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August 2016

Our Savior’s Lutheran 305 Sixth St PO Box 277

Cleveland, MN 56017-0277 T: 507/931-1564


"We at Our Savior's are called to let our light shine

as instruments of the Holy Spirit so all may know God's love."

Pastoral Letter Dear friends, grace to you and peace from God our Father and

Our Lord Jesus Christ.

These past two weeks, I have been the recipient of two

engaging conversations about the ministry at Our Savior’s through

our Transition Team Studies. The first was with members of our Faith

Formation Committee, A New Thing. The second was with members of the Worship / Music

Committee. Through these two initial meetings, I have learned about how God is providing the

means through these two ministries to tell the story of his great love for all in our faith community.

Through these two initial meetings, I am learning about the faithful members of Our Savior’s, both

the members who are participating in the ministries and those who are the recipients of their

efforts. Soon on August 7th, I will meet with our Youth and their advisors. In the weeks that follow we

will have further conversations with the remainder of our ministries. I look forward to them. I am

thankful for all of you and being a part of the ministry here at Our Savior’s during this interim time.

Once again I ask: “What is God up to here at Our Savior’s? How is God at work in our

midst? And not only for our congregation, but we may ask this question for ourselves as well.

What is our dream, our vision of the future for Our Savior’s? What ministry does God desire for

us today and into the future?” These are the questions that our members responded to during

our study and will respond to as we continue our studies in the weeks ahead. Another

question: How do we personally meet that challenge in our lives?

Perhaps the following story can help us look at what we are doing during our study time. The

story is called “A Jar of Life – A Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee”. When things in your life

seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the

mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the

class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to

Calendar of Events

Aug 1st –

Church Council Meeting

Aug 10th –

Valleyfair & Twins Outing

Aug 11th –

Gone Fishing!!!

Aug 20th –

Newsletter Deadline

Aug 24 –

A New Thing Leaders

Curriculum Meeting

Check out more dates in the

newsletter for A New Thing & Youth Activities

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fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The

professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.

The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if

the jar was full they agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into

the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The

students responded with a unanimous "yes." The professor then produced two cups of coffee from

under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space

between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar

represents your life. The golf balls are the important things in your life. Your God, your family, your

children, your health, your friends, your vocation and your favorite passions. These are things that if

everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The

pebbles are the other things that matter like your house, your car, your hobbies, your vacation

travels, pastime activities, etc. The sand is everything else – ALL the small stuff that is a part of

everyday life, which is important too. However, the professor continued, if you put the sand into

the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same is true for the pebbles. This is

the message for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have

room for the things that are important to you.

Pay close attention to those things that are critical in your life. Worship, setting aside a few

moments of sanctuary; set aside quality time with your partner, with your family, find time to play

with your children or grandchildren. Be good stewards of your body and take the time for medical

checkups. Cultivate your friendships and play another round of golf or go fishing. Remember there

will always be time to clean the house, the garage, the car and fix the disposal." Take care

of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand. One of the

students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad

you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there' s always room

for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.". Such is the story of the “Jar of Life - A Mayonnaise

Jar and 2 Cups of Coffee”.

The story is twofold. It reflects who we are. The story clearly asks each of us, “What do we

place in our priorities?” The story can also apply to our church, “What do we as members of Our

Savior’s place in our priorities of ministry?” We remember Jesus’ response to the lawyer, “Love the

Lord your God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbor as ourselves”. These are

Jesus’ words of his commission to us. This is why I offer the story as an illustration to help us walk

together and dream together for our future. This, my friends is why we are having conversations

together during our interim time.

God’s blessings to you in your work and in your play and in your rest.

Pastor Giese

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Preparing for Sundays

Each Sunday gives us an opportunity to worship and hear God’s Word. Preparing for Sunday gives us

an opportunity to read scripture and meditate on the promises the scriptures offer. The

next series of Sundays give us an opportunity to look at our confessions of our faith. What is the core

teaching of our faith that builds and sustains us in our journeys “Searching for Sunday” by Rachel Evans

helps us look at the different ways we are enriched through our expressions of faith. During worship we will

explore our faith in Baptism; Lord’s Supper; Confession; Confirmation; Anointing the Sick and Holy Orders.

I hope that this fall we will be able to explore this through a book study opportunity.

May the Holy Spirit bless us as we study and worship.

Pastor G

August 7 Pentecost 12 Confirmation: “The Church welcomes us”

(Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

August 14 Pentecost 13 Anointing the Sick: “The Church anoints us”

(James 5:13-16)

August 21 Pentecost 14 Holy Orders: “The Church tells us we are commissioned”

(1 Peter 2:9-10)

August 28 Pentecost 15 “The Church’s One Foundation”

(Matthew 16:16-18 & 1 Corinthians 3:10-11)

Pastoral Care

A reminder to all members: Hospitals do not contact the pastor or church office of hospitalization due

to the privacy information of the patient. If you, a family member or neighbor is hospitalized and desire

pastoral care, please contact me through Sandy / church office (931-1564) or through my cell phone (507-

380-1176). This is also true for all Health Care facilities. I/we also are asking assistance in determining

members of our congregation who may be home bound, in Assistant Living facilities or in Health Care

facilities. The privacy laws are also in effect for these circumstances as well. Please let me know through

Sandy/office or my cell phone so that I may provide pastoral care.

Thank you.

Pastor G

Mentor Program for Faith Formation Confirmation

Thank you to members of Our Savior’s who have volunteered to be mentors for our 9th grade

confirmation class. We have a great list of members for our confirmands to consider.

Thank you.

Pastor G

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A New Thing for Adults – Bible Study and Book Study

A New Thing for Adults was thrown out as a name for our adult bible study opportunities. I thought,

why not, especially when we want to connect our Faith Formation opportunities with both our youth and our

adults. So my friends, here is a new identity and a connection with our Wednesday “A New Thing” events.

FYI - I am planning to continue our Wednesday morning Bible Study which explores our coming

Sunday scripture lessons. Time to be announced.

Wednesday evening following our worship service (which is still being planned) at 7-8:00, I am

planning to begin with a book study called: “Searching for Sunday”, by Rachel Evans. It coincides with our

current Sunday morning worship themes. The book available on e-bay is 7.99. I will order the books and you

can reimburse me. I will have a sign-up sheet available the latter part of August.

Pastor G

Confirmation Students and Parents

9th Grade: Students and Parents and prospective Mentors. I am planning to meet with you in the latter part

of August. The meeting will be to connect our students and mentors together for our initial meeting, hand out

schedule and material for our mentors.

7th & 8th Grade: Students and Parents, I am planning to meet with you on September 14th, during our Rally

Wednesday event. We will visit and walk through our year together. During the meeting we will talk about

the proposed schedule and curriculum. Please mark your calendar.

5th Grade Pre-Communion Class: Students and Parents, I am planning to meet with you on September 14th

during our Rally Wednesday event. During the meeting we will talk about the proposed schedule and

curriculum. Please mark your calendar.

Acolytes: We do not have any scheduled acolytes for August. Each Sunday morning, I will ask for a

volunteer to light our candles during our opening hymn. Thanks for serving this past confirmation year and

now next month. Come Rally Wednesday, I will provide a calendar sign-up sheet through Christmas.

Pastor G

Newsletter Mailings

Dear members and friends of Our Savior’s

At our recent council meeting we discussed the expense of our monthly newsletters. The cost for our

bulk mailing permit is $217.00 a year and we average a cost of $40 – 50.00 per month for mailing our letters.

For the bulk rate we must have a minimum of 200 mailings. In addition to this cost we have the paper,

printing ink and our secretary’s time. Since electronic opportunities give us an excellent tool for outreach, we

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have made a decision beginning in October, to no longer send our newsletter via mail. We are prepared to

offer the following options for receiving our newsletter.

1) We have members who are receiving via e-mail. If you are also willing to receive the newsletter

via e-mail, please send your name and e-mail address to [email protected] by September

20th. We will add your name to our current list.

2) We have up-dated our church website. We have added several new links for information, including

our new page for our monthly newsletter link. You may for either the e-mail or website, simply read it

online, download or print it off for your convenience. Our website address is:

3) We will have limited printed copies available in our church narthex. They will be available by the

first Sunday of each month. If you want a hard copy mailed to you, please call Sandy at our church office,


Thank you.

On behalf of the church council

Pastor G

Our Savior’s Church website

Within the past few weeks, Chris Thomas, Jayden Thompson and I have been working on our church

website. We have up-dated and added new pages/links which tell our faith story. The website is a new way

of outreach to our members and our community in our immediate vicinity. It also provides an opportunity for

members and former members to remain connected who have moved to other communities near and far.

Within the website are information links and devotional links for your convenience.

Thanks Chris and Jayden. Visit us at

Pastor G

Transition Team Studies

Our Worship Committee, A New Thing Committee have completed their study. Our Youth will be

meeting on August 7th for their conversations. Come September I am going to schedule study meetings for

Building and Grounds, Church History, Evangelism and Stewardship Ministries. If you would like to join us

in any of these conversations, please let me know. After these are completed, we will offer a couple of

general conversation meetings for all members to participate. One will be offered in the morning and one in

the evening. After this, the Transition Team begins its work to summarize our conversations and prepare our

Ministry Site Profile. My friends, we are on our way. Thanks to those who have participated thus far.

Pastor G

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Council Minutes (attachment in email)

Council Minutes 060616.pdf

VBS/Kids’ Retreat

Thank you to all who helped with the planning, preparation and fun that was had at our 1st

Annual Kids’ Retreat. The youth (and us adults) had lots of fun playing games, hanging out and

talking, walking through the woods and finding fun things on the scavenger hunt along with the

“Amazing Race”. We are already looking for the 2017 date and planning for next year’s event

Below is just one of many pictures that was taken that day.

Important News


We have received information about group pricing for Twins tickets and Valley Fair. If you

are interested in attending a game or spending a day with a group from OSL, please

contact Brandi Zishka Rossow at 507-340-6918 or [email protected] – See flyers attached

in the email.

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Last month was our first edition with our youth activity page. Check out the page and have

your child(rent) take a peek and see what they know, use their Bible for assistance. Once

they find it, have them contact Lynn Pohlman for a surprise.



Sep 14th Rally Wednesday

Sep 28th 1st night of ANT (A New Thing)

Oct 19th NO class (MEA)

Oct 26th Trick or Treat for the Cleveland Food Shelf * All age Youth Event* no class service


Nov 23rd ANT meets, worship at School

Dec 18th Christmas program

Dec 21st & 28th School Break/ Possible Church lock-in

April 26th last day, church cleanup, pizza party, games

Youth Events

July 27th 9th grade Confirmation meeting with PG, parents, and kids, 6:30pm-7:30pm

August 7th 9th grade -12th grade pizza party meeting with PG and Kids only, 6pm-7pm

Aug 10 Valleyfair/Twins game Both if we have the interest

Aug 11 Fishing with Elders

Oct? Haunted Hayride

Nov 6th 1st Communion Acknowledgement

What is your Faith Story?

When it’s not easy

Sometimes it is not easy to share our faith with others. It may feel uncomfortable or even pushy so we just ignore the opportunity God has placed before us. When you find yourself reluctant, use Paul’s advice to the Colossians as your personal three-part prayer to jump start a bold and confident invitation, beckoning others to a relationship with Christ: “At the same time pray for us as well that God will open to us a door for the word, that we may declare the mystery of Christ, . . . so that I may reveal it clearly, as I should” (Colossians 4:3–4). This excerpt is from “This is My Story” by Diane Monroe that ran in the November 2011 issue of Gather magazine.

Thank you for allowing me to share my Faith Story in our last issue. If you would be willing to share

your Faith Story, please let me know. It can be whatever you feel like sharing.

Lynn Pohlman

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Acolytes: August - Volunteers needed

September – Volunteers needed

Altar Guild: August – Joanna Starner

Kay Wendelschafer

September – Alice Ely & Corrinne Ely

Communion Servers: August – Ginger McCabe

September – Ben Olsen

Greeters: August – 7th & 14th –

Leo & Sandra Koppelman

August – 21st & 28th –

Doris Borchardt

September – Darren & Corrinne Ely

Dennis & Anne Hiller

Head Ushers: August – Sandra Koppelman

September – Mark Consoer

Dave Wendelschafer


August 7th, 14th & 21st – Greg Davis

August 28th - Steve Biehn

September – Cindy Flowers

1st – Blake Stocker

2nd – Brandi Grandow

3rd – Angie Glassel, Andi Lassiter

4th – Spencer Davies, Brooke Thomas

5th – Lucas Baker, Brian Block

6th – Kelci Broas, Scott Lassiter

7th – Abby Perron

9th – Billy Meyer

10th – Austin Nemec, Laura Smith

13th – Joan Eppmeyer

14th – Sandy Bateman, Preston Goettlicher

15th – Shelly Miller

16th – Brady Meyer

17th – Helene Bluhm, Darren Ely

18th – Jesse Bateman, Heather Ziegler

20th – Todd Jordan, Vicky Seely

21st – Peyton Goettlicher

22nd – Russ Christensen

23rd – Tonja Baker, Giavanna Lynch, Kerragyn Lynch

24th – Eddie Taylor

25th – Karen Johnson, Loren Johnson, Tiffany McCabe

26th – Alice Ely

27th – Heidi Ladlie, Abby McCabe

28th – Susan Eppmeyer

29th – Julie Bluhm, Sean Kehoe

31st – Scott Ziebarth

2nd – Peter & Abby McCabe 15th – David & Katie Wolf

Darrick & Tiffany Stocker 16th – Tim & Sheila Schafer

4th – Leonard & Sandy Seitz 20th – Dave & JoAnn Voss

8th – Pat & Maria Ferguson 23rd – Mike & Julie Bluhm

10th – Mark & Mandy Jacoby Chuck & Raquel Maxfield

11th – Dean & Mary Koppelman 25th – Loren & Karen Johnson

13th – Kevin & Camilla Biehn 27th – Clayton & Nancy Block

14th – Mike & Lynn Pohlman Jeff & Cindy Thom

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1. How many books are in the New Testament?

2. What man wrote at least 14 books of the New Testament?

3. Who baptized Jesus?

4. Finish this line from the Lord’s Prayer:

“Give us this day our ____ ____...”

5. For how many days was Jesus tempted in the wilderness?

6. Which two brothers were the first of Jesus’ disciples?

7. Who was the man that came to Jesus at night and asked how an old man could be

born again?

8. Jesus touched and cured a man with what contagious skin disease?

9. What man did Jesus raise from the dead, four days after he died?

11. Who was Bartimaeus?

12. Where was Jesus’ hometown in which his teachings were rejected?

13. Who went up the mountain to pray with Jesus when he was transfigure

Bring the Answers to Lynn for a fun surprise

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Daily Grace from Women of the ELCA

Gifts are you

Discovering who we are includes discovering our spiritual gifts. Each one is given gifts by the Holy Spirit, gifts that shape who we are and how we operate in the

body of Christ. These gifts are part of your DNA. Spiritual gifts are as unique to you as your fingerprints and dental records.

We have been part of God’s plan from the beginning. God is designer and creator of all of life, and to understand where we fit in the process, we must

start from the beginning. We must realize what makes us who we are and just how intricate and complex God has made each of us. Discover your spiritual gifts.

This message was adapted from the Women of the ELCA resource, “Gifts for you: Opening your spiritual gifts,” by Valora K Starr, which can be downloaded for free at Today is the 10th Sunday after Pentecost. The readings are Genesis 18:20-32; Hosea 1:2-10 (semi continuous); Psalm 138; Psalm 85 (semi continuous); Colossians 2:6-15 [16-19]; Luke 11:1-13.

Saying goodbye and ritual

Saying goodbye is part of life, and some goodbyes are more challenging than others. Just as we are culturally uncomfortable with the idea of death, we are uneasy with goodbyes and try to ignore them or look for easy ways out of them.

However, the intentional marking of the end of something—and the beginning of another thing—can be a real source of healing and hope for everyone involved.

Facing and naming the emotions of saying goodbye and asking for God’s help with this can be work that congregations can help families address.

Death and resurrection, endings and beginnings, goodbyes and hellos . . . these are not unfamiliar to us as Christians. We have resources for navigating these often difficult transitions together, whether it be a breakup, the end of employment, moving away, divorce or dying. When we mark leave-taking with rituals, we provide space for healing, hope and community support. How have you experienced God in times of transition and saying goodbye? This message was adapted from “Faith Reflections: Rituals for saying (and meaning) goodbye” by Anne Edison-Albright in Cafe, May 2016.

Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; Whoever finds one has found a treasure.

Faithful friends are beyond price; No amount can balance their worth.

Faithful friends are life-saving medicine; And those who fear the Lord will find them.

Ecclesiasticus 6:14-16

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Café – Is a monthly online magazine for young adult women -

Daily Grace – Receive daily devotionals to your smartphone via Women of the ELCA’s Daily

Grace app.

Living Lutheran (FKA The Lutheran Magazine) -

SEMN Synod Calendar –

Women of the ELCA –

Contact Information

Interim Pastor Gerry Giese 507/380-1176 [email protected]

Secretary, Sandy Bateman 507/931-1564 [email protected]

Newsletter, Lynn Pohlman 507/779-6188 [email protected]

A New Thing Contact/Committee Leader,

Brandi Zishka Rossow 507/340-6918 [email protected]

Treasurer, Brian Block 507/560-0051 [email protected]

2016 Council Member Information

Randy Biehn, President 507/317-6552 [email protected]

Mark Consoer 507/995-8144 [email protected]

Louise Goede 507/931-4809 [email protected]

Ginger McCabe, Secretary 763/350-4970 [email protected]

Ben Olsen 507/351-7098 [email protected]

Julie Plafcan 612/246-3662 [email protected]

Mike Pohlman, Vice President 507/302-8358 [email protected]

Building of the Transition Team

A New Thing, Carrie Mueller 507/560-0351 [email protected]

Choir, Ginny Grabow 507/304-0667 [email protected]

Church Council, Mike Pohlman 507/302-8358 [email protected]

Youth, Brandi Zishka Rossow 507/340-6918 [email protected]

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August 2016 Our Savior’s


305 Sixth St

PO Box 277


MN 56017

Church Office



Pastor Giese


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6





7 8 9 10 11 12 13

12th Pentecost

9am Worship &




6pm Youth


Gone Fishing!!!

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

13th Pentecost

9am Worship





21 22 23 24 25 26 27

14th Pentecost

9am Worship &




6pm A New

Thing Leaders


28 29 30 31

15th Pentecost

9am Worship



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