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LESSON 1 United States Discovered in the Bible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

LESSON 2 New World Order is World Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

LESSON 3 Islam in Bible Prophecy - The Four Horsemen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

LESSON 4 WWIII - Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

LESSON 5 Israel’s God-Given Destiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

LESSON 6 Israel - God’s Prophetic Time Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

LESSON 7 Holy Roman Empire Reborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

LESSON 8 The Antichrist and the False Prophet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

LESSON 9 666 - Mark of the Beast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

LESSON 10 The Coming One-World Religion, Part 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

LESSON 11 The Coming One-World Religion, Part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

LESSON 12 The 7 Trumpets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

LESSON 13 The Second Coming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

LESSON 14 Kingdom of God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


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United States Discovered in the Bible

PART A I. Endtime; what does that mean? A . The end of human government and the beginning of the Kingdom of God B . Another 1,000 years of human existence

II. Prophecy sealed until the time of the end (Daniel 12:9) A . Words are sealed until the time of the end B . Placed in the hands of the people of the end time

III. Can prophecy be understood? A . Amos 3:7, Revelation 10:4

IV. Faith in prophetic teaching has been shaken A . Many false doctrines have been taught B . The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10)

V. Can we identify these nations? (Daniel 7:1-8) A . Lion with eagle’s wings B . Bear with three ribs C . Leopard with four heads D . Ten-horned beast

VI. What do these beasts symbolize? A . Beasts - king and his kingdom

VII. When will these nations exist? A . Daniel 7:9-12 B . The transition from human government to the Kingdom of God

VIII. The beast or Antichrist A . Daniel 7:11 1 . The beast - the Antichrist and the False Prophet will be destroyed (Revelation 19:20) 2 . Nations have dominion taken away, yet their lives are prolonged 3 . Jesus will reign as King of kings during the Millennium B . Jesus Christ will return to earth during the lifetime of these nations

IX. The ram and the he goat (Daniel 8:8,20-21) A . The ram was the king of Media-Persia B . The he goat was the king of Greece

X. The lion A . Daniel 7:4 B . Great Britain

XI. The bear A . Daniel 7:5 B . Russia

XII. The eagle A . Daniel 7:4 B . The United States is the eagle’s wings plucked 1 . Declaration of Independence 2 . Symbol of Uncle Sam



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The United States Discovered in the Bible

PART B XIII. The leopard A . Daniel 7:6 B . Germany 1 . Dominion was given to the leopard 2 . Germany started the last three major wars C . The Miracle of Dunkirk D . The four Reichs 1 . Four heads a . First Reich, Second Reich, Third Reich (Hitler) and Fourth Reich (now rising)

XIV. The Miracle of Dunkirk A . Turning point of WWII

XV. The four Reichs A . Daniel 7:6 - four heads, given dominion B . Fourth Reich now rising 1 . Germany dominates Europe

XVI. The wings of a fowl A . Daniel 7:6 - wings of a foul represent France B . Franco-German alliance

XVII. Ten-horned beast (Daniel 7:7-24) A . Like no other beast on the earth B . Ten horns are ten kings C . Ten kings that will form a union and support the Antichrist (Revelation 17:12-14) D . The Antichrist and the ten kings will rule until the return of Jesus Christ

XVIII. The called and chosen and faithful A . Revelation 17:14 1 . Ecclesiastes 9:11, Matthew 20:16, Luke 18:18-23, Revelation 2:10, and Luke 9:62 2 . When Jesus returns they that are with Him are called and chosen and faithful

XIX. The Holy Roman Empire reborn A . Holy Roman Empire historically was in Europe 1 . Political leader from Europe and spiritual leader from the Vatican B . Started in 800 AD with the crowning of Charlemagne 1 . Risen and fallen several times

XX. The Holy Roman Empire today A . Treaty of Rome 1 . Common Market B . Maastricht Treaty 1 . European Union C . Lisbon Treaty 1 . United States of Europe 2 . First President - Herman Van Rompuy D . Holy Roman Empire reborn November 3, 2009 1.Treatyratified E . Ten-horned beast, ten-nation alliance will rise




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The United States Discovered in the Bible

PART B (cont’d)

XXI. The Antichrist will come out of the midst of the ten kings (Daniel 7:8-27) A . Little horn comes up and uproots three B . Start of the Great Tribulation C . Antichrist will rule during the Great Tribulation D . Antichrist will make war against the saints E . Antichrist and False Prophet will rule until Jesus Christ returns

XXII. The fourth beast = World Government = Holy Roman Empire A . Will devour the whole world (Daniel 7:23) B . Revelation 13:1-2, Antichrist will rise out of the Holy Roman Empire

XXIII. Jesus will return and the Antichrist will be cast into the lake of fire A . Daniel 7:27, Kingdom given to the saints B . Antichrist reign will end at the Battle of Armageddon (Zechariah 14:2) C . I Thessalonians 4:16 D . Jesus Christ crowned King of kings and Lord of lords

XXIV. Summary A . Recap Daniel 7 prophecy B.Matthew24:35,allprophecywillbefulfilled




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New World Order is World Government


I. The four beasts of Daniel merge into one beast A . Revelation 13:1-2 B . Lion, bear, leopard and the ten-horned beast become one kingdom C . The symbols from Daniel 7:23 and Revelation 13:1-2 are the same D . II Peter 1:21- prophecy inspired by God

II. Where are the eagle’s wings? A . War will kill 2 billion people (Revelation 9:15) B . US role during end time unclear C . Real spiritual revival is the only hope for the US

III. The dragon gives this government its power A . The dragon gives the power (Revelation 13:2) B . The dragon is the devil (Revelation 12:9)

IV. The seven heads A . Revelation 13:3 1 . One head for the lion, one head for the bear, four heads for the leopard and one head for the ten-horned beast

V. A mouth was given to the beast A . Revelation 13:5 1 . A persuasive mouth that speaks blasphemies 2 . Mouth belongs to the Antichrist B . II Thessalonians 2:3-4 - Abomination of Desolation C . Matthew 24:21- Great Tribulation

VI. The mouth will be the mouth of the lion (Revelation 13:2) A . Language barrier - Tower of Babel B . Global language of the New World Order - English

VII. United Nations is this prophesied world government A . The League of Nations B . The history of United Nations 1 . Alger Hiss - key to its formation C . Emblem of the UN vs . Emblem of USSR D . Alger Hiss convicted of communist spy cover-up



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New World Order is World Government


VIII. Can the UN save the world? A.Thebigfiveandvetopower B . Formation of NATO C . Rhodesia’s demise is example of UN power

IX. The deadly wound A . Revelation 13:3 1 . One of seven heads was wounded to death 2 . One of Germany’s four heads suffers deadly wound B . Erection of the Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain 1 . Germany is dead! a . Hitler’s Third Reich was the third head of the leopard

X. The healing of the deadly wound A . “Three and a Half Super Powers to Rule the World” 1 . “This division that festers like a rusty knife wound must someday be healed .” B . USA Today, August 14, 1986 1 . “The 29-mile wound that won’t heal .” C . Gorbachev’s new policy led to President Reagan’s famous speech D . Berlin Wall fell, November 9, 1989 E . Time, November 20, 1989 1 . “Wall of Shame, 1961-1989” “ItwasthemostpalpableevidenceofadeepwoundinEuropeancivilization–anditisfinallygone.”

XI. All the world wondered after the beast A . Planning meetings at Malta 1 . From that time on we began to hear ‘New World Order’ . B . New era of promise 1 . New world statement by Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney 2 . Strobe Talbott - Global Governance C . Fall of Berlin Wall was the beginning of the New World Order D . The Antichrist will soon appear

XII. Summary A . Recap Revelation 13:3-5 1 . The seven heads 2 . Mouth belongs to the Antichrist B . The fall of the Berlin Wall and after the meetings at Malta - came the term New World Order, NWO



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Islam in Bible Prophecy - The Four Horsemen


I. The four horsemen A . Revelation 6:1-8

II. What do these horses symbolize? A . Zechariah 6:1-8 1 . Horses symbolize spirits a . Spirits are belief systems

III. The red horse A . Communism is the red spirit 1 . Takes peace from the earth 2 . They kill one another 3 . Given a great sword

IV. The black horse A . Capitalism is the black spirit 1 . Balances equal trade and commerce B . Prophetic stock market report

V. The white horse A . Catholicism is the white spirit 1 . Pope uses white for everything B . A crown was given to him C . Bow but no arrows D . Conquering and to conquer

VI. Black and white horses go north! A . The black horses went forth into the “north country” (Zechariah 6:6) 1 . Capitalist countries are in the northern hemisphere 2 . Capitalism hinders God’s Spirit 3 . White horses followed into the north country

VII. Seals have been open for many years A . Seals - long story B . Trumpets - shorter story C . Vials really - short story

VIII. The last beast is “red” (Revelation 17) A . World government of the Antichrist will be a communist/socialist


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Islam in Bible Prophecy - The Four Horsemen


IX. The pale horse A . Revelation 6:7-8 B . Greek for pale is “chloros” or green 1 . Chloros is translated green three other times

X. The green horse A . Islamism is the green spirit 1 . Green mentioned in the Quran 2.Green-officialcolorofIslam B . Death and hell follow 1 . Suicide bombers - culture of death 2 . Martyrdom not a guarantee to heaven 3 . Power over fourth part of the earth a . Islam has 1 .3 - 1 .8 billion observers 4 . Power to kill with the sword a . Number one form of execution is beheading with the sword 5 . Power over one-fourth part of the world 6 . Power to kill with hunger a . Ninety-six percent Muslims from Africa and South Asia

XI. Grisled and bay horses go south! A . Zechariah 6:6-7 B . The grisled go into the southern hemisphere 1 . Poverty, famine and disease are dominant in the southern hemisphere C . Muslim countries are south of capitalistic countries D . Walk to and fro in the earth 1 . Islam spreading through the whole world

XII. Is it time for the green horse now? A.Comesbeforefifth,sixthandseventhseals(Revelation6:9-11) B . WWIII must happen after fourth seal and is connected to Islam

XIII. What happens after the Great Tribulation? A . Sixth and seventh seals Revelation 6:12 1 . Wrath of God at Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ B . Same event also in Matthew 24:29-31

XIV. What will we do? A . The Endtime is now B . True Christians shall be strong, do exploits and instruct many C . Opportunity during the greatest revival

XV. Summary A . Zechariah 6:1-8 1 . The four horses symbolize spirits 2 . The spirits are belief systems a . Red horse - communism b . Black horse - capitalism c . White horse - Catholicism d . Pale horse (green) - Islamism


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WWIII - Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist


I. Entrance ramp for the Antichrist A . Revelation 9:15 - multiple versions say one-third of mankind will die

II. WWIII, the worst war! A . WWI - 8 .2 million dead B . WWII - 52 million dead C . WWIII - over 2 billion dead

III. Where will WWIII begin? A . Revelation 9:13 1 . Spirits released from the Euphrates River 2 . To kill one-third of mankind B . US has thousands of troops in the Middle East

IV. Who will fight in WWIII? A . China? B . Islamic faction? C . India? D . USA?

V. When will WWIII happen? A . Before The Great Tribulation B . The Great Tribulation is three and one-half years

VI. No more delays, The Great Tribulation begins A . Revelation 10:1 after WWIII 1 . Angel declares delay no longer 2 . Start of Great Tribulation

VII. Daniel sees the same event A . Daniel 12:1 1 . Same event as Revelation 10:1 2 . Start of The Great Tribulation

VIII. Likely order of prophetic fulfillments A . Sixth trumpet war (WWIII) B.ConfirmationoftheCovenant C . Third temple rebuilt D.Resumesacrifices E.Sacrificescease F . Abomination of Desolation G . Antichrist revealed H . Great Tribulation I . Mark of the Beast J . Battle of Armageddon


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WWIII - Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist


IX. Will WWIII come before or after the peace agreement? A . Peace agreement most likely after the war

X. What will start this war? A . Another terror attack? B . Some say WWIII already started with 9/11

XI. Mid-East power shifting toward Iran A . Iran at heart of most Middle East unrest B . Iran accused of acquiring nuclear weapons

XII. Are we in WWIII right now? A . Political leaders and historians say we are in WWIII now

XIII. What will the world look like after WWIII? A . Revelation 13:1 - One-world government B . In Revelation 13 and Daniel 7 the beasts are same only Revelation 13 is combined

XIV. What happens to the United States and Israel? A . Eagle’s wings missing B . Israel will survive and build her Third Temple

XV. Who will die in WWIII? A . Muslims? B . United States citizens? C . Chinese?

XVI. The center of world power will shift to Europe A . Revelation 13 beast B . Roman Catholicism will be the world religion

XVII. WWIII will be the entrance ramp for the Antichrist A . WWIII will give the Antichrist opportunity

XVIII. What will happen to Christians after this war? A . Interfaithism will be the new religion B . Matthew 24:8,13 - all who oppose Interfaithism will be persecuted C . United States possible center for world evangelism

XIX. Where is safety? A . Safety is only in Jesus Christ!

XX. Summary A . WWIII will start from the Euphrates River B . WWIII will kill one-third of mankind C . WWIII will be the entrance ramp for the Antichrist


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Israel’s God-Given Destiny


I. Old Testament Israel

II. Abraham A . Father of the faithful (Genesis 12:1-3) B . Covenant with God (Genesis 15:12-18) 1 . Set boundaries for the Promised Land C . Promised seed (Genesis 17:19) D . Birth of Isaac E.SacrificeofIsaaconMt.Moriah(Genesis22:1-13) 1 . Seed singular - Jesus 2 . Genesis 22:18, Galatians 3:16

III. Isaac A . Sons Jacob and Esau B . Esau gives up birthright for a meal C . Jacob deceives Isaac to receive Esau’s blessing

IV. Jacob A . Has twelve sons who become the twelve tribes of Israel B . Prayer meeting with God (Genesis 32) C . Name changed to Israel (Genesis 32:28, Genesis 35:10)

V. David A . Israel’s second king B . Disobeys and numbers Israel (II Samuel 24) C . God angered and judgment decreed D . David pleads for mercy E . God commands David to build an altar 1.DavidbuysthreshingfloorofAraunah 2.ThreshingflooronMt.Moriah(IIChronicles3:1) F.Sacrificemade G . God places His name there (I Kings 9:1-3, II Chronicles 12:13)

VI. Solomon A . Builds the temple B . Prays for future return of exiled repentant Israelites (II Kings 8:33-34) C.Firefromheavenconsumesfirstsacrifice D . God warns Israel will be removed from the land if disobedient (I Kings 9:6-9)


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Israel’s God-Given Destiny


VII. Jeremiah A . Warning to Israel B . Israel enters into captivity in Babylon C . God tells the faithful to go willingly into captivity 1 . Daniel and the three Hebrew children obey

VIII. Daniel A . Enter seventy year exile in Babylon B . King Zedekiah rebells 1 . Sons killed before his eyes and then his eyes gouged out C . Belshazzar sees handwriting on the wall 1 . Kingdom overthrown that night D . Daniel thrown into the lions’ den 1 . One night in lions’ den paid for rebuilding of Jerusalem E . Cyrus King of Persia prophesied to rebuild Jerusalem (Isaiah 44:28) 1.Cyrusfulfillsprophecy(Ezra1:2-4)

IX. Zerubbabel A . Leads rebuilding of Jerusalem 1 . The Lord encourages Zerubbabel (Zechariah 4:6)

X. New Testament Israel A.SecondtemplecompletedandHerodbeautifiesit B.PromisetoAbrahamfulfilled-Jesusisborn C . Israel rejects her Messiah (John 1-10) D . Second exile begins with destruction of Jerusalem 70 AD 1 . Lasts over 1,878 years

XI. Rebirth of the Jewish Nation A . Ezekiel sees Nazi holocaust and prophesies Israel will live again (Ezekiel 37:4-11) B.ProphecyfulfilledonMay14,1948-Israelbecameanationagain C . Israel regains control of the Temple Mount in the 1967 Six Day War 1 . Third Temple era begins 2 . Israel does not drive out the inhabitants as commanded (Numbers 33:55-56)

XII. Summary A . History of Israel begins with calling of Abraham B.Itcontinuesthroughthefirsttempleeraandsecondtempleera(whichwearecurrentlyin)


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Israel - God’s Prophetic Time Clock


I. Israel - God’s prophetic time clock A . Prophecy with a date on it

II. Review lesson five - Rebirth of Israel

III. Six Days War a.k.a The “War of Redemption” (Deuteronomy 7:2) A . Captured Sinai Desert to the Golan Heights B . Captured Jerusalem and the Temple Mount

IV. Opportunity missed - Al Aqsa Mosque returned to Arab control A . Feared international community and did not want a religious revival B . What should they have done? (Numbers 33:50-52, 53-55) C . Instead turned it over to the Palestinians – the Philistines!

V. Day of Judgment A . Yom Kippur War, 1973 1 . Yom Kippur - day of atonement and judgment

VI. Giving away the Promised Land A . 1979 - Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty - return Sinai Peninsula B . 1993 - Oslo Peace Accords - trade parts of Promised Land for Peace C . 1994 - Israeli-Jordanian Peace Agreement - trade more land for peace D . 1998 - Wye River Accords - surrender part of the West Bank E.2000-CampDavidAccords-nofinalagreement 1 . President Clinton suggests sharing of Temple Mount 2 . Prophesied sharing arrangement (Revelation 11:1-2) F . 2000 - Ehud Barak agrees to go back to 1967 borders 1.Votedoutofoffice G . 2000 - Ariel Sharon visits Temple Mount 1 . Many people say it incited the second “Intifada” 2 . 2005 - Succumbs to pressure and gives away the entire Gaza Strip H . 2007 - Ehud Olmert - Annapolis Peace Conference 1 . Agrees to give away parts of East Jerusalem a.2009-Indictedforcorruptionandremovedfromoffice

VII. Intifadas A.Negotiationsunsuccessfulconflicttheinevitable

VIII. Quartet formed

IX. US Presidents make Mideast peace high priority A . President George Bush - endorses Palestinian state B . President Obama - begins negotiations early

X. Will there ever be peace?


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Israel - God’s Prophetic Time Clock


XI. When will the final seven years begin? A . Peace agreement will allow for rebuilding of the Third Temple

XII. Prophecy with a date on it A . Three groups of sevens (seven year periods) (Daniel 9:24-27 NIV) 1 . Total 490 years

XIII. The gap A . After 483 years Messiah was killed and Jerusalem was destroyed B . Gap has lasted nearly 2,000 years

XIV. The final seven years A.Startswiththeconfirmationofthecovenant(Daniel9:27) B . The “he” is the Antichrist (Daniel 11:21-22, 31) 1.Causesthesacrificestocease 2 . He commits the Abomination of Desolation

XV. What is the covenant? A . Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 15:18) 1.ConfirmationofthecovenantconfirmsIsrael’srighttoexist

XVI. Antichrist causes sacrifices to stop A.Templerebuiltandsacrificesresumed(Revelation11:1-2) B . Antichrist sets up Abomination of Desolation on the Temple Mount (Matthew 24:15) C . He proclaims to be God or the ultimate authority (II Thessalonians 2:3-4)

XVII. Confirmation of the covenant will escalate world government growth A.ConfirmsAbrahamiccovenant B . World government grows rapidly C . Antichrist claims ultimate authority from the Temple Mount

XVIII. The False Prophet rises to power A . Performs miracles (Revelation 13:13-14) B . Promotes absolute submission to the Antichrist

XIX. Jews in Judea must flee A . Great Tribulation begins at the Abomination of Desolation (Matthew 24:15-21)

XX. Two Witnesses A . Two witnesses’ message results in great revival B . Jews of Judaea will be saved (Zechariah 12:7)

XXI. The Mark of the Beast A . The mark is required to buy or sell (Revelation 13:16-17) B . Worshipping the Beast is required to receive the mark

XXII. The Battle of Armageddon A . The world community will gather to make war against Israel (Zechariah 14:2)


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Israel - God’s Prophetic Time Clock

PART B (cont’d)

XXIII. How close are we? A . Middle East peace agreement is very close B . Temple Institute ready to rebuild 1 . All preparations have been made 2.Allfurnitureandfixturesready C . World War III could happen any day

XXIV. Summary A . The prophecy with a date on it 1.Thefinal7yearsbeginswhentheMiddleEastpeaceagreementissigned(Daniel9:27) B.Thefinal7yearsultimatelyleadstotheBattleofArmageddon


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Holy Roman Empire Reborn


I. Holy Roman Empire Reborn A.FulfilledNovember3,2009 B . Power seat for the Antichrist and the False Prophet

II. Prophecy of a woman riding a beast A . Revelation 17:3 - a statue with same symbol, Europa on a bull at EU headquarters

III. King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream A . Nebuchadnezzar cannot remember his dream (Daniel 2:5)

IV. Prophecy - Five powers have achieved world dominion A . Daniel reiterates and interprets dream (Daniel 2:31-41) 1 . Babylon: head of gold 2 . Media-Persia: arms and breasts of silver 3 . Greece: belly and thighs of brass 4 . Roman Empire: legs of iron 5 . Holy Roman Empire: feet of iron mingled with clay

V. The handwriting on the wall A . Belshazzar desecrated temple utensils B . God writes message on wall (Daniel 5:5-6) 1 . Daniel called to interpret the message 2 . Kingdom given to the Medes and the Persians

VI. The Greek and Roman Empires A . Greek Empire began 331 BC B . Roman Empire began 197 BC 1 . Roman Empire ruled during time of Christ

VII. The Holy Roman Empire A . Difference between Roman Empire and Holy Roman Empire B . Retains iron from Roman Empire, mingled with clay - religious element C . Born when Pope Leo III placed crown on Charlemagne in 800 AD D . Always ruled by two men - a political leader and a religious leader

VIII. Prophecy - Stone smites image on the feet A . The end of human government B . Stone smites the image upon the feet (Daniel 2:34-35) C . God sets up His kingdom in days of these kings (Daniel 2:44-45) D . Holy Roman Empire must be in power at this time

IX. Ten toes same as ten horns A . Daniel 2:44 - ten toes same as ten kings B . Revelation 17:12-13 - ten horns same as ten kings C . Antichrist will rise from these ten kings 1 . Will make war with Jesus (Revelation 17:14) D . Jesus will return with His called, chosen and faithful


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Holy Roman Empire Reborn


X. Plan to revive the Holy Roman Empire A . Must be a political leader and a spiritual leader B . After WWII - Churchill called for United States of Europe C . 1957 - Treaty of Rome 1 . Established Common Market D . 1992 - Maastricht Treaty 1 . Begin move from economic union to political union E . 2007 - Lisbon Treaty 1 . To establish a constitution and more centralized government

XI. Is the European Union the Holy Roman Empire? A.Charlemagne’simageonfirstEUcoin B . Charlemagne Prize 1 . President Clinton awarded for bringing Yugoslavia into union C . Charlemagne Page in Economist magazine D . Charlemagne building receives EU applications E.EUflaghasCatholicsymbolism

XII. The Holy Roman Empire Reborn A . Constitution turned into Lisbon Treaty B.Ratifiedbyall27nationstates,November3,2009 1.OfficiallytheEuropeanUnion a . The United States of Europe b . The prophesied Holy Roman Empire reborn

XIII. How close are we to the arrival of the Antichrist? A . Not here yet, but close B . Could he be a Muslim? No, prophesied to be from the reborn Holy Roman Empire

XIV. Summary


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The Antichrist and the False Prophet


I. The Antichrist is called by many names A . Son of perdition (II Thessalonians 2:3-4) B . That wicked (II Thessalonians 2:8) C . The little horn (Daniel 7:8) D . The beast (Revelation 13:4-5) E . Antichrist (I John 2:18)

II. Where will the Antichrist come from? A . Amongst ten horns - ten kings (Daniel 7:8) B . Ten toes same as ten horns (Daniel 2:44) C . Ten horns - ten toes - ten kings - Holy Roman Empire

III. What will the Antichrist’s kingdom look like? A . World government - world economic system (Revelation 13:1-2) B . World government - Holy Roman Empire; Germany, Great Britain and Russia C . Antichrist will rule world government 1 . Recognized reign will be 3½ years (Daniel 7:25)

IV. Identifying the Antichrist A . Is a man not a system (Daniel 7:24-25) B.ConfirmstheAbrahamiccovenant(Daniel9:27) C . Will rise amongst ten kings (Daniel 7:24, Revelation 17:12-13) D . Will rise amongst ten and subdue three (Daniel 7:8, 24) E . Will use peace as a weapon (Daniel 8:25) F.Willbemorestoutandhaveafiercecountenance(Daniel7:20,8:23) G . Will claim to be God (II Thessalonians 2:3-4) 1.ThisistheAbominationofDesolation-definiteidentification H . Regarded as brilliant (Daniel 7:8, 8:23) I . Will make war with the saints (Revelation 13:7) 1 . Does not dominate everyone - Israel, and Edom, Moab and Ammon, Jordan will escape J . Will face resistance (Daniel 11:44) K . And arms shall stand on his part (Daniel 11:31) L . But in his estate shall he honor the God of forces (Daniel 11:38)

M . Change times and laws (Daniel 7:25)


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The Antichrist and the False Prophet


N . Will not regard the desire of women (Daniel 11:37) 1 . Possibly not homosexual but deny women children - one child policy O . Name will be 666 (Revelation 13:18) 1 . Those with understanding will calculate (Revelation 15:2) P . Will have a religious partner - the False Prophet

V. The False Prophet A . Beast looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon (Revelation 13:11) 1 . Dragon is Satan (Revelation 12:9) a . Will look like Jesus but speak like Satan

B.WillinfluencetheworldtofollowtheAntichrist 1.Worksmiracles-pullingfiredownfromheaven(Revelation13:12-13) 2 . Will perform deceiving signs and lying wonders C . Absolute proof second beast is the False Prophet 1.Worksmiraclestoinfluenceworshipofthebeast(Revelation13:14) 2 . This is same thing False Prophet does in Revelation 19:20 D . Chief perpetrator of The Great Tribulation 1 . Will kill anyone who does not submit to world government and world religion (Revelation 13:15) E . Will implement the Mark of the Beast 1 . Must have to participate in world economy (Revelation 13:16-17)

VI. The Antichrist and the False Prophet deceive the world A . Antichrist and False Prophet have great oratory skills 1 . Through demonic spirits from Satan (Revelation 16:13-14) 2.WillinfluencetheworldtogotowaragainstIsrael a . The Battle of Armageddon

VII. The Holy Roman Empire always had and will again have two leaders from Europe A . Political leader will be the Antichrist B . Spiritual leader will be the False Prophet 1 . Whoever is pope during the Antichrist’s time will be the False Prophet

VIII. Prophecy of Saint Malachy A . Predicted the 112th pope from him would be the last pope 1 . Gave clues to identity of each B . We are at the 111th pope 1.PopeBenedict-fulfilledprophecy-GloryoftheOlive C.PredictedthefinalpopewillbePetertheRoman 1 . Predicted during his time Rome will be destroyed

IX. Jesus will destroy the Antichrist and the False Prophet at the Second Coming A.Throwninthelakeoffire(Revelation19:19-20) B . Then we will crown Him King of kings and Lord of lords

X. Summary


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666 - Mark of the Beast


I. 666 - Mark of the Beast A . The most dreaded prophecy in scripture

II. 666 recognized worldwide

III. 2,000-year-old prophecy A . Revelation 13:16-18 B . Antichrist’s world economic system - implement Mark of the Beast

IV. Technology advances will make Mark of the Beast possible A . MOB now possible with birth of the computer, Internet and credit cards B . A global database 1 . One computer keystroke could deny our ability to buy or sell

V. A globalist solution for war A . Three causes of war - Mikhail Gorbachev - Perestroika 1.Politicalconflicts 2.Religiousconflicts 3.Economicconflicts B . Globalist solution - prophesied 1 . One-world government (Revelation 13:1-8) 2 . One-world economy (Revelation 13:15-18) 3 One-world religion (Revelation 13:11-15)

VI. Worship the image of the beast or be killed A . Revelation 13:15 1 . Image set up by False Prophet 2 . Image will be worshiped a . Image - TV or hologram or? b . Actually worshiping Satan 3 . All who refuse to worship or take the mark will be killed a . Taking the mark or worshiping will result in eternal damnation

VII. How could this happen in a modern enlightened society? A . Joseph Stalin - 20 million killed B . Mao Tse Tung - 60 million killed C . Adolph Hitler - 11 million killed, not including all war casualties D . History repeats itself 1 . The Spanish Inquisition 2 . The Crusades

VIII. Economy of the Antichrist A . Mark, name of the beast, or number of his name - required to participate

IX. Conformity required - diversity no longer tolerated A . Europe already moving toward conformity 1 . Homeschooling outlawed B . Sanctions will be levied against individuals


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666 - Mark of the Beast

PART A (cont’d)

X. 666 - Number of a man A . Number of his name calculates to 666 B . Number placed in the right hand or forehead

XI. The price for taking the mark and the reward for refusing it A . Revelation 14:9-11 B . Taking the mark results in eternal damnation C . Refusing the mark 1 . Will be killed for refusing the mark 2 . Will be resurrected to live and reign with Christ a thousand years

XII. Some will escape the Antichrist’s control and his mark A . Daniel 11:41 - Jordan will escape B . Revelation 12:14 - Israel will escape C . All who take the mark will be tormented forever (Revelation 14:9-11)


XIII. Could National ID become the Mark of the Beast? A . History of numbering people 1 . Social Security number 2 . Jews were numbered in the Holocaust B . Many nations have compulsory National ID 1 . China 2 . Germany C . US has always resisted a National ID

XIV. The REAL ID Act A . Result of 9/11 B . National standardized drivers license 1.Original-birthcertificate,SocialSecuritycard 2 . Proof of residence 3 . Fingerprints 4 . Digital photo 5 . All information in national database C . Faces opposition 1 . Actually a national ID 2 . Americans historically say, “NO” to any National ID D . Passed on the back of military appropriations bill E . Individual states passed laws or resolutions against REAL ID

XV. Curbing illegal immigration is not the goal A . Not the real goal of mandatory ID 1 . Ultimately about control B . Immigration bill 1 . Called for machine-scannable ID card C . E-Verify 1 . Help employers verify employee’s ID and US citizenship status 2 . Now mandatory for all government contractors


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666 - Mark of the Beast

PART B (cont’d)

XVI. Are we moving toward a global ID? A . International Civil Aviation Organization - global standards for passports 1 . RFID chip in passport 2 . Biometrics used 3 . One hundred seventy nations in compliance B . Disastrous consequences if in wrong hands - Hitler C . Director of US VISIT - calls for global ID for travelers

XVII. Becoming a cashless world A . Bangkok - major step towards cashless society B . Nigeria - transactions by phone only C . Ireland - banks no longer handling cash transactions D . Greece - outlawed cash transactions over 1500 euros

XVIII. So, how about a chip under the skin? A . Injectable RFID chip - Verichip - approved for humans 1 . When scanned provides instant access to medical records B.Nowusedforfinancialtransactions-BajaBeachClub,Barcelona

XIX. Chi xi stigma - 666 A . Revelation 13:18 – 666 “Chi xi stigma” 1 . Original Greek - to stick, prick, a mark for ownership ID

XX. Imperative to understand this prophecy A . Must avoid the mark at all costs B . Make sure our name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life, we must be born again XXI. Summary


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The Coming One-World Religion, Part 1


I. The coming one-world religion

II. Element of worship in the New World Order A . Revelation 13:15

III. The Roman Catholic view of world government A . Most agree Catholic view represents Catholics and Protestants 1 . One-third of the world’s population

IV. Pope Pius XII - supports world government A . “Legacy to World Federalism” 1 . Supranational world order 2 . Strengthen United Nations 3 . Overcome nationalistic narrowness B . Supports the Genocide Treaty

V. The Genocide Treaty A . To cause physical or mental harm to a minority

VI. Hate Crimes Bill A . Speaking against gay agenda is now a crime 1.Canada-uptofiveyearprisonsentence 2 . Ake Green - convicted of “incitement to hatred” B . Gorbachev says ‘extirpate’ (kill off) genocide

VII. Religious exclusiveness A . Christianity deemed religiously exclusive 1 . Acts 4:12 2 . War being waged against using the name of Jesus 3 . Military banned from using Jesus name

VIII. Outlawing religious exclusiveness A . Crime in France to use ‘excessive force’ during proselytizing B . Religious exclusiveness is a hate crime C . Most Muslim nations have anti-proselytizing laws

IX. Pope John XXIII - supports world government A . Pacem en Terris ‘Peace in the Land’ 1 . Call to establish a public authority - to pursue universal common good 2 . All nations are now interdependent

X. Pope Paul VI - supports world government A . Populorum Progressio ‘Development of peoples’ 1 . Everyone plays a part in the construction of the New World Order

XI. Pope John Paul II - supports world government A . Called for New World Order B . International order based on United Nations goals


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The Coming One-World Religion, Part 1

PART A (cont’d)

XII. Pope Benedict XVI - supports world government A . Caritas in Veritate ‘Charity in truth’ 1 . Reform United Nations with real teeth 2 . Need a real political authority to manage a . The economy b . Disarmament c . Food security d . Protection of environment e . Regulate migration

XIII. Bishop Pierre Boillon - supports world government A . Empower international authority to prevent war B . Nations must relinquish sovereignty to a one-world government


XIV. New World Order - endtime, one-world government

XV. Communism controls fifty percent of the world A . Communism takes over Russia - Bolshevik Revolution 1917 B . Soviet Union given Eastern Europe at Yalta C . Communism sweeps through China

XVI. Should the Church fight or ally with communism? A . Church friendly with social justice B . Build bridges with Agostino Casaroli

XVII. Turmoil in Catholic Church paves way for communist friendly pope A . Malachi Martin - Jesuit Priest insider 1 . Pope John Paul I - a reformer - assassinated a . In God’s Name by David Yallop b . Pontiff by Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan-Witts c . Vatican by Malachi Martin d . Would have reformed the church

XVIII. Pope John Paul II - supports world government A . Communism friendly B . Youngest pope, non-Italian pope C . Speech to the United Nations called for massive wealth redistribution

XIX. Poland a model how socialism can work A . Agostino Casaroli building bridges B . USSR allows Solidarity to win election in Poland C . Velvet Revolution D . Fall of the Berlin Wall E . Solidarity leader’s priest is pope’s right hand in Velvet Revolution

XX. The fall of the Berlin Wall was birth of New World Order - world government A . Communism recognizes need for religion to make socialism work B . Alliance between communism and religion now complete

XXI. Summary


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The Coming One-World Religion, Part 2


I. All will worship the Beast A . Revelation 13:8 - except those whose names are in the Book of Life B . Penalties for not worshiping 1 . Will be killed 2 . Cannot buy or sell

II. Why would anyone want a one-world religion? A . Two causes for war 1.Conflictsbetweennations 2.Conflictsbetweenreligions

III. Religious exclusiveness A . Gorbachev in Perestroika 1 . Must extirpate all religious exclusiveness 2 . Religious exclusiveness equal to genocide

IV. Solution for religious exclusiveness A . Religious inclusiveness - interfaithism B . President Bush stated, “Muslims and Christians all worship same God” C . President Obama - inaugural interfaith prayer services

V. It started with Ecumenism A . Vatican Council II 1 . Call for departed daughters (Protestants) to return home 2 . Unite all Christians together without regard for doctrine a . I Timothy 4:16 B . “Catholics and Protestants Together” unity statement 1 . Anyone confessing faith in Jesus is saved 2 . Should no longer try to convert each other 3 . Southern Baptists and Evangelicals all unite with Catholics C.Crowningachievement:jointdeclarationofjustificationbyfaith

VI. The march toward Interfaithism A . First parliament of the World’s Religions 1893 B . Pope John Paul II declares Muslims and Christians all worship same God C . World Day of Prayer 1986 D . Parliament of World’s Religions 1993 E . Global Ethic adopted F . New Catholic Catechism 1 . The plan of salvation includes Muslims G . United Nations of Religions - United Religions Organization 1 . Born 1997 - charter completed in 2000


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The Coming One-World Religion, Part 2


VII. The UN supports Interfaithism A.MillenniumPeaceSummit-firstUNreligiousmeeting B . International Advisory Council of Religious Leaders 2000 C . UN Millennium Summit 1 . Millennium Development Goals - to establish world government D . 2002 World Day of Prayer E . Tony Blair - Faith Foundation 1 . Faith and Globalization a . Face to Faith project F . Pope John Paul II - kisses the Koran

VIII. Will Interfaithism be successful? A . Interfaithism’s real goal to unite world’s two largest religions 1.ChristianityandIslammakeupfifty-sixpercentofworldpopulation B . World leaders agree, “It’s a failure” C . Clash of civilizations - Christian West and Muslim East 1 . Bible prophesies war (Revelation 9:13-16)

IX. What will the world look like after the war? A . Islam will be greatly diminished in the war B . Revelation 13 - one-world government beast 1 . There will be a one-world government and one-world religion

X. What will the one-world religion really look like? A . One-world beast 1 . Germany, Russia, Great Britain and ten-king alliance from Europe 2 . Socialism B . Woman riding beast - Christianity - Protestant and Catholic 1 . Revelation 17:1-3 a . Virgin - true church (II Corinthians 11:2) b . Harlot - backslidden church (Judges 2:17)

XI. True identity of the woman A . Revelation 17 Catholic view 1 . Woman (city) 2 . City presides over international system 3 . City sits on seven hills - Rome 4 . Arrayed in purple and scarlet - Catholic Bishops and Cardinals B . Revelation 17 Protestant view 1 . Mother of harlots - harlot daughters - Protestants 2 . Cardinal Ratzinger - call to daughters to come home

XII. How could this happen? A . It has happened before 1 . Catholics have persecuted Protestants 2 . Protestants have persecuted Catholics


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The Coming One-World Religion, Part 2

PART B (cont’d)

XIII. What must we do? A . Revelation 18:4 1 . Return to biblical Christianity 2 . Real need for a true revival

XIV. Summary

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The 7 Trumpets


I. Three categories - visions: past, present and future A . Revelation 1:9 B . Revelation 4:1 - start of future prophecy

II. Seals, trumpets and vials: three different accounts of the end time A . Seals - long story B . Trumpets - shorter story C . Vials - real short story

III. Between the seals, trumpets and vials - parenthetical chapters A . Information interjected that doesn’t follow the timeline

IV. Do the trumpets sound during the Great Tribulation? A . Revelation 8:6 1 . No, many trumpets have already sounded

V. The third trumpet - the key to understanding the trumpets A . Revelation 8:10-11 B . Russian word Chernobyl means wormwood C . Worst nuclear disaster in history D . Contaminated water was what made the devastation so great

VI. The second trumpet A . Revelation 8:8-9 B . World War II 1 . One-third of the ships destroyed 2.Mountainburningwithfire-HiroshimaandNagasaki-firstatomicbomb 3 . Largest death toll of any war - 52 million

VII. The first trumpet A . Revelation 8:7 B.Thefirstwarevertokillmorethanonemillion-8.2milliondead C . Scorched earth policy D.Biologicalweaponsfirstused

VIII. The first three trumpets have sounded A . First trumpet - World War I B . Second trumpet - World War II C . Third trumpet - 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident D.Proofthattheseventrumpetsdonotallsoundduringthefinalsevenyears


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The 7 Trumpets


IX. The fifth trumpet A . Revelation 9:1-2 B . Locusts with breastplates of iron - helicopters, jets? C . Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait D.Smokefromthepit-sevenhundredoilwellsonfire-darkenedsunthreemonths E . Abaddon and Apollyon mean destroyer - Saddam is Arabic for destroyer

X. The fourth trumpet A . Revelation 8:12 (Matthew 24:22) 1 . Length of a day shortened not number of days B . It’s already done - days shortened 1 . How can man still run the four-minute mile? 2 . Einstein’s Theory of Relativity 3 . Time sped up 4 . Fall of the Berlin Wall - pivotal day in history a . Start of the New World Order b.Mostsignificantdaybetweenthirdandfourthtrumpets

XI. The sixth trumpet A . Revelation 9:13-16 B . War that will kill one-third of mankind - over 2 billion C . Start at Euphrates River 1 . USA maintains the largest military presence in the Middle East D . Two hundred million-man army will participate 1 . China or Islam - probably both E . Could happen any day!

XII. The seventh trumpet A . Revelation 11:15-18 B . The kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ - Second Coming C . I Corinthians 15:51-53, I Thessalonians 4:16 1 . The rapture of the church a.DeadinChristrisefirst b . Those who are alive will rise next and meet the Lord in the air c . Romans 8:11 - you must have the Holy Spirit to go in the rapture

XIII. The fourth and fifth trumpets have sounded; the sixth and seventh are soon to follow A . Fourth trumpet - possibly 1989, the days have been shortened B . Fifth trumpet - 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, the Gulf War C . Sixth trumpet - A war that will kill one-third of the earth’s population D . Seventh trumpet - Second Coming of Jesus Christ, rapture of the church

XIV. Summary A . Make absolutely sure we are ready by being born again

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The Second Coming


I. The Second Coming A . At the seventh trumpet - the last trumpet

II. The ascension A . Acts 1:3-11 1 . Jesus showed Himself to many for 40 days 2 . Told them to return to Jerusalem and tarry until they received the Holy Ghost 3 . Ascended to heaven 4 . The promise - He will return in like manner 5 . Two thousand years and counting

III. The Second Coming will not be like the first coming A . Not a secret coming (Matthew 24:23-27) 1 . Every eye will behold him

IV. The rapture A . Matthew 24:29-31, 40-42, Luke 17:34-36 1 . One will be taken one will be left

V. The dead in Christ will rise first A . I Thessalonians 4:13-14 1 . Bible calls dead saints asleep

VI. Those who are alive and remain will be next A . I Thessalonians 4:15-17 1 . We will join the raised dead in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air

VII. We will be changed in a moment - receive our immortal bodies A . I Corinthians 15:51-54 1 . Not all will die but all saints will be changed in a moment 2 . At the last trump 3 . Will not instantly disappear but instantly change 4 . Never face death again (I Corinthians 15-54-55)

VIII. The revealing of Jesus Christ A . The Book of Revelation - Apokalupsis, revealing of Jesus at Second Coming B . Second Coming - pinnacle of human history

IX. The sixth seal account of the Second Coming A . Revelation 6:12-13 B . Earthquake, sun black, moon as blood and stars fall C . Revelation 6:14 - Heaven departs like a scroll D . Revelation 6:15-16 - men will try to hide E . The great day of His wrath has come

X. The seventh trumpet account of the Second Coming A . Revelation 11:15-16 B . Transition from human government to the kingdom of God


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The Second Coming

PART A (cont’d)

XI. The Daniel 7 account of the Second Coming A . Daniel 7:9 B . Realization of thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth

XII. The seventh trumpet account of the Second Coming continued A . Revelation 11:18 B . Nations invade Israel at the Battle of Armageddon C . Revelation 11:19 - lightnings, thunderings, earthquakes and hail D . Matthew 24:44 - be ready


XIII. The two harvests of Matthew - parable of the wheat and tares A . Matthew 13:37-43 B.Sower-Jesus;field-world;goodseed-saints;tares-unbelievers;enemy-devil; harvest - end of the age (the Second Coming); reapers - angels C . At the Second Coming 1 . Tares - unbelievers, gathered and burned 2 . Wheat - saints, gathered into the kingdom of God

XIV. The two harvests of Revelation 14 - rapture, and winepress of God’s wrath A . Revelation 14:14-20 B . Harvest of the earth - rapture of the saints C . Harvest vine of the earth - grapes, unbelievers thrown into the winepress of God’s wrath D . Winepress of God’s wrath - Battle of Armageddon

XV. The Revelation 19 account of the Second Coming A . Revelation 19:6-7 B . Loud voices and thunderings C . Bride is ready for the marriage of the Lamb

XVI. The saints will rule and reign as kings and priests A . Revelation 5:10

XVII. The Bride of Christ A . Revelation 19:8 B.Arrayedinfinelinen-righteousnessofthesaints C . Blessed are they which are called to the marriage supper 1 . We need to be ready to answer the call

XVIII. Jesus will come to judge iniquity at the Battle of Armageddon A . Revelation 19:11-12 B . Jesus - faithful and true, coming in resplendent glory C . Coming to make war at the Battle of Armageddon D . Crowns on His head could be crowns of the saints E.Nameisthe“WordofGod”-Godmanifestintheflesh(John1:1,14) F . Armies in heaven - the church, coming with Him to Battle of Armageddon G . Crown Him King of kings and Lord of lords

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The Second Coming

PART B (cont’d)

XIX. Supper of the great God A . Revelation 19:17-19 B . The beast (Antichrist) and kings of the earth will wage war against Jesus Christ at the Battle of Armageddon

XX. The Antichrist and the False Prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire A . Revelation 19:20

XXI. Satan will be bound for 1,000 years A . Revelation 20:1-3 B . Will not deceive the people for 1,000 years

XXII. The first resurrection A . Revelation 20:4-6 B . Saints will live forever and reign with Jesus Christ during the 1,000-year millennium C . The unbelievers will not live again until after the 1,000 years are complete

XXIII. Summary A . You must be born again to take part in the rapture of the saints B . Lesson 14 explains how to be born again


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Kingdom of God


I. What is the Kingdom of God? A . Zechariah 14:9 1 . Jesus comes back to earth at the Battle of Armageddon and establishes His kingdom B . Daniel 2:44 1 . Kingdom set up and will never be destroyed C . Revelation 11:15 1 . Kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ

II. The gospel of the kingdom A . Everyone sent by God preached the gospel of the kingdom 1 . Matthew 3:1-2 - John the Baptist 2 . Matthew 4:23 - Jesus 3 . Luke 9:2 - disciples of Jesus

III. How do we enter the Kingdom of God? A . John 3:1-3 - you must be born again B . John 3:4-6 - born of the water and of the spirit 1 . Not a physical birth but a spiritual birth

IV. What did Jesus mean by “born again?” A . Jesus authored salvation at Calvary - steps of Calvary: death, burial and resurrection B . To accept Christ means to accept the work of Calvary C . We accept Christ by obeying the gospel (II Thessalonians 1:7-8)

V. What exactly is the gospel and how do we obey it? A . The gospel (Corinthians 15:1-4) 1 . Death, burial and resurrection B . How to obey His death 1 . Repentance C . How to obey His burial 1 . Baptism (Romans 6:4) D . How to obey His resurrection 1.BefilledwiththeHolyGhost(Romans8:11)

VI. Three that bear witness in the earth - they agree in one, being born again A . I John 5:8 - blood, water and spirit 1 . Blood - covers sin in repentance 2 . Water - water is applied in baptism, we are spiritually buried in baptism 3 . Spirit - we receive the Spirit, the gift of the Holy Ghost

VII. First sermon preached on the day of Pentecost was how to be born again A . Acts 2:37 1 . What must we do (to be saved)? B . Acts 2:38 1 . Gospel of the kingdom 2 . He preached the three steps to being born again 3 . Repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost

VIII. Book of Acts conversions illustrate the teachings of Jesus acted out by the apostles A . The Book of Acts is the history of the church

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Kingdom of God

PART A (cont’d)

IV. Phillip preached the kingdom of God in Samaria A . Acts 8:12 1 . People responded by being baptized in the name of Jesus 2 . Simon believed and was baptized B . Peter and John came and prayed for them to receive the Holy Ghost 1 . They had repented and been baptized but no Holy Ghost yet 2 . Simon wanted to pay money for the ability to impart the Holy Ghost (he saw something) C . What did he see? 1 . Same as on the Day of Pentecost - they spoke in other languages as the Spirit gave them utterance D . What about Simon? 1 . The Holy Ghost cannot be purchased with corruptible things like money 2 . Apostles told him his heart was not right before God 3 . He believed and was baptized but had not repented

X. First sermon to the gentiles - Peter preaches to Cornelius and his family A . Angel appeared to Cornelius and told him to send for Peter B . Acts 10:43-44 - Peter went and preached the kingdom of God 1 . While Peter was speaking the Holy Ghost fell on everyone . How did they know? a . They heard them speak with tongues (Acts 10:46)

XI. Personally experienced what was recorded in the Book of Acts A . A man who did not believe in receiving the Holy Ghost with tongues 1 . During sermon from John 3 spontaneously received the Holy Ghost with tongues

XII. Cornelius’ family obeyed all parts of the gospel of the kingdom A . After they received the Holy Ghost Peter commanded them to be baptized

XIII. Paul found disciples at Corinth A . Acts 19:1-6 1 . Paul asked, “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?” 2 . They didn’t even know there was a Holy Ghost 3 . Paul asked them how they were baptized 4 . They were baptized incorrectly into John’s baptism 5 . They obeyed the gospel and were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus 6 . They also received the gift of the Holy Ghost and spoke with tongues

XIV. The plan of salvation vs. the plan of damnation A . Plan of salvation - God’s plan 1 . Repent, accept Jesus as Lord 2 . Take Jesus’ name in baptism 3.BefilledwiththeHolyGhost B . Plan of damnation - Satan’s plan 1 . Worship the Antichrist 2 . Take name of the Antichrist, Mark of the Beast 3 . Filled with an evil spirit


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Kingdom of God


XV. The kingdom of God on earth starts at the Battle of Armageddon A . Revelation 16:12-14 1 . Euphrates River cut off a . Possible as of 1990 since Ataturk Dam 2 . Three evil spirits a . Out of the mouth of the Antichrist, False Prophet and dragon b . Entice kings of the earth to the Battle of Armageddon 3 . Last-minute warning a . Revelation 16:15 - always be ready 4 . Revelation 16:16 - Armageddon B . Zechariah 14:2 1 . God gathers the nations against Jerusalem at Armageddon

XVI. Just as defeat seems imminent, Messiah comes A . Zechariah 14:3-4 1 . Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives, the Jews will rush to Him 2 . They will say what are these scars in your hands? a . Jesus will say I received them in the house of my friends (Zechariah 13:6) 3 . Two thousand years of blindness will peel off their eyes B . Another account of Jesus’ return (Zechariah 12:10)

XVII. The millennium begins A . Daniel 7:9 1 . Human government ends, crown Jesus King of kings and Lord of lords B . Daniel 7:27 1 . Kingdom given to born again saints (Revelation 5:9-10) a . Saints are in training now C . One Lord and His name one - Jesus 1 . Zechariah 14:9

XVIII. All Jews that survive will be saved A . Romans 11:25-26 B . Matthew 19:27 1 . Twelve apostles sit on twelve thrones and will judge twelve tribes of Israel

XIX. The Lord’s headquarters will be on earth A . Isaiah 2:2-3 1 . Could be literal, could be spiritual?

XX. No more war A . Isaiah 2:4 1 . Beat swords into plowshares

XXI. All animals will be peaceful A . Isaiah 11:6-7 - earth full of safety and security 1 . Animals will no longer kill each other 2 . Animals will not harm people - children can play with lions B . The earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord 1 . Isaiah 11:9-10

Page 37: OUTLINES FOR LESSONS 1-14 - Family · LESSON 12 The 7 Trumpets ... E . Ten-horned beast, ten-nation alliance will rise

Kingdom of God

PART B (cont’d)

XXII. Who will populate the earth during the millennium? A . Daniel 7:11-12 1 . Rest of the beasts - nations that survive will live into the millennium 2 . Only one-sixth of Russia will survive B . Children under 20 might not be held responsible

XXIII. Life spans will be prolonged A . Isaiah 65:20 1 . One hundred years old will be considered a child

XXIV. Satan will be bound for 1,000 years then released for a season A . Revelation 20:7-9 B . He will deceive the nations into coming against the city of God C.AllwhocomeagainstGodwillbedestroyedbyfirefromheaven D.Satanwillbecastintothelakeoffire

XXV. The great white throne judgment of God A . Revelation 20:11-15 1 . Everyone who was not in the rapture will rise to stand before God to be judged 2.WhoeverisnotfoundintheBookofLifewillbecastintothelakeoffire

XXVI. World without end A . Ephesians 3:21 B . God has great plans for His bride - it will be a world without end

XXVII. You must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God A . Most important - make sure we are born again so we will be part of the Kingdom of God B . John 3:3

XXVIII. Summary



Page 38: OUTLINES FOR LESSONS 1-14 - Family · LESSON 12 The 7 Trumpets ... E . Ten-horned beast, ten-nation alliance will rise

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