  • 8/8/2019 Open Source Power Point Review Ppt 742


    Open Source


    Legal and Other Issues related to use

    of Open Source Software ProductsExecutive Leadership Conference, Boston,Massachusetts, October 16, 2003

    (revised January 20, 2004)

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    Legal and Other Issues

    Defining Terms Software as Intellectual Property

    Proprietary Software Open Source Software


    Advantages and Disadvantages

    Sharing Software within theCommonwealth

    Best Value Procurement

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    Defining Terms

    Software as Intellectual Property

    Proprietary SoftwareOpen Source Software


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    Software as IP

    Software is valuable intellectual property

    A software license is the contract between the

    software owner and the licensee definingterms of use of software

    Software owners also have enumeratedrights under the law to control the use anddistribution of their property (with few

    exceptions) The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

    and contract law typically protect softwareowners rights

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    Typical Proprietary Software

    License Fairly standard terms

    Source code availability

    Source code not provided - trying to figureout inner workings of software throughreverse engineering or decompiling ofoperating mode is forbidden; OR

    Source code provided - may or may notinclude permission to create modificationsand enhancements

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    Proprietary Software License

    terms - Licensees Restrictions on dissemination. Licensee

    and users strictly defined. Licensee has

    no right to share with those not definedas licensee users in license;

    Licensor indemnifies licensees againstthird party infringement claims;

    Often, have to sign a new license eachtime new licensee obtains the code.

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    Proprietary Software License

    terms Warranty and SupportWarranties provided:

    Defects in media and existence of viruses,

    Trojan Horses, backdoors, etc;

    Can negotiate for warranties re: meet

    specifications in product documentation

    Maintenance and support termsincluded (although may be in separate


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    Open Source Software Main

    Features Non-proprietary software which may or may

    not be used commercially;

    Typically licensed under an Open Sourcelicense (not given away)

    License terms differ from proprietary software

    license terms

    Source code is generally made available

    Legal restriction on reverse engineering (under the

    DMCA) do not apply.

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    Open Source Software Licenses

    - Source Code Source code to original product always provided;

    Licensee can modify or enhance source code

    (create derivative works) or include source codewith other license types (create larger works);

    Licensee may be required to share modificationswith the world (in source and/or binary form), butnot necessarily;

    Licensee may be prohibited from chargingroyalties for derivative and larger works, but notnecessarily.

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    Open Source Software License

    Warranties and SupportGenerally, software provided AS-IS

    with no warranties, warranties excluded;

    No indemnification;

    No maintenance or support.

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    The GNU General Public

    License (GPL)

    No standard open source license, but GPLmost widely used (roughly 85% of open

    source software); Terms include:

    User freedom to distribute and/or modify;

    Requirement that original and modified source code bealways made available to the world under the terms of

    the original license; Must retain copyright notices and warranty disclaimers;

    Does not include grant of patent licenses;

    Extremely viral license.

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    The Mozilla Public License

    Developed by Netscape for the Mozillabrowser

    Terms include: Very similar to the GPL but,

    Can charge royalties for modified versions;

    Can include source code within larger works licensed underdifferent license types, thus license does not infect all

    downstream projects; Must retain copyright notices and warranty disclaimers;

    May provide additional warranties to downstream users butmay have to indemnify original developer for any claimsarising as a result;

    Includes grant patent licenses;

    Less viral than the GPL.

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    The IBM Public License

    Terms include: User freedom to distribute and/or modify;

    No requirement for source code availability indownstream distribution;

    The program can be distributed in executable formthus allowing downstream users to develop, sell,and install customized software packages without

    having to make all customizations available to theworld;

    Must retain all copyright notices and warrantydisclaimers;

    Includes grant of patent licenses.

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    Open Software License

    Terms include: User freedom to distribute and/or modify;

    Viral license, source code is always madeavailable to the world;

    Must retain copyright notices and warranty


    Requires indemnification for attorneys feesincurred as a result of potential claims or litigation.

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    The Apache Software License

    Governs the Apache web-server software.

    Terms include:

    User freedom to distribute and/or modify;

    No requirement for source code to be made

    available to the world in downstream distribution;

    Must retain all copyright notices and warranty

    disclaimers; Not a viral license.

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  • 8/8/2019 Open Source Power Point Review Ppt 742


    Summary: Existing open

    source licenses Terms will always include preservation of

    copyright notices and warranty disclaimers;

    Some licenses will be extremely viral: thusprohibiting any other type of downstreamlicensing apart from under the terms of theoriginal license;

    Some with permit inclusion of code withinproprietized programs;

    In some instances, provision of additionalwarranties and support will trigger

    indemnification provisions to the originaldevelo er.

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    Online resources

    For a comprehensive chart describing

    and comparing open source licenses


    For full open source license texts

  • 8/8/2019 Open Source Power Point Review Ppt 742



    Freeware is free software, software that the

    licensee can use without paying a license fee.

    Free software may be proprietary software forwhich source code is not provided (Adobe

    Acrobat) or open source software (Linux).

    Note: Not all open source software is free; not all

    proprietary software is licensed for a fee.

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    Advantages: Proprietary

    Software Indemnification;

    Maintenance and support;

    Licensee doesnt have to have open sourcesavvy staff;

    Licensees rights if: media is defective;

    software contains viruses, backdoors, etc.; product fails to meet written technical/business


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    Disadvantages: Proprietary

    Software COST!

    License fee

    Product bundlingexample: Microsoft office. Licensee cannot modify or enhance the code;

    Often not built to open standards, leading tointeroperability problems;

    Shut off from continuing development andinformation sharing in open sourcecommunity;

    Some proprietary code is not as good as its

    open source counterparts.

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    Advantages: Open Source

    License PRICE: Generally no or low license fees;

    Availability of source code coupled with

    permission to make modifications;Access open source development

    community, which may be very active withrespect to code used. Continuing

    improvement; outstanding development; More likely to be built to open standards, so

    interoperable with other open standardssystems.

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    Disadvantages: Open Source

    Licensing No indemnification; if a third party claims that

    licensee is using code that the third party

    developed, the licensee has no one to pay hislegal fees and damage award (SCO v. IBM);

    No maintenance and support (unlesspurchased separately);

    No warranties regarding media, viruses, andperformance;

    Staff must be open source savvy;

    License terms are NOT standard: thus

    important to pay close attention to terms.

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    Note on Disadvantages: Open

    Source Many disadvantages of open source

    licensing can be addressed by

    procuring open source software througha third party vendor that will provide

    maintenance, support, additional

    warranties, etc.

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    Sharing Proprietary Software

    Within the CommonwealthAgencies can share proprietary

    software ifproprietary license names

    the Commonwealth, rather than agency,as licensee and other license restriction

    terms are satisfied. Source code

    licensed under a proprietary license canonly be shared if proprietary license


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    Sharing Open Source Software

    within the CommonwealthAgencies can share source code for open

    source software subject to the terms of the

    license under which it was obtained. Some open source licenses allow for portions ofopen source code to be included within proprietarysoftware which may as a result prohibitinteragency sharing.

    Always refer to the terms of the license beforeconsidering sharing open source softwarewithin your organization.

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    Additional Note on Sharing

    Software:Agencies can share source code for software

    that they own, based on a careful,

    documented determination regardingownership.

    Agencies should not share software until

    agency counsel has reviewed the legal

    status of the software that is to be shared.

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    Best Value Procurement

    Executive Department agencies must

    engage in best value competitive

    procurement for procurements overcertain dollar amount.

    Best value would require you to assess

    all of the risks and benefits surroundingsoftware acquisition.

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    Online Resources for Best

    Value Procurement The Commonwealth has announced new

    standards for information technology

    acquisitions. The new policy is described in threerelated documents that can be accessed throughthe links below:

    The Commonwealths Open Standards policy: The Commonwealths IT Acquisition policy:

    The Commonwealths Technical Reference model:

  • 8/8/2019 Open Source Power Point Review Ppt 742


    Take Home Message:

    Before embarking on use of open source products:

    Educate your staff about the difference between

    proprietary, open source, and freeware software;

    Educate yourself about the legal, business and

    technical risks involved in using open source software,

    and balance them in making a business decision as to

    what kind of software to use.

    Procure for best value, taking into account the risksand benefits of using proprietary vs. open source

    software along with other business and technical best

    value criteria

  • 8/8/2019 Open Source Power Point Review Ppt 742


    Easy Access to Online

    Resources Easy Access to the ITD web page on

    open source software licensing is

    available at

    Easy Access to a comprehensive chart

    describing and comparing Open Source

    licenses is available .

  • 8/8/2019 Open Source Power Point Review Ppt 742


    Contact information

    Linda Hamel, General Counsel

    Information Technology Division

    Commonwealth of Massachusetts

    Some of the information included in this presentation

    was provided by:

    Thomas C. Carey, Esq., Bromberg & Sunstein, LLP,

    Alba Bozo, HLS 04

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