
FlavOnline [email protected]

I t i s b o r n !O u r n e w p r o d u c t : F l av o n G r e e n


&4th anniversary


As Club Members who participated in our 4th birthday in the Budapest Congress Center already know, on 6 Sep-tember 2008 a new product of the Flavon max Consumer Club, called Flavon Green was launched on the market.

Why was this new product necessary? What informa-tion is available on the habits of vegetable consumption?Unfortunately, like on many other fields, we do not have results above average. As a demonstration, you can see a chart on the typical vegetable consumption habits of the peoples of different countries according to the most current available data (average of 2001, 2002 and 2003):

It seems evident that there are only three countries (Israel, China and Greece) where 500-700 gr of veg-etable is consumed day-to-day, which is required by our organism to function healthily and properly. Apart from the Mediterranean countries, the veg-etable intake is below the required amount almost everywhere.

This is why we thought that a new kind of dietary supplement would be welcomed in Europe, with which everyone could secure all the materials found primarily in vegetables.

Further reasons to consume Flavon Green:

- All of us know that regular consumption of veg-etables has a beneficial effect on the general state of our bodies, it supplies basic and special nutritive materials, dietary fibres and vitamins. In spite of this, only few people consume the recommended mini-mal vegetable amount day by day. Running day and night, we do not have time to eat some quickly and easily consumable raw or semi-cooked vegetables, even if we wanted to take healthy nourishment. - Nowadays, the human body alone cannot defeat the large number of negative environmental ef-fects it is exposed to. For this reason, scientifically designed, good quality dietary supplements with high antioxidant content are having an increasingly important role in modern day–to-day health care. Dietary supplements suitably prevent deficiency symptoms caused by inadequate nutrition.

- Flavon Green is a new and revolutionary product which will give new meaning to vegetable consump-tion and reshape previous habits. We can cover part of our daily recommended vegetable intake with only one single spoon of Flavon Green.

- Indeed, we can achieve this by consuming a guar-anteed product, constituted of only quality and well-selected ingredients. As such, it has extremely high vitamin and mineral content. [email protected]

After all this, let me answer one of the most important questions: what is Flavon Green constituted of?

Our latest product - Flavon Green - offers all the benefits of different vegetables, such as broccoli, celery, carrot or spinach, in the concentrated, easily consumable form of a jam. To maximize effect it contains a number of healthy vegetables such as: wheatgrass (a commonly used vegeta-ble), spirulina alga (a versatile novelty of our times), green tea, which has been known for its excellent antioxidant content as well as garlic, which has been highly regarded for centuries. Due to their positive effects, sand buckthorn, parsley and grapefruit are also found in the product.

Let’s see what the most important positive effects of these vegetables are:

BROCCOLIIts most significant minerals are potassium, calcium, mag-

nesium, sodium, iron, zinc and phospho-rus. It is rich in vegetable flavonoids, indols and isocyanates. It is proved by research that broccoli reserves a place in differ-ent therapeutic diets. Broccoli conveys a number of valuable nutritive materials in a form which is more digestible than cab-

bage vegetables. Its two most important effective agents are sulforafan and kempherol.

SPINACHSpinach is easily digestible, low in calorie but rich in vita-

mins and antioxidants. Its vitamin K level is one of the highest of all vegetables. Spinach contains lots of luteins and natu-ral carotinoids, but it is rich in flavonoids, carotinoids, chlorophyll and folic acid as well. Spinach is an excellent antioxidant. Its bioactive components strengthen the immune system.

WHEATGRASSIt is able to feed and detoxicate our organ-ism due to the numerous effective agents it contains. It is rich in potassium, cal-cium and magnesium, and also an excel-lent source of essential and non-essential amino acids, enzymes and vitamins. One of the most important effective agents of

wheatgrass is chlorophyll, which detoxicates, regenerates and protects against environmental effects. It influences the function of the whole human body beneficially due to its effective agents, and it is able to inhibit most of the harmful materials.

SPIRULINA ALGAThis microscopic creature is considered as one of the healthiest dietary supplements of the 21st century. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains 55-67% protein, 10-19% carbonhydrate, 7-15% fat, as well as 5-9% mineral substances and trace ele-ments. It is extremely effective for those

who suffer from some kind of deficiency disease. Spirulina alga is also useful for the ingestion of necessary vitamins and minerals during diet.

CARROTThe key agent of this vegetable is beta-carotene, but it also contains other caro-tenes in higher amounts. Carrot root con-tains flavonoids and volatile oils, which are also essential for the optimal function of the human body. Because of its low-energy value, it is used for different diets,

and its consumption is recommended for patients suffer-ing from different cardiovascular diseases.

CELERYCelery is a well-known vegetable, organic sodium is among its great values, but it is rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and trace elements as well. It has a stimulating effect on kidney function. It is an excellent source of flavonoids and volatile oils, and contains a selection of


PARSLEYIt has a typical alkalizing effect on blood, which is explicitly beneficial due to the fact that nutrition today is quite acidic. It is rich in different flavonoids and volatile oils. It is expressly rich in vitamins C and K.

GARLICWho does not know this herb? Accord-ing to folk observations, it reduces the cholesterol level of blood, its regular consumption contributes to prevent

high blood pressure, heart diseases and enhances protec-tion against bacterial infections. Garlic contains alliin and an enzyme called allinase. It contains a significant amount of vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. Flavonoids of immune en-hancing effect and different minerals are also present in significant amounts.


GREEN TEAThe risk of tooth decay can be reduced, because its

fluoride content strengthens the den-tal enamel, and its tannic acid content inhibits the multiplication of bacteria in mouth. More than fifteen carote-noid colouring agents have been iden-

tified in tea leaves. The most important ones are ne-oxantine, violaxantine, lutein and beta-carotene.

SEA BUCKTHORNIt has an extraordinary antioxidant content. Its fruit

is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, or-ganic acids, amino acids and vitamins. Its vitamin C content is ten times the vitamin C content of orange, and its vitamin E content is higher than those of corn or soy bean. Folk observations

prove that it reduces hair loss and slows down the for-mation of wrinkles.

GRAPEFRUITThis fruit, grown in clusters, has low energy content.

It contains enzymes which have fat burning effect in the human body. It is rich in different vitamins, and it is rich in, among others, vitamins C, B, E and K. Its typical minerals are potassium, calcium and phosphorus. It contains a

high amount of fibre, and it contains fruit acids that have excellent effects. [email protected]

What further important information is worth know-ing about Flavon Green?

What further important information is worth know-ing about Flavon Green?

Daily recommended dosage: take it with one mea-sure spoon (6 gr) once a day preferably before din-ner.

Flavon Green can be consumed together with the other Flavon products (Flavon max, Flavon kids and Flavon max Plus+) with a serene heart. According to our recommendation, consumers should take the daily amount from a fruit product (Flavon max, Fla-von kids and Flavon max Plus+) in the first part of the day, while one measure spoon of Flavon Green should be consumed in the evening.

Net weight and packaging of the product are the same as in the case of previous products.

One carton contains 4 jars of Flavon Green and costs 33000 HUF (130 EUR).

When purchasing a carton of product (4 jars), it can contain Flavon max, Flavon kids and Flavon Green products at will.

Flavon Green – Colour up your life! FlavOnline

We are four years of age!We are four years of age!

On 6 September 2008, Saturday, we gathered in the Budapest Congress Center. Were you there as well? Did you celebrate with us? If you did, you remember everything, don’t you?

Do you remember how fantastic it was to see the stage with those big jars? The music was on, and 2000 enthusias-tic, smiling people arrived to celebrate the fourth birthday. The audience was full of life, teeming, and the curiosity beaming from the sparkling eyes of those who came for the day of rejoicing.We were only gawking around among those lots of POLISH flags and applauded together with their storming team of 500.Then it started… Do you remember the film? A film about our past, our company, a film about Us, our life. Do you remember the songs of János Koós? You had fun, didn’t you? I saw you laughing at the jokes and singing along with the Artist.Johanna Sziklás – our Hanni – like a magician who pulls out a miracle from the hat, she was doing her presentation with the style of our company, which was cosily friendly and full of loving heartiness. Then jr. Gaál László – our „little” Laci – introduced us the unbelievable, although real results of our great business.

Then we got a surprise… We did, indeed! The Founder and Chairman of our Company, László Gaál – whom some of us simply call: „our Father” –surprised us. Do you remember? Darkness …, smoke…, reflectors…, GREEN and fireworks! Yes, we received a new product, and, of course, a new chance, a new opportunity, a new help to keep healthy. Ingredients were brought out by 11 fairies dressed in green, and we were unable to jot down the names of the new ingredients, because we were amazed by the astonishment and our hands were sore after clapping them so hard and so long.

Then we learnt… Prof. Dr. Zoltán Dinya delivered an enjoyable lecture, and his detailed teaching made it possible to learn all the very serious scientific research and background, which is the basis of each of our products, which lead to the creation of Green.

Miklós Balogh (6 years of age, and has been a schoolboy for as long as a week!) gave us an unforgettable experi-ence by presenting Flavon max, Flavon kids and Flavon max Plus+ products. Thank you so much!The youngest gave account for their experiences how our products changed their lives with all the sincerity of a child. Máté Fábián, Mátyás Gribovszky, Noel György, Marci Hopp, Henrietta Molnár, Klaudia Molnár, Kira and Niki, Előd Nagy, Etele Nagy, Marcell Pál talked about their experiences.

Hanni presented many-many awarded items from the ones submitted to the Drawing- and Photo Competition, and she drew the winners of the Olympic Betting Competition with the help of our Olympic athlete Zsófia Csonka. We could also compete for the Diamond Elite holiday with the gift carton programme, and it was great to see how many Club Members had fulfilled the requirements of the competition. First, we picked 10 names, then 3 lucky ones went to the next round, and at the end of the day we even had the winner, who will travel to Cancún with us.One of our Club Members, Gyula Kövesdi entertained by ’jamming’ with an interesting mental exercise.

Then we understood it… We understood how big the stake was, and how our everyday decisions influence our health. With the help of Dr. Gyula Csőre, Dr. Péter Kenyeres, Dr. László Góczán, Dr. János Hajdú, Dr. Ildikó Késmár-ki, Dr. Adrienne Tóthmartinez and Dr. Éva Vass gave account for their professional opinions from the more than 700 doctors registered as Club Members.

There they marched, one after another… Do you remember the Millionaire Club Members? (József Váncza, Irina Vishnevska, Dr. Attila Kőrös, Szymon Suda)? Then the absolutely special marketing presentation of Laci Gaál? The smile of those who qualified for Millionaire Plus level (István Horváth, Nina Czapczyk, György Jurik)? Do you remember the Presidential Club Member’s, Zbigniew Utko’s exemplary sentences worthy of consideration on the importance of changes? Do you remember the Elite Club Members’ pieces of advice? (Katalin Gorzáné Sugár, Anna Klocek, Zsuzsanna Horváth)? Do you remember the Gaál family’s motivating and guiding words? Do you remember the enthusiasm of the Diamond Elite team? (Miklosné Péter Balogh and Miklós Péter Balogh, Ewa Wawrzyniak, Gabriella Fáklya, Dr. Gyula Csőre, Szilvia Lőrincz, Csilla Marcsó, Csaba Molnár, Krisztina Oláh, József Tamás Nagy, Erzsébet Kovács Pijakovicsné, Piotr Sikorski, Ryszard Gaczkowski, Ferenc Salamon)?

And mostly: DO YOU REMEMBER YOURSELF? Your feelings? Do you remember that you decided that next year you shall be standing among the most successful ones on the stage? Do you remember? If yes, you only have to do it! If you determined it, you can even do it! Let’s meet next year at the 5th birthday celebration on the stage

Looking forward to meet you there: Krisztina Jungné Kovács

More pictures in the Gallery of our webpage: click

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