Page 1: osmAgM-Teiepohatenwls ecoe. rv - Chronicling Americavim 81, Na 20,349. WASHINGTON, A 0. FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1892. aij~TWOCKTM THE EVENING STAR. DEaJasAT THE STARSAn.Y, BUILDINGSKzcme

vim 81, Na 20,349. WASHINGTON, A 0. FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1892. aij~TWO CKTM


AT THE STAR BUILDINGSl1II Pnsylanmi Al ma = dr 13th I.. by

Th. Eveiiag Star Newspape CAmpay. N. KAI'FV ANN. Pes'.

New Yrk O5m. 88 Jtatr EnreeTan Eyrwrne m bamseed N m.bserismulse

etty 1y carriern. on own aeeooat, at 10 revtetons-k. or 41r. p.r unuath. Coies at the reounatr.rents se... By mati -a here in the I nted bmCan.a-poatacr p --ps O eats yer month.Rma-enay Quaaurp~a Snnr OSan 61.410 per sm:With fouetrn posa. added. 630. 1

I Eatmd at the Pot Obe at awintae. D.C.. amemroe-cl.a mail aa.tter. l

BW All weal sarriptiemn msa be paid in doenmMate of advet.azar mad knean rn applicilan.



NOt lW TO 914 G ST. N. W..


Offers th- f.. b ing inveatrenta tn its ratroae:i e ent p-r ann un. payabs emt-annually. The

full anaoutit d-. it. wit tntrest. may be with-drawn r. t- irit day'' notie...S ,.r t., g-r annul. .oupo.n certifrates hammd

rob.wre the d.-'.it te Lot w tbl awn before thre3 eaUI" ter rent per anun where the depositiaOt with-

drwn het. re ' ren borrow 01.000 for the small eut

Of S:-4. :av:j. eight yeareto repay it. at rate of 013per nannth.Coupir" timie with the epense" of all other asate.

Over 0? ausstit-) of ato.k .uherlhed in Washingtoncity Ion fr.m:: November l-. ,49U. to Aur"t L

*Oir Sarur o.h.w we offer the uoet favorahte temsen and .lese:t-. ant our securitie. being threet:m.r the .e.of the loan and the loan being repaid3.ofn: bo 'r ask . th -.-enr:y still better each month,rendering it impossible for ur patrons to lose a dellar.

l)FFICLES.BARRIS4)N D!YMMAN1.......................Presidet

A NDREW WALL..... ...Vip Prestdent and ManagerALONZO TWEE PALE ................ .....ecretay

OF iPGE t.I(N0N................... ........Trasurer

JN I. E. '311111 ........... Attorney and Counsellor

E)DW.ARD S. O!K.... .lamaer Loan DepartmentGE). W.' L ACH......Assistant Maaner Leana Dept.

. 31. I.4ANNERY ................ Asdotaet Secretmy

OILee. h:r. .: a. m. to 4:30 p. a.


Tu are no doubt aware that a large numberof enros. burglar and liht-dapered geatywil also attend the "G. A. I." encampmentto ply their efareeius tradewhile the city Iscrowded and everend4y's attention tabon upwith visitors. the parade. he. It will be a

good time to have an eye on your jewelry. eSasilver ware. stocks, bonds. valuable papeWr,&c. Ton should pat them in our freand b-g:ar-prontsafe vault, where they will be autheven ftn dynamiie. 1Ik deposit bouse, alltar, from 03 up to 050 per year. 010 nets a

very good-sted bos. Wouidn't it be btter touse W. to $10 with which to rent one of oarbuoaea for a vear so a mire nmans et preventionthan to afterward wpend more in recovertogsa:en valuablem valad at thousand. of dol-

lar=?And about your ready cash. why not depodt

it with no at Interest and, he k on It at will?It wtll then be safe free. the numeroua pice-pechets who will be i the city very soon.


A. T. NRITTON. Preddnt.

Id4E O ST. N.W. It




DEPOSITS.Itered pe. subject to sheet ir

en time.

TREUTS.Acta E Iese or. Admiahtear.

Trussee. ie.

SANE DEPOSIT.Nenws and psivate vaults otrsMt.


IDLE F1NI-S DRAW INTEREST WHEN DEPOS-ted with n Call and yat our rate cn demand

and time certilcale of dpreit before depositing else-where. WOODS CO. bankers.

* t . ..Open 9:3. Close 4.30au-14 Gene.]ralmbia$50. 85O0. 85,(00.Doublert in 90 lays. A per'ert old mine. afe a

sTEIMmtb~d o- tm parti, lwr.T~ltnrATION AL ECEANGEf. su 3p foro .

Turk city. asfo



Charteeed by uecal art et 150. anacts of Os. 1iE ad ub.. 1m


50evr ware ad walamblee tae en dsedst

TEN CENTS ad upward sreetmed an daeea and

tmats allowed on aume of not lean than 63.

Prepares and keepe WIll,free etehaew act 3z.

er-e. Admmirator ad Tradtee-escatas Trob

et all hinds.ATNP. MNTDVR. 'eedent.

E FANtSC. RiGOYs. Tr?'strle P

ALNar T L. MTURTEI ANT. teemesny.

Umente P. qne.c usC etaAle. . 4tietevant Ane.VleHew . Plant.,ate en

Lwta (lerhaneere ils

am . Job-man. thre ulwr.e P-vry.JtS ie

fly.! er Bonera

i~beaa. Liark Chamles . Joas j


J#W.W.CRSO J& W.AMACARTNE6%LOVER BriLDYNG, 14197FNT.N.W.,Nantere and ~ -sasee nOwennent UsnimD.-pues. Exche~nen- I.aens. Coilecto.lalrced Stocka and 3 >adm and .I~Uti~e

en th.---scha.z.. af New York. Ph1Id~~sadBalnnen. bmngr. and sp.

A flty sad of Iatinsent sscerties,ana- nal Raeilrond. Gam. I3msagne ad~

phon.. St.. b Lea.: In.Ametrea Mand Telephone Stash boisht -adasl jylS

V. T. HATNN..3mother Wasahinetona titme EulbsnaMecms 9and 11. Atlamite bheg,

200 m t. n~w.

Uterbs. Spods and ean boughe and said Sersabe


Isha ,amr&Co Ce a Uewsrhem Gotta Eleannk.....labCasn a

Inmen ban. & Oa.. Chirage buase et Trade.Primate wisim to New Tush. Miese ad New Osa

bets . Teltphsne, d&1 3MT-is

I a. T~Wascr . a=s


13t' I NT.. WAaMIBTON.D. C.,sltreaher an asa teabs. b~~a.e

ptsewhen to New adSneeed allewed anOmi-t-tawnabeiC tmee lb

~b AllanJalrel

qanuteas ims ll ".. an=


L ILDING ASSOCIATION. O.WsrSlldalmpsonwillmove TOMORROW (Salo.

OFFICE. 1003 F ST. N.W. lay)fromgthssdGsa.Iw°nRy to "'ll th ads ats.5I.OANS. Thewewho deslro loans to pay flor w ,. All engaeet oeety. pay off mortgarse. or for bidin Saturday will be e

rurpes, should acertain theterms tpeS fron 9th nd Oas.which Honey is loaned by the EquitableCe-operattve Building Aeaoclatton. a or August29ERghty-seven monthly payments of prie ne. corner of 12th andips! sad interest settles a loan in full. st..w.Ar.y poertien or all of a loan. however. 0. WARL&LDSIMISOJ*maybe settled at any time by paying so- Tailor.iened Interest to date o/ bob a ot. ___ _____9th and Oats.ment. Heauy espses are avoided. TO THE PLBIC AT THE CALLED

ASSETS. aus li, to strictly observe Labor.11 1day. Septemaber the thaninpceowrkng onthtdlty i o n"crlnt River View mudtr

and make Ii as a AtasbleaL bltheir After the Aitr

rNUtiM5 her M.17'48 wl

Aol regular meetlysaed toea sthe wesw ant A.i It The prl' new hallonOst. between 4th ad tht*winretima ,Ase upon ap.Liaties ate. n. w. T. E. WEBSTER. flec. See, WA-$


Drnnsthe famous Cretan p losopher.au29-lw JNO. JOY EDSON. Sincy. oBos asks! if it was allowable !or wise men

G. A.R. I C~lI3IE: '.fools. "im In a great deal of common meften. A. R. ENCAMPMENT.In til rs Ten nothat wise used in m t stts ealwurR RENT--wilE COT M tTTI:SS.FEATHER belcsdiagly It l famous laetatl pillow, sheet and blanket for $1.50 during G. A. K. and White Foc" an nne at

acampment.Apply before September 2. . NOTES. ds p2' and O et.n. w. au24.4* f


(dnit) tartre othecity. lIt.woR tALE--A FiNE THOROUGHBRED KEN- t see hM fri 'ds and patrons atleo0305rtuck, nw. 8 Fears old, : ood speed ; nice burry 1324 Niw ork ave,A. St. su2SOt"end harae s. Aply rear 2111 E st. w. au25..-/R SALE-JrST ARRIVED.ONE CAR LOAD OF - IT DOES A STENOGRAPHERS WORKAextra one hores. a'ong which are Arst-class

horses for all purposee; prices very relenais . Rear n Phonograph will doof 615 E et. n. w. at"..6t* all taatenorapher can do.L'OR ALE-Ji'ST ARRIVED FROM THE COUN,*- d t er, meays pair dark bay celling.d z and seven years Itaold. wound mad ntle v stylish and one of the oce Vnnsbest road teams C WFeC . COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH C"."' *7Eat* *.". ItAt B. F. McCAULLY'S,ashait* 400 to41014th t.

)R SALE OR EICHANGE--'lHREE GOODhNoesen for all work : aleo a doctor% two-wheel phe

ton. cheap. There lea barnain foryon.auitI3t CAPITOI. BAZAR. rear 4081%. ave. u. w.LNR SALE-A NICE DRIVING MARE. JGRER G. A. IL" REVIEWING Earnse; sold only for want of use: 12. Can Ifyou ae goingtosubmitaproposal forbeseen at 2L3 14th at. n. w. au24-W emects a reviewing stand, or wieh a

L0R SALE-NINE HEAD OF HORMEB FR smell stand Infront of your plane of btml-- western Marylad ; good drivers and workers.

11th at. n.w. _ dnvi 4t sees during the G. A. B encampment,R ALF-LEGANT 6-PA88ENGER OACH. you should gt our estimate for the lum-

- $1. Deuble met of herness. hand made. near!yer-lowest by 1o 2b per cent We Apply :h9 E. Capitol at after 4 p. m. -'ured thi lumber expresly far stands.r SLE-WHO 19 W M. F. OETR* THE MAN Good Redheart Board. for makingwohas the agreatest number and variety of allstnoly9apr10qu fe

hiadseof a bu e for ashornts. Good No. 2 Joist and Scntling. fornewad seco had ; Pa. for cash i o orands c per t0me.

J4 i- Pa. aLt.ussubmityouanetimate.

L'OR RALE-CARRIAGES. WAGON . HARNESS, Ubbey Bttnger Miller.A whip. &Ic. I have on heed nearly carraes Lumber and Miad warons of the most moe styles and anish, con-saetingof vietortea cabriolete, asisto.s, phaetona. Cr. tt. and N. . are. it. w. Gunb-ggtes ad 'M di erent styles in oak or rustic pat-terns. One whole door of over 100 husines wagons ' S AT as bui

can bs seen at this establishment; also whips, ap Tod ng rn-hanantrobes, !e.. to be found here. Large stock of Arstclasrsecond-hand carrinsres and wagons always on hand. price will be .0c.These guo'de will be sold at right prices at my new e. Tate 15 rer cent of the marked prices of the--sit onO t. n.w. 0". All goads warranted. White Durk Vests snd you have present prices.ivite th efblie to call. ftit may be to their advan- We can equal the on a Dress Shirt for ate. , .. Ew mvi- tr dollar Ot en beck ad open froa and bc

OR NALE--CARRIAGES. WAGONS AND BUG. Possibly the fact that one Caller laets aslongA riaon easy terms. et alrn and ordered work as another. regariem of price. accounts forprmtyaeded to COON RJARBOE. 399dM orug-alsof theme Linen Collars,two for

Washington. mhitt 2 ahapes.TEEL'S. "Men's &;ngi,e" 9Si& ave. anw. an2S

LEGAL NOTICES.IEPAIRS OUR OI'ICELEG L OTIES ~we have moved t..mporarfhjvto the roomin- _______ - --the rear of our formier offices, where we will he gladPN THE SUPREME COURT ('F THE DISTRICT to seeo friends and trots. lteapectuUl. RART-

. OF COLUMBIA. ERDAT B BALD I.AN4 60$ Fat. au3S2tHoldinr a special torn, for Orphans' Court business. ---- ------- -

Tlhis 30th of July..1.1112.In estateof Harriet W. Sha. kett. late of Washing-ton. D. V. No. .. Administration Doe. i9. CENTRAL PROPERTY FOR SALEApt lication havin beon made for the .robate of a

pater writine repounded as the last we)1 and testa- S TAR F FOR A CLUB hOUSE OFFICEmeat andeodisl. and for letters tsth"n,. ntary onu the BUILDING OR AS A SITE FOR ANtestate of said Harriet W. srklett. deceased, by Io- APARTMENT BUILDING.beets I. Sbacklett, notice is lerehb given to all coo-

red t. in tiseon . court OU No. *4 IP T NW.BER SECOND. ]tell-1 at ONE O(YELISK P. M.,* to Lot is5:15 feet ftc-nt h) flit feet deep, boundedsho- ons. if any exist, againat toe granting of such by 6-foot alley on north side and by open lot ofapyls-atos.. Hebrew Teample on south aide. Windows on allAcop ofthisorder shall be phllshed in the Wash- four sides of the house. Two unueually Ingeleyton Law Reporterand Eaeninp Star on e a week in parlorssrD of three successive weeks before said day.Piefrasotim,$50.By the court: A. B. HACNER, rfnrtict.A true coyy Test: L. P. WRIGHT. Inquireof H. N. COP?.

Register of Wills, D.C. su2G.t No. 70S~th t. w.-. W. GL ANSE. Proctor for Applicant

Gp---N0xTICE. -A REWARD OF WILL Bran' for s h stion as *ilon.. .WIslsec areiat Sore who are agRDAME PAj MAN*IOURE AN) CUIROPOD fatIe ad maliious erou tsardG ust,

tat.e .U3 IhTE -4 . N.W.--The only Inxrwer aa-3'1 BIs.D BRIOS. , Bottlers of Tanuhanser Der0lsaaeturse of FINE MANICU RR ad CeIRbP.- - w. 30i th at.a.w.? GOODSI south of New Work. na20-tr t.~ ENOINEERiS.ATTENTION.

.engineers of the District of ColumbiaNOTARIES PUBLIC. respectfully invsited to attend an open meeting of th_-_ E eeni- Aseociaton. till6thst nw FRIDAY.COX SSINKOvDEEDS FOR EVERYsf AlE te 2th instant. 7.JOP kBoroer of MWand eyNotery and U. S. Commioner. at 3t" _fr W. P "s.

J6IINE. BLALL. 7L'~1 F t,. Lw m- HEADQt'ATFltS KIT CARSON PORT,In oflee from Sam. too p.m. Hltit 5 No. 3,. Do artaneut of the Potomac. . A.tsintone D. U.. August 24. 180$.-Thewives

T.WALKERSONS. 214 1TH ST. W of the memnber of tihs poet are invited to mest onM.uLidingt Papers.Mothpoof Goodi. ire Hoick FRIDAY, the tRtysInstant. at 7::1) p. in., at Coucor-

(Raysad TilCso rbe.tos. Fle ining. Pulp ablate, ao din Hell. s utheest corner nth and Eea. Lw. for theme4 purpose of fanming an auxiliary committee to rsuthe pet in entertaining their guests daring the us-

SHED it',-W. S. TAPPAaN. DEA ndER t tonaj* a oabetin aeptember. FAr t committeeWatches. Jewel Silver Ware be on entertainent. A. HART si. . .. tir don above lne watch anud W. T.( E. AnE Secretary. Re.Se __ .


le0.lry insertaga specialty. r1 mPEIL MEETING OFBRNH84ENGRDeER AND LITHOGRAPHER S the Iron CRa nCoher,.

Will be held at1007 at. (3d floor)V0.teiangrnprinted mrom plase, 7c. per t0. eel FRIDAY. AUGUST 2 . ATh P.d.,

To take action on the late troubled and financial ca.dition of the order.

SPECIAL N OTICES. yde4 of the chief Justice. N. . HAY. C. .

GR. MI. . STERN. FORMERLYZ CARP(TERS' AND BUILDERS' TOOLSet with atreahurger Sot on F at. innowwith . Groser's Rotel Clothing oupe.t1 h St.

Toolchestsforhomess. Weba the nLw where he will .e leased to see all is Minds.empty cheats and All them with lust the- willdetools you wast and make a 'lump" RAa L BUTEe cNdo

price. InTthiwyouadon't pay for a Haroved from n.w. to c FeS. .W.lot of tools for which you have not S HE

eartly m. Imens varetyof ese E.2~notifi that I will pay no hills contractedand kinds of tools from which to select by ijies W. Ginnaty for me, as he has no authoritytomake any contracts whatevr.You will he surprised at what a crn- W. T. CRUX?.plete chest of tools a little money will antS-a'" CuiniteHotel. t24 7th at. . t n RRICKS! BRtICKtiI BRICKS!Wecan sell you a splendid chest of THE IVY CITY BRCK COMPANY,

tooCsO LUBO. P _ONGRAh O. 7E

P. a.-We would like to know what this adver. Having Sasbed delivering bricks for several largetisement will amnount to. so. should you drop In. w ., we ars now preped to take orders for new

mention casually that you noticed we wer, adver- buildters will Bpsdit to tbin advantage to call at ouro~ce before mak IFFsestiaieg tools in the G.tsr." A.t R nam ent, AND W. It. 2C.r et W

BABEod RSS Wed~7-r orfrmkn

*fliatestanddee, W OLyLE AND RETsqAref t003 1THANDS~. . W Good Nareto 2 Join adeadting o

b-~~LL ERSNS HVIN GODS O Dl coinget usmp t yocan esenmate.yin..... psit ith H K. ulto. upo whih i Ler- be, btr ait ieren ein;sw

tocall aid pa the iteresLsmbonr arnthMgoodswillk.an20.~t U.. VUION Tlhne N. .0a. [s n lliO 1h.O n

"STMME OLOIMGMERIC8' AS EE'NUs'.i--MEMERSOF UE NTIOAL t> '~L sTo d yor sf b tyhn Fourm-an Aen-opsrtlvsCorn are e~nt~n tha canNaton-Bn Sother untie appe-an uhn thercopn od fTake t.r cn f h rkdpseso

For urthr ifo mtio appy tothslrs sand TWeite dirkidesd and you hve renwlse prideatsgenm silI~in yo eecan quthe orldo a 4rem. htor ai

- - horolhe rn Aeriand aonfron Ban back.i~1nFN NK MAINO. po Bettetatlosoe tom-mae 51hpeets.

THEWV.L-KOWISHEMAPo ssdbly Bh fac thsrat e c lr. best theonH~ll TED13037TH ND TO 05 Drt s~-1w io s a onsthero. arlesorce. mayouhe fr-- - ---- mt ur by es mu acthegLe Ceollrtwol for

~?L ASRMEBE 1 OE 0 whre.c~iPAIfR'0son~l NC3W..-.webookbindvrdItetherariltito theErotmni.

W%.~ Mrear oR~funsrner oen, wher w w~i be glaStammdo Wte eaig pps~ EadAYO Au. .Fa

US ou~ *Nd. ~ t BU~IDEN OR AEWMAN AND AmO-rn l~liaw. Wshigto.BOU.SE1 TH TNW

DbyRRSOfCROKtWSaRMOVDy onnth sideadby.. ltoPC~ tebrew Temple0 n on913suthsde Lidw o lfou hie__f he ous. Twounuualy lgg

webebtfl,~S ia luot we~atlsPrice. fr a heort timer. Re5. s'5e.

I~~a13u414 ao. 'seet er. a. ys.


a n m Ntr A andNE. 1 mmm==mme

-a omrefrom


an0d01andmmn=m m

dEl:ow enna, n.'W

Washington News Dud Gomp. THE CASE Op CANADA.The Mettaltetten of This Geveemet May

O Much Further.AMUNEVENTS ..................................Pes * de ed beyond doubt by

ATTORNET...................... .............. ge the latest Canadian correpondence I tat HisAUCTION SALES ...............................sge country does not intend to be ed with byBOARDING .... .2 . .n.... The.........................eBUSINESS CHANCES ..........................Page 2CITY ITEMS............................... ....Page written by Secretary of State Poter is that it iCOUNTRY REAL ESTATE...... ..............Page 2 stong and to the point and Is a suitable re-COUNTRY BOARD. .................. tDEATHS......... .....................Page aDENTISTRY .........................Pose 7 o from the British representative

EDUCATIONAL..................................Pase 7 on bal of the Canadian goverment. TheEXCURSIONS. hs...............................Page 8 policy of this governmen from this time for-

FINANCIAL............... Page ward in dealing with Canada i we defined.FOR RENT (Offiess).....................Pg 2FOR RENT (Room.) Pge 2 The minimum measure of retaliation onlyhasFOR RENT (o ..s)...........................Page 2 yet been resorted to. What baa been doneFOR RENT (Stores).............................Page 2 does not bar more aggressive end damagingFOR RENT (Ralls) .............................Page 2FOR RENT (Platsi ..............................r a t 2

FOR RENT (Stables)............................Page 2 NO MOSS IMOI TO BE TOLERATED.FOR RENT (Miscellaneom). .....Page It may be acepted by Canada as Settled thatFOR SALE (eycles)...........................Page 3 t

FOR SALE (Horsesand Vebblse)..............Page 1 toent ntieat o m oe ioinFOR SALE (Rome).............................Pa 2 nor longer

FOR SALE. (Loa........................Pge 2 operation without fall and proper resentment.FOR SALE (lsee=laneo*).....................Page 2 There Isno intention to enter into jingoism;FOR SALE (Planos)..............................Page 2 there is no purpose to interfere with the0. A. R. ENCAMPMENT.....................Page I domeatic affairs of Canada or Great Britain,

MOTELS....................................Page 2 but it s proposed to standstrictlyonour

LADIES' NDS U............................Pase 7 ights and to compel them to be respected. IfLEGAL NOTICES... ............. Pg......,e 1 It comes to be necessary to erect 'an impe-

LOCAL MENTION......................Pare treble wall between the United States and

LOST AND FOUND...................... ig Canada it will be done. It is regarded as imrobable that Canada will not hesitate toMEDICAL.* ............................Pag 1 violateany or all of her treatMDCL........Paesy obligations tomCELLANEOUS.......................age the United States and there is a very clear n-

MONEY WANTED AND TO WAN...........Page 2 drndig that this will result in a cutting offNOTARIES PUBLIC........................... of all the privileges Canadians enjoy by theOFFICIAL NOTICES........................Page 2 generositof this country. The St. LawrenceOCEAN STAMES.............................,ea. , may be closed against American veiela and

POTOMAC RIVER BOATS.....................Page 3 any burden that is possible may be ImposedPIANOS AND ORGANS........................Page 3 npn American commerce with Canada byPERSONAL ......................................Page 2 Cadian action, but the Injury that can bePROFESSIONAL.................Pae 7 done us In this way is regarded at WashingtonPROPOSALS............................. Page 2 as slight compared to the retaliatory measuresRAILROAD.. . .............................Pae 7,mRAILOAD..................Pse 7which may be adopted by thq State Depart-SPECIAL NOTICES......................Page 1 Went.SPECIALTIES ................................ Page 2STEAM CARPET CLEANINO................Pare OSUBURBAN PROPER -............ page 2 It is probable that at no very remote periodSUMMER RESORTS. ...........................Page 7 the retaliation by this country will be extendedUNDERTAKERS.................................Page 8 t the transportation of goods in bond across

WANTBD(Help)..................................Page 2

WANTED (Homes)..............................Page 2try pe

WANTED (Le)........................ Page 2 attitude. The threat contained in l[ Her

WANTED (Rooms)........................Pase 2 bert's letter that Canada will not ces her dis-WANTED (Situations)...........................Page 2 Orlmination against the United States if theWANTED (Miscellaasous).......................Page 2 President's proclamation is enforced Is ex-WANTED BOARD ...............................Page 2 tremely offensive to this government, and it is

- _ Veit that Canada ought to remember that whileGovNimsrnr RECEIPTS TODA.-Internal be Canadian Pacificrailroad is one of theevenue,strongest in the world now it would be worth

reveue, 26, 91;custms,807,58.very little if the outlet for its commerce through- the United States should be cut off. There is

Tua Az.Enaoss.-The revenue marine bu- no privilegeenjoyed by the United Statesreau of the Treasury Department has been in- through the courtesy of Canada which is of as

ormedW - great value as this of the transshipment of

irton, of the ah o rtsonsend, in bond which we permit through ourtrin tefs misontmrAs rioy. rn anada is, to a la~rge extent, a -tross. . -

_____________per on mis country for her susitence andiODanaD TO Nxw LoNDo.-The North At- an nprofitable as well as a diagresable neigh-

lantio squadron, now at Gloucester, Mass., haNo DESIRE O ANNEXATION.been ordered to proceed to New London, Conn. There is no desire on the pert of the UnitedThe fleet will arrive at that place on Sunday States government for the annexation of thatnext.

province, with its debts, and the present outlookWATCH Swaixos.-The collector of customs at s rather toward a breaking off of all relation.

New ork as ben iformd brather than toward any bonds of closer com-New York has been informed by the Treasury mercisl intercourse. Those beat informed onDepartment that in the case of watch springs the subject say that Canada will be practically

imported in boxes the provisions of section 6 of helpless once deprived of the privileges en-the act of October 1, 1890, will be complied with joyed through this country. Her populationif the boxes bear the name of the country of instead of increasing by a normal percentageorigin, provided the springs themselves do not is less than one-third what it should be, and shebelong to the class of articles which are "usually would be in a very bad condition If compelled

or ordinarily marked." as is presumed to be the to rely on her own resources.cas.THE FIRE ALARM PATENT.

CONCERT AT TE WEITE HOUSE GnoUmis.-a following isthe program of the concertto The Optnin i of the Attorney as toPretet-

be given at the White House Grounds tomorrow tog the Detriet.

evening at 5:10 o'clock by the U. a."iint b re

Band Walter F. Smith. conductor: 1. March, States district court of Massachusetts decided"Was~nlngton Cyclists," F. B. Gillis; 2. Waltz, an infringement suit against the (lamewell FirsFleur du Printempe, Basquit; S. Cornet duet, Alarm Telegraph Company in favor of the Mu-

"Swiss Boy." Bent, Messrs. (raakurt; S e- nicipal Company. Am the Gamewell Comynt

lection, "Tannhaser," Wagner 5. Song,"Mar- ment

guerite" (by request) White S. A Coquette, rment operati

b. March, "iwarndeidr,1' Sousa; 7. Grandselec- this city, the Commissioners were anxious totion, "Crispin e Comore," hod; 8. Hail secure themselves against suite. The matterColumbia, Fyle. was sent to Assistant Attorney Thomas,whorendered an opinion today es follows:THE CHOLERA EPIDEMIC. "The decisions referred to prima facie estab-

Instructboss Being Issued to United Sates lah the fact of infringement, and if the District

Consols Abroad on the Subject. is using instruments manufactured under theIn accordance with the recommendations of patenta involved in the suite referred to, it too

the supervising general of the Marine Hospital i an infringer.

In view of the decisions against the Game-well Company I think it advisable i theyhave

has been directed to refuse to allow the entry of not been fully paid to m ted further

ictero oin rmBtu, usa ns me to them nceiar toerect'n imen-

tmuch as Batoum is the center of the infected trict against any damages It may be compeled

district in Russia and cholera has been prevailing to pay in co) equence of any suit for inta iyi pdmcfr uigtepeetma h inlcmaymyisinf rnge-

intaCiai pdmcfomdrn eetmn t sillnb compny ma istiegarde yo

season. While the licorice root in itsel is not may terminate the contract and arrange withlikely to convey the infection the depa the signal company for signal boxes as pro-

thinki the bagging used in covering the bipongf

a source of danger and dues not deem it ad -pifo the bomeey oayave ben fully

able to allow the importation thereof. t o pidel the boxeslegey pa ny wlnot ghe

The Treasury Department is advised that the indemnity thI on th . te os owet ne

matter rest, as you have no power in the ab-

given Consul Martin at Rostof Instructions t rence of an appropriation to enter into the pro-

refuse to certify all invoices without an ox- nosed arrangement with the ih cpany forplanaton, but presumably on account o the beb

prvlneodhlr n ht4iti oeus. Tn the aymewarde man ayingto

Thevalenedeparme ha questiecrtih peal to the Supreme Court, and in the eventTer of the Statwhepartment tch mye they do, and the judgments of the Circuit

the on the Stat Deat t thcate invoics Court are reversed, thatlis the end of it. In the

t resent condition of the case I would advise you

should not be refused for the reason stated, and answer the letter of Mosrd. Fish, Richardsonthat the requirement of the certificates of die- and Stomrow explaining the situation, that ininfections prescribed by the Trasr Deia the absence of an appropriation you are unablemnt circular. of July 8 last and the 19th inst. to enter into any contract with them. er., as


orortinates to invoices. g"athe event the decisions of the circuit

In replying to a letter from the New York court at Boston stand, and the District is suedShipping Compan, No. 4, Broadway, Now as infringer, the rule of damages is the differ-

the.satn ta United States coslsr o ocewe hold ofte Inumf.Teresnofcetypse a oterlsadrau h a~,ta pr seg ee prfts the ie taelaios egrdngth pohbiio o ipo th ougha. thcureso_ Cndawhh__ofa

ofrthe department'sscirulahe ofathehiphenttof

theSecetay o Stteoiththereqestthadthwhiwermi. hog uproperconsularoof.icerabefurnithed therewithTheSecetay o Stte as lsore ~ pert Your friente worther bureumae a

cmucaeb calra wihlecnuga r. Te waylh s odigreeabl nith-No frthr inormtiontouhingthecholra There is tha beirg sorm the prtofte yUnites-

had een eceved t th Deartmnt O S ttey Wharmtasal that alknsht flliagTheStae Dparmen isadvsedby he rovince, weing etsn the tpreset sulcik

helhofcratqaatnSatnsl~ta therainoae an lraying o wit an eeltowil beinstedmos caefulyandthe hy- rat than twllhenyh death of theoeaco-lagsusectd cseordeah o bord hi e ujet. sythat Caad is l trbe pr avticll

behedunilpltrelgia eamntinc~et d ereoahfue prioci on-canoeedde.throughthsfunds country Her"ts ppultio

all personsawillebehheldwaatbestsseven days, sic

wouldvbe andaplerydbid conditaln aflcompelled

wel oriasrhevely arked ith prue obehe ey on heroneresorceem ave

~rtefloin te rga of the concertJttowashie aith aht ous Grostundsbetee todmorrowk hesm

meroing at 5:10eo'slonlyby tverUbody knowsnhe

suidgWalter F.eSmiththeoaductpr:re.wasrch,'8wissitoy,"tBent, Mes.rT.eGreatkerth;rea e

etionh "Tannhausethe atmner;er..SItgeMar-baere" hi(syOaesue ood Whiews. Coqethele arta alismhM -u e.1rc, "Thune, 'n Toua; 7. Grand selec-eme. syinat erins of lasoar, w ci;v o h8. Halsel Aeyuht Wy mel

TatetoS~ Bestgerstody teUnited S~tte e mntgv setd o h t

"Frm te rpors tat ieelvtmbgtadeThe Opather ofth Atmeyav a to P te'tinga thwe- ntuh i b n mfhr e Dhte ad ae. og

Stat eevr ~. --es strsicot w ofs a Masadhset decdeAla m Telerap Companye isfvo hofth w -

hae haveraloofats instrumentsintoperation iThe dsthisacithaveheeCommissioners weee anxious to

byth pspe' pstin~ehit~eht see heselvesgit 'sui The matteMokts Io imsstehae otthk wyas etto AssitAtone Thoma who

eniel.hww no m bar edee an opno toda as follow"The deisionsreferre to.prm acestb

"We thwfct ffnirngmen, adtf te istie

Consls Aroaden te Suet isuigisruet auatue ne hrnacrdnewthtereomnatoso ptns novd ntesut efre oi o

hesprigo gnrlo h aieHsia sa nngrarvcehecolecorf cstms t ew or "I.iwo h eiin gis h ae

welCmayItiki avsbei hyhv

CHOLERA IN ENGLAND~ ___ from Qussasemw and Lvrpool. sd Wa onTwoDeaths at the Gravdd - s Hgnpinengeru. The Weteedm ponmd to

pitul Today. is her EalOOS d i16t her 5tSUSt.'EW CAIEI 1r aAIDURS.

Teip's M q ariciwes maud the ver-

Quarantine Regulations Here and ba

in Europe. eswen_ inmgante wsasd mo m. fufl ab h condurted thee

inth cs or tae oeao persuges bet.. octGREAT OARE IN NEW YORK. emawie e""fod -

=and came upto her pier In thcity. TemAear. was exeised am the oxeainton of the

UROLUR EllRE $ lf D Workendam's passenger. sand with the wm.. re-su .he......r -- both ship

Hespital at Oravsend. the were again ee to a careful em.Lonou. Aug. !f-There Is now no dsbt m b the effcalsof the Marine Hosita

that cholera has at last entered England. The s three physicans in chargede rtmen h imirationdisease was brought hern by the steamer b a e terv frGemma, which arrived at Gravesend yesterday the wharf wher the Immigrants camt aeiosfrom Hamburg. It was reported that the t t main building andsteamer was infected, but the authorities, after c scrutined ever per... who paedexamining thepassen, allowed them to land. Sese e and women were delendA few hours aterward two aliens who bad for eamination from bothship, but irived on the Omma were taken sick. They eected that they will be relasedwere at once removed to the hospital at Graves- ore night. The e-e-'p Aerento. fromen where the doctors pronound r their m ytodaybe In Spit of evrthing that woam one eordti orig n .dut

for them they died shortly after they were ad-ful If she me in before le the afternoo.mitted. This fact has caued considerable Even should there he no tre of cholera onanxitybuttha isno aniky eelng.Theboed, together with her entire cargo and theanxiety, but there Is no panicky - Theh ~ dilocal government beard and health au tiesoirof the various English parte will se to it that a norreo is frommore strict inspection s made of vessels and Hamburg o August e a eek before the cl-passnger freom infected prrtH. othis fact will not uquarantineThe report of the death of two patients at at least twenty-four hour.

Gravesend was telegraphed throughout the Te umeucrun etmamunacountry and caused the health authorities at thevarious ports to be on the alert for arrivalsfrom places known to be infected with cholera. she, too, will besobToday the steamer Laura, plying between Ham- jested to an extremely careful eamnation.burg and Lynn- ,gi an English port on the It Touraine comea fromtBsar. and sailed fromGreat One., arrved at Lynn. She was boarded these about the time that the cholera was besby the health ofils, who found two cholera making itselfapparent in that city. Tseuspecte on board. The veasel was at once vernal is musing the health efietehorered to put back to sea The officers and more anxiety than any of the etherpassengere protested against such summary ship. now sn. her from abroad. Shetreatment? but the health omcers were obdurate, lean extremely large vernal and carries -and potaively refused to lot a single person meennumber of passengers. There are evland frmthe steamer, oral other large ves due here, including th

Sixty paseenger. on beard the Hamburg- Augusta Victoria, from Hambu rg, UAmerican line steamer Columbia from New the Usudaf, from Havre,Ag" theYork, whichirrived at Southampton yesterday, Picque, from Gibraltar. August 12. the Amen.,changed their minds about pr to Ham- from Bremen, August 17; the (ilst, frimburg when they learned of the cholera epidemic Har, August 17; the Stes of Cornia, fromthere. They left the Columbia when they found Glasgow, August 19, and the Ueria, frmthat the company had ordered that she proceed Liverpool and Queenstown. August further and took parage for Flushing in the All these vessels - due t arrie herNetherlands. before Monday night. The fled Star flirPrence Esterhaxy, attache of the Austrian Frielad, from Antwerp August N, and theembassy here, has been sufgering from an at- Polynesua. of the Hamburg-American Beet,tack of cholerine, but is now recovering. from Hamburg, ae due to arrive here on

no VIW cass A? A rwaar. Tuesday. Every one of the.e vernel. carriesAzrwwar. Aug. 26.-The cholera seems to be i and me of them s d direct

ats infected districts. The Pitqna, from (ibat aetadetii hre.No nw ern hve - ~ rltar, has a number of Italian immigrants onported since yesterday morning. board This clam of immigrants, no matter

CUIoUs ACTION or Tum Ala, AUTso3Tr.. from what eection of Europe therrrlor car.The Scheldt board of health has taken action lg the health ofcers much anxiety They an

such as is likely to cas. little reliance to be among them with geat dtyens eetplaced on bills of health issued by it. It has all vessels that bring them ee will be sub-

that it ees no reason to make any jected t a rigid inspection and borg dlss-in its bills of health on account of a few tog before they are allowed to leave einaeass of sickneas coming from Hare tine.

aa. .will therefore continue to TIC Cii? A oTIn. Ancemdeliver clea btWOf health. As it is iadle-pably proved that Asiatic cholera ispresent yAm r the health authorities ofg order in reference to the prepeoates bein

cities will know the value of clean bills of mode to fght the cholerahealth issued by the Scheldt board. At any "The attention of th snita beau is S.rate they will not be ted at the Hague, be particularly directed to the following m-that port having already o -dally declared that ter: The chief sanary laspeeor will cause aAntwerp is intected with cholera, thorough investigatin to be mode and sanitery

CAUTIONS IN LvmnboOL defects rmedid am followe: L Old

1 LOmNON, Aug. 26.-The Liverpool health cdm- wells to be losed. 2. Old we.

vaul s to be c e ydo nd he s euti t

emitte has been discussing precationary mess- st to be and a nd haseedeng against cholera. The Lynn authorities are lendand sin sWandwaer eersesd tubin hrinte an De5reeser gtestaking rigorous measure topr t th vaand gutter over.(tobe cleaned and dhiecideof emigrants from Hamburg. and graded). Old tenement hoes rock-The authorities at Gravesend just below Orin (to be thoroughly inspected and ao. smai-which place the cholera hoepital is situated, Lary defects therein remedied; hese tohave issued posters advising the residents of the be thorougly cleaned and wallstown to take precautions to guard egsad the and ruligs aalted or whitwed .disease. Depre sed Yaes, areas and sidewa toheRAT MIANORr mmon PL p- . -. cleaned, disinfecte.d ad graded. . Yard y-

LoNO, Aug. .-A dispatch to the.thderddrenansin tobeao paeg ,abte e-ys mn G eme bout t thedm ingy s Dosay: mprorWilim as ecivd fllreors atiav dwater piee.ste pipes, re_ lem

on the cholera epidemic, which will probebly sink, h., to be put in thiorough resr.modify his traveing plan of the autumn. 5. oaofs of all building, espeal y ten-Religios communiteswant the emperor to crente to be eesd and hpt els.

appoint On t adayte of prayer fr gera Oo TbEo ALhmp insT3oi

of a booer coay wimthw the Dumdord Micat. Ag. i.-The helth heard


shares of chemical companies supplying di- is thoroughly arousd on the cholera qustion.infectzanta depression was general. No of i A special meeting was held yesterday pm. to

announcement has been made confurming the devise megn for eepg the deadly imbs out

reported preente of Asiatic cholera here. Two of Denrit In me t should get b s the At-ansngeyfrom Hamburg were sent hrak today pasedHealth O rDufea hisgt pifrl estasn wormtn e dethnen

TheNorh ermn Loy stame~iIin~ rlfod enote- for s btho shmiprm, fromi

inte te no te nte from gd will pected . tH am is to have re or moreb i thr e eacimparies at eachnor, noon's 5TArrmHNa. depot for the nse of the health departmentBnxr Aug. 2L-A most welcome thunder- The immigrate willbe kept in the tas until

storm has - ive te al dangern tr ae there aeany p-

been cleared abd the weather is much ol. fisay will be treated in car tmpoatlh

d hospitals. eei in har s willThe VoascgeZ, eng asserts that before he obvedf the c

Prof. Koch left Hamburg he tto the iat u ede without being placed inthe

sanitary board that the ehla rld.n gphyi that city, de- city sewes The heard was tarosubly hI-

spite every effort of the authorities to check it, prsd by Dr. Duleld e a te

Is increasing.Over B case of the disease, i n isuip i m a t q ted

m~y, av benreared ad f hi nmbr ain iTorineothFrn ieisd to ae

ST.PumasuaAu. 2.-Te holra ri .e here tmro n d e, oo, qmaa1 a0sbturn ofyestrda shw amthe upardeuepued t nteamewly e tef cted...mee

WensaL, ae eerprei aTur.Any dsomer enhav n ~etedfostheyteewee6Unwme h e re ain t hetme tat bo ard r w as mo.elfigresahosho anInoeas. Ystedaythee ny it;slf aparetinathat ct.n hiwee211dnh eotdaant24 eetlast sen aye the hcall e e-

In St.Peterdang re~rtm e anxt thean Eh ated ofth tedayUS eweass ad 1 eate.mmhifpa nof du heefssj abrad Sh

US~ts A 3A~sem wn be sel withvese ad solui n oim-at Hm istha ty~igh me.apparede meng~se nerg of p ~asget thereg inesec-erona btearg veselwt dee, ntleng ear

ThrAyadttteewr ~d5h* f ees dtoria frsg~td~it fab rg, t lethls htdy h nt~ilsa ae e Lndaistf, thom H a n aM es : hehae encquaadodot ~ n fee Gibalta, byes 12; he AssteON TEN UsIW inemmefrmae fB reen Aten7; the el 6er t

Kozeem, Ag. .-Te grorat H a the, Aofs 17; ate fo Ohuferudi, femZyibenGndasgstoTh hAlgt 9andi~s the Sevande

bea soppdfore- ond nih. im. Red ar ne t~mAd froa ntwr aet ,adtmedynesawofeee dahqbrg-Asigieds G-

~feln P1 a fro Ha- urg aret dut ar i he s

TusdayrEvry neth teseveselscarie

Vuuigruntsuand s-eneofltheol ammndmdrec15kralthrthas a ahshhroofoItalianm.mmen-gen- s a

T UVa fteg e s o a - bard i casse of a, matein tofhe eat oner h aty aenaurly nbey n heu dismwd -pwe

to t argi ispcio ad hreh leabefore thhe reewto ev aaTEE~.m rTT AU -B~Mao~m

Thess borifhlthtdyLsedtetnw

myepparticularly dietdt h fbwn me

throg i o etndead letr

PacA~rssrxmavwyor. de.3 a olws .

osmAgM-Teiepohatenwls ecoe. rv

wt mm m. mvmWhy Oak mmmm Uom as ..aa- sdga~ Us. D e~a.O

- U~saatoe fis inaaSeMai S ta'6 T huer eta.New team. AM. f.--in gln d ame-

Sawa 6memytr. n at grow to "art the easads ha hoped. Thee togalte atoey Iammoerate ie.s today ee a die-appesmee from demfoceete hmeageute itthe only Immmy man we hba bem bmieswith a smeomw. with e aUin enemittatis tme, is COee. mengeemt.40-msu oto

e t te Whet the commmitee umesernrqae osuy veeeguition Rives to T'aIM---y a go

eppohuat o Wirer. It as been wehel y that Oiver's chief dty smn"

to be to hold down a chair and look whie. News sot admited to te upgwee te, of e

bditg'. where the woet of the leadee, was 6.inr dome. sad the dutire of his petims rw

!my absorbed by col. Rayiu at Mmiabptete esenetary So tee.aam wheahe aeme

&;te poetmtees gemeeul. O(Neer and hiebt de grew retles, and it is etaegd toEeg'esmeke with the coammittee ha bm a,-ened, and the Toammar-in ebMmat ba adsew a ia. aepesetiatie there.

stWTU cAoS.gItA lUa.ETl.'he cueste I the aeweht gaStetet Over m

, t.mmsmteaa e- -o -.

aesae4at .mabb a The 5R.sta nw.Csa~maoer, f. (.., Aug. 26. -Te guation er

whether a whip eman or a ngre eball the thestandard bearer of the reputblican party isthesevemi comgressoal di.trict has brugit wptes year one of the mast hitterty part amsbetas in that district that ha ever tern know.Rlepubliena candi.late- for the pmitinas are asplentiful as blackbern.. The desteiet I. theonly one in the eta e uhere the repubiemehave a ghtinig chaaee. The nhmaaattag cer-vestioe meets on Tsredar nett. Tee aeairedy are candita.e in hlb..4J four c.d.ored mad one white. The'-eare ia.'bert Maflsand T. E. Miller. bath of =.a have wa toCongress; 0. W. Murrat and W. # liefrt,all roknted, and .. H. e tg.edo.rf, whbiteS to-tendorf i. at prneent duti c ..4Mltr of thi. petand is a native white repu Brcan %h. has alays,takes a minent part in .." +.-.. The tearfor the tic noaimatann eiN be made n

I Tueeday at the democratae. )" 'mne., t6e aga-didabel aing E. W. Mc.4e. n. ..rrvatve dem.-era, and W. I. Heyward, allaanee a.-ceat.

ATTEUr's 'E R" WVCW Trn 5g8E ..A Sde. of the ow-rftme t'i Rebe

Agsoat Mr. Mwse-ey.rera.o, N. T..Aug. 3. --Nme of the Laia-

sma and Nickel Plato switchme stretk mgaaat f o'clock last night. The fallow.,, 4t theOminn brother., who participated is the per-soel attack upon Mr. Sweeney.gatheted beforce sad held a seret meetiug yedserda, atwhich they declared themelves i. fav r atcotianing the eteie over his head and in spiteof his. They were eeinforred by a member tLackawanna ewitchemen anwiom to keep up teght. The Lackawanmsa me. seat a com ittme

to ee Mr. itweeer. but were -amble to AMhims. They the. Aecided to tabe ammtoe intheir own hand. and make a eght. Vi

smobete tically to a secesion tom dorder. leadern of the senession esea ,Quinn. sad Mile. Barrett of r1hiongs.The rts to faN tte tUe with this sem-

aof thnge were sme of the emptefe fthe ae~wsara, of the Nietkel Pinte sodIf te

BEfalso, lbehester and PIttemeg. Itethee weseordered es the leat two lMe named ad it e,epeected every moment that Ie-Boetheter and fIttaber me meld jeloh obes departure for the wet et Mr. Seuand other oleiele of the swithmems sdeerScted b he a tatme bae today. mh pe.

*si e-meere±t o msomaf Qeseuatstribe.s wil age"w in te a i em, ean asaetion t those umable to 9et book s rowant to pursus the bte wEm be ..., oh-meat.

Grand Under Sweemer, --se-a-ea hr seoaese is destilae' attirs, aS 1o ete -e tothe elntauI depot sod t.d for (taga,'sThe departure t troope wEi eame, mato the chagra at various ealremd sepowim

wa ria ise, sw saamesomse?Thew remain to the Bamale ear;e denmela

only a few feastues. The fet bi eapr.msmIs the quentide as to what distmtesse, abe made by these strehses whs ama bii to emgia tmir oi pla.. an biter m"Why, we had the dathew

mid the pakema of a pay ofa moeaning; "o we wanted we OL we

onl had the reads tiedap in aeal est utay. We owsa have ex edo s - nS Alis to h naeic."PAWB TRE BETMPEaTE.

am3s R. nven, the 3ssesse. Wm Mm.meed at --.- vhe"W.

CaMx, N.I., Aug. t.-Jame. I. Nestem,slime oemics. eas enocated thisme eg i toJai beding ees. The drop tee at am sathe was prosouneed deada isses anime ewthirty recosd,

After eaving him cel the doomed mss wemmet by the sherif Jur and the urere. qepintedby the coert, and oommencoed the setmma awuehto the walow.. Nortom mid nothing em tescafold.andRherifWest.afterdrawiagtbm lekcap and pinimig his arms. pened the tmpsadthe codemsed mss was ls-ached tote eter0ny.Eis body.after being cut down. wem rseinte the bospital ward of the jell. OamyPhyician Lard and him ssisants made aemperil examinatios and found tht ammu=. due to etreameia.. his afterneseua

moertemn e--wa-at will he made et Cey.ande es the reamwill ha interred in Sit. 'e emessey.Morton epent hi. hat day em oarth In edite-tinand42r. The doomed m- oupemmedt

ganon: or Tug canra.The crisme for which Jame. R. Morton ei

mnorning p-a the penaity ws oe. et the eastbrutal in the hiatory of tho country. it ems tereemit of deliberate pian of a mind eensedby the desire for moner. In than it wee net dis-dinnism to thse crime for whichs the death pemmitywas int pa~ in this county themerder etThora Aimtromg hr Juhn ilnter who emshasged to 1439. Mortons utli aie aentmeboere kms crisme a epecial nceor to tes loerseetion of the ity and wae looked asn aintelligent colored man. He hie at 1148South 0th street with two daughteeak i eebeing deed, lieme timme in Ajdl rem. LydinAnn Wyatt. a seventy-theee-yeame eltendwaaman, who ems esparuted free. her haabmen.went to lire ds hi. hose,. tese owned aprap-ary wisich the euld an May for Sell. laervisat to the law-yere in aresaginug the mste et Ch

party ooomwascee by Mesteu, who

ema this intereet iaspreend ule er Cs athe 0th of May tine made a willtag et her estee ad a t.mden inwyerthe other half. the two hesse to atas her essecter.. Three day. after thin,Monday. May I, the maurder occurred. Dseem..

9 and IAe'etee on that day Morteu maet teald mans Ci came down staire 'em herroom. flatoig froms her hed a heavy e-weed cm, which her age compelled her to msein wundag, he felled her to the leer. 1. kmseseumalea made just afte hisorewat he deehumedthat the old weeman and he had a qinrel aCst em in a momsent of . thbestee her. At the ps-arem om nimteher skh a se oud as harekbu atued mlsa kms thaaa doe. wumads were teind eo harhedy. meet of them on the head. A.seen athadd wmm ws lead Morte. toek thelm: eC- emerind ad let th hous. S.ssed

a unertaer @75 If he woald bhry kmret ma Tis. mred --.pinn a be emsamnner Ite t lem lea deedaee

25 aea."o afivem .im eysegas. d~e

Umeimh tria tech passe em Jun I. Mogiad m esg , but jnst as l ast juter

estees a o. e su- aws agl pa.O~em 6*' a Ce GC hasimes et

~rnU=ed mi tioeem'"'hLe ea~'.....

esse Qa

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