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    39Guide to Pain Management in Low-Resource Settings, edited by Andrea s Kopf and Nilesh B. Patel. IASP, Seattle, 2010. All rights reserved. Tis material may be used for educationaland training purposes with proper citation of the source. Not for sale or commercial use. No responsibility is assumed by IASP for any injury and/or damage to persons or propertyas a matter of product liability, negligence, or from any use of any methods, products, instruction, or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of the rapid advances in themedical sciences, the publisher recommends that there should be independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages. Te mention of specific pharmaceutical products and any

    medical procedure does not imply endorsement or recommendation by the editors, authors, or IASP in favor of other medical products or procedures that are not covered in the text.

    Guide to Pain Management in Low-Resource Settings

    Michael Schfer

    Chapter 7

    Opioids in Pain Medicine

    Classification of opioids

    reatment of pain very quickly reaches its limits. Any-

    one who has suffered from a severe injury, a renal or gall

    bladder colic, a childbirth, a surgical intervention, or an

    infiltrating cancer has had this terrible experience and

    may have experienced the soothing feeling of gradual

    pain relief, once an opioid has been administered. In

    contrast to many other pain killers, opioids are still the

    most potent analgesic drugs that are able to control se-

    vere pain states. Tis quality of opioids was known dur-ing early history, and opium, the dried milky juice of the

    poppy flower, Papaver somniferum, was harvested not

    only for its euphoric effect but also for its very powerful

    analgesic effect. Originally grown in different countries

    of Arabia, the plant was introduced by traders to other

    places such as India, China, and Europe at the begin-

    ning of the 14th century.

    At that time, the use of opium for the treatment

    of pain had several limitations: it was an assortment

    of at least 20 different opium alkaloids (i.e., substances

    isolated from the plant), with very divergent modes of

    action. Overdosing occurred quite often, with many

    unwanted side effects including respiratory depres-

    sion, and, because of irregular use, the euphoric effects

    quickly resulted in addiction.

    With the isolation of a single alkaloid, mor-

    phine, from poppy flower juice by the German phar-

    macist Friedrich Wilhelm Sertrner (1806) and the

    introduction of the glass syringe by the French ortho-

    pedic surgeon Charles Pravaz (1844), much easier han-

    dling of this unique opioid substance became possible

    with fewer side effects.

    oday we distinguish naturally occurring opi-

    oids such as morphine, codeine, and noscapine from

    semisynthetic opioids such as hydromorphone, oxy-

    codone, diacetylmorphine (heroin) and from fully syn-

    thetic opioids such as nalbuphine, methadone, pentazo-

    cine, fentanyl, alfentanil, sufentanil, and remifentanil.

    All these substances are classified as opioids, includingthe endogenous opioid peptides such as endorphin, en-

    kephalin, and dynorphin which are short peptides se-

    creted from the central nervous system under moments

    of severe pain or stress, or both.

    Opioid receptors andmechanism of action

    Opioids exert their effects through binding to opi-

    oid receptors which are complex proteins embedded

    within the cell membrane of neurons. Tese recep-

    tors for opioids were first discovered within specif-

    ic, pain related brain areas such as the thalamus, the

    midbrain region, the spinal cord and the primary sen-

    sory neurons. Accordingly, opioids produce potent

    analgesia when given systemically (e.g., via oral, intra-

    venous, subcutaneous, transcutaneous, or intramus-

    cular routes), spinally (e.g., via intrathecal or epidural

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    40 Michael Schfer

    routes), and peripherally (e.g., via intra-articular or

    topical routes).

    oday, three different opioid receptors, the-, -, and -opioid receptor, are known. However, the

    most relevant is the -opioid receptor, since almost all

    clinically used opioids elicit their effects mainly through

    its activation. Te three-dimensional structure of opioid

    receptors within the cell membrane forms a pocket at

    which opioids bind and subsequently activate intracellu-

    lar signaling events that lead to a reduction in the excit-

    ability of neurons and, thus, pain inhibition. According

    to their ability to initiate such events, opioids are dis-

    tinguished as full opioid agonists (e.g., fentanyl, sufen-tanil) that are highly potent and require little receptor

    occupancy for maximal response, partial opioid agonists

    (e.g., buprenorphine) that require greater receptor oc-

    cupancy even for a low response, and antagonists (e.g.,

    naloxone, naltrexone) that do not elicit any response.

    Mixed agonists/antagonists (e.g., pentazocine, nalbu-

    phine, butorphanol) combine two actions: they bind to

    the -receptor as agonists and to the -receptor as an-


    Opioid-related side effects

    Te first time opioids are taken, patients frequently

    report acute side effects such as sedation, dizziness,

    nausea, and vomiting. However, after a few days these

    symptoms subside and do not further interfere with the

    regular use of opioids. Patients should be slowly titrated

    to the most effective opioid dose to reduce the severity

    of the side effects. In addition, symptomatic treatments

    such as antiemetics help to overcome the immediate

    unpleasantness. Also, respiratory depression may be a

    problem at the beginning, particularly when large doses

    are given without adequate assessment of pain intensity.Dose titration and regular assessments of pain intensity

    and breathing rate are recommended. During prolonged

    and regular opioid application, respiratory depression is

    usually not a problem. Cognitive impairment is an im-

    portant issue at the beginning, particularly while driving

    a car or operating dangerous machinery such as power

    saws. However, patients on regular opioid treatment

    usually do not have these problems, but all patients have

    to be informed about the occurrence and possible treat-

    ment of these side effects to prevent arbitrary discon-tinuation of medication. Constipation is a typical opioid

    side effect that does not subside, but persists over the

    entire course of treatment. It can lead to serious clinical

    problems such as ileus, and should be regularly treated

    with laxatives or oral opioid antagonists (see below).


    Opioid-induced reduction of central nervous system

    activity ranges from light sedation to a deep coma de-

    pending on the opioid used, the dose, route of applica-

    tion, and duration of medication. In clinically relevantdoses, opioids do not have a pure narcotic effect, but

    they also lead to a considerable reduction in the maxi-

    mal alveolar concentration (MAC) of volatile anesthet-

    ics used to induce unconsciousness during surgical pro-


    Muscle rigidity

    Depending on the speed of application and dose, opi-

    oids can cause muscle rigidity particularly in the trunk,

    able 1List of different opioids that activate opioid receptors within the central nervous system

    Opioid Alkaloids Semisynthetic Opioids Synthetic Opioids Opioid Peptides








    Diacetylmorphine (heroin)


    Naloxone (antagonist)

    Naltrexone (antagonist)















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    Opioids in Pain Medicine 41

    abdomen, and larynx. Tis problem is first recognized

    by the impairment of adequate ventilation followed by

    hypoxia and hypercarbia. Te mechanism is not well

    understood. Life-threatening diffi culty in assisted venti-

    lation can be treated with muscle relaxants (e.g., succi-

    nylcholine 50100 mg i.v., i.m.).

    Respiratory depression

    Respiratory depression is a common phenomenon

    of all -opioid agonists in clinical use. Tese drugs

    reduce the breathing rate, delay exhalation, and pro-

    mote an irregular breathing rhythm. Opioids reduce

    the responsiveness to increasing CO2 by elevating

    the end-tidal pCO2 threshold and attenuating the hy-

    poxic ventilation response. Te fundamental drive

    for respiration is located in respiratory centers of the

    brainstem that consist of different groups of neuronal

    networks with a high density of -opioid receptors.

    Life-threatening respiratory arrest can be reversed bytitration with the i.v. opioid antagonist naloxone (e.g., mg).

    Antitussive effects

    In addition to respiratory depression, opioids suppress

    the coughing reflex, which is therapeutically produced

    by antitussive drugs like codeine, noscapine, and dex-

    tromethorphan (e.g., codeine 51030 mg orally). Te

    main antitussive effect of opioids is regulated by opioid

    receptors within the medulla.

    Gastrointestinal effects

    Opioid side effects on the gastrointestinal system are

    well known. In general, opioids evoke nausea and

    vomiting , reduce gastrointestinal motility, increase

    circular contractions, decrease gastrointestinal mu-

    cus secretion, and increase fluid absorption, which

    eventually results in constipation. In addition, they

    cause smooth muscle spasms of the gallbladder, bili-

    ary tract, and urinary bladder, resulting in increased

    pressure and bile retention or urinary retention. Tesegastrointestinal effects of opioids are mainly due to

    the involvement of peripheral opioid receptors in the

    mesenteric and submucous plexus, and are due to a

    lesser extent to central opioid receptors. Terefore, ti-

    tration with methylnaltrexone (100150300 mg oral-

    ly), which does not penetrate into the central nervous

    system, successfully attenuates opioid-induced consti-

    pation. More common practice, however, is the coad-

    ministration of laxatives such as lactulose (3 10 mg

    to 3 40 mg/day orally), which is mandatory during

    chronic opioid use.


    Opioid-induced pruritus (itch) commonly occurs fol-

    lowing systemic administration and even more com-

    monly following intrathecal/epidural opioid adminis-

    tration. Although pruritus may be due to a generalizedhistamine release following the application of morphine,

    it is also evoked by fentanyl, a poor histamine liberator.

    Te main mechanism is thought to be centrally medi-

    ated in that inhibition of pain may unmask underlying

    activity of pruritoreceptive neurons. Opioid-induced

    pruritus can be successfully attenuated by naltrexone (6

    mg orally) or with less impact on the analgesic effect by

    mixed agonists such as nalbuphine (e.g., 4 mg i.v.).

    Routes of opioid administrationOral

    Te majority of opioids are easily absorbed from the

    gastrointestinal tract with an oral bioavailability of 35%

    (e.g., morphine) to 80% (e.g., oxycodone) entering the

    circulation. However, they undergo to a high degree

    (4080%) immediate first-pass metabolism in the liver,

    where glucuronic acid binding makes the drug inactive

    and ready for renal excretion. Exceptions are metabo-

    lites of morphine, e.g., morphine-6-glucuronide, which

    is itself analgesic, or morphine-3-glucuronide, which

    is neurotoxic and can accumulate during renal impair-

    ment as well as cause serious side effects such as re-

    spiratory depression or neurotoxicity. Oral opioids are

    commonly available in two galenic preparations, an

    immediate-release formula (onset: within 30 min, du-

    ration: 46 hours) and an extended-release formula

    (onset: 3060 min, duration: 812 hours). Tere is pre-

    liminary evidence for ethnic differences, e.g., between

    Caucasians and Africans, with regard to the hepatic me-

    tabolism of opioids, i.e., opioids exert a longer durationof action in Africans. Tis may be due in part to specific

    genetic subtypes of the hepatic enzyme cytochrome

    P-450, and in part due to the individual patients lifestyle

    and habits.


    Tese different forms of parenteral opioid application

    follow the same goals: a convenient and reliable way of

    application, a fast onset of analgesic effect, and bypass

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    42 Michael Schfer

    of hepatic metabolism. While intravenous application

    gives immediate feedback about the analgesic effect, in-

    tramuscular and subcutaneous routes of administration

    have some delay (about 1520 min) and should be given

    on a fixed schedule to avoid large fluctuations in plasma

    concentrations. Te faster rise in opioid plasma con-

    centration with parenteral versus enteral applications

    enables better and more direct control of opioid effects;however, it increases the risk of a sudden overdose with

    sedation, respiratory depression, hypotension, and car-

    diac arrest. After parenteral administration, a first phase

    of opioid distribution within the central nervous system,

    but also in other tissues such as fat and muscles, is fol-

    lowed by a second, slower phase of redistribution from

    fat and muscles into the circulation with the possibility

    of the re-occurrence of some opioid effects. Tis phe-

    nomenon is particularly important following repeated



    Only highly lipophilic substances such as fentanyl and

    buprenorphine can be administered by these routes,

    because they easily penetrate the mucosa and are ab-

    sorbed by the circulation. ime of onset of analgesia is

    fast with fentanyl (0.050.3 mg; 5 min) but slower with

    buprenorphine (0.20.4 mg; 3060 min). However, the

    duration of analgesia is much longer with buprenor-

    phine (68 hours) than with fentanyl (1545 min). Sim-

    ilar to the other parenteral applications, there is no he-patic first-pass metabolism.


    Opioids administered intrathecally or epidurally pen-

    etrate into central nervous system structures depend-

    ing on their chemical properties: less ionized, i.e. more

    lipophilic, compounds such as sufentanil, fentanyl, or

    alfentanil penetrate much (800 times) more easily than

    more ionized, i.e. hydrophilic, compounds such as mor-

    phine. While the lipophilic opioids are quickly taken up,

    not only by the neuronal tissue, but also by epidural fatand vessels, a substantial amount of morphine remains

    within the cerebrospinal fluid for a prolonged period

    of time (up to 1224 hours) and is transported via its

    rostral flow to the respiratory centers of the midbrain,

    leading to delayed respiratory depression. Te effects of

    opioids within the central nervous system are terminat-

    ed by their redistribution into the circulation and not by

    their metabolism, which is negligible. Doses for epidu-

    ral morphine, for example, are a bolus dose of 1.03.0

    mg, and a 24-h dose of 3.010 mg; and for intrathecal

    morphine a bolus dose of 0.10.3 mg, and a 24-h dose

    of mg.


    Morphine, a strong -opioid agonist that is recommend-

    ed in step 3 of the WHO ladder, is commonly used as

    a reference for all other opioids. It can be applied by allroutes of administration. Morphines active metabolites

    morphine-6-glucuronide and morphine-3-glucuronide

    can increase side effects such as respiratory depression

    and neurotoxicity (excitation syndrome: hyperalgesia,

    myoclonia, epilepsia), particularly when accumulation

    occurs due to impairment of renal function. Its main in-

    dications of use are for postoperative and chronic malig-

    nant pain; however, it is also used for other severe pain

    conditions (e.g., colic pain, angina pectoris). In acute

    pain states, morphine can be quickly titrated to optimal

    pain relief by the parenteral route (e.g., i.v. boluses of2.55 mg morphine), upon which the morphine plasma

    concentration should be kept constant by regular timed

    intervals of subsequent administrations (e.g., 612 mg

    i.v. morphine/h). In chronic pain conditions, daily mor-

    phine doses should be given in an extended-release

    formula, and breakthrough pain is best treated by ad-

    ministration of a fifth of the daily morphine dose in an

    immediate-release formula. Regular monitoring of pain

    intensity and morphine consumption is desirable.

    able 2Equianalgesic doses of different routes of

    administrations of opioids

    Drug Dose (mg)Conversion


    Morphine, oral 30 1

    Morphine, i.v., i.m., s.c. 10 0.3

    Morphine, epidural 3 0.1

    Morphine, intrathecal 0.3 0.01

    Oxycodone, oral 20 1.5

    Hydromorphone, oral 8 3.75

    Methadone, oral 10 0.3

    ramadol, oral 150 0.2

    ramadol, i.v. 100 0.1

    Meperidine, i.v. 75 0.13

    Fentanyl, i.v. 0.1 100

    Sufentanil, i.v. 0.01 1000

    Buprenorphine, s.l. 0.3 100

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    Opioids in Pain Medicine 43


    Oxycodone is a strong oral -opioid agonist belonging

    to step 3 of the WHO ladder, with 1.5 times the anal-

    gesic potency of morphine. Oxycodone has a high oral

    bioavailability of 6080%. It is metabolized in multiple

    steps to different metabolites, of which oxymorphone

    is the most active and 8 times more potent than mor-phine. Oxycodone has a similar therapeutic profile to

    morphine; however, it is only available as an oral ex-

    tended-release formulation (1080 mg tablets). Since

    these tablets have a relatively high dose, they can be pul-

    verized and made into an aqueous solution, which has

    been misused for its euphoric effects by addicts.


    Hydromorphone is a -opioid agonist belonging to step

    3 of the WHO ladder (strong opioids) with 45 timesthe analgesic potency of morphine. After oral applica-

    tion (single dose 4 mg), the onset of analgesia occurs af-

    ter 30 min and lasts up to 46 hours. Because of its high

    water solubility, it is available as both an oral and par-

    enteral formulation (2 mg/1 amp.) that can be adminis-

    tered i.v., i.m., or s.c. Hydromorphone is extensively me-

    tabolized in the liver, with metabolism of approximately

    60% of the oral dose. Te metabolite hydromorphone-

    3-glucuronide can cause neurotoxic effects (excitation

    syndrome: hyperalgesia, myoclonus, epilepsy), similar tomorphine-3-glucuronide.


    Methadone is a -opioid receptor agonist with 0.3

    times the analgesic potency of morphine. In addition

    to its opioid receptor activity, it is also an antagonist

    of theN-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, which

    might be advantageous in chronic pain states such as

    neuropathic pain in which the NMDA receptor seems

    to be responsible for the persistent pain hypersensi-tivity. Methadone is a lipophilic drug with good CNS

    penetrability and high bioavailability (4080%). It ex-

    ists as an oral (540 mg tablets) and parenteral for-

    mulation (levomethadone: 5 mg/mL). Methadone is

    metabolized with no active metabolites by multiple

    different enzymes of the liver in a highly variable

    manner, which explains its broad variation of half-life

    (up to 150 h) and makes regular dosing quite diffi cult

    for patients. In general, pain relief is better obtained

    with methadone doses that are 10% of the calculated

    equianalgesic doses of conventional opioids. Excretion

    occurs almost entirely in the feces, which makes it a

    good candidate for patients with renal failure. Metha-

    done has a much lower propensity for euphoric effects

    and is therefore used in maintenance programs for

    drug addicts. In addition, there is incomplete cross-

    tolerance to other opioids. Unfortunately, methadonehas the potential to initiate orsades de Pointes, a po-

    tentially fatal arrhythmia caused by a lengthening of

    the Q interval in the ECG.


    ramadol, a weak opioid, belongs to step 2 of the

    WHO ladder. ramadol itself binds to norepinephrine

    and serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which increases lo-

    cal concentrations of norepinephrine and serotonin,

    leading to subsequent pain inhibition. In addition, one

    of its metabolites (M1) binds to the -opioid receptor,

    which elicits additional analgesia. ramadol has a high

    bioavailability of 60% and 0.2 times the analgesic po-

    tency of morphine. Since the opioid component is de-

    pendent on hepatic metabolism to the M1 compound,

    genetic variations may differentiate poor from exten-

    sive metabolizers, and hence the respective differences

    in analgesic effects. ramadol exists as an oral (50

    100150200 mg tablets) and parenteral formulation

    (50100 mg). As with all opioids, hepatic and renalimpairment may lead to accumulation of the drug with

    an increased risk of respiratory depression. Because of

    potential interactions, tramadol should not be given

    together with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, since the

    combination may produce severe respiratory depres-

    sion, hyperpyrexia, central nervous system excitation,

    delirium, and seizures.


    Meperidine, a weak -opioid agonist, belongs to step 2of the WHO ladder with 0.13 times the analgesic po-

    tency of morphine and significant anticholinergic and

    local anesthetic properties. Meperidine is most often

    used postoperatively, since in addition to its analgesic

    effects, it has anti-shivering properties. Meperidine ex-

    ists as an oral (50 mg/mL solution) and parenteral for-

    mulation (50100 mg/2 mL). It is metabolized in the

    liver to normeperidine with a half-life of 1530 hours,

    and has significant neurotoxic properties. Meperidine

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    44 Michael Schfer

    should not be given to patients being treated with

    monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI), since the

    combination may produce severe respiratory depres-

    sion, hyperpyrexia, central nervous system excitation,

    delirium, and seizures.


    Fentanyl, a strong -opioid agonist, belongs to step 3 of

    the WHO ladder with 80100 times the analgesic po-

    tency of morphine. Fentanyl mainly exists as a paren-

    teral formulation (0.1 mg/2 mL); however, sublingual

    application is sometimes used. A transdermal applica-

    tion system is widely used in industrial countries, but

    because of its costs and the delayed delivery system

    with additional risks (delayed respiratory depression), it

    may only be of use in rare cases. Fentanyl is metabo-

    lized in the liver to inactive metabolites. Te rapid on-

    set, high potency, and short duration of fentanyl is an

    advantage in the titration and controllability of periop-

    erative pain. However, incorrect use may lead to large

    fluctuations in plasma concentration and increase the

    risk of psychological dependence and addiction. Impor-

    tantly, repeated administration of fentanyl may lead to

    drug accumulation due to redistribution from fat and

    muscle tissue into the circulation with increased risk of

    respiratory depression.

    SufentanilSufentanil, a very strong -opioid agonist, with 800

    1000 times the analgesic potency of morphine, is ex-

    clusively available as a parenteral formulation (0.25

    mg/5 mL) and can be given i.v. (10100 g boluses)

    as well as epidurally (initially: 510 g, repeated bo-

    lus: 0.51 g). Because of its very high potency, suf-

    entanil is mainly used intraoperatively. In comparison

    to fentanyl, it is much less prone to drug accumula-

    tion, because of its low tissue distribution, low pro-

    tein binding, and high hepatic metabolization rate toinactive metabolites.


    Buprenorphine belongs to the mixed agonist/antago-

    nist opioids binding to - and k-opioid receptors. It

    usually has a slow onset (4590 min), a delayed maxi-

    mal effect (3 hours), and a long duration of action

    (810 hours). Buprenorphine is available as sublingual

    (s.l.) (0.20.4 mg capsules) and parenteral (0.3 mg/

    mL) formulations. Its metabolites are inactive and are

    mainly excreted via the biliary duct. Oral bioavailabil-

    ity is 2030% and sublingual bioavailability is 3060%.

    For acute pain, 0.20.4 mg s.l. buprenorphine or 0.15

    mg i.v. is applied every 46 hours. Because of its very

    stable and long duration of action, buprenorphine is

    used for substitution therapy for drug addicts (432mg/daily). Similar to fentanyl, there is a transdermal

    application system. Buprenorphines respiratory de-

    pressant effects are reversed only by relatively large

    and repeated doses of naloxone (24 mg).


    Both substances are classical opioid receptor antago-

    nists with a preference for -opioid receptors. Naloxone

    is available only as a parenteral formulation (0.4 mg/1

    mL), and it has a fast onset (within 5 min) and a short

    duration (306090 min) of action. It is commonly used

    preoperatively to treat opioid overdosing and needs to

    be titrated and administered repeatedly under constant

    monitoring. Naltrexone exists only as an oral formula-

    tion (50 mg/tablet) with a delayed onset (within 60 min)

    and a long duration (1224 h) of action. Naltrexone is

    mainly used for maintenance treatment for alcohol and

    drug dependence. Both substances can precipitate acute

    life-threatening withdrawal symptoms when improperly

    used, e.g., hyperexcitability, delirium, hallucinations, hy-peralgesia, hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmia, and

    increased sweating.

    Pearls of wisdom

    Although they have been available for almost

    200 years, opioids still remain the mainstay of

    pain management. While opioids are effective

    in most postoperative and cancer patients, and

    in some patients with neuropathic pain, most

    other noncancer pain is hardly responsive toopioid medication.

    While opioids are regarded with a lot of preju-

    dice because of their side effects and abuse po-

    tential, clinical practice and research have dem-

    onstrated in the last few decades that opioid

    medication for short- and long-term treatment

    can be accomplished safely. Tere is no evidence

    about a differential indication of the opioids

    available. Consequently, availability, costs, and

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    Opioids in Pain Medicine 45

    personal experience should be the guiding prin-

    ciples when choosing an opioid.

    Because there isas opposed to most drugs

    used in medicineno organ toxicity, even at

    high doses and with long-term treatment, and

    because some important side effects diminish

    over time and other potential harmful side ef-

    fects may be avoided with correct use, it maybe that opioids will remain the mainstay of pain

    management for most of our patients for some

    time to come.


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