglingbonds are passivated and the triangular shape of the void islargely restored, as seen in Fig. 2(c). Doping the structure withelectrons does, however, result in the deformation of the planarsymmetry, as shown in Fig. 2(d). This planar deformation ofthe defective plane occurs only in the asymmetric surface slabcalculation for a charged supercell, and this effect was not


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FIG. 1. (Color online) Partial images of h-BN crystalline supercell including triangular defect with four out of six different edge terminationsinvestigated in this study: (a) electron-doped nitrogen-terminated VN:e

B10N6, (b) hydrogen-passivated nitrogen-terminated VN:H

B10N6, (c) oxygen-

terminated VOB10N6

, and (d) boron-terminated VBB6N10

. The structures shown are all relaxed under neutral charge conditions with the exceptionof the nitrogen-terminated case, where one electron was added for each undercoordinated edge atom. Hydrogen, nitrogen, boron, and oxygenatoms are colored pink, light blue, green, and red, respectively (or from lightest to dark gray in the same order).

observed in the neutral surface slab configuration as shown inFig. 2(b) nor in the charged bulk supercells. In the charged bulksupercells similar distorting effects are present but, mirroredsymmetrically on both sides of the defective plane, these arecanceled out.

Defect structures with a B- and N-terminated edge pas-sivated by hydrogen also showed significant structural de-formation around the defect void. The hydrogen atoms inH-passivated defects [see Fig. 1(b) in the case of the passivatedN-terminated edge] are all oriented perpendicular with respectto their parent edge and, along with the nitrogen or boron atomsthey bond to, undergo heavy buckling out of the crystallineplane. The average and maximum planar displacement ofhydrogen atoms in H-passivated B- and N-terminated edgesare presented in Table I. For the smaller defects the verticaldisplacement can be as much as 1.38A, and as the defectgrows the average displacement seems to reach an equilibrium

FIG. 2. (Color online) Top view of part of the surface plane of theV N

B3N1supercell model for the (a) neutral and (c) charged supercell

surface slab model. The side views (b) and (d) correspond to the toptwo layers of the neutrally and negatively charged slab, respectively,with the rightmost plane being the surface plane. The dashed linesindicate the unperturbed crystal lattice.

value. This can be understood from the fact that at a vertexof a triangular defect two passivating hydrogens atoms areat closest proximity in plane and therefore have to displacefurther out of plane to maintain the appropriate distancefrom each other. For the smallest defect all three passivatinghydrogen atoms are at the triangle’s vertex, but for increasingdefect size hydrogen atoms appear that are on the triangle side.The boron-terminated defects exhibited even stronger bucklingcompared to the N-terminated defects, which is reflected bythe larger average displacement of hydrogen atoms.

B. Triangular defect formation energy

The thermal stability of defects can be quantified bycalculating the formation energies given by Eq. (1). Schemesto calculate the charge correction terms E

qcorr and q�v only

exist for point defects and not for the multidefect systems thatwe investigate in this work. Given that the electron-dopedN-terminated defects are the only charged cells and thatthe charge corrections become less prominent for increasingsupercell sizes and the supercells used for these calculationsare quite large, it is reasonable to neglect these correctionsas we have done in our calculations. Computed formationenergies for εF = 0 in electronvolts per edge atom for thevarious defect structures are shown in Table II. Note thatthe difference between surface and bulk formation energiesis almost negligible within the accuracy of the calculationsfor almost all size and termination types. The most apparentconclusion that can be drawn instantly is that the O-terminateddefects have the lowest formation energy and are thereforeenergetically most favorable for all defect sizes consid-

TABLE I. Average and maximum vertical planar displacement inA of hydrogen atoms in hydrogen-passivated B- and N-terminateddefects.

Boron:H Nitrogen:HDefect size Average Max Average Max

VB1 1.09 1.30 0.69 1.02VB3N1 0.95 1.12 0.59 0.72VB6N3 0.64 1.00 0.49 0.77VB10N6 0.65 0.98 0.47 0.79

VB1 1.08 1.09 0.83 1.35VB3N1 0.97 1.38 0.61 0.74


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TABLE II. Computed formation energies in electronvolts peredge atom, for triangular defects in h-BN for different sizes withboron (B), nitrogen (N), or oxygen (O) terminated edges. Formationenergies of defects with boron- and nitrogen-terminated edgespassivated by hydrogen are denoted by B:H and N:H, respectively.The column marked N:e represents the formation energies of defectswith nitrogen-terminated edges with one doped electron per edgeatom. The upper half of the table are computed values for defectsin the bulk supercell, whereas the lower half of the table representsdefect formation energies in the surface layer of a slab supercell. TheFermi level with respect to the valence band maximum in the bulkwas set to εF = 0.

Edge termination and/or passivationDefect size B B:H N N:H N:e O

VB1 2.48 1.78 3.33 0.91 5.83 −1.36VB3N1 2.26 1.79 3.26 1.13 6.23 −1.02VB6N3 3.16 2.06 3.88 1.39 6.49 −0.63VB10N6 3.81 2.38 4.39 1.76 6.59 −0.23

VB1 2.46 1.53 3.31 0.72 5.73 −1.33VB3N1 2.36 1.77 3.41 1.11 6.49 −0.95

ered, which perfectly mirrors the minimal crystal distortionobserved for O-terminated defects after relaxation, as dis-cussed in the previous section. The electron-doped N-terminated defects have the largest formation energies, closelyfollowed by the unpassivated N- and B-terminated edges.As described in the previous section, the added electronsreduce the in-plane deformation but also cause an interactionwith neighboring planes, which in the asymmetric surfacecase leads to planar deformation (see Fig. 2). An increasedFermi level will reduce the formation energy for the electron-passivated N-terminated defects, but a value of εF = 7 eVis required to approach the formation energies of the O-terminated defects, which is larger than the material bandgap and is highly unlikely to occur. Passivating the danglingbonds of the undercoordinated edge atoms for B- and N-terminated defects with hydrogen atoms reduces the formationenergy significantly but is still less favorable compared to theO-terminated defects. The difference in formation energiesbetween hydrogen-passivated and unpassivated defects issmaller for B-terminated defects compared to the N-terminateddefects and can be explained by the fact that even thoughthe addition of hydrogen passivates the dangling bonds andreduces the formation cost, this comes at the expense ofplanar deformation around the defect edge, which is largerfor B-terminated defects.

Defects that are created in situ during TEM measurements,due to the high-energy electron beam, are likely to be Nterminated and, in agreement with our results, have beenobserved to be unstable [9,12]. Sample preparation methodsthat employ plasma to etch a multilayer down to a monolayercan introduce contaminants like oxygen into the sample priorto the measurement [11]. We find that, in contrast with thehighly unstable N-terminated edges, O-terminated edges arevery stable from a thermodynamic point of view and shouldbe taken into account as a potential cause of triangularvoids when studying defects in h-BN. To the best of ourknowledge, O-terminated triangular voids in h-BN have not

yet been considered in the TEM literature but, as mentionedin the Introduction, the presence of oxygen defects in bulk orthin-film h-BN has been proposed in several x-ray absorptionspectroscopy studies [16–18].

C. XAS of hexagonal boron nitride

We have experimentally collected the boron K-edge ab-sorption spectrum of a typical defective multilayer h-BNsample (see the Appendix for experimental details), displayedas a dotted black line in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b). The mainfeature at 192 eV is typical for pristine h-BN and originatesfrom an excitonic state with π∗ character located in theband gap. A visual representation of the wave functioncorresponding to this state is plotted in Figs. 3(c) and 3(d), andits highly localized character explains the high intensity of thecorresponding feature in the x-ray absorption spectrum. Thethree additional lower-intensity features on the high-energyside of the π∗ observed in the spectrum of the defectivethin film are experimentally not observed for pristine h-BN[15]. We have computed the x-ray absorption spectrum withinthe density functional theory framework for pristine h-BN atT = 0 and T = 320 K [shown in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) as thedashed gray and solid red line, respectively], and the absenceof the triplet of π∗ transitions in either spectrum confirmsthat these transitions cannot be associated with pristine h-BNnor by structural changes induced by thermal effects. The


Incident photon energy (eV)











190 195 200 205 210 215 192 193 194

(a) (b)h-BN on Cu(111)static DFT-XCH

thermal DFT-XCH


FIG. 3. (Color online) (a) Measured and simulated x-ray absorp-tion spectrum of the boron K edge in h-BN. The dotted black lineis the measured spectrum for the 13-nm thin film on the Cu(111)substrate. The simulated spectra for the static structure at T = 0 Kand the thermally equilibrated structure are shown in a dashed grayand solid red line, respectively. (b) Closeup of main π∗ and threesatellite features indicated by arrows. (c) Top and (d) side view ofa 5 × 5 × 1 h-BN supercell with an isosurface representation of thesquared wave function |ψ(�r)|2 of the excitonic state correspondingto the intense transition in the B K-edge spectrum at 192 eV. Theexcitonic state is highly localized and has distinct antibonding p-likecharacter.


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relative intensity of the triplet of π∗ features with respect to themain π∗ transition has been shown to be positively correlatedwith the total oxygen content of the film, and therefore ithas been hypothesized that the satellite peaks originate fromboron atoms whose local BN3 coordination is altered bythe substitution of up to three nitrogen atoms with oxygenatoms, where the higher energy peak corresponds to a boronatom coordinated to three oxygen atoms [16–18]. A rigoroustheoretical study on the direct effect of substitutional oxygendefects on the x-ray absorption spectrum of h-BN, however,has not yet been carried out.

D. Oxygen defects form triangular voids

To verify the proposed origin of the π∗ satellites as aresult of oxygen defects, we first need to determine thestructural model with which oxygen atoms are incorporatedin the hexagonal boron nitride crystal lattice. Schematicrepresentations of the three increasingly oxygen-coordinatedenvironments are shown in Figs. 4(a)–4(c), which henceforthare referred to as BN2O, BNO2, and BO3, respectively.Creating any one of these BN3−xOx (1 � x � 3) defectenvironments in a crystalline h-BN supercell quickly revealsan issue with this structural model, proposed in previousexperimental literature [16–18]. By simply replacing nitrogenwith oxygen atoms, the oxygen atoms in the final defectstructure will be overcoordinated. The structure of the moststable crystalline boron oxide B2O3 reveals that unlike thetrigonally bonded boron and nitrogen in h-BN, a twofoldcoordination is more favorable for oxygen. Attempts to relaxthe defect structures with trigonally coordinated oxygen atomsresulted in a strong distortion of the planar symmetry, andfor BO3 the central boron atom was fully ejected out of theplane. This strongly reflects the tendency for the oxygen atomsto attain twofold coordination. To construct substitutional

(a) (c)(b)

(e)(d) (f)

FIG. 4. (Color online) (a–c) Schematic representation of theBN3−xOx (1 � x � 3) substitutional oxygen defect environments ofboron atoms in h-BN. (d–f) Defect structures in a h-BN host crystalthat hosts a boron atom with BN2O, BNO2, and BO3 environment,respectively, while maintaining twofold coordination for the oxygenatoms and threefold coordination for nitrogen and boron atoms. Thecolors of the circles around selected boron atoms correspond tospectra in Fig. 5.

oxygen defects that yield BN3−xOx local environments withinthe crystalline h-BN host, additional vacancies have to becreated to ensure the twofold coordination of the oxygenatoms. Defective supercell structures that support each of thethree local environments BN2O, BNO2, and BO3 are shownin Figs. 4(d)–4(f), respectively. It is crucial to realize that thisimmediately reveals the intrinsic connection between oxygendefects and triangular voids in h-BN, as they form in parallel,directly as a result of the preferred coordination differencebetween oxygen and nitrogen.

E. XAS of oxygen defects in h-BN

Computed x-ray absorption spectra for excited boron atomsin each of the four possible oxygen coordination environmentsare shown in Fig. 5. The four features observed in the experi-mental spectrum, labeled π∗

0 , π∗1 , π∗

2 , and π∗3 , are hypothesized

to correspond to excitations from boron atoms that have a localBN3, BN2O, BNO2, and BO3 local environment, respectively.In agreement with the hypothesis, the simulated spectra showan increasing blueshift of the main absorption feature foran increasing oxygen coordination of the boron atom. Theblueshift arises due to two competing processes. Oxygen ismore electronegative compared to nitrogen and so the partialcharge on a boron atom will become more positive for anincreasing oxygen coordination. An increase in the partialpositive charge will reduce the possible screening of coreexcitations, thereby deepening the core-level binding energies,effectively increasing the energy separation between the 1s

level and the first available empty state into which the coreelectron is excited. The oxygen defects also influence thedensity of states of the material, changing the relative energyseparation of the unoccupied orbitals with respect to the corestates. Unlike the screening of core states effect, this changein the unoccupied density of states does not necessarily have

192 194 196 198 200 202





Incident photon energy (eV)

π∗0 π∗

1 π∗2 π∗


h-BN on Cu(111)h-BN DFT-XCH



FIG. 5. (Color online) Measured and simulated B K-edge x-rayabsorption spectra for hexagonal boron nitride. The solid black linecorresponds to the measured spectrum for multilayer h-BN on aCu(111) substrate and the dashed gray line is the thermally averagedsimulation. The four colored spectra with the first peak increasingfrom lower to higher energy represent the simulated spectrum ofa single boron atom with a local BN3, BN2O, BNO2, and BO3

environment, respectively. The labels π∗0 –π∗

3 and correspondingvertical dashed lines denote the energy position of the main π∗ andsatellite peaks as observed in experiment.


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TABLE III. Average partial charges for core-hole–excited boronatoms with varying local configuration in bulk h-BN and the threestructures with substitutional oxygen defects. Clusters 1 through 3correspond to supercell structures as depicted in Figs. 4(d)–4(f),respectively.

Local environment of excited atomBN3 BN2O BNO2 BO3

h-BN +2.21Cluster 1 +2.21 +2.24Cluster 2 +2.21 +2.25 +2.30Cluster 3 +2.21 +2.25 +2.30 +2.34

to result in a blueshift but could also cause a redshift. It isimportant to note that the character of the excitonic statedoes not change as the oxygen coordination of the excitedboron atom changes and remains a highly localized state withantibonding p character. The electron density is mostly locatedon the excited atom itself and the bonds between its first andsecond nearest neighbors [see Figs. 3(c) and 3(d)]. Thesebonds are broken when oxygen atoms are introduced andeffectively the excitonic state becomes even more localizedon the remaining bonds. This increased localization alsoincreases the overlap with the 1s core state, which explainsthe increase in intensity of the π∗ feature for an increasingoxygen coordination.


To investigate the effect of the deepening of the corelevels we have computed the local electron population onthe boron atoms through Bader analysis[29] for the variouspossible oxygen coordinations as shown in Table III. TheBader charge analysis confirms that indeed for an increasingoxygen coordination, the partial charge on the boron atombecomes more positive. As described before, this reducesthe screening of core electrons, which increases the energyseparation between the 1s core-level state and the lowestunoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), resulting in a blueshiftof the π∗ feature in the XAS. The dependency between theoxygen coordination of the boron atom and its computedBader charge is perfectly linear within the accuracy of thecalculations. The same linear dependence is observed inthe position of the π∗ transitions as a function of oxygencoordination, both in experiment and simulation, with theexception of the highest energy satellite peak in experiment.The measured energy separations between the first three peaksare very consistent at �E = 0.63 eV, but the separationbetween the two peaks highest in energy is significantly higherat �E = 0.75 eV, in agreement with previous experimentalwork [15,16,18]. It is interesting to note that the increasein energy separation for the two higher-energy peaks is notobserved in our simulations and a potential cause might bethat boron atoms with BO3 coordination actually lose theirplanar geometry inherited from the h-BN crystal structure andobtain a more three-dimensional orientation reminiscent ofthe crystalline structure found in B2O3. When a significantBO3 peak is observed, the corresponding amount oxygen ismore likely to be located in small B2O3 clusters rather than

as substitutional defects in the h-BN lattice. X-ray absorptionsimulations of the crystalline B2O3 system (not shown) indeedshow a π∗ transition at 194.0 eV which overlaps exactlywith observations from experiment [16,18]. The remainingunderestimation of the computed blueshift can be attributed tothe fact that the energy alignment scheme does not accountfor self-interaction errors introduced by the quasiparticleapproach. The computed spectra are aligned by comparingthe energy of the ground state to the excited system with thecore hole, and the self-interaction energy of the photoexcitedelectron is not corrected for.


In conclusion, we have presented a theoretical estimateof the thermodynamic stability of triangular defects in h-BN as observed in multiple TEM studies for various edgeterminations. Nitrogen-terminated defects are highly unstable,in agreement with experimental TEM literature, and areslightly stabilized by injecting additional electrons to passivateany dangling bonds. Oxygen-terminated edges are found to bethe most stable edge termination of the types considered, andwe suggest that there is a large probability for the existence ofstable triangular defects with O-terminated edges in h-BN. Itshould be noted that this does not necessarily imply that defectsinvestigated in the experimental TEM literature as discussedin this work were in fact O terminated. As these defects arecreated in situ under the influence of the high-energy electronbeam during the measurement, they are most likely nativelyterminated by boron or nitrogen. However, this work does showthat any work that studies defects in h-BN should consider thepresence of oxygen defects as a significant possibility.

Additionally, we provide first-principles calculations ofboron K-edge x-ray absorption spectra to confirm the hy-pothesis that a commonly observed triplet of π∗ transitionsin the experimental XAS of defective h-BN films is due tosubstitutional oxygen defects that decorate the excited boronatom [16–18]. As a photoexcited boron atom is increasinglyoxygen coordinated, its core levels deepen and the strong π∗excitonic transition is increasingly blueshifted. The structuralmodel that is solely capable of explaining the structuralstability and the additional defect features observed in thespectroscopy is that of oxygen atoms replacing nitrogen atomsin the hexagonal crystal lattice with the stringent constraintthat the oxygen atoms are twofold coordinated. The differencebetween the twofold coordination of the substitutional oxygenand the threefold coordination of the boron and nitrogendirectly causes the formation of equilateral shaped voids inthe direct vicinity of the oxygen defects. These simulationsprovide indirect proof that any h-BN film that exhibits thetriplet of π∗ features in the boron K edge will have triangularvoids with O-terminated defects. This can be verified by aSTEM-EELS experiment that actively looks for the predictedspectral signature in the boron K-edge spectrum.

Insights into the nature of defects in h-BN as presentedin this work will prove valuable in future work that aims tominimize defect concentrations. Additionally, the predictedexceptional stability of O-terminated triangular defects mayenable novel applications of purposefully created defects asin, for example, nanosieves.


Page 7: Oxygen-stabilized triangular defects in hexagonal boron ...€¦ · PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92, 245310 (2015) Oxygen-stabilized triangular defects in hexagonal boron nitride S. P. Huber,



This work is supported by NanoNextNL, a micro andnanotechnology program of the Dutch Government and 130partners. We acknowledge the support of the Center for X-rayOptics of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and the IndustrialFocus Group XUV Optics at the MESA+ Institute for Nan-otechnology at the University of Twente, notably the partnersASML, Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH, and the Foundation FOM.All the computational work was performed at the MolecularFoundry, which is supported by the Office of Science, Officeof Basic Energy Sciences, of the United States Department ofEnergy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.


All x-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements werecarried out at beamline 6.3.2 of the Advanced Light Source(ALS) synchrotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

(LBNL). A detailed description and characterization of thebeamline and measurement chamber can be found elsewhere[30,31]. X-ray absorption measurements of the boron K

edge were collected in total electron yield (TEY) mode fromcommercially available samples (Graphene Supermarket) ofchemical vapor deposited (CVD)–grown thin films of h-BN onCu(111) foil [8]. The p-polarized incident soft x-ray beam hadan angle of incidence of 1.5◦ with respect to the sample surfacenormal. Energy calibration was performed by comparing toabsolute absorption edges of Si and B filters installed at thebeamline. The collected spectra have the dark current signalsubtracted to account for the systematic error and noise in thecollector electronics. Subsequently, the spectra are normalizedby a spectrum collected by a photodiode to account for theintensity fluctuations in the x-ray beam as a function of photonenergy. Since TEY is a surface-sensitive technique and theh-BN films were 13 nm thick, the resulting spectra did nothave to be corrected for collected electrons originating fromthe copper substrate.

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