
For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators@STEMedscot #LearnOutdoors #STEMnation

Outdoor Learning (OL) & Religious & Moral

Education (RME) Webinar

19 November 2020

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators


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Twitter: #LearnOutdoors


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chat box and tell us where you are and what

the weather is like there

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Outdoor Learning: The Current Picture

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Covid-19 - Outdoor learning Covid-19 and educational recovery

has sharpened focus on outdoor learning.

Curriculum - Outdoor learning is very beneficial. It spans the 4

contexts for learning and can take place anywhere.

Support is available from a wide range of partners. SG funded

free 2 hour online professional learning module and announced

£2 million funding to support outdoor education centres at this

time. Local authority guidance – SAPOE link.

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Why learn outdoors?


Timing:1:39 – 9:39

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educatorsFor Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Getting Started

outdoor-learning.html - Rob Bushby article August 2020

Do luchd-ionnsachaidh na h-Alba, le luchd-foghlaim Alba

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educatorsFor Scotland's learner, with Scotland's educators

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educatorsFor Scotland's learner, with Scotland's educators

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educatorsFor Scotland's learner, with Scotland's educators

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Linking RME to OL: An illustrative example

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Prompts for use before, during or after a walk outdoors with learners….

• How often do you go for a walk outdoors? What’s different about the outdoors compared to being inside?

How does it make you feel?

• What can you see, smell, touch and hear ? What questions do you have when you sense these things?

• Can you see any examples when you’re outdoors of things which are: big; tiny; beautiful; amazing;

interesting; strange?

• When you’re outdoors, does it prompt you to ask questions about your beliefs or others’ beliefs? Do you

ask yourself any questions about what things matter in life?

• Do your experiences outdoors make you any more or less likely to believe that something made it all – or

that it all just happened?

• In RME, you may have thought about things like fairness, kindness, compassion, equality, love- does

being outdoors make you think of any of these things? In what way?

• In RME you may have heard stories from religions, does being outdoors remind you of any of these

stories? Why do you think you’re reminded of these stories?

• When you’re outdoors can you see any examples of where people are caring for nature – or not caring for


#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

RME & OL The Current Picture

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Where is OL in RME? Illustrative 2nd Level focus: Beliefs

Experiences & Outcomes Questions Possible Learning Contexts

Through investigating and reflecting upon

biblical and other Christian stories/ stories of

world religions, I can show my understanding

of these stories.

RME 2-01a; RME 2-04a

• Which religious stories have themes linked

to the natural world?

• What do these stories tell us about

different approaches to nature/ the


• How do these stories guide followers of

religion in their interactions with nature?

• Religious stories – environmental messages – e.g.

Parable of the sower; widow’s mite; creation stories;

stilling the water; Jataka tales; Hadith; Tikkun Olam;

Dasvandh; Ahimsa

• Explore stories and let learners draw their own meaning!

• Outdoor experiences which prompt ‘awe and wonder’

(vastness/ complexity of nature)

I can show understanding of Christian

beliefs/the beliefs of world religions and

explore the similarities and differences

between these and my developing beliefs.

RME 2-01c; RME 2-04c

• Are there ‘universal’ beliefs about nature

which are shared across religions and belief-


• What do concepts like ‘stewardship’ and

‘environmental responsibility mean to

religious groups and me?

• What do religions teach about ‘ownership’ and


• Judaeo-Christian/ Islam – stewardship on behalf of God:

tension between use and abuse

• Buddhism/Hinduism – Kammic/Karmic consequences of


I can explain why different people think that

values such as honesty, respect and

compassion are important, and I show

respect for others. RME 2-09c

• Can we ‘respect’ nature?

• How can we demonstrate compassion for

the natural world?

• What does compassion mean across religions and how

can we show compassion for nature?

• Individual actions and environmental consequences;

sustainable practices

• Care for the natural world – animal issues, biodiversity,


I am developing my understanding of how my

own and other people’s beliefs and values

affect their actions. RME 2-09d

• How do our individual beliefs about nature/

the environment affect our actions?

• How environmentally-friendly is my lifestyle? What could I

change which would align better with religious teachings?

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

RME & OL The Current Picture

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Where is OL in RME? Illustrative 1st Level focus: Values

Experiences & Outcomes Questions Possible Learning Contexts

Having explored biblical and other

Christian stories/stories from world

religions, I can show my developing

understanding of key values of

Christianity and how they might be put

into action in people’s lives and

communities. RME 1-02a; RME 1-05a

• Why should religious people and others

value nature?

• What is the link between values and actions?

• How can religious and other values

contribute to community action?

• Judaeo-Christian/ Islam: Stories which illustrate nature as ‘God’s

creation’ and implications of actions e.g. implications of creation


• Buddhism/Hinduism: Stories which indicate aspects of the divine

in nature: Divine in non-human form

• Outdoor experiences which raise questions about how our values

affect the natural world (evidence of humans harming nature –

litter, plastics)

I can describe the key features of the

values of Christianity/ world religions

which are expressed in stories. RME 1-

02b; RME 1-05b

• What are the key values in Christianity and

world religions?

• How do these values link to environmental


• E.g. ‘love one another’ , generosity, kindness – extends to all


• Protection of the ‘weak’ by the ‘strong’

• Living a compassionate life (Karuna in Buddhism)

• Care for animals – Hadith

• This area also allows the possibility of exploring specific religious

approaches to environmental/ scientific issues – e.g. GM crops


I can show my understanding of values

such as caring, sharing, fairness,

equality and love. RME 1-09b

• What does ‘caring for the environment’ mean

for me?

• How can we treat nature fairly?

• What is the role of love in our interactions with

nature? Are all living things equal?

• How these values are expressed in e.g. the 10 commandments,

the parables and teachings of Jesus, the life of Jesus

• How the lives of key religious figure exemplify these values

• Animal/natural world rights – conflicts (?) with human rights?

I am becoming aware that people’s

beliefs and values affect their actions.

RME 1-09c

• How do my beliefs and values affect my

thinking about and actions toward the natural


• I act with compassion when…. I treat nature fairly when…. I act in

loving way towards the natural world when…..

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

RME & OL The Current Picture

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Where is OL in RME? Illustrative 3rd Level focus: Practices & Traditions

Experiences & Outcomes Questions Possible Learning Contexts

Through investigation of and reflection on

Christian traditions, practices and customs, I

can explain the significance of these for

Christians across a range of Scottish

Christian Traditions. RME 3-03a

• In what ways do key Christian

celebrations, festivals, customs and ways

of marking life stages link to the natural


• Birth, marriage, death – how might environmental beliefs

and values be illustrated by practices? Environmentally-

friendly funerals?

• Yearly cycle of festivals across branches of Christianity –

link to natural world – Harvest, Easter, midwinter

• Prayers, hymns and ceremonies with environmental links

• Sustainable religious practices – Christmas trees/ cards…

• Link between religious practices and other customs – trees

in religion, food laws etc

I have researched and reflected upon the

major ceremonies and customs of world

religions and can explain the significance of

these to the followers of these religions.

RME 3-06a

• In what ways do key religious celebrations,

festivals, customs and ways of marking life

stages link to the natural world?

• Birth, marriage, death – how might environmental beliefs

and values be illustrated by practices? Environmentally-

friendly funerals?

• Yearly cycle of festivals across religions – link to natural

world – Sukkot, Diwali

Through reflection and discussion, I can

explain a range of beliefs which people hold

and can participate in debates about ‘ultimate

questions’. RME 3-09a

• How do the practices of Christianity and

world religions/ belief groups linked to the

natural world illustrate beliefs around

‘ultimate questions’

• Does nature support or refute belief in God?(awe/wonder,

nature red in tooth and claw)

• Does the existence of natural evil support/refute belief in


• Is caring for nature a human responsibility?

• Outdoor experiences which link beliefs to nature (tree

ordination, clootie trees in scotland)

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Sources of Support

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

1. RME & OL Education Scotland Starter Paper



2. Interfaith Network calendar of religious festivals

3. Outdoor learning and LfS wakelet

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators


#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Reflective Question 1

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

How might I use the outdoors to

support children and young people

to explore their and others’ beliefs,

drawing upon religious and other


#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Reflective Question 2

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

How might I use the outdoors to

support children and young people

to explore values drawing upon

religious and other beliefs?

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Reflective Question 3

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

How can I use the outdoors to

illustrate and prompt thinking about

practices and traditions which are

linked to the natural world?

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educatorsFor Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Keen for more outdoor learning professional learning?

Do luchd-ionnsachaidh na h-Alba, le luchd-foghlaim Alba

Outdoor learning summary page


Online teaching learning outdoors 2 hour module (SAPOE):



Previous webinars:

• HT’s journey

• OL across the 4 contexts

• Using digital tools to capture, create and share outdoor learning and a Sway with all the links from the session

• Numeracy and Maths in the outdoors

• Outdoor learning with a focus on ASN

• Literacy in the outdoors

#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educatorsFor Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Further opportunities

Do luchd-ionnsachaidh na h-Alba, le luchd-foghlaim Alba

Upcoming webinars

• Equalities and outdoor learning 23 November

• Social Studies and outdoor learning 25 November


Wakelet - Outdoor learning and family activities

Keep in touch and let us know what would be helpful

• STEM Nation Webinar Team - joining code kz41xx4

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators@STEMedscot #LearnOutdoors #STEMnation


For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators@STEMedscot #LearnOutdoors #STEMnation

Thank you Outdoor




Share your outdoor

learning, and tag us at



#LearnOutdoors #STEMNation For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Education Scotland

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For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

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