Page 1: Overview_ Pega Implementation Methodology _ Techbpm

Pega Architecture

Pega 7 Features – Quick comparison with Pega 6.x

techbpm Knowledge Center, Pegasystems Pega Implementation

Methodology, PRPC Implementation Methodology, SmartBPM Implementation

Methodology Leave a comment

Pegasystems proposes two methodologies – - 1) SmartBPM and 2)PegaScrum

In this post, we will look into the SmartBPM methodology and understand the

various phases involved, the kind of activities and deliverables in each phase.

SmartBPM resembles the agile methodology where we break the requirements into

smaller independent deployable modules (which are called as ‘Slivers’ by Pega) and

iterate the elaboration and construction cycle.

Inception Phase Activities:

Kick off discussion with key stakeholders and define the scope of work.

Understand and Capture the Business Objectives & High level requirements in

the Application Profile.

Prioritize the requirements based on the business needs and break them into

slivers (small functional modules to be delivered in 4-6 weeks of time)

High Level requirements would include high level use cases, reporting

requirements and upstream/downstream applications that need to be

integrated with.

Do the project effort sizing using the DCO estimation template that comes

within the Application Profile

Do the flow and UI drafting within PRPC environment and gain acceptance

Align the design and coding standards with the client’s corporate standards (if


Elaboration Phase Activities

Accelerate the application profile with the Application Accelerator

Elaborate the high level use cases into atomic level use cases

Define class structure, rule hierarchy; design DB schema

Setup the environment

Create test plan and deployment strategy

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2, 2012

Overview: Pega Implementation Methodology | Techbpm

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Page 2: Overview_ Pega Implementation Methodology _ Techbpm

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Pega Architecture

Pega 7 Features – Quick comparison with Pega 6.x

Construction Phase Activities

Design process flows, User interface; implement business rules (decision

logic), routing logic, SLAs

Build reports (Report definition wizard)

Use connectors/services to connect with external systems

Unit Testing

Transition Phase Activities

System Integration Testing (SIT)

User Acceptance Test (UAT)

Deployment and Release Notes documentation

In my next post, I would write on the PegaScrum which as the name suggests adopts

the Scrum methodology.

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Overview: Pega Implementation Methodology | Techbpm

2 of 2 12/3/2013 5:09 PM

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