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Outline Review Simha’s OP4 – Passive Solar 10/30/13

By Saskia Esslinger

Notes to the reviewer

Abstract and Summary


• Sell the idea of Passive solar design as a viable option for heating and cooling.

Great! Is this your thesis? Is this what you found through your project?

• provide the context and goals of my build project and OP

It would be helpful to list out your OP goals here so you can be sure you cover them all in the outline. You may also want to touch briefly on the design of your OP packet here. The goals for your OP should lead the design.

• Give an overview of my project and un/learnings

Good; tell them what you are going to tell them and the main findings of your report.


• Provide some hard evidence that passive solar does/can work and can be regulated to maintain a balanced temperature in buildings or at the least be a supplemental source of heating/cooling.

Is this directly related to your findings from your project or your research? If this is what you are seeking to show from your project, then great, otherwise it may not be necessary.

• constraints and considerations

• Show my corresponding learning goals in LIPD

• Show my process of design/building the passive solar panel (principles)

I might put this first. This is the meat of the action learning. You might also divide this up into more sections if necessary. This would be an alternative place to put your learning goals for your project (tied into your learning goals outlined in your LIPD- that doesn’t need to be a separate section.) This would also be a place to talk about interventions.

• Detail my un/learnings and research (outcomes)

• touch on other applications point to annotated resources


• Revisit my Goals of project and OP

• Detail my un/learnings what I would do different next time

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Are these the same un/learnings you detailed above? Or are these specific to the OP?

• Articulate new longterm goals for P.S. in my learning pathway


• Annotated Resource Design

• Reference Videos, documents, websites used in design build of panel

• Provide more links and documents to research I have gathered

• Design methods (thinking in use)

I might try to get some of this commentary (especially the stuff highlighted) into your core report, as it seems really important. Or at least a summary of it and then you could go more in-depth here.

• Site A&A

• Prototyping

• Permaculture principles

• Collaboration with client

• Cross-pollination - wiki update

• Time management Project management?

• Timeline

• Schedule and travel

• build and OP design

• Daily tasking

• Gaia Interaction

• OP pro-review oversight and Advisor feedback

• Guild and advisor meetings

• New Guild Buddy Micah

• Group activity

• Activity Hub creation

• Getting feedback from associates I did peer reviews for

• Gaia Radio notes/reflection

Supporting Evidence

• Evidence of outcome

• Prototypes and design ideas

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• Feedback from client

• photo gallery

• PDF’s and images created that don’t make the core report

• Un/Learning Journal extracts

• Journal extracts with un/learning detailed

• myths and research about the sun and our relationship with it

Outline of OP4 Passive Solar Panel

November 2nd 2013 2nd draft - after advisor review

Goal for making this outline

• To refrain from diving into my OP until the “foundation” is built

Notes to Reviewer - (write after report)Abstract and Summary (NTS - see intro help in temp folder for more tips)

Thesis Statement - Passive Solar, a renewable energy source that can heat and cool your house or building, can be a feasible and affordable DIY project..

• The problem and motivation for study

• A seasonal retreat/residential cabin that is too hot in summer and too cold in spring and fall • Living in the cabin for three warm seasons, wanting to improve it for future inhabitants. • Meeting my learning goal of increased knowledge in passive solar

• What is already known.

• Brief history of trombe walls and passive solar- wikipedia • my discovery that it is known by many names and thus the information is widely spread/hidden

•Goals of my build project and studies

• To successfully build and instal a trombe wall • To improve my carpentry skills • To learn about site analysis for solar projects ‘azimuth - sun chart’ • To improve the living space of the cabin - ‘to be seen in future’

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• Goals for OP

• To make and implement a clear outline and design • To transmit my study/hands-on learning experience • To inspire others to pursue passive solar as a DIY project • To show my use of Design Principles and Best Practices (as it as been a weak section in previous OPs) • To show my activity in Gaia U (groups and pushing for more feedback - advisor and peers) • To show my dissemination of knowledge/learning client (inclusion in the installation team) and world (blog - social networking)

• Context for project and OP

•My history in passive solar - few projects • Cynefin model between knowable and known. - Trombe walls are known as it is a technology that has been built since the late 1800s. Knowable because the project is site specific and variables can through-off your design from reaching your goals. • Knowing I would not be able to test my projects effectiveness (winter and un insulated floor ie. incomplete project) my learning goals/outcomes are focused on my experience of the build and the knowledge acquired through my studies. • Out of pocket learning is rewarding and is a type of social-capital investment

•Give an overview of my project and un/learnings

• Passive solar is an affordable DIY project that can supply ‘free’ heating and cooling • Prototyping a design to scale (sketchUp) is invaluable for precision projects. • The style of trombe wall you choose should be informed by the site/building. • Knowing your tools and materials before designing or implementation improves safety, and saves time and money • Reusing salvaged materials is rewarding yet not always your ‘best’ choice • By informing people and getting them involved you increase/strengthen your team.


What and how you’ve written this output. Outline your key talking points. Tell ushow you went about designing both the project and the output packet. Tell ushow you designed this output to convey a particular message.

Body: (outcomes)

• Show my process of design/building the passive solar panel (principles)

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• Detail my learning goals tied into LIPD outline of them • Interventions • Constraints and considerations • Touch on other applications point to annotated resources • Design methods (thinking in use) • Site A&A • Prototyping • Permaculture principles • Collaboration with client • Cross-pollination - wiki update • Time management and Project management


• Revisit my Goals / unlearnings of project and OP• OP process• Articulate new longterm goals for P.S. in my learning pathway


• Annotated Resource Design• Reference Videos, documents, websites used in design build of panel• Provide more links and documents to research I have gathered

• Design methods (thinking in use) • Site A&A• Prototyping• Permaculture principles• Collaboration with client• Cross-pollination - wiki update

• Time management• Timeline • Schedule and travel• build and OP design • Daily tasking

• Gaia Interaction• OP pro-review oversight and Advisor feedback• Guild and advisor meetings• New Guild Buddy Micah• Group activity• Activity Hub creation• Getting feedback from associates I did peer reviews for• Gaia Radio notes/reflection

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Supporting Evidence

• Evidence of outcome• Prototypes and design ideas• Feedback from client• photo gallery• PDF’s and images created that don’t make the core report

• Un/Learning Journal extracts• Journal extracts with un/learning detailed• myths and research about the sun and our relationship with it

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