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1 Previous UPSC Questions 3



2 Reports : Organisations

3 Indexes : Organisations


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Prelims 2014


1. Which of the following organizations brings out the publication known as ‘World Economic Outlook’?

a. The International Monetary Fund

b. The United Nations Development Programme

c. The World Economic Forum

d. The World Bank

Answer: (a)


Prelims 2015


1. Which one of the following issues the ‘Global Economic Prospects’ report periodically?

a. The Asian Development Bank

b. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

c. The US Federal Reserve Bank

d. The World Bank

Answer: (d)

Prelims 2016


1. Which of the following is/ are the indicator/ indicators used by IFPRI to compute the Global Hunger Index Report?

a. Undernourishment

b. Child stunting

c. Child Mortality

Select the correct answer using the code given below

1. a only

2. a and c only

3. a, b and c

4. a and c only

Answer: (3)

2. India’s ranking in ease of doing Business Index’ is sometimes seen in the news. Which of the following have declared that ranking?

a. Organization of Economic Cooperation and development (OECD)

b. World Economic Forum

c. World Bank

d. World trade Organization (WTO).

Answer: (c)

3. ‘Global Financial Stability Report’ is prepared by theOrganization of Economic Cooperation and development (OECD)

a. European Central Bank.

b. International Monetary Fund.

c. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

d. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Answer: (c)

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Report Published Organisation Why in News?

1. Asian Development Outlook Asian Development Bank Asian Development Bank in Asian Development Outlook 2016 has lowered India’s growth forecast to 7.4 per cent from an earlier estimate of 7.6 per cent for the fi nancial year ending March 31, 2017.

2. World Economic Outlook International Monetary Fund According to World Economic Outlook October 2016, global growth is project-ed to slow to 3.1 percent in 2016 before recovering to 3.4 percent in 2017.

3. Remittance report.Global Economic Prospects.

World Bank The World Bank revised its 2016 global economic growth forecast down to 2.4 percent from the 2.9 percent pace projected in January. The move is due to sluggish growth in advanced econo-mies, stubbornly low commodity prices, weak global trade, and diminishing capital flows.


Global Economy


Report Published Organisation Why in News?

1. World Development Report IBRD (World Bank) According to World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends, digital technol-ogies have spread rapidly in much of the world. But, digital dividends—that is, the broader development benefi ts from using these technologies—have lagged behind.

2. Ease of Living Report.Ease of Doing Business.

IBRD (World Bank) India has moved one rank up to the 130th position in the World Bank’s ‘ease of doing business’ ranking for 2017. This marginal improvement came on the back of slight improvement in four indicators — getting electricity, enforc-ing contracts, trading across borders and registering property.

3. Industrial Development Report UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Devel-opment Organization)

Theme of Industrial Development Re-port 2016: The Role of Technology and Innovation in Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development

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Report Published Organisation Why in News?

4. World Investment Report UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)

According to the World Investment Re-port 2016, India has retained its ranking as the 10th highest recipient of foreign direct investment in 2015, receiving $44 billion of investment that year com-pared to $35 billion in 2014. India also jumped a place in terms of attractive-ness as a business destination in 2015, to 6th place, with 14% of the respon-dents naming it as their destination of choice.

5. Travel and Tourism Competitive-ness Report

WEF (World Economic Forum) India ranks 52 in the World Econom-ic Forum’s 2015 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index .The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report ranks 141 countries across 14 separate di-mensions, revealing how well countries could deliver sustainable economic and societal benefi ts through their travel and tourism sector.

6. World Cities Report UN-Habitat Recently in May 2017, India has been unanimously elected as the President of the UN-Habitat .

Global Financial System

Report Published Organisation Why in news?

1. Global Financial Stability Report International Monetary Fund According to the October 2016 report, the transmission of monetary policy is stronger in economies with larger nonbank fi nancial sectors.

2. Global Financial System Report BIS (Bank for International Settle-ments)

About: mandate to identify and assess potential sources of stress in global fi nancial markets, to further the un-derstanding of the structural under-pinnings of fi nancial markets, and to promote improvements to the function-ing and stability of these markets.

3. Global Money Laundering Report FATF (Financial Action Task Force)

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ENVIRONMENTReport Published Organisation Why in news?

1. India State of Forest Report Forest Survey of India The India State of Forest Report re-leased in Dec 2015 showed an increase in India’s forest and tree cover.

2. Actions on Air Quality UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)

As per the 2016 report, with the decline of the global air quality, action in some air quality areas points to political will to tackle this global public health emergency although current efforts still fall short.

3. Global Environment Outlook UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)

According to the ‘Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-6): Regional Assess-ments’, worst impacts of climate change will occur in pacifi c, south and south-east Asia. By 2050, around 40 million people of India may get affected due rising sea levels, storms, and cy-clone. It will affect India, China, Bangla-desh coastal regions.

4. The Rise of Environmental Crime UNEP & INTERPOL The 2016 report revealed that environ-mental crime grew up by 26 % larger than previous estimates of 2014. Environmental crime is the world’s 4th largest criminal enterprise after drug smuggling, counterfeiting and hu-man traffi cking. Environmental Crime includes the illegal trade in wildlife, corporate crime in the forestry sector, the illegal exploitation and sale of gold and other minerals, illegal fi sheries, the traffi cking of hazardous waste and carbon credit fraud.

5. Global Assessment Report UNISDR (United Nations Offi ce for Disaster Risk Reduction)

According to the 2015 report, average annual loss (AAL) from multi-hazard disasters in India is to the tune of $9.8 billion per year as 58.6 per cent of its land is prone to earthquakes and 8.5 per cent vulnerable to cyclone.

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Report Published Organisation Why in news?

6. The Living Planet Report WWF (World Wildlife Fund) With wildlife disappearing at an “un-precedented” pace across the world, the Living Planet Report 2016 identifi es India as an ecological black spot where around half of the wildlife lives in the danger of being wiped out. The report highlights the pressure on water and land India faces because of unsustain-able human activities. Around 70% of surface water is polluted and 60% of ground water will reach critical stage — where it cannot be replenished — in the next one decade

7. Report card of Swachh Bharath Mission

Quality Council of India

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TECHNOLOGY AND ENERGY SECURITYReport Published Organisation Why in news?

1. Technical Cooperation Report.Nuclear Technology Review

IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)

In news because, India has joined the International Energy Agency as an associate member.

2. Safety Reports ICAO (International Civil Aviation Orga-nization)

No safety concerns were raised by Unit-ed Nations watchdog, International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), during its recent safety audit of India’s aviation standards. Indian compliance rates as regards quality control, regulatory framework and in-flight, passenger and cargo security were assessed to be 99.25 per cent against a world average of about 66 per cent.

3. Global Innovation Index Cornell University INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

India scored a major improvement in its Global Innovation Index ranking this year, moving up to the 66th place from 81 in 2015. India’s better performance in the latest index readings was due to its strengths in tertiary education, software exports, corporate R&D and market sophistication.

4. World Energy Outlook (WEO).Southeast Asia Energy Outlook.

International Energy Agency The World Energy Outlook 2015 (WEO-2015), in light of low energy prices, calls for no complacency on energy secu-rity front and sees clear signs that the energy transition is underway, that is, from fossils to renewable. India, which will move to the centre stage of global energy, is the subject of an in-depth focus in WEO-2015.

5. OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report.World Oil Outlook

OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries )

As per the 2015 OPEC World Oil Out-look (WOO), oil and gas, combined, are expected to supply around 53 percent of the global energy demand by 2040.

6. World Intellectual Property Report (WIPR)

WIPO (World Intellectual Property Orga-nization)

Overall, India leapt 14 places from the 85th rank last year to the 61st in the 2016 Global Innovation Index (GII). India has also been ranked the world’s top exporter of information and com-munication technology and the report recommends that India should leverage this lead to innovate in emerging areas where biology and materials sciences intersect with computing.

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Report Published Organisation Why in news?

7. Global Information Technology Report.Global Energy Architecture Perfor-mance Index Report

WEF (World Economic Forum) India ranks 91 on the Networked Read-iness Index (NRI) 2016, a key compo-nent of the World Economic Forum’s The Global Information Technology Report 2016. The report assesses the state of networked readiness of 139 economies using the NRI and examines the role of information and communi-cation technologies (ICTs) in driving innovation. The NRI is thus a key tool in assessing a country’s preparedness to reap the benefi ts of emerging technolo-gies and capitalize on the opportunities presented by the digital transformation.

8. The Energy Report WWF (World Wildlife Fund)

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Report Published Organisation Why in news?

1. Global Wage Report ILO (International Labour Organization) The Global Wage Report 2014/15 warns of stalled wages in many countries and points to the labour market as a driver of inequality.

2. World Employment and Social Outlook

ILO (International Labour Organization) The World Employment and Social Outlook – Trends 2015 (WESO) warned that unemployment will continue to rise in the coming years, as the global econ-omy has entered a new period combin-ing slower growth, widening inequalities and turbulence. According to the report, by 2019, more than 212 million people will be out of work, up from the current 201 million.

3. World Social Protection Report.World of work Report

ILO (International Labour Organization)

4. Global Hunger Index IFPRI (International Food Policy Re-search Institute)

India ranks 97th out of 118 countries in the According to index. Also, according to the report, two out of fi ve children below fi ve years of age are stunted in India.

5. World Happiness Report Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)

In the World Happiness Report 2016, Denmark took the top spot as the ‘happiest country’ in the world. India is among a group of 10 countries wit-nessing the biggest happiness decline with a 118th rank in the index.

6. Global Corruption Report (GCR) Transparency International India ranks 76th in global corruption index 2016, Denmark is least corrupt country.

7. Levels and Trends in Child Mortality Report

UN Inter-agency Group According to the 2015 report, child (0-5 years) mortality rates (U5MR) in 2015 have plummeted to less than half of what they were in 1990.

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Report Published Organisation Why in news?

8. Report on Regular Resources.The State of the World’s Children reports

UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund )

The 2016 report states that fi ve coun-tries account for more than half of the global burden of under-fi ve deaths. These countries are India (17 per cent), Nigeria (15 per cent), Pakistan (8 per cent), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (7 per cent) and Angola (5 per cent).

9. The Global Report UNHCR (United Nations High Commis-sioner for Refugees).

10. State of world population UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)

According to State of World Population 2015 Report, more than 100 million people today require humanitarian aid because of natural disasters and violence, more than at any time since World War II. About one-quarter of these people are women of reproduc-tive age.

11. Global education monitoring Report UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientifi c and Cultural Organization)

UNESCO includes Yoga in Intangible Cultural Heritage list

12. Global Gender Gap Report World Economic Forum (WEF) Out of the 144 countries surveyed, while Iceland topped the Gender Gap Index for the eighth consecutive year in a row, India stood at 87th position, from the 108th position in 2015. Through the Global Gender Gap Report, the World Economic Forum quantifi es the mag-nitude of gender disparities and tracks their progress over time, with a specifi c focus on the relative gaps between women and men across four key areas, namely health, education, economy and politics.

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Report Published Organisation Why in news?

13. Human Capital Report 2016 World Economic Forum The Human Capital Index 2016 ranks 130 countries on how well they are developing and deploying their human capital potential. India occupied the 105th position among the 130 coun-tries surveyed in the Index. In 2015, In-dia’s position was 100th among the 124 countries surveyed in the Index. In the Asia-Pacifi c region, it is placed behind Sri Lanka (50), China (71), Indonesia (72), Iran (85), Bhutan (91) and Bangla-desh (104)

14. Global Slavery Report Walk Free Foundation ( Australia-based human rights group )

15. World human development report UNDP

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Report Published Organisation Why in news?

1. World Wildlife Crime Report.World Drug Report.Global Report on Traffi cking in Persons

UNODC (United Nations Offi ce on Drugs and Crime)

The inaugural report in 2016 highlights how the poaching and illegal trade of thousands of different species across the globe present real environmental dangers.

2. Reports on Counterfeiting and Organized Crime

UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute)

3. Global Risks Report WEF

4. Safety Reports ICAO (International Civil Aviation Orga-nization)

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INDEXES AND ORGANISATIONSIndex Published Organisation Why in news?

1. Logistics Performance Index World Bank The 2016 Logistics Performance Index (LPI) allows for comparisons across 160 countries. India’s ranking jumped from 54 in 2014 to 35 in 2016. India is ahead of comparatively ad-vanced economies like Portugal and New Zealand.

2. School Education Quality Index (SEQI).Agricultural Marketing and Farmer Friendly Reforms Index

NITI Aayog

3. Economic Freedom Index Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal

4. Education Development Index UNDP(United Nations Development Programme)

5. e-government readiness index(EGDI).E-Participation Index

United Nations Public Administra-tion Programme (UNPAP)

6. Change the World List Data Fortune

7. Gender Inequality Index UNDP(United Nations Development Programme)

8. Global Competitiveness Index/ Report WEF (World Economic Forum)

9. Global Gender Index WEF (World Economic Forum)

10. Global talent competitiveness Index INSEAD business school in part-nership with Adecco Group and the Human Capital Leadership Institute of Singapore

11. Global Wind Power Installed Capacity Index

Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC)

12. Human Capital Index WEF (World Economic Forum)

13. ICT Development Index (IDI) United Nations International Tele-communication Union

14. National Air Quality Indices (AQI) Central Pollution Control Board

15. World Power Language IndexNetwork Readiness Index

WEF (World Economic Forum)

16. World Risk Index 17. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) and Bundnis Entwicklung Hilft in cooperation with the Univer-sity of Stuttgart in Germany.

18. World Press Freedom Index 19. Reporters Without Borders

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