Page 1: Over the Horizon: Connecting Technology Trends with the Library of Tomorrow (2010) - Entire Presentation - 3 Speakers

Mark A. Smith SUNY Ceramics at!Alfred

Joan Getman Cornell University

Dr. Harry Pence SUNY Oneonta - Emeritus

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Implications for Academic Libraries include:

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Implications for Academic Libraries include:

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Implications for Academic Libraries include:

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Implications for Academic Libraries include:

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Academic Librarians 2010

Faster than the Speed of Bytes: Technology, Cognition, and the Academic Librarian

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•  IdenCfyBIGtrends•  IdenCfychallenges•  IdenCfy6emergingtechnologiesorpracCcesandplacethemon3horizons

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•  Collec2veintelligence:50+AdvisoryBoardmembers

•  Wiki:onlinecollaboraConenvironment•  Socialbookmarking:shareresourcesthatpersist

•  Onlineranking:consensusidenCfiestechnologies/pracCces/horizonsandchallenges

•  Publishing:pdfandalternaCveCommentPressformatthatturnsthereportintoanetworkedobjectonwhichreadersconCnuetocomment.

•  Crea2veCommonslicense

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•  Commentonthe2010HorizonReporthUp://

•  TagResourceshz010hUp://

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2008•  GrassrootsVideo•  CollaboraConWebs

•  MobileBroadband

•  DataMashups

•  CollecCveIntelligence•  SocialOperaCngSystems

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•  Mobiles•  CloudCompuCng

•  Geo‐Everything•  ThePersonalWeb

•  SemanCcAwareApplicaCons

•  SmartObjects

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•  MobileCompuCng•  OpenContent•  ElectronicBooks•  SimpleAugmentedReality

•  Gesture‐BasedCompuCng

•  VisualDataAnalysis

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ProjectNewMediaLiteracies•  Play‐thecapacitytoexperimentwithone’ssurroundingsasaformofproblem‐solving

•  Performance‐theabilitytoadoptalternaCveidenCCesforthepurposeofimprovisaConanddiscovery

•  SimulaCon‐theabilitytointerpretandconstructdynamicmodelsofreal‐worldprocesses

•  AppropriaCon‐theabilitytomeaningfullysampleandremixmediacontent

•  MulCtasking‐theabilitytoscanone’senvironmentandshibfocusasneededtosalientdetails

•  DistributedCogniCon‐theabilitytointeractmeaningfullywithtoolsthatexpandmentalcapaciCes

•  CollecCveIntelligence‐theabilitytopoolknowledgeandcomparenoteswithotherstowardacommongoal

•  Judgment‐theabilitytoevaluatethereliabilityandcredibilityofdifferentinformaConsources

•  TransmediaNavigaCon‐theabilitytofollowtheflowofstoriesandinformaConacrossmulCplemodaliCes

•  Networking‐theabilitytosearchfor,synthesize,anddisseminateinformaCon

•  NegoCaCon‐theabilitytotravelacrossdiversecommuniCes,discerningandrespecCngmulCpleperspecCves,andgraspingandfollowingalternaCvenorms

•  VisualizaCon‐theabilitytointerpretandcreatedatarepresentaConsforthepurposesofexpressingideas,findingpaUerns,andidenCfyingtrends


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•  Design.•  Story.•  Symphony.•  Empathy.•  Play.•  Meaning.

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• UsingnewmediaeffecCvely?Notlongerthedomainof"designers"and"arCsts”

•  Storytelling?Nottheexclusivedomainof"humanists"and'Englishmajors’


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•  Environmentalbenefits

•  Portability•  Abilitytoconsolidatealltextsinoneplace•  BaUerylife•  WirelessconnecCon•  Abilitytosearchforcontent•  Abilitytoreadthescreeninfullsunlight


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•  Difficulttohighlighttextandannotatefiles.PDFdocumentscannotbeannotatedorhighlightedatall

•  Lackoffolderstoorganizereadings•  Inabilitytoquicklynavigatebetweendocuments

•  InabilitytoopenmulCpletextsatthesameCme•  Kindletextsdonothavepagenumberstocorrespondto


•  Cannoteasilyskimtexts

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•  ImproveabilitytohighlightandannotatePDFfiles•  ImprovetheannotaContoolsandmakeiteasiertonavigate


•  Provideafolderstructuretoorganizereadings•  ImprovethehighlighCngfuncCon

•  ImprovethenavigaConwithinandbetweendocuments(addabilitytoopenmorethanonedocumentatthesameCme)

•  AddiConoftouchscreenandstylus

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•  MakingmeaningoftheinformaConyoufind– Analysis– Synthesis

•  PresentaConofmulCplekindsofdata:– alpha‐numeric– visual– 2Dor3D– staCcanddynamic

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•  ManagingthevolumeofinformaCon•  Refiningsearches

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Mobile Computing!One Year or less!

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The future is already here, but most academics haven’t realized it yet.

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Gerd Leonhard predicts!

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Olafur Eliasson, The Tate Museum!The Weather Project 2003-4 !

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Open Content!One Year or Less!

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Hard !copy !



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New !directions!

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The MIT Stata Center – Frank Gehry!

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To work well the Semantic Web will require open access!!

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Augmented Reality!Two to Three Years!

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Virtual tabs!

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(Four to Five Years)

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The Promise of Gesture Computing for Libraries:

Beyond organizing, storing, preserving, accessing, evaluating, producing, & teaching

Will Libraries Be the Place For

INTERACTING With Information

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2 Primary Forms

Touch/Surface Based Interaction

Imitative Input / Recognition Response

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Touch/Surface Based: Portables

The Apple iPad

(large iPhone+)

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Multi-Touch/Surface Based

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Hybrid – Touch: Kno E-Textbook

The KNO Digital Textbook http:/

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Touch/Surface: SmartDesks

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Touch/Surface Based: Table Surfaces

Microsoft “Surface” at Ball State Library

Microsoft “Surface” as UI (UX) Object Recognition

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Touch/Surface Based: Walls

These Walls Are Soooo 2008!

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Touch/Surface: Walls

Intel Infoscape

Cubes Of Related Content

Who Is Gonna Catalog This Content?

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Touch/Surface: Apps That Imitate

“Hoccer” App for iPhone/Android/Web Client

contacts, text, bookmarks, images, (coming soon - pdf & zip)

iPhone Guitar App.

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Gesture Imitation/Recognition

Recognition and Response Technologies

2-Way Communication

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Gesture Imitation/Recognition


Wii Hacks

More Than A Toy Nintendo Wii

Training Surgeons

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Gesture: Gaming

The Library of Congress The largest library in the world is no place for a gunfight,

but try telling that to the Drudge, our future extraterrestrial overlords.

From Conduit - Library of Congress For Nintendo Wii

Wii Walkthroughs

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Gesture Imitation/Recognition

Virtual Keyboards Are Here

Oooo Look! Twitter!

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Gesture Assistive Recognition

Incl. Clicking Turning Pages Moves Mouse

The “Hummer Neckband” Converts Sound Vibrations into Computer Input

Hummer Neckband Developed at Bloorview Kids Rehab in Toronto

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Gesture Imitation/Recognition

Handtracking: The hardware for a new gesture-based computing system consists of nothing more than an ordinary webcam and a pair of brightly colored lycra gloves.

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Gesture Imitation/Recognition

Are You Ready for a “Sixth Sense” from MIT Labs

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Is Thinking a Gesture?

What’s Next?

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Onto.. Visual Data Analysis

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Mark A. Smith SUNY Ceramics at!Alfred

Joan Getman Cornell University

Dr. Harry Pence SUNY Oneonta - Emeritus

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Implications for Academic Libraries include:

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Implications for Academic Libraries include:

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Implications for Academic Libraries include:

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Implications for Academic Libraries include:

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