  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1930


    aURTaVolume 6, No. 17 Narberth, Pa., Friday, January 31, 1930 Price, Three Cents

    Stress ConservationinWomen's Clubs

    Make Change in TaxCollection Methods

    Walzer to Speak1!agistrate Fred \Valzer, of Narberth. will be the speaker Sunday nightat th e meeting of the 'Young P"Cl'llc",;'

    l ~ e l ' ( l w s h i p of All S ai nts C hu rch ,Wynnewood.Th e meeting will begin at 7 insteadof 6:30 as formerly.

    CongratulatedBirthday congratula t ions were ex

    t ende d Tue sday to Colonel A. A.Keesler, p ropr ie to r o f the NarberthHardware Company a nd p res id en t o fthe Narberth Board of Trade.

    more than compensated f or t hi s. Theinterim between adjustments, howeveris filled wi th unemployment and evil!ors UnclII\>lovlllent anci sUIng t lelr utles to t le a( \ antage 0 e\ er ) reSI( ent. t rymg t o raise cro\>s.una c CI , . - I t b fl ' I 'I . , f Iills rcsu l ting from it a rc per haps thl I t may no e super uous to note agall1 t la t 111 t le 0p11110n 0 t le (14) So that drivcs will wasl: outmO,5t acutc .IHoble,ms ,at p r c s e ~ l t witl': ICounty Commissioners there is no "unseated" land in Narberth or in and let 1lI0tors scrape off t he ir c rankwhIch ~ h l ' e d e r ~ t l O n IS ~ r a p p h n g and Montgomery County fo r th at matter. H ence th e new law, specifying seekmg the aId of busl11ess IlIcn 011" . I" I I' I' II II . , Ie ' (15) So that we sha ll a lw ay s hanthe commun it y t o solvc, I s e a t ~ ( an< s, IS a pp I ca ) e to a propertIes 111 t l e o un t y , ullproved a long drcary drive hOlllc from almostDr. :Mutch spokc appreciativcly of or ummproved. anywherc.thc serviccs r cndered the organization There are, howcver , c cr ta in ad\ 'an,

    bv Miss Evelina C. \Valbaum and 1\lrs I R 1 tages, to wit:Ha rold H ow who, t ho ug h th cy no ura (1) No door- to-door c ar ry t he t:esponsibility. of ex Some residents of \Vynnewood, Narherth, Merioll and Cynwyd ar e (2) No r at tl in g o f bus ses or trol,ecutl\:c-secrctaryshIP, d.o ~ o n t l 1 1 u c to Idetermined that in days to come th e present heauties of rural sections le rs. .contnbutc frecly of their t nnc, cne rg ) ,I II b I ' _ . I I " , ' . ' . f 'T), (.1) No casua l appca ls for aHI fromand counscl. Th e fact that mo.'c, s\la .e ? o m e t f l 0 1 l 1 " ' I " d n T l ~ r e t mn p easll1g \ ISlOns 0 a Do n t }: ou h .emember neighbors.moncy is spent by th is organization Ii sSOclatlOn 0 - lI11erS. (4) No handbi ll s .ior what is usually tcrllled ovcrhc?d The Penn Val le y As so ci at io n, r ec en tl y o rg an iz ed , is a heartening (5) Plenty of room for c v ~ r y l h i n gexpense than, t.hat ,for aC,tual financIal Isign of th e times. It is frankly t.he beg inn ing o f a societv fo r t he p re s- (6) Sunscts, a nd evcn sunnses.relief to fall1lhcs IS as It should 1>e, - f f t1 I t' f 1 . I ,', If" I I (7) Good air, good wat er .according to Dr. ~ l t l t c h . Hc bclievc, el v Ion 0 le )eau I U. 111. nature. t IS c0111pOSe( 0 p ra ct lc a men w 10, (8) Only the visitors we want.that fundamcuta l causes o f soc ia l ills wIllIe thoroughly appreclatll1g th e value of good motorcars , smooth roads (9 ) F l o w e r ~ to cultivate,~ h o u l d be ,sought, in addition t? apply' and adequate filling s ta ti on s, y e t know that a rust ic b r idge O\'er a purling (10) A mint hcd , (Huh, huh!) ,IIIg financial cmergcncy r ~ m c d l c s ; t l ~ a t stream is sometimes o f m ore importance than a six-car pike an d a (Taso- (II) Pcrpctual dchvcry from lonch,!t is b ettet : to hclp a famIl y budgct Its I line !)aIace. '" ncss,IIIcomc wIsely than to pay rcnt fOl' . . , (12) A place t o t hr ow razor bladcst hcm ' t ha t it is bett er to hclp untanglE I Eyen as t he h Ighways of th e future Will aVOId the cel l te r s of large (13) Grcat open fireplaces.d o m c ~ i c difiicultics than to financial!) II ci t i es -and th e trend is already in that direct ion-so will the" in th e ' ( 4 ) A stable a lmos t a t the doors!1pport brokcn, h o m c ~ . though morc future avoid d is tu r bi ng t he c1;arms of smal l communi t ie s , r ~ s i d e n t i a l ( 15) . Con ge ni al n ci gh bo rs w it ho uttlll1e and ellort IS rcqulrcd on the part t tl '1 I" I If' exccptlOn.of the staff visitor. Th e servicc ren' Isp o slat see ( to preserve t le ongma atmosp lere 0 rust Ic peace an d * * *d er ed b y the social service dcpartmcnt calm. Response.of t h ~ s ' organization cannot b c mcas' There is going to he greater d is ti nc ti on h etwe en h ig hway s a nd b y- r supposc that somc of you r calizeurc51 111 dolla;s and cents. ways; hIghways fo r speed an d byways fo r th e le isurely appreciation of that t hi s col vum is now sVllllicatedI ~ d w a r ? i, H a r t s h o ~ n c read the natural beauties. . - which is thc ambition of cver,' coJ\'IlIlI'trcasurer s report. Dunng thc man) TI P \T .,. . .. . ist, I t appcars in thc ~ I ; ; i n Liner,ycars ~ r. Hartshorne h as s er vc d sc le en n alley ASSOCIatIOn IS but ant lc lp at ll lg t he WIsdom of th e wherc it was first born with a disscr,faithfully as treasurcr, the budgct ha, Inext generation.-Evcll i l lg Public Ledger tation on h it ch h ikers. and in Omgrown from $800 to $16.000. 1\lr Town, l '\ arbcrth. That is thc totalHartshornc s ta ted t ha t t hc o rgan iza, I syndication. \Vrong again; it is alsctiOl.1 had com.mcllccd ,thc y c ~ r with a ICommunity Bible Class know thc truth a s r ev ca le d in thc appearing in the News o f Bal a-Cyn,SCrIOUS finanCial handIcap. 1 hcrc wa ,I. . Scripturcs and who wou ld like to un- wyd, That's quite something for abu t a bal ance f rom 1928 of $1 and a Meetings to Be Continued . ' " country colyunllst.t C I ~ l p o r a r y , lo an h ad t'? b c madc, 111 " .. ' " d c r ~ t a l l d t h ~ \ e l l - c s t a b h s h ~ d truths f.or At an y rate, a Narbcrth gcnt lemanSPltC of thiS, th e dcficlt was made u\; A rcnc\\ ed 111\ ItatlOn IS extcnded to thc authcntlclty of thc Blblc and Its tendercd a contr ibut ion that waE toeby thc finance committee so tha! thE all r cs id cn ts o f Narbe rth to a tte nd fundamcntal doct rines . A discussionllong f or on c col umn o r evcn two, yesb oo ks wer e c lo se d January I With a the Community Biblc Class whi ch is pcriod is p rovidcd and quest ions an-I e v ~ n three, ,The editor (,or mayl)(' ,,1bal ance on hand.. conductcd in thc Prcsbvterian Church ' " I ' I' " I ,1 I ' ".' 1 edItors) declllcd that thclI' sparl' wa ,A p rogr am o f musIc was r e n d e ~ e d ", , . ' '_ S\\CrCI ane It IS ~ O p ~ ( t I at m < l n ~ \I II too "aluable to givc nlOrc than omby the orchcstra of t hc Lower M ~ n o r , cac,h I ucsday C\CIl1l1g at 8 0 clock. take adval ltagc of thIS unusual oppor- colUllln to Unclc Cy's p layground, scHigh School u nd er t hc Icadcrshlp of ThIS c lass w as started scveral years tuuity. thc manuscript was returncd to theBruce c..Bcach,. ' ! ago and h as t hc pr iv il ege o f t he c xc cp - con tr ibutor . Being a man of his COli ,Follow1I1g the IIIce tm" a rcccptlOn It io na l t ca ch in g o f M is s 1\f. C. Harri- v ic ti on s, and fee li ng that hiS.' nwssagl'was t cnde red M1, and 1\lrs. Gadsden, f tl -t ff f 1 1'1'1 d I I ' Meet Wednesday was important, he returncd it and hadTh c hospitality of thc ladics ~ f St son, 0 Ie sa . 0 t 1e 11 a e p lIa it run in toto in t he Na rber th papelMary's Chu rc h, who sen'cd dchpou, ISchool of the BIble, and one who has Th e \\ '01l1I:n's 1\lissionary Socicty as a paid advertiscmcllt-that is courage!refrcshments, was grcatly apprcclated a t ho:oughly grounded knowledge .of of thc Narher th Presbyterian Church I havc a. notion ~ h a ~ it cstah lish es a

    t he B lb lc and an unusual grasp of I ts will hold i ts monthly mecting V"ednes- precedent II I cnthusIastlc response to c ~ l .To Give Play Iteachings. da v Fcbruar 5 t 2'30 ' I k ' u l 1 1 n ~ r chaff. I f Jay House can be,at It J' y , a , 0 c oc 1I1 fl et hll ll state how. That sccms hke ;,An interesting..and c ~ t c r ~ a i n i n g t.wo I. Th e I cs so ns t ak en u p thIS term are th.e church. Thc dcvotional exercises! fou r accs and a jokcr hand,ac t play called Hopc WIll be gl\'el: 1111 thc b oo k o f Ma tt hcw, a nd a re t hu s WIll bc in ehargc of Mrs. Arthur S, I Come On In .by the l I l e l 1 ~ b c r s of t he Church SchOOl of particular intercst t o Sunday Schoo l D igby . The topic of "Our l\IediCall I t' s a ho ut t im e for some of t he o ldat the Bapl1st ~ h u r c h of. the Evangel t eachcr s but will bc found cqually Forccs at \Vork" ,'11 b \. 'd seasoned contributors to come in forNarbertl l ' on Fnday evcnlllg, F e b r u a r ~ I I f I ' h' \\ I e (Iscusse a littlc plungc. You're dared to start7 J a t ~ : 1 5 . , IC p u to any w 0 are. sec km g to by Mrs. Brucc Carey. Isomc th in g. C ome on in!I

    Urges Co-operation atFederation'sAnnualMeeting

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1930




    about tha t delicious cake or boxof candy for St. Valentine's Day.The wisest thought is to makeyour purchase at White's SweetShop-where everything---candy,cake, pie and even 14 Ravors ofdelicious ice c r e a m ~ i s homemade.

    Pastry, Candy, Nuts14 Flavors Ice Cream219 HAVERFORD AVE.NarberthPhone Narberth 4005

    c : : : l . . O ~ O O ' = : 1 I : : : 1 ~ O e l : : 1 e t : 2


    Beautiful EvergreensRhododendrons, Hemlock and Red CedarWrite for Price List

    The Tennessee Evergreen CO.P. O. Box 578


    Not all the news is told in the newscolumns of this paper-read th e advertisenients, also.


    This service is provided for your convenience andmeets a popular demand for "time of day" information by telephone.


    A new Bell Telephone service will be availableMarch 1st. Day or night, you will be able to getthe Time of Day, by te lephone. Simply ask theoperator for TIME BUREAU.The TIME BUREAU requires special operators andequipment and a floe cent charge will be madeeach time the service is used.


    Instruction in making of hookedrugs and other kllJtted or crochetedarticles will soon be made availabl lall Narberth women, as a result 01co-operation of church and club women here with the manufacturer, ofMinen-a Yarns. The class for instruction consists of six lessons-entirehI free-and wi1l be held Monday after!1100ns at 2 o'clock in the \ V o m e n ' ~ICOlllmuni ty Club roo II I in the rear 01Elm Hall.There will be an exhibit of v a r i o u ~kni tted art ic les an d ru gs in the CluLroom Friday afternoon, Januar)' 31, tewhich all women arc invited. The clas!is sponsored hy the Women's Coml11uInity Club's Home Deoartment.All women interested in entering tIl(instruction group a re rerjuested to telephone any of the following: Mrs. A

    : ' J a ~ u i l ; y 31, 1930= = = = ~ = = = = = = = ~ = = : = ~ = = = = = ~ = , . . . , . . " , . . , . . - - - = = = = ~ : - = : : = =_.. -- - -" - - - _ . - - ~ - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ .----.-------_..__. - .._-------------- - --_._. --- - ' - i ~ g ~ g ~ ' ; n e n t A n n o u ~ c e d Offer Instruction'in G. Fol le tt e, Narberth 3747-M; Mrs ~ 1 _ b " ' I l _ 1 E . J t . - . j : : O U O O j i = I ) _ U _ I l = U " ~ ~W. S. Horner, Narberth 3764; Mrs Time to -Start 'Making Hooked. :Rugs, Etc. A. J. Bawden, Narberth 3911; Mrs. WG. Briner, Narberth 2869-W; 1frs. W THINKING NOWlN. Mil ls , Narberth 2862-W.

    ' . ' * ' ' * ' . , . . ..


    Miss Ruth Mae Chaney, daughteroi Mr. and Mrs. Cassius C. Chaney,whose engagement has been announced to M r. Ch arl es WarnerKoenig, son of Mr. a nd Mrs . HarryLee Koenig, Bala-Cynwyd.

    Bowles Tells Realtors ofMain Line's Advantages

    Carboll Remo'Yer

    Joseph L. Bowles. executive secret ar y o f t he A rdmore Chamber o f Commerce. was the speaker at the Philadelphia Real Estate Boa rd a t a recentluncheon."The Main Line has become or israpidly becoming the mos t select of a1l

    1suburban neighborhoods in the United IStates," Mr. Bowle s told the Philadelphia realtors. "The Main Line fromCity Line through Wayne is growingfaster than any other sect ion in th e entire State of Pennsylvania. During thelast ten yea rs bui ld ing ope ra tions in ILower l\lerion Township numbered I8931, while the value of the improve-Iments dur ing that time amoun te d t o:$71,292,969."

    It is no t just a visionary idea, 1\1 r. iBowles said, to believe that t he l \l ai n!Line wil l hecome a second Fif th Ave -:nue. It is the t remendous per capita Ibuying power of the section, greatert han an y o th er sec ti on in Philadelphiaor adjoining terr i tory, the speaker ipointed out, that is attracting concerns:like Strawbridge & Clothier to the;Main Line.

    KWICK will remove carbonfrom yo ur 'motor and release the sticking valves.

    Price, $1 a Call

    Beginning March 1stFOR THE RIGHT TIME, ANY TIME

    Call Time BureauThe SERVICE Co.

    Frank H. Seely, Jr.5 Bala Ave., Bala

    Phone Cynwyd 877 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA.1'":., ~ . , :

    IiI; ; ; ; . r : ; ; ; ; _ ~ . ; : : ; ; . ~ . ~ . ; : : ; ; . p : : ; ; ; j . ~ _ ; : : ; ; . ~ _ ~ . ~ . I

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1930


    \Page Six OUR TOWN January 31, 1930

    Jeddo-HighlandcAn th rac i t e

    Colts, Battlers Leadin Church Bowling


    theInPut ItTHAT money was eamed by too much labor

    to risk for a few extra pennies on the dollarin the course of a year. In thit Bank it is SAFE-your . whenever you need. We welcomeyour account whether it starts with one dollaror a thousand. There's a deposit book waitins for you.

    Narberth National BankMEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEMOpen 8 A. M. Daily Friday Evenings, 7 to 9

    Narberth National Bank

    OLD STONE HOUSESbrou&,ht b ac k t o their or ls lnal ColonIal appearance haa been ou rI pe el al t, .. We know how and can sl10w you man)' deU.-htfullsample. of our work In tb e ' Sletlon.LAKES, DAMS or SWIMMING POOLScan be reasonabl,. conlltructe4 when the proper machinery Is UBell.We have eve ry necessary devIce fo r an,. plan you may have, andhave successfully conlltructed man)' attracU. , pools during thepast f ew years .F LA G P OL ES E RE CT ED STACKS ERECTEDC. RAYMOND DAVISContr.clor .n J B u i I J ~ r

    KIMBERTON, PA.Bell Phone: Phoenixville 723-J

    II!Main Line Facts

    Mcrion Meeting' House, theoldest h o u ~ e of worship in theStatc of Pennsylvania, was builtin 1695. The l an d was sold tothe congregation for the sum of$2.50. The building's or iginalstone walls are covered up witha coat of s tucco added in 1829.Two pegs are pointed out

    within the building upon which\\'iIIiam Penn is supposed tohave hung his hat when preach-ing there to a Wc1sh congregation, many of whom could notunderstand him. The stonehorse block , used by the Friendsin dismounting from their horses,may still be s een in the wall in Ifront of the building.

    W. D. HII1"dl,,)' 129 119 150Otl"y ., . . . . . . . . . . , lfi5 l:l:l 172H. T. Hrncdley ., .. 210 171 ISOTotal .. , ......... 798 785 798PILOTSHa w .. " . . . . . . . . . . . 124 178 134I.aul,\hlin . . . . . . . . o. 1:11 125 119Follette . . . . . . . . . . . 131l 1:14 153Hause . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 161 150RIddle ............ 165 123 179Ilandlcap . . . . . . . . . 21 21 21Total .. . ...... ... 721 742 7 f.t;

    DIVIDEND NOTICEAt t he r egul ar mee ti ng o f t he Boa rdof Directors of the Merion Title & ITrust Company held January 27, 1930the regular quar te rly dividend of 4%was declared, payable February I, 1930,to stockholders of record January 28:1930. Checks will be mailed.DANIEL LEITCH ,Treasurer.






    16116717 [I16:1139


    205134 NARBERTH BUILDING AND122 LOAN STOCKHOLDERS'!OO MEETING139 A mee ti ng o f s to ckho ld er s o f t? e33 Narberth Building and Loan Assoc1a83a tion f or t he nomination of officers anddirectors to s er ve for t he ensuing yea r159 will be held at Elm Hall Thursday,156 February 6, at 9 P. M. Nominations165 t hu s made will b, vot ed for at the191 March meeting.141 THOMAS C. TROTTER, JR .Secretary.

    (1-31-30) I73! ! I I - : ~ ~ f ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ I - ~ _ , I859 s ~ ~ : e n ~ e ~ ? ~ E c ~ g ~ ~ ~ E ~ 4 5 Milk Makes Muscle147 PHONE: MANAYUNK 08401 4 9 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ) ~ C i ) ( ! ~ ( ! " .













    H I14914514!H7S

    The end of t he thi rd s es si on in thsecond period of the interchurch bowling league finds the teams c1osel)bunched. H. T. Smedley, of t he Bat tlers, carried off honor s l as t Frida)wit h a high score of 210.Standing of th e t eams a s of Januar)24 and t he scores for that date follow:W. L. Av7 2 107 2 l)'6 .l 86 .l 84 5 t.l 6 42 7 28 1

    Tearns Closely Bunched at Endof Matches on


    Colts .., .Battlers ..Pilots .Lions ..BoostersCamels ..Meteors ..Pep Boys :PE P BOYSMieson 159)

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1930


    January 31, 1930Goes to South

    OUR TOWN Page Seven


    2 cans, 25c

    . . . . . pkg., IOcY4-lb. pkg., 23c. .. pkg., IOcIO-oz. jar, I9cquart jar , I8c I

    I9c. 4 rolls, 25cp k g ~ , IOc3 pkgs., 25cbasket, $1.25

    SlicedRED BEETSJar,19c




    P. (51 G. WhiteNAPTHA SOAP4 cakes, 15c

    La Su Per Ba Pure Truly America's Finest Al l GoldOLIVE OIL Quaker Sweet Bartlettpint can, 55c CREAMBUTTERquart can, 95c lb., 55c

    Weare t ry ing to make this il store where the iltmoS'phere cmd courteous urllice ilre in kuping with t heSIIperior quality of the merchandise. We haye always maintained and guaranteed if for any reason ourgoods do not giye entire satisfaction, you can be assured tha t we will replaCt! them with merchandise thatwill be satisfactory in every WilY.


    Gold MedalSpring Wheat FLOUR12-1bsack, 59c12 cakes, 45c 5-1bsack, 29c-_._ .. ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - . : . _ - - - -Snider's FANCY VEGETABLES in GlassTOMFAancTrOES CUT BEANS IreeN or WaxJar, 19c Jar,25c


    Conqueror Brand MIXED VEGETABLESTetley's GREEN LABLE TEA -lb., 23c; -lb., 45cBoris Brand TOMATOES can, 10c; 6 cans, 55c IClicquot GINGER ALE, bot., 15c; case 12 bots., $1.75Boris CUT GREEN STRINGLESS BEANS 3 cans, 25c- - - ------Clark's VERIFINE TENDER PEAS can, 19cSalem Co. Jersey GOLDEN PUMPKIN can, 18cAunt Jemima PANCAKEFLOUR 2 p kgs.,25cPenn Mar SYRUP can, 18c. - --Lighthouse CLEANSER 4 cans, 19c

    TIMELY HINTSI n s t ~ n t a n e o u s TAPIOCA '" .Salada Orange Pekoe TEA . . . .. .. ,.MOTHERS' or Q U ~ E R OATSWilmar PEANUT BUTTER .Repp-U-Tation CIDER VINEGARBRILLO, Large Package with SOAPWaldorf TOILET PAPER ..Freihofer's BREAD CRUMBS,Franklin POWDERED, 4X or BROWN SUGARFancy Lancaster Co. POTATOES. . .. . , , . . '

    Legs Genuine Spring Lamb, 45c lb. Shoulders Genuine Spring Lamb, 35c lb.Fresh-Killed Chickens, Country Sausage and Scrapple-I

    For PermanentSatisfaction

    BUY ASmedleyBuilt Home

    II., COTTER'SMARKET Main Line shopping center for those who like to pur-l, chase t he bes t food at moderate priceIi' Haverford Avenue, Narberth PHONE NARBERTH 40'0WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY. Ii We Deli"er From City Line to Bryn Milwr

    INC. l i ~ ~ ~ i i i i i i i i i i i i ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1

    Photo by BachrachHarvey J. Harman, footballcoach at Haverford College for thepas t e ight years, who t hi s week a ccepted the post as head coach att he Univers ity of th e South, S ewanee, Tenn. , beg inning nex t fall.

    Haverford CoachAccepts New PostHarman to Go to University of

    South at Sewanee NextYear.

    SCULL IS GOING ALSOHarvcy Harmall , Ha\"crfnrd Collcge Ifoutball coach for t he pas t e ight years,

    has accepted a coaching position witltthe University of the South at Sewanee, Tenn. , beg inning nex t Sep tember.Harman has had considerable suc

    ceeds as men tor of t he Haver fo rdeleven since h is f ir st year in t he Mai nLine College. His t eams have alwaysbcen leaders in thcir class, and his lastyea r was p robabl y h is bes t, when h i Iiteam lost only one game. In addition.:t o w inning teams at Haverford, Har-I 'man has turned Ollt six championship 1track teams at Low er Merion Junior IHigh School. On four occasions, hisrelay teams, representing the Orangeand B la ck o f Lower Merion, have won Ithe hal f-mile relay at t he Penn Relays. IAlong wit h Harman, a s his backfieldcoach , will go Paul Scull, of Bala,

    former Lower Merion High all-aroundathlete, and c ap tai n o f the Universityof Pennsylvania football team in 1928. :Sewanee was once t he Queen of the ,

    South in t he mat te r of football supremacy, bu t in recent years has more Ior l ess fal len by the wayside. Withtwo such tutors to mould the fine ma- Iterial available in that sec ti on o f the Icountry t he mount ai n schoo l should Icome into he r own again.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1930


    Page Eight OUR TOWN January 31 , 1930

    i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! i ! ! ! i ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' r ' 1-- ---,--- ..--_.Schedule of Montgomery Bus ~ C o . , Inc.

    Read the advertisement,;. They maytell of just thc commod:ty or serviceyou need.




    s. P. Frankenfield SonsFUNERAL DIRECTORS


    ..AddC f to "our home and st1l'e coal Im ort bills b" installing ,Porch en- .closures, storm wmdows or .storm doors. .Iarpenter & BuilderN N b h A Phone .: D .y -Narber th 3973M.100 ar ert venue Evening-Narberth 3828.R.. ~ ......

    American Education TurnsOu t tHuman Robots'

    Patrol of Girl Scout Troop Responsible ForFostering of Community Spirit, Wynnewood Leader SaysComl11unity spirit is born oftentimesand f os te red, in a patrol of a Girl ScoutTroop, according to Mrs. Albert Cohen , o f \ iVynnewood . a member of thePhiladelphia Girl Scout Council and

    former Director o f t he \iV ashing ton Education in America has failed, ac-Scouts, who sp oke before the MainLine Leaders ' Association at a su pp er co rd in g to Dr. \V . \V. Comfort, presilast \ iVednesdav evening at the Cot tage den t of Haverford Collegc, who adTea Rool1l in i3rvn Mawr. .Mrs . \Va l- d resscd members of the Matinee Musitel' Janney was hos te ss a t the s uppe r, cal C lu b Tuesday at a luncheon at thewhich was att ended by off icer s o f the Bcllevue-Stratford.seventeen Main Line troops and mem- This country has placed an over-bel'S ofthe Main Line committec. cmphasis on vocational educat :on, and"Until a girl joins a troon" went on as a result is t ur ni ng out " human r oM rs. Cohen," she oftentimes thinks en- bots" who rush madly about seckingt ir el v in terms of her se lf or her own pleasure, but failing to fiud real spi r it f a m i I ~ . However, the minute s he be- u al s at is fa ct io n, th e c rl uc at or asserted.come s a patrol mcmbcr, shc bcg ins to "Education in America has failed forthink of doing things for t he beucfit t hr ee r ea sons ," Dr. Comfo rt told theof the group of eight, forgetting sel f. women. "First of all educators haveThe nex t s tep to thinking of others in ncw material to work on every yearthc cOllll1lunity is easy," and have to ~ ; t a r t fresh at t hc hot tom:\Irs. Cohen al so brought out thc in seeking per fect ion. Second, therefact t ha t Scout ing was f ounded on the a rc so many s eeki ng an education hereprinciples of knighthood aud chivalry Iwho are not c ap ab le o f obtaining oUe.and that thc foremost aims of Girl Thirdly, there is a complete lack ofScouting arc t here fore to impar t and :,ny substantial agreement here on whatcncourage high ideals, education r eally means."To develo" individuality in hcr "There is a tendency to vocationali7.egirls," wcnt on 1\lrs, C ohe n, "is a a ll educa ti on her e. But vocational eduCaptain> constant thO!lght, too, and Icati?n. is n a r m ~ v and !ntense and stricta Scout IS urged at all tlllles to express Iy IU11Ited, It IS pOSSIble t o be success hersel f in merit hadge work and var i- I ful in a \-ocation a nd y et to be a COIll-ous troop e\ents." plete dumbbell in all other ways.Though knots and signaling appcar "This type of vocat iona l educa ti onto a layman to he oj l i tt le value to a docs not fit men fo r living. \iVe arcgirl, t hey wer e shown 10 he o f g re at running Ihe chance here of losing allimportancc in the t each ing of r ~ d i - capacity of en joy ing our leisure time.menlary handicraft and eye and nllnd "I n Ame ri ca we have to go out.control. dash, or rush a bo ut to sp en d a lot ofThcre arc thir teen National camps money before we are conscious cf an,.throughout the United States, thc kind of pleasure." .speakl-r b rought out, and it is a WOIlderfully broadcning exp er ie nc e forleadcrs and Scouts to attend thelll.A Leaders' t raining course is b ei ngheld a t th e Xarherth Scout House each\Vedncsda\' afternoon in January fro1114 to G, and Mrs , Nel son A. \Varwick,of \\'ynnewood, president of the Leaders' Association, announced that thePhiladelphia nature expert, Mrs,H ershev Thomas, of Chestnut Hill,would hc the gucst instructor at thencxt two meetings.

    Wynnewood Road RouteLca\ 'e Monlgomery an d Moni>!

    Aveucs, Br,yn Ma\\'r, fo r ArdmOl"e,\Vynncwood, Me r ion a n d S ix ty - Se con d an d IJancaster Ave.Houle follows: Ea s t - hound -

    J.,t.'aving ~ i X t Y - H C ' ( ' ( ) l 1 d alld LanCi.1HterA \ ' c n u e ~ fol' nryn Mawr vi a\Vynncwood an d "lon!goll lery AveIIl Iel l 1 0 BI'Y n !Irawr.

    WESTBOUND\ \ 'EI!: '{UAYSLl'adllg S i x t ~ - - o ; c " o n d an d LUlIcal l ter A venue.Star t ing 6.30 A. M., 7.00, 7.30, 8.00,S.30, 9.00, 9.30, 10.30, 11. 30, 12. 30P. : 'L ; 1.:10, 2 .3 0, 3 .3 0, 4 .3 0, 5 .0 0, 5.30,6.00, G.:10, 7.00. 7.30, 8.00, 8 .30, 9 .00,9.:10, 10.30, 11.30 P. M., 12,30 A. M .

    EASTBOUNDW ( i ; I ~ ' { U A YSL"a\ ' lng Morris an d Mont;:;olllcryAvenues, Bryn l \ lnwr.

    ~ l ..1in, ; 6.00 A. M., b.30, 7.00, 7.aO,S.OO, S.30, 9. 00, 10. 00, 11.00, 12. 001'. :'L; 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 4.30, 5.00,5 .30, 6.00, 6.30, 7. 00, 7.30, 8 .0 0, 8 .3 0,!J.OO, 10.00, 11.00, 1 2. 00 A . M.

    Eastbound-SUNDAYSLeaving Montgomery and MorrisAvenues, Bryn Mawr.Starting at 6.30 A. M., thenevery hour on th e half hour to11.30 P. M.Westbound-SUNDAYSLeaving Sixty-second a nd La ncaster Avenue.Starting at 7.00 A. M., theneve ry hou r on the hour to 12.00midnight.'

    Narberth Short LbeEastbound

    Leaving Pennsylvania R. H. Station, NarberthWEEK DAYS

    S t a r t i n ~ at : ;.50 A. M.Then 6.30, 7.10, 7.50, 8.30, 9.10,9.50,10.30,11.10 and 11.50 A. l\1.Then 12.30 P. M., 1 .10, 1,50, 2.30,3 .10 , 3 .50, 4 .30, 5.10 , 5 .50 , 6.30,7 .10, 7 .50, 8 .30, 9 .10, 9 .50, 10.30,11.10 and 11.50 P. 1\1.

    SUNDAYSLeaving 6.30 A. M. and everyhou r on t he half hour thereafter to 11.30 P. M.

    WestbormdLeaving 54th a;;j C it y L in e

    WEEK DAYSStarting a t 6.10 A. M.Then 6.50, 7.30, 8.10, 8.50,, 10.50 and 11.30 A. 1\1.Then 12.10 P. M., 12.50, UIO,, 3 .30, 4.10, 4 .50, 5 .30 , 6.10,6.50, 7 .30. 8.10, 8.50 . 9.30, 10.10,10.50 and 11.30 P. M.And 12.30 A. 1\1.

    SUNDAYSLeaving 7.00 A. M. and everyhour on t he hour thereafter, to 12.00 P. M.

    Il,eaVi11 0 Pennsylvania R. R. Stn-jtion in NarlH!l'th 19 minuteslatcr than the above-mentioned. times,Montgomery Avenue LinesEastboundLeaving Al1derson and Montgomery AvenuesWEEK DAYSStarting at 5.40 A,1\[.Then every 20 minutes until 12.00P. M. midnight.Then 12.30 and 1 .30 A. 1\1.SUNDAYSStarting at 5 .30 A. M.Then every half-hcur until 9.00A. M.' l 'hen 9.20 A. M. and every 20 minu te s unt il 12.00 P. M. midnight.Then 12.30 and 1 .30 A. M.Leavino Pennsylvania R. R. Stat ion in Narberth 7 minutes laterthan the above-mcntioned times,Leaving 54th Street and City Line

    21 minutes later than the abovementioned times.WestbormdLeaving 62d and Lancaster AvenueWEEK DAYSStarting at 6.00 A. M.Then 6.25 A. M. a.nd every 20 minu tes unt i l 11.45 P. M.Then 12.0,') A. M., 12.30 A. M. 1.00and 2.00 A. M.SUNDAYSStarting at 6.00 A. M.Then 6.25 A. M., 6.55, 7 .25, 7 .55,8.25 A. 1\1., 8.55, 9.25, then 9.45A. M.Then every 20 minutes until 11.45P. M.

    Then 12.05 A. M 12.30, 1.00 and2.00 A. M.Leaving 54th and City Line 5 minutes lat er than the above-mentioned times,

    We know that "014 will be arn"zcdAt finest fuel that ever blazed.OUR clean, high-gradeanthr ac it e is a blueribbon j ud. It takes thep rize for warming homesperfectly - for hringingent ir e s at is f action t o itsmany users.


    L. M. ThompsonBALA-CYNWYD~ ~ ~ : d : ~ ~ ~ : ~ I! ~ F ! ! ! ! i 0 ~ R ~ I ~ N F ~ 0 ! ! ! ! i R ! ! ! ! i M ~ A ~ T I ~ 0 ! ! ! ! i N ~ O ~ N ~ O ~ T ~ H ~ E R ~ S C ~ H ~ E ~ D _ U ! ! l i i L ~ E ~ S , ~ P ~ H ~ O ~ N E ~ B R ~ Y ~ N ~ M ~ A ~ W ~ R ~ 1 2 ~ 8 0 ~ . 1 ~ 2 ! ! ! ! i 8 1 ~ j

    ~ ~ ~ -I ~ : ' b ~ ~ : I00 FOREST AVENUEPhone: Narberth 3652M~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ t : { t : : : : : 1 t = l t = l t = l t = l t = l t " " " r , , - ~ . ,

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1930


    Mrs. A. ].Herrschaft

    Page Nine

    RedrlCed to$100

    $8.95 and $13.75

    and Millinery Shop1704 Walnut Street



    Now ShowingHats for the SouthlandsFor Sports and Afternoon

    You Are Inyited to Inspect Our

    S525 Choe.&Tan Am. Broadtail5475 Cocoa American BroadtailS350 Natur al Hai r Seal$250 Natural Hair SealTrimmed.

    NEW SPRING DRESSESin Foullard Prints and Plain Materials:

    The following coats have been taken out ofour r egu la r s to ck af te r inventory and pricedbelow the actual cost of the skins used inthe making.

    $3200 Mink $2000900 Natural Russian Fitch 600775 Natural Squirrel Trimmed with platinullI (0 " 485875 Brown Caracul Trimmed wilh Jai l IlUlltell ~ ' 5 0750 Japanese Mink : 4'50795 B ab y J ap M in k Trhnmed with browll fox 450750 Maplewood Caracul 425475 Tan Caracul .................. 3GO650 Natural Squirrel ............... 395850 Baby Kol in sky .................... . 3 C ~495 Leopa rd Cat . . . . . . Trimm",1 with nf!>'r 295450 Leopa rd Ca t Trimmed with Iikh 28'5285 Gra y L ap in ...................... 185295 Moch a L ap in ................... 185250 Natural Muskra t . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . 150



    CHARGE ACCOUNTS SOLICITEDIn'l'isible Mending of Hosiery. 35c a Stocking

    242 Haverford Avenue, Narberth Phone Narberth 2510


    PHONE Boulevard 3182 -y. . . . . . . . . . 'i

    January 31, 1930

    Evening Calls.......... ...,.. .

    Every Monday Eve ni ng a t Eight o'ClockBegim,ill8 February t he t hi rd and elldillg JUlie the second

    BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HOTEL - ROOMS 202204-206Conducted br Miss Dorothy L. Mousier

    (WilbrlT C. Whitehead's certified Teacher)Ten dollars per p er so n f or series or one dollar fo r game i

    PRIVATE LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT IPhone: Walnut 8600 i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ? ~ ~ ) : : l ~ ;MOORE 'S EMP LOYMENT S ERVI CE25 Ardmore Arcade Ardmore. Pa .


    n ~ ' I 1 1 1 l l l e H el p f or Al l Oel'IIKloIIH UII,- 'VorkerK FurlllKheclEXllerlel leed COOkH. 'VlllterK 11I\(1 'VllltreHHt"K fo r li n Soellli E"euIK

    A!IlI." ( l j l l l formH l'uppIle.1)

    Mrs. George R. Watts, of Iona Ave-I Mrs. Charles Vigler. o f H er sh ey ,nul', gave a s ur pr is e b ri dg e o n Mon - Pa., is spending a wcek with Mrs. e ve ni ng in honor of he r sister. Alfred Peney, of Elm Terrace.Miss Lois Caldwe ll. Among the I Mrs. C. 1'. Morris. of Hampdeng ue st s w ere M is s R ut h Minnick , Miss Avenue. has been s l ~ r i o u s l y ill bu t isMartha Minni ck , M is s Betty Purse, recovering now.Miss Bet ty B owman . M rs . Allan B. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymund Sharp.Smith, Miss Ruth Caldwell and Miss I of Woodside An'nue, enter ta ined Mr.111'. and Mrs. G e o r ~ e \,V. Bottoms, and Mrs. J. S. Harris, of Merion Ave- Janet Caldwell. and Mrs. Horace ~ 1 ; l I e r , of Ardmore ,o f Mer io n, announce the engagement nue, is h ome f rom Lehig h this week Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dougherty, of and Mr . an d M :s. Edw:n. Pollock, ofof their daughter, Miss ~ I a r i o n G. Bot - hav ing complet ed the examinations of Anthwyn Road, gave a dinner at the Overbroo.!'. ~ dmner Oi l Sunday.the first semester. He will return next BenJ'amin Franklin Hote!. followed bv 1\1 rs. I,.. I. Lo.wrey. of Hampdentoms, to ~ r. Paul D. \\Tintcrs. son of I f I I A ! f!ce { or tI e seCOIH semester. a theatre party on Saturday evenini. .venue, !S spen! : I I ~ a cw eays atthe Reverend and .1Ilrs. Alonzo D. ~ r. and Mrs. T. Somers Ne\\'man, 1\1 r. and Mrs. J. J. Cahrey and Mr. Concordvtlle. Pol. ," . -\\Tinters, of Oak Lane. of LantwI'n Lanc, cntertained the and Mrs. Ric ha rd McSor le y were ~ I . r . and 1\1 rs. \ \ Ilham C. C l a g h ( ) ~ ' I I ,1\1 r. and Mrs. August A. Blaess, of members !)f their b ri dg e cl ub on Sat- among the guests. of Chestnut Avenue. attended t he dm-22 Elmwood A\'enue, had the ir daugh- urday evening. Among the guests 1\li's M rga t B D I t nc r given In' the F o u n d ~ r s and I'atri-tel', Mrs. Frederick G. Spritzinger, 3d, In're Mr. and 1\1 rs. John Nash, Mr. da"u'gh'ter o'fa1\1rre 11d ':1 J O I ~ g 1hr st ots at the j'laza. Nell' York City, onof Norristown, as a visitor for several . a 1\ rs. ?:sep . \"edne,s(!a v anef 1\l rs . George Burne t, Mr. and Dougherty 'ho attends tl \t II M '\ Jda,vs last week. Mrs. S!lritzinger has ' I II (' . I ' \\ 1e I a 'a - Mrs George \V !II' 'hener o f F lt ll" rs . - aro ld J ne st, 1\ r. and Mrs. ria Academy a t Greent re e P. t 1. , IC " -just re turned from a cruise t o t he \Ve st r;r.'llik J. Kellllee!V, 'II'. al1(l ',Irs. CII'f- I k " ' a , spel! wood Avenue. was th e h o s t c s ~ to herJ 1\ " t 1e wee -end WIth her parents . Their I I \ \ I f 'Indies. ford Goodwin, :\11'. and Mrs. Fielding ~ f \V'II" S D I t I bndge c U ) on Te( nesdav a ternoon.~ iss Ruth Lce Cook. of Dudlev Howe. 1\1 r. and 1\1 rs. \V. Russell I ~ ? n , 't d' . t I t l ~ l f l l l " 1;lg leI ' y, WllO Among the mcmhers prescnt wereAvenue. entertained the memhers of s a s u en a " a vern , rep, was a so ~ I I B :\1 IRE IGreelle. :\11'. Fred Heffinger, Miss home for the week-end. Mr. \Viliam ,ISS ,aura, r O \ \ " 1 ~ .. rs. . . . '(ger-her soror ity. A lpha ( ;amma Chi, l as t ~ I a r v Flvnn 'lIId ~ I i s s Betty Kennedv S D 1 i' d ' t. t' Ion. ~ f r ~ . I-rank Sullr";llI. ~ I r s . C. A,Tnesday e \ ' ( ~ n i n g . Among the mem- ' .. ' ' . :.... . " , " o u g ~ e r un.en.. en .an opera, lon Hammer . ~ I r s . Fr:l1lk X. I 'urcell, ~ I r s .bel'S arc t he ~ I i s s e s I'aticnce, and Hcl - ~ l l s . L. ~ ~ L I , . s p c l a n c ~ , and her la t the ~ l l s e r l ~ o r d l a H o s p l l ~ I . o n . \\ ed- C. 1. (;oodvear ;lIIcl ~ l i s s An1H' Folc\'.ga \Volhert, Miss Louis Cross, ~ iss daughter, ~ 1 1 ~ s Helen I I . ~ ~ p e r a n c e , Ine.sday m ~ l r 1 1 1 n g .due to mJUries re-', . - . , ' , " .Catherine (;erhart, Miss Lou ise 1301- o! ~ o l ~ t r e a l , Canada. arc vlsltmg Mrs.: celved wht le playmg foothall. c O N TI N U E D U;\i ;Ii 1":\:1 I A( , bdenweck, l\liss Josephine ~ I u h l y . ~ I i s s hankl!l! P. D!mlop. of Dndley Ave- 1111'S. George Al,bert Bailey. of Nar-I" ~ . - - - - . .~ ollil' Irish, Miss Florence Mcad, nne. I hey Will stay for about ten brook Park, will entertain at luncheon CONTRACT (Miss Jane t Hayes , Miss Betty Jones, days. tomorrow . Inc luded among the guestsMiss Bet ty Kempton . Mrs. ~ I a r i e Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Keubler, of arc Mrs. J. Warren May, 1\fiss Mac BRIDGE TAUGHT~ I a n d e s and l\liss Betty Cook. :\arbrook I'ark, spent several days last Shi1cock, Mrs. Joel Han'ey, all of weck at Colton Manor, Atlantic City. Glenside; Mrs. Garton Greene, of Ger- Work-Lenz.WhlteheadThe Young I 'eop le 's Fel lowship o fAll Saints Church. \V\"I111ewood, wi ll Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Haigh , o f Nar- l1Iantown; Mrs. Joseph r-.lullen, of O ak Combinationg i \ ~ e a hridge party tOl;IOITO\I' evening berth A\'emle, am! ~ I r . and ~ . 1 r s . AI- Lane: Mrs. Joseph Mullcn, ~ I r s . (;il- Ability to Pia)' ill All) ' Circleat the home of ~ I i s s 1'olly Palmqui st ber t C. :\filler and thei r daughter , 1IIiss bert Harvey, both of Logan: 1111'S, \Vil-I Appointments at Your Home Ifin :\arbrook I 'ark. Katherine Jane !I!iller, of Narbe rth bur Cross , l \l is s Bel ly Kennedy. of l Desired~ I r . and ~ I r s , :\rthur :\Iartin and' . \venul'. will be the guests of Mr. \Vest Philadelphia, and ~ I r s , Freeler-I Clearbrook 2963JVfamily, f orme rl y of Forest :\\'enue, Ellsworth Haigh, s on of 1\11'. and Mrs . ick Kuebler, of Narberth. i-------------have move d to St. 1 'e ter sbu rg, Fla. ll-Iaigh, at the \Vc no na h ~ I i d y e a r . . . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - They left on the fllurteenth of Janu- ),lIIce and Drill at the Academv , a t\Venonah, N. J., tonight. 'ary.~ iss Anne Compton. ~ iss Betty Dr. and Mrs . l \I ar k E. Mo rg an , o fCook, 1\fiss Janet Hayes , o f Narberth, \Vindsor Avenue, gave a luncheon andand Miss Helen Brookha rt . o f Temple bir thday party in honor of thei r daughUniversity, will a tt end t he par ty a t t hc tel'. M i ~ s Ellen Louise ~ I o r g a n . InPcnn Athlet ic Club on Saturday after- clnded among the guests were thenoon given by the Phi Delta Pi. ~ I i s s e s Beat ri ce an d Jean Rudolph,

    ~ [ i s s Thelma Livingston. daughter Lillian Smith, :Mary Rose McDerof Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Livingston. of mott, Helen an d Laura Masters, allEssex Avenue , wa s the h os te ss to the of \Vynnewood; Martha S touP . Loi smembers o f h er soror ity. Alpha Beta Nealey, P at ien ce E gan and MaryChi. last Thursday evening. Decker.1IIiss Mina Lyle. daughter of ~ I r . ~ I i s s Jane A. ~ f o r r i s , o f E ss ex Ave-and 1\l rs . D. O. Lyle. of A\' on Road, nne, h as b een verY ill at her home bu tis in the ~ I t , Holyoke Hospital r ec ov - is now recuperatiilg.ering from an ope ra tion for appendi- Mr. and :Mrs. Charles Bar tl et t, o feitis and will probably be abl e to leave :\1erion Avenue. entertained the l1Iel11t he hospi ta l t hi s week. She will re- bl'rs o f t he ir b ri dg e club on Saturdaysnme her s tudi es at the Infirman' of evening .:\Iount Holyoke Col lege . : \I rs . Ii. O. :\Irs. E. K. : \Ionnington. of EII11-Ll'1e is at the : \Iount Ho!l"oke Hos- wood A\ e nu c. s ail ed on Tuesdav for - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - piial and will probably return t hc c nd :\as,.;au Jamaica, and the Canal Zone.of t hi s week. She will return some time in Febru-

    ~ rs. Gcorge Hopkin,.; . of ~ crion ary.Avenue, entertained her b ri dge club on Miss Virginia Cabrey, daugh te r o fThursday evening. ~ r. and 1\1 rs. J. J. Cabrey, spent the~ iss Sonia Ander so n. o f Dudley \ ~ e c k - e n d as the guest of ~ iss HelenAIenul '. is n 'c() \'cr ing fn)1I1 a tonsil .1' .l lIcrson. of ( ! \'erbrook. ~ l l s ~ Cabrey

    n p e r ~ t i o n . I I n . O \ ~ a t ~ e l . l d l l l g S.t. Leonard s Acad-~ l l s s Irma Bart le s will hc t hc host,l Clll), 111 I hlladelphla.ess to her hridge cluh next :\1 onday I~ ~ ( l ; : : l ~ t : = : 1 l : : : : 1 l : : l : l : : : 1 t ~ : : : 1 t = : 1 t : : 1 t = l . ! : = ! l t = l : ~ t : : : 1 !cy cni ng at the hOllle of ~ is s Loui seI lJ.England,on Ess.ex : \ v ~ l l u e . , . I IMPORTED FELT HATS g~ I r s . I 'r ank Cnr twrlght. of \\ ynda1c $1 a d $150 Ivenue. attendl'c! t hc h ri dge nn v\' rd- n .nesdav a t the hOllle nf ~ rs. J. 1. Po- FRENCH FELTS , $2 and $2.50rock. 'of. ~ I e r i o ~ 1 . giY.rn hy th' r j)Cynll 306 Dudley Ave., Narberth ,

    Ilorsc Show \e:lll11l1t te.c. Phone Narberth 2562-R:\11'. Rohert I. I - 1 a r r ~ s , son of ~ I r . ~ ~ t : 1 e r t = { t = { N t : 1 t ( ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ) : : l ~ ) : : l ~ ) : : l ) : .DUPLICATE CONTRACT BRIDGE

    I ?:be FIRESIDE~ ~

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1930


    Page Te n OUR TOWN January 31 , 1930



    Hilltop 233Boulevard 1600Wayne 3

    SpecialAn attractive f ul l Por ce la in Ename l Rangeequipped \\ ith large. roomy Uti li ty Drawer andRlist-proof, Poree la in Enamel Oven Lin ings .Lifetimc Cooking Chart on oven door.Only $67.50. Slightly more on deferred payI l lC l lb . A :-petial purehaHemakes this remarkableoffer l'0:-siblc. Come in today.

    on the NewROPER GAS RANGE

    Good cooking may lie a fine a rt , and good ( ~ o o k ~"t o the manner horn ." But with a hook of r e , ~ i p e sand a modern Gas R a n ~ c , one needn't Iw a skiliedchef to bak e and roasL to the admirati"n (audapl'reciation) o f t he wholf' family..Modern cookery doesn't l for a "flash" of this,"a pint'll" of th:1t, " se ason to ta st e" and hakellnt il done. " Ing redi en ts a re now measu red ou taccordinl! to re"ipe with accnrate IItensils. AmIwith Oven Hcat Control, HEAT hecomes th efinal ingredient.

    MeaSltred asAccltrately/as the Ingredientsof Your Recipe!

    Il ,dan, '" in l: l.""lI th8

    Ardmore 3500Bryn Mawr 327

    Former Price, $77.50You Save $10

    Ddring thi s MarkedDown Sale_PHII..ADELPHIA E L E ~ T R I ~

    ~ ~ O M P A N YIi

    Sco re Two Fieldin the Entire


    FiresideContinued from Page Nine

    :\1 iss ; \I ice Llnyd II caton. daughterof :\1 r. and :\1 rs. S. \\'ilson 111'atOlI,ni Ikdfonl Place. :\1 erinn, entertained Iten of her friends a t d in ne r on \Ved-:nesday to cel eh ra te he r t en th b ir thday. I:\1 rs. Adolph Vogl'l and hl'r sons.,lohnnv anll nillv ,of Avon Road. han"gone io Iluntingdon, \\T. Va., t o v is it Irelati\es. ::\Ir. F.-ank S. ; \l Ie n. o f llal11pdl'lI:\ \e11l1e. is very ill at his 111>me." :":\1 r. and .\1 rs. II . T. Snll'dky. l,f IHampdcn :\venue. entcrtained at Ihridge on Thnrsda\' e\Tning . . Al1!ong :th e g \ l ' ~ s t s WI'IT \Ir. - ami :\Irs. C .'Crmk. :\1r. and :\Irs. D. Y. Xarrig-an.:\11'.' and :\Irs. V. Ahel, :\Ir. and .\frs.\ ' : ' Cat hc ar t a nd :\Ir. and :\Irs. Fred:

    \ \ arneI'.

    Attendance IncrasesIncreased at tendancI ' at the C hi ld :

    Health Centre held weekly (1)\\ 'ednesday afternoons in thl' \\'oman's Commnnity Club l{ool11 in EII11Hall has heen noted. At th is we ek's Iperiod eight hahies were examincd andadvice gi\'l'n tl1l' mothers. :\1 rs. H. C. II lanks and .\Irs. : ' \elsnn l{owle\ ' wen: Ithe Clllh ml'lnbers ill attI'IHlan-ce. 1

    Speaks on AviationRohert E. Lenton, president of the:

    Phi la de lp hi a A ir po rt ])C\'e1opmentCompany, was the speaker at theweekly lnncheoll o f t he Bal a-Cynwyd :\: arberth Rotary Cluh on TucsdayIltlon. The \'ast development of flyingduring- the past few years was tral'l'dwith especial reference to regular Iroutes. Th e speaker st rl ' sscd the idea ithat aviat ion is still in the experimentalstage.


    - r -- "- .Lower Menon Five I Mrs . E . C. T o w ~ ~ . Mrs. E. ~ G r i ~ - ion Avenue. has been announced. The, Avenue. ~ a r h e r t h . son of the late Mr.Iwold. :\frs. A. J . S Igel . Mrs. T'rankltll wedding will take place in th e SUP;l11er.' and :\lrs. J. Howard Mecke.EngulfsChester i P: !)unlop and her cousin, Mr.M. L. Th e marriage of M iss Carlotta :\1 r. and :\1 rs. :\of. Louis Johnson . ofi L I-.sperance, and :\1 rs. E. H. Cock- B r i d g - ~ ' s . daug-hter oi :\ir. and :\1 rs. :\ von Road. ar c being congratulatedi rill attended the reception on Tnesday Harry Bri dg es . o f Lan ca st er . 0 .. to np on t he birth of a son. Rohert Du-Goals aftert100n at the Han nah P en n H ou se th e Rev. E d \ ~ ' a : d .1'0 I.luhh.,-tant I chanan Johnson, on January 2(,.given bv t he Repub li ca n \Vomen of n'ctor of All Sall1ts 1',IlIscopal Church. I :\Irs. Ralph Cook, o f Essex Avenue,Pennsylvania in honor of Mrs. :\lary \VYlln.ewolll!. will take 1 ; I . a ~ ~ e . on .:\1 on-I ' will e n t ~ " ' r t a i n on Fr.'day afternoon forRober ts R inehar t. t he novelist. day. I'ehruary 3. at the I rnllty la the- .\Irs. John Rodl-{Irs. of LOl-{all"port,Th e e n ~ a g e m e n t of :\liss Virg-inia dr 'l l , P i ttshurg-h. where the Rev. :\Ir. Ind:ana. :\Ir. and :\Irs . Rodg-I' rs ar ePreston Carrington, daughter of Col- Bubh was ordained. :\11'. Buhb will the g-uests of :\Ir. and Mrs. JohnLower :\1 erion H igh ~ c h l J o l \\'nn h er on cl Edward C. Carr i ng ton. o f Bal ti - l eave on Sunday fo r Pittsburg-h. \Ilatchelor, o f Dud le y Avenu e.leag-ue l11atch with Ches te r High last 1110re a nd N ew York. and Mr. J. Coop- :\Ir. and :\Irs. Jo seph Vander it e Lit - :\Iiss Patience \\'ohiert. of Nar-. cr Graham. Jr .. a lso o f Baltimore ' Iu d tIe, oi Bala. aunounce the engagement Ibrook Park. v is it ed . \I r. and .\Irs,

    Friday night in the Junior HIgh I formerly of Phi la de lp hi a. s on o f :\Ir. o f th ei r d au gh tl: r. .\Iiss Janet Little,. lames K. Bowl11an, of H a r r t ~ h u r g .School gymnasium hy an overwhelm-. and M rs . J . C oo pe r G ra ham, of ?Ifer - 'Iud .\1 r. Char les . \ loyn :\1ecke, of lona I last SCOrl: of (.3 to 12. I ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ..Chester had 110 chance to score i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - -p oi nt s a s C apta in \\ 'arren Lockwnod iand his fast-cullinl-.:' teal11mates kept!H'ssl'ssinn of the hall IIHlSt nf thetime. Oceasinnal1y they 'kft a n o pe ning through which an npponl'nt wouldtakl' a \'hall( 'e al1l1 dn.p nne f" r a twopninll'l'.(lnly one field g na l w as rung np hy it he v is it or s d ur in g the first hal f an( l;that came as the first score nf thegame ahout half a minut e a ft er the 'tap-off. Dur in g t he final period thevisi tors managed to drop in their SI'C- iolHI and final goal frol11 th e field. The iIot h er e ig ht p oi nt s scorl'd hy the hoys Ifnllli Chester came as free shots. ILockwood, I ' ennypacke r and Turnl'r Iea ch r an wild wit h t he ir s ho ot in g an-:tics and pi le d up a hu gl ' l ea d b efo re Ithl: v is it ing t eam could do anythingahout it.The ga 111 I. was sOl11ewhat loosely;played and nUl11l'rous tr icks were ipulled in t he hackg round hy some of It he v is it in g p la ye rs to try and stop It he h eavy s co ri ng , h ut to no m'ail,

    ~ Q ~ Q Q ~ Q ~ Q ~ ~ Q ~

    I BILLIARDS !BILl'ARD TABLESAND 5 POOL TABLESNarberth Theatre B u i l d i n ~ E~ $ I O J ) I I O I t d U Q C d ~ Q Q ~ J ~ _ p ; : ; ; _ ; p : : ; ; ; _ p ; : ; ; ~ _ ; ; : : ; . ; p : ; ; ~ _ ; ; : : ; _ ; p : ; ; ~ _ ; ; : : ; _ ; p : ; ; ~ _ ; r ; ; ...r ; ; ; ; _ ; ; ; : ; _ r ; ; ; ; _ p ; ; _ . - = : ; ; ; _ p ; ; ~ _ ; r ; ; _ ; p : ; ; ._ ~ . : ; _ . - = : ; ; ; - ; ; ; : ; _ ' - = ; ; ; ; _ " " - : ; ; _ i i P ' : ; ; ; _ p : : ; ~ _ ; ; : : ; _ ; p : ; ; ~ _ r = ; . ; p : ; ; ; ; ; ; _ ; ; : : ; _ i P = ; ; ; ; _ ; ; ; : ; _ i P = ; ; ; ; _ ; ; : : ; _ i P = ; ; ; ; _ ; ; ; : ; . ; P : : ; ; _ P : _ i i P ' : ; ;

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1930



    Page Seven

    ............... ...

    !violligomery Pike alMeelillg House LlIIePLEASE NOTE OU R PHONES;

    N A R B ER TH 4020 and 40Zt


    JohrL Albrecht:JVurseriesheart, Say it With Flowers,make certain oj he" hand al1d

    WHAT Valelltine could hopeto cope with the b"eath-takingbeallty of a bright !-ollqllet? 10



    *' .e.-de ......... ..

    don't fa\'or clothes. \\'hen your trousers lose their crease,and your suit looks as if a storm has struck i t - just phoneus anel wc'll do tha t pressing joh in a jilTy.


    < > A ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ , I C : ! . ~ ~ S . I.220 BALA AVENUE PHONE, CYNWYD 928102 F

    H e r v ~ c e . Co., " B. ala Av e. Phone c?,n.! falllilr. C,'ntl'al lo"atlon. I'hone877. ,"stllllates gIven. (ohl-31) i1l:arherlh 41:01-\\'. iYOUR BUSINESS can Ill' advertised 10 i .-.:--- ImmOgr f t B T ' Iadvantage under the above classillca- H I W d I a Ion 0 e PIClion. As k ahout our IO-time rate. Call e p ante at L M Narberth C 'IIarherth 2545 01 ' Cynwyd 811. (ohtf) I"SUHANCE: SALl!:SIIlAN-Experience

    Apartment Wanted Fehruary 4, at 3 I'. ~ 1 He r subject\\'.-\NTI':I>-A silia11 apt., 2 l'oOIll', will he "America's Fnture ancl the IIdl('h .. nell" an(1 hath, first 01' """1111

    In add it io n to th e card parties schednled then' will he a talk at 3 1'. M.hy John I'. Anderson, a Princetongraduate alH! an employee of the VanSci \' er Compauy , on decorating' andiurnishing o j th e hOllle.

    Th e \Volllell's Fore ign Miss ionaryReal Estate lo r Relit S ociety of the N arh ert h 11 ethodistFon H I ~ N T - - N a r b e l ' t h , detached hou se , Epi scopa l Church will meet on MOIl-!-;ix rnHi . and hat h, 2 :-;quares fl'(,111 }ita- 1 I' 1 3 J ' () ' I Ilion; perfl. eond. Durhin & Howllrd, (ay, 'e >ruary " at -:, ' 11\ tI e lase-

    I ~ ill;111'ltll;i II; ~ ~I ~ m . : ~ Fo' ",1., and ,....ic . o, Sparton, H!-!I U Radiola, Day-Fan and Brunswick,_ radios, Call

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 31, 1930


    Page Eleven OUR TOWN JanUtlTY 11, 1930

    and comic Valentines

    Day's Coming!Valentine's



    DeHerve the best of treatment, and surely there is no bcttereom pan ion than a ~ o o d Hook.

    To p re se rv e the ir b i n d i n ~ s aJld con tent s r equi re s sui ta bl eShelves. We will be I{lad to supply all necessary materialsfo r you to make these, or to build them according to your s u ~ -gestions.

    February 14 ,s THE day to rememberyour mother, wife or sweetheart

    Do it right by sending her a box of WHITMAN'SCHOCOLATES or SHELLENBERGER'S CHOCOLATESin Heart-shaped Boxes or usual size.

    Dennison's Party Favors.Large assortment of sentimental

    'iuitable for everyone.

    The Link Between Forest and Home29 Bala Avenue., Bala-Cynwyd Phone Cynwyd 662


    To Give Muiscal !Stress C o n ~ / a t i o n the University of Pennsylvania. AIthough a busy editor and publisherRevue at Bala-Cynwyd II In Women's Clubs his hobby has always heen t he s tudyo f bir d life. He is a membe r o f the- - - i noNrlNUED PROM THE F IRST PAGE National Society of Ornithologists andZeppelin Trip Around World to: and playground of the p eopl e o f the a fcllow in the D. V. O. C. He knowsBe Featured by Sing- I State. his subject thoroughly and whatevel. D ' ' Th e program of , the \Vomen 's Com, he may d is cu ss i n h is conse rvat iOJ ;109 and anclng. I . CI I I I 4 '11 b . t Ik '11 b Ii lid' t .Imulllty U l a n ' e lruary . WI e In a' WI e pro ta l e an 111 erestlllg

    Ich ar ge of the conservation chairman, Thc "Open House for HusbandsT he Woman 's Club of Bala-Cyn- Mrs. Mary Livingston, and the speakel l 'i ight " is just a few w ~ e k s off nowwyd, Bal a Avenue a nd Lever ing Mill Iwill be her son, Philip Livingston and interesting plans arc b ei ng p erRoad, will be the scene of a musical Phil, as his f ri ends pre fe r to call him f ec ted to make it t he gal a club nightrevue, featuring a Zeppelin trip around is a Narberth boy, and a graduate of of the year.the wor ld with s inging and dancing in I - I - - = - - - = - ~ ~ - ~ -- ------------costume, i l lus tra ting each country vis- ,itcd, on Monday an d Tuc sd ay , Fdl-II' F A I T H FU L F R lEN D Srnary 10 and II , at 8;15 o'clock. ITI\c Commu nity Choral of Bala-j

    Cynwyd wil l bl' the le.PPclin's passen-jgel's, and thcy will sing' many numbers in chorus during the program. !The leppe lin will he s een on th e stage Ian d each co un tr y will he artisticallypicturcd by a typical scenc.Dancing for t he t ra vel er s an d the

    audience wil l f oll ow in the auditoriumeach evcning fol lowing the conclusionof the "Cruise,"Phi lip \Va rren , the chora l' s musicaldircctor, wil l lead thc chorus numbe rs ,

    ~ I a r i e Hintcrlieter will act as accompanist.11 rs. J. E. Bacon , of 1\1 erion, chairman of the choral, will sing a solonumber, "Estrelita," in Spanish costume when thc ship is in Spain.i\[ embers of the Community Choral

    who will participate arc: Sopranos,:-'Irs. 1\1 cCarthy Hanger, 1\1 rs. H. H.Happold, Mrs. John D. Rockwe ll, I~ rs. J. E. Bacon , Mrs. P. Lcgge, M1'5'1Lcigh Hoff, Mrs. Charles Neville,Mrs . Geo rgc F. Blewett, Mrs .. JohnlT. Smith and Mrs. J, R. i \:hchael .A ltos , Mrs . Frank Allen, 1\11'5. Frank IZook, J\l rs . P. Dc Long, Miss EsthcrCroasdale, l\Iiss Elizabeth Tuttle, Mrs.\Villiam K. Mil le r, Mrs . John Mc-Pherson, Mrs. (;. \V. Selby and J \ l r s . I ! ~ = = = : ; = : ~ : = : = = ~ ~ ~ - = ~ : ~ ~ :.; ~ ~ = ; ; : = ~ : ~ = = ~ = = = ~Charles S, Shinn . Tenors, Rev. J. A . l ~ ' ,""' ' '" .. ' ' ' ~ , . . .Higgins , Stephan Tily, J. S. Stephen-son and H. H . F ishe r. Basses, RollertAndersoll, Charles E. ;0,: e\'illc, CharlesS. Shinn, \Villial11 S. Tuttle, Tlll 'odorcClatlcnburg, A. C. \\'illiamson andCharles B. Aldrcd.


    WhereTo Go

    Bala Avenue netlr Cynwyd SttltionPerformances-7 and 9 P. M. :: Program Subject to Change

    MUSICAL EVENTSLOl,J1olNnH I X -1 'h u rs da y , F e hr ua r r 10 th , Ph il a dC 'l p hl a ('r,,"etOpera Co.I 'HII ,Alll ' :LPHIA OHCHES1 'HA

    Frldl lY afternoon, SaturuayIIight, ~ I o n d a y nlg'ht. H a n ~] , i n d l t ' I ~ , ~ o l o i ~ t .

    THEATRESA()I,:I.I ' l !l -"Th. Inflnil . Hhcll'l)IIL"lc"

    BHOAIl-\Vll l iam (:Ilell., 'H fal'("\ \ ' t .1l to tilt ' Hlag'. In "Sherloci" Holnles ,"

    ( 'HEHT:"llT - "Ileal ' Ol d Englanel,"

    FOIUtEHT-"Th. :"ew 1IIonn."tiAHRICK - "I':\ 'en in Egypt."

    Beginning l\Jonduy, "Hot Choculates ."K J ~ I T l l ' H - " B a h e " ill Toyland" ;heginning" l \ l o n d a ~ ' , "The 1"'01'

    ( U IH ' Teller ."LY HIC- '' ' lourneY'H End,"HIIIJlH:H'1' _.- "lnl t ' l ' l lat lonal R.

    \ 'U I ' . "\ \ ' A L = ' J l ~ ' I ' --". '(), lIny" with .laue.cow!.

    LOCAL MOVIESl ' l l lYP'I 'IAN-Today Rnd tomorrow, "The 13th Cha ir " , withCo nrad N agel; M onda)' an dT ue sda Y, R od LaRocque iu"'I ' h e D el ig htf ul R og ue ";\VedneHday a II d Thursday ,H aro ld Lloy d III "WelcomeDanger"; l l i I H ~ " ; FI' ida;y a nd H atul 'day, ( i t ' o l ~ g ' ( ' ArlisH ill "Dis l 'apli."

    Egyptian's feature' to day an d tomorrow, "The Thirteenth Chair" is scheduled, with Conrad Nagel and LeilaEgyptian Guests to Hyams, I t is a t al ki ng mys te rydrama.Hear Talking Reporter Rod LaRoque in "The DelightfulRogue" is c oming t o t he Cynwyd The-\\'ith Graham McNamee as an- tr e Monday a nd Tue sday . " \V el comenouncer-or reporter, rather-the new Danger," Harold Lloyd' s t alking comUniversal talking n ews re vi ew com- ed \' o f San F ra nc is co 's Chi na town andllIellCeS this Friday and Sat urday at po'lice, is scheduled for Vvednesday andthe Egypt ian, Cynwyd, and will be a Thursday nights, an d al so for a speregular week-end feature, according to cial after-school matincc 3:45 ;' . 1\1.l\lanagcr J os eph Conway. As the I \Vednesday.I Q ~ M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M l M I ! . \ l . ! l M I M I M l M I M I ~ -.

    This FRIDAY and SATURDAY-CONRAD NAGEL andLEILA HYAMS in the talking mystery thril lertITHE THIRTEENTH CHAIR"

    NEXT MONDAY and TUESDAY- ROD LaROCQUE int tTHE DELIGHTFUL ROGUE" The Oldest Store m NarberthWEDNESDAY and THURSDAY-HAROLD LLOYD in hKs~ : I ~ i e HWELCOME DANGER"SPECIAL MATINEE 3:45 P. M., WEDNESDAY~ 1 i 7 \ i 1 f l \ i 1 f & 1 f l \ i 1 f l \ i 1 j 7 \ i 1 i 6 i 1 i ? \ i I M i I t J \ i I t & I i 1 \ 1 & B i I i 1 \ 1 I r & I i i \ i I i i \ i I i i \ i I i 7 \ i I i 7 \ i I i t \ i I j 7 \ i I i l \ i I j 7 \ i ! f t JCo.


    NARBERTH 4035W I N D O W S -

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