  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 29, 1916


    NEXT SATURDAYNarberth vs . Autocar

    a t ArdmoreTUESDAY, JULY 4THIWest Phila., 10.30 A. M.R. G. Dun & Co., 3.30 P. M.Both Games a t Narberth


    EDWIN P . D OLD,Chairman.

    President-C. Howard McCarter .Vice-President-Carroll Downes.Treasurer-Will K. Ridge.Thellwell R. Coggesha.ll.Robert H. Dothard.


    Bill Simpson Stars in th e Field- F l i c k e r Sti tes Twirls

    In te r est ing Program Planned fo r th e DaY-A Gala Time fo r O urBorough-F lag Raising, Parade, B all G am es and FireWorks D is pl ay


    ASSOCIATIONAugustns J. Loos,


    Co-operation of Boroug' h Counc il Needed-Civic Association toMeet Ju ly 5 th to Consider Proposi t ion-Counci l to Take

    Mrs. Brown, Mr. W. H. Riley.

    A stirring and impressive patrioticservice wil l be held t bi s Sundaymorning in th e Methodist EpiscopalChurch of Narberth.Ac ti on o n J ul y 1 2 th A large beautiful silk AmericanI fiag and staff, t he g if t o f membe rs o fenllglltened comnlunity such as this, the Sunday school, is to be presen.ted 9.00 A. M.-F lag Raising (a t the Fire House). Sho r t add re s sor tIle Past two years Mr. Carroll I M FI t I W St t by promI'nent speakerfree access to the best li terature will to t he churc I. r. e c I ~ . I es, Downes, c ha ir man of th e N ar be rth I>e Ill'gllly apprecl'ated, and to obtain a member. o f t he school, WIll make the 9.15 A. M.-Pa r ad e (Brass B an d le ad in g) , School Children,Y. M. C. A. Library Committee, has dd d I fl ill B S t F ' C B II T B h't 't i el worth wh il e t o e xe rt presentatIOn a r es s an tI e ag w oy COU s, Ir e ompany, a earns, orougbeen quiet ly working to secure for I, I S su r y b d' b I If f th 1 IdS h I Offi ' Ia IIttle effort. Unless a strong pUblic e accepte 111 e la 0 e c lUrc I an c 00 CIa s.Narberth a Carnegi e l ib ra ry . The se ReG K 1 R H d W N b thsentinlent IS developed at t he mee t- by tI.le pa,stor, ev. . . o.ppe . ou te - - averfor A venue, to Essex , to ayne, to a r er ,tof fo rt s h av e r each ed sucb a stage, I II b t bl Tlll lg on tile evening of July 5th, favor- ThIS. WI e a no a e servICe. Ie Woodside, to E sse x, to Elmwood, to Maple, t o Ches tnu t,ha t to mee t w it h s ucce ss , t hey onl y I f tl h h ill b f I1 aille to tile llbra ry , our members of ' full ntua. a Ie c urc w. . e a - to Narber th , to B al l F ie ld .eed the co-operation of our Boroug I I h th I I d t dCouncil, through whom t he forma l Council may think it is not w a n t e d ' l l o w l \ e ~ Wlpt etct llorlldsi c 10tlhr, mc e 10.30 A. M. -B al l Game -Na r be r th vs . West Philadelphia.. d'll by hs s resco ea ng e cOllgre- 0 P B II G N b th D & Capplication must be made, and who will not be apprecIated, an WI, t' 'n the singing of national 3. 0 . M .- a arne- - a r er vs . un o.must show that a l ot c an be', secured, therefore, not feel incli ned t o guar- ~ ~ ~ l o n ~ I Miss Wentz wi ll p res ide atI 7.00 P. M.-Band Concert (a t the B al l F ie ld ).and that provis ion for main tenance antee its m a i n t e ~ a n c e o ut of t he p u ~ - the o r ~ a n . 8.15 P. M.-Disp lay of Fire Works (a t th e Ball Field).

    wil l b e forthcoming. lie funds. PractIcally al l of ou r cit 1- Special Parking Space fo r Automobile Par t i es on th e Ball FieldIn order that a site for t he l ib rary z e n ~ are Ill.embers of the N ar be rt h I S n } ; p } ; ~ I H ' ; ~ C } ; DAl'--JULY 4TH. i n R ig ht Field En t ran ce F r om Grayl ing Avenue Only. 'bui ld ing may be assured, a meeting CiVIC ASSOCIation. L et u s t he re fo re FI 'Il b .d d f th S h I Ch 'Id t . P do f t he Narbe rt h CiVic Association has have an en thus ias ti c meet ing and My coun t ry ' ti s of t he e, T h a g s k ~ I e h r ~ ~ ! e f o r t h e. c 00 I re n cad'r.On ~ r ~ been called for 8.30 P. M., Wednes- demonstrate in no uncertain way that Swe et l an d of liberty, . an mg ea c CI Izen or .elr g e n e ~ o u s suppor .an ur OW!!day, July 5th, at the Y. M. C. A., to we want t hi s s pl endi d library in Of thee I sing; fo r th e space an d prommence gIven our notIces, th e commIt-consider a proposi tion to tender a Narberth. Now is th e golden oppor- Land where my fathers died, te e t rus ts t h at e v er y on e will be pleased with th e day'sp lo t o f g round in Narbrook Park for tunity; do n ot l et it pass, because it Land of t he Pi lg r ims ' pride, enter tainment .this purpose, in that pi \r t of the park will take a l it tl e t ime a nd trouble From every mountain sidealready ded ic at ed to pub li c u se s. I f to come t o the meeting, and s how by Let f reedom r ing .favorable action is taken at this mee t- y ou r p re sence and by your vote thating, and t he s ug ge sti on mee ts wi th you want th e l ib ra ry . T he q ue st ionthe approval of Council, the ques t ion wil l come before Council on July 12th,of site will be set tl ed , and it only so there is no time to lose. I t isleaves t o Counc il the prOVision o f now or never!maintenance.The value of such a library in ourtown hard ly needs argument. In an


    This y ea r our one llundred and for-tieth as a nat ion , rel Il inds us of 'ourhigh estate and causes us to gazewith pride upon our rapid progresssince our forefathers took thei r s tandfor Independence. ,President of Narberth Civic Asso. Thr ough all the gre at t ri al s andt ribUla tions of c iv il a nd o th er warsthis nat io n h as s urged forwa rd unt ilto-day we stand united, recognized by A v er y im por ta nt mee ting o f the

    all nations as the country where Civic Association will be held at 8.30freedom and justice walk hand in o'clock o n Wedne sd ay e ve ni ng o f n ex t Af te r a month 's l apse since win-hand, and whe re we are, as the im- k J I 5tl tl bj t f l ' I 'nlortal LIncolll sal 'd In Ill'S famous wee, u y I, Ie 0 ec 0 w llC I ' ning a game, the Narberth team foundis fully set f or th i n another column.GettYSllurg address, "dedicated to the itself and handed Paoli a deC,eat,There will be a short mee ti ng o fThere is consternation in . fishing Manager Walzer ha s signed to go proposition that a ll me n are created the d ir ec to rs o f the association on much to the delight of the spectators,to Cape May thl's year on tiLe 18th equaL" tl' t 8 1 k j t Who, by the way, did not . s eem to beircles ove r p reva il in g stories con- Ie same evenmg, a 0 c oc , us. and 19th o f Julv (Tuesday and Wed- We are entering upon t he celebra- prior to t he g en er al mee ti ng o f the v er y muc h e nth use d t hr ou gh ou t t hecerning recent ev,ents 111 connection nesday.)' t ion of Independence Dav. this year .. CI b aSSOCiation, and a shor t meet ing of game, as they w,ere very quiet. Thewith the :\Iain Line Fislllng u ' , Last year, the Capes , managed by with s er io us t ro ub le t hr ea teni ng u s the Park Development Committee at t r iumph of Narber th was apprecia tedRumor h as i t that some of these deep Cha rl ie Humph ri es , t ook bot h g ames upon our I:outhern b or de r. L et us the close of the general meeting. more later in t he e ve nin g whe n itse a naVigator s held a session at Fort- f rom us, a nd t hi s y ea r, we ar e out meet this condition with a spirit of As t hese meetings are to cons ider was heard that Berwyn won out froUiescue last Friday, and while the r,e- for revenge. loyalty and patriot ism, ever mindful matters o f v it al impor tance to our the R G. Dun & Co. team in the ninthf Anyone wishing to go a long w it h of t he f ac t that we are guided by an community , i t is hoped t here wil l be inn ing, Which places Narber th onlysuit of th e half day's work was ully t he t eam on t ll is trip can secure re-I All Wise PrOVidence, a nd s ho uld w et t d 't ' f tl ' fi e old or very large atendance. In partiCUlar, one game behind them.up a ra I IOns a liS n - duced rates at tlle same hote l With, lIe forcell into hostilities. let us give. t . 11 . , ' , f tl e every director and every member of Getting back to the game itself,amza lOn, e spec la y 111 'Ie /{ a I t he ba ll club if they communicate our unqualified suppor t to our belov-earliness of the season, (100 croak- the Park Development Committee Paoli cou ld do ver y little with Stites'k fi I ) It h' w it h Mana ge r Walzer in the near ed nation and fiag. should be present. delivery after t he f irst inning, wheners and 25 wea s ~ . I W u ~ ~ e r - future. , Le t us so conduct our se lv es i n t he Citizens, do no t forget the t ime a nd th ey col lected two hIts, unti ! theed that some of the ang ers ave I eves o f the world t ha t w e may p rov ebrought sham e on the f ~ i r name of IUNION TWILIGHT SERVICES o ~ r s e l v e s leaders in the cause of place, Wednesday ev en in g, 8.30 seventh inning, when a bas e on bal lstI I b b fi I erma 11k conduct o'clock, at the Y. M. C. A. Building, to PaWley, W. Humphries ' error, per-le c u y un s I n'ffi e It t . humanity, and that Ameri ca i s still and the object, support of the library mit ti ng J el le rs to reach safely atJust :vha t happened is dl cu a a ~ - I "T he L and of t he F re e a nd t he Homecertalll, a s those who took part II I '" project by the Narberth Civic Asso- f ir st , and two suc ce ss iv e f ie ld er s't he d ay 's exercises ar.e l oa th t o talk, The r egul ar Union Twi ligh t serv - of t he Brave . . . . elation. choices a nd H an le y' s si ng le t al li eda tic larl Messrs Verna and Cum-I ices wil l start next Monday, to con- Under eXIsting condltons, we Paol i' s f ir st run .~ : r . uThe : e two v ~ t e r a n s of the salt ' t inue during the months of July .and s ~ l O u l d t m a ~ t e h thitS .Int.dependdencle !Jay BETTER BABIES CONTEST NIU'berth Scores Two ]tUIIS in }'irstt Very uncommunica- August. Ir mg au WI pa no Ism an g orlOus Inning.wa er game are R h i ' ti . I f th t I 1tive, bu t if rumor is to be believed. e m e m ~ e r t e c lange 111. mee ng dlsp ay 0 e na IOna co ors. . The l oc al b un ch got b usy in thetl Id d g wI'll have charges place-thIS year at the Just ice prop- On the day preceding M emona l Below is given the r ep ort o f the very first inn ing and scor ed two runsIe a sea as"'. b I h t I "1 d bb gl t ga'n t them at the next e r t ~ ' , on ha r ert I avenue, e ween Day was p rl vl ege , as a mem er eommittee in charge of the "Better when S ti te s was giv en a free trip to; : ~ i n l g ~ ~ h club. The story is Windsor and Woodb ine. T ime, 6.30 of the S o n ~ of Veterans' Memo ri al B ah ies Co nt es t, " h el d in Narberth first, and Benni s was safe on Yonthat Pre si dent Verna act ua ll y s uf -I s h arp. Day CommIttee, to address some This eon test was i naugura ted during kel 's error, after which Vernonfered from seasickness, and also that I ~ h , e meetings are, short and i n t ~ r - twelve hundred children at the Girard "Baby Week," held here from March Io'leck doubled and Koons singledth tl v ic d orator o f t he o rg an - estmg and you can t afford to mIss School, and while my remarks ad- 7th t o 14t h. Its primary obj ec t was s co ri ng the two r un s. Dick Wal la ce ,i Z : t i ~ ~ ~ ~ I c u ~ m e r , committed mal- t h e ~ . There will ~ a short s p ~ c i a l hered. mostly to the of the day, t he dissemination of knowledge con- in h is f ir st trip to the plate wearingde-mer in no uncertain fashion. There mUSIcal feature. tillS Sunday mgh t. I notICed that when I d l r e c t ~ d a tt en - c erni ng t he car e o f babies a nd t he i n- t he N ar he rt h uniform, was pas se d tower l andl ubbe rs abo ard who were Com.e and you Will be glad you came. tion to the flag, every pupIl waved structlon of mothers , where th is was, first, but Mellon flied out to deepnot eaffected 'n th e slighte st bv the Le t's start these ings with a one, and later t he "Star -Spang led deemed necessary. Twenty-one babies Short, and Davis fanned, ending therough water, land the c lub i s s ~ i d t o good big attendance. ~ a n n e r " was ~ u n g W i ~ l l great enthus- were entered in the co nt es t. U po n inning.feel the d isgrace brough t upon it by lasm, and WIth a Vll:n that should entering. they were carefUlly exam- Hi t IlUti Ihm P iay Sco re s Ano th erits p re si dent and o ra to r a ll t he moroe ~ r c G O Y E l t N - K N I P } ; WEnDING. have inspired all t ho se w it hi n h ea r- ined and cert ain measurement s t aken I Runkeenly for that reason. A ver)' pretty w.edding was solemn- ing to a greater patriotic duty. The and t he resu l t recorded. Abn orma li ti es ' I n t he f ou rt h in ni ng Mellon reach-

    It is hoped that none of t he se ized on Saturday, June 24, at 6 o 'c lo ck p led ge o f al legiance to the flag was or a n ~ ' indications of dis ease found ed first On Manager HanLey's error,charges is tr ue as the f ine old aggre- at All Saints' P. E. Church, Wynne- also g iv en i n a s pl en di d manner and were cor re ct ed s o fa r as possible and and on t he h it and run play, MellongaUon, of which Narberth is so p roud , wood, P a, The principals being Mis s s ho ul d be g iv en at all pa tr iot ic exer- the mother instructed in the further scored on Gene Dav is ' two bagger .could hardly ho pe t o liv.e down t he Sel in a M. Knipe, daughter o f Mr. and c ls es on this Independence Day. care of the child. Miss Connelly, t he Ano th er Run ill t he Seven th Inningignominy brought upon i t, if they are Mrs. James N. Knipe, of Ardmore, and Let us mak e i t a great day, en ter - as si s ting nurse, later visited the It was in the seventh inning thatsubstantiated. Mr. J . Be rn ard McGovern. ing into all our exerc ises with a spirit Ihomes in o rd er t o assist in s uch car e, Narbe rt h t al li ed t he ir final run ofUnfortunately, that is not all. Presi- TILe bride was att en de d by Miss fu ll of patriot ism. Let us have an if necessary. At the end of eight weeks the game, when Mellon was passed todent Vern a, whOse high office can Edna F lenn er a s b ri de smai d. and t he e labo ra te d is pl ay of tile stars and, the babies were presented for' a sec- first and immediately stole secondo nl y b e held, according to an inflex- best man was Mr. George H. Roth- s tr ipes , and under threatening clouds ond examination . The ensuing result and s co red on Simpson 's s ingle.i bl e ru le of the c lub, by o ne knowi ng a ck er ; t he u sh er s b ei ng Mr. Albert- so eminent at t he present time, trust was compared with that of th e first This looks bet ter , doesn 't i t?int imate ly a ll roads of the surround- son F. Knipe and Mr. Alfred Biebe r. "to Providence that liberty and jus- examination, and the prizes awarded Continued on Second Pageing count ry , a ct ed i n t he cap ac it y of I The chu rch was beautiful ly decor- t lce, peace and harmony shall ever on the has is of t he grea tes t Improve-guide on the return tr ip from F or - ated with palms a nd roses. . 1 remain wi th us. men t made d ur in g t he Interval. The 1'IKUBEnS OF THE NARBERTIItescue. He i s cha rg ed w it h g ro ss In- A reception followed Immediate y Son of a Veteran. children were di vi de d I nt o three SCHOOL BOARD.capacity, as the schedule of the club a fte r th e c.eremony at9 the l ~ o m e ~ groups, according to age-birth to sixcalls for a 21-2 hour run from For- t h bride's parents , 12 Argy e roa , NAl tBEBTH MEN O}'F months, s ix months to one year, onetescue to Camden; whoereas, In the Ar more. TO THE l'RONT ye ar to two years.instance above stated, the trip actual- MAfter r e t u r n l n ~ from ~ l ~ h r ~ r s t l d ~ r l l ~ Among those who left Narberth for The awards were as followsly consumed twice that time. Some E rj an : Mrs. Mc overn the moblllzing camp at Mt. Gretna Class l . - l < ~ i r s t prize , $5.00, Marypeople ha ve gone so far as to say r e, a. were the following: White. d au gh te r o f R ic ha rd White,that both the pres ident and orator r O ~ " I 1 T T E E S 0 .... COUNCIL. R. S. White, Rezo B rook s a nd 305 Woodbine avenue; second prIze ,fished with ~ a n d lines rather than Marion Cheney, members of Troop A, $2.00, John Cook, son of Henry R.rod and reel, bu t this is apparently a Finance and Law Committee-A. P. First City Cavalry. Cook, Jr., 333 Merion avenue; third CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSgross l ib el o n t hese genuine sport s- -Redifer, W. D. Smedley, H. D. Narri- Leon Schwa rt z, C la re nc e Hum- prize, $1.00, Harry William Roser, son Two eent8 per word In advance; minimummen and is not to be entertained for gan. phrles, James McQuiston, John Mc- of Harry Roser , 119 Conway avenue; ten worda moment. Highway Committee-H. D. Narri- Qulston, members of First Regiment , h on or ab le ment io n, A nna LOUise FO R SALE-Rich top 8011. trom old g .. rden.gan , Mr . Rose, Robert Saville. N. G. P. Chalfant, d augh te r o f t he Rev. H. M. 50c per load on premises. F. AL J\1.8t1ce,UNCLAIMED LETTERS AT Police and Health-W. D. Smedley, J. C. Brinton, Third Regiment. Chalfant, 128 Chestnut avenue. BIG Montgomery "venue.NARBERTH POST OFFICll Mr. Rose, Robert Saville. Locksley Peebles, SOD of Mr. and Class 2.-Fl rs t prize, $5.00, Anna "'OR SALE-Five thoroughbred collie pups,Water, Fire ' and Light-Mr. Ros e, Mrs. Wm. J. Peebles , of lona ave- Tlnnev., daughter of Daniel Tinney, tour weeks old . Apply J. F. ONelll. 315Meeting House Lane. N.. rberth, Pa..William J. Henderson, Robert Savl lie. nue , h as a lso gone t o Balt imore to 307 Woodbine avenue; second prize,Ordinance-Wil l iam J. Henderson, join hi s r egiment , t he Fifth Mary- $2.00, Mary Christina Michener, daugh- "',\NTED-Durlng the 8ummer months , II.j refilled. nellt girl tor generlll hou8ework.Edward S. Haws, P. M. Mr. Rose, Robert SaVille. land. (Continued on Third Page) Reterenees reqUired. 2lG }o'orrest avenue.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 29, 1916


    NARBERTH, l>A.-OUR TOWN--JUNE 29 , I1J16




    O. A. E.231031o 0 01 0 081 010 0 05 1 1100o 7 0

    6 27 15

    H. O. A. E.1 2 4 11 11 0 02 0 0 00 6 0 10 2 0 00 1 0 00 0 5 01 2 1 10 0 2 05 24 12 3


    NARBERTH.R. H.o 01 01 0o 2o 2o 02 0o 1o 1

    ........ 2

    Don' t forge t that thIs Is a community o f home maker s and homekeepers aud that one of YOUBMOST IMPORTA.NT DUTIES Is tokeep It so.You c an aI d mater ia l ly by do .Ing your shopping and marketingwIth the advert isers th is paper .

    (Continued from First Page)

    BUILD UP YOUR! :TOWNBuild Up Your Homo

    Don' t b lame a g ir l f or assuming as t ri k ing a tt it ude when she 's trying, tomake a hit.

    Totals 4


    POST On'ICE NOTES.Box rents for t he q ua rt er endingSeptember 30th will be payab le be

    tween the 20th and last day of June.Every box in the post office is rented,a nd t he re is a waiting list of morethan a do ze n applicants.There has been received at the Narberth Post Office a bulle tin f rom th eDepar tment of Labor at Washington,

    containing a c al l f or 30,000 to 40,000men to help harvest th e crops inKansas. The rate of w ag es rangefrom $2.00 to $6.00 pe r day. Bulletini s p os te d i n the lobby.

    The score.

    Paoli .........000000 1 1 0--2:\arberth . .. .. . 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 x -4

    W. Humphries, 2b,Stites, P. . . . . . . . Bennis, cf. .Fleck, If .Koons, c. . .Wallace, lb .)Iellon, 3b. . .Davis, rf .Simpson, ss, '


    wno's WHO IN :NARBERTH.

    BOARD OF MANAGERSOF THE COMMUNITY CLUBChairman-Mrs. W. 1\1. Cameron.Financial Manager-Mrs. WilliamCurtis Pollock, Jr .L ibrary Manager-Miss Fanny Loos.House Manager-Mrs. I. S. Hepler.Social Manager-Mrs. C. P. Fowler.Membership Manag,er-Mr. Harry

    Hartley.Athletic Manager-Mrs. E, Hurth.

    BOROUGH 0l'F1CERS.BurgeEs-GOO. 1\1. Henry.Treasurer-Edwin P. Dold.Clerk of Councils-Chas. V. Noel.Tax Collector-James F. Sherron.Street commlssioner-W. S. McClelIan.Bui ld ing I nspe ctor - J, Howard

    Smedley.Counselor-Fletcher W. Stites.Constable-Fred. Walzer.

    Printed stamped envelopes may besecured at the post office at the fol- BOARD OF HEALTH.lowing prices: President-Chas. E. Kreamer.500 1-cent envelopes . . . . . $5.62 SecretarY-A. P. Redifer.500 2-cent envelopes . . . . . . .$10.62 Heal th Officer-W. S. McClellan.These envelopes ar e of f i rs t quality. Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fa ir ies ,The name and add re ss of purchaser T, B. Du Marias, Carden Warner andneatly printed in upper l ef t h and co r- , Chas. V. Noe l.ner, with request to return in --- --------days. Note the price. FIRE COMPANY.

    Edward S. Haws, Pl 'sident, Chas. E. Kreamer' sec-P os tm as te r. r et ar y, C ha rl es V. Noel; f l n ~ n c i a lIsecretary, E. C. Stokes; treasurer,

    I Carden Warner; c hi ef e ng in ee r,I Chas. V. Noel; first assistant engin!eer, Edw. Wipf ; second assistant en-Igineer, A. P. Redifer; third assistantengineer, H. B. Wall; f our th a sI sistant engineer, A. 'W. Needham.


    JULY 4th, 1916



    Flag Raising-Messrs. ,Stites, Cole, MuschampParade-Messrs. Dold, Noel, Gray , RoseBand-Messrs. Walzer, Jones, Mueller, EsslingerBall Games-Messrs. Walzer, Jones, RoseFireworks-Messrs. Dold, Noel, Smedley, Gray, Brooks

    Anyone des i ring double posta l ca rdscan secure them at th e post office.Patrons of the post office ar e urgedto have al l th.eir mall d irec ted to theirbox numbers.

    NJ\RBERTII CIVIC ASSOCIATION.President, A. J. Loos.Vice-president, A. C. Shand, J. B.

    Williams, James Artman.Sec re ta ry a nd t re as ur er , F ra nk J .Wisse.Dircetors, Frederick L. Rose, GeorgeFinance and Law Committee-A. P. 1\1. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M.Redifer, chairman; W. D. Smedley, \Colesworthy, Mrs. William S. Horner,H. D. Narrigan. A. E. Wohlert Mrs. George M. Henry,Highway Committee-H. D. Narri- Fletcher W. St ites , E . A, Muschamp,gan, chairman; E. C. Stokes, Robert H, C. Gara, Henry Rose, Edward S.Saville. Haws, Mrs. Roy E. Clark, 1\lrs. LesPolice and Health-W. D. Smedley, te r W. Nickerson, William D. Smed-chairman; E. C. Stokes, William J, Ie)'.Henderson.Water, Fire and Light-Will iamHenderson, chairman; A. P. Redife r,Robert Saville.

    Some day for Narberthites has been planned by the commi tt ee . A whole d ay of fun for the kiddies and grown-ups, too.A big brass band i s our s for the day.A wonderful display of fireworks on th e ball field in theevening. Yonkel, sS.Big parade in the morning, in which the school children will Ryan, lb ........participate. Every boy and gir l in l ine will be given a flag to carry. Calhoun, cf. .The members of this Fourth of July Celebration Committee Pawling, c .are al l busy. Avenues have been assigned to each one, and every Jeffers, If .house will be v is it ed . You are asked to g ive your mite t o make Dempsey, rf. .t . d b Rice, lb . . .this day a "big success." I f you a re n ot a home or mlsse y. Hanley, 2b .these collectors, do not be overlooked, just send your contribution l\1agill, p. . .to any member.Don't forget to decorate your porch and hang out the "GoodOld Stars and Stripes."Route of parade and ful l day 's program will be found inthis issue o f "Our Town."

    A CARD OF THANKS.Dorothy Moore and Elizabeth Hunte r desire to thank everyone whohelped to make tiLe c ak e a nd cand ysale for th e benef it of All Saint s' P .E . Church Parish House such a grandsu ccess. T he amount c lea red being$45.


    A. J . L ao sHenry RoseW. T. l\IelchiorO. L. Hampton


    H. C. GARA,Athcrtlsing Manager.


    MAIZIE J. SIMPSON,Cashier.

    (;ALL }'OR ) I A G A Z I ~ E S .


    THURSDAY, JU:' \E 29, 1916---_.-El\IERGE:\CY PHONE CALLSFire 350.Police 1250.

    Pursuant to an Ordinance providingfor a spec ial e lect ion for t he p ur pose o f obt ai ni ng the assent of theelectors of the Borough of Narberth, Montgomery County, Pennsylva ni a, t o an increase of th e indebtedness of the School District.:\otice is herebY given to thequalified e le ct or s o f the Borough of:\arberth, Montgomery County, Penn~ ~ ' I v a n i a , that on S at urd ay , t he fifteenth day of July, A. D. 1916, betw,een the hours o f s even A. 1\1. andseven P. M. at the building of the:\arberth }

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 29, 1916


    N " A R B ~ R T H . PA.-oUR TOWN-JUNE 29 . 1916

    TelephoneNarberth, Pa.

    Narberth, Pa .


    J. MARKLESelect Dairies

    c. P. COOK

    V . M . C . A . B U IL DI NG

    Special Nursery Milk in Paper Carton Filled at Penhurst Farm.nell PIJOne-Narberth 669 D.100 Narberth Avenue



    Iloward F. Cotter'MEATS of1 ~ 1 . QUALITY

    JAMES G. SCANLINContracting Painter

    FMJUstlCe Mootgomery Avenuv. ,NARBERTH . Or612 Cheslout SI Phlla..

    Try a Pound of

    Fresh Cit ra te of Magnesi a in the new SanitaryTop J?ottle. Prescriptions filled all hours of dayand lllght. Buy your V(Julcan, Eastman's Filmsand have same developed at

    Prescription Drug StorePhone, Narberth 625 or 1284

    F I EDLER ' S

    45th and Parrish Sts.



    FOURTH O F ~ Y PARAOE The Store Where You WillEventually Buy FromMAY WE SUPPLY YOU WITH PURE DRUGS

    HEAVY ON lIER }'EET.The g ir l w as a tt empt in g t o dance

    with a f at m an who couldn't. Thefat man was a great bungler and heknew it. He gasped as they bobbledabout."It's awf ul ly k in d o f you to dancewith me-me, the worst dancer Int he room!"Then h e tr od on he r foot for thes ixth t ime , a nd t he girl replied:"Oh, how can you say so? Why,you hardly seem t o t ou ch the floor!"



    Rev. C. G. Koppel, pastor.

    OUR TOWN will gladly printaDy Dews Item about any subjectthat Is of Interest to Narberthfolks, bo t In order to meetth e prinUng sChMule, al l "copy"_manuscripts-must reach theeditor by 6 P. l\L MODday eachweek.

    ALL S A l ~ T S ' P. E. (;UURCII.Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Rector.

    NrWli of tile QHlurrllea

    Listener-"Yes, that's a pretty goods to ry you 'v e t ol d, bu t it's not new.I read it a year ago in one of thefive-cent weeklies."Borus (strugglLng author)-"GreatScott! I thought every publisher Isent that story to had returned it tome!"-Chlcago Tribune.

    Sunday, July 2d:9,45-sunday school.all ages,11.00-public worship. Presentationservice. A large beautiful silkAmerican flag and staff will be presented to the chu rch by membe rs o fthe Sunday sc hoo l. M r. Fletcher W.St ite s wi ll make t he presentation address and tbe fiag will be accepted inb eh al f of t he church by the pastor.A stirring service. Singing by thechoir, led by Miss Prescott with MissWentz at t he o rg an . All membersand friends of the congregation ar ecordially Invited to t he service.6,30-Unlon twilight service held ont he l aw n of t he Jus ti ce proper ty onNarberth avenue. The unitingchurches extend a most cordial Inv it at io n t o al l members of the community to attend these services.

    ST. ,"AUGARE'l"S cmmell.EarlY Mass on Sun:lll,y from Aprlll

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 29, 1916


    N A R B E I { 1 . ' H ~ PA.-OUR T O W N - J U N E 2 9 1916




    i de al i s constructive. and every effortis made to secure men who wil l uphold this ideal. With few exceptions,they ar e recruited from the schoolsand colleges near Philadelphia.The diciplining of the camp is nottoo strict. but does Insist upon the observance of a few regulations thatar e for the camper ' s safe ty and enjoyment. Every boy is expected to ac tas a gentleman and is o n his honor.The use of tobacco in a ll f orms isabsolutely forbidden at Camp Tohickon.The following Narberth boys ar ealready s igned up for part of the season: Carl Met zg ar , Ned Morgan.Baird Caldwell, Richard Compton.Richard Odiorne, Herbert Krell, Edward Odell and Francis Wipf. We areadding to thi s l is t daily. How aboutyour boy?

    signed u p: Ba ird Caldwell, EdwardMorgan, Carl Metzgar, Richard Odiorne, Edward Odell, Richard Compton, Francis Wipf. Randolph Mullenand Herbert McCarter.How about your boy? I f you wantlIlm to go. get in touch with Secr.etary Hampton immedia te ly . Do it

    already Inow.

    C A ~ I P "TOlIICKON"


    Only twelve more days till ourboys leave for "Camp TolIlckon," withb ag a nd baggage.July 10. Monday. Is the day set for

    the Narberth party to leave and thosetwelv,e or f if teen boys can hardlywait till t he t ime comes.The f ol lowing boys are

    "Al l d f C.rea y o r amp . "Y. M. C. A.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    The re w as a t ime when t himb le sOnl y a fool h as t he n er ve to boast were an important part of a woman'.o f h is good aense. jewelry.

    Phone, Narberth 672





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    Moving Furniture and Hauling!Automohiles for Passenger SerViceNight Trips When Orderea





    Pier 32, North River"1 he i Sea r ch I i g'h t R 0 ute"HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY

    where woods are cool, streams alluring, vacations ideal. Between New YorkCity (wi th Albany and Troy the gate-ways) and 'Lake GeorgeThe AdirondacksLake ChamplainThe Nor th and Wes t

    The logical route is ' 'The LuxuriousWay"Largest and most magnificent riversteamships in the worldDAILY SERVICE- Send for free copy of Beautiful"Searchlight Magazine"


    rara. M ~ G i D 1 e ~ n.Uf ! }w 1 7 ! ! ~ P t i i l i f [ h i & l ~Detective Bureau

    Hi,h Grade ButterTelephone-Narberth 644 A.

    Plumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingN A R B E R T H , PA




    We Invite Your Kodak PatronageFilms-Speed Films and Plates,all sizes.Papers in all grades for thosewho like to do their own printing.Developine. Print ing and Enlarging by experts.

    P R I C E S R I G H T OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITHHoward's Drug Store ITh M Tetl & T t Ce erlon I e rus o.Frank CristMEATS & PROVISIONSI 2% interest allowed on checking accounts on balances of--------- $50.00.3% interest allowed on Saving Fund accounts, compounded semi-annually.Deposits of $1. 00 and upward recei ved in the SavingFund Depaitment.

    NARBERTH OFFICE, Open From 8 A. M. 10 4 rp. M.Friday EVe1lillgs, 7 to 9.

    All OutdoorsInvites Your Kodak


    Miesen's BakeryN A R B E R T H A R C A D EB U I L D I N GBread, Cake, Rolls, Pies,Candy. Ic e CreamCATERING FOR PARTIES

    "'Home Dressed Poultry. Butler. Ell 'gs and Game,~ ~ R f I < ~ u t ~ R n ~ E ~ ~ L l t . ~ . l p s . " A S TO RE F OR

    Te ephone. N A R B E R T H . P A .

    ,Iword as smacking of too arbitrayauthority.We are prejudiced against "must," Bre t Har te used to tell the tale ofagainst "You must ao this," "You a man in the wild west who f el t h emus t n ot d o t ha t. " One o f o ur mos t h ad t he b es t r ea so n possible for feelcelebrated physicians tells the s to ry ing cur iously aggrieved with a personof an experience he once ha d when who h ad n ot used it . He frequentel1a liquor store-a vast , broken down,he was a young man and bu t few pa- ramshack le wooden r oom wlt ll a Oat ient s came knocking at his door. at one end. In the bar was e X h i b i t e ~The re was no fear of the bell b ei ng a notice printed in ink on a piece 0"worn out. And even t he p at ie nt s h e d ir ty paper;got seemed a most f r a c ~ i o u s lot of "Gentlemen are requested not top e o p ~ e . He lamented hIS lot one smoke in the lower end of this estabeven:mg to an old doctor who was one lishment."p of I us dearest chUUls-a man who wasl'opertfes F:orI Bent ~ n Sale a f ri en d t o whom he could reveal his But he felt attra cted to that lowere nsurance a rl' end. It seemed peaceful away fromBell Phone SO! lV w r e s . h d 'r "Go t a lot of cantankerous patients, t e crow ; a nd th ere was a barrelWan BnIldlng. Narberth, P. . have you?" s ai d t he o ld man. "Ah! there s t a ~ d l n g end up, which seemedThere are plenty of t hem k noc ki ng t o offer hIm a reposeful seat. He satabout. But how do you treat them? on It and smoked his pipe in quietSuppose you want 11 man to knock off, enjoyment for some t ime, t il l, tappingsav, beef, what do you tell him?" ?u t the a sh es , h e SUddenly found as:'1 t el l h im he mus t give it up," re- If. it were a volcano open beneathplied t he young fellow. hIm. and' he was precipitated through"Ah' Now I shouldn't do that" re- a hole in the root The barrel conplied the practiced hand, "I SilOUld tained th e proprietor's s to ck o f g un go about it this way : 'My dear sir, I powder-fortunately only a meagrewant you to get well as f as t a s you supply just then. What he quarreledpossibly can. Now I suspect that a bout whe n he came down was that The following Item concerning thebe ef is bad for y O ~ . You are fond he had no t been informed he "must " l if e of Tohickon will doubtless be ofof it? Well, wel l , of course there ar e no t smoke near that ba rre l. H e felt considerable Interest:few things that beat a bi t of beef a mere request that he would not do As fa r as possible, the small groupnicely cooked I feel almost sure so was not strong enough. "Must" idea or fami ly uni t is the s tandardvou 'd be b e 1 . t ~ r without it, though. and "must not" are all right frequent- for classification. Each tent accomLet us tr y giving up t he beef fo r a ly. They are a pos it iv e kindness to modates seven boys and an adult leadtime. Hard lines! B ut we all have one. er and this same grouping is carriedto make sacrifices now and then , don't "Must" is a word that grows ot t hroughou t t he round o f dailY activl-_________________ we?'" rarer use. People appeal rather to ties. In the dining r oom t he y si t

    "Crows a re h ardy birds." remarked The young gentleman gave up h is o ne 's s en se o f d ut y, one's reason, at their separate table and ar e servedthe boarder. "I n cold weather I ha ve "mu st " a nd adopted the l es s abrup t one 's proper feeling by using "ought;' as a family by thei r leader. This ar k nown t hem t o go f ive days without and persuasive power. I t was a suc - "shOUld," or "will you?" in it s place. rangement enables the grouping offood." Icess. Bu t it does n ot a nswe r t o t hi nk that boys of li ke a ge a nd s ec ur es a close"That's nothing ," c huck le d the There ar e cases where "must" Is these gentler words have not a goodIsupervision, as well as helpfUl influ-comedian boarder. "I've known crows I jus t the right word to u se a nd when deal of the sense of "must" about ences through contacts with plckeJto g,o five months without food." anyone who takes offence at it only them. The user is probably very men of strong personality. Parents"Great Scot! What k in d o f crows shows his or her ignorance and ob- much l ik e t he polite carter that Dean need not f ea r to place their sons un-were they?" tuseness. I t is not wis e t o be in too Hole once knew. He had several der Tohickon influence, for the camp, "Why, scarecrows, of course." great a hurrY to q ua rre l w ith t he y oung ste rs und er him. and prided = = = = = = = ~ ~ ~ _ = _ ~ _= ~ _ = = = = _ ~ ~ . . " , . . = ~ = = ....... ~ ~ ' " ' " " " = ~ = = ================================================ I ~ i ~ ; ~ ~ l O ; o ~ l ; ~ : e . ~ i r ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ : : : ~ ~ , ed him what if they d i d n ~ t - " p - l a - ; ~ . ' ; - - - - - - -- A i i - M A ~ ~ - C L ~ A & - - -"I clouts 'u n on t he yed an ' skins 'un," _I~ ~ e ; ~ ~ a i n e d with a frightful crack of A lady missionary in China wasA R C A D IA p. taking tea with a mandarin's eightCBESTNtTr.Bel.16Ih SI The wor ld h as a knack ot doing wives . The Chinese women examin-Flnesl PhOI0f:la:v The- much the same to the person Who ed he r clothing he r hair he r teeth. l r ~ \ : : : ~ : ; I ~ ~ Ihe ! . g n o r e ~ , the gentler words than and so on, but her reet especla l l;

    Pholoplays-Contlnuous lOA.M.lo 11.30 must. amazed them.~ .PhD P BOW TO HER PRIDE. "Why." CrIed on, "you can walk and.. . a. I ru n as well as a man."PRO G RAM I - "Yes, to be sure," said the mis-W An old Scotswoman, who had res ls t- s ian reek com,mencing ,Monday" June 28th ed a ll t he en, treaties of he r friends to "CaanY' ou111 d T d d d Y ride a h or se a nd swim,on a ~ u'" a an " ..

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