Page 1: Our Liturgy . . . . . East Worthing Parish Newsletter · 2016-11-08 · resume a marriage we forged in life, those who are deemed worthy will be like the angels - children of God

East Worthing Parish Newsletter

the Roman Catholic communities of Holy Family, Lancing & St Charles, Worthing

part of the Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust, a Registered Charity No. 252878

6th November 2016 : 32nd Sunday Year C Volume 09 Issue 50

God of the Living . . . . .

Those of you who have tuned into political debate lately will have noticed that whilst some questions demand a genuine answer, others are simply posed to trip up the opponent and cause maximum embarrassment. Can we really hope to get answers if we are asking questions loaded with ridicule and cynicism? Today, the Sadducees, who did not believe in resurrection, try to ridicule the belief in life after death by posing Jesus with an argument that verges on the ludicrous. Their only interest in quizzing Jesus was to confound him and to ridicule the whole notion of resurrection and of Heaven. The Sadducees flag a warning to us all. There is nothing wrong with having a lively theological debate, but when we start to raise

questions we have to be very honest about our motivation. Are we really seeking answers, or are we simply kicking an intellectual football? Are we, like the Sadducees, guilty of bringing our own convictions to an argument with an arrogant refusal to see a different point of view? It is surprising that Jesus dignifies the Sadducees’ question with an answer at all, but he does. The circumstances that surround us in our day-to-day living, Jesus explains, will not apply in Heaven, and therefore we need not trouble ourselves with worldly conventions. No longer able to die, let alone resume a marriage we forged in life, those who are deemed worthy will be like the angels - children of God. The Sadducees are thinking of an eternity as something linked to earthly life. How boring that would be! All we can know about death and resurrection is that it is a journey that starts in the here and now. It is the ‘now’ that determines our eternity, and as Jesus said, ‘God is not God of the dead, but of the living.’ To God, we are all alive. Question of the week -

As the Jubilee Year of Mercy nears its conclusion, to whom can I begin to offer God’s mercy in practical and loving compassion?

In the event of an emergency when a priest is urgently required and there is no answer at the above telephone number please ring St Mary’s (200416) or St Peter’s (01273 452654).

Parish Priest

Rev Fr Daryl George JCL

St Charles’ Presbytery

Chesswood Road


West Sussex

BN11 2AE


S A I N T S & F E A S T S -

S U N 3 2 O R D I N A R Y C







B I B L E R E A D I N G P L A N -

S U N R O M . 1 1 - 1 3

M O N R O M . 1 4 - 1 6

T U E A C T S 2 0 : 4 - 3 8 ; 2 1 - 2 3

W E D A C T S 2 4 - 2 6

T H U A C T S 2 7 - 2 8

F R I C O L . 1 - 4 ; P H I L E M O N

S A T E P H . 1 - 6

Financial News . .

Weekend of 30/10/16

1st £ 384:81

2nd £ 174:45 Retired Priest Fund

2nd Collection . . .

This Weekend 06/11/16

2nd Parish Maintenance Fund

Gift Aid members are able to make this collection tax efficient by using our Parish Envelope.

Next Weekend 13/11/16

2nd National Cath. Fund #4

Gift Aid members are able to make this collection tax efficient by using our Parish Envelope.

Many thanks for your continuing generosity to your Parish.

Bite Size . . .

Whether we are remembering the saints, our loved ones or those who died in the service of the country, the way we remember is crucial. Our remembering can enslave us in the past or liberate us into the future.

Brian Castle

Our Liturgy . . . . .

This Week (32 C)

Divine Office

Week 3


18.00 10.30

473 Antiphon : below

Children’s Liturgy

18.00 10.30

N/A 856 v1

Penitential Rite

18.00 10.30

Said Said


18.00 10.30

Missal Tone S 481

1st Reading 2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14 The King of the world will raise us up to live again for ever.

Psalm Response

18.00 10.30

I shall be filled, when I awake, with the sight of your glory, O Lord. Song for the Word : below

2nd Reading 2 Thessalonians 2:16-3:5 May the Lord strengthen you in everything good that you do.

Gospel Acclamation

18.00 10.30

Alleluia, alleluia! Stay awake, praying at all times for the strength to stand with confidence before the Son of Man. Alleluia! 543

Gospel Reading

Luke 20:27-38 He is God, not of the dead, but of the living.

Presentation of the Gifts

18.00 10.30

423 423

Sanctus 18.00 10.30

Missal Tone S 482

Memorial Acclamation

18.00 10.30

Missal Tone S 485

Great Amen 18.00 10.30

Missal Tone S 485

Agnus Dei 18.00 10.30

Said Said


18.00 10.30

The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose, near restful waters he leads me. Song for the Table : below


18.00 10.30

938 938


18.00 10.30

830 830

Next Week (33 C)

Divine Office

Week 4

1st Reading Malachi 3:19-20 For you the sun of righteousness will shine out.

2nd Reading 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12 Do not let anyone have food if he refuses to work.

Gospel Reading

Luke 21:5-19 Your endurance will win you your lives.

Music and text of Antiphons from Psallite, © 2005 Collegeville Composers Group. Published by Liturgical Press, MN56321.

Used with Permission. Calamus Licence No.0338

Before Mass - Talk to God During Mass - Listen to God After Mass - Talk to your friends

(01903) 239611 [email protected]

T.B. A.

He is God, not of the dead, but of the living (Luke 20:38).

Page 2: Our Liturgy . . . . . East Worthing Parish Newsletter · 2016-11-08 · resume a marriage we forged in life, those who are deemed worthy will be like the angels - children of God

P A G E 2 Parish Office . . . . . Parish Deacons: Rev. John Body 762038 Rev. Patrick Moloney Rev. Phil Richardson 752292

Office Hours : Monday - Wednesday & Friday 09.30 - 11.30am

Fr Daryl’s Surgery this week : Tuesday, 17.30 - 18.30.

Newsletter Editorial : Items for possible inclusion in the Parish Newsletter (if there is room) need to be received (in writing please) at the Parish Office by midday on Wednesday.

General Parish Information . . . . . Parishioner Registration : Every household within the Parish is requested to complete a ‘Parishioner Registration/Census’ form so that our Parish records may be kept up to date. These forms can be found in the church narthex and should be completed fully before being returned to the Parish Office. Should you move address within the Parish at any time please complete a new form and write ‘AMENDMENT’ across the top of the form. Thank you.

Hospital : Parishioners are advised that our local General Hospital (Worthing) in Lyndhurst Road does not give the names of inpatients to the Chaplaincy Department. This means that should you find yourself admitted as an emergency case to the hospital you will need to inform the staff that you wish the Roman Catholic Chaplaincy to be informed, either yourself or through a relative. If you are going into hospital as a ‘planned admission’ you are strongly encouraged to contact the Parish Priest well beforehand so that, if appropriate, the Sacrament of the Sick can be celebrated beforehand.

Infant Baptism : Infant Baptisms are intended for the children of practising parishioners only and are celebrated on five occasions during the year after parents and godparents have completed a course of preparation. There can be no celebration without this important course. The dates of the courses for the current year can be found in the application form in the church narthex (bright green). Baptisms do not take place during the seasons of Advent or Lent.

Sacramental Preparation : Notice of the availability of application forms for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist will be made in the Parish Newsletter between the school Summer Half Term and 31st August each year. Possible candidates for Confirmation should respond to the announcements made in the Parish Newsletter during the Autumn school term. Parishioners are advised that it is very difficult to imagine that any family/individual who is not regularly practising their faith as a member of our community could possibly be ready to celebrate a Sacrament of the Church.

Marriage Preparation : Marriages are celebrated by appointment with the Parish Priest. It should be remembered that in the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton twelve months minimum notice is required before a marriage may take place; this is a requirement of the Church for all marriages that involve a Roman Catholic (even if they are not taking place in the Catholic Church). It is also necessary that one of the parties must have a meaningful connection with the Parish. Marriages do not take place during the seasons of Advent or Lent.

P A G E 7

Church Mouse (cub reporter). . . The musings of one of God’s smallest creatures on events in and around the Parish over the past seven days . . . .

Another busy week here at the Presbytery. Towards the end of the printing of last week’s newsletter Fr D noticed shadows appearing on the finished product

and so on Monday morning he put in a call to the engineer and arranged for him to call first thing on Thursday morning to sort the problem.

On Monday morning Fr D had arranged to meet with the security engineer at the Holy Family to arrange for a new locking system on the sacristy door. The present ‘yale key’ system is fast approaching the end of its useful life and is starting to present us with issues. Something called a ‘magnalock’ is likely to be the answer this will not involve any key (except for power failures) and will operate a little like the present alarm system (Fr D is hoping that the same fob can be used with both the lock and the alarm but is waiting for the works specifications to come through). At lunchtime on Monday Fr D met up with Fr Tony Collins for lunch at their favourite local hostelry. Fr Tony is doing well but is not ready to return to parish-life just yet.

On Tuesday, after the morning Mass for All Saints, Fr D produced the sign-up posters for prizes and stalls for this year’s Parish Christmas Bazaar which will very soon be upon us. For the past two weekends the usual Grand Draw tickets have been available to parishioners on leaving Mass and some ticket stubbs and money are already coming back in. Please if you have not yet collected any Draw Tickets (or perhaps have sold out of those you have taken) make sure that you get some this weekend.

Wednesday morning, after Mass All Souls, Fr D was off to Bishop’s House once more to see what delights might have landed in his ‘in-tray!’ Fortunately there was only one new application so he was able to get on with a fairly large case he is getting ready to give judgement on in the near future.

On Thursday morning before Mass the photocopier engineer arrived and set about taking the machine apart to see what was wrong. Some plastic cogs (right next to the hottest part of the machine?) had worn away and these will need to be replaced. They have ben ordered but will take a few days to arrive. Meanwhile Fr D has been promised that it should still be possible to produce the Parish Newsletter.

On Friday morning Fr D was moving about very early as he was celebrating Mass at Chatsmore Catholic High School for a couple of the classes . . . . .


Page 3: Our Liturgy . . . . . East Worthing Parish Newsletter · 2016-11-08 · resume a marriage we forged in life, those who are deemed worthy will be like the angels - children of God

P A G E 3 Services For The Coming Week . . . . . HDay Date Where Time Service / Intention Donor

Sat. 5th Nov. Ferial Weekday

St Charles 17.00 - 17.45 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

St Charles 17.00 - 17.30 Reconciliation

St Charles 18.00 Holy Souls

Sun. 6th Nov. 32nd Sunday Ordinary Time Year C

Holy Family 10.30 For the Parishioners

Mon. 7th Nov. Ferial Weekday

No Service Today

Tue. 8th Nov. Ferial Weekday

St Charles 09.30 Icona Miles & Family M. Drury

Wed. 9th Nov. Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

Holy Family 09.30 Richard Coleman

Thu. 10th Nov. St Leo the Great, Pope & Doctor of the Church

St Charles 09.30 Brian & Jean Daly

Fri. 11th Nov. St Martin of Tours, Bishop

Holy Family 18.00 - 18.45 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Holy Family 18.00 - 18.30 Reconciliation

Holy Family 19.00 Ben Farmer

Sat. 12th Nov. St Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr

St Charles 17.00 - 17.45 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

St Charles 17.00 - 17.30 Reconciliation

St Charles 18.00 For the Parishioners

Sun. 13th Nov. 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time Year C

Holy Family 10.30 Holy Souls

Holy Family 12.15 Celebration of Infant Baptism

14.45 Ecumenical Service of Remembrance St Michael’s, South Street

Mass may be offered for both the living and the dead and also for most other intentions. We do our best to try and accommodate specific dates but this can be especially difficult on weekends and at less than three months notice.

Rethink Remembrance . . . . . This year, The Royal British Legion is asking us as a nation to Rethink Remembrance Sunday by recognising the sacrifices made not just by the Armed Forces of the past, but by today’s generation too.

For so many people, Remembrance Sunday is associated with the fallen of the First and Second World Wars. While we will always remember them, the Legion wants to raise

awareness of a new generation of veterans and Service personnel that need our support. Remember to buy your poppy, or visit the British Legion Shop online, there’s so much more to the poppy appeal nowadays than paper poppies. This year Fr Daryl will be giving the homily at the Annual Ecumenical Service of Remembrance at St Michael’s Church, South Street (14.45) next Sunday

Advent Season in the East Worthing Parish P A G E 6

The Church’s Season of Advent this year begins on Sunday 27th November with the First Sunday of Advent. In the Catholic Church, Advent is a period of preparation, extending over four Sundays, before Christmas. The word Advent comes from the Latin advenio, “to come to,” and refers to the coming of Christ. This refers, first of all, to our celebration of Christ’s birth at Christmas; but second, to the coming of Christ into our lives through grace and the Sacrament of the Eucharist; and finally, to his Second Coming at the end of time. All our Advent preparations, therefore, should have all three of these comings in mind. We need to prepare our souls to receive Christ worthily.

As we move closer to the event we need to ‘step-up-a-gear’ in our preparations:

Make sure that you have taken at least three books of Grand Draw Tickets to sell to family, friends and work-colleagues - this is by far the biggest money-spinner of the event! And don’t forget if you’ve filled in the ticket stubb correctly and you are the seller of the winner ticket then you too will win a prize!

Now is the time to look at the lists posted in the narthex to see if you could offer to donate one of the prizes we need or perhaps an item in the Christmas Hamper?

We are also looking for parishioners to staff the stalls on the day - it would be particularly useful to have some fresh faces ‘step-up’ so that skills and knowledge can be passed on. Have a look at the stall slots, don’t be shy.

We need parishioners to donate items to ‘stock’ the various stalls - toys (working), puzzles (complete), books (suitable material), fancy goods, boxes of chocolates/sweets, bottles (sealed and in date), home-made preserves - bring any of these along with you to Mass on Saturday/Sunday (in a carrier bag please).

Any cooks/bakers please consider making cakes of any description (cup, fairy, flap-jack, sponge, chocolate & especially fruit) - these can be dropped off at the Holy Family Parish Centre on Friday 2nd December between 14.00 and 16.00).


22.11 14.00 HF Advent Small Group Meeting

26.11 11.00 HF Children’s Advent Reconciliation

27.11 16.00 Cath. 60th Jubilee Cardinal Cormac [Note: no Evening Prayer this weekend]

29.11 14.00 HF Advent Small Group Meeting

02.12 10.30 HF Site Set-Up for Parish Bazaar

03.12 10.00 HF Parish Christmas Bazaar

04.12 15.00 St C Evening Prayer & Benediction

06.12 14.00 HF Advent Small Group Meeting

11.12 15.00 St C Evening Prayer & Benediction

13.12 14.00 HF Advent Small Group Meeting

16.12 19.30 St C Adult Advent Reconciliation

18.12 15.00 St C Evening Prayer & Benediction

PLEASE We need your help to make our Bazaar a

success !

Page 4: Our Liturgy . . . . . East Worthing Parish Newsletter · 2016-11-08 · resume a marriage we forged in life, those who are deemed worthy will be like the angels - children of God

Parish Ministries For Next Weekend . . . . . P A G E 4

Date / Mass Welcome Ministers

Readers Eucharistic Ministers

Altar Servers

Children’s Liturgy

Prayers of Intercession

Saturday 12th Nov.

32 C 18.00

St Charles

C. Brotherton K. Dalton J. Maplesden

F. Brotherton M. Ewens

S. Morris


Sunday 13th Nov.

32 C 10.30

Holy Family

P. Dunbar T. Keenan W. Crees

C. Wakley Y. Comaschi

G. Duffy L. Duffy S. Body S. Bottomley

H. Gardner J. Gardner

K. MacGregor - Boyle

S. Bottomley

PLEASE REMEMBER : If you are unable to complete your particular ministry then it is your responsibility to arrange cover with another minister. In this way our Sunday Liturgies will run in a smooth and prayerful way.

For those who

are unwell…….

those who have

died recently….

those whose



the Holy

Father’s Prayer


For those unwell at this time:

Anne Godfrey, Andrena Godfrey, Sheila Bergin,

Barbara Sarcoe, Christopher Browne, Shirley Whelan, Maria Rodrigues, Kathleen McKeown, Elizabeth Robinson, Gordon O’Taney, Joan Camera, John Poetz, Anne Anderson, Win & Michael Lyons, Stephanie Spencer, Rosemary Bellamy, Eileen Stabler-Smith, Eleanor Jukes, Hamish Paterson, Louis Fairweather, John Nelson,

Prayers Please . . . . . Anne Steele, Philip Collins, Canon Eric Flood, Deacon Pat & Canon Gerald Coates.

The recently deceased:

Deborah Carter.

Anniversaries of death:

Sylvia Shine, Robert Steele, Bridget McGinn, Michael Forde, Joseph Doyle, Bernard Dillon, James Brauner, Frances Southwood, Robinson Blenkinsopp, Fr Michael Lane, Deacon Kenneth Leach, Fr Walter Sullivan, Fr Thomas

Sheehy, Fr John Price and Fr Gerard Candy.

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention:

“ . . . . . that the countries which take in a great num-ber of displaced persons and refugees may find sup-port for their efforts which show solidarity.”

Parish Roundup . . . . . P A G E 5

Holy Family, North Road, Lancing Mass 10.30 Sunday

St Charles, Chesswood Road, Worthing Mass 18.00 Saturday

LOVE IN A BOX - This weekend is the last opportunity to donate gifts to a disadvantaged child in Eastern Europe by covering and filling a shoebox. During the week the ‘Mustard Seed Appeal’ will come and collect all the shoeboxes ready for onward transport to the children. Thank you to all those parishioners who have, once again, taken part in this worthy appeal. MISSIO (RED MISSION BOX) EMPTYING - Thank you to all those parishioners who have Red Mission Boxes and have brought them to the church this weekend for emptying. Please remember to check (before you give the boxes in) that the details sticker sealing the box underneath are completed so that the box will be able to make it’s way back to you. Boxes should be available for collection next weekend; please make sure to collect yours. NOVEMBER MONTH OF THE DEAD - November is, of course, traditionally the month in which Catholics throughout the world make a point of praying for those of our family, friends and relations who have died and gone before us. During our weekend Masses our Parish Book of the Dead will be brought up with the gifts at the offertory and be placed on the sanctuary. One of the Masses each weekend will be celebrated for these Holy Souls. CARDINAL CORMAC DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY MASS - On Sunday 27th November Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor will be celebrating Mass at 16.00 in Arundel Cathedral to celebrate his Diamond (60th) Ordination Anniversary with his former diocese. All those who wish to attend this Mass are warmly invited (please remember to give yourselves good time to find somewhere to park - it is always difficult in Arundel). JAM JARS WANTED - Could we ask parishioners to save any empty jam/marmalade jars (and lids) over the next few weeks and bring them to the kitchen in the Holy Family Parish Centre (clean please). We are lucky to have a parishioner who will fill these with new ‘homemade’ preserves so that they can be sold at the Christmas Bazaar - they are very much sought after! JAM/MARMALADE/CHUTNEY MAKERS - Any other parishioners who are marmalade/jam/chutney makers who could provide a few jars to sell would also be most welcome. ARUNDEL & BRIGHTON DIOCESE AND THE REFUGEE CRISIS - A Refugee Crisis Newsletter for Autumn 2016 is available at the back of the church detailing how, as a diocese, under the guidance of Bishop Richard, we are responding to the ever growing challenge of the global refugee crisis. The newsletter includes the latest information available to us and highlights some tremendous work that is ongoing by the partners we are choosing to work with. Please take a copy and share it with family and friends. Anyone who wants to learn more about how to get involved should contact our Coordinators (details on page 11).


November, the final month of the Church year, and the month of the dead, beginning with the celebration of ‘All Saints’ and ‘All Souls’; both of which were celebrated during this last week. Two similar feasts where we remember those who have gone before us. All Saints is however a Holy Day of Obligation where white is the liturgical colour to be worn, All Souls is not, and purple is the liturgical colour. Either of these two colours may be used at funerals, so today I would like to think a bit about the symbolism of each colour.

The Church is very rich in its use of symbolism, and colours are a strong part of that. The four typical colours used in the Church for Mass vestments [chasuble for the priest, dalmatic for the deacon] are green, purple, red and white. The two chosen for funerals are white and purple. Black reflects mourning, but is seldom used liturgically as it gives a sense of no Christian hope.

White is a holy colour, suggesting the kingdom of heaven, therefore worn during the seasons of Easter and Christmas, and for baptisms. The white colour worn for All Saints signifies the saints in heaven, and is worn at funerals to show the hope of heaven, the fulfilment of our own baptismal promise, and the glory of the resurrection.

Purple indicates preparation or a penitential colour. It is worn in Advent and Lent, or for reconciliation. The purple of All Souls indicates the preparation for that heavenly promise; a need for purifying. The idea of purgatory sounds like a prison term, but is really a cleansing time, in preparation for the heavenly banquet and the resurrection of the dead.


Due to the retirement of several members of the church cleaning teams based at both the Holy Family and at St Charles’ new faces are urgently needed to help undertake this very important ministry within our Parish. It is important that the environment in which we worship is clean and tidy and if you can spare an hour and a half once a month to work with a team this task is easily achieved. Please contact Jill Sims (Holy Family) or Angela Finch (St Charles’) if you think you could help.




Advent Prayer Groups will be starting on Tuesday 22nd November.

More details on narthex noticeboard . . . .

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