  1. 1. Organiser un voyage en France!
  2. 2. English to French Phrase Guide ENGLISH Greetings: -Hello! Myname is Caroline How are you? I am fine thank you and you? Very fine, thank you. FRENCH Salutations: - Bonjour! Je mappelle Caroline Comment allez-vous? Ca va bien merci, et vous? Tres bien, merci.
  3. 3. English to French Phrase Guide- Suite ENGLISH Exchanging personal information - Where do you come from? 1- I come from Australia. 2- I am Australian. - I live on the East coast, just on top of Brisbane. - I am visiting France for 4 weeks. FRENCH Echanger des informations personnelles - Dou venez-vous? 1- Je viens dAustralie. 2- Je suis Australien (-ne). - Jhabite sur la cote Est, juste au dessus de Brisbane. - Je visite la France pendant 4 semaines.
  4. 4. English to French Phrase Guide- Suite 2 ENGLISH For taking a cab - Hello, - I do not speak very well French. - Can you take me to please? - How much for the journey please? - Thank you, goodbye! FRENCH Pour prendre le taxi - Bonjour, - Je ne parle pas tres bien Francais. - Est-ce que vous pouvez memmener a lhotelsil vous plait? - Combien pour la course sil vous plait? - Merci, aurevoir!
  5. 5. English to French Phrase Guide- Suite 3 ENGLISH At the reception of the hotel - Hello, I have a booking for 5 nights in the name of Mrs/Mr Bowie. - Yes, here are your keys. You have the room number 35 on the third floor. You can use the lift over there on the right hand side of the bathrooms. FRENCH A la reception de lhotel - Bonjour, Jai une reservation pour 5 nuits au nom de Madame/ Monsieur Bowie. - Oui, voici vos cles. Vous avez la chambre numero 35 au troisieme etage. Vous pouvez utiliser lascenceur la-bas a droite des toilettes.
  6. 6. English to French Phrase Guide- Suite 4 ENGLISH At the restaurant Good evening, would you like a table? Yes please. Inside or outside? Outside please. Here is the menu and the drink list. I will be back to take your order as sson as you are ready. FRENCH Au restaurant Bonsoir, vous desirez une table? Oui, merci. A linterieur ou a lexterieur? A lexterieur sil vous plait. Voici le menu et la carte des boissons. Je reviens prendre votre commande des que vous etes pret.
  7. 7. English to French Phrase Guide- Suite 4 bis ENGLISH At the restaurant- Suite - Have you chosen? - Yes, thank you. As an entre, I will have the pate en croute. For main meal, I will have the Steack, chips and salad, and a crme caramel for desert please. - Any dry cheese or white cheese? - No, thank you, just an expresso and the bill. - Not a problem. It wont be long. FRENCH Au restaurant- Suite - Vous avez choisi? - Oui, merci. Comme entre, je prendrai le pate en croute. En plat principal, je prendrai le steack frites salade et une crme caramel en dessert sil vous plait. - Pas de fromage sec ou blanc? - Non merci. Just un expresso et laddition . - Pas de probleme. Cela ne sera pas long.

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