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  • 7/29/2019 Online Ped Brochure



    Program orExecutive DevelopmentTransorming uture global leaders

    G E N E R A L

    M A N A G E M E N T

    P R O G R A M

    NEWF O R M A T


  • 7/29/2019 Online Ped Brochure


  • 7/29/2019 Online Ped Brochure


    Imagine a world where you are constantly

    questioning the present you have and pushing

    the boundaries o what could be next.

    Imagine a world where you are making

    personal and lasting dierences to the people

    around you, the places in which they work and

    the organizations in which you operate.

    Imagine a world that is actually the exact uture

    you want to live in as a general manager.

  • 7/29/2019 Online Ped Brochure


    At this stage in your career, you have no doubt demonstrated your business acumenand learned to get results through other people as well. But as you become a more

    senior executive, it is also your responsibility to eectuate meaningul change.Ater all, you are on stage all the time. What you say, and do not say, what you do,

    and do not do, where you spend your time, and how you display your energy are allseen with a magniying glass by the people around you, and have a strong impact

    on the choices that people make and the ways in which you touch their lives.

    You might be ready or this challenge but are you suciently prepared?

    Are you challenging yoursel and others enough to becomemore than what you are today?Will you grow into a space that only you can ll?

    IMDs Program or Executive Development (PED) prepares mid-career executives

    to move rom a unctional to a general managers position through a personalizedand transormational journey.

    I you want to push the envelope and interact with some o the brightest

    minds in the world o management theory and practice, we urge you to explorePED. It will give you the knowledge, the tools and the skills you need to develop

    innovative ideas and strategies that will enhance the value you personally create,or yoursel and or others, as a global executive and as a general manager.

    For you:

    Create a concrete plan or impactDevelop core abilitiesStrengthen your leadership qualitiesExperience rsthand what is happening

    in peer organizations and new markets

    Benchmark with similarly successul

    and aspirational executives acrossindustries and geographies

    For your organization:

    Develop people who can create positive changeEncourage top talentExpand the possibility horizon through new ideas,

    innovations and opportunities

    Establish a global network o executive peers

    Before PED I was

    good at achieving what

    others decided.

    Reinhard Krickl | Former PEDparticipant| National SalesManager| Medtronic| Germany

  • 7/29/2019 Online Ped Brochure


    There are only a small number o people who will successully transormthe world, and PED is no exception. We seek out and welcome the mostdiverse group o global managers you will ever meet. A typical program

    consists o 40 to 60 executives, representing 20 to 30 nationalities and arange o unctional backgrounds and industry experiences. The average

    age is 40, with at least 10 years o successul management experience.

    Why not use PED as a launch pad or an organizational changeor innovation project? Bring together managers rom dierent

    units or regions o your organization to develop a commonapproach and language and build on this shared approach by

    sending new executives to the same program over time.

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    Ater PED I elt

    ready to take on

    bigger challenges,

    make a greater

    contribution and

    really begin to initiate

    the changes that I elt

    were important.

    Martin Fruergaard | Former PED

    participant | Chie CommercialOcer | Maersk Drilling | Denmark

  • 7/29/2019 Online Ped Brochure


    PED is designed around two residential modules

    o our weeks each and an optional discoveryexpedition which can be taken beore Module 1,

    between Modules 1 and 2, or ater Module 2.Most participants take it between Modules 1 and 2.

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    Program ramework

    Visioning Your Future Building Your Future

    Module I

    Phase I Understand

    Phase II Be Aware

    Module II

    Phase III Create

    Phase IV Commit

    Discovery Expedition*


    4 Weeks at IMD 4 Weeks at IMD

    A unique opportunity

    to refect on your lie

    and career and scale

    up your managerial


    Adriano Juca | Former PEDparticipant | General Counsel &Executive Director | ConstrutoraNorberto Odebrecht S.A. | Brazil

    Module 1:

    Phase I Understand

    A ocus on the essential set o skills and competencies that general

    managers must possess in order to be successul on the job.

    We approach these business undamentals in new ways,organizing them in a ramework that highlights the seismic

    shits it takes to become an eective general manager:

    From specialist to generalistFrom analyst to integratorFrom tactician to strategistFrom bricklayer to architectFrom warrior to diplomatFrom problem-solver to agenda-setterFrom supporting cast to lead role

    Phase II Be Aware

    A cross-disciplinary exploration o the key challenges

    aced by organizations and their general managers today and likely in years to come.

    We discuss key issues that will require innovative approachesto the way general managers conceptualize their business

    as they prepare their organization or the uture:

    Social and industry trendsUncertainties in the economic climatePolitical actorsTechnological evolutions

    Changes in customer needs

    *The optional discovery expedition can also be taken before Module 1 orafter Module 2.

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    Example expeditions include the ollowing (though

    destinations change rom year to year):

    Brazil: How to build an economyThe discovery expedition to Brazil will give you

    insights into the key economic actors that

    make this emerging country successul, as wellthe varied challenges it aces. Travelling to twocities Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo you will

    examine dierent co-existing economic realitiesby meeting with both well-established large

    oreign organizations as well as smaller, vibrant,local companies. You will analyze an ongoing

    challenge within a global organization operatingin the country and work with its leadership to

    address some o the issues, and meet Brazilians

    ormally and inormally and learn how they liveamong their every day, ever-moving, challenges.You will also develop key learning points that

    make a dierence or your organization, as wellas or yoursel.

    Oered in three dierent locations every year,the discovery expeditions are an optional

    component o the program. They give youthe chance to get out o your comort zone

    and to experience unique challenges and

    learning opportunities.

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    China: Government-led innovationThe discovery expedition to China will give you a sound sense o where the countryis going rom a business strategy viewpoint. Visiting two cities Qingdao and

    Shenzhen you will look at how local rms are moving up the value chain under thebackdrop o government-directed innovation policy. In particular, you will be exposed

    to the unique challenges aced by two contrasting, but equally important, types o

    companies and what new business models are likely to emerge: national championsrom China that exhibit global ambition (e.g. Haier), and global orchestrators thathave knitted together the industry value chain as we know it (e.g. Li and Fung).

    Kenya: Economic activity at the bottom o the pyramidThe discovery expedition to Kenya will expose you to issues associated with doingbusiness in an emerging market and challenge your conventional business

    thinking. Travelling to Nairobi, you will see that although development issuesare important, the main objective is business: how to nd and evaluate business

    opportunities and how to build creative business models in a very challenging

    environment. You will specically look at the needs o the emerging bottom othe pyramid consumer segment as well as distribution issues associated withreaching this segment. By shadowing a local entrepreneur and helping to develop

    their business, youll gain insights into the challenge o entrepreneurship. You willalso look at developing and retaining local talent, micronance and nancing

    capital investments, the creative use o technology or business and development,the ethics o development and environmental issues.

    As a result, you will:

    Be inspired to think dierently andbecome a general manager that

    plays an essential positive orceor change in the world

    Broaden your horizons throughinteraction with local stakeholders,

    NGOs, public authorities, localbusinesses and economists

    Face new challenges relatedto ethics/sustainability/corporate

    social responsibility or the ideao shared value

    Dont teach me what

    I need to know aboutChina. Teach me the

    questions I need to

    ask about China.

    Paul Bulcke | Former PEDparticipant| CEO | Nestl |Switzerland

  • 7/29/2019 Online Ped Brochure


    The frst step toward IMDs

    Executive MBA degree

    Following completion o

    PED Module 1, participantsare eligible to enter the IMD

    Executive MBA track. Find outmore at

    or contact a Program Advisor

    on +41 21 618 07 00.

    Phase IV CommitIn this nal phase, we want to ensure that your

    learning is not let in the classroom but gets putinto practices. You will select a project or steps

    in a larger vision and lay out an implementationplan. Through the process, you will consider

    how you might need to engage your team,boss, external stakeholders, etc. in new ways

    to ensure your plans success. You will bechallenged to think big, but also to start with

    realistic and actionable steps. Topics we coverand you practice include:

    Mapping your stakeholdersEngaging with your stakeholdersGetting people into actionCommunicationNegotiationGaining commitment

    Module 2:

    Phase III Create

    Learn the state o the art in innovation process

    and apply it to your work. Specic topics

    covered include:

    CreativityEectuationDesign thinkingDisruptive innovationIteration and renement

    PrototypingLeading innovation

    Participation in IMDs Program or ExecutiveDevelopment turns imagine into action, through:

    Growth: Visualize and create the uture you wantto live in as mature general manager on

    personal, organizational and societal levels

    Challenge: Leverage this development

    opportunity to extend your limits and strengthenyour ability to take on tough challenges


  • 7/29/2019 Online Ped Brochure


    Visit or

    the ull list o Faculty teachingon the program.

    Cyril Bouquet



    PhD Richard Ivey School o Business,

    University o Western Ontario

    Program Co-Director

    As a leader, you are creating the

    uture o those who work around

    you, and this uture does not have to

    resemble the past. I you are ready

    to be challenged and eager to have

    impact, come to PED. We will help

    you create the uture you want to

    live in as a general manager.

    Professor Cyril Bouquet

    J. Stewart Black


    Leadership and Strategy

    PhD University o Caliornia, Irvine

    Program Co-Director

    Ours is a world in the making.

    You can take a spectator

    seat on the sidelines or you

    can join PED and engage

    in the creation.

    Professor J. Stewart Black


    Personalization: Take on projects o specicpersonal/organizational interest and application,

    and receive more individualized learning inputsrom coaches, mentors and your sponsor

    (in addition to program Faculty)

    Reality: Connect classroom learning with what isgoing on outside in a tangible way that challenges

    you to get your hands dirty and exposes you tosituations taking you out o your comort zone

    Impact: Generate positive change that can beattributed to your interaction with the program


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    On the shores o Lake Geneva in Lausanne, Switzerland,

    40 minutes by road or rail rom Geneva International Airport.

    Duration: 2 modules of 4 weeks each with an optional

    discovery expedition.


    PED II Mod.1 April 15 May 10

    Discovery Expedition 2 May 2731PED II Mod.2 June 328

    PED III Mod.1 August 26 September 20

    PED III Mod.2 September 23 October 18PED IV Mod.1 October 21 November 15Discovery Expedition 3 November 1115

    PED IV Mod.2 November 18 December 13


    PED I Mod.1 January 27 February 21

    Discovery Expedition 1 February 2428PED I Mod.2 March 10 April 4

    PED II Mod.1 April 21 May 16Discovery Expedition 2 May 1216

    PED II Mod.2 May 19 June 13

    PED III Mod.1 September 126PED III Mod.2 September 29 October 24

    PED IV Mod.1 October 27 November 21Discovery Expedition 3 November 1721

    PED IV Mod.2 November 24 December 19

    Fee 2013:CHF 63,000* (excludes accommodation)

    CHF 55,000* (excludes accommodation andthe optional discovery expedition)*IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates and fee at any time.

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    Chemin de Bellerive 23

    P.O. Box 915CH-1001 Lausanne

    SwitzerlandCentral tel: +41 21 618 01 11

    Central ax: +41 21 618 07 07i @i d

    The IMD Dierence

    IMD is a top-ranked business school.

    We are the experts in developing global leaders

    through high-impact executive education.

    Why IMD?

    We are 100% ocused on real-world executive developmentWe oer Swiss excellence with a global perspectiveWe have a fexible, customized and eective approach

    IMD is ranked frst in executive education outside

    the US (Financial Times 20082012) and frst in

    open programs worldwide (Financial Times 2012).


    Application and tentative reservation orms can be ound online


    Further inormation

    For more details (including videos eaturing the program), or contact a Program Advisor at+41 21 618 07 00.

    Alumni benefts

    As a ormer participant in an IMD program, you gain membership to

    our Alumni Network, with more than 75,000 members worldwide,and have access to a number o alumni benets. Find out more

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