  • 8/4/2019 Output C1: Survey Design for Kampong Cham Water Supply






    Summary Report

    Survey Design for Kampong Cham Town (C1)

    K A M P O N G C H A M

    W A T E R S U P P L Y

    U T I L I T Y

    C A M B O D I A

    Mekong Regional Water and Sanitation Program


  • 8/4/2019 Output C1: Survey Design for Kampong Cham Water Supply



    Currently the population of Mekong Basin is around 250 million in which four of six countries

    have the economic growth approximately 5% since 1980s. The population growth rate is in

    between 4%-5% per annum. Poor people in Cambodia, Lao and Vietnam have migrated to urban.

    Currently poor households in urban consist of about 9%-26% of urban population. Most of those

    poor people live in remote areas or slum areas which are not hygiene (no sewerage system) do

    not have water supply system, sanitation facilities and other social services. With the high

    growth rate and lack of proper planning of relevant authorities like potable water supply,

    sanitation infrastructures, and other facilities has affected their livelihood and health. In general,

    those poor people have to pay more for water than medium or rich people and the results they are

    getting poorer and poorer.

    After a long period of civil war, Cambodia now is developing gradually. The Royal Government

    of Cambodia has set out Cambodian millennium development goals which are in line with the

    world MDGs; and water supply and sanitation are mentioned in the CMDGs. They are clearly

    mentioned that at least 80% of urban population will have water supply and 74% will have

    sanitation facilities by year 2015. To achieve these goals, the RGC has developed national

    policies related water supply and a number of measures since 2004. For example, there were a

    number of reforms in water supply sector like Phnom Penh and Siem Reap water supply

    authorities were transferred to autonomous authorities.

    Even then, water supply and sanitation in Cambodia are still big issues which need large amount

    of investment from the RGC and it is clear that RGC does not have enough budgets to invest in

    this sector and need support from outsiders, and most of the loans were allocated in

    infrastructure development like roads, bridges, schools, hospital, etc. So it needs supports from

    NGOs, IO or UN organizations.

    Based on the above mentioned CMDG, UNHABITAT with the cooperation from MIME,

    especially Potable Water Department have implemented water supply extension and sanitation

    project in four provincial towns: Kampong Thom, Pursat, Kampong Cham and Svay Rieng.

    This project under the MEK-WATSAN programme has been designed to demonstrate a

    community based approach which will increase the access by the poor to improve, affordableand sustainable water supply. This project builds on the efforts of the government and the

    investment already made, and will contribute to strengthening the capacities of MIME in

    monitoring progress towards achieving the MDGs for water and sanitation as well as the

    capacities of the Kampong Cham Water Supply Utility and district authorities in improving

    water and sanitation services through participatory and innovative approaches by 2011, about

    6,500 people -out of wich 30 percent are poor-will benefit from the expansion of water supply

    infrastructure. With the project completed successfully, the coverage of water will rise to 64

    percent from the existing 49 percent.

    MIME has conducted workshops to introduce MEK-WATSAN program to those targeted four

    towns. The stakeholder workshop was help to disseminate the main objectives and scope of the

    project, and to coordinate main activities at the town level. In coordination with local authorities,commune council and community representatives, Kampong Cham Water Supplu Utility led a

    participatory assessment of beneficiaries to identify the poor householders in expansion areas as

    well as to coordinate implementation arrangements. This activity included the definition of a set

    of criteria to identify poor households to inform pro-poor water cost-sharing arrangements such

    as revolving funds for household connection fees. The assessment of beneficiaries also provided

    preliminary data for water indicators database and support the development of a poverty map.

    The engagement with the community provided an opportunity to build wide support for the

    project including its objectives and implementation methodology.

  • 8/4/2019 Output C1: Survey Design for Kampong Cham Water Supply


    To analyze the situation of water and sanitation the baseline data survey was undertaken using

    intensive analysis of water and existing relevant water and sanitation condition of target town

    and a combination of secondary and primary data. The step to collect the primary data was

    conducted as follows:

  • 8/4/2019 Output C1: Survey Design for Kampong Cham Water Supply


    - Develop questionnaire on baseline data- Selection of enumerator for conducting the data collection- Provide training to enumerator on questionnaire and method of survey- Field work-survey activities- Baseline data input- Baseline data analysis

    The stakeholder workshop was held on 16 August 2010 in Kampong Cham Town. There were

    total 52 participants from different government institutions i.e. MIME, Kampong Cham WaterSupply Utility, Department of Industry, Mines and Energy, local authorities; and 16 NGOs like

    Symdese, Development Alternatives Inc, Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia,

    Cambodian Researchers for Development, World Education, Center for Development, Nak

    Akphivat Sahakum, Cambodian Men Health, Cambodian Plant International, Khem, World Food

    Program and Phnom Srey Association were invited to attend the workshop.

    The purpose of stakeholder workshop was to discuss and plan the MDG monitoring strategies for

    secondary towns follow the framework of the Urban Inequities Survey (UIS). MIME, in a

    participatory manner explained the rationale and objectives of the envisaged MDG-monitoring;

    adapt relevant indicator categories to the situation of water and sanitation in secondary town ;

    oversee the design and development of a survey for monitoring the MDGs; define criteria for

    suitable enumerators from community, water utility, NGO and municipality; and develop anaction plan. After the workshop volunteers were selected to conduct the baseline survey. The

    objectives of the workshop were:

    - To introduce the MEK-WATSAN program,- To discus on water and sanitation indicators and survey methodology,- To discus on poor household selection criteria,- To discus on poverty mapping

    Six presentations were made during the stakeholder workshop:

    - First presentation was presented by Mr. Sorn Savnin on MDGs and CMDG related towater and sanitation. This presentation focus on the objective of the project, MDGs and

    CMDGs and the advantage and disadvantage of using safe water,

    - Second presentation illustrates about the present operation of Kampong Cham WaterSupply Utility. This presentation focus on the present condition of water supply in thetown and the extension target of water supply under the support from UN-HABITAT

    and the process of water treatment of Kampong Cham Water Supply Utility,

    - Third presentation presented by Mr. Teang Sokhom about the water and sanitationindicators for baseline survey. This was the explanation and discussion on the existing

    baseline questionnaire that established by UN-HABITA,

    - Forth presentation presented by Ms. Sorn Somoline about baseline survey method andsampling selection. The presentation focused on the method to conduct the survey in

    target area including sampling method,

    - Fifth presentation presented by Mr. Teang Sokhom about poverty mapping method. Thispresentation focused on the method of poverty mapping for poor household in the target


    - Six Presentation presented by Mr. Teang Sokhom about the criteria to identify poorhousehold in Kampong Cham.

    The discussion topic focused on water and sanitation baseline survey indicators (baseline

    questionnaires) and the criteria to identify poor household. There were many questions regarding

    to the water and sanitation indicators (baseline questionnaires) from the participants. There was

    no additional indicator to add to the existing indicators. The local authority mentioned that there

    is no poor household evaluation in Kampong Cham Town, so the project has to conduct poor

    household evaluation and classification follow the guideline and questionnaires of Ministry of

    Planning but there is minor revised based on the purposes of the project, budget and time

  • 8/4/2019 Output C1: Survey Design for Kampong Cham Water Supply


    availability, only questionnaires have score were kept. The method for poor household

    evaluation was followed the following steps:

    - Interview with looked poor households under the guidance of the villages based on therevised questionnaires

    - Sum up those questionnaires- Conduct the poor household classification follow the criteria set by the Ministry of

    Planning. Score in between 59 to 68 was classified as poor category 1, score in between

    45 to 58 was classified as poor category 2, and score below 45 was classified as not poor.

    (Detail methodology is available in Khmer version report).

    Based on the above criteria for poor household evaluation, there are two categories of poor

    household i.e. poor category 1 and 2 where poor category 1 is the poorest household and poor

    category 2 is poor household. The results of household classification were used to map poverty


    The baseline questionnaire consists of nine main sections as:

    i) Water and Sanitation Module: have 11 questions;ii) Volume and payment for drinking water: Consumers with piped water

    connections: have 8 questions and Consumers without piped water connections:

    have 5 questions;

    iii) Disruptions to the water supply: have 2 questions;iv)

    Household treatment of drinking water: have 3 questions;v) Source of water for cleaning, washing and bathing: have 4 questions;

    vi) Sanitation: have 8 questions;vii) Sewage Treatment: have 4 questions;viii) Solid Waste Disposal: have 14 questions;ix) Health questions: have 4 questions.

    The baseline questionnaire was modified during the stakeholder workshop as follows:

    - Added the note at the beginning of the questionnaire in order to explain thesurveyor to get more understanding about the objective of the project as well as

    the purpose of survey.

    - The distance of latrine to water sources like well and pond. (added in SanitationSection)

    - The reason of not having toilet (added in Sanitation Section, on question WS23A)

    - Did your family get any awareness campaign on health care from the governmentor NGOs so far? (added in Health Section)

    - Added the code (H1, H2, H3, H4) of each question in Health Section.The training of field enumerators was provided before undertaking the survey. About 21

    enumerators including 3 women were selected to provide training on baseline data survey. The

    training on questionnaire and method of survey was conducted in Kampong Cham Town on 17

    August 2010 to build the capacity of the enumerators in undertaking data collection activities.

    The volunteer come from Provincial Department of Industry, Mine and Energy, Water Supply

    Utility, local authorities, communities. These enumerators were selected by Water SupplyAuthority and Commune authority based on the following criteria: i) literated; ii) have

    experience in field survey; and iii) voluntery. The pre-test was conducted in Boeng Kok 2

    village. The participants were divided into two groups working on pretesting of baseline survey.

    The leader of the group has conducted a demonstration on sampling selection and asking the

    question about baseline questionnaire. Then each group conducted the survey by themselves.

    After finished field-test, all groups presented their survey result and raised the problem they have

    faced during the survey as follows:

    - Difficult to get the answer on total monthly income because some household arelabor work and had paid by days ;

  • 8/4/2019 Output C1: Survey Design for Kampong Cham Water Supply


    - Household tried to increase their expense and decrease their income;- Question WS1: some household have many sources of water for drinking such as

    piped, rain, and well. So how to write down the answer? It met the same problem

    for all sources water use;

    To refer to this problem, local consultant explained how to ask about the monthly income by

    asking all the occupation of all household family and calculate one by one then summed up the

    total household income. Related to the increasing of expense and decrease income, the

    interviewer should balance the income with the expense. About the sources of water use for

    every purpose, the interviewer have to write which is the main source of water that family use.

    There was no modification on the questionnaire after field-test. The questionnaire was already

    modified during the stakeholder workshop as following:

    All relevant stakeholders will cooperate with this baseline survey activity. The local authorities

    especially commune/sangkat, village chiefs and communities were happy to help the program in

    surveying and implementing. They understood and knew about baseline survey method and how

    to choose sample for conducting the survey.

    The enumerators were divided into two groups for conducting the base line survey in the project

    target areas. Below are the target villages and communes/Sangkat to be surveyed.

    - Group survey in Sangkat Sambour Meas. The responsible person was Mr.Va Then -Sangkat Council. This group was divided into five sub-group and survey in five villages:Roka Leu, Roka Kroam, Prek Deumchan, Neang Konghing and Boeng Snay Village.

    - Group survey in Sangkat Boeng Kok. The responsible person was Mrs. Sourng HeangSangkat deputy chief. This group was divided into three sub-group and survey in three

    villages: Chong Thnol 1, Chong Thnol 2 and Boeng Kok2.

    The household survey was started on 06 September 2010. These sample household has selected

    based on the location of water supply extension. The sample for interview is 30% of total

    household in each target village. The sample households were selected by random method. The

    baseline data collection covered 743 households over the different terrains of the two Sangkat of

    Kampong Cham Town of Kampong Cham Province. The numbers of household to be

    interviewed in each commune were as follows:

    1. Sangkat Sambour Meas surveyed in 5 villages: 505 households;2. Sangkat Boeng Kok surveyed in three villages: 238 households.

    Table below provides a description on the survey coverage, sample and census statistics for the

    target Sangkat composing the present report.

    Results of the household interviews for baseline data collection

    Sangkat Villages Census HHSample HH




    Sambour Meas

    Roka Leu 365 93 100%

    Roka Kroam 520 140 100%

    Prek Deum Chan 242 62 100%

    Boeng Snay 536 110 100%

    Neang Kong hing 242 100 100%

    Boeng Kok

    Boeng Kok 2 548 122 100%

    Chong THnol 1 252 68 100%

    Chiong Thnol 2 191 48 100%

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