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“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s

happiness!’ Matthew 25:21

You had better believe that the day is coming when we will all gather before our Father’s

throne in heaven, and an “Oscar Ceremony” will be held as God judges each man’s work;

how they fulfilled their mission on earth, how they conducted themselves, and how they

used the spiritual gifts, opportunities and resources God gave them while they were “on the

field”. On that day many will be commended for their sacrifice, love, care and dedication

in serving the Lord. Some will receive a reward, while others will be invited to sit on the

seats of honour at the right hand of God. And then the Oscars will be followed by a great

feast! Sadly the work of others will be judged and found wanting, maybe because God

gave them everything they needed to fulfil his commission, but they did nothing. Today’s

Oscars are our way of giving special honour to those volunteers who have served with

excellence here at the Chapel. Seeing that we have over 300 volunteers engaged each

Sunday; and an additional 200 engaged during the course of the week, we simply can’t

honour everyone at one go.

So each year we hold an end of year dinner in December for all volunteers, and thank

them that way; but we also ask each ministry department to pick out the 2 or 3 volunteers

who stood out that year, and we hand out a total of 20 Oscars. Just 20. And once you get

an Oscar, your name is not eligible for another 3 years. Selecting those 20 is about the

hardest thing the pastor’s have to do, because we want to honour everyone who served in

a big or small way. We can’t. Our consolation however, is knowing that this “Oscar Award”

ceremony is but a shadow of what will happen in heaven when God will honour everyone

who served, and their works will be displayed for all to see. No-one will be left out.

These ones listed here have gone over and above their call of duty and used their spiritual

gifts in an exemplary fashion. Many of them have spent hours preparing children’s and

teenagers lessons, mobilizing teams for Sunday service, using their time away from home

to counsel and to guide couples on their walk towards marriage, visiting the sick and

needy, praying for grace into people’s lives and serving in many countless, unseen ways. It

is these ones that we honour today. We encourage you to follow the example set by them.

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He has greatly and passionately reached out in mentoring the male scholars of the Jubilee Scholarship Fund. He is very committed especially to their spiritual growth and maturity. He recently engaged the Man- Enough graduates and for the first time in a long time, we have a great team of men mentors for our Jubilee Scholars.

Rose has been a committed and faithful worshiper at Nairobi Chapel since 2007. She was honored with the opportunity to use her God given talent to design the Nairobi Chapel office at the Green House, together with a team of other consultants. Rose has a passion for Interior Design and the remarkable impact and transformation it has on peoples lives. Despite Rose being expectant at the time of the design, she demonstrated high level of professionalism, integrity and dedication as she extended her pro-bono services to this noble cause as a way of giving back to the society and to her church.

Wambu muigai

rose mWaura

social Justice

office design

The Jubilee mentorship program gave her an opportunity to make a difference, especially by recruiting and training new mentors for the program. She has turned her different background and upbringing into strength. She finds it exciting to challenge the students and thanks God for the many experiences and exposure she has gone through, from which she can share with the next generation.

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muteru nJama

Teacher Muteru as he is fondly referred to by the 13 year olds, is our Ropes champion and has been serving for the last 4 years. He enjoys the fellowship and close support of friends at Club Expressions. His gratitude and admiration can be unmistakably felt as he names Pastors Albert, Edah, the late Anne Mburu, Pst BG and most of all Professor Elizabeth Bukusi as the people who lovingly and closely guided him, and continue to do.

Nancy has been a key partner in the Leadership Development Program (Kinara). She has a passion for growing and mentoring young leaders in her day to day life. She went a step further and made the decision to share this passion by supporting the Kinara Program by opening her home and hosting interns who are in the program. She shares, encourages and mentors these interns and has been consistent in growing them in her home. She does not hesitate to call them out when they go out of line. For this we award her an Oscar and pray the God will continue to bless her as she blesses others.

Kendi joined XP as a result of Plug-In internship and is one of our most reliable/ dedicated Scope (small group) leaders as well as mission team leader. She serves amongst us in the following ways-running our small groups (SCOPE),teaching the Crossroads’ classes, mission engagements’ to Oyugis (Twende RAO)and mentoring the ladies.

club expressions

club expressions

Kendi mbicHi

nancY KanYagoKinara

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Relocating from your mother country to start all over again in a foreign country is never an easy move for anyone. On the contrary, this has not been the case for Johnson due to his friendly nature. He has been very instrumental in helping with the band whenever the band leader has to be away. He has served without reserve and shown leadership capability throughout his time with the band.

She is one of our committed and consistent volunteers who has served in the capacity of the sound and lights technician. Whenever there is a problem with the LED lights cabling, Kui takes it upon herself to fix the cables. She exhibits initiative and leadership skills in these areas.

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Wangui KiberaligHts & sound

isaac mburuHospitalitY

Isaac joined Nairobi Chapel in 2011. After graduating from Plug-In Season 2, he was assigned to serve as an Armor Bearer in the Hospitality Ministry. He has served diligently ever since. He arrives early before the service leaders and speakers arrive and leaves after everyone has left. He ensures that all the Sunday service speakers and pastors are comfortable and well cared for so as to deliver their message/ sermons with ease.

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Esther has been volunteering in the Missions Department for 3 years and her contribution has been very significant in the following ways - she has been leading in the planning and execution of Viral Conference; she has taken the responsibility to help manage the volunteers. Once they come from Plug-In, she offers leadership and coordination towards their ministry attachments.

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He has continued to serve as a Security Daddy in Quest since the year 2010. He is a mobilizer and has rallied other dads to come and join him in service. When on duty, he ensures that Quest is a safe haven, conducive both to the children and Parents. He is currently a member of the Quest strategic team that helps cast vision and an involved mobilizer of the Daddy’s Playground project.

Teacher Moses joined Quest in the year 2011. He is passionate about teaching 2 year olds. His love for the children is obvious as his face glows with a clear twinkle in his eyes, each time the little ones find him in class. His passion has drawn in many volunteers in this dreaded age group. He recently took up the responsibility of mentoring and following up on teachers of this particular age group.

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JuditH marenYaquest

Her warm smile and warmth is noticeable to all, especially to the Shangwe class where she serves diligently. A teacher by profession for the last six years, Judith has brought in her expertise to ensure the children in Quest are disciples of Christ. She is our point person in our entry to Makini school for Pastoral Program Initiative each week.

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simon & linda Wangia egroups

eGroup Leaders Simon & Linda have led the Jamuhuri 4 eGroup for a period of 3 years. They have both remained committed and consistent in their exemplary admirable leadership despite some low seasons when at some point, only two members of the group were left standing strong. They steadfastly and maturely led the group regardless of many storms that have been weathered. Amid busy schedules, they have seen to their role of eGroup leaders by making time to travel all the way from Naivasha during group meetings, without fail. They are great role models thus we celebrate them today for their ministry involvement.

Irene has very strong Administration skills and is quite a perfectionist in all she sets out to do. She graduated from Plug in Season 3, 2012 and has since then been attending Nairobi Chapel. She has faithfully been involved in the Plug-In Ministry, where she started out as a Plug-In Administrator and now is one of our very active and diligent volunteers who assists with administration work and data management. Because of this, we strongly feel she deserves an Oscar for her diligence in serving God and His people.

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irene gaKuru pastoral care

Esther is passionate about Leadership, Art and has excellent people skills. She graduated from Plug-In in Season 3, 2010. She was assigned as an eGroup Leader and is currently one of our top committed and active volunteers in the Plug-In Ministry. She is very instrumental in helping Plug-In stream-line their administration work and more so the finances. Because of this, we award her an Oscar for her diligence in serving in the Plug-In Ministry.

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