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utLook STUDENT PRESSO Vol. 44 Issue 10 February 7, 2012

Black History Month Activities Set to Begin

Green Contest: Towards A Sustainable RCCThe Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial in Washington, D.C.

These Swiss Meringuesfor Valentine's Day

will brightenany heart.

“You can make these delicious little treats for yourself and your loved ones on Valentine’s Day.”

Katherine Aucena, Student

HealtH 13

“Numerous SUNY Rockland students are alumni of this

institution, which has long been the only Conservative Jewish

School in Rockland. ”

Lindsay Goldman, Student

News 2

After 40 years, Reuben Gittelman Hebrew Day

School will shutter its doors.

“ My first night in London I went to the British Art Gallery and saw

an award-winning musical. New York City, my heart

belongs to another.” Meghan Maloney, Student

Features 4

Winter 2012 in London was no ordinary

educational experience.

February marks Black History Month, a time dedicated to the culture and ethnicity of African Americans at SUNY Rockland, Rockland County, and the entire nation.

There are numerous events that are taking place around RCC that help in celebrating and understanding the rich history of noted African Americans.

The concept behind Black History Month began in 1926 when Carter G. Woodson initially created “Negro History Week.”

Woodson, a historian and African American, expressed that “We’re overlooked, ignored, and even suppressed by the writers of history textbooks and the teachers who use them.”

He hoped that his proposed week would be able to create awareness about African American history throughout America.

Woodson passed away before witnessing the evolution of his proposal from a one week commemoration to an entire month, which became official in the United States and Canada in 1976.

“Not many students may have stopped and taken the time to think of the special place that Black History has in the American story,” says Professor David Lucander, who teaches Pluralism and Diversity at RCC.

At RCC we have a very active

campus filled with students who are interested in getting involved in the different programs that take place each month, Lucander noted.

“We have really good attendance at many of the events that are held in honor of Black History Month,” he said. Lucander also mentioned that Woodson would likely be impressed and proud of the events taking place this month at RCC.

Dana Stilley, Co-Chair of the Black History Month Committee, said she “is excited about this month's celebration, we have something for everyone. We have book reviews, discussions, and a gospel concert.”

The first event will be taking place on Tuesday, February 7, with the Black Achievement Awards beginning at 7:00pm in the Cultural Arts Center.

“I am especially excited to attend the 'Songs and Images of the Civil Rights Movement',” said freshman Nathan Caplan. “This event, along with the others, is a great opportunity for me to become aware of new aspects of African American history that I had not known before.”

These upcoming events are another way to become more involved in campus life, Stilley says.

She hopes that “the students will be engaged because of the diversity of the program” and believes that “we will be able to reach every facet of our student body.”

Month of lectures, readings and performances will honor and celebrate achievementsStephanie NelsonStaff writer

Recommended Reading •

The Quality of Life Committe, in partnership with Dr. Cliff L. Wood and the Environmental Education Committee, have announced the launch of the second Green Contest at Rockland Community College.

The contest is open to all

students and staff at RCC excluding members of the Quality of Life Committee.

One student essay, one student media presentation, and one staff submission will each win a $200 prize sponsored by Dr. Wood. Last year’s contest was won by three members of the Mug Action Club, taking first, second, and third places.

“We hope to publish the

winners’ entries this year,” said Professor Saeed Safaie, chair of the committee that decides the winner.

The goal of the contest is to increase the sustainability of the college and reduce its negative impact on our surroundings, as well as increase general awareness of the effort to go green.

All entries are due by March 1, and the prizes will be awarded

to the winners during the Earth Day celebrations. The contest will be judged by Dr. Suzan Golz and Professor Saeed Safaie, along with members of the college staff and the Quality of Life Committee.

The winning entries will be considered for implementation on campus and will hopefully help the college become one step closer to being environmentally friendly.

Elan WeinbergerNews Editor

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NEWS February 7, 2012 2

Republican Presidential Contest Enters the Home Stretch

The Republican presidential nomination is heating up. With only four candidates left, the American people are deciding who they will put up against the incumbent: President Barack Obama. It will surely be a tough election for whoever wins the nomination, but for now it seems as if only two of the four candidates have a real chance at representing the Grand Old Party in the 2012 election.

Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts, and Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, are vamping up their advertising are looking for new voters in key battleground states such as Florida and Nevada. It seems as if these two candidates are in a deadlocked race. Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary, and Mitt Romney won both New Hampshire and Florida, but almost won the Iowa Caucus, only losing by 34 votes.

New York is historically a state controlled by Democrats. New York’s Governor, Andrew Cuomo, as well as both of New York’s Senators, Chuck Schumer and Kristen Gilibrand, are all Democrats. This overwhelming majority has made the Republican Presidential Nomination less of an issue within our area, but there is still a lot of debate going around the college. Where do SUNY Rockland students stand?

It seems that RCC students want to have Ron Paul as there next Republican candidate. Out of a poll of 100 students, 29% wanted Paul. The Republican congressman from Texas has been coming in last place for most national polls, and he has not come in first place in any of the Republican primaries.

His policies have been criticized by many for being Libertarian, the party that believes in limited government intervention, rather than Republican.

The most surprising statistic is the amount of students who do not know anything about the primary.

Approximately 35 percent of students claim that they do not know nor care about the nomination.

This number goes against the national average, which reports that 68 percent of college students are politically active. The poll, organized by Harvard University, surveyed 250 universities across the country and consider “politically active” as following the news closely.

Officially leading the race is Mitt Romney, who currently has 87 of the 1191 delegates needed to win the Republican nomination. Surprisingly, Romney was second in the RCC poll with only 15 percent of students saying that they would vote for him in the primary. Romney has

been surging in national polls with a huge victory in the Florida primary, which won him 50 delegates for the primary.

In the Florida primary, Romney won 47 percent of the vote, with Gingrich coming in distant second with 32 percent, Rick Santorum in third with 13 percent, and Ron Paul coming in last place with 7 percent of the votes.

The rest of the RCC poll had Rick Santorum in third place, with 11 percent of the vote and Newt Gingrich in last place, with 10 percent of the vote.

Florida, which is one of the most important swing states in presidential elections, was the subject of controversy in the presidential election of 2000, where many cried foul over ballot counts in the sunshine state. In the 2008 election, Barack Obama won Florida, while in the 2000

election the majority of the state voted for George W. Bush.

When looking on the political spectrum, the two most conservative candidates are Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, while Ron Paul is slightly more moderate, with Mitt Romney considered to be one of the most moderate candidates of any Republican presidential primary.

New York’s primary is scheduled for April 24, 2012. New York, like most other Republican primaries, is a closed ballot primary, which means that only those that are registered Republican may vote in this primary.

In order to register to vote you can either fill out the voter registration form or go online. There are numerous websites that offer this service.

Elan WeinbergerNews Editor

Reuben Gittelman Hebrew Day School (RGHDS) in New City, NY has been active for 40 years educating kids from Pre-K through 8th grade. This incredible institution teaches Jewish morals and values along with a full secular curriculum. This will be the last year that the school will operate, closing its doors in June 2012 at the end of the current school year.

Numerous SUNY Rockland students are alumni of this institution, which has long been the only Conservative Jewish School in Rockland.

Several Yeshivas in the county cater only to the Orthodox branch of Judaism which holds different, more traditional ideals than that of the Conservative and Reform movements.

On January 10, 2012 there was a meeting held to explain the reasoning for the decision to the parents of the 150 current students. Parents of students that had graduated nearly decades earlier were in attendance as well, along with the administrators and faculty.

The president of the Board of Trustees, Virginia Feldman, explained to the

parents that they had run out of options. They had looked for ways to cut down on their expenses, thought of merging with other Conservative Jewish day schools, and considered alternative learning environments.

“Due to the economic downturn, the smaller number of students enrolling, and the changing demographics of Rockland County, Gittelman cannot continue,” the community was informed.

“It is a real shame,” says Jeff Weinberger, former president of the school. “Our students will no longer be able to live and breathe our Conservative Jewish values.”

Gittelman is just one of many Jewish Day Schools in our area that has been forced to close its doors in the past few years due to lack of interest and the economy. This is a disheartening reality for many non-orthodox Jews in Rockland County and the greater tri-state area.

After Gittelman announced its official closing, a new school was born. The Rockland Jewish Academy (RJA), openly supported by the Rockland Board of Rabbis, will be a pluralistic and independent Jewish day school for kids from Pre-K through 5th grade in Rockland, Orange, and Bergen County.

According to their website,, the RJA “offers children an innovative and enriched curriculum focused on 21st

century skills, instilling morals and values, and promoting a strong Jewish identity in a safe and nurturing environment.”

Their first official event, Family Fun Day will take place on Sunday, February 12 2012 from 1- 3:30 p.m. at the JCC Rockland. It will be a celebration of Tu B’shvat, the Jewish New Year of the Trees, equivalent to Arbor Day. All are welcome to come for the festivities and to learn about Rockland’s new Jewish day school.

Reuben Gittelman Hebrew Day School to CloseLindsay GoldmanSTAFF WRITER

“It is a real shame. Our students will no longer be able to live and breathe our Conservative Jewish values.”

Jeff Weinberger, Former President of Reuben Gittelman

Beloved school to shut its doors in June 2012

Only four of the candidates remain for the upcoming Republican nomination.


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FEATURES 3February 7, 2012


Tips To Make Air Travel Stress Free and Fun

Let me set the scene. Picture 9,000 people covered in paint, confetti f lying, every kind of color imaginable splashing through the audience, professional DJs performing live, all while a sea of people are dancing to a beat. Ladies and gentlemen, what I have just described is DAYGLOW.

On the first night of 2012, I, as well as many others, attended America’s largest paint party known as DAYGLOW. This nine-hour party took place in New York City at Pier 94. These nine hours of partying, dancing, and being with thousands of people who share a similar interest was one of the most memorable and fun nights of my life. Second year student, Aylina Bucaj describes her experience as “…not only the best new years of my life but the best night of my life. It is a night that I strongly encourage every college student to experience.”

DAYGLOW is a music festival where people come dressed in all white and neon colored clothing that they know will get “ruined” from the gallons of paint being thrown in the crowds. Incredible performances of techno, house, and dubstep music from DJs such as Benny Benassi, Alesso, and Liadback Luke are part of the whole experience. Conor Clavell, a second year student at SUNY Rockland illustrates DAYGLOW when saying, “Electronic music isn’t just some new wave music genre, it is an experience! DAYGLOW is a freight train of thunderous beats, mesmerizing light shows, and one uniquely captivating

event that will reshape your outlook on the future of music”.

This paint party happens all over America in every major city. With its unique musical atmosphere, it is definitely something all teenagers and young adults should experience for themselves. I shall leave you loyal readers with these final words that fellow new student Jessica Masciovecchio stated: “Attending DAYGLOW for the first time with many of my friends was one of the most amazing experiences that I will not forget. I look forward to and will definitely be attending the America’s largest paint party, DAYGLOW, once again next year”.


Dayglow Takes Over New York City

Everybody knows that whether one is planning on traveling for business or for leisure, air travel can sometimes be filled with stress. I personally began traveling on my own at around age nineteen. Thankfully, the more plane rides I took the more tips I picked up for ensuring the least amount of discomfort as possible. I gradually figured out where to buy the cheapest airfare tickets and how to get the most enjoyment out of my airport and traveling experience all together. Below are a few of what I deem the most important things to know or remember about flying.

First off, never splurge senselessly on airfare. You should do your homework and compare travel sites to see which

website can offer you the best price for your tickets. My go-to website for cheap airfare is Every time I want to buy plane tickets, I consult them for my purchase. My friend recently told me that she paid $1,700 dollars for round trip tickets to Italy; of course, I was shocked because she could have easily gotten those same seats for about $800 on, even with keeping the same travel dates. Needless to say that after informing her about the website I use to buy tickets for air travel, she will be using the same one from now on. If you want to travel first class, Kayak also offers the best deals on first class tickets. The website is incredibly easy to use and completely hassle free.

My second tip would be this: Getting to the airport early on the day of the actual trip is very important. I usually arrive about three hours before my flight. Most

people say two hours, but the extra hour always gives me peace of mind and a generous amount of time to check-in with my boarding pass, review my luggage, and arrive at the specified gate prior to the boarding of the plane. Most airlines have a luggage fee starting at $25 upwards for your first suitcase of 50 lbs or under, so I always make sure that I weigh my suitcase at home once I am done packing to ensure there are no surprise fees waiting for me once I arrive at the airport. Next, if security lines are super long, it can be pretty nerve-wrecking in terms of whether you miss your flight or not. The key here is to be ready to pass through the metal detectors before it is your turn. Because I am accustomed to the procedures, I prepare myself by wearing slip-on shoes and by removing all the metal jewelry/belt buckles I am wearing. After successfully passing through security, I am

able to relax my mind and either pick up a pre-flight meal or some books from the airport shops due to the extra hour I have before takeoff.

Lastly, prior to actually arriving at the airport, I load up my iPod with a bunch of new songs and occasionally a few movies. I also stock up on magazines. Long flights can be a pain, but bringing things to keep me occupied definitely helps with the boredom I may experience.

Traveling does not have to be a hassle, and giving yourself extra time and not splurging on overpriced tickets are beneficial. Over the years, air travel has become one of my favorite things to do, and it is mainly because I follow these helpful tips of my own. I have learned these from experience and am sharing them so you may also come to love flying as much as I do.

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FEATURES February 7, 2012 4

Frank GalosoAlthough overlooked, perhaps the

best thing about visiting London is being immersed in a city full of rich history. Stories and sights abound the metropolis range from the important to the mundane, from William the Conqueror’s Tower of London to a humble pub that survived the fires that once ravaged city of London. While walking the avenues, you’re likely to see structures built by exceptional artisans and exquisite works of public art, all crafted and created throughout the city’s long history. London embraces its historical tradition and is home to hundreds of museums. The most well-known museum is the British Museum which houses the Rosetta Stone and remnants of the Parthenon. That kind of appreciation befits the city with such an enduring history, and helps make London all the more vibrant.

Monica PowellWinter session 2012 was no ordinary

educational endeavor for me. Flying overseas with nearly twenty other students

from Rockland Community College to a place I had never been before, it became quite clear that my traditional studying space was being transformed from a four-number accommodation on Academic II to a more expansive locality. For twelve whole days, my classroom was to be a city, and my college a country. The place? London, England. The course I had enrolled in was titled “Drama in Britain” and was instructed by Dr. Nancy Hazelton.

It consisted of attending five theater performances at different venues in the metropolitan area and varied from a farcical comedy by Shakespeare to the historically-based drama, known as War Horse. As a class, we students had the opportunity of touring the backstage of several theaters we consequently observed and critiqued plays from. We were also fortunate to have excursions to Windsor Castle and Hampton Court. Joining us was a brilliant historian as a guide who lent us numerous facts about these royal dwellings. In addition to the assignments and outings indicated on the syllabus, our schedule boasted of several hours of free time in order to explore the city of London and be immersed in its culture and history. I took full advantage of this and planned a day-trip to the famous Tower of London, visited several museums, including the British Museum, which hosts the ancient Rosetta Stone and damaged sculptures from the Grecian Parthenon. I became a regular customer at a local Whole Foods Market to refuel with some organic and raw Britain-made chocolate. To say

that my time in this beautiful and extremely cordial part of Europe was extraordinary is an understatement; furthermore, it’s nearly impossible to sum up the reality of my experiences in mere words. What I can say about the trip, though, is that I strongly believe it is only the first of many to come.

Meghan MaloneySome say New York City is the city

that never sleeps, but I have to agree with Mister Charles Dickens when he says, “The sun that rises over the quiet streets of London on a bright Sunday morning, shines till his setting, on gay and happy faces.” Over the holiday break, myself and several other students traveled to the city of London under the advisement of the RCC professor, Dr. Hazelton, to expand our knowledge of the English theatre and observe foreign attitudes toward literature. This course was unlike any seminar I have ever participated in. Lectures were held at the National Theatre and other historical landmarks in the city. Our assignments were opinion-based, and the most crucial aspect of learning came from outside the classroom. That being said, I felt this course truly expanded my literary lens and helped me further appreciate the aspects of written literature on the stage. While exploring London, I took backstage tours, viewed some of the most highly regarded plays on the West End, traveled beyond the city to the countryside, and developed a sophisticated taste in British architecture. Appreciation of the arts in England is overwhelming and inspiring. Students who are not necessarily involved in theater or share the same love for literature as I do, can go abroad and feel the contagious joy of others while learning about art. My first night in London I went to the British Art Gallery and saw an award-winning musical. New York City, my heart belongs to another.

Brianna RobinsonLondon was amazing. There’s so much to

see and do in this grand city. The literature in London group, conducted by Professor Newhem, went on great walking tours, revisiting the path that great English authors might have taken during their lifetimes. We saw the houses, pubs, and work places of Shakespeare, Chaucer, Milton, and other famous writers. I learned so much during my time in England because the beautiful and bustling scenery that London provided accompanied all the facts and information that I was being taught. We recited a poem by Blake as we stood at his grave; a bit morbid but still completely exciting. We spoke about sonnets as we stood on the site where Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre had been located. It was inspiring. In our free time, we were able to shop and visit the many diverse sites. I’m a huge Harry Potter fan, so naturally I was in all my glory. On one of the last nights in London, a few of us went to see a play. The theatre was fantastic but the best part was walking through Trafalgar Square and to the Tube station at night. From this specific sight you can see the London Eye all lit up, and if you walk a bit farther you can see Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. There is no other sight like it! With all that I learned and experienced, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this trip to anyone. Going abroad and traveling is something everyone should take part in, and coupled with the opportunity to learn in such an environment, this is a MUST for any college student. I had the time of my life, and the people I was with and the things that I did all helped create memories that will stay with me forever.

Drama in BritainStudents Travel Abroad to London During Winter Break

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SUNY Students at London Bridge/Photo courtesy of Monica Powell

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How To Have A Memorable Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is coming up. Does this day ring a bell? Well I hope it does, especially for those of you who have a significant other. It is the day of love; express it, discover it, or just watch it take over the atmosphere of the day. Love is everywhere. For those of us who have a special someone, this day is full of expectations, and one can’t help but wonder what to purchase for them, what to do for them, and how to show them that you really care.

For all the guys - relax. If she truly cares for you, it doesn’t matter what gift you invest in for her. What is important, though, is the time you spend in picking out this gift. Did you wait last minute and were forced to rush in and out of a store the morning of this special day, or did your take a little time out of your schedule to consider what her interests are and what item could be uniquely gifted with that in mind? Also, it’s how you present it that matters; let it be from the heart, and watch her melt. Sing for her! So what if you sound like a broken guitar? Dance for her, or better yet, dance with her! It doesn’t matter if you look like a drunken chimpanzee. Write her a poem; she knows you are not Shakespeare, but as the saying goes, “It‘s the thought that counts“. Gentlemen, you must remember that money is not everything. Is it important? Yes. Is it more important than the relationship with your girlfriend, fiancee, or wife? Definitely not! I’m pretty sure we all agree that if your girl is more into what you bought her or how much money you spent on her, there is something wrong with the situation at hand.

Hopefully she’s in love with you and not your bank account. In the end, the fact that you are making an effort to please her will be the most touching gift.

Ladies, now it’s your turn. You’re wondering, “What do I get him?” Well, I am going to advise you to follow the suggestions just given above, because believe it or not, the majority of what can be said about gifting for girls is applicable to the gifting for guys. Sing, dance, write, and romance. If you can cook, prepare him something special. If there is something specific he likes and you can afford it, then by all means go out and buy it for him If you can’t, though, for goodness’ sake don’t lose sleep over it! If he truly cares for you, rest-assured that the value of your relationship with him is worth more than a tangible item.

Now it’s lovely if you have someone to share this Valentine’s Day with, but what if you don’t? What should you do? Here’s my answer to this question: Just treat yourself! Hey, if you don’t love yourself, how do you expect others to love you? Treat yourself to a nice dinner, dedicate a song to yourself and sing it out loud, or write yourself a poem. While you are at it, say “I love you” to yourself. I know, it sounds crazy, right? But do it. One of the first steps to having a cherishable life is through loving yourself.

Listen up, everyone: Life is short; it’s a fact. If you love someone, tell them. Don’t wait or put it off until tomorrow because by that time it may be too late. Your special someone is waiting to hear it, and you will be amazed what the power of a few loving words can do. Guys, your girl may receive compliments often, but when you specifically point out her most becoming characteristics, she will suddenly feel all the more beautiful

just because you said it. She may know you love her, but she still longs to hear it in your voice and through your words.

Have you ever stopped to wonder that maybe the person you are with now is your soul mate? Even if they are not, they are helping you reach him or her. They deserve your love and respect, and what better day to show it to them than Valentine’s day? Love is a beautiful emotion and makes the world change in the most beautiful ways. If you love someone, say it, sing it, write it, dance it, live it; in other words, express it!

It’s that time of the year again where the place you go for dinner is scrutinized more than the freshness of the rose that you elegantly handed off. Finding the perfect place to eat on this occasion could be a challenge, so here are a few suggestions that are bound to make the dinner a memorable one.

Wasabi Grill in New CityFrom the sleek, modern décor to the

savory Japanese-American style dishes, Wasabi Grill in New City has become the go-to restaurant for all your celebratory occasions. Besides the divine tasting appetizers and entrees, the preparation of each dish is pleasing to the eye and to the stomach. The menu selection features mainly seafood and traditional Japanese-American foods, but also vegetarian, poultry, and beef meals. The intimate vibe and ambient lighting set the tone for what could be your perfect Valentine’s Day dinner.

Civile’s Venice on the Hudson in Haverstraw

Civile’s Venice on the Hudson provides more than just your average Italian-American style restaurant. Upon being seated, you will receive a complimentary basket of extra long breadsticks, cubes of cheese, and an exquisite array of olive oils. Their menu consists of a wide range of American and Italian dishes with a reasonable price tag attached. With the frigid winter air, the outdoor seating is inevitably ruled out. The good news is that the walls are made up of windows overlooking the breath-taking Hudson River.

Velo in NyackLocated on North Broadway in Nyack,

Velo restaurant is inspired by a mix of cuisines while maintaining an intriguing, upbeat environment. The atmosphere is meant to resemble city-life yet you and your date can remain cozy together at your table. The homemade pastas are Velo’s main staple, and the delectable desserts are the perfect way to end your date on the sweetest day of the year.

Neelam Shahzadcontributing Writer

Valentine's Day Dinner

February 7, 2012

Sari Ugell & Shara BeitchOutlook editors

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OPINIONS6 February 7, 2011 February 7, 2012

Immigration is frequently swept under the rug because it carries a stigma, specifically in the United States and France. No one wants to talk about it for several reasons. For some, it is the embarrassment of being told that their opinion is anti-national and just outrageous. There are those in denial that immigration needs to be addressed, while others simply don’t care because the issue doesn’t pertain to them.

Immigration affects everyone nationwide. It is a topic of top priority for government. This country won’t pass the Dream Act because republicans are focused on preventing the corrupt green paper from being “stolen” by hard working, sweating, disadvantaged blue collar laborers.

It’s quite amazing how easily people, who say these immigrants can’t be Americans, forget that they themselves were once immigrants on Ellis Island. Everyone in this nation is an immigrant, except the natives of course. Just because they are not of a darker skin tone, don’t do “dirty work,” and know the English language, they are not considered immigrants! Who could ever say?!

After the attacks of 9/11 in 2001, the nation had no choice but to change its laws as a precaution and protection of its borders. This was expected, and no one would protest. But what about those innocent families who lived here peacefully before the attacks? Dreams of many to see their relatives again were crushed. Even those who arrived legally to the US, were members of our society, paid their taxes, but were rejected from

their well deserved residency. Students who have been living here

for over a decade, before and after 9/11, are limited in education choices. When applying to college, financial aid isn’t even an option without a social security number. As international students, if immigrants decide to apply to out-of-state colleges, we face tuition prices that are nearly quadrupled.

Everything becomes more difficult for the immigrants. Money is harder to come by, education costs increase, and medical assistance is scarce depending on the state. Immigrants come here for a better shot at life, for better opportunities than they have in their native countries.

So what do we do with all the people who want to better their and their children’s lives? These people just want to see their families succeed. Americans need to reevaluate their viewpoints. After all, this is the country of opportunity.

The Image of the ImmigrantAna Aparicio


“Outside the Principal’s Office Part Deux by Patrick Mitchell”


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Outlook Student Press

Outlook Student Press is published every other week except during exam periods and summer. It is an independent newspaper and public forum produced by students and paid for by advertising revenue and student activities fees. Outlook Student Press invites you to submit your opinions and ideas for publication. We strongly encourage letters to the editor.Content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Outlook editors or staff. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, style, and taste. Outlook does not accept anonymous submissions.

Staff: Nathan Caplan, Gina Duncan, Brian Katzman, Katherine Aucena, Lind-say Goldman, Stephanie Nelson.

Contributors: Frank Galoso, Brianna Robinson, Meghan Maloney, Juliana Roth, Neelam Shahzad, Patrick Mitchell, Melissa Mone, Amanda Van Ryn, Kristina Nikolaj.

On the web: [email protected]: Student Union Room 3200 Phone: (845) 574-4389Fax: (845) 356-6261

Snail mail:Outlook Student PressRockland Community College145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901

Professor Fuentes, Advisor

Sari Ugell, Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Maze, Managing Editor Ken Grand-Pierre, Art DirectorElan Weinberger, News Editor Shara Beitch, Features Editor

Monica Powell, Science & Health EditorKristen Loretoni, Opinions EditorDavid Strinkovsky, Sports EditorLouie Gaitan, Photo Editor

David Strinkovsky

Elan Weinberger

When it comes to over the counter medicine, I find it all to be the same. Tylenol and the CVS imitation pain killer both have the same active ingredient: ibuprofen. Whether or not it has an esteemed medical logo on the bottle or the name of the local store down the street, it contains the one or two ingredients that are formulated to aid the pain. If you are in dire need of a certain medication and don’t want to take the risk with an off brand, then you shouldn’t be buying an over the counter drug in general. Name brands are also costly for no legitimate reason. Why spend the extra money to have a certain miniscule, white letter on the capsule when you can save and still get the same active ingredients? The other components are just fillers to sustain their name brand. Don’t be deluded by the logo, just read the fine print on the label.

When I go to my local pharmacy to buy medicine, I usually don’t care much for brand name drugs. In many cases drugs like CVS’ ibuprofen ends up helping me much more than Advil’s. What makes the decision even easier for me is the fact that non-brand name drugs are usually cheaper on regular basis. Furthermore another reason why I tend to prefer buying non-brand name drugs is because many stores make the price of the drugs even cheaper if you have a discount card to the store. Just to be clear both types of medication are very helpful, don’t get me wrong. However when deciding a personal preference, why not go for the cheaper drug if it has the same affect. Something I have personally seen recently is that non-brand name drugs also tend to come in more conveniently sized packages. Another reason I tend to side to with generic drugs is because many doctors tend to prescribe them to their patients instead of brand name drugs, obviously pending which drug will help them more. For those who argue that generic drugs are not safe enough, that couldn’t be more false because all drugs go through the same health inspection by the food and drug administration. Ultimately it’s your choice to make but if you want to save a few bucks and feel better, the decision isn’t very hard to make.

Medicine is one of those tricky substances that one must be cautious when buying. There is a lot of room for failure because different types of drugs have different effects on your body. When buying over-the-counter medication, I, along with most other people, like to save money. For that reason I like to go with generic brands. HOWEVER, any medication is as good as what it is in it, so I always like to compare ingredients in the medications. I look at the active ingredients because essentially it is what makes you feel better. So in my opinion, compare the active ingredients, and if they check out, then take it to check out. When it comes to prescription medication, I never really get a say in what I am buying because a doctor prescribes them to me, and he never asks for my opinion on whether I want generic or prescription.

Shara Beitch

7February 7, 2012 OPINIONS


Monica Powell

When it comes down to it, the ultimate role that accessible drugs serve in the human life are the masking of symptoms without addressing their direct causes. The occurrence of disease has skyrocketed in America’s most recent history, but instead of examining the things that may have stimulated this infamous phenomenon, scientists and medical professionals have encouraged the regular consumption of over-the-counter medication as well as prescriptions for a “cure-all” to a highly processed and artificial diet lacking in adequate nutrition. As a country, we have become so reliant on drugs for our everyday aches and pains that we’ve forgotten the basis of health doesn’t stem from pills but rather begins with what we put in our mouths. The majority of our physical well-being is determined by our everyday lifestyle choices; therefore, investing in either generic or brand name drugs is in reality no investment at all. Clearly our purchases need to take a new direction.

Outlook Stick People by Elizabeth Maze

When it comes to buying medication, I choose to always buy generic. Brand name drugs are very overpriced, usually more than 50% of the generic brands. For the same ingredients, consumers pay a lot more simply for the name on the box. The quality and medicinal value of the drugs is exactly the same, and the price difference is what makes many suspicious. The effects of the drug itself are the same so to me, it doesn’t make much sense to waste money just for the name. As a working college student, I look to save money in as many ways as humanly possible. When spending money on something as simple as Ibuprofen, which is more commonly known as Advil; I look to spend the least amount of money as possible. Brand name pharmaceutical companies seek to rip off consumers by making their product out to be more effective or made with a higher quality, yet they are the same.

Kristen Loretoni

Page 8: Outlook Student Press


What exactly is beauty? Is it something that you can just get off the shelves of your local drugstore or is it something deeper than that? Who defines it and do they have the right to? A dictionary would say that beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction to another. But does that mean satisfaction for one or satisfaction for all?

Many people in today’s society believe that beauty is only what is on the outside of a person. Their hair color, eye color, weight, skin, and other attributes seem to define who a person is. But what people don’t know is that it is not necessarily the perfect celebrity body that defines what beauty is. If you compare yourself to actors and actresses you will never be happy with yourself. You will be exhausted and broke trying to keep up with them.

If you are not happy with yourself, you cannot expect others to view you as beautiful. You need to love yourself in order for others to love you.

Most Americans today will do anything and everything they can to keep up with having a “beautiful” body. People go through crazy workout sessions at the gym and push themselves through horrifying health-risk diets just to keep up with today’s idea of beauty. Celebrities are so easy to idolize since they are the faces we see every day in the media.

Celebrities use their bodies and thin frames to make a majority of their money. They use their bodies to sell products to the public, which even then can be harmful. Jersey Shore, an American reality television series on MTV, has their cast encouraging

people to use a product called Stacker 2 and Xenadrine, which are both types of drug supplements that help burn fat fast. However, many viewers do not know that supplements like these can seriously harm their health. Both products have energy stimulants which can lead to cardiac problems, high blood pressure, and produce negative psychological effects.

There are also surgeries that people undergo in order to keep up with the “beauty” ideals of America. Some surgeries

like getting breasts implants, Botox, and liposuction can lead to health risks such as infections, bleeding, and nerve injuries. So what will it be: Your health or society’s idea of a “sexy” body?

As the story goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are plenty of young men and women that are too afraid to be themselves because of their weight. However, shows like Jersey Shore, lodge the idea in society’s head that going tanning and going to the gym is the right way to make you beautiful.

An overweight person is no different than a skinny person. A woman with fake breasts is no different than another woman with real breasts. They still cry, laugh, sleep, shop, have jobs, and go to school. Beauty is not about looks, it is about personality.

Who you are defines you. In the end be who you are and not what society deems to be beautiful. Not only will you be happier with yourself, but other people will enjoy being around you.

Bridge to Terabithia, the Harry Potter series, James and the Giant Peach, Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. When I think of these titles I remember some of the favorite books of my childhood, but some children will never get to read or even recognize these classics. These are just a few of the books that are frequently banned from school libraries and classrooms across America.

For reasons like witchcraft, magic, and the fear a child might confuse fantasy with reality, books that teach children to love reading are being banned. If you try to ban every book that has magic in it you are eliminating an entire genre of books that are the favorites of a lot of children. These are the books that create life-long readers and encourage children who struggle with reading to keep trying.

As an extreme Harry Potter fan and avid reader, I can’t imagine what my life would be like without these books. These are the books that I learned to read with. I remember how my mom and I would settle in on my parent’s bed and we would read two chapters a night. The first chapter she would read to me, and the second, I would read to her. Some of my favorite memories come from reading these books.

The authors that have written these include writers such as Katherine

Paterson, J.K Rowling, Roald Dahl, and Judy Blume. These are the authors that I grew up on and it is hard to imagine that other children will not be able to read the same classic stories that so many grew up with. None of these authors wrote their books with the intention of them being offensive to any group or individual, the simply wanted to produce books that would be enjoyable to read. However, religious groups, parents, and anyone that feels a book opposes their beliefs can challenge a book to be banned.

For this generation of children, electronics are taking over. Kids are playing on iPads, iPhones, Nintendo DS, and computers instead of reading books. Children should be encouraged to be reading more, but instead people

are trying to take away the options that children have available to them. The books that are being banned are the books that children are choosing to read instead of playing on an electronic device. When a child is choosing to read a book why are some people trying to limit their selection?

What are the positives of banning a book? The child may not be exposed to something that their parent or religious group is against. In my opinion, it is the parent’s responsibility to teach their child to grow up with the same values and religion in the household. There comes a time that you have to trust your child to make a decision based on those values. Before your child goes to the school library, maybe there needs to be

a conversation about what you think is appropriate for him or her to be reading. The other children that have principles and values that are not opposed to these books should be able to have access to these books should they choose to read them.

Books are learning materials that help educate and entertain children across the world. The books that I have read may not have the same values and principles that I do, but as a student I was able to better understand the views of others through books. If we take away every book that does not agree with the beliefs of some group or individual, then there will be no books left and where would we be if that happened?


What Is Beauty?February 7, 2012


Book Banning in American Schools

Society's definition may not fit all of us

Famous authors censored

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OPINIONFebruary 7, 2012 9

Is Reality TV Corrupting Us as a Nation?

Fifty years ago you were considered to be at the top of your game if you were a doctor or a lawyer. Now you are considered successful if you have a caked on spray tan and a poof in your hair. What happened to the dreams of having a PhD and why does our society rely on alcohol and over privileged teens partying to measure success?

When you open up Google and type in Jersey Shore and get more results than that of the upcoming Presidential election, you know there is a problem. J“Jersey Shore” has been brainwashing our youth and gives the idea that being obnoxious, rude, loud, and intoxicated constantly is worth being paid $100,000 an episode. Most doctors expect to start with a salary around $100,000 a year. These people are making that same amount in one episode. It is rather disturbing to know that someone who can perform a life saving surgery is making less than the people who need to get the surgery because of their alcohol consumption issues. How is it that someone who has worked their entire life to advance their education and help save people’s lives is now paid less? It doesn’t give much incentive to our youth today to want to go to school, graduate from college, and go on further to insure a stable career if binge drinking and house music could rocket you to the top.

What message is this sending to our youth who are in school? Will they aspire to have a well-rounded career or opt for an easy way out by trying to do reality television? With reality TV more popular than ever, it’s hard to not be bombarded with dramatic and over produced “reality” shows. When you see a reality TV show, it becomes addicting. You see how these people perceive reality, and it is comical to watch what a joke their lives have become. If you compare the life of a reality TV star to that of a stable young adult, the differences are infinite.

Instead of continuing to brainwash our society into thinking that “reality” is getting wildly drunk all the time and making a good living off of it, we should encourage our youth to want a better life for themselves in professions that are held in high esteem. We have come to learn that being well-known in general is a reason to do something. What these people are known for, whether good or bad, has little meaning. They are known and there poor decisions is what rakes in the money.

Rather than glorifying the life of a reality TV star that exemplifies no work ethic and a reckless life style, we should have positive public figures that show how hard work and a good education pay off. It may be cute for a 20-year-old girl to show up at a bar with short shorts on a Friday night, but not so cute for a 40-year-old with a crusty spray tan and washed up career downing a Budweiser.

February 7, 2012

Kristen Loretoni & Elizabeth MazeOUTLOOK EDITORS


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STYLE & ENTERTAINMENT February 7,2012 10

Golden Globes 2012

The 69th annual Golden Globes held in Beverly Hills, California, was a night to remember as some of Hollywood’s biggest stars received their awards. As Ricky Gervais took the stage as host, viewers were anxious if another one of his Ashton Kutcher mishaps would happen again. One of his most controverisal lines from last year was, “Here is Ashton Kutcher’s dad, Bruce Willis.” This year he didn’t disappoint and still showed viewers his comedic side.

Icon, Morgan Freeman, is one of the big stars who received the most important award of the night, the Cecil B. DeMille Award; this award is an honorary Golden Globe for “Outstanding Contributions to the World of Entertainment”. He is known for his inspiring work done over past years, such as Street Smart, Million Dollar Baby, Driving Miss Daisy, The Shawshank Redemption, and Invictus. Another one of Hollywood’s greatest actors, Meryl Streep, won the award for best performance by an actress in a motion picture- drama, The Iron Lady. As she stands on stage wearing a black Alessandra Rich dress from the spring collection, Streep disappointed some people by cursing because she forgot her glasses at the table. George Clooney, an actor famous for his good looks, took the stage wearing an Armani

tux. Clooney was another winner of the night, winning the Globe for Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama, for the movie, The Descendants. He arrived with some arm candy, Stacy Keibler, who was wearing a phenomenal red Valentino gown. People seemed more interested in Clooney’s new girlfriend than his awards.

There were many other great actors that have won the Golden Globe award including Kate Winslet for Mildred Pierce, Idris Elba for Luther, Jessica Lange for American Horror Story, Peter Dinklage for Game of Thrones, Michelle Williams for My Week with Marlyn, and Clare Danes for Homeland. These stars looked amazing receiving there awards. The big red carpet trend for this year was the mermaid style dress. Octavia Spencer arrived at the red carpet wearing a beautiful ivory Tadashi Shoji. Octavia also won a Golden Globe for her performance in The Help. Another amazing starlet was the one and only Angelina Jolie, wearing a gorgeous white Atelier Versace gown with a red collar trim and matched the dress’s accents with beautiful red lipstick.

A stunning white Roberto Cavalli dress was worn by Kate Beckinsale, and no one could keep their eyes off of Charlize Theron who arrived at the event wearing Dior; named best dresses by E!’s Fashion Police. A custom made Prada gown was worn by the quirky and cute Zooey Deschannel. Emma stone went for a long Lanvin tulle plum gown

with raspberry side panels accessorized with a belt.

Although many starlets hit a home run with their choice of designer dress, there were a few that disappointed. Stars such as Lea Michelle, wearing Marchesa, did not wow us as she usually does, as George Kotsiopoulos on Fashion Police said “she looked like a filling”, and to be honest, she did. Shailene Woodley was one of my personal favorites, wearing a beaded Marchesa, and wore it perfectly without overdoing it with accessories.

The Golden Globes was defiantly a night to remember as actors and actresses won awards. The night was filled with great speeches and all actors there deserved a round of applause for the work they had done.


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STYLE & ENTERTAINMENTFebruary 7, 2012 11

What Not to Wear: Dog Fashion Edition

It’s Valentine’s Day and it’s time to break out your best and go on a special date with that special someone. Being sick of the things in your closet and confused about what to wear is just a sign that maybe it’s time to shop around to look your best.

Cider Stand Pleated Red Dress from LuLu’s

Featured in Glamour, this dress is a perfect mixture of cute and stylish. With a bright cherry red color and f lattering silhouette, your date is sure to be wowed when you go out. Complete with a Peter Pan collar and soft sleeves, you can look your best and feel great on your special date night.

Night They Invented Champagne Ivory Dress from LuLu’s

With lace-accents that provide a bit of edginess and the soft Champagne silk fabric, it’s hard to go wrong with this date night pick. With a cinched waist that slims and a neckline that f latters, you are sure to look confident and beautiful. It’s sophisticated but still dangerous and that is a combination every girl should go for.

Wild and Free Black Dress from LuLu’s

Sporting a cut-out back with simple detailing, this dress is a perfect updated take on the essential little black dress. Made out of a soft jersey knit fabric with a cinched waist that slims your figure, this black dress is simple enough to play up with a pair of red pumps and elegant make up.

In the past, I have written articles on clothing and trends that everyone should learn not to wear. However, these same fashion offenders, and even those of us who dress normally, do something far worse. These individuals take it upon themselves to enforce outrageous, ‘cute’, ‘adowable’ outfits on their dogs. This is something these dog do not want to wear. It may not be the man wearing skinny jeans and Vans that is dressing up Molly the Shiatsu in a too-too, but rather the quintessential middle class mom who thinks their ‘puppy wuppy’ looks cute in a pashmina afghan.

This trend may be one of the sickest sites to observe and one of the biggest wastes of money. If we look at the history of dogs, we can tell that they are descendants of mighty creatures. I don’t know about the rest of the general populace, but I can guarantee that the vast majority of the animal kingdom doesn’t attempt to clothe itself. If that’s the case then why must people insist on dressing up these poor dogs in f luffy, pink, and outrageous outfits? If that dog had a voice, it would be begging for release from that wool and cloth prison.

While each dog outfit is bad in its own way, there are some that cross the

line. The first is dog mittens. Who on earth decided dogs needed mittens? Their feet are meant to withstand cold surfaces. Yes, maybe the Chihuahua, a dog species more accustomed to a Central American climate, may be a bit chilly, but for most dogs the cold doesn’t really bother them. If people can’t see the cloth covering the dogs’ feet in snow, then what is the purpose? To keep their feet, built for withstanding cold temperatures, warm? That’s just a failure in logic.

The next article of clothing is the dog hat. By far one of the most disturbing sites in dog fashion is seeing a dog’s head wrapped in cloth. This trend was inspired by the assumed idea that the dog, like a human, needs to keep its head warm in the winter. Well, dogs, by the look of it, would be more comfortable naked in the snow than wearing those. There’s just a look of pain in every hat-wearing dog out there. The caption would scream “GET ME OUT OF HERE!” I can’t imagine that you want a hat that covered your head and chin, but not your mouth, ears, or nose so why would your dog? In the end, if you want to buy a Christmas gift for your dog, please let it be a bone or beef jerky strips and not some repulsive hat to show off to the neighbors.

Lastly, I must bring up by far the biggest sin in dog attire, the Dog T-Shirt. Yes, this is the most common article

of clothing you may see on a dog that owners fawn over. These shirts seem to get even worse when there are words and phrases on the back. I have seen phrases, whether they be provocative, funny, or even just random, and the meaning is completely lost on the dog. It’s like putting a shirt with a marijuana leaf on a baby. The innocent baby has no idea what the symbol means, and neither does the dog, except even with age the dog will most likely never understand what is on its shirt. Try to think if the dog would even want to support half the things written the shirt. Dogs like to scratch and bite at themselves and this shirt is preventing them for doing their natural instincts. To not let a dog do its natural acts because its owner would rather it look ‘cute’ makes me feel like there is a lot wrong with society.

So am I being a little bit too harsh on the dog attire industry and the owners who buy into the trends? Yes I am but I stand by what I say. It may be true that the industry provides jobs for people and helps our economy, but it comes at the price of making man’s best friend look like a magic carpet. I love dogs and I think they just love to be without the confines of human-imposed trends. Man’s best friend truly has the one wish and honestly we should respect that.

Elizabeth MazeMANAgINg EDITOR


Valentine's Day Dresses

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It’s the beginning of a new semester, which means it’s time to sort through all your beauty supplies and products and mix it up for the New Year. As the seasons change so do your needs so why not go out on a limb and try some of these great products?

Yes to Tomatoes Daily Clarifying Cleanser

If you’re anything like me, the tiniest blemish on your face can be a day destroyer. I’ve tried a range of products, including a ludicrously expensive sulfur facial mask, hoping to take care of pesky skin problems once and for all. Each time, I was left disappointed and still stuck with blemishes that seemed random and uncontrolled. With a lucky break in a Walgreen’s in Florida, I happened upon Yes to Tomatoes Daily Clarifying Cleanser, and my skin has been thanking me ever since. Made with 96% natural ingredients and Dead Sea minerals, this face wash is gentle enough for sensitive skin and everyday use. Its formula is Petroleum, SLS, and Paraben Free so you can take confidence that you are using a product that is healthy for your body. With its price under $10, it’s worth the buy again and again.

Yes to Cucumbers Calming Facial Mask

With sensitive skin that breaks out and turns red with just a single use of the wrong product, I was wary to try this facemask. Going on my positive experience with their Yes to Tomatoes face wash, I took the risk and was not disappointed. This mask gives a moisturizing boost that will leave your skin silky and radiant. With key ingredients that include organic cucumbers, Aloe Vera, and Dead Sea Mud, you can see the difference shortly after your first use. The formula is Petroleum, SLS, and Paraben Free as well as not tested on animal so you can feel good about using it. With a price under $20, you can save the money but still get the results.

Moroccanoil TreatmentConstantly styling your hair can

leave damage that nobody wants. This Moroccanoil Treatment leaves no residue so you can have the silky hair you want without the grease and weighed down look that some styling products leave behind. Moroccanoil Treatment works well with

other products and, for those of you with long hair, can help speed up drying time. Its formula repairs hair with lost proteins like omega-3 oils and vitamins for a healthy shine and antioxidants for protection. This product will restore the gaps left in your hair from frequent styling, exposure to heat, and the daily wear and tear of the environment.

GOT2B Chaotic Fiber GumWith bad hair days a thing that everyone

can relate to, this moulding gum can add a bit of texture and volume on days that your hair feels less than extraordinary. The key is to use just a little bit on your fingertips and run it through carefully. It is important to avoid globing it up in one place or your hair will look messy and tangled. Found in most drug stores, this hair styling product has a low price and great smell. It’s an easy and stylish way to give your hair a bit of texture and style for the days you can’t be bothered or your hair just won’t cooperate.

L’Occitane Lavender Foaming BathThere are just some days you need

relax and what’s a better way to do that then to take a lavender bubble bath? It is a bit pricey but the smell is great, the bubbles are awesome, and it will last a long time. Just pour a cap full under warm running water and relax. Unlike a lot of bath products that leave your skin feeling filmy and not-so-clean, L’Occitane Lavender Foaming Bath leaves you skin feeling soft, clean, and smelling great. It is definitely worth the investment as you soak in lavender-scented bubbles after a hard day at work or school.

Chanel N°5 ParfumA staple fragrance that is the epitome

of elegance and class, Chanel N°5 is a must have for every perfume c o n n o i s s e u r and collector. A proud winner of A l l u r e

Magazine’s Reader’s Choice Award for Best Classic Fragrance, this scent is timeless and something you’ll look forward to wearing everyday. Though costly, it is a scent that you’ll always get compliments on and will feel confident wearing. It is definitely worth the investment and is something you’ll be proud to own.

Why We Love...STYLE & ENTERTAINMENT February 7, 2012 12

Elizabeth MazeMANAgINg EDITOR

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SCIENCE & HEALTHFebruary 7, 2012 13

Smoothies have really added an edge to healthy eating. Vitamins and minerals work together with enzymes to stimulate the body and provide overall health. Smoothies can be so much tastier and more beneficial than just eating a vegetable or fruit whole. When blended, the fiber of the fruit or vegetable becomes part of the smoothie and is readily absorbed in the body. Since it is easily digested, valuable nutrients are quickly assimilated by the body. To prepare a pitcher of green smoothie, it takes less than 5 minutes, including cleaning! As a student, I understand how tempting it can be to lean towards “fast” food. But who said all food that is prepared quickly can’t be healthy? Below are four detailed benefits that we receive from consuming green smoothies:

1. Green smoothies, as opposed to juices, are a complete food because they still have fiber. Consuming fiber is important for our elimination system.

2. A molecule of chlorophyll closely resembles a molecule of human blood. Consuming chlorophyll is like receiving a healthy blood transfusion. Unfortunately, many people do not consume enough green foods that contain this vital nutrient. By simply adding a green smoothie into your diet, you are adequately nourishing your body.

3. Regular consumption of green smoothies forms a good habit of eating greens. After a few weeks of drinking green smoothies, most people start to crave

and enjoy eating more greens because their taste buds are forming healthier habits.

4. Green smoothies promote weight loss! They have a high water content, and the amount of fiber found within is enough to fill you up and prevent overeating. Green smoothies provide a lot of sustenance, and depending on the ingredients they can also be a very low-calorie snack/meal.

Recipes: The Basic Green Smoothie Recipe(Recommend for starting out)

1 or 2 ripe bananas1/2 cup of another fruit: (pineapple,

blueberry, apple, peach, mango)2 cups fresh greens: (2 chard leaves or 1

handful spinach)3 or 4 cups water (or to desired


Irish Banana Split Green Smoothie Recipe

1 ripe bananas1 cup pineapple chunks1 cup strawberries 3 cups packed spinach4 or 5 cups of water (or to desired


Kale and Pear Green Smoothie

1 cup of green grapes1 large and peeled orange1/2 pear1 large, fresh banana

1 cup of kale1/2 cup of coconut milk1 - 2 cups of ice cubes

With a few simple cooking tips you can make these delicious little treats for yourself and your loved ones on Valentine’s Day.

There are three types of meringues:French Meringue: This one is made

from raw egg whites beaten with sugar. Since the eggs are uncooked, this type of meringue should only be used in items that will eventually be baked.

Italian Meringue: Initially started by whisking egg whites until they reach a soft peak stage, this meringue is then carefully covered with a sugar syrup at the soft-ball stage {Soft-ball stage: Water and sugar boiled until 234° to 240°F}.

Swiss Meringue: This is the type of meringue that is ideal for decoration. It is less airy than the other types of meringues. It is made by heating a mixture of egg whites and sugar over a bain-marie until you reach a temperature of 130°F.


4 Egg Whites1 cup Sugar


Pre-heat the oven to 175°F. Fill a saucepan ¼ full of water. Bring it to a simmer.

In a stainless steel bowl, whisk the egg whites and the sugar just until combined together. Place the bowl on top of the saucepan {Bain-Marie}. Slowly whisk the mixture until the sugar has dissolved, at which point it has reached a temperature of 130°F.

Remove the bowl from the heat. Whisk the mixture until it has cooled and has increased in volume.

Using a pastry bag, pipe the meringues on top of a parchment paper sheet placed on a baking tray.

Turn the oven off once it has heated up to the 175°F. Place the tray in the oven. The meringues will be done once they are stiff and are easy to remove from the baking sheet {Approx. 1.5 hours}.

Note: Don’t let the bowl touch the simmering water. The meringue has to be cooled before piping it.

Bon Appetit!

Health Benefits of Green Smoothies!

Sweet Meringues For Valentine’s Day

Katherine AucenaSTAFF WRITER

February 7, 2012



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Domestic and international laws concerning GMOs differ drastically, in that the current regulations of both have their own governmentally dictated requirements. The European Union is composed of 27 independent member states, and according to recent statistics it has roughly 173,000 acres of land dedicated to GMOs while the United States commits over 143 million acres to them. This difference has partly to do with the type of regulations and regulatory institutions that have been implemented within both the US and the EU.

In Europe, there exists a rigid process in authorizing the allowance of genetically engineered foods as dictated by the EU. First of all, the genetically modified foods being proposed for mass agricultural use must be proven, through advanced testing, not to pose any health risks to humans or the environment, and they must be of the same quality as conventionally grown food. In addition, farmers are always allowed the option of whether or not to grow and distribute GM food on their farms; it is not mandatory. When it comes to the public’s awareness, it is made certain that they are always informed of what their food products are made of through package labeling. According to research, “Labeling is the most important tool for ensuring the freedom of choice, a freedom that is required by EU law: Whenever GMOs are intentionally used in a food product, it must be clearly stated on the label. Every consumer is thereby entitled to

make an ‘informed decision’”. (“The European Regulatory System”, 2006)

The United States, on the other hand, enforces different laws under three distinct agencies: the Food and Drug Association (FDA), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Environmental Protection Agency.

The FDA is responsible for the testing of new food products that are compositionally different from their currently available counterparts, or have been “adulterated” as it is termed; the FDA is “looking especially at the presence of allergens and toxins and any changes in the levels of nutritional and anti-nutritional substances” (“US Regulatory System” 2008). Therefore, if GM foods are produced using relatively identical substances, and if they essentially possess the same chemical structure as their conventional complement, the FDA doesn’t concern itself in testing them. This is important to consider: “Because most foods and feeds from GM (genetically modified) plants are compositionally identical (or nearly so) to regular versions, the FDA does not require mandatory regulatory assessment.” (“US Regulatory System”, 2008)

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) conducts what are called “field trials” on each newly introduced GMO variety. These trials serve to test the food’s pesticide resistance, insect protection, and ability to combat disease. While undergoing the testing, the foods possess a “regulated” status. In order for the proposed GE plant

to be approved by the USDA, the company who is responsible for its engineering must guarantee, through documentation, that the plant has not been modified with any organisms pathogenic to humans or animals and that it is not related to any form of “noxious weed species”. Upon being cleared by the USDA to be sold on the national and international markets, they obtain a “non-regulated” status and are no longer subject to any safety measures. Once the GMO plants achieve this non-regulated status, they can be grown on a large scale and even interbred without intervention from the USDA.

The EPA has the responsibility of reviewing tests conducted on pesticides, or plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs), used on GMO plants, as well as other plants. According to the EPA, if “unreasonable” (which, by definition, is solely determined by the EPA) risks are taken in regards to the well-being of mankind and the environment through the use of these PIPs, then the EPA will not grant permission for the pesticide to be used. The EPA determines at what levels pesticides can reside in a food and still be considered safe for consumption; in

other words, the EPA sets “tolerance” levels. It is important to note that the EPA itself does not always conduct the studies; rather, the companies producing the pesticides may be given a set of guidelines to follow in testing their own product and, upon completing their own tests, submit their outcomes to the EPA to be assessed. It is also possible that some pesticides are completely exempt from any sort of testing, as long as there exists “a low probability of risk . . . to cause unreasonable adverse effects to the environment even in the absence of regulatory oversight.” (Guide to US Regulation”, 2001).

Messing With Mother Nature - The Practice of Genetically Modifying Foods: Part 2


New York State is facing a great divide over its plan to formally allow hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing is a way to obtain natural gas from the earth. In the abstract, natural gas seems like an ideal solution for struggling economies and energy insecurity. All a New York State resident would have to do is look south to see how natural gas wells affect a state. Pennsylvania is home to one of the largest natural gas mining operations in the country and appears to be home to many new jobs which are contested to remain.

While a lot of labor is needed to

begin an operation, these jobs will not be required once it’s in full swing. This is one of the arguments raised by opponents to hydrofracking. They also point out that the cost of living will increase for those in a county with a hydraulic fracturing operation. The scale of a natural gas plant is much larger than can be handled by local workers alone. It will attract a great deal of non-local workers, increasing competition for living space, making rent higher.

Yet there are plenty who find this argument laughable. The idea that bringing more money into an area is a negative thing doesn’t make sense in a time where our country suffers from economic insecurity. Any chance to improve the quality of life should be seized. Several communities in the New York State area, like Chemung County, have already begun natural gas development. To them, it is as though the bill has already passed, with gas wells soon to come.

It is very hard to predict the economy of a region in the long-term, especially if it is based on a nonrenewable resource such as natural gas. At some point, the natural gas supply will dwindle and the environmental and human health costs will be ever present. Scientists have analyzed water samples in New York State and Pennsylvania near fracking

sites, and the results have shown high levels of methane content when compared to other areas.

Natural gas companies state that all drills are cased with cement to prevent contamination of aquifers that may be near these rock layers. Drills are periodically changed and checked by workers to make sure they are functioning properly. These are a part of the safety regulations that are said to be pursued at hydraulic fracturing operations.

Hydraulic fracturing, the scientific term for the process, is a means of removing methane that has been trapped in shale. Drills are inserted into the ground and break through these rock layers. Drills can reach up to 15,000 feet in depth, disrupting the natural composition of the earth as it moves. After the drill reaches its targeted depth, the gas is removed.

A pierced pipe is then inserted into this track and pressurized air is shot through the pipe to create holes in the surrounding shale. Water mixed with chemicals and sand is then injected into the pipe. This allows the trapped methane to enter the pipe and rise to the surface. This methane is used as a fuel and is claimed to combust cleaner than oil, though it has been shown to contribute to air pollution. The burning of methane produces VOCs, which have

adverse effects on human health.Environmental agencies are far from

pleased with the regulations set by the proposal to allow natural gas drilling in New York State. The bill lacks a comprehensive plan to dispose of the waste water from the operations. This water has been shown to be radioactive and needs to be carefully disposed of; it is detrimental to health. Disposal is very expensive and sites are hard to come by. The Independent Oil and Gas Association of New York, the spearhead of this bill, thinks such requirements are too restrictive and will limit the profitability of the operation.

Opponents of the bill believe there are better options for New York State to produce its own energy sources like wind, biodiesel, or solar. The problem with these proposals is that they are few and far between. None have gained enough public or governmental support to come into effect or to replace a hydraulic fracturing operation.

For now, the proposal continues to be debated. New York has progressed in protecting the NYC water supply by creating zoning laws that will contain the shock from drilling, but a great deal of work needs to be done. It is important for New York State residents to make sure they are protected and to express their views of the proposal to their representatives.


Why Should We Care About Hydrofracking?

February 7, 2012

As a continuation from last semester's health article, this is the second of what will be a five-part discussion on Genetically Modified Organisms.


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Page 15: Outlook Student Press

SPORTSFebruary 7, 2012 15

NBA Opening Season Report

What an NBA season it has been so far! People have been complaining about the lack of a good spread of power in the NBA; that assertion couldn’t be more false. Almost every match-up I’ve seen has something competitive about. Who would have thought a year ago the Wolves playing against the Clippers would be a prime time matchup? Who would have ever guessed that the Lakers would be challenged for being Los Angeles team? Many analysts were critical of the production Ricky Rubio would be able to provide, but most recently he has become one of most entertaining and productive point guards in the league, averaging 11.4 points per game, 8.8 assists and, a heavily underrated 4.6 rebounds. In order to see the change going around the league you don’t have to look much further than the NBA conference standings. At the moment, the New York Knicks, have an under five hundred record, possibly the worst frontcourt in recent history, and appear to be an overall mess. Quite frankly, I don’t think they’ll make the playoffs. Anytime I watch their games, all I see is Carmelo Anthony shooting the ball. Running the offense through Anthony is a horrible strategy because he’s not the type of shooter Kobe Bryant is on a night in and night out basis. Furthermore, take a look at who is the second best team in the west: the Denver Nuggets. Yes the very same Denver Nuggets that traded Carmelo Anthony for nearly half the Knicks roster and many assets the Knicks had. Although I believe it’s still too early to see if the Carmelo Anthony trade was a mistake or not, it’s very frustrating to

see the Knicks playing as poorly as they are. For those who think Baron Davis will come be the savior of the Knicks, I tend to disagree. He is 33 and his health, in terms of basketball is horrible.

If I were the Knicks I would strongly recommend finding a better point guard if they want to go anywhere, let alone make the playoffs. You don’t need to look to far to find another failing team in the Knicks’ division, the Boston Celtics. The team is getting old, and while Ray Allen still has his shot, he cant move half the way he used to. Kevin Garnett still has his intensity, but he cant control the paint like he used to, and Paul Pierce is just going through a really rough patch. It seems the NBA lockout and the time away from the game has added on some time to the age of the Celtics. To make matters worse and to add to the Celtics failure, Rajon Rondo is hurt and Doc Rivers, the Celtics head coach, said, “Rajon looked horrible, he couldn’t even

dribble consistently.” Now the Celtics have said there is no timetable for his return, and as one of the best young players in the league, that’s the last piece of news the Celtics need. Then there’s a pleasant surprise in the division with Knicks and the Celtics. The Philadelphia 76ers have emerged as a top four team in the eastern conference. The 76ers are a young team, and I don’t think they have enough to make a serious run this year, but their future it looks very bright. Now you have the Dwight Howard situation to look at as well. Will he get traded? Will he not? My belief is that he should be traded because you don’t want to lose your best player and not get a dime in exchange. But I don’t think he will be traded because the Magic’s asking price is to high, and NBA teams know that he will not resign with Orlando, and plenty of teams will be able

to make a run at him in the offseason. Some have argued that the Lakers would be able to create a package and get Dwight on their team, but the Magic have been looking to get both Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum which is far to much, even for Dwight Howard. The Lakers, however have been transitioning into Mike Browns system and have one of the best defenses in the league, but their offense isn’t producing. Shocking right? An offense with Kobe Bryant not producing? While Kobe is putting up his usual numbers, everyone else on the team hasn’t been scoring nearly as much as they need to. I don’t believe the Lakers will be making a strong run for a title this year, but next year once they get a real point guard, they most certainly will be right back up fighting with the best. Well there’s plenty of basketball to be played for the rest of this season, and I cant wait to see how it all plays out.

David StrinkovskySPORTS EDITOR


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SPORTS16 February 7, 2012

Every year, the winter X games takes place in a various high-end winter sport resorts around the United States. Most years, athletes shatter records set the year before, create tricks that haven’t been seen before, and display new winter fashions. However, this year something very tragic happened that hit the participants in the X games very hard, the death of Sarah Burke. On January 10th, Sarah was training for the X games on a super pipe, when all of sudden she completed a trick and then fell over. People who were watching her train said that Burke had completed a trick fairly well, yet fell onto her head, and the accident did not appear to be very severe. However, moments later she collapsed and went into cardiac arrest beside the super pipe, which made her chances of survival much lower due to the lack of oxygen and the time it would take to transport Burke to a hospital was to long. Once at the hospital, doctors said that she went into an induced coma but were not sure what her chances of survival were. The next day she underwent surgery in order to repair her vertebral artery, which she had damaged skiing. The surgery itself was done properly, however; the doctors noticed that there was “irreversible damage to her brain due to lack of oxygen and blood after cardiac arrest.” Several days after the surgery, she died. Her last wish while she was alive was that her organs and tissues be donated to those who needed them or scientific research.

At the X games, various skiers and snowboarders from all different countries were praising Sarah’s life, and how special it was to be able to

celebrate her life at the winter X games. Though there was definitely a sad vibe, skiers and boarders were reminded that this is the way Sarah would have wanted it. Snowboarder Kelly Clark said, “It’s hard to express how sad we all are, but perhaps it’s an opportunity to celebrate who she was at the place where she shined her brightest.” Sarah was a four time gold medalist at the winter X games and truly showed how passionate she was every time she hit the slopes. Her death hits home for many people, because many people ski on a weekly basis this time of year and look up to Burke’s talents. Skiing and many other sports do have there dangers, so please be careful in whatever sport you do and do not take your health for granted, safety comes first.

David StrinkovskySPORTS EDITOR

When A Legend DiesRemembering the talented Sarah Burke

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