
Origins of Progressivism Notes

Angela Brown

Chapter 8 Section 1


New Reform Ideas

Two leading reformers 1879 Henry George Progress and Poverty

stated speculation prevented productive use of land.

“Single-tax” clubs – single tax on the value of land to discourage speculation

(Had a tax on improvements already),GGLD:2005-11,GGLD:en


1888 Edward Bellamy – Looking Backward

A man undergoes hypnosis wakes up in year 2000.

The government had taken over largest companies.

The goal was meeting human needs not making profit.



socialism – an economic and political philosophy favoring public or government control of property and income

Many American socialists wanted to end capitalism, distribute wealth and nationalize industry

1901 Socialist Party of America 1912 1000 municipal or city government, offices


The Labor Movement

If unions were successful despite discouragement, employers could count on courts to issue injunctions or court orders, prohibiting workers from going on strike 5

Municipal Reform

Civil service system based on merit instead of favors would keep appointees out of important jobs enforcing labor laws.

Worked for home-rule – system by which cities exercise a limited degree of self-rule

Allowed escape from domination of state government controlled by political machines.


II. Muckrakers

TR’s name for Journalists that alerted public to wrongdoing in politics and business.

Based on character to busy raking filth on earth to lift eyes to heaven.

TR approved of legitimate exposure of wrongdoing.

Many respected writers: Lincoln Steffens, Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair


(Systematic Manner for Change) investigated issues – scientific

data/expert testimony publicized results readers pressured legislators (women’s

clubs and charitable groups key)


The Goals of the Progressives Many Americans were inspired to take action by

joining reform organizations by Muckrakers. All groups working to bring about “progress” in

society therefore period referred to as the Progressive Era.

Most progressives did not support sweeping economic and political changes – feared violence of revolution – average wealth – didn’t want to lose high standard of living


Free government of corruption so it could be more efficient in helping others.

Sister Carrie (1900) – novel by Theodore Dreiser’s – heroine goes unpunished for sins – too shocking – did not sell well – 1981 published in original form


An Expanded Role for Government Wanted government to develop more

Social Welfare Programs – ensure a basic standard of living for all Americans

Expected government to rely on experts/scientists to plan efficient programs, which professionals, not politicians would manage

Unemployment, accident, health insurance, social security for disabled and elderly


Women Work for Reforms

Chicago Hull House – worked with Jane Addams – Florence Kelley – 1893 law prohibiting child labor limiting working hours for women, regulating sweatshop conditions

Governor put Kelley in charge of enforcing. Earned a law degree in order to take legal

action herself. 1897 replaced by new government = spoils

system became involved in Municipal reform 12

Ask why animals are worthy of government protection “but not the children of our race and their mothers”.

Her legacy lasted long after her death in 1932.

Issues: workplace, temperance, right to vote


Resistance to Progressive Reforms

Progressives thought government should have say in housing, health care, content of movies.

Child labor laws – employers and families who needed the income objected

Progressives were perceived as being insensitive to poor – the ones they sought to help


Exit Slip

Who were the Progressives? What did Progressives want? Name 3 changes to society that

Progressives sought.


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