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©2013 The Whole Journey, Inc. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate, distribute, train from, or create derivative works from without permission.®

Online Program Q and A for Symptoms, Conditions, and Remedies

Questions and Answers from the online program have been divided into five main parts: Food, Eating and Cooking; Supplements; Symptoms, Conditions, and Remedies; Testing; and Miscellaneous. The main idea from each question has been bolded in turquoise. The questions have been alphabetized based upon those highlighted words. Links are bolded in blue.

Q: If one has issues (pain, burning) after eating raw foods (bananas and greens, especially) and bread, pasta, and rice, is this the result of too much acid and digestion being out of balance? A: Yes, this is likely an acid problem. But it’s hard to say whether it’s too much bad acid or too little of the good stomach acid. Eat a combination of cooked foods with raw foods to see if they can be digested better. Add use ginger powder or take apple cider vinegar to neutralize the bad acid and stimulate your body to produce its own HCL.

Q. What about acne? A: Many of you are struggling with acne as it relates to adrenal fatigue and thyroid disorders. And many of you are health savvy and eating very well by staying away from gluten, dairy, soy, and sugar, but you may still struggle with acne. I recently did a 3-day detox at We Care Spa in Palm Springs, and the colon hydrotherapist told me that cleansing the colon is the deepest facial a person can get. When you heal the digestive system, your skin will improve. Here are a few recommendations. Gelatin is amazing. If you have acne problems, you should definitely use 4 tablespoons of the hydrolyzed gelatin (by Great Lakes in the green can) every day. You can mix it into other foods and work it into your program – maybe use 2 tablespoons in a smoothie, then mix 2 tablespoons into yogurt or broth later in the day. Also, you should increase your vitamin C intake. Premier Research Labs has a great Vitamin C called Premier C. It’s the best food-based vitamin C that I have found. It will act as a detox and thereby improve your skin if you use up to 4-6 capsules per day. You should also take probiotics. I would suggest a heavy-duty probiotic for acne (something like Orthomolecular’s Probiotic 225) along with the gelatin and eating foods that boost your HCL production. You could also take the liquid Max Stress B. That kind of combination will really help, not only with skin, but also with the thyroid and the adrenals.

Q: Is acne related to any adrenal or thyroid disorders? Will acne be “helped” along this journey? A: Yes acne will definitely be helped along this journey. I have found that acne is often related to digestive problems and long-standing bad bacteria in the intestines and leaky gut. Acne can also be a sign of an intestinal parasite. Since digestion is king, digestion issues are linked to adrenal and thyroid disorders. As you work to heal the lining of your intestines and add back higher doses of good bacteria (probiotics) and dietary anti-fungals like garlic and oregano, support the thyroid and adrenals, and search for hidden stressors, your acne should be helped in the process.

Q: Can you please give me some advice about cystic acne? A: For acne, get yourself tested for parasites and go from there. I would also suggest using a combination of a high dose multi-strain probiotic with a few natural antibacterials (like a very strong cup of Pau d’Arco tea) twice daily. Topically, apply bentonite clay mixed with apple cider vinegar or cleanse the face with tea tree oil wipes. If your testosterone is high, that could cause it, too. Q: What do you recommend for acne for teens and young adults? Do you have any suggestions beside the antibiotic and steroid route that dermatologists suggest?A: In the morning, drink 4 ounces water mixed with 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar and ⅛ teaspoon Himalayan pink salt. Take a good quality fish oil (combined EPA/DHA) at 2000 mg/day and a high dose probiotic (Probiotic 225) in the evening before bed. Avoid dairy at all costs. Q: Do you have any recommendations for an adult who as just diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and who already does not eat processed foods? A: It’s best to run a neurotransmitter test to see if he has high glutamate (brain inflammation) or PEA (inability to focus). You want to know what chemical messengers to work with. Off the cuff and without knowing that answer, have him increase fish oil to double the regular dose for a month to six weeks and have him take the amino acid L-theanine.

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Q: What should one do if one’s child has been diagnosed with ADHD? Research says to try to detox to help fix things. Would an infrared sauna help with detox? All of Sherry Rogers books say that most kids are full of toxins because of their diets and the environment. Do you have any other suggestions for ADHD. Could allergies be a part of the mix?A: It’s good to get out the junk, dyes, sugar, and gluten, all of which will help a lot. I recommend children with ADHD to take fish oil. Barlean’s makes Omega Swirl, which kids love. A few tablespoons of that daily should help a lot along with enough protein. Get some gelatin and coconut oil into the diet as well as B Vitamins which you can supplement or give her through food. Max Stress B-ND is liquid, and you can mix it with juice. The sauna should be great and is a wonderful way to cleanse. Just make sure to allot the right amount of time for a child in the sauna so that it’s not too much for her.

It also might be worth it to work with a practitioner look at the brain chemistry and drill down to find out what is causing the ADHD. There are lots of chemicals in food that can cause it as well as the technology overload we live in today. A practitioner would also help one to transition to natural allergy medications and to get to the root of the allergy problem.

Q: If one has adrenal issues, is it still okay to do cleanse/detox? A: Yes, it is okay to do some cleanse/detox but consider taking 2000mg of vitamin C (Premier C is a good brand) daily and adding in rhodiola rosea by Thorne Research as an adaptogen. Watch webinar #3 where I go through how to customize a cleanse for your current state of health. You would not want to do a full raw or juice cleanse with adrenal issues.

Q: Can you review the supplements that you think are most important for adrenal exhaustion? I ordered the Adapten All, but after reading Dr Wilson’s book that you suggested, he speaks about mineral supplements. Should I add some, and if so, which ones and how much? A: I recommend OrthoMolecular’s Adapten All, Green Pasture’s Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver and Butter Oil Blend, probiotics, and Premier Research Labs’ Magnesium Glycinate (3-4 taken at night). If you want further minerals, add Morning Star Minerals Immune Boost from Amazon. It’s a liquid, and you can take 2-3 capfuls a day. It is best to bypass the digestive system so they can get delivered right away. In rare cases of stage 3 adrenal fatigue, an adrenal glandular product like Adren-All or IsoCort might be helpful and can be taken first thing in the morning, but you must be guided by a healthcare professional.

Q: How long should I stay on Adapten-All and Phosphatidylserine to help with adrenal fatigue?A: Stay on the phosphatidylserine just until you’re sleeping well on your own, 2-4 weeks or however long that takes. But take the responsibility to create a sleep routine and slow down at night. You can stay on the Adapten-All for a couple months, and then you can cut the dose in half, as long as your diet is clean. You can then switch to a multivitamin, or you might look into a methylated B vitamin. So much of modern day health comes down to the level of the cell and whether the cell is getting fed or not? That’s why I like using methylated products.

Q: Does this order of healing make sense for someone with digestive issues, stage II adrenal fatigue, and low white blood cell count? - SIBO - Ecoli - Build mucosal lining - Boost HCL - Detox mercury - Candida cleanse - Then cleanse whole body, colon, liver, gallbladder, etc. - Repair gut and make sure HCL is good - Heal pancreas - Heal adrenals/thyroid - Retest for food allergies/elimination diet - Female hormones - Brain issuesA: The only thing I would add is that mercury detox for you should be VERY slow. Get glutathione shots. By the time you get to heal the adrenals, the brain and female hormones should have taken care of themselves, which should be good news. The low white blood count is a sign to get checked for active viruses. Get digestion taken care of so that your lab work returns with normal (no e.coli and no SIBO), and everything will start to come back into place.

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Q: Would the raw food and juice cleanse be good to do for the liver and adrenal health especially after treatments for stage IV breast cancer? A: My mom went through breast cancer and chemo about three years ago. I had her get one colonic exactly 7 days after each chemo treatment to flush her liver. The rest of this question is answered in detail in Webinar 3 as we talk about cleansing with adrenal fatigue. Please watch it and read the transcript.

Q: What can one do for recurring seasonal allergy symptoms: congestion, phlegm, and a cough? Would a candida cleanse be recommended? A: Absolutely. But the candida cleanse is a serious, 6-8 week commitment. I would recommend that you start off taking Saccharomyces Boulardii and Candicid Forte and continue working to remove sugar, gluten, and dairy from your diet. Go really light on fermented foods if you’re having a lot of allergy symptoms. Sometimes if it’s truly a seasonal allergy, using bee pollen medicinally will take them away. Local bee pollen is the single best tool that you can use to float through allergy season without symptoms. Watch my video on the 6-week dosing for using bee pollen like a vaccine to eliminate seasonal allergies. If you want to treat the symptoms, Sinatrol and Natural D-Hist are two superstar products from OrthoMolecular that help with that.

Q: What is the deal with anemia and would a prescription of 325mg of iron/day sound right? Do you think the deficiency is caused by diet or poor absorption? A: As for iron, Floradix is a liquid iron that is easier on the body, but one should find out why they are not absorbing it. Also, there is a homeopathic that you can ask about at the health food store that helps with absorption. Vitamin C helps iron absorption as well if you want to up your vitamin C (Premier C) and just eat foods higher in iron. Q: One should one do for anxiety and excitability?A: B vitamins will help quite a bit. The liquid B vitamin Max Stress B-ND will help calm the nervous system. You can be in a state of anxiety and take two shots, and it will calm you down. It’s like the magic elixir of life. The magic cocktail of bone broth with salt, gelatin, and coconut oil is an amazing drink for cancer recovery and will calm and soothe the nerves, because it’s very high in glycine. When we get a lot of anxiety, glycine is the amino acid that can quell it, as well as theanine. Gelatin is very high in glycine and mulberries are very high in theanine.

Q: How long do you suggest using raw milk for children with asthma?A: If you’re using raw milk medicinally for children with asthma, have them use it for two to three months. By around three months, they should have repopulated their gut; and they should have gotten enough colostrum, which is what we get from breast milk when we’re born that really builds, boosts, and forms our immune system. Something else for asthma that’s safe for children or anyone is to put just a pinch of Himalayan pink salt directly on the tongue. Check out the salt video (session 2). When you put pink salt on your tongue, it opens up the respiratory system and thereby reduces the need for an inhaler. That is serious food as medicine.

Q: What do you think about the AutoImmune Protocol/elimination diets in general?A: The AutoImmune Protocol (no nightshades, nuts, seeds, dairy, eggs, etc) is a great addition to avoiding goitrogens and healing the thyroid, and I have seen great results with it in Hashimoto’s.

Q: What can one do for bacterial vaginosis with strong vaginal odor and itching.A: To relieve symptoms, insert 1 Pau d’Arco pill vaginally before bed for 3-5 nights. Just use a regular gel cap, and your body heat will dissolve it. After the 3-5 nights (or when symptoms subside), consider inserting Bifidyn (a strain of probiotic that builds vaginal flora) vaginally for a few nights. However, this problem is probably due to a yeast overgrowth, in which case one would want to go through our Whole Journey candida cleanse. Q: Have you had any experience with clients who suffer with unexplained pain and numbness in their arms and legs? Blood work shows there may be a slight deficiency in B12; there is a deficiency in Vitamin D; and cholesterol readings are at 199?A: Yes B-12 deficiency can cause numbness. Take Orthomolecular’s Orthodigestzyme and a high dose of B-12 for a few weeks. Then I’d suggest 100mg of CoQ10 for 8 weeks to get circulation and cellular energy building.

Q: What can be done to boost blood cell counts that are on the very low end of the range. A: Red blood cell count can be raised with food (grass-fed beef with enzymes and tomato sauce). White blood cell count can be raised by eating maitake and shiitake mushrooms or in medicinal form with New Chapter Life Shield Immunity.

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Q: The Paleo diet says that carbs, such as grains, beans, and breads (all of them no matter the type) are bad and will spike blood sugar. Do you have clients whose blood sugar got better from eating the slow-burning carbs? A: Yes I do have clients whose blood sugar got better, but every case is different. I need to understand a person’s constitution and see how compromised their liver, pancreatic health, and/or thyroid/adrenal health are in order to give them exact ratios for carbs. People are their own best doctor. Using root vegetables and a combination of 50% carbs/25% fat/25% protein will bode well for one who is healing the pancreas and will boost liver health. Please see my comments, in the pancreas question section, about pancreatic enzymes with duodenum to heal the pancreas. Q: If one has had a bowel obstruction and is afraid to eat almost everything because of it, is there something they could do to help with the scar tissue causing this and what foods should be avoided? Also, any recommendations for when she feels a blockage coming on? A: This question is out of my league, and I would ask a functional medical doctor. From what I do know, proteolytic enzymes can eat up scar tissue in the body. Perhaps inquire with a colon hydrotherapist to see if they have any advice on what to do for bowel obstruction when it’s coming on. One could also see a pelvic manipulation specialist as well. They are often found in physical therapy offices. Q: What causes one to burp so much? Could heartburn and interstitial cystic bladder, which could be caused by yeast, be related? Do you have any suggestions? A: Burping is caused by either too much stomach acid or too little. I suggest having lemon or lime in the morning water and taking 1-2 Orthodigestzyme per meal. After about a week, just take 1 enzyme with your biggest meal and there should should be some success. Look at session one in the “Food Effects for Acid-Alkaline Chemistry” chart and choose more foods from the alkaline side. When one gets heartburn in the late afternoon/evenings, a pinch of baking soda in water could help. Interstitial cystic bladder can be caused by bacteria, yes. Take good probiotics, like Orthobiotic, at 2 twice daily for a few weeks, then just two before bed. Limit sugar/alcohol/caffeine. Drink Pau d’Arco tea once a day to kill bad bacteria in your system. Also, I would check out Louise Hay’s emotional component to interstitial cystic bladder regarding the need to trust the process of life. Clients I have worked with before have benefited from both the physical and the emotional approach. IC is easy to “cure.” Avoiding sweets is good, and it might also be helpful to cut out fermented foods and keep an eye out for possible trigger foods in the daily diet that cause flare-ups (specific fruits, etc.) And maybe try cinnamon to help relieve gas/bloating.

Q: If candida is an issue, do you recommend taking Saccharomyces Boullardi in addition to a regular probiotic or instead of one?A: I would say maybe take OrthoBiotic (Orthomolecular), which also has Sac-B in it, and then an additional two Saccharomyces Boulardii, depending on how badly you’re struggling with candida. If you’re constipated, then add the OrthoBiotic. If you’re not constipated, then you might be fine just taking the Sac-B.

Q: In the candida test, if one showed just a bit of legs growing but don’t feel like doing the candida cleanse yet, is that okay? A: A lot of you may not ever have to do the candida cleanse. If one has signs of candida in the test, wait until the end of the program and retest again to see what your status is. If you have minor signs of it, just take some olive leaf extract (Gaia Herbs) or oregano oil (Gaia Herbs) or eat our Cleansing Oregano and Cilantro Pesto every day for a month (a few tablespoons on salad, fish, rice), and you might just chase it back. Q: If one believes they have candida (from spit test), should they avoid fermented foods (like kimchi and raw sauerkraut) or take them anyway to help with hypothyroidism?A: If one has candida, it is good to avoid fermented foods and do a candida cleanse. You can add the fermented foods back in after the cleanse is completed, at which point the fermented foods would be beneficial. This three-month program sets everyone up greatly to be able to eradicate candida fully within 6 weeks. Do our Seven-day Cleanse (found at the end of The Healthy Life Handbook) and then roll right into the candida cleanse.

When I have my clients cleanse from candida, I have them take probiotics and avoid all fermented food. Many other practitioners (and The Body Ecology Diet) believe differently. Yeast is fermentation in the GI tract, so I believe that one should avoid them until the candida overgrowth is gone or at least chased back to acceptable levels. We have a 6-8 week candida cleanse that is fairly intense. This online program sets you up for success with the candida cleanse if you should decide to go that route. If you want to chase the candida down while you are doing this program, Candicid Forte by Orthomolecular is a good product that really helps with that. Saccharomyces Boulardii is a yeast-eating strain of probiotic that works great as well.

Q: During the candida cleanse does one need to avoid Applegate bacon, since it has sweetener, and Bubbies sauerkraut?A: Yes, avoid those two items. If you want an unsweetened bacon, US Wellness Meats carries a brand.

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Q: During the store tour you talk about nutritional yeast. Is that safe for someone to consume if their IgG food antibody test showed that yeast was a moderate allergy? And is this something to avoid while on a candida cleanse?A: Avoid all forms of yeast on the candida cleanse.

Q: If one has celiac, do you think they may need digestive enzymes, too? If so, for how long and, if forever, what would the dosage be?A: It is important to talk to a professional healthcare practitioner about this. Tom O’Bryan (from the Gluten Summit) published a list of gluten-certified practitioners who can run tests to assess the degree of healing of your villi, which get scarred from gluten. If the villi has healed, then one really doesn’t need enzymes. If the villi are not healed, then maybe take 1 OrthoDigestzyme per meal. One should not stay on the supplement forever, though, because one would want the body to produce its own digestive enzymes. You don’t want your body to say, “I don’t have to do this job anymore.” After taking enzymes for 4-6 weeks and making sure that you’re healing your leaky gut, then just use them as needed with your biggest meal of the day, or with a complicated meal, or if you get bloating, gas, or any pain.

Q: Is wheatgrass okay for someone with celiac?A: It’s risky. The grass itself is okay, because the gluten protein exists in the wheat berry, not the grass. If one of the wheat berries gets into the grass, then this could be trouble. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Try a different greens complex that doesn’t have wheatgrass or a risk of gluten. Or you can ask your juice bar about the potential for cross-contamination.

Q: If one has celiac, should he or she always take OrthoBiotic? If yes, how many to start per day, and what should one take regularly after that?A: Yes, with celiac one should take 1 probiotic per day (or eat fermented foods daily). A good dose to take is 1 OrthoBiotic at night before bed. Or, one can consume raw sauerkraut, kimchi, or raw kefir, but one shouldn’t need both the fermented food and the probiotic.

Q. Can you address or give good resources for the connection between cellular respiration and weight-loss resistance? Also how can one better support cellular respiration?A. When we talk about cellular respiration, we are really talking about whether your cells are oxygenated or not. If your cells aren’t oxygenated, then the regulation of insulin is not going to be quite as simple. You will not fire on all cylinders, and therefore, you’ve lost hormonal balance in the process. By improving cellular respiration – through digesting your food better, using the Cell Power oxygenated drops, trying a hyperbaric chamber (where you breathe 100% percent oxygen for about an hour at a time) – metabolism can be sped up and can start to regulate insulin. Those are some ways to better support cellular respiration, as well as getting rid of candida. Take the candida spit test to see if you have it. So many people have candida because of sugar, antibiotics, GMOs, and the bad hormones in animal meats that are basically everywhere. By getting rid of candida, you get rid of fermentation, and you allow for oxygen to thrive again in the system and in the bloodstream.

Q: For hair stylists who are in contact with chemicals often, is there something they can do when to try and detox from them?A: The Seven-Day Raw Food and Juice Cleanse would be very helpful. It would also be good to add a complex for the liver, like HepatoVen (by Premier Research Labs) or Liver Rescue (by Healthforce) on a daily basis. Maybe just take one a day to support the liver in processing the salon chemicals. Wearing a mask would help a lot, too. Or, work at a salon that uses Aveda products or where they’re not using all the toxic chemicals. Q: What do you suggest for someone with high cholesterol (Ex. 234 total, HDL 58, LDL 162, and VLDL 14)? Doctors, of course, give the recommendations to cut back on the egg consumption, to have a low fat diet, etc. What recommendations have you found to be most successful at decreasing LDL cholesterol? A: It’s a myth that eggs increase cholesterol because eggs contain lecithin in the form of choline, which is amazing to feed your brain and also helps break down the fat and cholesterol that they contain. One should increase healthy fats to get the HDL up into the mid 60’s. Avoid sugar and incorporate cleansing herbs in the diet. Try Healthforce Nutritionals Liver Rescue, which builds and cleanses the liver. When the liver is functioning well, it makes cholesterol, of which our three key hormones are made from: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Other things that are great for heart health are Red Yeast Rice (a natural statin), CoQ10 (builds cellular energy and brings down LDL and inflammation), and/or InflammabLOX (use for about 4 weeks) to alleviate inflammation.

Q: What are your thoughts on cholesterol that may be too low? (Ex. 105 with a breakdown of triglyceride 40, HDL 51, and LDL 46) A: Work to increase the good fats to bump up HDL to over 65.

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Q: In the cholesterol section, you mention that one should find the inflammation and take care of it, and that is how to fix the high cholesterol. How does one find where the inflammation is? You also mention you have to learn how to read the lab results for HDL, LDL, etc. Where can we find how to interpret the labs?A: For cholesterol and finding the root of high LDL, I always look in the GI tract first to see if there is a parasite, leaky gut, fungus, or something else going on. That can be the root cause of inflammation. An underlying virus that is active (not dormant) can also be the root of inflammation. Or, it can be as simple as finding and eliminating a food sensitivity. You can find how to interpret labs under “Deeper Science #4 Immune Health.”

Q: What can one do if cholesterol LDL particle size is small? A: You can take CoQ10 (NOW is a decent brand) at around 100mg 3x/day for 6-8 weeks and definitely remove gluten from the diet. Gluten is so pro-inflammatory, and small particle LDL is likely caused by inflammation. Use the fermented fish oil (Green Pasture), as well, at 3-4 per day. And by following the WJ program, cholesterol should take care of itself. Avoid vegetable oils like the plague.

Q: What should one do if their cholesterol is high but wants to get off prescription medicines. A: Please read The Great Cholesterol Myth by Steven Sinatra (cardiologist) and Jonny Bowden regarding the danger of statins. As one learns throughout this program, cholesterol should be able to be controlled naturally. Look at your handout, “A New Approach to Cholesterol,” in session one where I give a natural protocol for high cholesterol.

Q: Do you have any suggestions for poor circulation in the hands and feet due to Raynaud’s?A. To improve circulation, definitely get the lymphatic system going. Try hot and cold shower therapy - switching between really hot and really cold water. And try dry skin brushing to get circulation going. Taking the supplement CoQ10 (100 mg) three times a day will help tremendously with circulation and cellular energy. And, it’s wonderful for heart health and high cholesterol as well.

Q: What can one do for lingering seasonal cold/allergy symptoms besides using apple cider vinegar, tea, saline rinses, local raw honey, daikon radish, had probably a quart of the pineapple/lemon/cayenne/turmeric/ginger/garlic concoction (nature’s flu shot)?A: Purchase New Chapter Lifeshield Immunity (online or any health food store) and take 3 at mid-morning and 3 at mid-afternoon. That will help. Drink a very strong cup of pau d’arco tea (steeped with 4 bags) once a day, too.

Q: If colds and viruses are going around school, what do you recommend for a family to keep them all healthy?A: My favorite go-tos are (not to be taken all at once) are Pau d’Arco (if a virus is going around), Wellness Formula by Source Naturals, Manuka honey with a squeeze of lemon stirred in hot water for sore throats, and New Chapter Lifeshield Immunity. Choose one or two based upon symptoms and the age of the child.

Q: What do you suggest for a mild concussion?A: If you suspect a mild concussion, give your daughter a therapeutic dose of 3.2g or 3200 mg of fish oil for about 3 weeks and get her a few cranial-sacral therapy sessions. Green Pasture, New Chapter Wholemega, and Barlean’s Omega Swirl are all good brands of fish oil. It seems that kids like Barlean’s Omega Swirl the best. For the Omega Swirl, 720 mg = 2 teaspoons, take one tablespoon/three times per day. To figure out other dosages, 3.2 grams equals 3200 milligrams, so figure accordingly depending upon the size of the product’s capsules. Split the dosage up, though, 2-3 times/daily.

Q: In one of the Deeper Science recordings, you mention to not use magnesium to control constipation. What about using magnesium and cascara sagrada daily? Your thoughts? A: Magnesium glycinate (from Premier Research Labs), or the magnesium crystals, or magnesium oil are fine. Using the magnesium citrate (e.g., CALM) for constipation is an inappropriate use of magnesium because it’s forcing those muscles to relax so much that it’s not healing the root of constipation. Magnesium glycinate, magnesium crystals, and magnesium oil are fine to use because they relax the whole nervous system and nourish and feed it. Cascara sagrada (some people drink Smooth Move tea or take senna) is harsh. It relieves constipation by scraping away at the side of the intestines. It is fine to use as a laxative here and there but not daily. I suggest switching to Triphala (by Source Naturals or Vadik Herbs) and take 2-4 pills (test your dose) at night before bed. This will be nourishing, soothing, and healing to the lining instead of irritating and scraping. Triphala is a combination or three different fruits that moisten and nourish the lining. It’s a very gentle way to detox. You may also consider adding 2-4 ounces aloe vera juice (whole aloe leaf) in water before bed when you take those pills.

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Q: You talk about triphala for constipation, but what about for children? A: Small amounts of triphala should be okay for children, but if you can get them to eat stewed prunes cooked in ghee and cinnamon, that would be best for a child.

Q: On page 20 of the handbook, you mention that many labs can be performed to figure out the root cause of constipation. Which lab tests would help determine that?A: The test for constipation is a Secretory IgA test to look at the mucosal lining. A CBC test can also be run to look to see if the immune system is off. If it is, then one would check for underlying viruses and work to chase them from active to dormant.

Q: What do you think of taking chia seeds in raw milk for constipation? Is ghee better than grassfed butter?A: Try the chia seeds in water instead of milk. For constipation, ghee is better than grassfed butter. Melt one tablespoon in hot water before bed and drink it down.

Q: What about dermatitis as it connects to having Hashimoto’s thyroiditis? A: Everything I said in the section about acne would apply: Max Stress B, Premier C, good probiotics like OrthoBiotic, Great Lakes Gelatin, and then a good fermented fish oil (Green Pasture). If you show candida in the Candida Spit Test, Candicid Forte would be good, as well.

Q: Would having headaches, a swollen face/eyes, and less-than-ideal memory be a result of eliminating grains from a diet? Could this be a detox process? A: This is a detox reaction that glutathione shots or taking reduced glutathione can help with. Incorporate root veggies dai-ly for the pancreas and drink plenty of lemon water, and the symptoms should subside. Make sure you are eating enough protein as well. Nightshade veggies like eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, and white potatoes can also cause swelling, so take a break from those for a week or two if possible.

Q: For digestive issues, is it okay to take the PB8 probiotic daily without taking a break for three weeks?A: Yes, totally okay to continue daily if one has digestive issues, AND I would add 1 digestive enzyme (like Garden of Life or Orthodigestzyme) per meal. Q: In terms of digestive issues, what do you recommend if the bowels are moving too much?A: That is a sign that there is bad bacteria in your system, and your body is trying to eliminate. I suggest taking Probiotic 225 along with Saccharomyces Boulardii. Start with 1 sachet of PB 225 in water before bed and 2 Sac B and see if that helps. Ultimately what will keep things moving will also slow things down as when the body gets the right bacteria balance, and normal bowel movements are achieved.

Q: What is the best way to get the cortisol rhythm back to normal. Does PS (phosphatidylserine) taken at night work?A: Taking PS at bedtime is good. Neuroscience has some new products that seemingly have been working great. One of them is Kavinace, which is good for those who have anxiety before bed and have a racing heart racing palpitations. Neuroscience also has Calm PRT, which you would take instead of PS. It has some PS in it, and it also has a high dose of rhodiola to work for flipping the circadian rhythm. Also, take a methylated B vitamin right away in the morning – either Orthmolecular’s Methyl B or Max B-ND (formerly Max Stress B) by Premier Research Labs. Get some exercise before noon and eat dinner early; that will help raise cortisol levels and get the circadian rhythm back on track.

Q: What can one do for cravings if they have Hashimoto’s and, of course, a leaky gut?A: Definitely take Mucosagen or another product to help heal your leaky gut. When the liver is congested, we are not interested in food at all first thing in the a.m., but having breakfast is so important. A smoothie is perfect as long as it contains fat and protein. Soak chia seeds (3T) overnight and putting them in your a.m. smoothie. Also, include gelatin as the protein powder to heal the gut and add some coconut butter plus your fruit and (non-goitrogenic) greens. Make sure to have a sweet potato every day with lunch for the next 5 days and see if afternoon sweet cravings disappear.

Q: Do you have any diet or natural suggestions for painful cystic breasts, especially around period time? A: For painful cystic breasts around period time, I’d suggest kelp flakes or kelp supplements as, 8 out of 10 times, that’s a sign of an iodine deficiency. Increase your fish oil and magnesium around that time, too, and you should see a noticeable improvement.

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Q: Do you have any comments or know of any books about emotional eating and “dipping not diving”? A: To shift your belief system surrounding self and food (because it’s not really about the food), make sure you read Nourishing Wisdom by Marc David, Women, Food, and God by Geneen Roth, and The Healing Code by Alexander Loyd. These will help you get to the emotional root of the issue and create balance. There is a “Recommended Resource List” PDF with all the books I recommend in the bonuses section of the program for additional reading.

Q: Do you have any recommendations for numbness in arms and fingers due to a degenerated disc in the neck?A: Find a good cranial-sacral practitioner in your area, and that should help tremendously. Add 2 tablespoons of Great Lakes Gelatin (green can) to your broth at night. It is amazing for discs and cartilage.

Q: What can one do about itching in ear canals? Could this be related to adrenal fatigue? A: On occasion, this can be related to yeast and mold. Check for mold in your house. Front-loading washing machines have been known to collect mold. Do a bleach cycle or natural ozonated cycle once per week with nothing in it to clear any mold that might be collecting. Ear problems might also be related to wax buildup. Some clients have success with ear candling to clean them out.

Q: What can a person, who is gluten and dairy free and has a super clean diet, do for eczema? Could it be from candida?A: It could be candida and/or an intestinal parasite. There are a few ways to go about it. Use InflammabLOX by Orthomolecular to control it, and then heal your gut lining through food (consistent meals, bone broth, gelatin, high vitamin C foods). Or, get a comprehensive stool analysis done to look for a pathogen in the small intestine that might be the underlying culprit. If you just want to chase back the candida to see if that helps, look into trying the supplement Candicid Forte by Orthomolecular.

Q: If a person is on the candida cleanse to try to get rid of eczema but still has outbreaks, should steroid cream be used? When will the breakouts lessen? I am on the first rotation of herbs, and I’m having bone broth, gelatin and kelp flakes every day. A: This may be a die-off symptom. I suggest three colonics. Do the first one with a wheatgrass insert, the second one with coffee, and at the third, have them repopulate with probiotic 225. That will get the intestinal tract stronger to handle things so that they don’t have to be pushed out through the skin. If at all possible, use a combination of 1 tablespoon calendula oil, ⅛ teaspoon neem powder, and 4-6 drops of sandalwood essential oil and apply the paste to the breakout on the skin. Wear gloves to bed if possible. Hopefully, this will prompt a fast effect and thereby avoid steroid creams. After about 4-6 weeks on the candida cleanse, look for the eczema improvement. Q: What can help with endometriosis?A: Neprinol can help.

Q: Can you recommend anything to help environmental sensitivities or e-illness?A: Make sure that you’re living in a clean environment that’s mold free, and that the air is clean. A good dehumidifier or a good air purifier would be very helpful. As the adrenals are balanced and the immune system strengthened, one becomes less sensitive, and everything isn’t as offensive to the system. Boost your immune system and look into taking New Chapter LifeShield Immunity or Reishi Immune Complex by Premier Research Labs. Those will boost natural killer cells, which are the front lines of your immune system. If anything environmental wants to come in and offend you, these supplements can help put your natural killer cells on high alert to help defend you, and then, hopefully, the environmental problems won’t bother you as much.

Q: Will Adapten-All help with low estrogen? A: It will help in a very indirect way because it will modulate the stress response. For a direct effect on estrogen, maca powder is typically a safe choice because it works off of the pituitary gland.

Q: If one is estrogen dominant and working with a health practitioner do get off bio-identicals, what can one do for detox symptoms and adverse reactions, such as numbing of hands, prickling skin, and not being able to sleep?A: Take Orthomolecular’s Adapten All (2 with breakfast and 2 with lunch), and that should help modulate detox and hormonal fluctuations. However, don’t take it with other B vitamins. Magnesium glycinate and phosphatidylserine should help with sleep at night (and perhaps 5-HTP, but check with your health practitioner). Add more fiber in the way of soaked chia seeds to your diet because it will bind to excess estrogen and help to pull it out of your system.

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Q: Can you recommend something for puffy eyes? Would an air purifier help?A: Yes, air purifiers will help, and a cucumber mask over your eyes would help, as well. The best way to help with puffy eyes is to heal the thyroid. Usually when one has thyroid problems, puffs and bags under the eyes show up. Get good sleep, and the Seven-Day Raw Food and Juice Cleanse would help significantly, too.

Q: What can one do for puffy eyes if one is already having InflammabLOX, the Cilantro Pesto, deeper greens, chlorella and blue-green algae and L-glutathione pills for a removed prostate, high levels of lead, and erectile dysfunction?A: Usually puffy eyes is a symptom of an underactive thyroid, so make sure that all the great interventions above are being digested. Add some apple cider vinegar with water when taking all of these pills to make sure that the production of HCL is sufficient to process the good properties from all of these pills. Exercise and massage are also recommended to get circulation going. Take a good probiotic (OrthoBiotic is one), as well. Also from Deeper Science 3, seethe meal plans.Plus eating small meals 5-6 times a day is a good idea.

Q: Besides eating an anti-inflammatory diet, what can a person do for fibroids? A: A lot of women these days are having fibroids and other feminine issues. I recommend Neprinol, which is a proteolytic (or systemic) enzyme that eats up scar tissue and processes it through the bowels. That helps clean up the feminine reproductive system tremendously.

Q: For fibroid and small ovarian cysts, what do you suggest? Should one take Neprinol? If so, how much? A: I suggest eating a diet for fibroids and taking Neprinol at two twice daily, 45 minutes away from food, for 4 weeks and then drop down to 1 twice daily for a month and then stop. However, it’s always best to be guided by a practitioner who understands this realm. Marc Sklar is a women’s health functional medicine acupuncturist and works with distance clients. Neprinol helps with hormonal balance, too. Acupuncture does, as well, so you could go 100% that route, too. Q: What are your thoughts on using the NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques) acupressure/acupuncture? They say it changes the way the brain views the allergen, so it’s not perceived as a threat. So wouldn’t this help with IgG food sensitivities?A: I don’t know enough about NAET and how it reverses allergies to say for sure; but I would say, it would be great for seasonal allergies and some particular food allergies. I don’t think it would help with food sensitivities that are caused by a broken food supply from genetically modified foods. Genetically modified foods don’t belong in our body, and they’re going to cause intestinal permeability and an immune burden. However, I have heard good things about NAET and how it helps with seasonal allergies.

Q: What are your recommendations for fighting the flu and/or viruses? Have you heard about elderberry syrup and other options?A: Make our Nature’s Flu Shot. Elderberry syrup is great, as is New Chapter Lifeshield Immunity medicinal mushroom complex and Pau d’Arco Tea. I wouldn’t overdo it with all of them, but choose two. Pau d’Arco is the one to use to ward off viruses.

Q: What would be your top recommendations for people who have had their gallbladder removed? Is there a difference in how much protein from meat that they should ingest?A: Since the gallbladder’s role is to digest fats, I’d suggest doing a liver flush at least three times a year to strengthen the biliary system. Fat intake should be the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of oil per meal. Orthodigestzyme or other digestive enzymes with ox bile will be helpful for digesting fat in heavy meals. Also, focus on building HCL, heal the gut, and do a liver flush.

Q: Should a person take digestive enzymes indefinitely if they have had their gallbladder removed? A: If a person chews food well, eats clean, and watches the quality and quantity of their fat intake, they do not have to take digestive enzymes. Take enzymes or maybe just ox bile when eating meals heavy with fat.

Q: If one has bone broth, turmeric ginger lemonade, and green drinks daily and has bowel movements quite frequently, but still passes gas, is this normal and will the gas stop at some point? A: Frequent bowel movements are great. In a perfect world, we would go to the bathroom about 1½ - 2 hours after each meal. Perhaps have a little more cooked vegetables or a little less juice. Sometimes certain raw greens can cause more gas than others (raw spinach is a known culprit). Consider rotating the greens in the green drinks and see if there is a similar reaction from kale, spinach, chard, etc.

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Q: Do you have any suggestions for a terrible problem with gas?A: Definitely take Orthomolecular’s OrthoDigestzyme. It’s a full-spectrum, digestive enzyme that takes care of all parts of digestion and HCL. Also, work with a private practitioner and have an 8-day stool sample to see if a parasite is present. Or, start with the candida spit test. If candida shows up, do the candida cleanse, which will get rid of 70-80% of pathogens and parasites. Then, run a stool test to figure out if a parasite is remaining.

Q: Regarding gut health, what is the best way to re-populate the gut after high doses of antibiotics for surgery? A: This question applies to almost everyone, because life happens, and at some point one is going to need antibiotics. Sometimes you just can’t kick something without them. That’s why I’m not anti-Western medicine, and I’m not anti-pharmaceuticals. I’m just for the responsible use of them. They’ve helped save lives for a long time.

If you have to take antibiotics, you MUST concurrently take probiotics. You can take probiotics a few hours apart from your antibiotics. (The jury is still out as to whether you can effectively take them together.) I always recommend taking a probiotic about 2-3 hours away from the antibiotic. OrthoBiotic is fantastic probiotic if you have been on antibiotics because it’s full-spectrum, and it also contains saccharomyces boulardii, a yeast-eating strain of probiotic. When you go on antibiotics, they kill all the good intestinal tract flora needed to inform our immune system to digest our food and to keep bad bugs out. And when the good flora is killed, yeast can overgrow. Take 2 Ortho Biotic twice a day, for at least 3 weeks. Be sure to take probiotics for at least one week after finishing the course of antibiotics. Extend the use of the probiotic an additional 3 weeks if digestion doesn’t feel flowing and back to normal. If one is on intravenous antibiotics for surgery, then go to the next level and use something like Probiotic 225, which is the strongest antibiotic that I use in my practice.

Antibiotics will also thin the mucosal lining, so it must be thickened up and healed. Choose from the protocol on the website. Mucosagen is a good option (a glutamine-based product with antioxidants to help deliver the glutamine); take 2 with breakfast and 2 with lunch until the bottle is finished. Or, use a glutamine powder, which can be purchased at Whole Foods and added to smoothies once a day for about 3 weeks (follow the dose on the bottle). And for extra credit, use New Chapter LifeShield Immunity – medicinal mushrooms that boost your immune system by 300% after you consume them.

Q: If the gut is not healed, should a person not consume gluten-free grains, even something like quinoa? And what about beans which are good for helping adrenals and blood sugar? And raw milk, if one is allergic to the whey? A: I would stay off grains, legumes, and dairy until your gut is healed.

Q: What about hair loss/thinning, a very emotional and depressing situation? A: I know it’s very emotional for a woman to lose hair. This is usually due to either thyroid or heavy metal toxicity. Lab work can be done to determine the problem. If the body has metals and can’t push them out through the liver, kidneys, and bowels, it will push them out through the hair. Or, if it’s a thyroid issue, a little compounded T3 might help. For depression, get enough omega-3s. I love the Fermented Fish Oil and Butter Oil blend by Green Pasture. I also use B vitamins for depression support, so Adapten-All can be very helpful.

Q: With the PH strip tests, one can really see how important green drinks are for maintaining a higher PH. Many green powders have kale, spinach, etc. For those who have Hashimoto’s, those vegetables need to be cooked. Should these powders be avoided? There is no sense taking the powder if it is harmful to the thyroid. Can you suggest an alternative other than making your own? A: Premier Research Labs makes Premier Greens, which doesn’t have kale or spinach. Another idea is to make a big batch of juiced collard greens, dandelion greens (bitter!), or romaine lettuce and put in an ice cube tray and freeze. You can add a few cubes and blend them into your drinks/smoothies.

Q: Could Hashimoto’s affect serotonin and dopamine?A: Sure, they are all interconnected. It could affect dopamine more than serotonin, but I don’t think that’s necessarily the root of it. Q: Is it true that iodine (sea vegetables) is necessary and helps those with underactive thyroid, but it should not be consumed if one has Hashimoto’s, as it can cause a flare-up and a goiter. What are your suggestions and thoughts on this? Should one just stick with using food as my supplement?A: If one has Hashimoto’s, do not supplement with additional iodine, but yes, just get it from food so your body can use the amount it wants to and deliver or eliminate the rest.

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Q: In Dr. Kharrazian’s book, (Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests are Normal?), he mentions that if the hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s, to strictly avoid iodine supplements. Does this mean we should also avoid iodine in kelp flakes or sea veggies? Do our bodies know the difference between iodine supplements versus iodine naturally found in food?A: You can avoid the kelp flakes and likely get enough iodine from other foods.

Q: Is it true that people with Hashimoto’s need to be careful with maca powder. Can it still be used in smoothies for hormonal balance. Do you have any thoughts or concerns?A: This is true because maca works off the pituitary gland and can increase estrogen. Those with Hashimoto’s should not say on it. Having a small dose like ½-1 teaspoon in your smoothie 2-3 times/week, though, should not be a problem.

Q: In regard to raw food cleanses that are commercially made, like Beaming. can one use those if one has Hashimoto’s? Are there any precautions one should take, or are there cleanses you might recommend that would be okay (one day, 3 day, etc.) for those of us that have to be careful of getting too much raw?A: Choose juices that aren’t so green and that are Hashimoto’s friendly. Beaming, for example, has plenty of options. And yes, if you are drinking green juice, just drink one per day max.

Q: What do you think about the AutoImmune Protocol/elimination diets for those with Hashimoto’s?A: The AutoImmune Protocol (no nightshades, nuts, seeds, dairy, eggs, etc) is a great addition to avoid goitrogens and heal the thyroid, and I have seen great results with it in Hashimoto’s.

Q: When one does the Seven-Day Raw Food and Juice Cleanse, do you have any ideas how to lessen any withdrawal symptoms, like from headaches due to eliminating coffee?A: Don’t quit cold turkey but, instead, start to reduce caffeine gradually day by day. Be sure to increase your water as you do this. The reason we get headaches from eliminating caffeine is because the caffeine is a vasodilator, which means it allows more blood to pump through your blood vessels. When we suddenly quit, the same amount of blood needs to go through a smaller pathway. Spinach, beets, celery, watermelon, and cantaloupe all contain different components that have a vasodilating effect, so add more of these foods into your diet to help.

Q: If a person experiences heart palpitations, should the dose of thyroid meds or of l-tyrosine be lowered? A: Do not take tyrosine if you have heart palpitations and talk to your doctor about your thyroid medication dosage. You could be healing naturally, and the dose is not driving your thyroid from hypo to hyper. If that is the case, lowering the medication dose is a simple, natural, effective fix.

Q: Do you recommend intravenous oxygen therapy for high blood pressure and to decalcify arteries?A: That sounds very cool, but I’ve never done it or had any clients do it. Off the cuff, I can’t imagine that oxygenating the blood would be a bad thing. There are lots of other things one can do to lower blood pressure naturally. Hawthorn berry, yoga, deep breathing, CoQ10, and fish oil all work really well to lower blood pressure. If anyone tries the intravenous oxygen therapy, please post on the Community site and let us know your thoughts and results.

Q: For someone taking Exclzyme 2AF as directed by a doctor for hip pain, do you think it is okay to stop the medication if drinking bone broth seems to have helped? A: I am glad to hear that the bone broth has been helpful. I can’t advise you on the Exclzyme because I am not familiar with it, but I do think you can let your body be your guide along with weighing in on your doctor’s opinion. The broth will keep your system alkaline and your bones strong. Great Lakes Gelatin is also good for bones and joints. Q: Any help for unrelenting hot flashes?A: I would suggest Apapten-All during the day. If one is over 50 and the hot flashes are related to menopause, then take 5-HTP by Orthomolecular (one at night). Also, a pinch of baking soda in water at night should do the trick. Be sure to lower caffeine intake.

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Q: What can one do if more hydrochloric acid is needed?A: Many of you with thyroid and adrenal problems need to produce more hydrochloric acid. My favorite way to get the body to do that is by using what I call a “ginger pickle.” Take a fresh piece of ginger root (3” sliced thick with a carrot shaver), squeeze it with lemon, and sprinkle it with salt. Chew on it BEFORE your meals (or during or after if you forget) and then spit out the pulp. This method will amazingly train the body to produce more HCL. You can also peel the whole thing and slice it, squeeze with lemon and salt, toss, and keep it in a jar in the fridge. Have a look at this HCL Challenge PDF to boost and maintain your natural production of HCL. Q: Should one take digestive enzymes along with the ‘ginger pickle’ or just the pickle? A: It is fine to take enzymes with the ginger pickle but choose an enzyme without betaine HCL in that case. Digestzyme V by Orthomolecular is a good digestive enzyme. Q: Can we just eat pickled ginger, or does it need to be in combination with lemon and salt? A: It is really hard to find pickled ginger without MSG and sugar. The combination of lemon and salt will work best. Otherwise, just chew a slice of fresh ginger alone.Q: How long should one continue the ginger pickle routine? A: Notice if your digestion is improving. There should be almost no bloating and bigger, healthier bowel movements in the mornings. Continue with the ginger pickle for a solid three weeks daily, then every other day, and then stop to see if all the digestive health benefits remain. You’ll know you don’t need it anymore when your digestion stays good without it. Q: If one shouldn’t be using citrus juices, can the ginger slices be preserved in ACV?A: Yes, that’s a great idea! It might be very sour, but it will be good for you.

Q: Is fermented soy in multivitamins okay for hypothyroidism?A: Yes.

Q: After a hysterectomy, does one still need to replace lost hormones? Do these people still need to focus on their adrenals? Any recommended tests?A: I think it’s important to get your adrenals and sex hormones tested once a year after a hysterectomy. In order to boost and balance, the client will need some kind of supplementation. I’d suggest getting a Biohealth saliva test run (205-S Functional Adrenal Stress Profile plus V w/ sIgA x 4) to test for all of these hormones. We always need to focus on our adrenals, yes.

Q: What can one do for interstitial cystic bladder that is not chronic but does flare up from time to time? Also, if there is belching and heartburn but shows some improvement with apple cider vinegar and OrthoBiotic probiotics, should a stronger probiotic (like Probiotic 225) be taken instead?A: When one has IC or interstitial cystic bladder, instead of bacteria in the intestinal tract, it’s in the urinary tract (usually E. coli). I recommend something like D-Mannose, an amino acid that binds to bacteria in the bladder and pulls it out. One can use food as medicine, too. If there are symptoms, eat an entire bunch of asparagus and then drink the water it was steamed in to help pull bacteria out of your system. Belching and heartburn are improving is an HCL issue. Try one box of the Probiotic 225, and see if it helps, then possibly go back to something less strong like the Ortho Biotic. D-Mannose is great for bladder infections and UTI’s. There is another amazing bladder product called CranStat Extra that is also good.

Q: What are your suggestions for joint pain and weakness?A: Use the gelatin (Great Lakes Gelatin in the green can) at 2 tablespoons/day, and if you do not get GI upset, increase to 4 tablespoons/day. Consider getting glutathione shots 1x/week for 6-10 weeks. Minerals, like in your water, will also help. Q: What is a good dietary supplement and protocol for declining kidney function?A: Definitely make sure you’re getting enough minerals and that you’ve eliminated caffeine 100%, because it will put a burden on the kidneys. Endives are wonderful food for the kidneys. And in terms of supplements, I use a supplement called KDIR or Ks by Systemic Formulas, which helps to gently cleanse and boost the kidneys, but these can only be ordered through a healthcare professional. Rose hips, buckhorn herb, and juniper berries are all good supplements for the kidneys, but you would have to research the dosages of these. An herbalist may be able to help you with this.

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Q: Is there a relationship between kidney and liver function and candida overgrowth? Would the stagnation of liver and kidneys create a situation where candida can then take over or vice versa?A: I haven’t seen it happen that way. I’ve usually seen it happen in reverse. If the liver and kidneys aren’t strong, they take the brunt of the processing when you’re in detox mode. You have to clear the channels of elimination so the liver and kidneys have a place to put things into; so you can process things through bowels and through urine. If your liver isn’t strong, then you’re not going to digest your food as well. And if your kidneys aren’t strong, then usually it’s a sign of adrenal problems or calcium issues. Calcium levels often increase with stress. So, I wouldn’t draw a direct correlation between kidney/liver function and candida, but I would draw an indirect correlation. If you look at Traditional Chinese Medicine, it’s all about qi and stagnation; and the liver, adrenals, and kidneys are all connected. If you stop the flow, then whatever is bad can overgrow.

Q: How long does one take Mucosagen for leaky gut and celiac? Do I ever lower the dosage, and if so, when? Right now I take 2 twice daily.A: Stay on 2/twice daily for 6 weeks and then 1 twice daily for 4 weeks. After that, stop the supplement and maintain gut lining with diet.

Q: What can one do for have nightly leg cramps due to a herniated disc plus no feeling in an outer right calf muscle that extends down to the toes?A: Drink chicken broth with some gelatin and turmeric mixed in to help your back pain. For the numbness in the calf the only thing nutritionally that comes to mind that might be able to help is Premier Research Labs Neuroven. This helps with nerve problems as does their Max Stress B-ND, which would replace a multivitamin temporarily. Also, look into Rolfing, a type of structural massage therapy bodywork that will separate the fascia from the muscle and “rewire” the system. For leg cramps, try soaking your feet in magnesium oil at night. If it takes the leg cramps away right away, then there is a magnesium deficiency.

Q: What do you recommend for a liver cleanse?A: Do the seven-day cleanse at the end of session six, but listen to webinar 3, as I give adjustments it for liver cleansing. Get 2 colonics that week with organic coffee inserts to flush the liver and get 2 glutathione shots. Drink the wheatgrass, and you will have a major tune-up.

Q: What if I have celiac or suspect celiac disease and have been diagnosed with liver inflammation? Does one cause the other and what recourse do I have?A: Celiac disease and leaky gut can put a huge burden on the liver. In addition to a good gut repair protocol outlined in the program, make certain to support your liver. Here are several ways you can do it. You can help your liver with our turmeric-ginger lemonade. I also love to use reduced glutathione to help the liver regenerate itself; it’s the master antioxidant in the body (1000mg a day for about a month split into two doses). And in the health food store, you can find Healthforce Nutritionals Liver Rescue (which builds and cleanses the liver). This is a product that anyone could take a couple times year. It’s also helpful if you end up drinking too much alcohol or are feeling off. So, see if you have celiac disease and start filling in your nutritional deficiencies, make sure your meals are really bal-anced, drink bone broth and use gelatin to soothe the intestinal lining, and drink at least one juice a day. It will be easier for your body to accept nutrients through juice.

Q: If a liver ultrasound comes back perfect what else would cause liver inflammation? A: It could be related to your gallbladder’s inability to process fats and, therefore, is putting an extra burden on the liver. Work 3 cups of raw beets into your weekly diet and take something like HealthForce’s Liver Rescue which works to cleanse and boost the liver at the same time. Or, you could consider getting glutathione shots.

Q: What liver flush do you recommend? A: Have 3 tablespoons of olive oil mixed with 3 tablespoons lemon juice before bed for a few nights in a row and take 2 HealthForce Liver Rescue pills twice daily for two to three weeks. Also, coffee enemas are a fantastic liver flush if you can brave them.

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Q: Is there a way to turn down an immune response for discoid lupus? A: You want to modulate the inflammatory response so that your immune system doesn’t have to respond anymore in order to react. Inflamma-bLOX by Ortho Molecular is like magic with controlling the inflammatory response. Keep it on hand at home in your medicine cabinet. Typically for someone with lupus, I recommend 4 tablets/twice a day for about three weeks, then go down to two twice a day for about a week, and then taper off (but, you’ll want to talk to your doctor). Also, examine if there has been a major change in diet/lifestyle that could have triggered it and whether it is diet or stress related.

Q: What do you recommend for a woman who’s going through menopause?A: I always run a hormonal panel on a woman who’s going through menopause, so I can evaluate levels of estrogen, progesterone, adrenals, and brain chemistry. I test the neurotransmitters in the brain, and see what they are producing and what they are not. When a client has hot flashes, one thing that really helps is taking 5-HTP or tryptophan, which helps with decreased serotonin, especially at night. Q: What do you recommend for menstrual cramps? A: For menstrual cramps, drink Yogi Tea for females, and for supplements, take fish oil, magnesium, and double the regular dose of B vitamins (Max Stress B-ND).

Q: What do you recommend for women who have irregular menstrual periods or high prolactin levels?A: Balancing the adrenals and boosting the digestive system will help with the problem. On very rare occasion, I will use a supplement by Bezwecken that’s called Progon B. This is a plant-based progesterone, and I use it in very minor amounts. They also have have another product that combines estrogen and progesterone, but it all really depends on the person’s unique situation and where their levels are.

Q: What is a natural way to get a menstrual cycle restarted after childbirth and weaning? A: For a menstrual cycle to come back, take Orthomolecular’s Adapten All (2 with breakfast and 2 with lunch) as well as a product called Neprinol (easy to find on Google). These will work to clean up the body and the reproductive system from all that it has been through. With the Neprinol, take it only for 6 weeks (2 twice daily 45 minutes away from food). Choose mostly saturated fats (vs. unsaturated fats) so that the body has something to make hormones from.

Q: Would cod liver/butter oil blend help get a menstrual cycle back? What would be your recommended dose for the gel? A: Yes, definitely do the cod liver oil/butter oil blend to get your menstrual cycle back on track, because the saturated fat and high vitamin A in the butter oil is wonderful for the immune system and hormones. For the gel – hmmm? I’d follow the recommendation on the bottle.

Q: Is it true that it is imperative to keep having a menstrual cycle as we age for our health? If one has just turned 50 and 2 months since a menstrual period, should bioidentical hormones be considered to start the period back up?A: Run a full hormone panel through your doctor. It may be perimenopause. I would balance the brain chemistry, and yes, a tiny amount of bioidenticals can make everything more graceful if you are guided correctly. Alternatively, you can be guided to use pregnenolone. It’s a master hormone that will help the body make the levels of progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone that it wants to, so it’s more natural and graceful.

Q: What is the best way to reset metabolism and to check to see if a body is getting the energy it needs from all the good food and good supplementation we’re giving it?A: To find out for sure, one would have to run some lab work, but there are many other signs of healing. By using the Grams Journal and seeing temperatures come up; noticing increased energy level; and having a normal digestive system are all good signs. Run some labs to check on methylation and get B vitamins checked. Run a “mucosal barrier test” with any functional practitioner (see our list of practitioners on the website.) The mucosal barrier test is a simple saliva test that tells you the degree of gut permeability in your digestive tract and will, therefore, tell you if you’re absorbing your nutrients.

Q: If one has candida and metals, what do they need to do to detox? What should be done first?A: If one has Crohn’s and is compromised in other ways, they should cleanse very gently from heavy metals. Do the liver and gallbladder detox (mentioned in the pancreas questions section) to create a pathway for elimination, as the liver will have to process the metals (so will the kidneys) as they leave the body. Get 1 glutathione shot per week for 8-12 weeks and take Premier Research Labs chlorella at 4/day while also making our Cleansing Pesto Recipe from the cookbook. Eat 2-4 tablespoons of that per day. The pesto will help the kidneys pull out metals so one organ doesn’t have to take the brunt of it all. Your candida will clear as the metals get out.

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Q: Where does one start if they have been struggling with adrenal fatigue, candida, thyroid problems, digestive issues, heavy metal toxicity, etc.? What gets tackled first? A: Definitely start with the digestive system to support the thyroid and shut off the stress response. Know that you won’t be able to get rid of candida if you don’t get rid of the metals. Some of you have had heavy metal toxicity, and some of you don’t know if you’ve had it. It can really wreak havoc on your life.

Methyl mercury is probably the single worst metal that people have that really adversely affects their health. You may have methyl mercury in your system if you have amalgam fillings, or you’ve been exposed to metal, or you have metal in your body from a surgery, or from eating poor quality fish. I always gently get rid of metals. It’s something we should think about anyway – getting rid of radiation from traveling, airports, dental x-rays, the Japanese earthquake. It’s a good idea to think about chelating out metals twice a year. I recommend finding a naturopath in your area to get glutathione shots. (Not IV’s because they are $130; a glutathione shot is only about $30.) This will be helpful for those of you who have been really tired for a long time. You really need to pick up your energy so you have the wherewithal to make these dietary changes. Glutathione is the master antioxidant in the body. It will kill poisons and kill free radicals, but also it trains the liver to produce more of its own antioxidants. Therefore, it not only helps you to cleanse and flush so your body can mobilize toxins more efficiently, but it boosts cellular energy. It feeds the brain and helps you use your B vitamins more efficiently. If you’re really tired, then a B shot with a glutathione shot could be a life changer. You need to do a sequence of least 3 or 4 in a row.

If this sounds crazy and you are not the type to go and get a glutathione shot, you can also chelate heavy metals with chlorella. I love the chlorella from Sunfoods, and Premier Research Labs does a good job with their chlorella, too (no excipients and very high quality). You need to play with the dose depending on how much metal toxicity you have. You can try 2, 3, or up to 4, twice a day. Also, try a food-based approach. Make our Cleansing Pesto recipe. It uses oregano and cilantro, and everything else in the recipe will help not only flush the liver, but also help you process metals through the kidneys. It’s a nice and gentle cellular clean out. I do not recommend chelation therapy unless I know somebody is really strong, because it could make the client worse off (losing hair, etc.) So, get your digestion under control, start repairing the leaky gut, and make sure you’re absorbing your nutrients and feel a semblance of strength before you start being aggressive with your metals.

Q: If one still has a metallic smell on his breath even though metals were taken out the mouth with dental work, what should be done? A: I’d get him a blood test for heavy metal toxicity. Usually it’s a cellular thing. If the lab comes back with metal toxicity, get glutathione shots weekly or bi-weekly and take chlorella.

Q: What should one do if they have a metallic taste in their mouth?A: A metallic taste is a sign that there are metals present. You want to remove metals. Make our Cleansing Pesto recipe and consume 4 tablespoons a day to help process metals through the kidneys. Getting glutathione shots or taking reduced glutathione by Premier Research Labs would be a good to strengthen the liver and to detox the metals at the same time. A colonic or a series of colonics would help open the channels of elimination so that once the liver/kidneys process the metals, they have a clear path out of the body.

Q: What causes migraines with nausea and what is the best natural way to treat them? Do dietary deficiencies play a role? A: Brain swelling can be a reason. Try taking 3200 mg of good quality fish oil daily for 3-4 weeks and see if that helps. Other migraine triggers are magnesium deficiency, liver congestion, and dehydration. Taking magnesium glycinate, flushing the liver (as you will learn in this program), and drinking enough water with lemon will also help. Check out our website for my FOX segment on “Foods that Fight Headaches.”

Q: Is there any reason why a person with MS (multiple sclerosis) who’s taking Betaseron should not be doing this program? A: No, I think this program is fantastic for somebody with MS. It will slash the inflammation process and supercharge the nervous system – calm and soothe it and build and boost it. Make sure you double check with your doctor regarding supplements, medications, and interactions. In the action items under Session 3, there’s a TED Talk from Dr. Terry Wahls called “Minding your Mitochondria.” She’s an MD who had MS and really studied how to use food as medicine. She basically reversed it and went from being in a wheelchair to biking 18 miles within six months.

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Q: What do you do for someone who tested heterozygous for MTHFR C677T, B12 level was 185 pg/mL and folate was 5.5 ng/mL (very low) and also has Hashimoto’s? A: For those who aren’t familiar with MTHFR, it’s a genetic mutation where you can’t process B vitamins, so it can lead to depression, anxiety, exhaustion, cardiovascular issues, and many other things. There’s a doctor listed in the TWJ Resources, Dr. Benjo Masilungan, who is great with MTHFR protocol. Get tested and work with a professional to get your levels right. Some people can handle up to 15mg of activated folate, but too much can cause other issues. He also gives glutathione intravenously. Cellular energy is really important when you have this particular genetic mutation. You have to make sure you’re building cellular energy. My typical protocol includes four supplements: L-carnitine, CoQ10, a methylated B vitamin (Orthomolecular just came out with a new product called Methyl B12), and glutathione. This will also improve Hashimoto’s considerably because you’ll get the nutrients that you need. Don’t give up hope if you’re struggling with this as I’ve seen people come back from this. When one gets enough B vitamins and processing them efficiently, life really changes.

Q: With an MTHFR mutation and not being able to handle excess natural folate (like in too much green juice), should one still try having the wheat grass/green drink regularly? Will taking more methyl folate help offset this problem?A: I don’t know enough about regulating levels of methylated folate to give advice on this. One should probably take methylated folate for sure, but too much can be problematic. I’d say no more than 1,000 mg, unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Your methylation deficiency will be related to the particular mutation you have (i.e., people with the heterozygous C677T mutation methylate more effectively than those with the homozygous C677T mutation, or those with a combination of C677T + A1298C mutation.) Another functional medicine doctor in the San Diego area is using d-ribose for people who aren’t methylating or who have the MTHFR genetic mutation. And, she’s having great success with a combination of d-ribose and CoQ10, so that might be something for you to do further research on. You could also try just 2 ounces of wheatgrass and see how that goes. Or, maybe try blending a little avocado and brewer’s yeast in with your green juice.

I’m a fan of Chris Kresser, and he writes about MTHFR, so you might want to check him out on the internet. And Dr. Ben Lynch’s also has a lot of useful information on the topic. Q: Can you recommend anything for nerve pain especially during cold weather? A. Neuroven by Premier Research Labs at is a wonderful nerve complex and will help anybody having nerve problems. Definitely take magnesium oil baths. Make sure that you are taking fish oil. Also, craniosacral therapy is a wonderful, gentle therapy that I highly recommend for nerve pain.

Q: If someone has been told his or her neurotransmitter levels are low (serotonin, GABA, and dopamine) what should one do?A. One has to figure out why they’re low. In the neurotransmitter tests, you want to see if there is something going on with the gut. If the gut has inflammation, that will inhibit your ability to produce dopamine. For GABA, you can supplement, and as you get stress levels under control, it should start to come back on its own. And if serotonin is low, I recommend Travacor by NeuroScience, which you can get online at We use this (very carefully) to help someone come off antidepressants. You don’t want to overload them with that, but it’s something to help them make a graceful transition. Or, if it’s a thyroid problem causing low dopamine, then the amino acid L-tyrosine works really well. I like Solgar’s brand. You just need to know why the tests are coming back with low serotonin, low GABA or low dopamine before you choose the appropriate treatment.

Q: Do you have any suggestions for night sweats? A: Night sweats can be tempered with adaptogenic herbs (look for rhodiola in the health food store) and 5HTP (100mg before bed).

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Q: When should oil pulling be done? Before or after lemon water?A: Ideally you should oil pull before you consume anything in the morning. A good time to oil pull is while you are taking your morning shower. However, oil pulling and lemon water both take some time, so it’s fine to do them whenever you can get them into your schedule. If you want to wake up and have lemon water first and then take a shower and do oil pulling, that’s fine, too. Oil pulling is a little more effective if you can do it before food. Alternatively, you could do it at night and use it as a meditation and maybe give yourself a foot massage with magnesium oil at the same time. If you’re going to oil pull, I suggest that you do it for a minimum of 21 days. You will pull out so much bad bacteria if you can do it consistently for 21 days. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out the “Oil Pulling” handout in your Healthy Life Handbook and read all about it. It is the most inexpensive, most effective, ancient-wisdom form of cleansing.

Q: For oil pulling, where do you discard the oil? Down the sink? In the trash?A: Yes, down the sink or shower drain is fine. You don’t have to worry about putting it in the trash because, through the process of oil pulling, it mixes with saliva and thins out the oil.

Q: For oil pulling, do you use toasted or regular sesame oil?A: Use regular sesame oil.

Q: Is oil pulling safe while nursing and/or pregnant?A: Yes, oil pulling is safe while pregnant and nursing.

Q: What about osteoporosis? Doctors are recommending Fosamax and other things like that. Can that be avoided? A: Yes. Give this program a solid three months and then see where you are. As you start getting enough minerals in the body and possibly looking into drinking raw milk (I’m a big fan, though it’s certainly not for everybody.), it’s very important to get enough magnesium and vitamin D so that your body can absorb the calcium from the foods that you’re eating. Also, keep working on shifting your pH. Cell Power (oxygenated drops) is another thing I really like for shifting pH quickly. You can purchase it on Amazon. Put a few drops in your bottle of water. This will help with adrenal fatigue, too.

Every so often, I like to get into a hyperbaric chamber where you breathe 100% oxygen for an hour. Your whole system rests and relaxes. You get more oxygen delivered to the cells, and it turns off the stress response. You go from sympathetic to parasympathetic within 20 minutes, and then the idea is that you want to keep that state going after the session. Taking the oxygen drops is something that can give you a similar effect but is less time consuming and less pricey. Q: What should one do for osteoporosis if they also have Hashimoto’s. Does weightlifting, yoga, hiking, etc. help? What about bone density? Is raw milk good?A: Yes, raw milk is fantastic. Calcium and D3 are both important for bone health, as well as weight-bearing exercises. Magnesium is also very important. Also, make sure to limit factors than can inhibit calcium absorption (see the Calcium Cheat Sheet blog post).

Q: What can one do for ovarian cysts?A: Neprinol is a great product for ovarian cysts.

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Q: What can one do for burning back pain to subside if they are already gluten free and dairy free and taking l-glutamine, gastrex, aloe vera, formula 30 enzymes, okra pepsin, and Barleans fish oil? A: If you can handle one more supplement, order InflammabLOX by Orthomolecular and take 3 twice a day. It should help tremendously with inflammation while the body is doing the rest of the healing work. I would expect results within 7-10 days max on this.

Q: Have you had any experience with clients who suffer with unexplained pain and numbness in their arms and legs? Blood work shows there may be a slight deficiency in B12; there is a deficiency in Vitamin D; and cholesterol readings are at 199?A: Yes, B-12 deficiency can cause numbness. Try Orthomolecular’s Orthodigestzyme and a high dose of B-12 for a few weeks. Then I’d suggest 100mg of CoQ10 for 8 weeks to get circulation and cellular energy building.

Q: To heal the pancreas, one should have cooked foods and avoid citrus. What about the lemon water? Also it says to avoid dandelion, but that’s needed to help bile. Can you explain why these and spinach, radish, and seaweed are to be avoided. Please address this for someone with additional problems: leaky gut/Crohn’s, thyroid/adrenals, blood sugar, gallstones, etc. A: For pancreatic health, stick with the “warming food” suggestions of what to eat and ignore the rest for now with the exception of avoiding all nuts/seeds for a little while. Focus on biliary health first and read that blog on biliary health. Do a gallbladder flush over the course of a weekend. Then, take Premier Research Labs Biliven and Hepatoven to continue to flush both organs so you can digest fat better and improve blood circulation and hormonal balance. Also, take Radiant Life beef liver capsules. Use broth and gelatin and eat mostly saturated fat after the flush to heal your thyroid and pancreas because unsaturated fat thwarts the pancreas’s ability to produce pancreatic enzymes. Taking chromium GTF (glucose tolerance factor) 200mcg with meals for 6-8 weeks will help tremendously as well. Eat fermented foods and the “ginger pickle,” and you will be well on your way.

Q: After cancer treatment, my doctor has me on pancreatic enzymes. I’m wondering what your thoughts are on this and if I need to be on them for the rest of my life? A: My suggestion would be to get your liver cleansed and boosted because taking the burden off your liver is very supportive to the pancreas. That will help you to titrate off of pancreatic enzymes. Chewing your food well and eating root vegetables are two things that help us make more of our own enzymes that digest carbohydrates. I love the GRT pancreatic enzymes that are uncoated because they contain duodenum and therefore repair your pancreas so you don’t have to stay on them forever. They are really inexpensive as well.

For the liver after chemo, my suggestion for your liver health would be to get 1 glutathione shot/week for 6-10 weeks via a naturopath. The shots are only about $30/shot. Take Radiant Life or Solgar desiccated liver tablets, CoQ10, and Premier Research Labs Hepatoven ( at 2, twice a day to help the liver and the thyroid. Of course, talk to your doctor about all of this first so you know exactly how many and when to take everything. See other liver recommendations I lay out as well.

Q: How long should one avoid raw foods when trying to heal the pancreas?A: You don’t have to avoid raw foods completely while healing the pancreas, but just do an 80/20 or 70/30 ratio of cooked foods to raw and after about 3 months, when you feel stronger (less lightheadedness, ability to go longer periods without eating and not feeling bad, etc.), you should be fine.

Q: Parasites: How does one get them? How does one get tested for them? What foods besides garlic are anti-parasitic?A: Parasites can come from water (fecal contamination) and food (raw fish/meat). Since manure is often used for fertilization in the soil, it is important to wash produce thoroughly, and that might not always be done in restaurants or at home. Parasites can also come from raw animal meat (fish, sushi, tartare). It is very important to wash cutting boards thoroughly when raw meat has been on them. For testing, I like the Biohealth GI Pathogen ScreenTest 401 to test 6-8 days of stool collection. They will check under a microscope, and then you will know exactly how to target it and heal it. Wormwood and pau d’arco are great antiparasitics, but it really depends on the nature of the parasite.

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Q: How does one suspect an intestinal parasite? A: The typical signs of having a parasite are bloating, gas after you eat (especially raw foods; it’s basically the inability to digest raw foods), insomnia, depression, and acne; and, all your lab tests come back normal. I have learned not to chase symptoms. Extensive testing isn’t cheap or fun, but I do like to be able to rule out parasites, so I usually test for them anyway. Also, so much of what you’re doing in this program and the way you’re eating will slash cellular inflammation dramatically, and you might not notice the symptoms of a parasite because of all the other great changes you have made. Deeper Science #1 goes into how you get yourself tested for a parasite, and there are people on our private practitioner referral list who can test you (remotely). I would recommend doing a 6-8 day GI Pathogen Screen (stool test) to find it/rule it out.

Q: Please take a look at Athletic Greens for plantar fasciitis and share your opinion? A: This looks like a very high-quality product to me that uses food-based ingredients to derive their nutrients. You might want to also look into Neuroven from Premier Research Labs for plantar fasciitis. I have had good results with that, as well as InflammabLOX by Orthomolecular.

Q: In regard pH balance, what do you think of the HCL challenge to improve HCL production? How will adding so much acid affect pH balance? Isn’t trying to add HCL at the same time I’m trying to increase pH counterproductive? A: It may seem counterproductive, but stomach acid (even though very acidic) will help you balance out the bad acid in your body and reduce inflammation by helping you digest better and eliminate toxins. I’d use the ACV and ginger pickle versus doing the challenge again, and I would focus on using glutathione (either shots with a naturopath or reduced glutathione from Premier Research Labs) to flush your liver and improve whole body health after chemo. It will be a more holistic way of letting the body regain its balance, and then pH should follow suit.

Q: Why would be pH be still so acidic and still have issues with acne and hair fall after being gluten free, dairy free, soy free, etc.? A: It sounds like there is healing going on and you just need to continue the journey. Get a GI Pathogen Screen test for 6-8 days of stool collection to check for intestinal parasites. Parasites must be eliminated in order to achieve total gut healing. The acne and hair loss indicates there is a major issue with the digestive system. It is very hard to get a balanced pH when there is an intestinal parasite messing up the eco-system. Find a functional medicine doctor or a naturopath in your area who can run a comprehensive stool analysis test to determine the underlying causes.

Q: If one is doing the candida cleanse and pH is still acidic, what do you suggest?A: The pH levels should balance out as one continues with the candida cleanse. Make sure to take a high potency probiotic like Probiotic 225 if you can’t get your pH levels balanced. If your pH doesn’t balance after one month on the cleanse, it will be necessary for you to run a stool test.

Q: Could you break down your recommended supplements for a prenatal plan?A: New Chapter Perfect Prenatal, Vitamineral Green by Healthforce (3 with breakfast, 3 with lunch), Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver and Butter Oil blend (2 breakfast, 2 lunch), and Liquid Vitamin D3 by Premier Research Labs. Getting your digestion in great shape before pregnancy is very important, so consider a 90-day course of probiotics. I like either PB8 or OrthoMolecular’s OrthoBiotic.

Q: If someone has been fighting prostate cancer and is showing some inflammation, what would be a natural approach besides the turmeric, ginger, and honey drink? Can you suggest anything to help with this problem? A: Try InflammabLOX by Orthomolecular at 3 twice a day which should work very well. When drinking the lemonade, use stevia as your sweetener. Q. What can be done to help rheumatoid arthritis? Can this condition be managed without serious medicine?A. Absolutely. I’ve worked with a lot of people who have had rheumatoid arthritis, and they no longer have it. It’s an autoimmune condition, so you want to strengthen the lining of your gut. Refer back to the Nutritional Supplements handout and think about taking something like Support Mucosa by BioMatrix, or Mucosagen by Ortho Molecular. Inflamma-bLOX by Orthomolecular is your single best tool to control inflammation and pain while you’re healing. Be sure to incorporate bone broth, gelatin (Great Lakes), and coconut oil (Barlean’s is one) into your diet. Eliminating gluten is an absolute must for people with rheumatoid arthritis. And, as you go through this program, your markers are going to start to shift. Look for that shift within the next 4 to 6 weeks.

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Q: What can one do for seborrheic dermatitis as well as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis? Is the dermatitis related to the immune system, yeast, and leaky gut? A: Yes, seborrheic dermatitis is linked to the immune system, yeast, and leaky gut. A candida cleanse could help to bring the yeast under control so that the immune system will not be as stressed, and we always work to heal the gut, as well, once we have fought back the candida. Symptoms should get better as you heal, discover any food sensitivities, and start to get to the root of the problem. Some changes in the home could include installing a chlorine filter in the shower since chlorine can aggravate SD. Also, switch to a natural shampoo and wash your hair thoroughly. For immediate relief you can try using apple cider vinegar on your scalp in the shower or use essential oils such as neem oil, sandalwood oil, patchouli oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, oregano oil (a powerful antifungal), peppermint oil, and eucalyptus oil. You can add a drop of these oils to a carrier oil such as coconut oil or jojoba (1 part oil to 9 parts carrier).

Q: For stool tests that the results have shown SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and e.coli, what should be done? A: If one has SIBO, then you HAVE to get rid of it. A specific protocol to eliminate it and the resulting abundant e.coli is recommended. We all have e. coli, but it should be low or moderate. When it comes back abundant, it causes a problem. I use Systemic Formulas products to eliminate it, but you will not be able to find it on the internet as Systemic products must be received through a healthcare practitioner. We have treated SIBO very effectively with our Systemic protocol. Contact a practitioner and do the protocol for 6 weeks, build up your mucosal lining, and boost stomach acid, and then roll into the candida cleanse.

Q:. Can a candida cleanse help to get rid of SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)/parasites/viruses, etc.?A: SIBO is very general. You should have a stool test to find out the nature of the bacteria. It is very important to know which bacterial strain it is, so that one knows how to combat it with the right combination of probiotics, antiparasitics, and antibacterials to get this over and done with for you. The candida cleanse will help it by at least fifty percent but not totally. Q: What can one do for sinus drainage besides taking Sinatrol.You stated that one should get to the root cause, but what tests does one need to ask a doctor to perform?A: Do the At-Home Candida Spit Test. Ninety percent of the time when people have sinus problems, it’s connected to candida thickening the mucosal membrane. So before you go through a battery of expensive tests, go back to Webinar #2 (or your Healthy Life Handbook) for details. Fill a glass of water halfway, spit in that glass of water first thing in the morning for six mornings. If your saliva sinks to the bottom, grows legs, or the water develops cloudy specks, consider the candida cleanse.

Q: How can one try to get rid of sinus and/or ear infections before resorting to taking antibiotics?A: The best ways to ward off the need for antibiotics are to take Sinatrol by Orthomolecular twice daily along with New Chapter Lifeshield Immunity. Have lots of bone broth, our Cleansing Pesto, drink warm water during the day, and use a neti pot to clear the sinus channels. Of course, you should avoid dairy, gluten, and sugar like the plague.

Q: If a teen (weighing 100 lbs.) has taken an antibiotic for a sinus infection, is OrthoBiotic okay to take at the 2 times a day dose? A: Yes, 2 OrthoBiotic pills twice a day for the length of the antibiotic plus one week after is fine. Also, take our Cleansing Pesto; it’s wonderful for the sinuses. Also, Sinatrol by Orthomolecular will thin the mucosal membranes throughout the entire sinus region.

Q: In your experience, is very dry skin that lacks elasticity and firmness and flakes off like snow related to candida and/or other digestive issues? And is skin health related to liver health?A: Dry skin could certainly be related to hormonal balance and liver health. Dr. Tom O’Bryan was talking about this with his new adaptogenic formula called Sun Horse Energy. I am testing that out now before I recommend it and will post my review on Facebook and our product review site. It could help you with your skin. Also, check into using glutathione for your liver and skin. Candida issues and adrenal issues can be related to dry, pale skin that ages prematurely.

Q: Could drinking raw milk be the cause of skin breaking out? Do you have any suggestions?A: Suspend the raw milk if you’re breaking out. In the morning (instead of lemon water) or before bed, have 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a splash of pink salt and double your probiotics. Also try Triphala or consider getting a colonic to clear out the intestinal system.

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Q: What causes “chicken skin bumps” on the arms and legs?A: Chicken skin bumps are usually a vitamin B-12 deficiency or a problem absorbing B-12. A methylated B-12 might a good idea (Max Stress B-ND, Vessel Care by Metagenics, or Orthomolecular makes one now called Methyl B). Have a test taken for B-12 deficiency once every two years after a first round of results. Research shows that 50% of the population has the MTHFR genetic mutation where they cannot use B vitamins unless they are methylated. Q: What should be done about a skin rash (little blisters) on two fingers? A: It would depend on whether or not the blisters are due to an external problem, or if they are related to a vitamin B12 deficiency. Topically, you could use sandalwood, calendula, and neem oil. Get tested for B-12 deficiency. Q: What should one do about waking up at 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. every night with a racing mind and not being able to get back to sleep?A: That is a classic cortisol spike. Have a small snack with fat and protein before going to bed. Take the supplement phosphatidylserine (PS). Be sure to read the “Sleep Tips” handout, which should be under Session 1 in the reading materials for additional recommendations.

Q: How long can one safely take phosphatidylserine to help sleep? How much do you recommend daily? And when in the day should one take it? When will it take effect?A: PS can be taken for up to 3 months. I like to wean my clients off PS by then, because we should have figured out the root of what is driving up the cortisol. Begin with taking 100mg before bed. If nighttime cortisol is really high and sleep is still an issue, then I suggest taking an additional dose before getting a “second wind” in the evening. One can expect to get results within 30 minutes.

Q: If one is doing the candida cleanse and is taking Sac B, but also battles the 1-4:00 a.m. wakeup and needs to have a snack and PS before bed to deal with sleep issues, when should the Sac B be taken? A: Take the Sac B in the morning upon waking if a snack is eaten before bed. Don’t forget to take your phosphatidylserine for nighttime awakenings. Neuroscience also has two good products for that (to use as a bandaid/temporarily) Calm PRT and Kavinace. If you already take PS at night, you can try the Kavinace, as well, as long as you are not on any sleeping or mood medications. Sleep is so crucial. You may want to get tested for a parasite, and be sure to get massages and/or meditate to let out stress on a regular basis. Sometimes the nervous system just can’t let go, and we need to help it transition.

Q: If one is not sleeping well even though following many of the sleep tips, is there anything else I to consider? Parasites maybe? A: As a former insomniac, I feel your pain. Eat half of a banana rolled in pink salt along with a handful of raw cashews with sea salt before bed (or some other kind of snack that contains 6-8 grams of fat) to boost serotonin and balance blood sugar to drive down cortisol. Take 2-3 Tranquinol, and if that doesn’t work, add in 1-2mg time-released melatonin and 100mg phosphatidylserine. Magnesium oil rubbed onto the feet at night might help, too.

The best way to know exactly why one isn’t sleeping is to run a neurotransmitter panel and a stool test. These will target exactly what is off and why and then one can start diving into the intricacies of the HPA axis and have a look at the neurotransmitters in the brain to see what is actually happening. (Any of our referral partners can do this.) Get a 4pt cortisol panel run by BioHealth that includes melatonin and secretory IGA (Biohealth 205-S).If digestive issues are suspected, look into a parasite test. Parasites are active at night and can cause sleep issues for many. The BioHealth GI Pathogen Screen will check for parasites.

Q: Tranquinol helps with sleep issues, but what about taking one Benadryl capsule every evening? A: Run a neurotransmitter panel to find out for sure what the root of the sleep issues are. In the meantime, include 1-2mg of time-released melatonin (rather than Benadryl). Testing will let one know for sure the root issues, and a healthcare professional can guide you from there.

Q: Do you have any suggestions for someone who wants to stop smoking?A: That is a tough one. Hypnosis works well to stop smoking. Perhaps shifting from regular cigarettes to the electric cigarettes. Refill your B vitamins and balance neurotransmitters. You will also have to try to quell anxiety and nervous habits. There is an emotional connection there, too, that you will have to uncover and address.

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Q: What can an adult or toddler take to recover from a stomach virus and/or food poisoning? Adult and toddler?A: For an adult, take activated charcoal first to bind to toxins and pull them out fast. Also use a probiotic. For the toddler, find a probiotic for children.

Q: What can one do about clenching teeth while sleeping other than wearing a mouth guard? And would teeth grinding contribute to hormonal imbalance and adrenal fatigue? A: TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorders) and grinding teeth at night could be a sign of candida, so do the at-home candida saliva test to check for it. Stress has a lot to do with it, as well. Usually if one has adrenal fatigue, one has candida and vice versa. Go back and watch the Deeper Science on Digestion and Adrenals, and start to make some tweaks.

I would also recommend craniosacral therapy. It’s the lightest touch adjustment that you’ll find. You have to find a good craniosacral therapist. They’re adjusting everything, from your sacrum, then your pelvic area, all the way up through the bones in your head. It really affects your jaw and everything else, and the way the cerebrospinal fluid flows. I had a concussion awhile ago, and that’s what led me to craniosacral treatments. I feel that I healed much faster from the concussion. I don’t know where I would be without it. I had five treatments and was back to myself in no time.

Q: What would be the cause of darker gums under a few teeth? Is this gum disease?A: Check with your dentist about this, but try using a water pic in your oral hygiene routine followed by gargling with hydrogen peroxide to see if that helps the gums.

Q: In regard to teeth, can oil pulling reverse early periodontal disease? Oil pulling sounds like a better option than getting antibiotic injections every three months as was suggested. A: I’m not certain that oil pulling can reverse periodontal disease. Research around oil pulling is very optimistic, and it seems like a much better way to go than antibiotic injections every three months. Take probiotics and oil pull for 21 days every three months to see if there is improvement.

Q: What would you say to a doctor who says the “thyroid is gone” to someone who has Hashimoto’s? A: That’s a strange thing for a doctor to say. Go to the Resources page of our website and work with a functional endocrinologist. An ultrasound should be done before they saying something like that. I just went to an awesome conference in Florida with a whole bunch of health practitioners, and I met a woman named Isabella Wentz, who wrote a new book called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause. After being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in 2009, Dr. Wentz was surprised at the lack of conventional medical knowledge about lifestyle interventions for Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, and autoimmune conditions, so she decided to take on lifestyle interventions as a personal mission in an effort to help herself and others with Hashimoto’s. Get a copy of her book. She really knows her stuff.

Q: If adrenals seem to be coming back and one is having more energy and focus, what should one do if their thyroid is still sluggish? A: My main suggestion is to keep going. Potentially look at taking a thyroid adaptogen from Thorne Research Labs, or Gaia Herbs has something called Thyroid Support. Dosages would have to be given by a healthcare professional. If there are heart palpitations, then that’s a thyroid issue. Test it out and maybe try one with breakfast and one with lunch. Continue to do that until things start to regulate and then titrate off.

Q: In regard to borderline thyroid issues, if a doctor puts one on Armour thyroid (four years ago) because of the person’s issue with losing weight and nothing seems to be happening, what should be done?A: You should run a full thyroid panel to see where you are and how the Armour is working, and if you even need it 4 years later.

Q: You mentioned that the thyroid actually works harder when on Synthroid. Would it be a good idea to switch to a natural hormone replacement instead?A: I think it would be a good idea to see how one does with natural thyroid replacement (per your doctor and depending on the level of thyroid health right now).

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Q: In regard to the thyroid, what if the T3 comes back low and the rest of the labs are normal? A: There is a new product called Feminessence put out by Natural Health International that is getting a great effect on balancing the pituitary gland (and therefore the thyroid). Look into that, and consider testing your TPO and thyroid for antibodies. If needed, get a compounded form of T3 from a naturopathic physician or attempt to build your own with iodine and l-tyrosine support as long as you can digest it.

Q: What is the rule about cooked/raw kale, etc. for people with underactive thyroid and no Hashimoto’s? A: If you are underactive but no Hashimoto’s, cook your kale until you get to where you want to be. The idea is that we don’t want to block your thyroid’s ability to uptake iodine because iodine combines with the amino acid l-tyrosine to make T3 (=energy). Start taking your temperatures and pulses and use the grams journal to find out your right proportion of proteins, carbs, and fats to boost your thyroid.

Q: Donna Gates talks about the conversion of T4 to T3. She said that when we have a yeast overgrowth, that it makes a chemical called acetaldehyde, which prevents the conversion process. Do you recommend the candida cleanse for those with low thyroid? A: If your spit test grew legs or sunk, then yes, I’d definitely do the candida cleanse, as getting that organism under control is the best way to feed your thyroid and repair the conversion process by removing unnecessary chemicals the body produces. Even though it’s trying to keep you safe, it’s making you feel terrible.

Q: Is there a greens supplement you recommend for people with thyroid issues? And, what about those with Hashimoto’s? Is Vitamineral Green okay for us? A: PRL Premier Greens is a great supplement. While I love Vitamineral Green, those with Hashimoto’s should use PRL Premier Greens because it doesn’t contain any goitrogenic greens.

Q: I went to a new doctor yesterday and he ordered new blood work, but when I asked about the thyroid antibodies, which in a past test showed super high (greater than 1000 antibodies), the new doctor just went into this long explanation that the only reason I have high thyroid antibodies is because, at some point in my life, I have had either high or low thyroid, and those antibodies were my body’s way to offset that issue. He said I would always have the thyroid an-tibodies so no need to test again, and he simply agreed to test for low thyroid. How do I become my best advocate when doctors won’t listen, and I seem to have just enough information to make people annoyed and skeptical of my reasons for asking?A: This is a great question. Since I worked with you privately and saw your numbers of antibodies slash after you went gluten free, I think you should keep the faith that the antibodies don’t always have to return high. When testing, make sure your thyroglobulin is checked, as well, but I think it might be time to switch doctors. Dr. Jon Dunn is a great naturopath in Palm Springs who works remotely. Please see our Resources page.

NOTE: For added information on thyroid and adrenal health, please see the Q and A on hydrochloric acid production.

Q: For a person who has type-2 diabetes and eats pretty well, but drinking Zevia spikes the glucose reading, what is the story here? I thought stevia was okay for diabetics. Could it be caffeine? Should she be tested for leaky gut? A: Stevia doesn’t affect blood sugar, but the caffeine could have spiked her cortisol, signaling insulin to be released. Get her to choose caffeine-free alternatives. Testing for leaky gut is always a good idea. I’d also supplement with Diaxinol by Orthomolecular if the HBA1C levels are high (which I suspect they are) and chromium GTF (glucose tolerance factor) as well as uncoated pancreatic enzymes by GRT. This will help heal the pancreas.

Q: What do you recommend for someone who has ulcers?A: Raw milk is great. They always say milk should temper an ulcer, but what’s the root cause of the ulcer? Usually it’s h. Pylori, so I would suggest an h. Pylori test for anyone who has an ulcer, and I would suggest getting it tested two ways. H. Pylori is sneaky, and sometimes it doesn’t show up. It can be tested through a stool test, a breath test, or a blood test. It’s ideal to get two of the three tests, not just one. So, one breath and stool test or a blood test and stool test to rule it out. If you don’t have h. Pylori, then test the stomach acid, and try doing soothing things like taking slippery elm and marshmallow root. Orthomolecular’s DGL is a good supplement for that. Bone broth, raw milk, and raw cream (if you can handle it) are also good for ulcers.

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Q: For urinary tract infections (UTIs) and klebsiella pheumoniae, what should one do about citrus? A: For UTIs, eliminate all citrus altogether. The probiotic I would suggest for this is Probiotic 225. It can crowd out the e.coli that causes UTIs. Also, take Source Naturals Bifidyn to establish good flora in the vagina. You will insert one vaginally nightly before bed. CranStat Extra is another great product for UTIs that is tempered with marshmallow root, so it’s not too harsh.

Q: Any idea what could cause daily vertigo and headaches at the base of the neck upon waking? The headaches are strong, only happen in the morning and sometimes go away on their own but sometimes not. The vertigo happens all day. Eliminating gluten, dairy and soy for 30 days didn’t seem to make a difference.A: Here are some suggestions from another e-course participant:Exercise solution: Epley maneuverSearch YouTube for “modified Epley maneuver.” (There are over a dozen demos.)Essential oil solution: Vertigo Support oil with dōTERRA essential oilsFor a vertigo attack: put 2 drops frankincense under the tongue immediately, follow with 1 drop 30 minutes later. Rub 2 drops each of frankincense, ginger, and melaleuca behind and below each ear. Do not drip into ear canal.For chronic vertigo: put 2 to 3 drops each of frankincense, ginger, and peppermint in a capsule daily and take. Rub Elevation oil at the base of the skull and bottom of feet each morning and, rub 2 to 3 drops of frankincense at the base of skull and bottom of feet nightly.

Essential oils are wonderful and powerful, but you should also see a doctor to rule out anything serious. There are different types of vertigo, and a doctor will help determine the cause of your vertigo and the appropriate treatment.

Q: If one is in a country where water is not drinkable unless boiled, would it be safe to take a bath in this water? A: I would skip the baths because you might be too susceptible for microbial invasion. Opt for foot soaks instead with boiled water. Q: You stress the quality of drinking water, but what about what is absorbed or breathed in from shower water? Is this equally as concerning? A: Yes, eventually you’ll want to get a whole house filter.

Q:If one is not losing any weight, and a hair analysis diagnosed adrenal exhaustion and high aluminum, what do you suggest? A: Getting the metals out will be important for weight loss and future health. Add Premier Research Labs Chlorella at 4 twice a day (order on to your regimen for safe chelation. Also, the liver needs support in order to be able to lose weight so I would suggest either also ordering Reduced Glutathione from the same company and taking 3 twice daily for about 6 weeks OR getting a glutathione shot from a naturopathic doctor once a week for six weeks. The issue is gentle but effective detoxification. Adapten All is an amazing adaptogen and gives enough B vitamins needed for energy. Just make sure to put a little apple cider vinegar in the water you take your supplements with to give enough hydrochloric acid production that you can USE with the B12 and experience it in the way of energy. If you should decide to take the Adapten All, it has ashwaganda in it, so don’t take them both. Get to the root of your GI issues and use bone broth and gelatin and eat 2 tablespoons of raw sauerkraut with at least one meal per day.

Q: The focus of the program is not on weight loss, but why wouldn’t one show a weight loss if they have been off sugar and eating clean? Also is there any chance you would share your workout schedule and what you do?A: It could be the adrenal glands and that one is pushing them too hard with intense exercise, therefore driving up cortisol and preventing weight loss. Feed the thyroid with 6 small meals per day and get the best sleep you can get (one of the keys to weight loss). Use (PS) phosphatidylserine if you need to for sleep and incorporate some suggestions from our Weight Loss Meal Planner. My current exercise plan is hot yoga 1/week, regular yoga 1x/week, pilates 1x/week, and running twice weekly. If I am feeling run down, I walk instead of run, and I skip the hot yoga class. Honor your energy levels.

Q: I would really like help in dealing with my weight and to lose a spare tire around my middle? What do you suggest? A: This is typically related to a cortisol imbalance, so I would run a full hormone panel including a 4-point cortisol test to see if that is the case. Burst exercise helps train the body to burn fat instead of sugar. When you are at the gym or exercising, go at a regular pace for 10 minutes, give it all you’ve got for 1 minute, and do that 3 times and see what happens.

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Q: For someone who enjoys wine but is not losing weight, is there a better alcoholic alternative? What about tequila with lime?A: A great substitute would be Bon Affair, a new wine spritzer made with California wine, purified sparkling water, electrolytes, zero added sugar, and 6.5% alcohol. It has half the calories of wine. Why don’t you try it, and then go every other night with white wine? Tequila with lime would be fine or organic vodka (so that it’s non-gmo) with soda and lime.

Q: For very resistant weight loss, could candida be a root cause? Will apple cider vinegar help? A: Going gluten free will help, but getting the microbiome in tip-top shape is the best weight loss tactic that is 100% healing from the root cause and will boost metabolism for the long haul. Increase probiotics and see how you do. If you do not have success, I would try the candida cleanse. When one is on the candida cleanse, apple cider vinger is not allowed.

Q: Do you think it is odd if someone has been on the candida cleanse for over a month and has not lost any weight?A: Weight is typically connected to thyroid and metabolism and cellular energy. Be sure to track food intake on the grams journal that I laid out in “Deeper Science-Thyroid.” Try adding in 10% more carbs until you get to the point where you are losing weight. You can also try Cell Power and CoQ10 for cellular energy. And for another idea, try a hyperbaric chamber to get 100% O2 to your cells.

Q: What one feels they are doing everything right and still not losing weight? Are there further tests one should consider if one has already checked out their blood, hormones, and IgG through testing? A: Usually when this happens, it’s due to either/or low ATP/cellular energy/low thyroid function and/or heavy metal or other toxicity. The body is keeping you safe by holding on to toxins stored in the fat cells rather than releasing them. I would suggest running a thyroid, liver, and heavy metal panel. Any MD or ND should be able to do that. You might want to get your insulin tested or get tested for insulin resistance, as well. Perhaps the issue lies in your pancreas, and once the pancreas is improved and tissue is repaired, the thyroid can function better as well. Any doctor can test for that.

Q: Can you address or give good resources for the connection between cellular respiration and weight-loss resistance? Also how can one better support cellular respiration?A: When we talk about cellular respiration, we are really talking about whether your cells are oxygenated or not. If your cells aren’t oxygenated, then the regulation of insulin is not going to be quite as simple. You will not fire on all cylinders, and therefore, you’ve lost hormonal balance in the process. By improving cellular respiration – through digesting your food better, using the Cell Power oxygenated drops, trying a hyperbaric chamber (where you breathe 100% percent oxygen for about an hour at a time) – metabolism can be sped up and can start to regulate insulin. Those are some ways to better support cellular respiration, as well as getting rid of candida. Take the candida spit test to see if you have it. So many people have candida because of sugar, antibiotics, GMOs, and the bad hormones in animal meats that are basically everywhere. By getting rid of candida, you get rid of fermentation, and you allow for oxygen to thrive again in the system and in the bloodstream.

Q: What is the connection between methylation and weight-loss resistance?A: If you are not methylating properly, you have low cellular respiration or you have an MTHFR genetic mutation. Any doctor can run a simple blood test for you to find out the reason. If you are not methylating properly, then you’re not getting enough B vitamins, which support energy metabolism. You need them for your adrenals, your metabolism, and for everything to function. And so of course, you’re not going to be able to lose weight, because you won’t be able to rev the thermostat of the human body if you’re not methylating. The Max B-ND (formerly Max Stress B) liquid by Premier Research Labs is a great methylated B vitamin, and if you have digestive problems, it’s wonderful because it’s liquid. You should start to notice a difference with that. And Orthomolecular just came out with a methylated folate and B12 product.

If you are not methylating due to a genetic mutation, that’s a different story altogether and you need so many more antioxidants and methylated B vitamins. When I have talked to doctors about this problem, I have found that some of them are giving intravenous glutathione once or twice per week just to start to rev the system, and then they find the right amount of methylated folate for each individual patient, which can vary greatly based on the patient’s specific mutation (e.g., homozygous or heterozygous C677T or a combination of C677T with A1298C). Some doctors are using up to 15 grams of activated folate.

If you are feeling totally lost about methylation, please read our blog, “Weight Loss Done Right.” If you’re not methylating, that’s basically the on-off switch of genetic expression that lets you know if your detox pathways are working and if you can produce enough energy.

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Q: In regard to borderline thyroid issues, if a doctor puts one on Armour thyroid (four years ago) because of the person’s issue with losing weight and nothing seems to be happening, what should be done?A: You should run a full thyroid panel to see where you are and how the Armour is working, and if you even need it 4 years later.

Q: What do you think of the Whipple procedure resulting in a person having a lot of anxiety around re-introducing foods? A: For people who have been through cancer or a Whipple procedure, I would recommend that they take royal jelly or bee propolis twice a day to start to build the immune system again. Glutathione shots with vitamin B12 would help tremendously, as well. Make foods and smoothies that are easy on the digestive system along with superfoods. Refer to the Superfoods handout, and I would recommend using camu camu powder and spirulina. Eat mostly cooked foods. If you’ve had the Whipple procedure or have been through cancer. Your body won’t have the ability to produce your own enzymes for a while, so digestive enzymes will be essential.

Q: What should a nursing mom do who has yeast that crept up during pregnancy and has some adrenal fatigue?A: That is a really great question. Saccharomyces Boullardi is safe to take during pregnancy. It’s a yeast-eating probiotic, and it is safe for pregnancy and nursing. You will take three before bed and then use diet to help deal with your issues. Don’t eat any fermented food and don’t eat much sugar. Do eat antifungals like oregano and garlic. Make our Cleansing Cilantro and Oregano Pesto recipe. Use lots of oregano in your cooking. Juice grapefruit and use the white pith. Eat lots of garlic and garlic paste. Your diet and the Sac B should at least chase the candida and keep it at bay. Be sure to take good-quality supplements so that you’re taking care of your adrenals. Bee propolis might also help boost your adrenals while you’re breastfeeding. It’s very helpful but never feed it to a child. Bee products should not be given to children under age three. You can also support the adrenals with bone broth, gelatin, and lots of sleep while minimizing stressors, processed foods, and caffeine.

Q: During the store tour, you talk about nutritional yeast. Is that safe for one to consume if an IgG food antibody test came back as a moderate allergy to yeast? And, should one avoid nutritional yeast while on a candida cleanse?A: Stay away from yeast if you reacted to it on your food sensitivity test, and yes, nutritional yeast should be avoided while on the candida cleanse.

Q: If children have problems with yeast, do you have any suggestions as to where to start with them?A: With kids who have yeast overgrowth, begin with diet. Put them on the yeast-clearing diet that I went through in webinar #2. Get lots of garlic, garlic paste, and oregano in their food and use our Cleansing Pesto recipe daily on their food if they will eat it. Give them bone broth (or soups made from it) along with gelatin. Give them probiotics away from food and make sure there is saccharomyces boulardii in the probiotic. OrthoBiotic would probably be the best one, depending upon their age, but check with your doctor first.. Q: Q: Should one stay away from fermented foods or anything else if they know they have a yeast overgrowth? And what about fermented greens powder from Body Ecology and Bragg’s raw vinegar? A: Yes, if you have yeast overgrowth, use probiotics like saccaromyces boulardii (a yeast-eating strain of probiotic) instead of fermented foods. The candida cleanse is recommended.

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