Page 1: Optimize paid traffic to attract the 5 types of ecommerce shoppers


Page 2: Optimize paid traffic to attract the 5 types of ecommerce shoppers


Page 3: Optimize paid traffic to attract the 5 types of ecommerce shoppers

Deciding where to invest your money in paid traffic can sometimes feel like a shot in the dark. There is a lot of trial and error that goes into finding the optimal strategy to fit your unique business; a trial period most start-up’s have limited funding for.

Finding the perfect equilibrium where you’re staying within budget and seeing a solid return on investment can seem difficult to achieve, but by segmenting your e-commerce audience by lifecycle stages, you can run specialized paid traffic campaigns to more effectively target customers.

Page 4: Optimize paid traffic to attract the 5 types of ecommerce shoppers

Phase 1: “The Browser”

Target: Prospective customers who have landed on your site, who have set up an account or have added to your email subscription, but have yet to make a purchase.

Paid Tip: Before you can turn this group into customers, you first have to expose them to your brand. Pinterest is quickly becoming the next big social platform for advertising because it provides much greater quality of traffic with far greater conversion rates.Free Tip: If you have your products for sale on Pinterest, try putting an item on a flash sale each week. This will alert the people who have “pinned” your product and Boom- more visibility

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Phase 2: “The New Customer”

Target: Customers who have completed their first purchase. After their first purchase, it is critical to get them to repurchase as the likelihood of them becoming brand loyal drastically increases with each subsequent purchase.

Paid Tip: Investing in Direct Email Marketing & Google Retargeting Ads are among the best tools to activate a second purchase. Sending direct email’s to customers featuring “like” items and placing re-targeting ads reminding them of new products.Free Tip: Use Mail chimp to track if customers are clicking on the Promo banner ads.

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Phase 3: “The Active Customer”

Target: Customers who have made multiple purchases, and are considered engaged due to the recency and frequency of their purchasing behavior.

Paid Tip: For this group, implementing a strong Instagram campaign would be an effective strategy. Due to the nature of Instagram, it is hard to assess its contribution to site visits and conversions.

Free Tip: Follow your biggest competitor and see the “suggested accounts” that show up after you’ve followed. Compile a list of competitor accounts and begin targeting their audience.

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Phase 4: “Churned Customer”

Target: Active customers who haven’t made a purchase beyond a designated time period since their last purchase. If too much time passes before a customer makes a new purchase, getting them re-engaged could prove to be challenging.

Paid Tip: Here is when to utilize arguably the best source for paid traffic, Facebook. Facebook is great for re-targeting because it offers the highest quality at scale and has rolled out a number of new features to improve conversions and analytics.

Free Tip: IF you can’t afford to remarket, consider writing targeted blog posts and inserting them into the comments section of other brands and bloggers where it might be relevant.

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Phase 5: “Reactivated Customer”

Target: Reactivated customers are those who were previously marked as churned, but have since returned to make a new purchase. Reactivated customers operate similar to new customers; they have the same spending and retention behaviors.

Paid Tip: Since the window to get reactivated customers back to being active shoppers is so small, it’s critical to move quickly. Direct Email Marketing is a great way to customize engagement with this extremely valuable customer segment. Free Tip: Use the free versions of Mail chimp and other email platforms before upgrading. Track if your emails are being opened, and if not, try playing with subject headers.

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For a more comprehensive look on how to launch a successful website and other insightful information!

Download Creating Fashion Websites that Sell.

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