


2Prof HetalA Joshiara

1ME Student,

2Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Engineering,L.D College of Engineering, Gujarat Technological University.

[email protected],

[email protected]

Abstract-- Big data is emerging technology which is a massive volume of both structured and unstructured data that is so large. Hadoop

framework is used for processing and storing big data. Running Hadoop jobs in the cloud environment is beneficial because it provides flexible,

scalable, elastic, multitenant and on-demand infrastructure. Despite its potential benefits, it is a challenging task of running Hadoop jobs inside the

cloud environment. Performance of Hadoop cluster on cloud is affected due to virtualization, diversification of model, technologies, and tools.

Default Schedulers of the Hadoop framework are designed for a cluster environment. These schedulers only consider either time of arrival or the

maximum capacity guaranteed. These schedulers do not take scheduling decision based on the type of job and resource usage pattern. In this

research work, we have proposed scheduling algorithm which making job scheduling decisions based on job characteristics and resource(like

CPU, Memory, Network Bandwidth)usage pattern of virtual machines (DataNodes) with a purpose to reduce job execution time and improve

resources utilization.

Keywords-- Big data, Hadoop, Scheduling, cloud, Job characteristics, Node monitoring.


Big data is a massive volume of data that is so huge like terabytes, petabytes of data generated through various kind of social media and

networking sites like facebook, twitter, Sensor devices, Scientific instruments, mobile devices, and mobile networks, web sites click and

various kind of transactions likes banking, e-commerce web site transaction. The velocity of big data generation is fast and required fast

processing like online data analytics. Big data is in variety of forms like structured, semi-structured and unstructured data like text,

images,pictures, numbers, audio, video, sensor data, social media data, static data, streaming data.Processing and storing these huge data on

the distributed hardware clusters need a powerful computation model like Hadoop [6].

Hadoop is an open source, a scalable, fault-tolerant framework written in Java. It is used for processing and storing big data. It performs

automatic parallelization and distribution of work. It consists of main three key components: HDFS(Hadoop distributed file system) is used

for storing data, Map reduce is used for data processing and YARN(Yet Another Resource Negotiation) is used for resource management.

Hadoop is basically designed for a cluster environment. On the downside, the cluster can be used by a single big data application,

resources cannot be scaled independently. It is challenging to manage, scale and upgrade the cluster.So, Hadoop jobs with huge computing

requirement are preferred to be executed on cloud due to the benefits like easy provision of infrastructure, scalability, pay-per-use,

flexibility, elasticity. Deployment of the cluster on cloud is affected by virtualization and multi-tenancy factor which affects the

performance of the job. Schedulers that are provided by Hadoop consider either time of arrival or the maximum capacity guaranteed. All the

schedulers are not considered parameters related to machine performance and job characteristics [11].

To solve this problem, Job scheduling and execution time of Hadoop job running on cloud can be optimized and make it suitable for a

cloud environment by making scheduling decision dynamic based on resource utilization pattern (CPU, Memory and Network Bandwidth)

of virtual machine and type of job if it is CPU or IO intensive. Our proposed algorithm makesa scheduling decision dynamically based on

job characteristics and current resource utilization pattern of computing nodes. Whenever a new job request will come, it will assign to the

appropriate computing nodes (Virtual machine)based on resource utilization pattern.The main aim of our proposed work is to improve job

execution time and improve resource utilization of virtual machines.


Xinzhu Lu Et al[2]

proposed a heartbeat mechanism for MapReduce Task Scheduler using Dynamic Calibration (HMTSDC) to address the

unbalanced node computation capacity problem in a heterogeneous MapReduce environment. HMTSDC uses two mechanisms to

dynamically adapt and balance tasks assigned to each compute node: 1) using heartbeat to dynamically estimate the capacity of the compute

nodes, and 2) using data locality of replicated data blocks to reduce data transfer between nodes.

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations

Volume VI, Issue V, May/2019

ISSN NO: 1076-5131

Page No:2683

Chi-Ting Chen Et al[3]

proposed novel dynamic grouping and integrated neighboring search (DGNS) algorithm, which consider the node

ability on both Map Reduce and HDFS layer and balance the resource utilization and improve the performance and data locality in a

heterogeneous environment. The performance of the proposed algorithm was compared with that of the default FCFS job scheduling

policies of Hadoop.

Ibrahim AbakerTargioHashem Et al[4]

proposed model based on the combination of two main models, namely, completion time and cost, to

fulfill the performance objectives and maximize the efficiency of a Hadoop cluster in the cloud. A scheduling algorithm is proposed based

on the adopted earliest finish time algorithm to establish the relationship between resource allocation and job scheduling.

Godwin Caruana Et al[7]

proposed gSched, Proposed algorithm establishes the estimated time to compute each task on each participating

node. This is based on the performance characteristics of nodes and task characteristics. gSched employs a machine learning approach to

allocate tasks to appropriate computing nodes based on their characteristics from the same task to establish the most appropriate nodes for

tasks to be scheduled. This enables gSched to better utilize Hadoop cluster resources and minimize job execution time.

Yi Yao Et al[8]

proposed OPERA,A new opportunistic resource allocation approach,which leverages the knowledge of the actual runtime

resource utilization to determine the availability of system resources and dynamically re-assigns idle resources to the waiting tasks. The

primary goal of this design is to break the barriers among the encapsulated resource containers and share the reserved resources among

different tasks such that the overall resource utilization and system throughput can be improved.

AdepuSree LakshmiEt al[10]

design a dynamic capacity scheduler which schedules MapReduce application considering job and VM

characteristics. The proposed work is done in three modules 1.Job resource requirements classification 2. Virtual machine state

classification 3. Scheduling based on above two classifications of job and VM state and assign job to the appropriate virtual machine.

Wei Yan Et al[14]

is proposed maximum node hit rate priority algorithm (MNHRPA) and it can achieve load balancing by dynamic

adjustment of data allocation based on nodes’ computing power and load. This algorithm can effectively reduce tasks’ completion time and

achieve load balancing of the cluster compared with Hadoop's default algorithm.


Hadoop is an open source framework that allows distributed processing of large data sets across the cluster of commodity hardware.

Hadoop is a scalable and fault tolerant framework written in Java. It is used for processing and storing big data.

It consists of the main three components:

a) HDFS: It is used for storing data.

b) Map Reduce: It is used for data processing

c) YARN: It is used for resource management.

Shown in fig 1. The Master node is a Name Node and slave node is a Data Node in Hadoop HDFS. The Name Node store metadata in

HDFS. Data Node store actual data and complex computation in HDFS. In MapReduce parallel processing name node is known as Job

tracker and slave node is known as Task tracker. Every slave node has a Task Tracker daemon and a Data Node that synchronizes the

processes with the Job Tracker and Name Node respectively [6].

When even user sends a job request to Job tracker its divided task into the

map and the reduce tasks. Job tracker assigns these tasks to Task tracker. All Task tracker execute all tasks assigned to them in parallel.

After completion of their tasks returns the result to the master node. Reduce process reorganize data and collect the result then send to the


Hadoop is essentially intended for the cluster environment. On the downside, the cluster is suitable for a single big data application.

Resources cannot be scaled independently in the cluster. It is hard to manage, scale and upgrade the cluster Hadoop having huge processing

prerequisite are like to be executed on the cloud because of advantages like easy provision of the framework, adaptability, pay-per-use,


JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations

Volume VI, Issue V, May/2019

ISSN NO: 1076-5131

Page No:2684

Fig. 1 Sequence in Hadoop framework[5]


In our proposed work, the usage pattern of the data nodes is checked periodically. CPU utilization, Memory utilization and Network

bandwidth of data nodes are fetched. The total utilization of resources is calculated by considering the weighting factors of each resource.

We build the underutilized queue of the data nodes by calculating the median of total utilization of resources of data nodes. The Weighting

factor of CPU, Memory and Network Bandwidth are adaptive based on Job type (CPU or IO intensive). Whenever the request will come

then it will be served with these underutilized data nodes i.e., Virtual machines. Here weighting factors w1, w2, and w3 are adaptive based

on the type of job.w1 in the CPU intensive job accounted for a relatively high and w2 in the I/O intensive job accounted for relatively high.

Ex. If the job is CPU intensive than set values 0.7 for w1, 0.2 for w2 and 0.1 for w3. If the job is IO intensive than set values 0.2 for w1, 0.7

for w2 and 0.1 for w3.where w1, w2 and w3 are resources’ weight coefficient they represent respectively the important proportion CPU,

memory and Network bandwidth.According to the definition, it can be known that w1 +w2 +w3=1.

Algorithm 1: Job classification

For all the job in the job queue

If the job.type== cpu_intensive

CPU_intensive[] job_id

Else if job.type == IO_intensive

IO_intensive[] job_id

End if

End for

Algorithm 2: Node_Monitoring

For every periodic interval

For all the data node (VMs)

CPU_util[] getCPUUtilization()

Mem_util[] getMemoryUtilization()

Net_bandwidth [] getNetworkBandwidth()

End for

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations

Volume VI, Issue V, May/2019

ISSN NO: 1076-5131

Page No:2685

Total_Utilization[] = (w1* CPU_util[]) + (w2 * Mem_util[]) + (w3* Net_bandwidth[]) //weight factors are adaptive based on job

classification statistics

Find the median of Total_Utilization[]

Build the queue with underutilized data nodes list

End for

Assign the job to the data node in underutilized data nodes list.


In order to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, in this paper, a heterogeneous Hadoop cluster whose each node’s the

configuration is different is built, and classical test cases WordCount and TeraSort are used to carry out the experiment. In this experiment, the total

4 (virtual machine)nodes Hadoop cluster is used with a different configuration. In order to obtain more experimental results in this paper, CPU-

intensive task WordCount and I/O intensive task TeraSort are chosen to complete the comparison experiment. In order to ensure the accuracy of the

results, several sets of different data are randomly acquired. Wikipedia data set is used for the WordCount program and the dataset is generated

using the Teragen program is used for Tearsort.

In order to prove that the optimization algorithm proposed in this paper can improve job execution time and resource utilization, this paper designs

and carries out the following comparison experiments from two aspects the job's completion time and resource utilization. The job WordCount and

TeraSort are selected to complete the experiment. Through the comparison experiment of the job's completion time, in this paper, the experiment

was carried out successfully, and the comparison of the proposed algorithms with capacity scheduler was drawn. In fig 2 and 3 respectively show

the comparison of the proposed algorithm with default capacity scheduler in terms of job execution time. According to results proposed algorithm is

improved job execution time compared to default capacity scheduler.

Fig. 2 Comparison of Job execution time for different Job’s Size for WordCount

Fig. 3 Comparison of Job execution time for different Job’s Size for TeraSort


Big data is massive volume of both structured and unstructured data that is so large. Hadoop framework is used for processing and storing of

big data. Hadoop framework is designed for a homogeneous cluster environment. Deployment of Hadoop on a heterogeneous cluster in a

cloud environment that is affected by virtualization and multi-tenancy factor which affects the execution of the job. The execution time of

Hadoop job can be optimized if making scheduling decision more intelligent based on job type and resource usage pattern of a virtual

machine. Our experimental results show that job execution time is improved compare to default scheduler by using our proposed algorithm

and utilization of resources like CPU, memory and Network Bandwidth are also improved.

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations

Volume VI, Issue V, May/2019

ISSN NO: 1076-5131

Page No:2686


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JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations

Volume VI, Issue V, May/2019

ISSN NO: 1076-5131

Page No:2687

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