
Distribution : limited D K " 0 " 7 ¡ I FR/RP/CONSULTANT

Organization and Structure of a National System of Scientific and Technological Information (SNICT)

August 1972 by H. Borko

Serial N ° 2 8 2 4 / R M O . R D / D B A Paris, December 1972




1. The nitssioni background and purpose; agencies visited . . . 3

1.1 Brazilian Institute of Bibliography and Documentation (IBBD) . . . . . k

1.2 National Library of Brazil h

1.3 Ministry of Foreign Affairs . . . . . . . . . 5

l.k Ministry of Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.5 Ministry of Interior 7

1.6 Ministry of Education and Culture 7

1.7 Ministry of Mines and Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.8 Regional Library of Medicine - SSo Paulo 8

1.9 Institute of Space Research - INPE . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.10 Aerospace Technological Centre - CTA . . . 8

2. Summary of main recommendations . . . . . 9

2.1 Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.2 Sub-systems . . . . . . . 9

2.3 Proposed organizational structure 10

2.4 Implementation .. . . . . . . . . . 10

2.5 Training programmes , 10

3. Functions of a national documentation (information) centre in a developing country 10

3»1 Co-ordination 12

3.2 Resource development . . . . . . . . 13

3.3 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.4 Depository .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ik

3.5 Training I1*

h. National System of Scientific and Technological Information (SNICT) In Brazil - Initial concept's . . . . . 15

5. Recommendations concerning the organization and structure of the National System cf Scientific and Technological Information*"(SNlCTl T 16

5.1 Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

5.2 Sub-system of scientific information . . . . . . . . . 19

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5.3 Sub-system of information from abroad 20

5.U Sub-system of educational information 20

5«5 Sub-system of health services information . « . , . 22

5-6 Sub-system of technology for industry information . 22

5.7 Sub-system of infrastructure services information . . 23

5.8 Sub-system of agricultural information 2k

5.9 Sub-system of mines and energy information ¿ . . . . 25

5.10 Some final observations 26

6. Concluding remarks 26


Brazilian Institute of Bibliography and Documentation (IBBD)


I. Initial plan for. the National System of Scientific and Technological Information

II. Proposed organizational structure of SNICT

III. Distribution of union catalogue in regional centres, photoduplication service and telex lines

Draft project budget

Project budget prepared at Unesco Secretariat reflecting UNDP assistance required for implementing consultant's recommendations

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1. The mission; background and purpose: agencies visited

In June 1972, I received a contract from Unesco authorizing me to proceed to Brazil for a four-week period beginning on 9 July 1972 and

"... in collaboration with the Instituto Brasileiro de Bibliografía e DocumentaçSo and other authorities designated by the Government,

advise on the organization and establishment of a national System of scientific and technological information;

submit a report to Unesco not later than 31 August 1972 containing details of a plan of action for implementation of the project."

In preparing for this mission, I received a great deal of information and encouragement from colleagues in the United States and abroad; Miss Judith Werdel of the U.S. National Committee for FID (International Pederation for Documentation) compiled and sent me a number of documents containing background information on scientific and technical information and related activities in Brazil. Richard E. Mason, a professor at the University of California, recently returned from a trip to Brazil where he participated in a project for the National Academy of Sciences for the Assessment of the Science and Technology Project for the State of Sâo Paulo. He too provided me with documents as well as a personal exchange of information. From Unesco, I received some reports from previous Unesco missions in other parts of the world.

During ray stay in Brazil, I received support and co-operation from Mrs. Hagar Espanha Gomes, the Vice-President of IBBD, and from many members of that organization. These efforts on my behalf were greatly appreciated.

The first task of a consultant is to understand the specific system that he is to advise on in the context of the existing social, political and economic systems. Here, I was very fortunate, as the Federal Republic of Brazil, in November 1971* had published a volume on the First National Development Plan, 1972-74^' t as well as an English translation. This document provided informa­tion on the national goals and strategies as well as on the role that the National System of Scientific and Technical Information was supposed to fulfil in achieving these goals. Nevertheless, more specific information is needed, and most of my time during this mission was spent in visiting various organiza­tions and knowledgeable individuals in order to ask questions, gather informa­tion, promote discussion of the information handling procedures utilized in the various institutions, and to learn how these procedures would fit into the proposed organizational structure of SNICT.

I would like, at this point, to record my gratitude to all of the people whom I met, both for their technical assistance and their courtesy. The opinions which I express in the summaries of these meetings are my own and not the official views of the organizations that I visited. Any misinterpretations are due to my own inadequacies in bridging the language and/or cultural barrier.

(1) Federal Republic of Brazil. First National Development Plan, 1972-74, November 1971»

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1.1 Brazilian Institute of Bibliography and Documentation (IBBD)

My first few days in Rio de Janeiro were spent for the most part at IBBD getting aoquainted with the various activities of that organization and in a general discussion of my mission, A major function of IBBD is to gather, organize, print and distribute bibliographies in the physical and social sciences. The data in these reports originate in Brazil and in foreign countries. Distribution is within Brazil. In the preparation of these bibliographies, the data is put into machine-readable form and processed by computer. KWIC indexes are also prepared. A more complete description of the activities of IBBD is included in the Appendix to this report.

The computers, an IBM 1620 and a 370/1^5» are located at the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas - the Brazilian Centre for Physical Research -also in Rio de Janeiro. Accompanied by Mrs. Elvia Oliveira, the Director of the Bibliographic Service at IBBD, I visited the Centre and met Professor George Schwachheim who directs the computer facility. He is interested in non-numeric data processing and has, In addition to working with IBBD, prepared a book catalogue of the monographs at the Centre's library.

Later on, I returned to the Centre to meet the Director, Professor Alfredo Marques. We discussed the mission of the National System for Scientifio and Teohnical Information. Professor Marques expressed the opinion that Brazilian scientists need to be better acquainted with the relevant work taking place within Brazil and elsewhere. Journals are received but often after inexplicably long delays. He felt that it would be useful to have an SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information) system, particularly for research reports within Brazil. Microfiches are not being used much in this country, and this technology might be explored.

IBBD does have a reprographic laboratory as well as a printing plant as part of its publication services. The printing plant has a good deal of equip­ment, including three photo-offset machines, one of which can handle an eight-page plate. There are also two linotype machines and the usual collators, binders, etc. At the time of my visit, there were few employees on the premises and machines were standing idle, that is, an employee moved from machine to machine, and when he was at one, the others were not being used.

The reprography laboratory also seemed well equipped, although I am not expert enough to evaluate these matters. This shop makes the photo-offset plates. They also make hard copies of articles from microfilm, in response to requests. Microfiches are not used.

1.2 National Library of Brazil

Also during this first week I visited the National Library of Brazil of which the head librarian is Mrs. Jannice Monte-M&r. This is a large library with an impressive collection of old and rare book3, manuscripts, engravings, etc. Books are shelved by fixed location, and thus cataloguing is even more essential than normally. Unfortunately, the back-log is very great, being a number of years behind. The problem is recognized and efforts are being made to deal with it, although an adequate staff is a major problem.

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Together with Mrs. Monte-M6r and Mrs. Gomes, we spoke of the need to develop a role for the National Library within the planned National System of Scientific and Technical Information. Unfortunately, the Library has apparently been left out of the original plans. However, both Mrs. Gomes and Mrs. Monte-M6r would like to correct this oversight and co-operate with each other. Mrs. Monte-Môr has prepared a statement concerning the participation of the National Library in the National System of Scientific and Technical Information.

1.3 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

During ray second week in Brazil, I flew to the city of Brasilia to consult with the representatives of a number of foreign ministries. My guide during this stay in Brasilia was Mr. Abner Vicentini who was extremely helpful in bringing me to these appointments and in explaining various matters.

At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I met with Mr. Frank da Costa, Head of the Division of Intellectual Co-operation. He is also the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to SNICT and an active member of the Co-ordinating Council. Using the system diagram (Fig. I) as a starting point, Mr. da Costa provided some additional information on each of the sub-systems. This served as a very useful orientation and provided material for elaboration by the other ministries.

Sub-sy3tem for scientific information

IBBD will be the agency responsible for this sub-system. It will continue its present functions of gathering and disseminating information through the media of published bibliographies.

IBBD has an additional role as well; it serves as a consultant to the Co-ordinating Council. A question was raised as to whether a single organization can be responsible for the operation of a sub-system and at the same time serve as an adviser to the Co-ordinating Council.

Sub-system for patented technological information

The responsible agency is the National Institute of Industrial Property which is part of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. The Institute has three important functions: (1) to register patents, i.e. to operate a patent office; (2) to provide information about patents; and (3) to advise on the technologies, or patents, that should be imported into Brazil.

The sub-system on patent information appears to have a reasonably well-defined, and an important, mission in the national system.

Sub-system for free, industrial technological information

In concept, this sub-system may have been planned as a counterpart of IBBD in that IBBD is supposed to be responsible for the collection and dissemination of scientific information, while the National Institute of Technology is to be responsible for technical information. This institute, like the Institute of Industrial Property, is also part of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. It publishes abstract journals on plastics, rubber, mining, etc.

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Since it is very difficult to draw a clear distinction between science and technology, some overlap seems to be inevitable. For example, IEHD publishes a bibliography on industrial chemistry.

Sub-system on agricultural information

This sub-system will be operated by the Ministry of Agriculture which already has such an information centre. Mr. da Costa and I did little more than mention this sub-system since an appointment had been scheduled with this Ministry.

Sub-system for information on infrastructure and service

This sub-system is to be the responsibility of the Ministry of Planning. The operating agency has not been definitely decided, although it seems clear that the Brazilian Institute of Geography, Statistics and Information will have an Important role. At the moment, this sub-system seems to be a miscellaneous category to take care of other information systems that have not been specifically designated. It is possible that the sub-system will be composed of a number of sub-systems or that it may be split into more than one.

National Institute for the Collection and Dissemination of Information from Abroad

Mr. da Costa represents this sub-system as head of the Division of Intellectual Co-operation within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He described the role of this division as a "Nholesaler" of information. An individual who needs information from abroad contacts this agency which obtains it for him. An SDI (selective Dissemination of Information) service is being planned so that individuals working in known areas will receive information as it becomes available rather than on request.

Central Co-ordinating Council

The Co-ordinating Council for SNICT is a committee of the National Research Council. At present, it is planning the structure of the system so as to ensure compatibility among the sub-systems and to avoid duplication of services. After the system becomes operational, the committee will have to function as a policy-making body. This may require that the original committee be changed or that a new committee be organized. In order to increase the effectiveness of the policy-making committee, it should be given control of finances. This may, or may not, be in the original plan.

l.k Ministry of Agriculture

Met with Mr. Rosinha, the Co-ordinator of Agricultural Information. Agricultural information is now available in Brazil; it is being collected and disseminated. There is a Central Library of Agriculture, under the direction of" Mrs. Nidia Caldas. Co-ordination does exist between Brazil and other national and international organizations. The Ministry of Agriculture sponsors and supports research in many universities and special Institutes such as the

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Coffee Institute, the Cocoa Institute, etc. By means of an extension programme, new developments in agricultural service and technology are brought to the attention of the farmers. Mr. Rosinha felt that the present system is working quite well. He foresees no problems in integrating the agricultural system into the National Information System. He expects to operate pretty much as at present.

1.5 Ministry of Interior

,Met with Secretary-General, Henrique BrandSo Cavalcanti. Although this Ministry is represented on the National Research Council, it does not have any direct representation in the Co-ordinating Council for SNICT. This is not causing any difficulties. They are keeping themselves informed and are assuming a "wait and see" attitude.

1.6 Ministry of Education and Culture

The Director of University Education is Dr. Heitor Sousa. He is aware of the National System of Scientific and Technical Information. He is also con­cerned that the information systems within the universities are not directly represented, and he feels that they should have a very prominant piase. Most of the scientists, the users of the information, are in universities or research institutes. The Ministry of Education supports research, libraries, and publishes journals. Clearly they have an information system, but what is not clear is how education is represented in SNICT.

Mr. Sousa felt that one of the more serious aspects of the information problem is that university students do not know how to use a library to search for information, and to integrate information gathered from books and Journals into their studies and research. He indicated that there is a need to train more people in librarianship and information science both at the undergraduate and graduate levels and that the Education Ministry is studying this problem.

I also had the privilege of meeting with Mr. Jarbas Passárinho, the Minister of Education and Culture. He was well briefed about SNICT, and on my role. He expressed concern that the National Library of Brazil was not represented, and he said that he would suggest that university libraries, and particularly the National Library, be made an Integral part of the National Information System.

1.7 Ministry of Mines and Energy

This is a very important Ministry concerned with the mining of coal, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, precious and semi-precious stones, as well as petroleum, electric power, and various other related activities. My guide, Mr, Vicentini, works in this Ministry. He introduced me to the Secretary-General, Mr. Benjamin Baptista. This Ministry is represented in SNICT, but there is no sub-system solely concerned with its activities. In general, the sub-system on technology should provide the information needed. However, Mr. Baptista Implied that the information needed is unique and specialized and that his agency is best equipped to gather and process the information. Indeed, he is doing so, and plans to continue. We discussed the problem of co-ordinating within the system, but exactly how, is unclear.

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1.8 Regional Library of Medicine - Sab Paulo

The Regional Library of Medicine is the regional office for the Pan American Health Organization and of the World Health Organization. It was established for the purpose of providing broad access to scientific information, to the biomedical communities in Latin America. It is connected to the Escola Paulista de Medicina and is supported by the Government of Brazil, Foundations and other institutions. It maintains, I am told, one of the best health service libraries in Latin America and it provides documents, bibliographies and copies of scientific articles to support the teaching, research and practice of medicine and the health professions.

The Director of the Library is Dr. Amador B. Neghme. In addition to the Director, I met and spoke with other members of the professional staff, including Dr. Carlos Gamboa, Mr. Washington Moura and Miss Ophelia Sepulveda. I described the National System for Scientific and Technical Information. Dr. Neghme and his associates expressed the belief that health services and particularly the Regional Medical Library System should be integrated into SNICT-

1.9 Institute of Space Research - INPE

The Institute of Space Research is located in Sâo José dos Campos. It is the principal agency for civilian-oriented space research in Brazil. The Director is Dr. Fernando de Mendonça who is a very impressive, far-sighted Individual. Over 600 full-time personnel work exclusively at INPE, plus about 50 part-time consultants, and about an equal number of Brazilian graduate students who are studying in U.S. and European Universities. The research programme consists of both pure and applied aspects aimed at investigating solutions to Brazilian problems in the fields of communications, education, meteorology, surveys of natural resources, transfer of technologies, and systems analysis as applied to complex large-scale problems of the country. Graduate courses and specialized educational programmes are taught at the Institute. There is a good technical library and information centre.

During my visit to INPE, I gave a talk to some of the technical staff and guests on "Information serviee -and its social impact".

I gathered from my discussions with Dr. Mendonça that he too believes that the information facilities of INPE should be integrated with the National Information Systems. He plans to contact the National Research Council.

1.10 Aerospace Technical Centre - CTA

The Aerospace Technical Centre is part of the R & D Command of the Air Ministry. Among the major activities of this Centre are: teaching and training, research and development, industrial relations and co-ordination. My hosts, during my visit at CTA, were Colonel Hugo de Oliveira Piva and the Librarian, Miss Lourdes Slqueira.

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This institute provides a number of specialized information services, such as undergraduate and graduate training in aeronautics electronics, mechanics, computer technology, air traffic control, flight safety, etc. It maintains a research programme in aerospace technology, and develops and trans­fers new technologies to industry. The products may be as small as a gauge or as large as an entire airplane plant.

The Central Library, which provides informational support for these activities, has a staff of six librarians and fifteen auxiliary personnel. The library contains over 60,000 books, 1,600 journals and 20,000 documents, plus NASA reports, etc.

All concerned felt that this information resource should be a part of the National Information System.

2. Summary of main recommendations

The mission task was stated simply as one of providing advice on the organization and establishment of a National System of Scientific and Technological Information (SNICT)(l), This system was authorized in the First National Development Plan , and in accordance with this Plan, the National Research Council (CNPq) prepared a preliminary proposal for possible implementa­tion. The consultant analysed the proposal and made a number of recommendations for strengthening the administrative structure and for broadening the base by including additional sub-systems.

2.1 Administration

The administrative structure of SNICT needs to be strengthened in terms of both Its authority and responsibility. It was suggested that a Co-ordination Officer be appointed and that he be made responsible for carrying out the directives of the Executive Committee. Policy advice and guidance is to be provided by CNPq.

The administrative unit of the organization is to be an Executive Committee. It is suggested that this committee be composed of the eight sub-system heads plus a representative from both CNPq, and the Ministry of Planning. The Co-ordinating Officer will be an ex officio member of the Executive Committee.

2.2 Sub-systems

Eight sub-systems or operating units are proposed: scientific information; information from abroad} educational information; health services information} technology for industry information; infrastructure servioes information; agricultural information; and mines and energy information. These sub-systems are to function in a semi-autonomous fashion, but their tasks are to be co-ordinated by the Exeoutive Committee which will also have some budgetary control. One of the main tasks is to establish liaison with the user groups.

(1) See: Presidential Decree 70.553 of 17 May 1972

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2.5 Proposed organizational structure

An organizational chart (Fig. 2) showing the proposed organizational structure was prepared and discussed with the SNICT Co-ordinating Committee of CNPq. A brief description of the sub-system functions was also presented.

2.k Implementation

If the plan is approved, it is suggested that a co-ordinating officer and an executive committee be appointed» One of the first tasks of the Executive Committee should be to request that each of the heads of the sub-system prepare an annual plan describing:

(a) the organization of the sub-system;

(b) the functions of the sub-system that are now being performed;

(c) the new functions that would have to be undertaken in order that the sub-system operates effectively within the national system;

(d) the additional budget that would be required to carry out the new tasks.

2.5 Training programmes

Training programmes for the education of additional librarians and dooumentalists and for the training of scientists and technicians in the use of information should be undertaken as soon as possible.

5. Functions of a national documentation (information) centre in a developing country

In order to provide a broad perspective within which to view both the Brazilian National System of Scientific and Technical Information, and the role of IBBD within that system, it is desirable first to examine the functions that a national documentation centre could have in a developing country,*

In preparing this section of the report, the author was influenced by the following two documents:

(1) The first draft of a study on "The function and organization of a National Documentation Centre (NDC) in a developing country". This report was prepared by the FID/DC Committee through a contract with Unesco in December 1971;

(2) A consultant's report prepared by L.E. Samarasinghe on a National Scientific and Technical Documentation Centre in Ceylon, March I969.

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Although it is difficult to define precisely what is meant by a developing country, some of the obvious characteristics are:

(1) Current achievement in practically all areas of concern are significantly below potential;

(2) Need to rely to a very large extent on personnel, technologies and scientific achievements imported from other countries;

(3) An ambition to develop all sectors of the country at a rate significantly higher than the older, more developed countries, and thus to achieve a fully developed status as quickly as possible.

As is implied in point 2 above, a developing nation must utilize the sciences and the technologies that have been developed abroad. If a developing country is to catch up, it cannot afford to engage in the slow and laborious process of repeating the mistakes and the experiments of the past. There is not enough time. A developing country must import information and distribute it to its scientists, engineers and managers.

Precisely because the role of information is so important in a developing country, the organization and functions of a national documentation centre are equally crucial.

Regarding the structure of the centre itself, many organizational patterns are possible. It may be a single, centralized government agency; or it may consist of many decentralized centres with little if any government support except perhaps for co-ordinating the different units. The choice is determined in part by the political philosophy of the country, in part by the people involved, and in part by the existing practices in universities, institutes and industry. There would be advantages and disadvantages to whatever organizational pattern is selected, but each form could be made to operate effectively.

Par more important than the structure are the functions to be performed. A National Documentation Centre (NDC) should:

(a) provide the government agencies of the country, and the managers and planners involved, with detailed information about scientific and technological progress within the country and the prospects for its implementation. Whereas the specific reports will be prepared by a variety of agencies, the NDC should co-ordinate these reports and prepare the results in its most useful form;

(b) provide scientists, researchers and technicians with information concerning the latest published reports in their fields of interest;

(c) provide an organization for the collection, processing and dissemination of national scientific findings in both the natural and the social sciences, and by this means improve communication among scientists within the country and lessen the possibility of undesirable duplication of effort;

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(d) provide scientists within the country with a means of obtaining new scientific findings which originate in foreign countries, and by means of travel grants and the support of international organizations and meetings, provide local scientists with opportunities of establishing and maintaining persons*! contaets with their foreign colleagues;

(e) provide for the training of an adequate number of documentalists, and provide for the training of scientists in the proper use of information.

The specific tasks required fcr the implementation of these functions may, in conformity with a scheme developed by Samarasinghe (see preceding footnote), be divided into five types as follows:

1. Co-ordination of existing resources;

2. Resource development within the Centre;

5* Service to users;

h. Depository of scientific works produced in the country;

5» Training personnel for documentation work.

Although a complete elaboration of these activities is beyond the scope of this report, some explication will be provided by means of comments and examples.

3.1 Co-ordination

One of the most important tasks of an NDC is to provide an inventory, or catalogue, of the available information resources within the country. A number of such lists are needed, including:

(1) A national union catalogue of books listing the holdings of the principal scientific and technical libraries in the nation;

(2) A union list of scientific and technical periodicals in these libraries;

(3) A list of the scientific and technical libraries in the country preferably annotated with appropriate comments about their holdings;

These basic lists may be supplemented with other listings depending upon the needs of the country, as for example:

(k) A national register of scientific and technical personnel and their areas of expertise;

(5) A list of training institutions in various specialties.

These and similar catalogues will provide planners with information about the resources available within the country, and will help towards their more efficient utilization.

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3.2 Resource development

Information is a national resource, and it should be the responsibility of the NDC to develop this resource for optimal utilization. In accordance with this function, and in close co-ordination with other co-operating libraries in the national system, the NDC should acquire and assemble the following sources of scientific and technical information: bibliographies, reviews, abstracts, indexes, directories, encyclopaedias, catalogues, etc. In other words, the NDC should maintain a solid collection of reference tools needed to back up the scientific documentation activities of the Centre. It will also acquire selectively scientific and technical books, conference proceedings, reports and other general materials.

3.3 Services

A major function of the NDC is to provide a facility from which scientists and other users may request information services. The services to be provided include:

(1) A document procurement service which will obtain for a user a photocopy, microfilm or reprint of any published scientific article that may be requested;

(2) A current awareness service which will provide selected users with information on the literature published in their fields of interest. This service may take different forms, e.g. bibliographies of specific fields such as chemistry, agronomy, computer technology, etc., a selective dissemination of information (SDI) service, or specialized bibliographies prepared at the request of users;

(3) A translation service which will provide the user with a complete translation or abstract, in a language understood by him, of any article which has been published in a language which he does not read;

(k) An enquiries service where requests for scientific informa­tion, or answers to specific questions, can be obtained from the Centre. Telephone, oral and postal enquiries will be dealt with;

(5) A reprographic and printing service where the equipment of the Centre could be used for reproducing documents required by institutions or individuals. The methods used would be micro­filming, printing, photo-offset or photocopying. Printing work could be undertaken for other scientific institutions and associations depending upon the work load at the Centre.

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(6) Advisory services in the field of technical and scientific documentation to government and technical institutions in the country. The advice could be on the organization and maintenance of technical services, staff training, administration, etc.

(7) Library services where reading facilities will be provided and where important technical works and reference books will be available to authorized users;

(8) Exchange services where the publications of the Centre will be exchanged with those of similar centres either within the country or abroad;

(9) Inter-library loan services where the Centre will lend to requesting libraries in the country, books from its own collections, for reference at that library by users who are unable to come to the Centre for that purpose. Conversely, the Centre will borrow materials from other libraries for use by its own clients.

3 A Depository

It is recommended that the NDC be responsible for securing, storing and making accessible to local researchers and foreign scholars all scientific and technical information produced in the country, or pertaining to the country, e.g. Brazil, that would be useful for national development. The NDC should be a repository for all research papers, reports, reviews, surveys, etc. that are produced in the country as a result of the work of learned societies, commercial or industrial firms, government departments, as well as scientists and technologists. As most of this material is not published or listed, it tends to escape the attention of those working in similar or related fields. As a consequence, there is a danger of wasting time, money and effort due to unneces­sary duplication of work that has already been done. Ideally, the NDC should have on its staff qualified personnel who will be able to summarize these reports and prepare selective state-of-the-art reviews. If qualified staff is not available, the preparation of these reviews should be contracted to other organizations.

3-5 Training

The NDC should provide facilities for in-service training of documentalists with the objective of providing trained personnel for the country's institutions.

In summary a National System of Scientific and Technological Information is a necessary component of a developing country's plans for the rapid exploitation of its economic and social resources. A central component to that system should be a National Documentation Centre with clearly defined functions to co-ordinate the collection, processing and dissemination of appropriate scientific and technological information.

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k. National System of Scientific and Technological Information (SNICT) in Brazil *• Initial concepts

Brazil is a developing country and it is developing at a remarkably rapid rate. According to available information, the gross national product (GNP) has been increasing at the approximate rate of 9 per cent per year for the last three years. This is truly remarkable, and the Government is dedicated to maintaining this high growth rate of industrial development. Basic guidelines have been determined and priority sectors for economic development have been established, in the processing of minerals, other natural resources, food, construction materials, etc. The polioy makers are also aware of the need to Improve the co-ordination of existing information services and to develop new services to support and expand scientific and technological research.

Obviously this concept was the result of much thought and planning that took place in the highest levels of government. These efforts reached fruition with the passing of Federal Law No. 5727 which decreed the First National Development Plan for the years 1972-7*»-. Within this National Plan, there was a section which dealt with the "Basic Plan for Scientific and Technological Development" (P3DCT), And, finally, as part of the Basic Plan, there has been established a National System of Scientific and Technological Information (SNICT).

As an implementation of the National Policy of Scientific and Technological Development, Decree 70.553 was issued in May 1972. This Decree specifies the rôles of the National Research Council and the Ministry of Planning and General Co-ordination, It also states a number of tasks that are to be accomplished.

The primary concern of this mission is to provide an analysis of the National System of Scientific and Technical Information (SNICT), and where possible to help specify the rôle of IBBD within SNICT.

The National System of Scientific and Technological Information is linked with the National Research Council (CNPq) but operates in a decentralized way. The main components are the following sub-systems;

Scientific Information;

Free industry technological information; Patent technological information;

Information on infrastructure and services; Agricultural information, and

Collection and dissemination of information from abroad.

A diagram showing the organization and the interrelationship of these units is included, Fig. I.

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Careful study of the plan for the National System revealed a number of areas that need to be examined and clarified. The Decree that authorizes the SNICT is rather general, as indeed it should be. Yet six specific sub-systems are established as well as a co-ordinating committee. The sub-systems appear to be a strange mixture of information service organizations and of operating organizations. For example, IBBD has as its functions the collection and dissemination of scientific information. It publishes a number of specialized bibliographies, on physics, chemistry, engineering, zoology, etc. It also prepared a union catalogue of periodicals and does similar information dissemination services.

A second sub-system is responsible for the collection and dissemination of information and literature from foreign countries.

A third' sub-system deals specifically with patented technological informa­tion and has the specific task of setting up a Patent Information Centre.

Similarly, one sub-system is responsible for agricultural information, another for non-patented or free technological information, and, finally, one dealing with infrastructure and service information such as communications.

The system appears to be a mixture of both general discipline.,oriented Information services and a few mission-oriented services such as patents and agriculture. This is bound to cause some overlap and confusion of responsibili­ties. Moreover, a number of high priority missions and industries, many of which have well developed information services, seem to be omitted from the National System, for example, education, aerospace Industry, medicine, etc. How will these organizations be represented in the National System?

5. Recommendations concerning the organization and structure of the National System of Scientific and Technological Information (SÑTcT)

In general, it can be said that the purpose of a national system of scientific and technical information is to support the economic, political and social development of the nation in which it is located. For the proper design of such an information system, one must take into account the broader social structures of the country which is to use the information. As a consultant to this project, I have only been in Brazil four weeks, and this hardly qualifies me as an expert on Brazil. I was, however, fortunate in a number of respects. The negotiations which led to this mission took place over a long period of time, six months, and thus I was able to read extensively on the history," political structure and economic development of Brazil. UCLA has an excellent library collection on Latin American affairs which provided much useful back­ground information. This material was supplemented with reports received from the National Academy of Sciences and from colleagues at UCLA. When I arrived in Brazil, the staff of IBBD provided me with additional material directly related to my mission, and answered my many questions.

Fig. 1 is a diagram of the organizational structure as it was originally conceived. As was pointed out in Section k of this report, my analysis of this diagram and the supporting material revealed some possible deficiencies and raised questions that needed to be resolved.

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The main problems are:

(1) The administrative structure is unspecified and the lines of authority and responsibility are unclear;

(2) The system seems to be made up of independent co-operating sub­systems that remain under operational control of separate ministries. This would make it difficult to achieve integration;

(3) The proposed sub-systems are both discipline-oriented and mission-oriented; functions overlap and are not easily di stingui shable;

(k) Some functions that should be part of the National System of Scientific and Technological Information appear to have been omitted.

The accuracy of my impressions had to be checked and additional information obtained. To do so, a number of consulting visits were arranged. The results of these visits are summarized in Section k of the report.

Based upon the information received, a proposed revised organizational struoture of SNICT was drawn. This structure, and its rationale was presented first to General Arthur Façanha, President of the National Research Council, and to Mr. Manoel da Frota Moreira, Scientific Director. Both men agreed that the plan had merit, and they suggested that it be presented to the SNICT Co-ordinating Committee/National Research Council. This meeting was held on 27 July 1972 in Rio de Janeiro. At this meeting I again presented the proposed modifications for the organizational structure of SNICT. The plan was discussed in detail, questions were raised and a number of changes suggested, but the general concept was found to be acceptable.

Prom the viewpoint of the consultant, it was crucial that an agreement be reached concerning the general structure of SNICT, So that the detailed analysis of the sub-systems could continue. There are at least three different conceptual structures that could be used in planning the organization of SNICT. In ideal form these may be described as follows*

(1) A loose confederation of independent sub-systems. Essentially, this was the idea behind the original design plan. The problems noted aould have been eliminated by adding additional sub-systems, by clarifying the individual responsibilities, the co-ordinating function, etc.

(2) A highly centralized and unified system. All major information collection and dissemination units in science and technology would be under the direct operational and budgetary control of SNICT. The system would consist of an integrated network at both subject-oriented and regional centres. This type of structure provides good administrative control and centralized authority and responsibility. There would be some loss of local agency autonomy.

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(5) An administratively integrated structure of independent sub-systems. Conceptually this structure is a compromise between the confederated and the centralized systems in that the operating agencies are allowed to remain independent, but their plans and budgets are subject to approval by the administrative body of the system.

Ideally, all three structural types could have been presented to the National Research Council for discussion. But in the interest of making maximum progress in the very short time available for this mission, the consultant suggested the organizational structure which in his opinion was best suited for this particular system. Fortunately it was found to be acceptable, and work of providing a more detailed description of the sub-systems involved was able to proceed. A chart illustrating the structure of the proposed organization is shown in Pig. II. It consists of an administrative unit and eight sub-systems.

5.1 Adminlstration

In order to strengthen the administrative structure, it is proposed that a National System for Scientific and Technical Information (SNICT) be implemented under the guidance of the Advisory Board. This Advisory Board will be established by the National Research Council (CNPq), to provide policy guidance for SNICT. This structure is in accordance with the First National Development Plan which reads as follows: "Establishment of the National System of Scientific and Technical Information, functionally articulated with CNPq, and for decentralized operation". The actual administrative body that would be responsible for achieving the smooth operation of the system, establishing co-ordination of the tasks performed by the various sub-systems, and ensuring that there is no undesirable duplication of function and that no desired function is ignored, is the Executive Committee. The Co-ordinating Officer would be responsible for seeing to it that the directives established by the Executive Committee are carried out. It is suggested that the Executive Committee be composed of the heads of each of the SNICT sub-systems plus a representative from CNPq and from the Planning Ministry.

One of the first tasks of the Executive Committee would be to request that each of the heads of the SNICT sub-systems prepare an annual plan describing:

(1) the organization of the sub-system;

(2) the functions of the sub-system that are presently being performed;

(3) the new functions that would have to be undertaken in order for the sub-system to operate effectively within the national system;

(k) the additional budget to be requested from extra governmental provisions for SNICT that would be required to carry out the new tasks.

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The proposed plana ot^otion ̂ ïoxild̂ then be approved or modified by the Committee. When approved, the plan becomes the charter of the sub-system. The head of the SNICT sub-system is responsible for carrying out these tasks. The Co-ordinating Officer of SNICT is responsible for monitoring the planned activities of each sub-system and ensuring that adequate progress is made. Any problems or deviations are reported to the Executive Committee for action. In this way, strong administrative control is exercised while each sub-system remains responsible for its own activities.

5.2 Sub-system of scientific information

This sub-system was specified in the First National Development PI en. The responsible agency is IB3D, and a more detailed description of the suggested tasks and priorities are given in the Annex to this report. Four units have been specified: primary publications, secondary publications, analysis, and services to information specialists.

TBBD is the National Documentation Centre for Brazil, and as such it will have a significant role in the National System for Scientific and Technical Information. This role is recognized by the National Recearch Council and all concerned. As the industrial development of the country expands, it will be necessary to provide more and more current scientific and technical information for, in order to maintain the high growth rate, industry will have to use the latest advances in scientific research and technological development. IBRD will have to expand its services if it is to meet these anticipated demands. They are aware of this fact and are making plans to do so.

5.2.1 Primary publications

This unit is responsible for ensuring that at least one copy of all primary publications in science and technology will be in Brazil. In addition, the sub­system should operate as a depository for all Brazilian publications in science and technology, including journals, technical reports, ongoing research reports. It is to publish union lists of holdings and directories of various types.

5.2.2 Secondary publications

Current bibliographies in the various scientific disciplines are to be published regularly.

5.2.5 Analysis

The information whioh this unit prepares is entered into a computerized data bank. It is the responsibility of this unit to analyse the contents of this data bank and prepare special reports, such as: a list of institutions engaged in research on a particular topic, e.g. meteorology; a list of research projects sponsored by a given ministry; the amount of research funds allocated by all government agencies to a given institution or geographic area, etc.

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In addition, the analysis centre should prepare summaries of research and state-of-the-art reports in collaboration with all sub-systems and should feed information to these data banks which will provide the bibliographic and statistical data to aid CNPq in developing scientific national policy.

5.2.4 Service to information specialists

This sub-system will be responsible for conducting research in information science, developing new techniques for information processing and contributing to new knowledge in this field. This unit is also responsible for training qualified documentalists and information scientists by providing graduate and post-graduate courses on information science.

5.2.5 Miscellaneous function

There are a number of miscellaneous functions which this sub-system must perform, e.g. computer programming support, information telex networks, etc. It is suggested that these activities be integrated into an existing unit or in the headquarters unit. New units may be created, if necessary. Obviously the way the sub-systems are to be organized should be the responsibility and decision of the head of the SNICT sub-system.

5.3 Sub-system of information from abroad

The collection and dissemination of information from abroad has also been specified as a necessary component of the National System in the First National Development Plan. This service is performed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Integrated into SNICT through the sul>-system of information from abroad.

5.3»1 Information from abroad

This sub-system has a single mission - to collect and disseminate informa­tion from abroad in response to requests by authorized users. Brazil has only one Science Attache who is located in the united States of America. Within the National System, it is anticipated that the need for information from abroad will increase. It is suggested that a unit be established on a regional basis sc as to expedite the gathering of information.

5.4 Sub-system of educational information

Unlike the previous two sub-systems, education was not specifically mentioned in the First National Development Plan. Nevertheless, it seems clear that a sub-system of educational information is required if SNICT is to have comprehensive coverage. Within this sub-system, four units have been specified in the proposed plan. These are: the National Library, Central University Libraries, Lending Libraries and a Liaison Reference Service to Educational Institutions.

5.4.1 The National Library

Information, even in the sciences, consists of more than the current research reports. The Implication of recent developments can only be understood when viewed in a context that includes the past. The accumulated knowledge relating to man's progress is stored in libraries, and clearly a national information system must include the nation's libraries.

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JThe National Library ofBrazil ̂ s^n^ important cultural ̂assetr. lir is -the legal depository of all books published in Brazil, and a prime source of general information. To aid in the integration of the National Library into SNICT, the overall collection would have to be increased and improved. It is also recommended that the National Library be made responsible for the publication of a union catalogue of books in the major Brazilian libraries. The National Library could also provide cataloguing information to other co-operating libraries and thus avoid some duplication of effort. There are many other services that the National Library could perform, but these will develop naturally in the course of time as the Library's role in SNICT becomes clearer.

5.4.2 Central university Libraries

Probably the largest single class of people who need and use information is in the universities. Both faculty and students must read the literature and keep up with new developments, and the university libraries are the main source of information. Unfortunately, the university libraries in Brazil are neither as well stocked nor as well staffed as they should be. Efforts should be made to improve these central libraries, for it is through the university library that the future scientists and technologists will learn to use informa­tion. By considering university libraries as a system, instead of as individual isolated units, improvements could be made economically. An improved system of inter-library loan should be one of the first goals of this sub-system.

5.4.5 Public libraries

Information is an expensive commodity. The purchase of books and Journals is a significant expenditure in an individual's budget. One of the goals of SNICT is to make people more avid users of information. To accomplish this goal, neighbourhood public libraries need to be created. This is a long-term goal but it should be started soon. Through a system of inter-library loans, the local library will enable the user to obtain the information he needs in the area in which he lives and works.

5.4.4 Liaison reference services to educational institutions

The liaison reference service of the educational sub-system should help the teaching staff at the universities to integrate new information into their lectures so that students would learn about current developments in their fields of interest.

A great deal of scientific research and development is carried out in the university setting. Very often work done in one university is inadvertently duplicated in another. Some work may never be undertaken because qualified researchers do not know that particular projects are important to the develop­ment of the country. The sub-system for education information should maintain active communication with as many university departments as is possible and help teachers develop ideas, prepare proposals and obtain funds for approved projects. These liaison efforts will not only improve the quality of the research, but it will help train new qualified teachers. Personal liaison efforts are needed to bring relevant information to the attention of prospective users. This is true in education and in all other services.

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5.5 Sub-system of health services information

The improvement of health services throughout Brazil is a high priority item in the Government's plan. Quality medical treatment necessitates that physicians and medical institutions be aware of the latest advances in patient care and that this knowledge is put to use in practice. The function of the sub­system of health services information is twofold: to provide the information, and to encourage its application.

5.5.1 Medical libraries, documentation and analysis centres

The Regional Medical Library for all of South America is located in Sâo Paulo, Brazil. This is a large, well staffed library with an effective programme for gathering and disseminating medical information. It has established communication links with many medical libraries throughout the world, and with numerous other medical facilities.

Within SNICT, consideration should be given to establishing this centre as the National Medical Library of Brazil with functions and services similar to the National Library of Medicine in the United States.

As a document analysis centre, the medical library should prepare special bibliographies as well as research summaries and reviews of significant develop­ments in the health care.

5.5.2 Liaison services to medical and paramedical institutions

Whereas the medical documentation section is primarily concerned with collecting and disseminating original reports on medical research, the liaison section is responsible for contacting medical and paramedical institutions in Brazil and interpreting the information to the staff so that they could apply the results to improve health services. As is always true, information alone will not improve health care, but its proper application could. The liaison service provides the link between information and its application.

5«6 Sub-system of technology for industry information

In the First National Development Plan, two sub-systems on technology were proposed: one on patent technology and the other on free or non-patent technology. Both of these functions are the responsibility of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. In the proposed organizational structure for SNICT, it is recommended that both services be combined into a single sub-system of technology for industry. By placing both tasks within a single administrative unit, the industrial user who seeks information will have to contact only one organization rather than two, and more effective co-ordination could be main­tained. This sub-section will be composed of three divisions: patent technology; special libraries, documentation and analysis centres; and a liaison service to industry.

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5.6.1 Patent technology

The division of patent technology has three distinct funotions. It must maintain a registry of patents so as to legally record all Brazilian patents, and perform all the related work commonly performed by a patent office service.

Secondly, this division must provide information on patents to industrial users. The third function is possibly unique to Brasil, and that is to provide advice on importation of patents from abroad. Keeping in mind that one of the main functions of SNICT is to support the continuing growth of the national economy by providing information on the most efficient production techniques, this group analyses comparable foreign patents and provides advioe on which one to import. In general, the patent technology division is respon­sible for all information concerning patent technology.

5.6.2 Special libraries, documentation and analysis centres

The sub-system of technology for industrial information is responsible for providing information about technological processes and advances to all segments of industry. The patented information is the responsibility of one division; the free information is the responsibility of the division of special libraries, documentation and analysis centimes. Major types of industries, such as electronics, construction, food processing, glass, ceramics, etc. are repres­ented in this centre by means of special documentation and analysis centres. It is the responsibility of this unit to co-ordinate all of the special libraries in a given industry, and to collect, organize and process documents relating to that industry. Some industries, such as aircraft manufacture, already have good documentation centres. When this is the case, or when otherwise appropriate, the division will need only to exercise a co-ordinating role. In otber industries, it may be necessary to organize a special library and analysis centre and to begin the collection and processing of information. The specific tasks may vary but the mission remains the same, namely to provide technological information to the various industries in Brazil.

5.6.3 Liaison servioe to Industry

Liaison service to industry is an absolute necessity. Plant managers do not want to read research reports, but they are interested in better production methods and improved plant efficiency. They need to be shown how technological information can be applied to their situation. This is the task of the liaison service. The National Institute of Technology and the Centre for Technological Information recognize this need and are undertaking an industrial liaison programme. These functions need to be integrated into SNICT.

5.7 Sub-system of infrastructure services information

This sub-system was included in the First National Development Plan and in the original organization of SNICT. The information services required are somewhat specialized in that they are oonoerned with nation-wide services such as transportation, telecommunications, etc. The infrastructure services are those on which all other systems depend. The information services will be organized to include both special libraries and liaison services.

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5.7.1 Special libraries, documentation and analysis centres

The division will organize and maintain a number of special libraries, documentation and analysis centres which will be responsible for collecting and processing all appropriate literature, e.g. in telecommunications. These libraries will prepare abstracts and bibliographies as needed. The analysis centre will prepare reviews and reports summarizing current technological applications on selected topics*

5.7.2 Liaison service

Since all other developments in an area are dependent upon infrastructure services, it is important that close contact be maintained with the user organizations, and that the industrial and commercial organizations be kept informed of developmental plans and progress. Road builders must know where industry plans to locate; commercial establishments need communication facilities; each is dependent upon the other, and the liaison service must maintain the contacts.

5.8 Sub-system of agricultural information

An agricultural information sub-system already exists in the Ministry of Agriculture. The need to integrate this sub-system with SNICT was recognized in the First National Development Plan. Agriculture is a most important element in the economy of Brazil, and relevant agricultural information is needed to ensure that the latest technological advances are utilized so that the agricultural segment of the economy can continue to expand. National and regional agricultural libraries, documentation and analysis centres are needed along with an extensive liaison service.

5.8.1 Agricultural libraries, documentation and analysis centres

It is recommended that the Executive Committee of SNICT consider authorizing the establishment of a National Agricultural Library for Brazil plus a network of regional agricultural libraries. Such authorization will recognize the importance and status of agricultural information to- the development of the country and publicize the fact that an organization exists to provide information on agricultural technology to all who request it. Regional centres are needed, because in a country as large and diverse as Brazil, the different areas will require specialized information which can best be supplied locally. The National Agricultural Library should exchange information with similar libraries throughout the world. Original reports on agricultural research and development should be collected, stored, catalogued, and the information disseminated. In this particular field, perhaps more than in some others, Brazil can contribute knowledge to other countries. The analysis centre, working closely with the liaison service, should prepare specialized problem-oriented summaries of the literature on both a technical and a popular level.

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5.8.2 Liaison services to agriculture

Farmers are sceptical about theory; they need practical demonstrations of the benefits of new procedures and techniques. It is the responsibility of the liaison section to interpret the information and to teach farmers to use improved methods. The most effective way of doing so is by demonstration farm projects. These projects have been proved successful in the United States and in other countries. Liaison service in agriculture is particularly important, for information must be brought to the farmers; farmers will rarely seek information on their own initiative.

5.9 Sub-system of mines and energy information

This sub-system was not Included in the original conceptualization of the First National Development Plan. Yet the Ministry of Mines and Energy is supporting a large information system as part of its current operations and plans exist for constructing a special library of mining and energy in Brasilia. It is recommended that this sub-system be included in SNICT and that it be «••«•paisible for information relating to mining, to new energy forms, and for appropriate liaison services.

5.9.1 Special libraries, documentation and analysis centres on mining

This division is responsible for organizing and maintaining a main library, documentation and analysis centre on mining, and appropriate satellite libraries. These units should collect, store, catalogue and disseminate original research and technology reports on mining and related subjects. In addition, the informa­tion analysis centre should prepare summaries and state-of-the-art reports on selected topics.

5.9.2 Special libraries, documentation and analysis centres on the utilization of new energy forms

Brazil is engaged in a number of high-priority projects concerning the utilization of new energy forms, such as nuclear energy, solar energy, etc. To support these projects an extensive collection of journal literature, research reports, etc. is needed. This unit, which is the counterpart of the centre on mining, is responsible for organizing a main library and document analysis centre to collect and process information relevant to new energy forms. Satellite libraries may also be organized if needed. Similarly, the information analysis section would prepare summaries and state-of-the-art reports.

5.9.3 Liaison services

The liaison services will be responsible for bringing the interpreted information to the attention of concerned individuals and organizations. The same unit, using the same or different people, can perform the liaison service for both mining and energy. The function is to educate the public on the advantages of new technologies by bringing information to the attention of the interested organizations.

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5.10 Some final observations

No system design is ever finished or complete. A system is an evolving, changing organism; it grows and decays selectively in response to the external environment in which it functions. This proposed design for a National System of Scientific and Technical Information in Brazil is an initial design; it will need to be modified in the course of time and as a result of operating experience. The structure is flexible and can accommodate change.

The proposed design is compatible with the directives of the First National Development Plan and takes into account the suggestions made by various people with whom the consultant had contact. All six of the sub-systems that were specified in the Development Plan are included, although two have been oombined. In addition, three new sub-systems have been added. These are: education, health services, and mines and energy. Not all of the many technologies in Brazil are represented directly, but these can be included as special information centres within the sub-system of technology for industry or in another sub­system if appropriate.

The proposed structure allows each of the sub-systems to function in a semi-autonomous fashion while still allowing the Executive Committee to estab­lish policy guidance and ensure the co-ordination of tasks among the sub-systems.

In addition to describing a proposed organizational structure for SNICT, this section briefly discussed the main functional responsibilities of each sub­system. Throughout, the Importance of establishing liaison contact with the users of the information has been stressed as has been the need for training qualified librarians and documentalists.

Hopefully, the proposed system, or some modification thereof, will be implemented soon. This proposed organizational structure of SNICT was discussed at a committee meeting of the National Research Council in Rio de Janeiro on 27 July 1972.

6. Concluding remarks

The Unesco mission to provide "advice on the organization and establishment of a National System of Scientific and Technological Information" was for a four-week period. The time allotted was not quite adequate. There were a number of people and agencies that I was unable to visit. Certainly there was no time to make a second visit to anyone, and thus I was unable to receive the benefit of further discussion. Even in preparing the proposed organizational plan for SNICT, a number of compromises had to be made and the resulting suggestions are not as complete as they might have been if more time had been available.

The main results of the mission are embodied in the recommendations made concerning the organization and structure of the National System of Scientific and Technological Information These recommendations were discussed with appropriate groups within the National Research Council and the Planning Ministry, and their suggestions are embodied in the report.

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Additionally, in the course of this mission, I worked closely with IBBD, and I discussed with Mrs. Gomes the current operations of that organization and some possible changes that should be considered for improving services, particularly after IBBD begins to function within SNICT. The description of the current IBBD operations and recommendations are included in the Appendix to this report.

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Summary of recommendations concerning functions to be performed by IBBD in SNICT

When IBBD begins to function as a National Documentation Centre responsible for collecting, organizing, processing and disseminating scientific and technological information in the National System for Scientific and Technological Information in Brazil, certain functions that are now being done should receive higher priorities, other functions may need to be modified, etc. The following recommendations are made for the consideration of the IBBD staff.

1.1 Educational function

The eduoational projects should receive the highest priority and inolude:

expanded post-graduate training;

expanded short courses;

organization and implementation of a research and development programme in the information sciences.

1.2 Depository function

IBBD should become the recognized and legal depository for all Brazilian journals in science and technology and for all published and unpublished research reports.

1.3 Data bank and publication function

The data bank of bibliographic information is a most important resource. This project should be continued and expanded to include the publication of:

additional subject bibliographies;

union list of periodicals;

directory of scientific institutions;

directory of research in progress;

directory of Brazilian periodicals in the sciences and social sciences;

directory of Brazilian Special Libraries;

directory of Brazilian scientists - a Who's Who of Science in Brazil.

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l.k On-line retrieval system

A small effort should be made now to plan an on-line retrieval system using the existing data bank. The implementation of this project will be some time in the future, but some study and planning efforts should be made now.

1.5 Library resource development

A clearly stated written acquisitions policy for the IHBD Library should be prepared and adhered to. Acquisitions should be limited to a reference collection and to a collection of books, journals and other materials relating to documentation and information science. Holdings not relevant to these subjects should be removed from the library collection.

1.6 Direct services to users

These services are to include:

documentation procurement;

current awareness;


advisory functions;

reading room;

inter-library loans;

document exchange programme;

creation of regional centres.

All of these services are now being performed to some extent. They are listed here to emphasize the need and importance of these services.

1.7 Information analysis functions

In addition to collecting and disseminating documents, IBBD should also serve as an information analysis centre to prepare, or cause to be prepared, state-of-the-art reports summarizing the results of accumulated research in selected areas.

1.8 Printing and reprography functions

This is now a part of IHBD. It is recommended that this function be organized into an independent operation, and that IBBD contract for its printing services.

1*9 Union catalogue of books

The publication of a union catalogue of books should not be a responsibility of IBBD. This task should be transferred to the National Library which should be provided with additional staff and resources to complete the project.

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2. Description of current activities

A brief informative description of the IEBD was given by R. Hilton. The first two paragraphs describing this Institute read as follows?

"The Instituto Brasileiro de Bibliografía e Documentaç&o (IBBD) was created in 1951* by the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (National Sesearen Council) at the suggestion of Unesco, the Fundaçâo Getûllo Vargas (Getuiio Varga3 Foundation) and the Instituto Brasileiro de Edueaçâo Ciencia e Cultura (Brazilian Institute of Education, Science and Culture) to serve as a centre of scientific information for Brazilian researchers and students. Unesco had been instrumental in stimulating the organization of bibliographical centres throughout the world. In 1950, it approached the Fundaçâo Getûlio Vargas, which had been engaged in related work since 19^7, and an agreement was made to study the problem of creating a Brazilian bibliography and documentation centre.

Established within the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas, the IBBD aims to promote the development of specialized bibliographical and technical information services, to stimulate contacts among libraries and centres of documentation, both national and international, and to encourage and co-ordinate the bibliographical and documentation resources of the country. In carrying out this programme, the IBBD publishes bibliographical bulletins, provides specialized reference services, maintains a co-operative cataloguing service, has organized a union catalogue of bibliographical sources for the entire country, prepares specialized bibliographies on request, publishes general guides to bibliographical research sources, co-operates with specialized organizations, both at home and abroad in the fields of research, exchange of bibliographical and technical information, maintains photo­copying and translation services and gives undergraduate and post­graduate courses in library science and documentation."

2.1 Automation

Hilton's text on "Scientific institutions in Latin America" was published in 1970. The purposes and the major activities remain essentially the same; however, the method of carrying out these activities has been modernized and computerized» IBBD is developing a data bank of information and a set of computer programmes that will enable it to integrate a number of activities, avoid duplication and provide fasfcs?r and more economic service. Five different data bases will form the data bank.

Hilton, Ronald. The Scientific Institutions of Latin America, with special reference to their organization and information facilities (Chapter 13, Brazil), California Institute of International Studies, Stanford Univ., Calif., 1970.

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2.1.1 Bibliographies data base (SIABE)

In the manual system, each specialized bibliography, e.g. botany, zoology, agriculture, would be prepared separately, and if the same article was relevant to more than one subject, it would be retyped. In the mechanized system, eaoh article is recorded once in a standardized format with codes that refer to the several bibliographies to which it is relevant. The system also uses a KWIC permuted index with the possibility of adding descriptors to the title whenever additional specificity is desired in order to provide more optimal retrieval. As a by-product, the vocabularies of the different subject areas have been analysed, and more useful retrieval terms identified and different lists of non­significant words prepared for the KWIC Index of each bibliography.

The consolidated national bibliography now (as of July 1972) contains 14-5,000 items on magnetic tape current up to 1970. The following publications have been prepared by means of the SIABE data bank. Brazilian bibliographies on:

agricultural sciences;









- chemistry

- industrial chemistry


2.1.2 Union catalogue (CCo.)

There are approximately 520 special libraries in Brazil and these subscribe to more than 50,000 Brazilian and foreign Journals. The purpose of the union list of periodicals is to provide an inventory of periodical holding

- by journal

- by library

- by subject

- by region, etc.

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These multiple organizations of the same data can be done more efficiently by computer. About 15,000 Journal titles have already been recorded on magnetic tape. Two volumes of the union list relating to scientific and technical periodicals have already been published. IBRD is planning to create a complete record on magnetic tape and an automated retrieval system that would provide information as needed rather than to rely exclusively on the publication of catalogues.

In addition to preparing a union list of periodicals, IB3D was also responsible for preparing a union catalogue of books. At present, this is a manual operation, and the registry contains about one million cards of books located in 450 Brazilian libraries. These are arranged in alphabetical order by author. About 50,000 cards are received per year, but the response of the co-operating libraries has been uneven. The project is not being kept up to date because of a lack of personnel and facilities.

Also connected with IBBD is the reprography service which aims to provide a copy, either Xerox or microfilm, of all documents requested by users. Approximately 5*000 requests are received each year, but this number is increasing as more users have access to the published bibliographies. The very success of the project is causing financial and other problems.

A map (Fig. 3) showing the distribution of the union catalogue to regional centres, the photoduplication services and the telex lines, is included to provide a visual image of what has been accomplished and what still has to be accomplished in order to provide adequate information services to the entire country of Brazil.

2.1.3 Directory of scientific institutions (CAIN)

In addition to knowing what documents are available in the country, scientists must also know what institutions are doing what kinds of work. IBBD is preparing a directory of scientific and technical institutions in Brazil. These data are being key punched for computer processing which will arrange the data

- by name

- by location

- by sponsoring agency

- by acronym

- by activity

- by type of facility, etc.

This work is in preparation.

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2.1.4 Directory of research in progress (CAPESQ)

Researchers correctly point out that often when they receive published reports the information contained therein is too outdated to be of use. Researchers working on new developments need to know what is taking place right now and not what was done a year or more ago when the published report was being written. To provide the most current information possible, IBED is preparing a directory of research in progress. Questionnaires were sent to researchers requesting information on activities during 1970-71. This information is being key-punched for computer processing.

2.1.5 Areas for future consideration

While many activities are now in production or in progress, other activities are being studied for possible inclusion in the data base. These include

- a directory of Brazilian scientists

- a directory of Brazilian periodicals

- a directory of Brazilian special libraries

- an on-line retrieval system for answering reference questions about the contents of the data bank.

2.2 Library services

The library at IBBD contains about 14,000 books, 5,000 periodical titles and 7,500 pamphlets. These holdings support the library's reference function. It subscribes to abstracting and indexing Journals, foreign periodicals not commonly found in Brazilian libraries, national periodicals, reference books, and books and Journals on information science, documentation and librarianship. Plans are being made to acquire academic theses and technical reports of investigations financed by the Government.

IBBD receives many books in science and technology published in Brazil as does the National Library. These books are used to prepare catalogue cards, for inclusion in the national bibliographies.

2.3 Printing plant

IBBD operates a printing plant and reprography service which are used to print its own publications. These plants also take outside work. The equip­ment is quite good, but it is difficult to maintain a trained staff.

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J. Recommendations concerning role of SEED In SNICT

In order to meet the anticipated increased demand for high quality information services, it is recommended that IE8D consider expanding services in some areas and modifying others. In the following paragraphs various suggestions are made for the consideration of the parties involved.

J.I Educational functions

The educational programme for the training of librarians skilled in the techniques of information storage and retrieval should be given the very highest priority. Skilled personnel is the key factor in any successful programme and this may be particularly true in information processing. Information is only valuable if it is utilized, and a trained documentalist is needed to get the right information to the right person at the right time. There are very few librarians or information scientists trained in modern techniques of information processing available in Brazil today. The demand is great but training takes time; therefore an expanded training programme should be started immediately.

It is recommended that the educational programme proceed along three tracks simultaneously.

(a) Expanded post-graduate training at IBBD primarily for the training of a nucleus of Brazilian teachers of documentation and librar! anship.

(b) Expanded special short courses for the updating and retraining of personnel presently employed in special libraries.

(c) The organization and implementation of a research and development programme in the information sciences. This programme would be carried out primarily by IBBD personnel and students who are studying for their Masters degree. In actuality, IBBD already has the beginnings of such a programme. Members of the staff have written programmes for KWIC indexing, for coding and processing bibliographic information, etc. It is suggested that this programme be given formal recognition and expanded so that information science personnel in Brazil can begin to contribute to the research literature in the field.

(d) Finally, it is suggested that IBBD assume some co-ordinating function for the undergraduate education of librarians at the universities. This function may take the form of helping to plan the curricula, to provide short courses for library school­teachers, to provide instructional materials including visual aids, and in general to provide advice and co-ordination.

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I believe that the reasons for these programmes are self-explanatory. The first will provide advanced training for teachers so that information science and documentation education in Brazil can continue to expand; the second will provide immediate training where it is needed most; the third will provide a cadre of researchers who will develop new methods for solving information problems, and the fourth programme will help provide quality education at the basis level. IBBD is the logical Institution for carrying out these tasks.

5•2 Depository functions

At present it is difficult to locate publications in science and technology that have been produced in Brazil. Local researchers are more likely to be aware of work being done in foreign countries than in their own. One reason for this situation is that relatively few of the Brazilian reports are received and abstracted by the international secondary publication services. Whatever the reasons, this situation should be corrected.

It is recommended that IBBD become the recognized and legal depository for all Brazilian journals in acience and technology and for all published and unpublished research reports. This depository is to be a unit separate and distinct from the IBBD library. The legal basis for this depository is simple and logical; IBBD is an institute of the National Research Council; reports of all Government-sponsored research should be placed in this depository. These reports should be catalogued and special bibliographies prepared. On the basis of this collection, the National Research Council should be able to answer such questions as:

How many research projects were sponsored in meteorology during 1970-71? Who did the work? At what institutes was the work performed? What agencies or Ministries sponsored the research?

How many research projects, in a given year, were sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture?

How much money for research was given to the state of S&o Paulo?

And other similar administrative questions.

Equally important, the publication of these directories of Brazilian research would enable other researchers to become better acquainted with relevant work that is going on in Brazil. By writing to the depository, they would be able to obtain copies of these reports.

1>'J> Data bank and publication functions

One of the main projects at IBBD is to code its bibliographic information into machine-readable form for computer processing. This function should be continued and perhaps expanded to include new publication tasks.

The following is a list of bibliographic or directory type information which has been, or can be, prepared for input to the data bank.

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3.3.1 Bibliographies

Bibliographic entries for journal articles in about ten subject fields are routinely key-punched and stored in the data bank. Periodically, when a new bibliography is to be prepared, the relevant articles are selected and arranged alphabetically by author. KWIC indexes are also prepared. The publication of subject bibliographies is a main function of IBBD, and this work will, of course, continue.

3.3.2 Union list of periodical holdings

The 520 libraries in Brazil hold more than 50,000 periodical titles . IBBD is collecting information about these holdings in order to prepare a union list of periodicals in Brazil. About 16,000 entries relating to scientific and tech­nical periodicals have already been key-punched and published in two volumes. Soon other volumes will be published on agriculture and veterinary sciences, natural sciences and the biomedical sciences. At a third stage, the titles referring to the social sciences and generalities will be published. The publications are arranged by subject, city, state, and library.

This union list provides a very important reference function. The project is an on-going task and needs to be continued.

3.3.3 Directory of scientific institutions in Brazil

The CAIN project at IBBD has published a Directory of Scientific Institutions in Brazil organized by name, sponsoring agency, addresses, location, etc. This is a useful reference tool and the project should continue to up-date the -. directory and publish supplements.

3.3.^ Directory of research in progress

In the past, research in progress reports had been prepared by conventional means from data obtained by questionnaire. Plans are being made to record this information on magnetic tape for computer processing. This project should be continued and reports published annually.

3.3*5 Other directories

The data bank that IBBD has prepared is a very valuable information resource. Its continuation and expansion should be a high priority item. As more and more material is added to the data bank, additional directories could be prepared at very little extra cost. Examples of such directories are:

Directories of Brazilian periodicals by subject

Directory of special libraries in Brazil

Directory of Brazilian publishers

Directory of Brazilian scientists.

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3.1* On-line retrieval system

The publication of bibliographies and directories should be supplemented by an on-line retrieval system that would enable IBBD to provide improved reference service. In this way users will be able to get current information in the form of specialized bibliographies, research in progress, etc. This service is probably a few years in the future, but a small effort should be made now to design the system,

IEHD has a terminal, but it is not yet connected to the computer in SSo José dos Campos. This should be connected as soon as communication lines become available. When the terminal is operating, on-line retrieval will become a possibility,

3.5 Library resource development

The main objective of the IBBD library should be to acquire a collection of reference materials that are needed to support the scientific documentation and reference activities of the Institute. This collection should be made up primarily of bibliographies, directories, abstracts, indexes and reviews, plus encyclopaedias, dictionaries, atlases and a few carefully selected technical books and other materials of a general nature. This acquisition policy should be written down and adhered to. All documents currently in the library that do not meet the strict criteria of supporting the reference functions of the Institute should be disposed of either as gifts to other libraries or by exchange.

At the present time, the IBBD library facilities are extremely crowded. However, this condition can be alleviated, in part, by disposing of that portion of the collection that does not support the centre's reference function.

The IBBD library also serves another function; it supports the training activities in documentation and information science. As such a section of the library should be devoted to books, journals, reports, conference proceedings and ether material that are related to the information sciences.

These two functions, reference and training, are the basic IBBD activities that need library support. The only library materials that should be acquired are those that support these functions; all other material must be refused. Non-related material that is currently in the library must be removed. The library needs to be rearranged and reorganized to make it a more useful service.

3.6 Direct services to users

A national documentation centre such as IBBD must establish contact with the readers and users of scientific documentation. By means of published bibliographies and directories, users learn where they can receive tha informa­tion they seek. The IBBD is a basic resource to the entire scientific and technical community, and their services must reflect this fact. Since the users are many, and their needs are varied, a number of services must be provided.

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3.6.1 Document procurement

By letter, telephone, or occasionally in person, users will contact the IBBD office and request help in procuring a given document. Tf the document is in Brazil, the various directories and union lists should enable the staff to locate a copy. A network of teletype communication lines helps provide a faster exchange. 1Phis network is shown in Fig. III. When located, a Xerox or photocopy is made of the article and it is sent to the requestor.

Should the article not be available in Brazil, IBBD may request a copy from an agency with which it has dealings in the foreign country. An alterna­tive method is to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Division of Intellectual Co-operation, who will help locate and obtain the desired informa­tion in foreign countries. Efforts to obtain documents from foreign sources are generally successful, but it takes a long time.

J.6.2 Current awareness

In addition to providing scientists with the documents they request, an active information service tries to inform research workers of newly published information relevant to their fields of interest, and to do so even before the researcher becomes aware of the publication through normal channels. Now, by means of a procedure called selective dissemination of information, or SDI, it is possible to notify scientists of currently published work of possible interest. SDI requires the use of a computerized data bank.

It is recommended that a pilot SDI service be started as soon as possible so that personnel at IBBD could become familiar with the system and experiment with its usefulness. If the programme does prove to be a desirable service, it could be expanded as soon as the staff and the resources become available.

In addition to publishing regular bibliographies, IBBD should prepare special bibliographies of reasonably current information, in response to requests, whenever resources are available.

3.6.3 Translation

The language of Brazil is Portuguese, and a very small percentage of the world's scientific and technical literature is written in this language. Although many professional people in Brazil do know English or perhaps nome additional languages, almost all would come across some pertinent literature in a language that they do not understand.

It is recommended that IBBD either establish a translation service within its own organization or establish contact with qualified translators able to provide this service. The possibility of charging the user a fee for the translations should be considered by IBBD end/or the National Research Council; however, the fee should not be so high as to inhibit unduly the use of this service.

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3.6.4 Advisory

The accumulated knowledge and skills of the highly trained staff at IBBD is Itself a valuable resource. This staff should provide advice and stimulate the development of other documentation centres, both industrial and governmental, in Brazil. The advice could be on technical services, administration of a centre, staff training, etc.

In addition, IBBD should be prepared to provide another kind of advice in response to inquiries for information on scientific or technical subjects. Some members of the staff may have become reasonably expert on the literature of a topic in the course of preparing the bibliography. This knowledge, supplemented by the library's reference collection, should enable the staff to answer many inquiries of a technical nature. Of course, as this service expands, new staff members should be selected who have a good academic background in science and technology.

3.6.5 Reading room

The library at IBBD (see section 7«5) will have a good collection of reference materials and a collection of books, serials, etc., relating to information science and documentation. These collections should be made avail­able to readers on the premises. An adequate reading room should be provided, for this is a technical library and it must provide the same services as do other special libraries.

3.6.6 Inter-library loans

The inter-library loan service at IBBD is functioning well. Although the centre does not operate a lending library, it must often borrow books or journals in order to make them available to a user at the library. Conversely, the library must often loan its books to other libraries where they can be used closer to where the researcher lives or works. This service needs to be con­tinued.

3.6.7 Exchange

IBBD publishes many bibliographies, lists, catalogues, etc. These publica­tions are of interest to other libraries and documentation centres in Brazil and i&"©ther countries. Most of these publications arc- provided free of charge; however, exchange arrangements esta be made with some institutions. These exchange arrangements should be encouraged. The exchanges will enable IBBD to build its own collection of reference material; it could save foreign exchange currency and it would publioize the work of the centre throughout the world.

3»6.8 Regional centres

Brazil is a large country. One centre cannot provide efficient service throughout the length and breadth of the country. This is especially true because some regions of Brazil are relatively isolated. IBBD is aware of the problem. They have already established some regional centres - see map in Pig. H I .

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It Is difficult to expand these regional reference centres rapidly, for in addition to the other scarce resources, a trained staff is simply not available at this time. Nevertheless, some progress in this direction has already been made, and It is recommended that these efforts continue and that new regional centres be created whenever circumstances permit. These centres should be linked by teletypewriters and other communication lines.

3.7 Information analysis functions

In addition to providing services to individual scientists and technolo­gists who are the prime users of this type of information, a National Documentation Centre must also serve the decision-makers in government and industry. Decision-makers do not have either the time nor the inclination to read large numbers of research reports, even though these may be pertinent. They need an integrated and focused summary that would explain how the research could be utilized in the solution of a particular problem.

It is recommended that IHBD, in its role as a National Documentation Centre, undertake the task of preparing selected state-of-the-art reports relating research results to high-priority government projects furthering the economic, political and social development of the country. These reports are difficult to prepare, and the people qualified to do so may be working in various government agencies, universities, or institutes rather than in IBBD. Nevertheless, it is IBBD*s role to gather and disseminate the information in a form that is most useful. Although IBBD cannot do the task alone, it is recommended that they be responsible for co-ordinating the analysis of data and for finding and paying qualified individuals to prepare analyses of current research in selected subject fields. A national documentation centre must do more than collect information; they must analyse the data and prepare state-of-the-art reports.

3.8 Printing and reprography functions

IBBD now operates printing and reprography plants. In my visit to these Installations I was impressed by the quality of the equipment and the technical knowledge of the senior staff. Nevertheless, the plants are not operating as efficiently as they might. This is not said in criticism, for there are many reasons why this situation exists. There is a shortage of personnel, some equipment is Idle; it is difficult to determine the cost of various Jabs, etc.

These are administrative problems, and they need not be the responsibility of IBBD.

It Is recommended that a separate administrative unit be formed to provide printing and ï'eprography services. These services should operate on a profit-making basis. They should solicit printing and photographic jobs from IBBD and other organizations and should bid for these jobs competitively. IBBD should be able to have its printing done wherever it can get the best price for the quality of work required. It is anticipated that if the printing services were Independent and competitive, all involved would save money.

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j5.9 Union catalogue of books

IBBD has attempted in past years to prepare a union catalogue of books in the many Brazilian libraries. Por many reasons, they were ill-prepared to do this task, and as a result it has not been done, although many catalogue cards have been accumulated.

It is recommended that this project be turned over to the National Library. This recommendation is made with the full understanding that the National Library does not yet have the staff to prepare a union catalogue. Nevertheless, if they would set up a procedure to key-punch new catalcgue entries, some progress could be made and at least a partial catalogue of current books prepared. In any case, if this project is to be carried out at all, additional staff will be needed, and I believe that it would be more efficient to provide this staff at the National Library.

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