Page 1: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

Ottobock AustraliaAcademy Training Programme 2019

Page 2: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

Continuing education is the key to success in a rapidly evolving technologymarket. Ottobock Australia‘s Academy has clinical staff and technical specialistsavailable to provide you the education, practical information, support, and thequality you expect.

Our 2019 Training Programme offers a wide range of seminars that are signifi-cantly practice-oriented and based on our international expertise in productsand services in the orthopaedic field.

Have a look and get in touch! We are looking forward to your registration.

Page 3: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,
Page 4: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

Certification Requirements (for Lower Extremity Mechatronic Solutions only)

Ottobock Australia offers free certifications, with SUBSIDISED TRAVEL, for Lower Extremity Mechatronic Solutions.

Certification Travel Subsidy OverviewFees to be covered by Ottobock Australia

• Flights to Sydney from any Australian Capital City• Transfers from Sydney Airport to Ottobock Academy Baulkham Hills• 1 nights accommodation


Page 5: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

• Thefullalignmentprocess–Bench,StaticandDynamicAlignmentunderOttobockTrainersupervision

• Setupusingtherelevantsoftware.• Patienteducationandtraining.


• The“infacility”fittingdaymustalsobebookedatthesametimeasthebookingforthetraininginSydney.


Attendee Requirements

• 3yearsclinicalexperiencepriortoanycertificationisstronglyrecommended• Theattendeemustbetakingoverthecareofatleast1clientusingtherelevantcomponent• Theattendeemusthaveaclientwillingtocompletethefinal“infacility”componentofthetrainingwhichincorporates

Page 6: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

Duration: 2Days+Fittingdayinfacility

AOPA CPD Points: 16

Dates: 14-15March22-23AugustOronRequest

Genium Certification


• SuccessfulparticipationintheseminarisarequirementfortheGenium/GeniumX3certificationandGenium/GeniumX3Systemfittings.

• No Charge

Target Group•Prosthetists

Duration: 2Days+Fittingdayinfacility



AOPA CPD Points: 16

Dates: OnRequest

Kenevo Certification


• ThisseminarisaprerequisitetoperformindependentKenevofittings.1DayinfacilitycertificationisonlyavailableforcliniciansalreadycertifiedinGenium.IfnoothercertificationisheldattendanceattheAcademyfor2daystrainingisrequired.

• No Charge

Target Group•Prosthetists

Lower Extremity Certification

Page 7: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

• No Charge

Target Group•Prosthetists

C-Leg Certification (including V3 & V4)


• TheseminarisaprerequisiteforcarryingoutC-Legfittings.

Duration: 2Days

AOPA CPD Points: 16

Dates: 11-12April10-11OctoberOronRequest

• No Charge

Target Group•Prosthetists


C-Leg 4 Certification ( V4 only)


• TheseminarisaprerequisiteforcarryingoutC-Leg4fittings.

Duration: Onlinetrainingandtest+Fittingdayinfacility

AOPA CPD Points: 16

Dates: OnRequest

Lower Extremity Certification

Page 8: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

• No Charge

Target Group•Prosthetists

Mechatronic Foot Certification




• ThisseminarisaprerequisitetoperformindependentMeridiumand/orEmpowerfittings.

Duration: 2Days+fittingdayinfacility

AOPA CPD Points: 16

Dates: 7-8February25-26JulyOronRequest

Lower Extremity Certification

Page 9: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

• No Charge

Target Group•Prosthetists

Axon-Bus System Certification


• YouwillbecertifiedasaproductexpertforMichelangeloHandwithAxon-BusSystemandAxonArmErgo.

Duration: 1Dayinfacilityincl.PatientfittingAOPA CPD Points: 16

Dates: OnRequest

• No Charge

Target Group•Prosthetists

DynamicArm Certification


• YouwillbecertifiedtoindependentlycarryoutfittingswiththeDynamicArmandtoadjustparameterswiththeElbowSoftsoftware.

Duration: 1Dayinfacilityincl.Patientfitting

AOPA CPD Points: 16

Dates: OnRequest

Upper Extremity Certification

Page 10: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

• No Charge

Target Group•Prosthetists




Duration: 1Dayinfacilityincl.Patientfitting

AOPA CPD Points: 16

Dates: OnRequest

Upper Extremity Certification

Page 11: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,
Page 12: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

Lower ExtremityProsthetics

Page 13: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,
Page 14: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

Duration: 3Days

AOPA CPD Points: 18

Dates: 20-22November

Transfemoral Solutions


• $950.00

Target Group•Prosthetists•P&OStudents

Duration: 2Days

AOPA CPD Points: 18

Dates: 27-28June

Transtibial Solutions


• $700.00

Target Group•Prosthetists•P&OStudents

Lower Extremity Prosthetics

Page 15: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

• $350.00

Target Group•Prosthetists•P&OStudents

Facilitator: KatrinaShatford

Lower Limb Prosthetic Rehabilitation Principles


Duration: 1Day

AOPA CPD Points: 16

Dates: 12July

• $700.00

Target Group•Prosthetists•P&OStudents

Elevated Vaccuum Systems

ElevatedvacuumSystemsofferpatientsimprovedprosthesissuspension,stabilisestheresiduallimbvolumeandimprovesbloodcirculationandproprioception.Forprosthe-tist’s,thisseminarprovidesthepossibilitytolearnabouttheapplicationandtheadvantagesoftheseinnovativeproducts.Harmony –P3/P4Mechanicalpump,HDheavydutypump,Triton Harmony,DVS–AnewDynamicVacuumSystem.

Duration: 2Days

AOPA CPD Points: 16

Dates: OnRequest

Lower Extremity Prosthetics

Page 16: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

Upper ExtremityProsthetics

Page 17: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

• $700.00

Target Group•Prosthetists•P&OStudents

Introduction to MyoElectrics


Duration: 2Days

AOPA CPD Points: 16

Dates: 19-20September

Upper Extremity Prosthetics

Page 18: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

Training for Physiotherapists

Page 19: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

• $700.00

Target Group•Physio-


Introduction to Lower Limb Amputee Rehabilitation


Duration: 2Days

Facilitator: KatrinaShatford

Dates: 2-3May

Training For Physiotherapists

Page 20: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,


Page 21: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

• $700.00

Target Group•Orthotists•P&OStudents

FES Theory & Application



Duration: 2Days

AOPA CPD Points: 18

Dates: OnRequest

• $700.00

Target Group•Orthotists•P&OStudent

Stance Control Systems


Duration: 2Days

AOPA CPD Points: 18

Dates: OnRequest


Page 22: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,


Page 23: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,


• $700.00 Target Group•P&O


Innovative Materials Course


Duration: 2Days

AOPA CPD Points: 12

Dates: 28Feb-1Mar8-9August

• $700.00

Target Group•P&O


Advanced Laminations - Orthotics


Duration: 2Days

AOPA CPD Points: 12

Dates: 30-31May

Page 24: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

Duration: 2Days

AOPA CPD Points: 12

Dates: 13-14June

Advanced Laminations - Prosthetics


• $700.00

Target Group•P&O


Duration: 2Days

AOPA CPD Points: 14

Dates: 28-29March

Upper Limb Fabrication


• $700.00

Target Group•P&O



Page 25: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,
Page 26: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

Services and Fees

Page 27: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

Services and fees Alllistedseminarfeesinclude:


Withdrawal and changesAsaparticipantyoucanwithdrawyourregistrationfreeofchargeupto30calendardayspriortotheevent.Ifyouwithdrawyourparticipationlessthan30calendardayspriortotheeventorfailtoappear,allseminarfeesremainpayableinfull.


Page 28: Ottobock Australia Academy Training Programme Australi… · with Ottobock‘s mechatronic feet, the Meridium and Empower. The Meridium prosthetic foot offers a high level of security,

Ottobock Australia Academy

Your feedback helps us to improve our services. Westrivetoprovideyouwithhighqualitytrainingsandup-to-dateknowledge.Pleasefeelfreetocontactusregardinganyadditionaltrainingneeds.



[email protected]

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