
organ APPEAL






$100 / $200 / $500 / $1000 / $5000 / $50,000 Other ________________

I pledge $ __________________ monthly / quarterly / annually.

I will leave a bequest to The Music Foundation Inc of St Peter’s Cathedral in my will



My tax deductible donation to the Organ Fundraising is

* EFT: BSB 305-122 Acc. No: 0256077* EFTPOS available at Cathedral Office* CHEQUES to The Music Foundation Inc of St Peter’s Cathedral

ABN: 27 484 298 002 All contributions of $2 and over are tax deductible. A receipt will be sent to you.

_RETURN TO: The Music Foundation Inc of St Peter’s Cathedral27 King William Road, North Adelaide SA 5006

Music is a language which moves us. My role at

the Cathedral is to enliven the experience of liturgy through getting the organ to speak. A large and effective instrument, it is a voice for the whole community. Enriching its history will help guide and nurture our future.



Dr Josh van Konkelenberg Principal Organist

Shirley Gale Organist Emertius

and Adelaide Patron

The Music Foundation Inc of St Peter’s Cathedral

postal address 27 King William Road, North Adelaide SA 5006phone (08) 8267 4551 • email [email protected]



Built in 1929 and dedicated a year later, the magnificent organ in St Peter’s Cathedral

was built by the distinguished English firm William Hill & Son, Norman and Beard Ltd and from that time has accompanied choir and congregation at worship, recital and concert. For a remarkable fifty three years it has been played and cared for by the Cathedral’s current two Organist Emeriti – David Swale and Shirley Gale. Apart from two stops, added in 1986 and 1989, the pipe work of the organ remains largely unaltered. Many organs from this time and earlier, both within Australia and around the world, have been significantly changed, often compromising their integrity and lessening their musical worth. In 1963 some casework was added to the lower part of the organ pipes, but the remainder of this work awaits completion. Amongst the organ’s more than 3000 pipes are the largest pipes in South Australia, the 32’ Double Open Diapason.

In the course of its life so far the Cathedral organ has played for Synod services, ordinations and consecrations, royal visits and state funerals such as that for Sir Donald Bradman, through the Depression and dark years of the Second World War. It continued sounding through the Baby Boomer years, the Vietnam era and the days of Flower Power and free love. In its time it has thrilled

worshippers and visitors alike – accompanying school and community carol services, and memorial services for world greats including Princess Diana and Nelson Mandela. It has provided accompaniment through the lives of generations of children who began their musical life as Cathedral Choristers. Organ scholars, some going on to lead the musical world of their day, have played their first chords on St Peter’s Cathedral organ. After so many decades of use, the organ’s console, playing mechanism, wind supply and fifty speaking stops are now in desperate need of expert attention, so that its rich romantic sounds can continue to ring in full voice around the Cathedral’s exceptional acoustic.

After extensive and careful research and examination of all options, including

inviting organ builders in Australia and internationally to offer quotes, the decision was made by the Cathedral Council to offer the work of restoration to the renowned English firm Harrison & Harrison Ltd of Durham, England. This firm has an unparalleled reputation for organ restoration and organs worked on them include those in Westminster Abbey, the famous Lewis organ in St Paul’s Cathedral Melbourne, King’s College Cambridge, The Royal Festival Hall London, The Temple Church London and Exeter Cathedral. On the first Tuesday in October 2015 a substitute digital organ, on loan from the Cathedral Music Foundation and its generous supporters, was installed as a temporary measure. This buys time to get on with the serious task of finding the estimated $2 million needed to fully restore and enhance the Cathedral Organ, with the work expected to be completed late in 2018, a few months before the very significant 150th birthday of St Peter’s Cathedral.

The complete restoration of the Cathedral Organ is seen as Phase one of the Cathedral 150 programme. It’s an ambitious and forward-looking programme.

Join us as the Cathedral and Diocese look ahead to the next one hundred and fifty years of mission and ministry.

This is your Cathedral. It is our Cathedral.

Please contact me if you would like to discuss or talk further about this appeal.

Frank Nelson.(08) 8267 4551

history of the ORGAN the task AHEAD

The Very Reverend Frank NelsonDean, St Peter’s Cathedral

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