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Tina Wilson, Patrick McAndrew, Richard Miles & Grainne Conole.

ALT-C 2009 Manchester 10th Sept 2009

Choice and change when using Open Educational Resources: a workshop

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Introduction (issues with OER and OLnet role) Accommodating OER in teaching – case study Activity 1 – reuse of resources & reflection Discussion and feedback from activity 1 Overview of Collaborative Flow Patterns (CFP) Activity 2 – Group work (OER and CFP) Discussion and feedback from activity 2 Final discussion and wrap up


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6m visitors since launch

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Finding OER

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(inspired by Chris Pegler – built by Christopher McAndrew) First used in slides in 2004.

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Wiley, D. (2007). Open Educational Resources: On the Sustainability of OER initiatives in Highe Education. OECD:

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Making notes on post-its – identify a resource that you have reused in the past (whether copyright free or not)

What made the resource reusable?

Refer to activity sheet 1 for further details

Activity 1

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June 2009Yannis Dimitriadis

CComputer omputer SSupported upported CCollaborative ollaborative LLearningearning

Use ICT to support … The process of learning together


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June 2009Based on Yannis Dimitriadis

Knowledge is constructed socially and individually

Social competencies are enhanced Centre of learning moves to the learners Complements other pedagogies

◦ Inquiry, Project and Problem Solving in authentic contexts Benefits from group should be clearly perceived Individual accountability remains

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June 2009Yannis Dimitriadis

Innovative forms of teaching/learning that involve new technology elements◦ Offer new opportunities based on their

affordances But at the same time

◦ Pose new demands to teachers (and technology designers, researchers, institutions)

And therefore ask for◦ Additional support based on experience◦ I.e. good practices for recurrent problems◦ that have to be elicited, represented and offered

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D. Hernández, J.I. Asensio, Y. Dimitriadis, E. D. Villasclaras, (2009) “Pattern languages for generating CSCL scripts: from a conceptual model to the design of a real situation”, in “E-learning, design patterns and pattern languages”, (editor: P. Goodyear & S. Retalis), Sense Publishers,

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June 2009Yannis Dimitriadis

… SCRIPTED Collaborative Learning…

This pattern gives the collaborative learning flow for a context in which several small groups are facing the study of a lot of information for the resolution of the same problem.


The collaborative learning flow must enable the resolution of a complex problem/task that can be easily divided into sections or independent sub-problems

Jigsaw CLFP (1)

(related “larger” patterns)



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June 2009Yannis Dimitriadis

Jigsaw CLP (2)

(E.g.) To promote the feeling that team members need each other to succeed (positive interdependence)

High-risk: more appropriate for collaborative learning experienced individuals

Each participant in a group (“Jigsaw Group”) studies a particular sub-problem. The participants of different groups that study the same problem meet in an “Expert Group” for exchanging ideas. These temporary groups become experts in the section of the problem given to them. At last, participants of each “Jigsaw group” meet to contribute with their “expertise” in order to solve the whole problem.

(educational objectives)



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June 2009Yannis Dimitriadis

Jigsaw CLP (3)

(diagramrepresentingthe solution)

Individual or initial group

Teacher Introductory

individual (or initial group)


Collaborative activity around

the sub-problem

Collaborative activity around

the problem and solution proposal

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Form a group of 4 or 5 participants

Review an extract from the OpenLearn OER ‘Accessibility in interaction design’

Explore the Collaborative Flow Patterns (CFP)

Use CFP to make an aspect or the whole extract of the OpenLearn OER more collaborative

Refer to activity sheet 2 for further details

Activity 2

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Does knowing design change how we can use OER?

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difficult task not a single way to represent different elements can be included. different ways to understand Some things get written down Some things are explained to the other person Extra information is needed to help


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Does thinking about pattern lead to new uses?

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Potential benefits:

◦ Did not need many patterns to get started◦ Matched to different situations◦ Allowed thinking at different levels◦ Encouraged a fresh view of resources

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Think about the patterns◦ More at and


Find open resources – OER Commons or OpenLearn or …

Let us know how you get on◦◦◦ Twitter #olnet◦ Email [email protected]

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We would like to thank:

◦ Richard Miles for his contribution

◦ Our funders - The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, The Capital Project funded by Becta

◦ Yannis Dimitriadis University of Vallodalid and OLnet Fellow April-August 2009.

◦ You the participants for taking part and contributing to OLnet through this workshop

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