  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 6, 1916


    .. ;

    NEXT SATURDAYNarberth vs. R. G. Dun& Co., at Narberth DURTO Send Your Magazinesto the Y. M. C. A. forthe SoldiersVOLUME II . NUMBER 39 NARBERTH, PA.,THURSDAY, JULY 6 , . 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS



    One o f t he membe rs of th.e committee on prizes for best kep t y ar dsh as mad e a gene ral survey of th e situation, realiz ing th e great difficultyin p la ci ng the prizes, as nea rl y a ll of the yards in Narberth could becalied wel\-kept and attractive.At this time, th e climbing r,oses ar e very pleasing, n ot ab ly o n Mr.Harris' fence on Price avenu.e as wel1 as Wayne avenue. Her e, t he effectis produced by a planting of crimson and white cl imbing rOses, a nd p robably t h r os es E xc el sa a nd White Dorothy Perkins; at Mrs. Shand's"Douglas Gardens" on Price avenue, pink Dorothy Perk ins produce a bewildering display, Mr. Beatty, of Price avenue, and Mr. Kramer, of Forestand Ess,ex avenues , seem to favor Do rot hy Pe rk ins an d L ad y Gay. Thesingle American Pil1ar r os e h as a ls o been s een at i ts b es t this year. OnMontgomery avenue.. th e Garden Nurseri,es have a drive about 600 feetlong. lin.ed at intervals of 10 f ee t w it h c limb ing roses trained witht el eg ra ph p ol es a nd 12 foot cedar posts. The Garden 'Nurse rie s haventilized this row as a sample row in order to test out the value of th evarious v ar ie ti es . T he old favorite cr imson rambler does no t comparew,eli w it h t he rest. All of the newer varieties ar e appa ren t ly supe rior.The re c an b e s ee n among othe r climbing roses th e fol1owing: Tausendschoen, Christine Wright, Dorothy Perkins, Lady Gay, Excelsa, WhiteDorothy Perkins, Hiawatha, American Pil1ar, Crimson Rambler. Columbia,and a l ot o f o th er v ar ie ti es .

    A great many of t he porches i n o ur town ar e beaut if ied by c l imbingroses and th e effect is very cha rming . On Ion a av, enue ar e s ome veryeffective plantings.Mos t o f t he p ri ze c up s have been bought a nd s ome of t hem have beenp la ce d o n e xh ib it io n i n th e windows of Narberth's thre.e drug stores. Int he w indow of Wm. Fieldler, druggist, is seen the trophy cup f or b es t y ar d20 to 60 foot f ront . In th e window o[ Mr. Howard's drug store i s d i sp layedthe t rophy c up for t he b es t k ep t ~ ' a r d 60 to 100 foot 011 olle stre,et. In Mr.Housekeeper 's drug store is displaY,ed t he t ro ph y cu p for th e bes t y ar d100 foot or more f ron tage on olle s tr ee t. T hes e trophLes ar e to be wontwice to become t he p roper ty of th e winner. It is 1I0t n ec es sa ry t ha tthey s ho ul d b e won twice in succession. The nam.e of t he w inne r willbe inscribed 011 th e cup.The yards wi ll b e j ud ge d several times during th e season in order togive each amateur gardener an opportunity. Some have e xpende d the irefforts on climbing roses, others on flowering s hr ub s, a ga in o th er s onherbaceous borders filled with valuable perennial flowering pl ant s, an dagain others have pu t their efforts into g.eraniums. c an na s a nd similarperishable plants. I t will be no easy matter for th e judges to place th eaw ar ds , b ut t he y wi ll do t he ir b es t a nd no doubt everybody will bepleased.

    l ~ o r district No.6 bOUlll1ed by Woodbine avenue, Narberth and Montgomery avenue ar e some special prizes to be won twice. Fo r t he b es tkept an d m os t attractive corner lo t th,ere is a special grand prize; alsofirst p ri ze t rophy cup fo r t he b es t k ep t yard in that d is tr ic t, a nd asecond p ri ze t ro ph y c up for the second best premises in that district. Asdistrict No. 6 includes a g re at many sma ll houses. some of which ar ebuilt in solid rows , a few sp.ecial prize s have been provided for thesesmal \er f ron ts, 20 foot or l e ss f rontage . Fo r smal1 yar ds i n d is tr ic t 20 foot wide or l es s, f ir st p ri ze $5; second prize, $3, a nd thi rd prize,$2. A spec ial grand pri1.e is also being offered [o r t he m os t a tt ra ct iv eand best k ept prem ises in all Narberth. This wil l be a solid silver cupand has to be won twice i n succes sion .Ful\ part icu lars in our next issue.


    Every HOlM of Narberth Should be Interested in This Progressiveand Unique Movement-Many Flowers Show Care andTasty Arrangement-Cups on Exhibition

    Local Y . ] 1. C. A. Will Jo'orwnrd Themto Soldiers and Sailors.Weather Was Ideal-Narberth Spirit in Evidence-New Flag ForFire House-Base Ball Drew Banner Crowd-WonderfulDisplay in Evening Th e Young Men's Christian Asso

    "A p e r f e ~ t day" was t he p hr as e on I Narberth's institutions were well Ielation of Narbe rth makes an appealth e lips of every Narberth it e and of repr,esented i n t he p ar ad e. H ead ed by t o tb.e people of th e communi ty for

    N b tl 't I th e Main Line Band., th e s choo l c hi l- o ld magaz ines and periodicals. Anevery gues t of a ar er 11 eI W 10 was . I' Tdren , gmded by Pr ln c p al Wil ham . urgent request has been received fromfortunate ,enough to enjoy the f ul l M elch ler came next in line The N D t t f. ' . . th e Army an d avy epar men 0program of events II I celebration of Boy Scout s, c ommanded by Scout- C I. I d . the Internat ional ommittee fo r t leseth e Nation's bI rthday planned by the master W. Arthur Co e an ASSIstant .loca l c it izen' s commit tee . The p ro - S coutmas te r Hen ry Howes, Jr., made magazines in order that tiley migbtgram was ca rr ied ou t In every de ta i l an .exceHent appearance an d showed Iby sent to our soldiers In MeXico,as published in p re viou s i ss ue s of th e result of t he ir s pe ci al t ra in in g. A la sk a and th e Philippines. Th e de Ou r Town. And not in t he memory The scouts acted a s e scor t to th e Fir.e Ipar tment w ri te s t h at they ar e havingof the oldest i nh ab it an t h as t .he Co. , whos: members, proud- a great difficulty in. obtaining a suf fi wea th erma n b ee n s o g en er ou s WIth Iy f o l l o w l ~ g theIr new. silk ftag, c len t supply o f o ld magazines to meetfair skief\, sunshine and cool breezes march.ed II I front of theIr l U o d ~ r n t he ne eds o f o ur s old iers s er vi ng in. as he was on t he Four th . motor apparatus ( two p ie ce s) whI ch out-of-the-way p lac es . Who le someThe f amou s wor ds " by th e people, have bee n s ec ur ed by volunteer con- literature ha s a wonderful pr,eventivefo r th e people" were c rowded w i th trlllJUtiOnS t h r ~ u g h tthle l . e a d t ~ r S h i P I i Off value for these mea ni ng o n Tuesday; for Nar- t Ie c o m p a n ~ s en msms IC .C I e , Th e following is a l et te r w ri tt enb e rt h' s t ru ly democra t ic obse rvance Char les V. Noe l. M.embers of th e by a secretary "somewhere in Mexof the Fourth was t he r es ul t of that base. b a l ~ team of th e Y. ~ C. A. ico:"l dn d o f co-operative effort whi ch has (Mam LlIle League) were II I autos "This is mv t hir d d ay f rom Columcome to be characterized as "The a l ong l in e o f whi ch , gaily bedecked, bus a nd t he ~ I u s t is so t hi ck that youNarberth S pi ri t, " w hi ch mea ns that w e r ~ h ea de d b y C ~ l a r l e s Humphrers , canuot Bee twenty feet i n f ro nt w hi leou r citizens push and pul l - together- presIdent of Councl\' on th e ride. I have visited to datefor the b en ef it o f all. The civic A ft er w in ni ng two e xci t ing . ha se t hr ee e nc ampmen ts and everywherec on sc io us n, es s o f Narberth was ball games- -one f :om ou r old r l v a l ~ , there is a cry for r ~ a d i n g matter. Alldemonstr a ted on t he Four th in a pro- D ~ &. Co.-by hk e scores, 4 to 3, al on g th e li ne I was met with ope ngram which represented nearly every WIth alt. .ernoon a t tendance over 200.0, arms. it heing the first time in twolocal i nterest. ,about. 2000 p e r s o ~ l s came ba,ck a g a ~ n months that t he re h ad b ee n r ea di ngThe general f un d ( ov er $500) was: t o w lt ne .s s t he f ir ewor ks d Ispl ay 1Il matter or stationery available. Thecollected by a c it i1 .ens ' c ~ m m i t t e ~ e ,the e v e J l l ~ l g . . ' re adi ng ma tt er and stationery whichunder the energe,tic leadershIp of E. . ~ n nght here. let us pause to we have supplLed wi1l be big factorsP. Dold. The women of t h e bo rough : w ~ J t , ~ c?ngratulatlOns .to th e c o n ~ - i n I ,eeping the boys in t ouc h w ith t hec on tr ibut ed t he ir m it es t o a fund col- :mlttee dIrectly responSIble fo r tl?IS o ut si de w orl d an d counteract verylec ted hy t he 'V om en 's C ommun it y part of the. program. It. was th e blg- mat er ia ll y t he feel ing of disgust an dClub of the Y. 1\1. C. A . under t he g es t v al ue 1Il fir,eworks for th e m O ~ l e y discontent that is evideut among thel,eadership of Mrs . W. M. Cameron, fo r expended (about $300) th e wnter men with whom I hav .e talked."t he p ur po se of purchasing the silk has ~ v , e r seen burned np . There were A number of Y. M. C. A. secreflag and standard anll mountings no pIeces that would not work, and taries have been assigned to th ewhi ch the y p re se nt ed t o t he Narbe rt h t he re were some that wor ke d s o won - t ro op s in Mexico and every magazineI ~ i r e Co., that th,ey migh t b e sui ta bl y d ~ o u s l y that they wa rmed th e cockles received will be 'Bent directly to themequipPed for dress pa rades . 01 th e hearts of grown-ups while at f e I l' t ' l t n Til r I'Sor p rsona l IS n)u JO e IEach of t he se f un ds h ad a sur plUS th e same tllll.e they am used . th e a personal mes sa ge g iv en w it h e ve rywhich was t u rn ed over to the Holiday youngsters. And th e precautlOns . I d I t tl.' . mag azme I an el 0 Ie men.House, a worthy charity which IS agalllst fire and aCCIdent taken by 1\1' a' 1 s t to til "'. r-. '. b . . . ag ZlU'

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 6, 1916


    NARBERTH, }>A.-OUR TOWN-JULy 6. 191H


    A. E.o 0o 0o 02 16 0o 0o 03 01 01 0


    ,2161137 36 13

    NARBERTH.R. H.0 .. 0o 01 11 02 2o 0o 1o 0o 2o 1

    PAOLI M. C.R. H. O. A. E.12030o 1 150003211 1 120134001 2 10 0 10020000000o 1 60101010

    R. G. DUN & CO.R. H. O. A. E.1 3 1 1 0o 0 1 4 02 2 2 Ii 12 3 2001 3 11 2 0o 1 3 0 0201102 250 01 1 1 1 0

    Totals 4

    Pao li . P a.. July I . -The R. G. Dun& Co. tourists increased their percentage a s leaders of theMain Line Leagueby defeat ing the Paoli Men's Club, 11to 4. The "Skeeters" were completelyoutclassed. The leaders hammeredthe ball h ar d f or a t ot al o f fifteenhits, in whi ch Ben ne tt Gilbe rt l edwith a homer, double and s ingl e outof four times up. Jef fe .- s and Ryanfeatured for th e home club.

    Two-base hits-Simpson, Henry,Fitzmaler, Barker. Home run-Stites.Stolen baseS-Humphries, Stites. 2;Koons , Bel l, 3; Mellon, 2. Left onbases-Narberth. 9; Autocar Club, 11.Struck out-By Stites, 16; by B la ck ,16. First base on balls-By Stites,3; b ~ Black, 4. Hi t by pitched ba l l Fleck and Koons. Umpire-Gallagher.

    Berwyn, Pa., July I . -The BerwynPirates dropped a hard-fought, teninning, Main Line League game, onthe home grounds here, to-day, to BobBlack's West Philadelphia A. C., 11to 8, the visitors winning, ou t on aContinued on Third ~ g

    POST OFFICE NOTES.Anyone deslrln& double postal cards.can secure them at the, post office.Patrons of th e post office ar e urgedto have al l their mail directed t o t he irbox numbers. '

    E.1o11 AUTOCAR CLUB.1 R. H. O. A. E.o Dickie, 3b 0 0 0 1 2o Fltzmaier, ss. 0 2 1 4 0o Simpson. 2b. 1 2 3 3 0o Barker, If. 2 1 0 0 0o Henzy, c. 0 2 18 1 0o She'ndy, rf. . 0 2 3 0 '0F ine, c f 0 0 2 1 03 IBrown , l b. 0 1 9 0 0Black, p 0 1 0 4 0

    Dennis, cf .M'CI'an, cf .Wallace, lb .Humphries, 2b. ..Stites, p " .

    -1 Fleck, If .4 Koons, c .Simpson, ss. . .Bell, rl .Mellon, 3b .

    Henzy's two-base drive. Barker tiedit up in the eighth on a wal k a ndsingles by Henzy and Sherbondy.The game was waged fiercely untilA. E. th e twe lf th f nn ing, when Stites cono 0 Inected for his homer. The Autocar3 0 IClub was scoreless in the last half,5 2 IStites f anning , two , f or a total of slx-o 0 teen strikeouts.o 0o 02 0o 05 21 02 0o 0

    O. A.2 312 0o 12 06 22 12 01 3o 1o 0

    DUN & CO.R. H. O.o 1 10110141 1 01 1 13o 0 Io 1 00130010001 1 0000

    NARBERTH.R. H.1 01 21 2o 1o 1o 2o 0o 0o 21 0

    R. G.

    Totals . . 3 8 24 18-Batted for Whitney In ninth.

    Don't forget that this Is a com.munIty of home makers and homekeepers and that one of YOURMOST IMPORTANT DUTmS Is tokeep It so.You c an a id m ate ria lly b y do .jng your shopping and marketingwi th the adver ti sers In th is paper .

    Bcored on H. Barnltz's single.The score:

    Mudie, If .Collins, 3b.H. Bar nl tz , 2b .Gilbert, rf., c .Schwart z, l b. . .Fabey, c .Ch.ew, rf. ..LabneI:, cr .R. Barnltz, ss. .. ,Whitney, P .Deegan, p ."Beggs .

    BeH .Wallace ..Humphries .Fleck . . . . . . . . . . .Koons, .Bennis .McClellan .Simpson .Ensinger .Mayer .

    Contlnued From First Page

    N.lRBERTH DE}'EATS stoPPled the b al l w it h one hand , pre- t three runs In the opening inning, theWEST PHILA. A. C. venting Collins t ak ing t hi rd , from Ihome club coming back w ith two runswhere he would eventually have on Simpson's double, a 'walk and

    Our local celebration, reported In another column, was all that could bedesired demonstrating, as it did, thatNarberth always does wel l wha t itsets out to do . It Is gratifying to noteth e growth of the "safe and sane" Overholtzer. Ryan batting for Icelebration, and the consequent Cloughlan, was safe on Bell 's erro r.Iy reduced.list of accidents and fires. Glocker s co re d on Pasquello's out. J.O ur y ou ng p eo pl e are beginning to Robinson then was given a b ase o nlearn that t he y c an d er iv e a s much balls, but Craig batting, fo r Panquollo,pleasur.e from a safe celebration, as fanned, ending the game.from the general and reck less burning of powder, and Incidentally, canrelieve parents of a great weight ofanxiety, Which, in t he p as t. made theglorious Fou rt h any th ing but a dayof j oy f or them.

    NARBERTJI CIVIC ASSOCIATION.President, A. J. Laos.Vice-president, A. C. Shand, J. B.

    Williams, James Artman.Secretary and treasurer, Frank J.WisserDlrcetors, Frederick L. Rose, GeorgeM. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M.Colesworthy, Mrs. William S. Horner,A. E. Wahlert Mrs. George M. Henry,Fletcher W. Stites, E. A. Muschamp,H. C. Gara, Henry Rose, Edward S.Haws, Mrs. Roy E . C la rk , Mrs. Leste r W. Nickerson, William D. Smedley.

    A. J . La osHenry RoseW. T. MelchiorO. L. Hampton


    MAIZIE J. SIMPSON,Cashier.

    OUR rrOWN

    A great Fourth for Narber th !

    Our Town would greatly appreciateshort local i tem s of interest. It isyour paper , and needs your support,Wben you hear of any l i tt le happenIng, just send it in.

    Visitors were many. O ur fri en dss eem to have a warm spo t for "TheYear ' Ro un d Home Town. "

    Mrs. C. R. B1ackallMrs. C. T. Moore:\oIl'S. E. C. StokesEarl F. SmithG. M. HenryAllsoclate EdItors.

    Owned, and Puhlished every Thuraday by the "'arberth Civic Assoc ia tion.

    WEST PHILADELPHIA.R. H. O. A. E.Panzullo, 2b 0 '0 1 3 0Donovan, 3b., 8S. .. 0 0 3 3 2F. Robinson, cr. .. , 0 1 0 0 0Overholtzer, ss., If. 1 2 0 1 1

    ~ O T I C } ; OF SPECIAL J. Robinson, If., 3b. 0 0 0 2 0-----;--------- ! PUBLIC ELECTION Glocker, lb 1 2 10 1 1H. C. GARA, I _ _ Cloughlan, rf. 0 0 0 0 0Ad'fcrUslng Manager. IPursuant to an Ordinance providing! P a s q u ~ l l o , c. . . : . . . 1 2 10 0 0Send a ll l et te rs a nd news item to for a special eLec tion for the pur- :. Robmson, P. 0 1 0 2 0P. O. Box 404. pose of obtaining the assent of t!.le * ~ y a n . . . . 0 0 0 0 0Send all advert ising copy to P. O. electors of t he Bor ou gh of Nar CraIg 0 0 0 0 0Box 820. berth, Montgomery County, Penn- 4Make all remittances to P. O. Box sylvania, to an i nc reas e o f t he in Totals :1 8 24 12118. debtedness of the School District.Our Town Is on sale at th e depot Notice Is hereby given to the NARBERTH.newsstand, and at t he s to re of H. E . qua li fi ed electors of the Borough of R. H. O. A. Eiavis. Narberth, Montgomery County, Penn- Bell. ss. . 0 1 2 3Entered I1S second-class matter, Oc- sylvania, that on Saturday, the fi f- Wal lace, If. 2 1 11 0 0tober 15, 1914. at th e Post Office at teenth day of July;, A. D. 1916, be- Stites, 3b. 1 0 3 0 g

    ~ a r b e r t h , Pennsylvania, under the 1tween th() hours o f s ev en A. M. anu Fleck, If. 00 i 06 O2 1Act of March 3, 1879. seven P. 1\1. at the building of til" Koons, c 0 0 0 0Narberth Fi re Company. Forest Ave- Bennis, cf. 3THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1916 nue North o f H av er for d a nd Merion Humphries, 2b , 0 0 0 2 0 Totals 4 10 27 11-EMERGENCY PHON'E CALLS Av,enues, In the said Borough o f Nar - Simpson, rf 0 0FI 350 berth, an election will be held for thp. Mayer, p. 0 R. G. Dun & Co.. O 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0- 3

    P ~ ~ 1250 'purpose of obtaining the assent of the 6 27 --; iNarberth 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 x-4 Totals 3 11 36 14 2o e. el

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 6, 1916


    N A R B ~ R T H , PA. -OUR TOWN-JULY 6. 1916

    TelephoneNarberth, Pa.



    President-Chas. E. Kreamer.Secretary-A. P. Redifer.Health Offieer-W. S. McClellan.Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies,T. B. Du Marias, Carden Warner andCbas. V. ' Noel.

    Heating AppliancesR. W. CASE

    Electrical Contractor242 HAVERFORD AVE.

    Repairing Telephone

    Estimates FurnIshed

    c. P. COOKAnthracite CoalWOOD AN DBUILDING SUPPLIESNarberth, Pa.

    Citrate MagnesiaFresh Daily at


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Spel1lal Nursery Milk In Paper ca....ton Filled at Penburst Farm.

    Bell Phone-Narberth 669 D.100 Narberth AvenueNARBERTH, PA,


    IIoward F. Cotter'MEATS ofITI. QUALITY

    Y. M . C. A . B U IL D IN G

    JAMES G. SCANLINContracting Painter

    Al lConvenlences-old Shade.Ma_damRoad. Cemen lSidewabs . Etc.

    According to YOUI 'OwnP la n s. B a la n cOn EaaJ 'Terms .Narberth's Highest TractFM JnstlCe Montgomery Avenu4! , NARBERTH .Or612 Chestout SI Pb l.. .


    Store Where You WillEventually Buy FromWE SUPPLY YOU. wlm PURE DRUGS


    Fresh Citrate of Magnesia in th e new SanitaryTo p Bottle. Prescriptions f illed all hours of dayand night. Buy your V"u!can, Eastman's Filmsand have same developed at

    Prescription Drug StorePhone, Narberth 625 or 1284F I EDLER ' S

    45th and Parrish Sts.Try a Pound of



    _________ \ George B. Suplee'Steam & HotWaterHeatingPlumbingBell Telephone.


    Pasteurized Milk Igl.fVeR1ESBrJ 'oc l ov l s Cer t i ll ed WEST PBIIA.Milk(Pedrlal lc society) OVERBROOKSpeci a l "Guernsey" MERIONMilk WYNNEFIELD


    J. A.MILLER(Successor to E . J . HOOD)


    Jobbing a Special ty. Narb ert ll .Fa.4


    H. O. A. E.1 1 0 11 1 1 03 0 1 03 0 0 20 13 0 02 12 3 00 0 0 01 1 0 01 0 3 11 2 5 0

    Hi 30 11

    R. H. O. A. E.2 3 2 0 02 2 4 1 01 0 2 0 00 1 8 1 00 0 0 4 10 1 10 2 00 0 1 1 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 1 00 1 0 3 0

    BON AIR.


    Contlnlled from Second Page

    Totals . . . 8 13 30 13

    Totals 11

    Wayne 0.0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 -3Bon Air 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 x -5

    Nunan, c f .Brown,2b .Kane, If .Harrison, c. . .Sinclair, 3bo' . . . . .Morris, lb o .Kirk, rf .Swartz, rf .McM'le, ss .Burke, p .

    Weaver, c 0 Brooke, lb .Scott, 3b 0 Cass, cf. .. 0. o' . . . .Hutchinson, ss. . ..Fitzgerald, If. . . . . .Singleton, 2b.. 0 Walthrop, rf .HaIloweIl, p.

    MAY I PROVE.To you what an advantage it isto own you r own home?WM. D. SMEDLEYBig game next Saturday. A CS homer! I t the ahln,Two-base hits-Hayman, F. RObin-! Gome Narberth & H fdAene D av is i s p la yi ng with Cape aver or ves.son, J. Robinson, Coughlin, Glocker. MHome run-F. Ro bin son . Sac rif ice ay .hits-Panzello, Higgins . S to len bases Stites won, h is own game Saturday. r ~ o . 11'. J. MARKLE-Panzello 2' Donovan Overholtzer R. G. Dun & Co. next Satu rday at bli n n. ".' , Narberth.3, RelI1y, Hayman, Watson, 2; Davis. K d' d .Struck out-By Robins n 13 ' by oons an Shtes playe a great ' SIDLewis, 10. Bases on baIls'-:BY Robin" g.ame. Flick str_uck out s ix teen . . e ect aloesson 5' by Lewis 3 U pire-Chrl ti e Do you wonder why they caIl him, , " m s . "Iron l\fan?"Harry Simpson had a double-plaY

    i ng w it h Autoc ar .Bert Bell broke in to the game withdefeated the Wayne Suburbanites, 5 to two hi ts .3. I The Narberth t eam i s in a batting

    ISlump.WAYNE. Some game, eh! Dun done?R. H. O. A. E.1: 1 ~ I U. S. MAIL-May 28, 1916.o 1 0 2 Arrival.o 2 1 0 6.00 A. M.-East and t hrough wes t1 1 1 6 0 6.43 A. M.-Eas t and th rough west'o 2 2 1 0 8.59 A. M.-Local westo 0 1 1 1 10.37 A. M.-East and t hrough wes to 0 1 0 0 11.50 A. M.-East and t hrough wes to 0 0 0 0 12.26 P. M.-Local west1.37 P. M.-Eas t and t hrough wes tTotals. . . 3 10 24 11 3 3.26 P. M.-Local west4.27 P. M.-Eas t and t hrough wes t6.37 P. M.-Local westDeparture.6,43 A. M.-Local west8.59 A. M.-East and t hrough wes t10.37 A. M.-Local west10,48 A. M.-East and through west12.26 P. M.-East a nd t hr ou gh w es t1.37 P. M.-Local west3.26 P. M.-East and t hrough wes t4.27 P. M.-Local west6.37 P. M.-East and through west6.59 P. M.-East a nd t hr ou gh w es t

    Sunday.Ttl 5 8 27 13 1 Arrives 6.00 A. M.o as. . . Departs 5.47 P. M.

    W. P. . . . . . . . 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 0 3-11Berwyn . . . .. 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 3 0 0- S


    The f un er al o f Samu el Fite washeld Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clockfrom h is late residence, 122 Conwayavenue. Service s were conducted atthe h ou se b y Rev. John Van Ness,pastor o f t he P re sb yt er ia n Chu rc h, lconcluding services held at t he g ravei n Wes t L au re l Hill Cemetery, where.several members of Company B, First I: : : : = = : : : : : = = = = = : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : = = = : : : : : : : : : : = = = = : : ; : : : : : : : : : : : : : = = = = = : : : : : : : : : : = = = = : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ - : : : : : : : -Bat ta li on D el aw ar e S ta te N at io na l I~ ~ ~ r : ~ t e f i ~ e : / a v ~ ~ i : ~ a : v e : / ~ e g ~ ~ ~ ~ i CLEANSAFEWHOLESOME S1000 WILL BUY ALOTWar , having been a membe r o f Keystone Battery, Philadelphia. He was75 years of age.

    visited h is a un t, Mrs. M. Smith, of ThDudley avenue, last week. Mr. Lloyd ewas in , Ph il ad el ph ia a tt ending th eConvention of Advertising Men. He. is activelY associated In t he a dver -t is emen t w or k o n th e Pacific coast,and was dur ing t he p as t year presi-d en t of t he Pacific Coast Advertising' MAYMen's Association, which Is the PacificCoast Division of the Associated Advertising Clubs of th e World. Mr.L loyd was mar ve ll ed at the wonde rful growth and beauty of Narberth.

    President, Cha s. E . Kreamer: secTwo-base hits-Morris, Brooke, retary, Charles V. Noel: financialHutch in son. S ac ri fi ce hits-Kane, secre tary, E . C, S toke s: t re as ur er ,

    Walthrop, Sinclair. Double play-Sln- Carden Warn'e:r: chief engineer,c la ir , B rown and Morris. S to le n Cha s. V. Noe l; f ir st assistant engin.bases-Scott, Cas s, Numan . S truck eer , Edw. Wlpf : second assistant enout-By Bur ke, 8 ; by Hallowell, 4. gineer, A. P. Redifer: third assistantFirst base on balls-By Burke, 1: by e ng in ee r, H . B, Wal l; f ou rt h as -Wash.,'HalIoweIl, 2. Umpire-Otis. ; sistant engineer, A. W. Needham.

    netty BaxtJ2r's GossIp.

    F. H. L loy d, of Spokane,


    Mrs. J. Owen Phi l lips, o r Phi lade lphia, will spend FridaY in Narbe rth ,where she w il l address a meet ing ofth e Narberth Branch of the Women'sSuffrage P ar ty a t 3 P. M., Community Club Rooms, Y. M. C. A. Building.James Boyer , the ten-year-old son

    of Mr. and Mrs. RUdolph Boyer, re turned home f rom the PresbyterianHospital last Saturday. James hadbeen accidentally hi t by a s ho t dur i ng p ra ct ic e f or field sports at thepublic school.The b as e ball gam e o n th e afternoon of th e Four th was so largelyattended that a grandstand fourtimes th e s iz e of th e one on th egrounds would have been much toosmall to accommodate th e spectators.Our town wil l deserve th e enthusiasm


    Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Jacobs, ofElmwood av en ue an d Wynnewoodroad, are entertaining Mrs. A. H.Jacobs, Miss Maude Jac ob s, MissMarth'a Bishop and Miss ElizabethMowers.

    The Financial Commit tee of theFourth of July celebration feelsgra tf ied to those who r es po nd ed s oliberally 'to th e cause, making the daythe best Fourth Narberth has known.

    Bon Air , Pa. , July I .-Billie Kirk'sLet Our Town have your views re - Bon Air t eam c ame f rom beh ind andg,ardlng th e library project. Themovement is a good one, and shouldha \' e the ardent support of every citizen of Narberth.

    Miss MazLe For d h as r et ur ne d tohe r home in New York C it y afterspending three weeks w it h he r sister, Mrs. Ralph O. Hall, of Elmwoodavenue.

    Roy Griffith won a scholarship atHaverford CoIlege as a result of hiswork there during hi s freshman year.He ranked second in his class.

    Mr. Stanleigh Malotte, of Tioga,spent l as t wee k w it h h is cousins, MissDoris H. von CuIin and Miss Ruth H.Reimert, of Merion avenue.

    R.. H a ~ ' m a n , cf. 1Doris H. von Culin s pe nt t he w ee k Kelly, ss. . 0end with Mis s May Rommel , of Ger - Watson , 3b. . 0mantown, daughter of Dr. Rommel, Evans, rf o 1formerly of Narberth. Davis, lb 1McCue, c 2Mr. Ernest M. Jackson and family, IBurkey, If 0of West Philadelphia, ar e occupying Higgins, If. 0th.e r es idence of Mr. H. C. Gara, 404 Lewis, p.' .. i'. .. 1South Narbe rth avenue. M'L ees , 2b. . 0 2

    The process o f g ra di ng w il l soonbe completed o n Wynn ewoo d r oa d.Preparations ar e b ei ng mad e f or theconcrete work.

    Mr. and Mrs. Whi tmey er a nd s onar e spending a few days at Atlan tic double squeeze a nd Ove rhol tz er 'sCity. single. I( R o b e r ~ ~ I ~ I : : f ' P l e s s I Cream ButtermilkFrank M. S te tl er and family, for- WEST PHILADELPHIA.merly of Narberth, were in town on R. H. O. A. E. Table an d WhippingCream. 1=======Sunday visiting friends. Panzello, 2b 2 0 2 6 0 IDonovan, ss. 1 2 2 0 0

    R. Robinson, cr. 1 3 1 0 0Overholtzer, 3b. ., . 2 3 3 0 0J. Robinson, rf 2 2 1 1 0J. Robinson, p 0 1 0 2 0Coughlin, If. 1 1 0 0 0Reilly, c 0 1 2 14 2 11.- -=

    Glocker, lb 1 2 7 0 0

    Emerson L. Swift, Pastor.

    . R eT . C. G. Koppel, Pastor.

    OUR TOWN ",ill gladly printan) 'news Item about any subjectthat Is of In te res t to Narberthfolks, bu t In order to meetth e printing schMule, all "copy"_manuscripts-must reach theedito r by 41 P. :Me Monday each",eek.

    Re\'. John Van Ness, MInister.


    Presldent-e. Howard McCarter.Vice-Presldent-Carroll Downes.Treasurer-WIlI K. Ridge.Thellwell R. Coggeshall.Robert H. Dothard.

    Rev. Audrew S. Burke. Rector.ALL SAIXTS' I ). E . CHURCH.

    THE P R E S n Y T E R I A ~ CHURCH.


    The meetings next Sunday will beas follows:10 A. M. Sabbath School.

    11 A. M. Publ ic Worsh ip wi th sermon b y th e pastor.6.30 P. M. Union twilight meetingon t he Just i ce lawn.Clmrch Notes.The Junior and Primary Departm en ts o f th e Sunday school enjoyedt hei r annual picnic last Wednesdayin Stretch'S woods, north of Narberth.During the absence of Mr. L. W.Nicke rson , who i s spe nd ing a fewweeks on th e shores of Cape Cod, Mr.Hoffner , of Gloucester, N. J., is act-i ng a s organist. Last Thursday evening Mr. VanNess preached at th e evangelisticmeet ing he ld at th e Helping HandMission, at 721 North Second street.

    SundaY services:9.45. Sunday School.11.00. Morning Wor sh ip . S ermonby Mr. Koppel. Miss Prescott, soloist.6.30. Union twil igh t se rv ice held onNarberth avenue. Speaker, the Rev.E. L. Swift.Prayer service:8.00. Union meeting for prayer andpraise th is Wednesday evening in thelectuhe room. The Rev . John VanNess, leader.


    6.30 P. M. Union service on thelawn of th e Justice property, N. Narberth avenue. Rev. E. L. Swif t wi llspeak on th e theme, "Following theGleam."Wednesday, 8.00 P. M. UnionPrayer Service in th e MethodistChurch this week. Rev. John VanNess is the leader.

    Taylor Faries is a bl e t o w al k a bo ut9.45 A. M. Bible S chool . All the again a ft er h av ing suffered f or s evdepartments w il l b e mai nt ai ne d i n I eral weeks f rom a broken leg.regular order. The a tt en da nc e i s - - -gratifying. I Narbe rt h was well r epresented onn.oo A. M. Morning worship. Sub- th e banks of the Schuylkill during theject of th e sermon by the pastor, river pag.eant last Thursday night.'''The Rewar d o f F ai th ." - - -

    Miss V ir gi ni a Down es i s v is it in grelatives in Dover, Del.I Miss Harriet ~ I e y is enjoyingan extended trip to Vermont.IThe services at All Saint s' P . E., Mrs . W. J. Bailey, of Essex avenue,

    Church, Montgomery an d WynnewoodIis se rious ly i l l wi th pneumonia.avenues, for next Sunday ar e as fol- - - -lows: I Mr. Edward Hunter and family ar e8.00-Holy Communion. Ispending their vacation at Ocean City.9.45-Sunday School. . --'n .OO-Mo rn in g P ra ye r a nd Ser- Mr. H. C. Garaand family havemono 1 gont to Mt. Pocono to spend the sum-The a fte rnoon se rv ice s have been mer.(liscontinued until t ~ third Sundayin September.The church 'busses leave Narberthand Wynnewood stations at 10.40 onSunday mornings.

    ST. ~ L \ U G A R E T ' S CHURCH.Early Mass on Sunday from Aprill '\t to October 31st at C.ilO A. :'If. FromNovember 1st to Marcn 31st at 7 A. M.Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout th e

    year. M asses on holydays, 6.30 and8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Eveningdevotions and other services at regulartimes.

    MERION MEETING 1I0USE.Merion Meeting House is opened forw or sh ip e ve ry F rl st -d ay at 11 A.M. Visitors ar e cordially welcome.A registry book Is kept for visitors.All ar e asked to register their names.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 6, 1916





    Edward S. Haws, Postmaster.

    Ideal is constructive, and every effor tis made to se cur e men who w il l u phold this ideal . With few exceptions ,they are recruited from the schoolsand colleges near Philadelphia.The dlc ip linlng of the cam p is no ttoo strict, but does insist upon the observance of a few regulations thatare f or t he camper's safety and enjoyment. Every boy is expected to actas a gent leman and is on his honor.The use of tobacco in a ll f orms isabsolutely forbidden at Camp Tohickon.The following Narberth boys ar ealready signed up for part of the season: Carl Metzgar, Ned Morgan,Baird Caldwell, Richard Compton,Richard Odiorne, Herbert Krell , Edward Odell and Francis Wlpf . We ar eadd ing to thi s list daily. How aboutyour boy?

    BOARD OF MANAGERSOF THE COMMUNITY CLUBChairman-Mrs. W. M. Cameron.Financial Manager-Mrs. WiIliamCurtis Pollock, Jr.Library Manager-Miss Fanny Loos.House Manager-Mrs. I. S. Hepler.Social Manager-Mrs. C. P. Fowler.Membership Manag,er-Mr. Harry

    Hartley.Athletic Manager-Mrs. J,iJ. Hurth.

    signed up : B ai rd Caldwell, EdwardMorgan, Car l Metzgar , Richard Odiorne, Edward Odell, Richard Compton, Francis Wipf, Randolph Mullen,Herbert McCarter and Joseph Snyder.How about your boy? If you wanthim to go, get in touch with Secretary Hampton immedia te ly . Do italready Inow.

    C A ~ [ P ."TO IlICIWN"


    Y. M. C. A .Only four more days till, ourboys leave for "Camp Tohickon," with

    bag and baggage.Next Monday is the day se t fortlJe Narberth party t o l eave and t ho setwelve or f if teen boys can hardly

    wait till t he t ime comes.The foHowing boys ar e

    " A l l Rea d y fo r C a m p . "

    CONVENIENCE AND ECONOllYOF POSTAL MONEY ORDERS.The attent ion of the patrons 01: theNarberth Post Office i s cal led to theconvenience of sending money by postal money order. The following lowrates are charged for sending sums to

    Undivided 'Profits$75,000


    10 th e Thomas H. Inee S u . e r -villell Production

    ADDED ATTRACTIONMonday, Tuesday and Wedntliday OnlyBILLIE BURKE111 the Ninth Chapter 01 the Serial Story

    Frank Keenan with Enid Markey

    witt Wntst C!tn.1323 Walnut St" Philadelphia,

    ARCADIAHESTNUT.Bel.16th StFinest Photoplay Thea t r e 01 It s Size In th eEnt i reWorld.The following i tem concern ing thelife of Tohickon wil l doubt less be ofconsiderable interest:As f ar as possible, the small groupidea or family unit is the standardfor classification. Each tent accommodates seven boys and an adult leader and t hi s s ame g roup ing i s c ar ri edt hroughou t t he round o f daily activities. In the dining room they sitat their separate t ab le and are servedas a fami ly b y their leader. This arrangement enables the g ro upi ng ofPhotoplays-Continuous lOA. M. to U.30 I f I'k d IP. M. JOYS 0 I e age an secures a c o se

    P h i l a . . P a . Isupervision, as well as helpful influ-PRO G RAM ences through contacts with pickeJmen of strong personality. ParentsWeek Commencing Monday, J ul y 3 rd need not f ea r to p lace t he ir s on s under Tohickoll influence, for the camp


    M. C. A. Building, on which a stable Iany money order pos t office i n th e"The Phantom" is now loc at ed t hrough the co-opera-United States:tion o f t he Y. M. C. A. directors, and For orders f rom $.01 t o $2.50, .3connect t he l ib ra ry building directly cents.with the Y. M. C. A., thereby.secur- From $2.51 to $5, 5 economy of heating and admin- From $5.01 to $10, 8 cents.Istration. It was also suggested that From $10.01 to $20, 10 cents.the long-desired swimming pool could From $20.01 to $30, 12 cents." be located In the basement of the From $30.01 t o $40, 15 cents."GLORIA'S ROMANCE l . i b r ~ r y b ~ i l d i n g . I f t hi s p la n were I ~ r o m $40.01 to $50, 18 cents.I feaSIble, I t would doubtless afford a From $50.01 to $60, 20 cents.--------------- very satisfactory solution of the mat- From $60.01 to $75, 25 cents.F Y O r' tel'. The s tat ement was made, how- I ~ r o m 75.01 t o $100, 30 cents.ur our wn ltOnYCmCnCC ever, that usually;, if no t invariably, Same fees as quoted above chargedCarnegie library buildings w er e en - for remittances to a number of foreigntirely separate from any o th er s tr uc - countries. Orders are paid at 52,000ture. post offices i n t he Uni ted S ta te s. Re-Mr. Downes is expected to appear 'llittances received in this way ar ebefore Council at i ts mee ti ng on nex t convenient for merchants, publishers,Monday ev.ening, July 10, at which seedsmen, insurance companies, etc.,time he WIll submit detailed f igures e tc .of estimated cost of maintenance, andthe amount o f add it ional t axation required t o mee t i t. whi ch , it i s s ai d, isv,ery small.

    NOW IS THE TIME TOBuy a HOlDeBefore Prices AdvanceCALDWELL & CO.



    New York




    The schedule follows:


    Moving Furniture and Hauling!A utomobiles for Passenger ServiceNight Trips When Orderea

    WALTON BROS. Phone, Narberth 672Capital



    : 2% interest allowed on checking accounts on balances of$50.00.3% i nt ere st a ll owed on S3ving Fund accounts, compounded semi-annually.Deposits of $1. 00 and upward received in the SavingFund Department.NARBERTH OFFICE, GjJm From 8 A. M. to 4 P. 1.11.Friday Eveni1lgs, 7 to 9.


    Pier 32, North RiverI . , ,

    where woods are cool, streams a l l u r ~ing, vacations ideal. Between New YorkCity (wi th Albany and Troy the gateways) andLake GeorgeThe AdirondacksLake ChamplainThe North and WestThe logical rou te is "The LuxuriousWay"

    Largest and most magnificent riversteamships in the worldDAILY SERVICE-Send for free copy of Beautiful"Searchlight"Magazine":HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY. - , I ., .' .

    rara. M l ; G i n l e ~ '3U I 1 3 S o u t ! l I 7 ~ P h i l l l C l t Q j ! l ~ ,Detective Bureau

    Hiih Grade ButterTelephone-Narberth 644 A.

    HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingN A R B E R T H . PA



    We Invite Yoor Kodak PatronageFilms-Speed Films and Plates,all sizes.Papers in all gra des for those

    who like to do their own printing.Developinl!, Printtng and Enlarging by experts.P R I C E S R I G H T OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH, I 'Howard sDrug Store The MerionTitle & Trust Co.Frank 'CristMEATS & PROVISIONS

    All OutdoorsInvites Your Kodak

    }'OST OFFICE NOTES.Stamps ar e on sale of every denomination from one cent to fifteencents, except eleven and fou rt een;also a plentiful supply of postal cards,stamped envelopes and newspaperwrappers.Prices of stamped envelopes:25 lc envelopes $ .28100 lc envelopes . . . . . . . 1.1025 2c envelopes..... . . . .53100 2c envelopes..... . . . 2.10

    The meeting of the Civic Associa-IJuly 8-Dun & Co. at Narberth , t ion, cal led espec ia lly to consider the IBerwyn at Wayne, Paoli at Ardmore, subject of the CarIwgie Library, wasOverbrook at Bon Air. Iunable to take any def in ite act ion ,Jul y 15-A rdmor e at Overbrook, owing to the fact that Mr. Carrol!Narberth at Wayne, Dun & Co. at Downes was unexpec tedly caHed toPaoli, Berwyn at Bon Air. .:-lew York. In the absence of the---------------1 J 1 22-B t Ov brook IJrecis.e data which Mr. Downes aloneu y erwyn a er , . . " t f . I tl IdH C FRITSCH w t P r D & Co t Ard- ]S III pOSJtJOn 0 urms 1, 1ere cou ayne Ta b ~ I, t:n Ai . a 110t even be much discussion of theProperties For Rent and Sale more, Nar e r a on r. 'project in a general way. ThereFire Insurance July 29-Berwyn at Narberth, Paoli I"were, however , two significant fac ts .BeU Phone 852 W. at Overbrook, Dun & Co. at Wayne, namely, the attendance, outside ofWaU Bnlldlng. Narberth, Pa. Bon Air at ArdD;1ore. the directors of the Civic Associa-August 5-0verbrook at Narberth, tion who were present, was ver yArdmore at Wayne, Paoli at Bon Air , sma ll , a nd , in the short general disDun & Co. at Berwyn. cussion which took place, a numberAugust 12-Dun & Co. at Over-

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