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Page 1: Our garden

Our garden

Page 2: Our garden

We started working on our gardenon 2005. We asked parents and grandfathers to help us to prepare the garden and show us how to workon it.Nowdays, we go on working on it, and children love this activity.

All together prepare theground and choose what kindof vegetables are most suitablefor our area.Onions, garlic, grapes, tomatoes and peas are themost commun vegatebles weplant.

Page 3: Our garden

Tomatoes are the most common vegetable. We take seeds and then we transfer plants into theground.We water ir, clean it and eat the delicious tomatoes.

They are delicious! They have a lot of healty propierties. They contains a lots and lots of vitamis, betacarotenos,… and you can use them in differetn recipes:Gazpacho, salad, sandwiches,… Red and healthy!!!!!

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In April , we plant PEAS! Small, green , delicious!

We work all together to getthe most deliciousvegetables!

Peas help improve circulation and heart health.They present a lot of different vitamins: C, calcium, magnesium, …

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Our first vegetable is ONION. Children plant onions in Octuber and theyrecollect them in March, April.We use onions in a lot of different recipes.

Onions have got several propierties. Circulations, diuretic. They help in severaldiseases.Eat onion each day and you have a helathylife!

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Garlic is a product that we plant in our garden. It is very hard and easyto plant.We love to see children how theymake a hole in the groud and then putin it the galic. They look after theplant to have delicious garlics.

Galics are the vegetables that containsseveral healthy propierties: they helpheart, they are antibiotic, …People eat them fresh or in severalrecipes. One garlic everyday and youfeel better.

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