Page 1: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2011 ISSUE 43, VOL. 75 $1.25 Includes HST

Users warn new water rates will turn us ‘brown’

Ron Unger and Michael Farmer aren’t experts, but they say the Town’s new water rates will turn the community “brown” instead of green.

Both gentlemen approached Council with this concern during a recent delegation about metered water rates.

Council previously approved a $125 basic meter charge, plus a rate of 53 cents per cubic meter (up from 48 cents).

These represent a 10 per cent increase from 2010 rates to help cover debt repayment costs associated with water capital improvements, such as the water twinning project.

Unger said taxpayers are quite concerned about the new rates, feeling they are being penalized for having big-ger lots. He said changing over to xeriscaping would cost $10,000, which many people aren’t prepared to pay.

Unger said he isn’t opposed to paying his fair share for water, but he has a concern when his water bill jumps from $300 to nearly $1,200. He said a lot of people, who have no

idea how much water they use, will get a shock when they see their bill in September, especially low-income seniors.

Unger warned the Town it will see a lot of brown areas when people realize they can’t afford these new rates.

Water Councillor Rick Machial said he sympathizes with Unger, pointing out that his own water rates have gone up signifi cantly.

Councillor Jack Bennest was frank, saying there is really no valid reason for the Town to lower its rates when you

Lyonel DohertyOliver Chronicle

Continued on Pg A2...

Lyonel Doherty photo

Leading the wayLast Sunday’s open house at the South Okanagan Rehabilitation Centre for Owls was well attended. Shown leading a tour of the facility is bird handler Judy Gurr with Houdini, the great horned owl ambassador. The annual event raises money for the operation that houses injured birds of prey until their release back into the wild.

Page 2: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

A2 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A basket full of SWEET CHERRIES to the couple

with the two children who were seen Sunday, April

10th cleaning up the area on the east side of the dike

between Thorp’s bridge south to Lucy Louie’s home.

It is understood that they also cleaned up some of the illegal camping sites

north of that same bridge to the fi rst crossover. Now that is taking and teaching

responsibility!- A pleased resident

SWEET CHERRIES to Bob and Patricia who stopped and helped and followed me when we all assisted an elderly man who had

fallen on the sidewalk. Also thanks to the other kind

gentleman and young man on his bike.

-Nervous driverBox 880, 36083 - 97th Street, Oliver, BC V0H 1T0

ph: 250.498.3711 or 250.498.4416 | fax: 250.498.3966Offi ce hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

We accept Visa and Mastercard

* Please use our mail slot for after-hours submissions *

Oliver ChronicleWEDNESDAYAPRIL 20







13° / 1° 11° / 3° 14° / 2° 16° / 3° 15° / 6° 14° / 5° 14° / 5°22.4° / 7.1° 23.4° / 9.0° 18.4° / 8.5° 17.1° / 0.8° 14.5° / 6.8° 17.5° / -1.1° 17.8° / 3.9°

Historical weather data courtesy of Environment Canada,

Send your Sweet Cherriesor Sour Grapes to:

[email protected]

The Oliver Chronicle welcomes comments highlighting readers’

feelings of appreciation towards an individual or group or sharing com-ments about things they would like

to see improved.Submissions must have a name

and phone number for verifi cation purposes, but can be published

anonymously.Content may be edited for clarity.

The Oliver Chronicle welcomes comments highlighting readers’






compare them to other communities.Farmer said he realizes the importance of water conservation, but see-

ing your bill increase 200 to 300 per cent is hard to swallow. “What do you expect us to do, let our gardens die? They

will die. You will get brown lawns in town if you keep up these rates.”

Farmer said older people can’t afford to change their gardens into Arizona-type plots.

Councillor Marji Basso said the user pay (meter) system is new to Oliver and will involve more discussion with the public after the invoices roll in. “This is just the beginning of a lot of conversation . . . I’m interested to see what peo-ple’s landscaping will look like.”

Machial admitted he’s been approached by a lot of peo-ple who are angry with the new rates. “I don’t like meters. I didn’t want them (in Oliver). It just creates more govern-ment. But we had no choice.”

Machial explained the Town had to incorporate meters to get government funding. Municipal Manager Tom Sza-lay confi rmed this, saying towns that have effective water conservation methods are more successful in securing grants.

“We’re not the big, bad town trying to rip people off, we were forced to meter water,” Machial said.

Szalay said the water system is revenue neutral and does not make money for the Town of Oliver.

Resident Bill Ross advised the Town to establish a resource to help wa-ter users understand their new bills, and to school them on how to irrigate their properties wisely.

Living in an arid climate, water supply must be every-one’s concern, Szalay said. He noted that climate change analysts predict longer, warmer summers and less winter snow packs.

Szalay explained that water meters were installed for several reasons. One is to establish a fair, user-pay system where low-use residential customers are not subsidizing their neighbours who use more water. The other is to pre-vent water waste due to leaky pipes and fi xtures, poor wa-ter use habits, and over-irrigation.

Szalay said agricultural water meters have not been ap-proved for installation, although they are supported by Town staff. He noted that using a fl at rate billing system for agriculture does not encourage water conservation or

proper system maintenance. Szalay said it’s diffi cult to accurately estimate water consumption in

the fi rst year of meter billing, but the Town assumed a 10 per cent average reduction in consumption from 2010 to 2011.

Residents say new water rates pushing their bills up 200-300 per cent from previous year

...Continued from Pg A1

Farmer said he real-izes the importance of water conserva-tion, but seeing your bill increase 200 to 300 per cent is hard to swallow. “What do you expect us to do, let our gardens die?”


of The M

ost Romantic Places in OliverOOOnnn

















ofoofoofo TTTf Tff TfhhhhhThTThTThT ehehhehheh MMMMooosssosoosooso ttt RRRRRoRoRRoRRoRRoR mmmmR mRR mRomoomoomoomoRoR mRoRRoR mRoRRoR mRoRRoR mRoR aaaamammammammam nnnnanaanaanaana ttttntnntnntnntn iiiiitittittittit ccciciiciici PPPPlllllPlPPlPPlP aaalallallal ccccacaacaaca eeeececceccec ssseseeseese iiinnniniiniini OOOOllliiilillillillil vvl vll vll vlivilil vlillil vlillil vlil eeerrrereereere

Page 3: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle A3

NEWSPolice briefs

Lyonel Doherty photo

Hot workOliver fi refi ghers responded to a brush fi re last week at a residence off 93rd Street near the air cadet hangar. A huge burn pile apparently resulted in another fi re on a steep bank near a home that was saved from damage.

LOUNGE HOURS:Lounge open Tues. - Sat. noon - 6 p.m.,

or later as required. Hours extended on Sports Nights.


Legion NoticesMembers and bonafide guests welcome.

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HALL RENTALS - for rates call Marion 250-498-2858.

Every Saturday: Meat Draw 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 3 tickets for a loonie.Please support our troops - magnetic decals, pins & T-shirts for sale.

50/50 draws Friday evening and Saturday afternoon.

NEXT GENERAL MEETING MONDAY, MAY 9th @ 7 p.m. (in the lounge)

Lounge is open for Vancouver Canuckshockey playoff games

Friday, April 22nd (Good Friday)The Legion will be closed

MAY 13TH - Annual Veterans Dinner -WW2 & Korea Vets no charge - all welcome

MAY 15TH - Annual Candlelight Tribute -Oliver Cemetery - 4:30 PM

MAY 28TH - Elvis Impersonator Performance -Upstaris Hall- $20 - Limited Seating

staffin Osoyoos

will becelebrating Good Friday

with their families.

We wish everyone a Happy Easter


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Digital X-raysCEREC single visit crowns

Dental ImplantsLaser Teeth Whitening

Cyclist struck by vehicle

On April 11 Oliver RCMP received a report of a pedes-trian/motor vehicle incident on Highway 97 near Tuc-el-Nuit Drive.

BC Ambulance Services was on scene and treating a 52-year-old male cyclist for a head injury sustained from the incident. Witnesses at the scene advised that a 2008 Honda Civic, travelling southbound on Highway 97 at a low rate of speed, was observed to drift slowly across the fog line, making contact with the cyclist.

The 80-year-old Osoyoos female, who was driving the vehicle, stated that she blacked out momentarily only to awaken to a bump. The woman, who was very shaken by the incident, stated it took her another moment to realize that she’d struck something.

The cyclist, who was wearing a helmet during the in-cident, was transported to Penticton Regional Hospital with non life-threatening injuries. He was released later the same day.

Speed and alcohol were not believed to be factors. The driver was issued a violation ticket for driving with-out due care and attention. A medical review of her driver’s licence is being recommended.

Mailbox lock cut off

On April 13 Oliver RCMP received a report of mischief to a mailbox.

A resident in the area of Sportsmensbowl Road re-ported that the lock had been cut off the family’s mail-box sometime overnight on April 12. Nothing is believed to have been taken from the box. There were no sus-pects and no known witnesses to the mischief. Canada Post was alerted to the incident.

Main St., Oliver, Ph.: 250-498-2277

Sun. - Mon. - Tues. - Thurs: 7:30 P.M.Fri. - Sat: - 7:00 P.M. & 9:00 P.M.

(unless otherwise stated)


Thurs. - Fri. Apr. 21 - 22

Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Apr. 23 - 24 - 25 - 26There will also be a matinee of this show on the Sat. at 2 PM.

All seats $4.50 for the matinee

OLIVER ELKSElks Lic. #861937

MEAT DRAW & 50/50 DRAWWED. & SUN. 4:00 P.M.

Hall Rentals: call Elks at


Members - Visitors - Guests welcome!

- Birthday - Special Occasion - celebration -

Crib: Every SundayStarts at 1:00 p.m., in the lounge.

Next BINGOSunday, Apr. 24th, 20117:00 p.m. Oliver Elks Hall

Progressive Jackpot @ $1400 in 57 numbers or less.Consolation $200

Earlybirds starts at 6:45 PM (doors open at 5:00 PM)

May 20th

toMay 22nd

Birthday DinnerMay 6th , 5:30 PM

(Pot Luck)

Apr 15th

Dinner at 5:30 PM(Chicken Cordon Bleu)

MUSIC BY LLOYDTickets $12 each

General Meeting(Officer Elections)

Tuesday, May 10, 7:00 PM


Page 4: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

A4 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011


School trustee breaks silence in SOS campaign

Carol Ann Quibell photo

Oliver school trustee Tamela Edwards speaks during the meet-ing, while SOS chair Rachel Allenbrand looks on.

More than 100 concerned residents met the Save Oliver Schools commit-tee last weekend to discuss the poten-tial closure of Tuc-el-Nuit Elementary School.

The audience was given an expla-nation and descrip-tion of the funding protection provided by the provincial gov-ernment because of its relation to the budget and the closure of TEN by School District 53. There is no guarantee that funding protec-tion will be provided in the future and should not be relied upon for configuring school budgets.

The audience was told that the district’s projections of enrolment numbers are lower than the committee’s figures, which has used the statistics as projected by the overall numbers in BC.

Concerns raised regarding the clo-sure of TEN include the possibility for the need for portable classrooms if there is any future growth in student population. There was also a sugges-tion that there will be limited quiet space for special needs, counselling and individual coaching. Traffic con-gestion for pickups and drop-offs as

well as forcing 100 students to cross the busy highway are major concerns.

“It’s not a done deal,” was the mes-sage given by each speaker including Ron Rachinski, the South Okanagan Similkameen Teachers’ Union presi-dent, mayor Pat Hampson, school trustee Tamela Edwards, and the CUPE representative.

“The value of clo-sure is less than the money they are look-ing for and does not make financial sense,” said Hampson, who also wrote a letter to the Ministry of Educa-tion on behalf of the Town of Oliver in sup-port of the SOS com-mittee. He personally feels strongly that the potential closure cre-ates more disruption than benefits, but he

also asked the audience to be guided by the executive and reminded them that calmness prevails.

“Losing the funding protection is not a guarantee, giving the trustees a difficult job,” said Rachinski, suggest-ing that the government and not the school board or the trustees should be blamed. He asked that everyone attend the official meetings planned and also lobby their MLA by writing letters so the trustees are not forced into making the difficult decision.

Edwards responded to questions

asked by the audience and attempted to reduce some of the misconceptions regarding potential portables and staffing, and also reminded them that 2001 was the last year transportation funds were increased even though costs have gone up.

Public school funding is allocated largely using a student-based funding system, with the majority of funding allocated on an full-time equivalent basis. Funding protection was a sup-plemental grant provided to boards of education to address the variable costs associated with enrolment de-cline.

“If government refuses to sit down and fix the financial formula they have no business in refusing fund-ing,” stated Edwards, saying this was her own personal belief.

She also reminded the audience that hard decisions were made based on the facts known at that time and it is premature to assume a decision has already been made based on the knowledge that funding is still avail-able.

Edwards was adamant that people should be careful as to what is being said or written and asked that people make sure their concerns are legiti-mate and not based on anger.

A clear message was sent to all in-volved that the fight to keep TEN open is not over.

The school board is hosting its first public meeting on this topic on Wednesday, April 27 at 7 p.m.

Carol Ann QuibellSpecial to the Chronicle

Trustee Tamela Ed-wards was adamant that people should be careful as to what is being said or written, and asked that people make sure their concerns are legitimate and not based on anger.





Happy Birthday!!Wish your family member or friend a Happy Birthday or Wedding

Anniversary in the Oliver SuperValu Birthday Corner.

Call the Oliver Chronicle at 250-498-3711 before noon on Friday tohave your wish published at no charge the following week.

Look Who Is

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Congratulations To Sarah Nowicki

Sarah is this week’s cake winner!

Jean RippelApril 18thFrom your



April 19thLove your

Mom and Sisters

Leanne Nash

April 22ndFrom your Friends

at the Chronicle

Sarah NowickiApril 23rd

Age 14From Mom, Dad & Travis

Cole JacobsApril 23rd

Age 6Love Dad, Teri and Caleb

Jeremy McRaeApril 25th

Age 8Love Mom and the Kids

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Page 5: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle A5



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Folks are “voting with their feet” and coming to shop at:

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment By-law 1294 will be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard before Town Council or to present written submissions respecting matters contained in the proposed bylaw at a public hearing to be held at the TOWN OF OLIVER COUNCIL CHAMBERS at 35041 – 99th Street, Oliver, B.C., on:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 7:00 pmor such subsequent dates and times to which the matter may be adjourned.

The intent of Bylaw 1294 is to amend the OCP in accordance with provincial requirements to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to meet Oliver’s commitments under the provincial Climate Action Charter, as well as their leg-islated obligations under the Local Government (Green Communities) Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 27, 2008). A new Climate Action section consistent with the Town’s Corporate and Community Action Plan’s (2011) is proposed to in-clude both GHG reduction targets for the municipal corporation and broader community, and policies to achieve these targets. Applicable to all land devel-opment within the municipality, these policies are designed to guide Council and our community as to how the emission reduction targets will be realized, and are related to: less vehicle dependent land use development, alternative transportation, green building construction, alternative energy use and other civic activities and spheres of authority.

For further information about the content of OCP Amendment Bylaw 1294 and the lands affected by it, persons are encouraged to inspect a copy of the proposed bylaw. No letter, report or representation will be received by Coun-cil after the conclusion of the Public Hearing.

Copies of proposed Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 1294, and supporting documents may be inspected at the Development Services counter in the Municipal Hall at 35016 – 97th Street from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Mon-day to Friday, (except Statutory Holidays) from the date of this notice through to the date council makes a final determination on this application.

Stephanie Johnson, MCIP Director of Development Services

PO Box 638 Oliver, BC V0H 1T0 • Tel: 250.485.6200 • Fax: 250.498.4466 •

Lyonel Doherty photo

Piles of dirt and brush dot the landscape along 87th Street, which is the subject of concern by members of Town Council and local residents. Council wants the area cleaned up and fenced to prevent access by ATV operators.

Council wants parcels cleaned up and fenced

The Town has sent letters to three de-velopers on 87th Street to remind them of their responsibilities to keep their proper-ties from becoming unsightly.

The issue was raised at a recent meeting where Councillor Jack Bennest stated his concern about all-terrain vehicles stirring up soil and dust in the Willowglen area.

Singla Brothers Holdings and developer Robin Agur recently cleared land on the west side of 87th Street destined for future development. This has created concern be-cause these areas were considered environ-mentally sensitive – home to various bird species and the painted turtle, according to local environmentalist Julie Nyikos.

One avid birdwatcher told the Chronicle that she used to visit the area with her bin-oculars, but all the trees are gone now and there are no birds to see.

The Town couldn’t stop this land clear-ing because the properties are privately owned. And the clearing took place during a time when the Town was re-enacting a bylaw to protect environmental and ripar-ian areas in Oliver.

Bennest said because these properties are not fenced, all-terrain vehicles have been gaining access and stirring up dust. “It’s an open invitation for others to use it.”

Stephanie Johnson, the Town’s director

of development services, said staff are al-ready looking at the issue of dust and weed control. She noted they have sent letters to the property owners making them aware of the Property Maintenance Bylaw and the methods used to enforce it.

Johnson stated another concern relates to ATVs having access to the river dike. Li-ability is another problem, she added.

Mayor Pat Hampson said they must keep a close watch on these properties to ensure they don’t get abused by ATVs. The Town may even have to get RCMP involved.

Councillor Marji Basso favours secur-ing the properties with fencing. She noted the developers could have left some trees along 87 Street to cut down on the dust and mitigate the “eyesore.” Basso would like to see the Town enforce the use of irrigation systems to keep the dust down. If not, this could end up being a “nightmare for resi-dents,” she said.

Bennest said fencing was in place be-tween the properties and the hike and bike trail, but it was removed.

He made a motion to send letters to the developers to clean up the properties, and that the Town start enforcing the bylaw as soon as possible. He said the letters should state that the property owners are respon-sible for preventing access to their sites.

Municipal Manager Tom Szalay said there is no bylaw that requires people to fence their properties.

Lyonel DohertyOliver Chronicle

Missing Osoyoos man foundAn Osoyoos man who was reported miss-

ing was recently found in Vernon.On April 6, Richard McKiver left his Os-

oyoos residence, advising his wife that he was travelling to Vernon for the day to meet with a fi nancial consultant. McKiver was expected to return later that evening but did not come back as scheduled.

Police said McKiver has a history of dis-appearing for short periods of time with-out telling anyone of his whereabouts, but

he always returns home within a couple of days. When he didn’t return by April 8, his wife became concerned and contacted the Oliver/Osoyoos RCMP to report him as missing.

McKiver was subsequently located in the Vernon area on April 13 at approxi-mately 4 p.m. No foul play was suspected; he was safe and healthy.

The RCMP would like to thank the public for their assistance.

Page 6: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

A6 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011


THE OLIVER CHRONICLE WELCOMES LETTERS TO THE EDITORon subjects of interest to our readers. Short letters are most

likely to be chosen for publication, but the use of any material is at the discretion of the editor. The editor reserves the right to edit letters to meet space requirements, clarity or to avoid obscenity, libel or invasion of privacy.

Upon request, we will use a pseudonym only, but only rarely and for compelling reasons. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the editorial policies or beliefs of this newspaper. All letters must include your first and last name, contact number, town or city of residence to be considered.

OPINIONHell Drivers

~ Roma Pedersen, Ar-chives Volunteer

The Auto Court was locat-ed one mile south of town and had many interesting visitors, including the “Hell Drivers” who stayed at the Auto Court for several summers while performing at the Oliver Community Park in the early 1950s.

Photograph Number: 2010.18.006Date: Early 1950’sDonor/Photographer: Deanna MillerPhoto: Courtesy of Oliver and District Archives, 250-498-4027

Volunteers are our backbone

The Oliver Chronicle welcomes letters to the [email protected]

If you think you’re too small to have an impact, have you ever been in bed with a mosquito?

Volunteers don’t always have the time, but they have the heart, and those who volunteer in Oli-ver have plenty of heart. In fact, they’re the back-bone of the community.

People like Dot Cranston, Victor Barnson, Gordon Kingsfi eld, and Kathleen Jacobs are truly inspiring for the work they do. Barnson puts in a staggering 1,000 volunteer hours a year at McKinney Place. And guess how old Jacobs is? Two years shy of 100. She puts most of us to shame.

There are 100 registered volunteers at McKin-ney Place, Sunnybank Centre, and South Okanagan General Hospital. Every one of these people makes a difference in the lives of many. And it saves the tax-payer countless dollars. Imagine what it would cost if there were no volunteers . . . millions.

Like the mosquito (without the bite), volunteers make a huge impact by helping others. They don’t do it for the money because there isn’t any. They do it to fulfi ll a need and to feel good about themselves. If you’re depressed, volunteer to help someone and see how quickly your mood changes. A simple ges-ture or deed can make someone’s day, and propel you to be a better person.

For example, the one-to-one reading program in schools is a great way to connect with the edu-cational system and bridge the generation gap. To know that you were partly responsible for teaching a child to read better is such an uplifting feeling.

If you’re not a volunteer, you don’t know what you’re missing . . . friendship, camaraderie, laugh-ter, wisdom, and self-esteem.

Volunteering is also an excellent way to network yourself during your career search. Everybody knows somebody looking for a job. People even fi nd their soul mates while volunteering.

If you want to fi nd out more, check out the South Okanagan/Similkameen Volunteer Centre and talk to Corinne Janow. She’ll point you in the right di-rection. Or if you want to volunteer in the health care fi eld, touch base with Kevin Andrews at South Okanagan General Hospital.

Another name comes to mind as we recognize volunteers, and that’s Shawn MacKinnon, who’s off to Japan this month to help in recovery operations after the recent earthquake. Now that’s taking vol-unteerism to the next level.

We leave you with this thought: If we threw all our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d soon take ours back.

Oliver, Osoyoos, Okanagan Falls: 1 year: $40.00 | 2 year $77.00 | 3 year: $112.00

Elsewhere in Canada: $55.00 per year | Single copy: $1.25Subscriptions are non-refundable

Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper AssociationMember of the British Columbia & Yukon Community Newspaper AssociationMember of B.C. Press CouncilVerified Paid Circulation by CCNAESTABLISHED AUGUST 25, 1937

Oliver Chronicle Staff Subscription Rates (Incl. HST)Susan Valentine Publisher - [email protected]

Lyonel Doherty Editor - [email protected]

Susan Valentine Sales representative - [email protected]

Alana Gulick Administration - [email protected]

Kelly Hall Advertising/Production - [email protected]

Editorial, photographs and advertising are copyrighted to the Oliver Chronicle and may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever or in any media without the express permission of the publisher.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Govern-ment of Canada through the Canadian Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

36083 - 97th (Main Street)P. O. Box 880, Oliver, B.C. V0H 1T0

TELEPHONE: 250-498-3711, 250-498-4416, Fax:

Published every Wednesday by Chronicle Newspaper Co.

Volunteers make world go roundEditor, Oliver Chronicle:

I would like to thank the Friends of the Oliver Library and the wonderful staff at the library for hosting the South Okanagan Similkameen Volunteer Centre on Tuesday, April 12.

This event was held in recognition of National Volun-teer Week, April 10-16, and to promote our new Volunteer Opportunities Directory. Thanks also to Oliver Daily News, Oliver Parks and Recreation, and Oliver Arts Council for their support, and to the Oliver Chronicle for showcasing some of the terrifi c volunteers in our town.

Volunteers in Oliver have altered the town in so many

ways over the years, building public amenities, support-ing social services, schools, churches, sports, the arts and more. Volunteers see opportunities and rise to challenges, bringing forth new talents and new faces with each en-deavour.

The volunteer centre supports non-profi t agencies and volunteers with workshops, learning events and informa-tion, encouraging the creation of the “ultimate volunteer experience.”

Rock on, Oliver volunteers. Corinne Janow,

Community Liaison,South Okanagan Similkameen Volunteer Centre

Children will fl ourish despite it allEditor, Oliver Chronicle:

Sometimes we are faced with things that we just do not like. Situations are put in front of us that have the poten-tial of changing the way we live our lives. Sometimes we have the opportunity to stop things from happening, like creating a committee (Save Oliver Schools) to rally against a school closure.

People may come against us and question why we even bother . . . the decision is as good as done. Others will com-mend us for our efforts. Sometimes we will win our cause. Sometimes we will lose.

We just won’t know until we have done all we can, and the vote comes down.

Sometimes we are faced with things we just have no control over. And then we are forced to deal with it and make the best of it.

When my father was 29 years old, a tree fell on him, leav-ing him a high level quadriplegic. I was born fi ve months after this accident. We never asked for this situation, and

I never asked to be raised in a family dealing with a major disability. My family was forced to make the best of a nega-tive situation, and we have been doing so for 32 years. I know what it takes to make a negative situation good.

If TEN does close its doors and my children are forced to attend OES with all of the other Oliver Elementary stu-dents, I know that they will fl ourish. I know this because I fl ourished as a child, even when the odds were against me. I am a better person today for challenges I faced as a child.

Sometimes we are faced with things that we just do not like. And sometimes we have the opportunity to choose to fi ght. TEN is on the table for closure. The fi ght is not over yet, as the decision has not been made. Until this decision is made, I will keep fi ghting because I feel that TEN is worth fi ghting for. If we lose – I know from experience that we will still succeed.

And if we win, well then we will know it is because we choose to fi ght.

Rachel Allenbrand, SOS Chair

Editor, Oliver Chronicle:

Harper didn’t spend all that money (both party and tax-payer dollars) in pre-election advertising to have an elec-tion snatched away from him.

If Harper didn’t want this election, you can bet that the opposition would have been heeded. In that case the bud-get would have included serious assistance on things like pensions and health care, and would have been a budget

that the other parties could have supported. Instead, in an obvious attempt to bamboozle voters, Jim Flaherty con-tinued sprinkling about the little tax boutique tokens that may sound good, look nice on paper, but don’t do a lot for us.

What we got is a budget cleverly designed to force the opposition to line up against it. Make no mistake, this is a Harper-engineered election we are heading into.

Merriene Duncan, Oliver

Election is Harper-engineered

Page 7: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle A7


Nobody knows if they are exempt of the curseThe war in Ivory Coast

is over, or so we are told. Former president Laurent Gbagbo, who clung to the presidency even though he only won 46 percent of the vote in last year’s election, has been dragged from his bunker after two weeks of battle that devastated the capital, Abidjan. President Alassane Ouattara, who got 54 percent of the votes, is in charge, and Gbagbo is under arrest, and all’s well that ends well.

Except that it didn’t end very well, did it? Indeed, it probably hasn’t ended at all. Ouattara owes a lot to the troops (the New Forces) that fought for him, and they will expect to be paid, mainly in military, police and government jobs. This will further alienate Gbagbo’s supporters (mostly Christian southerners), who already feel they have been occupied by a northern, Muslim army.

It’s not even clear that Ouattara or-dered the offensive that was carried out in his name: the New Forces have about ten semi-independent commanders. It’s even odds that the victors will simply overthrow Ouattara and take power themselves in the next year or two.

The militias that fought for Ggagbo are not fi nished, either. It was French fi repow-er that fi nally breached Gbagbo’s defences, even if New Forces soldiers made the actual

arrest. And although the French were operating un-der the United Nations fl ag, everybody in Ivory Coast knows that Ouattara has been the preferred candi-date of France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy for many years.

The French forces have put Ouattara in power, but now they have to withdraw rapidly. It looks bad for the former colonial power to boost an African regime into power, and the longer they stay the worse it will

look. But once they are gone, Ouattara may face resurgent southern militias that are still loyal to Gbagbo.

It is the West African Curse: rampant corruption plus chronic poverty plus eth-nic rivalry produce civil wars and insur-gencies that last for decades and kill hun-dreds of thousands of innocent civilians. It happened in Sierra Leone, it happened in Liberia, and it started to happen in Guinea last year (although that country may have stopped on the brink of the pit).

For a long time people thought Ivo-ry Coast was immune because of its far greater wealth: it was the world’s biggest cocoa producer and the economic centre of French-speaking West Africa. But the wealth never trickled down very far, and the ethnic rivalries were the same. In-deed, they were actually worse, because

the country is almost evenly split between Muslims in the north and Christians in the south.

East along the coast, the Curse hasn’t struck yet. Ghana, on Ivory Coast’s eastern border, has seen a few coups, but no massa-cres, and it is now a fl ourishing democracy with a respectable growth rate. Togo and Dahomey are not so lucky, but they have had no huge massacres either. And giant Nigeria has done surprisingly well, given that it has all the ingredients of a classic West African-style disaster.

Nigeria has oil, but most of the money has been stolen by a small elite class while the majority of Nigerians remain poor. It is even more deeply divided than Ivory Coast in ethnic and religious terms. Yet Nigeria never slid over the edge.

It has had many coups, and even when “democracy” was restored the elections were shamelessly rigged. The Muslim-Christian split dominates national politics, and sometimes leads to local massacres. It is a chaotic, abrasive, almost lawless soci-ety – but also a highly successful one, with 7 percent growth and a functioning if deep-ly corrupt democracy. It is, in a weird way, a very stable country.

The one major threat to its stability is the fact that its elections are getting more honest. When the outcome was decided in advance, the basic north-south deal was safe: a two-term Muslim president from the north would be followed by a two-term Christian president from the south, and then back again. That way, everybody who

mattered in Nigeria could count on getting their turn at the trough.

This time, however, the Muslim presi-dent died halfway through his fi rst term, and his Christian vice-president, Goodluck Jonathan, took his place. Jonathan likes the job so much that he is running for re-elec-tion as president, which enrages the north-ern, Muslim elite who think it should still be their turn.

To make matters more dangerous, this time new election rules and an offi cial who can’t be bought mean that the votes will actually be counted. Last weekend’s parlia-mentary elections saw the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP), the vehicle of both the northern and southern elites, lose ground dramatically to new opposition parties.

If Jonathan wins the presidential elec-tion this weekend (results are expected by Tuesday or Wednesday), he will face a parliament where the PDP majority is both narrow and fragile. If his leading rival Mu-hammadu Buhari, another PDP stalwart and a former president, should win, he will face exactly the same situation. The whole elite is losing power, and that can be very dangerous for democracy.

Ivory Coast has been going down for some time, and it may not have touched bottom yet. Nigeria’s 140 million people are on the way up, but they must still go through a tricky transition, and nobody knows if they are exempt of the curse.

Gwynne Dyer

ph: 250.498.3743 e: [email protected] w:

Tickets available from Tinhorn Creek by phone 250.498.3743

Spring Wine Festival Events at Tinhorn Creek

Thurs, April 28 - Sneak Peek PartyCrush Club Member are invited to Miradoro for a reception and a

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Sun, May 1 - Brunch at MiradoroEnjoy a specially created brunch menu by Executive Chef

Jeff Van Geest /

Page 8: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

A8 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Lyonel Doherty photos

Safety firstOwen Rigden is hooked up for fall prevention at the SOSS renovation site. At right is Construction Safety Officer Florinda Lorenzo, who is also a level three first aid attendant. Lorenzo is busy making sure people work safe at the site and is a firm believer of preventing injuries before they occur.

PUBLIC AUCTIONA large wholesaler of fine Persian & Oriental carpets is now insolvent. Their assets are ordered to be sold by auction.

All items are guaranteed as hand woven, or hand made with natural fibers.Consignments for liquidation from various cancelled exhibitions have been added to this auction





Terms: Cash, Visa, MC, Amex, and certified cheques. 15% Buyers premium plus HST in effect. Some items in advertisement are subject to prior sales/error/omissions. All sales are final. For more info call 604-229-1800. Licensed auctioneers.


Page 9: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle A9


‘Cops for Kids’ gives Oliver boy a big surprise

Lyonel Doherty photo

Anton Bogovic tries to remain calm as he receives a new laptop computer, courtesy of Cops for Kids. Shown from left are Sgt. Ken Harrington, Mayor Pat Hampson, and Cst. Janis Peters.

Ten-year-old Anton Bogovic from Oliver had the sur-prise of his life last week as he found himself in front of the Oliver RCMP detachment.

“You’re not afraid of the cops, are you?” asked Sgt. Ken Harrington, who loomed over the boy. “No,” Anton replied softly.

The next thing he knew Cst. Janis Peters placed a new laptop computer in his hands . . . for him to keep.

“It’s awesome,” he said rather stoicly. “I’ve never had a laptop before.”

The Grade 5 student is the recipient of the “Cops for Kids” charity, a foundation that assists children who have sustained serious trauma, illness or disability. Anton has muscular dystrophy, a muscle-weakening disorder.

The laptop will assist Anton with his school work when he attends Vancouver for medical treatments.

“It’s great. I can do more homework now (and play games).”

Peters, a former rider in the Cops for Kids charity ride, said she’s very happy that the money raised is staying lo-cally in Oliver.

Anton’s mother, Jodi Bogovic, was nearly speechless.“I’m absolutely amazed that there’s organizations out

there to help parents like me. It’s such a beautiful thing that there’s people there for us.”

Anton couldn’t wait to check out the new laptop, saying his first order of business was to play “Spore,” a computer game.

“Home work first,” Jodi interjected.

Lyonel DohertyOliver Chronicle


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Page 10: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

A10 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011


SPECIAL Grand Opening Events on Easter SundayApril 24th with FREE Refreshments and Donuts


Special on Steer Manure: $1.99 9 kg bag. This week only!

Get your garden soils ready to plant!April 20 - 26

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Cool spring weather gives time to till up the soil. Add manures and soil builders and get ready for some of the early season annuals such as Pansies, Snaps, Osteos, Cabbage, Lettuce etc.

Residents claim gravel pit berm compromised

An old dispute between a gravel pit oper-ator and mobile home owners has awoken the sleeping giant again.

Some residents of Country Pines Mobile Home Park in Gallagher Lake claim that parts of a noise and dust barrier between them and McIntyre Aggregates have been compromised.

Resident Harry Cummins said sections of the gravel berm appear to be lower, result-ing in more dust fi nding its way to the park.

“Every year there’s a huge pile of dust. They have a moral obligation to leave the barrier (that protects us).”

But McIntyre Aggregates spokesman Mike Barisoff said this barrier is not being removed or compromised.

“We’re not there to bother anyone. We’ve kept this waste product as a buffer zone to make things nicer.”

Barisoff said they are doing their best not to encroach on the neighbours.

An excavator operator on site confi rmed they are not removing the berm. He noted the concern stems from residents seeing him taking a little bit of gravel off the top.

“To the best of my knowledge, the integ-rity of the noise barrier has not been dam-aged.”

He pointed out that people (like himself) have to make a living.

Cummins agreed, but said the berm has deteriorated, and the sprinkler system used to curtail the dust is broken and hasn’t been used in fi ve years.

This dispute was addressed in court more than 10 years ago. As a result, special oper-ating conditions had to be met by McIntyre Aggregates, as outlined by the Ministry of

Energy and Mines. For example, the com-pany can only crush gravel on site from Oc-tober 1 to April 30 in any year, with a maxi-mum of 45 crushing days in that period. Operating hours are limited between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Dust must be controlled by suitable methods, and an undisturbed buffer of a minimum of 20 metres (from the top of the bank of Vaseux Creek) must be maintained. Noise levels must be minimized with sound alternating berms.

Cummins said crushing activity has tak-en place on weekends.

For park resident Marjorie McIntyre, the dust is what concerns her the most. She noted the company is supposed to put sprinklers on to keep the dust down, but that hasn’t happened yet.

“I’ll be glad when the crushing is done; that’s an awful noise,” she pointed out.

Resident Bob Hollingsworth said the gravel barrier is lower than it used to be. He noted his primary concern is the noise. “I have my place for sale, and people don’t want to buy where it’s noisy.”

Resident Ron Sheehan said the berm is lower in one spot, but what bothers him the most is his house shakes during pit opera-tions.

“You can defi nitely feel the vibrations when they work.”

Sheehan said if the company stacked up the lower areas of the berm it would help defl ect the noise and dust better.

Sheehan noted he totally understands where the Barisoffs are coming from. “It’s a living, and we’ve got to keep that in mind.”

But all this noise and dust affects other people.

Barisoff pointed out they won’t be crush-ing gravel for very long this month.

Cummins said his concern is not for the immediate future but for the years to come.

Lyonel DohertyOliver Chronicle

Dust and noise plague mobile home owners

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Page 11: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle A11


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Photo contributed

Artist Michael Jorden explains one of his works of art during a session in downtown Oliver. He says the new Oliver Art Gallery will result in art being a component of a tourism strategy that will enhance the community’s image as a visitor destination.

New Oliver Art Gallery to enhance cultural life

Oliver has a new public space devoted to the fine arts (painting, photography, sculp-ture, pottery and jewellery) at the Oliver Art Gallery.

Situated at 34848–97 Street, the gallery is the brainchild of a small group of local art-ists that wishes to maintain a commercial art presence in downtown Oliver.

The Oliver Art Gallery is an artist-run co-operative emphasizing quality art by South Okanagan artists who will staff the gallery daily and who will always be available to discuss art and art-making with visitors.

Spokesperson Michael Jorden, one of the artists says, “Arts and culture are part of the staff of life. The South Okanagan and the town of Oliver are fortunate in having an active and vibrant art community which

participates daily in the cultural life of the region.”

Jorden said the first act after securing space in the new gallery and starting reno-vations was to join the Oliver Arts Council as a participating member group.

“We believe the new gallery will comple-ment and support the many winery/art venues and other outlets that display and support local artists. We see art as one of the components of a tourism strategy that will enhance Oliver’s image as a visitor des-tination.”

Opening of the Oliver Art Gallery, which is currently undergoing extensive renova-tions, is slated for April 25. More informa-tion on gallery events can be obtained from the website at

Hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday (winter hours), and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day (summer hours).

ContributedTo the Chronicle

Bowering recipient of award

The West Coast Book Prize Society is proud to recognize former Oliver resident George Bowering as the recipient of the 8th annual Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Literary Excellence.

Lieutenant Governor Steven Point will present the award at the Lieutenant Gov-ernor’s BC Book Prizes Gala held in West Vancouver on April 21.

Bowering is Canada’s first ever Parlia-mentary Poet Laureate, an Officer of the Order of Canada and Member of the Order of British Columbia, two-time winner of the Governor General’s Literary Award and re-cipient of many other accolades.

Points said Bowering is one of our prov-ince’s most celebrated authors.

A long-time professor at Simon Fraser University, Bowering shared his talent and inspired new generations of young writ-ers. While his subjects are often deeply connected to his roots in BC, his poetry and prose has touched the lives of people around the world.

After serving as an aerial photographer in the Royal Canadian Air Force, Bowering

earned a BA in English and an MA in his-tory at the University of British Columbia, where he became one of the co-founders of the avant-garde poetry magazine TISH. He also studied, and later served as writer–in- residence at the University of Western On-tario. He has taught literature at the Uni-versity of Calgary, Simon Fraser University, Sir George Williams University (now Con-cordia University), and at universities in Berlin, Rome, and Aarhus. He continues to act as a Canadian literary ambassador at in-ternational conferences and readings.

A distinguished novelist, poet, editor, professor, historian, and tireless supporter of fellow writers, Bowering has authored more than 80 books, including works of poetry, fiction, autobiography, biography, and youth fiction. His writing has also been translated into French, Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, and Romanian.

Bowering will be stopping at the Oliver Library on Wednesday, April 20 at 7 p.m. as part of the BC Book Prize tour.

This special and prestigious evening is co-sponsored by the Friends of the Oliver Library and is free of charge. Book Lovers of all ages are encouraged to meet and min-gle with Bowering.

ContributedTo the Chronicle

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Page 12: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

A12 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Join usSaturday, April 23, 2011 at the

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Growers talk cherries, pests, revolving doors

Okanagan growers have been drop kicked into an often-quoted curse. With tempera-mental weather patterns that won’t honour the established seasonal script, invading pests searching for new crops to conquer, and a revolving door of BC agriculture min-isters at a period when continuity and ex-perience are essential—farmers are living in interesting times, indeed.

It is not a reassuring thought to orchard-ists like Greg Norton who are waiting for more clement signs of spring to jump start the growing season.

“When you see fresh snow on the hills around bloom time, you aren’t a comforted cherry grower, let’s put it that way. The soil temperatures are still very cold; they just over six degrees Celsius, so the trees aren’t pushing very hard. We are usually at eight-to-10-degrees by now, but we haven’t had the heat units so things are just put-ting along slowly and there is absolutely no feeder root movement at all.”

So Norton is banking on a spurt of heat to bring full bloom on quickly and minimize any chance of frost damage.

“Historically, it is at this stage of bud development right now that I’ve had the worst damage. At full bloom I might lose some to frost but not as many as I would if it occurred now. Buds seem to be more sensitive at this stage because the tissue is mostly water, and once the frost touches the outside of the bud it transmits very quickly right to the pistil because there is no air gap in there, no insulation.

“On the other hand it takes a pretty good frost to kill the pistil at full bloom because the petals actually protect it.”

Frank McLennan indicated his trees’ de-velopment is at least two weeks behind last year’s timeline but that could prove for-tunate. A severe frost on April 9, 2010 had a real impact on his orchard then, one he isn’t eager to repeat. So far he hasn’t.

“And it looks like nearly every bud has three cherries, so it could be a very sub-

stantial crop,” noted McLennan.However, growers have learned that

there are no absolutes in farming; the coins dealt always have a fl ip side. A late start might prevent frost damage, but a continu-ation of lower temperatures could curb bee activity when it is needed most. Moreover, a delayed harvest might be good from a marketing prospective—reaching stores after the Washington cherries have passed their peak—but the timing could be costly if the fruit ripens just as the spotted wing drosophila (SWD) populations explode in late August.

It is SWD’s next move that has growers on alert. Already aware of the pest’s stun-ning ability to infest an orchard in record time as harvest approaches, everyone is waiting to see how well the cosmopolitan little vinegar fl y over-wintered here and what spray regimens will prove effective in combating it.

Said grower/exporter Rick Machial, “SWD is going to be here forever because it has too many wild hosts to contain it. The key to this is everyone has to try to control it; there can be no bad neighbours.”

Norton agreed. “It is going to be a real exercise in communication because this is a regional pest. We have to be ready for any-thing and if we are ready we can deal with it. Make sure you know what you are going to do and what your strategy is for combat-ing SWD so when we get the trapping re-sults we can react.”

While better positioned than last year, most growers believe they still face a high learning curve with respect to degree-day models and population graphs. Spray tools like Entrust and Lorsban are at their dis-posal, but must be compatible with control measures taken against other historic pests such as cherry fruit fl y and black cherry aphid.

“We’re dealing with a pest where most of the existing knowledge comes from Japan and there are issues with translation,” not-ed Norton. “And there are differences be-tween our climate and theirs, so I’m having

Wendy JohnsonSpecial to the Chronicle

Continued on Pg A13...

Page 13: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle A13


Taxi owner wants licence

Plumbing permits added to services

The RDOS has added plumbing inspections and permits to the services provided by its building inspection depart-ment.

The RDOS included this new service by amending its Building Bylaw last month.

Plumbing permits will be issued for alterations or addi-tions to plumbing (water or drainage) systems. This does not include clearing of stoppages, repairing of leak or re-placement of fixtures up to $1,000 in value.

For more information on this and other building permit queries, visit under the building permits link.

a lot of trouble drawing parallels. Basi-cally we are dealing with a pest in a climate that isn’t necessarily recorded.”

He wants knowledgeable people working on the ground with producers and believes the push should be toward biological con-trols such as the parasitic wasp, bio-pesti-cides or even viruses such as the baculovi-rus.

“The long-term solution can’t be con-tinuous spraying. We have to be more cre-ative.”

Now another Asian pest is looking to un-pack its bags in the Okanagan. (see related story)

And growers like Norton see these in-

vasive species as a direct outcome of the cheap food policy that has been in effect for years.

“That’s the bottom line. People don’t re-alize just what we’re doing by bringing in all these cheap foods from far away places and what the long term effects will be. We are going backward in terms of pest man-agement and that’s a scary thought. We had such a nice balance out there.”

And that revolving door? “We now have our third agriculture minister in six months,” he spat in disgust. “There’s no way agriculture has a voice at the Cabinet table in BC.”

Growers want warming...Continued from Pg A12

Council isn’t being too hasty to grant Oliver Taxi a permanent licence because it wants to determine if there are other applications on the table.

On April 11 the Town considered a request by Oli-ver Taxi looking for a letter of support in its bid to re-ceive a permanent licence from the Passenger Trans-portation Board.

The taxi company has been operating in Oliver under a temporary licence that expires on July 9. President Subag Singh said

business during the initial months was slow, but over the last four months he has seen a steady increase, with many regular users. Feed-back has been positive from people who appreciate the service, Singh noted.

“If the need arrises we shall also apply to operate an additional vehicle dur-ing the anticipated increase in demand during the tour-ist season.”

Before agreeing on a let-ter of support, Councillor Michael Newman wanted to know if there were other applications for a taxi ser-vice in Oliver.

Mayor Pat Hampson said

this should be determined so that everyone has a fair chance.

Town staff will check on this with the Passenger Transportation Board.

Lyonel DohertyOliver Chronicle


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Various Publications








HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATION (BC Reg. 296/97, as amended)

The proposed amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (“OHSR”) pertain to the following items. There is an additional proposal for Part 16, Mobile Equipment.

• Part 4, General Conditions – relating to a third option to protect workers assigned to work alone in a late night retail premises. This third option is proposed because some employers have found it impracticable to install barriers to separate workers from the public or alternatively employ two workers on shift during late night hours;

• Part 6, Substance Specific Requirements; and consequential amendments to Part 20, Construction, Excavation and Demolition – relating to updating asbestos requirements;

• Part 6, Substance Specific Requirements – relating to updating the reference to the Pesticide Control Act;

• Part 9, Confined Spaces – relating to clarifying that atmospheric testing must be conducted by a qualified person;

• Part 12, Tools, Machinery and Equipment – relating to safer driven-feed mobile chipper requirements; • Part 14, Cranes and Hoists – relating to updating the reference to the Elevating Devices Safety Act;• Part 15, Rigging – relating to clarifying the correct number of wire rope clips to be used in wire rope splices;• Part 16, Mobile Equipment – relating to the requirement for trailer units with a dump box to have a

permanently affixed mechanical device capable of supporting the empty box in the raised position; • Part 16, Mobile Equipment – relating to permitting a worker riding on a rear-mounted work platform to

retrieve traffic cones when the vehicle is backing up;• Part 20, Construction, Excavation and Demolition – relating to new requirements that concrete pumps

and placing booms meet the requirements of CSA Standard Z151-09;• Part 23, Oil and Gas – relating to updating the reference to the Power Engineers and Boiler and

Pressure Vessel Safety Act;• Part 28, Agriculture – relating to the requirement for rollover protective structures on agricultural tractors;• Removal from the OHSR of the requirements for “prior approval” or “prior permission” before proceeding

with certain types of work or using certain work arrangements. The sections identified for change by identifying specific requirements or referencing standards are as follows: Part 5, Chemical Agents and Biological Agents, relating to extended work periods; Part 14, Cranes and Hoists, relating to chimney hoists; Part 19, Electrical Safety, relating to high voltage; Part 21, Blasting Operations, relating to mobile drill rigs;

• Removal from the OHSR of the requirements for “acceptable to the Board” before proceeding with certain types of work or using certain work arrangements. The sections identified are in Part 6, Substance Specific Requirements, and relate to: the removal of asbestos debris and acceptance from the Board; posting warning signs and acceptance from the Board; and monitors and alarms for equipment and machinery and acceptance from the Board.

PUBLIC HEARINGSYou are invited to provide feedback on the proposed regulatory amendments. Your views may be presented orally at the public hearings and/or submitted in writing. Please register if you wish to make an oral presentation at the public hearings by telephoning 604-232-7744 or toll free in BC 1-866-614-7744 prior to the hearing. Information on the proposed amendments and the public hearings, including details of registration/participation procedures, are on WorkSafeBC’s website at


Date LocationMay 3, 2011 Coast Inn of the North

770 Brunswick Street, Prince George, BCMay 10, 2011 Prestige Rocky Mountain Resort & Convention Centre

209 Van Horne Street South, Cranbrook, BCMay 12, 2011 Executive Airport Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre

7311 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BCMay 31, 2011 Best Western Kelowna Hotel & Suites

2402 Highway 97 N, Kelowna, BCJune 2, 2011 Coast Victoria Harbourside Hotel & Marina

146 Kingston Street, Victoria, BCSession Times: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

WRITTEN SUBMISSIONSThe deadline for receipt of written submissions is 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 3, 2011. Written submissions can be made online or via e-mail, fax, mail, or delivered at the public hearings during the session times.Online: via the WorkSafeBC website at www.worksafebc.comE-mail: [email protected]: 604-279-7599; or toll-free in BC: 1-877-279-7599Mail: Policy and Research Division

WorkSafeBC – Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C.P.O. Box 5350, Station TerminalVancouver, BC V6B 5L5

Grant money pays foremergency system

The RDOS has taken delivery of a mobile emergency communications system.

The equipment was made possible through grant mon-ey.

Communications is one of the key components to suc-cessful mitigation during any incident. When an event oc-curs it is difficult to predict if normal communications will be functioning due to natural dead spots in the terrain.

The RDOS is the lead agency for emergency manage-ment and believes that a functioning emergency com-munications system is now possible with the use of this equipment.

“We also believe that this additional equipment will prove to be invaluable to our emergency first responders and municipal partners by enhancing their communica-tion ability,” said RDOS Chair Dan Ashton.

ContributedTo the Chronicle

Page 14: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

A14 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Boutique de SoniaLadies Fashions


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Council briefsWeed control cost increased

The Town has approved a bylaw amendment to increase the cost (per household) of noxious weed control.

The bylaw, administered by the RDOS, will see a pro-posed increase of $1.17 per household to provide the level of noxious weed abatement that the board desires.

Municipal Manager Tom Szalay said residents may see additional noxious weed growth along 87th Street this summer because of recent land-clearing work by develop-ers.

Youth centre gets $15,000 in funding

Council approved increasing funding to the Oliver Youth Centre by $5,000 for a total of $15,000 this year.

Mayor Pat Hampson made the motion after seeing the work done for local youth by the Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs.

The additional $5,000 will come from structured grants.

Sorry, Bryan, no chalk scrawl

The Town has declined a request by Green Party candi-date Bryan Hunt to use chalk scrawl on Oliver sidewalks instead of election signs.

“We’ve never had a request like this before,” said Munic-ipal Manager Tom Szalay, noting this idea is more “green” conscious than signs.

Councillor Marji Basso said it’s an innovative way to pro-mote yourself during an election.

Councillor Jack Bennest said it’s not a bad idea if you re-strict it to chalk only.

“If you were a Green candidate, would you put up plastic signs?”

In the end, however, Council decided to not approve the request.

RCMP praised for crime fi ghting

Council believes the RCMP is going a great job in fi ghting crime and keeping citizens safe.

“Almost all levels of crime have diminished over the past 10 years,” said Councillor Michael Newman.

People who say that crime is out of control are “scare mongering,” Newman said.

Councillor Jack Bennest said he believes the RCMP is do-

ing everything possible to service their areas. Mayor Pat Hampson said there’s a level of transparency

now in the RCMP that the public hasn’t seen for years.Councillor Terry Schafer said the RCMP’s “most wanted”

list is dwindling, which shows how well social media works and how much of a positive difference it makes (through online tips from the public).

Youth Cares raises $600 for the hungry

Councillor Marji Basso reported that a recent fundraiser by Youth Cares resulted in $600 being raised for the “Har-vest for the Hungry” project.

The kids had to perform something very diffi cult to raise the money – they vowed to remain silent for 24 hours. Now that is tough. Parents with teenagers know how hard such a feat is. (Parents would probably pay good money to have this “vow of silence” on a monthly basis instead of annu-ally.) Pure bliss.

Councillor Jack Bennest said he vowed not to use Face-book for an entire weekend to prove that he wasn’t totally addicted to it. Keep telling yourself that, Jack.

Newman praised for composure

Councillor Terry Schafer praised fellow Councillor Mi-chael Newman for all his work on the street naming initia-tive.

“I commend Newman for the work he did chairing the meeting (on April 6) and maintaining his composure dur-ing the grilling session.”

Councillor Marji Basso said the process has been very transparent, and she encourages residents to keep in-formed.

Newman said the committee is ready to send something out that’s “almost perfect,” noting they are trying not to create anomalies.

Unsightly tour ‘leery’

Mayor Pat Hampson fi nds it “leery” going down the sides of people’s houses looking for unsightly properties.

But he doesn’t make a habit of it.Hampson said he recently conducted an unsightly prop-

erties tour to see how many messy places there are in town.“It (an unsightly property) is very subjective. Some

properties don’t qualify.”

Town gives thumbs up to Sloan for helicopter landings, take-offs

The Town has given permission to Adam Sloan of Ro-torworks Inc. to use the airport for landings and take-offs related to the proposed fl ight training school.

Council discussed the school’s business plans with Sloan at a closed meeting on March 28. Following that discus-sion, Council held a vote and passed a resolution approving Sloan to use the airport as a base for landings and take-offs.

The resolution was related to operations only, and did not involve any land lease agreement.

The proposed fl ight training school has prompted con-cerns from nearby residents worried about noise levels.

Sloan told the Chronicle there will not be a lot of hover-ing at the airport, and the hovering that would be done can take place at the northeast end of the airport, far from any residence.

“I am very conscious of my fl ying and always try to cause minimal disturbance to surrounding areas and will teach this airmanship habit to my students as well.”

Sloan said the company is good to go, and has the Town’s approval to start this fall. He noted they plan to host a pub-lic open house at that time.

Lyonel DohertyOliver Chronicle

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Page 15: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle A15


PARCEL TAX ASSESSMENT ROLLTAKE NOTICE that the Parcel Tax Assessment Rolls will be available for inspection at the TOWN OF OLIVER located at 35016 - 97th Street, Oliver, B.C., Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for following existing parcel tax rolls:

Rural Water Taxation (Bylaw 1050, 2003)Sewer Parcel Tax (Bylaw 991, 2001)Oliver Water Parcel Tax (Bylaw 1014, 2002)Local Improvement Frontage Taxes (Bylaws 782 and 1033)Tucelnuit Area Sewer Frontage Taxes (Bylaw 770, 1994)Fairview/Rockcliffe Area Sewer Frontage Taxes (Bylaw 791, 1995)Tucelnuit Area Water Service Extension (Bylaw 1064)Sawmill Road Water Service Extension Specified Area (Bylaw 1077)

A person who owns a parcel included on the parcel tax roll may request that the roll be amended respecting a matter referred to in section 205 of the Com-munity Charter, but only in relation to the person’s own property. A request for amendment in order to be considered for 2011 must be received in writing at the municipal office not later than 4:00 p.m., Friday April 30, 2011.

Heather PiotzManager of Financial Services/Collector

PO Box 638 Oliver, BC V0H 1T0 • Tel: 250.485.6200 • Fax: 250.498.4466

Lyonel Doherty photo

A lot at stakeThe Sabyan lot at the corner of 97 Street and 350 Avenue has undergone a transfor-mation. Heavy equipment operators changed the appearance by getting rid of the steep slope. Owner Adam Sabyan said he wasn’t happy with the way it was, so he’s cleaning up the site. He noted there is an interested party looking at the property.

Brown stink bug poised to pounce on everyone

The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) is looking to add BC to its list of summer homes and gardens. This latest Asian pest counts over 100 plant species on its preferred menu—everything from tree fruits, berries and grapes to vegetables and soybeans as well as shrubs.

After arriving on the US eastern seaboard about 10 years ago and moving at a rate of three miles annually it remained a manageable issue for peach and apple orchards until last year, when its population num-bers skyrocketed.

It is now in 27 states in-cluding Oregon and Washington and also causing problems in Ontario where it is invading homes as well as crops and over-wintering in sheltered areas.

According to the Ontario Ministry of Ag-riculture, Food and Rural Affairs, it is un-likely that the insect will be regulated in Canada because it is impossible to control its introduction pathways.

“The trouble with BMSB is it travels in

any kind of freight,” said cherry orchard-ist Greg Norton. “And the damn thing has little spikes on its feet and walks on the spikes so the chance of it picking up any spray residue on its toes and absorbing it while it feeds on the fruit is almost impos-sible.”

This large stink bug, with smooth ‘shoul-ders’ and white bands on its legs and antennae, sucks the juice from fruit leaving brown circles in the fl esh; the damage can often be confused with bitter pit. The damaged fruit later collapse while they are in cold storage.

Growers hope Ottawa is listening, because like spot-ted wing drosophila the brown marmorated stink

bug is an invasive species. But they won-der if any government will be there to help with the major challenges these pests pres-ent in food production.

As Norton pointed out, “This is just the beginning. When you think of the time, money and resources being spent on dro-sophila alone, it is ridiculous. And most of it is coming out of the pockets of produc-ers.”

Wendy JohnsonSpecial to the Chronicle

Growers hope Ot-tawa is listening, because like spotted wing drosophila, the brown marmorated stink bug is an inva-sive species.

Lady O’sFitness for Women

10:00 AM to 4:00 PM34844 MAIN STREET, OLIVER

Across from “Cantaloupe Annies”

Page 16: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

A16 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Lyonel Doherty photos

Quilts and beyondFeature artist Kathie Kirby (left photo) checks the detail in her work that was displayed at the “Quilts and Beyond” show at the Oliver Community Centre last Friday and Saturday. Approxi-mately 250 quilts were on display courtesy of members of the Double “O” Quilters. Kirby made the pheasant from a technique known as free motion thread painting, and the cow looking up at the pheasant was made by needle felting with wool roving. At right, Colleen Baptiste holds up a corner of her beautiful quilt depicting autumn with falling leaves. Her children gathered some leaves in the yard and traced them onto freezer paper, which gave Baptiste the inspiration to incorporate them into the quilt.

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Page 17: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011


Lyonel Doherty photo

Mayor Pat Hampson is seeking re-election because he has some unfinished business, such as completing phase 3 of the water twinning project and bringing the airport strategic plan to fruition.

Pat Hampson has some unfinished business(Incumbent Mayor Pat Hampson will be campaigning for

your vote this fall as he seeks re-election. He’s got some un-finished business, so we asked him about that.)

Q: What prompted you to jump into the lion’s den again?A: Specifically, there are several tasks I want to see

Council accomplish for the community and some of those cannot be completed in 2011. I was part of the team for-mulating those tasks and I want to see them to successful completion, which means committing to another term.

Q: What is the top issue on your “to-do” list? A: The most important project to see completed in 2011

is phase 3 of water twinning. The province refused our ap-plication to complete phase 3 in 2010, however, staff have already saved money from phase 2 and started some com-ponents of phase 3. We will still require a significant fed-eral/provincial contribution to complete the project and I intend to travel to Victoria with Area C Director Allan Pat-ton to solicit the new minister rather than attempting to plead our case at UBCM with only 15 minutes to talk.

Q: What are your other priorities?A: Completion of an airport strategic plan which will

guide us in what direction we should move to maximize the economic benefit of the airport; completion of the growth boundary plan in concert with Area C; a new ho-tel for Oliver, something which will offer accommodation at a reasonable rate for our visitors; confirm a new home for Oliver/Osoyoos Search and Rescue; and continued im-provements on Main Street to make the whole of Oliver a “must-see” town.

Q: With all due respect to mayoral hopeful Ron Hovanes, what do you bring to the table that he can’t? What edge do you have?

A: I have the advantage of a broad spectrum of commu-nity and work experience both in the Lower Mainland and small communities. Linda (my wife) and I have worked as members of volunteer groups in every community we have called home. I have been a blue collar worker as an appren-tice mechanic and a white collar worker in an insurance company. I’ve worked with no union representation as an armored car driver and with all the protection a union can offer as a firefighter in West Vancouver. I have 17 years experience in Squamish as a municipal department head running a 60-person fire department plus holding the po-sition of deputy emergency operations centre director be-fore finally retiring as an emergency service consultant.

In 1988 I joined an ad hoc group working to bring at-tention to juvenile firesetting. As a result of our work we convinced the Office of the Fire Commissioner that a pro-gram was needed and a Juvenile Firesetter Task Group was formed. I was contracted by the BC Forest Service as a liaison officer from 2001 until 2007 and was responsible for ensuring harmonious relations between First Nations and all emergency responders in the Coastal Fire Zone and Nakusp Fire Centre. In addition, I was one of the found-ing members and finally chair of the Squamish Restorative Justice Society.

Q: Are you happy with the direction council is going, or do you think change is needed?

A: I am very happy with the direction of Council; we have made what I consider significant progress in the past two years in several areas of governance. Some of our de-cisions may have seemed radical at the time but we saw the necessity to resume control of how tax dollars were being allocated by arms-length organizations. Our rela-tionship with the Osoyoos Indian Band is excellent and we meet regularly to discuss matters of mutual interest with our Band neighbours. As a Council, we think outside the

box and no idea is ignored. Most importantly we are intro-spective and are prepared to accept internal change where necessary.

Q: Anything new you want to address?A: I have developed an informal economic development

contract with John Powell, economic development officer for Okanagan Falls. This will allow the Town to contract his

services at no cost for small projects and I intend to bring forward a recommendation to Council that we budget for larger projects on an “as needed” basis in 2012. Council has aggressively supported local business while encouraging new development.

Q: How would you improve opportunities for youth in Oliver?

Continued on Pg B2...

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Page 18: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

B2 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011

TestatorIs a person who has executed a will

that is in effect at the time of their death.

...Solutions on Pg B12

CLUES ACROSS 1. Annualized percentage rate 4. Short term memory 7. Outward fl ow of the tide10. Sob loudly12. Minerals14. Integrated data processing15. Mountain spinach17. Animal fl esh18. Grapefruit & tangerine hy-

brid19. Language of No. India20. Below22. Angry23. Soviet Socialist Republic25. Blood-sucking African fl y28. Fusses31. Close by32. Blood pumping organ33. W. Samoan monetary unit34. Salmonella aftermath39. Counterbalance to obtain

net weight40. About pope41. 45th state42. Slips by45. Be suitable for48. Right angle building exten-

sion49. Chicken ___ king51. Azotaemias54. 55120 MN56. Cologne58. A thing or unit59. Ointment60. Actress Lupino61. 4,840 sq. yards62. Film spool63. For every64. NYSE for Honeywell65. Point midway between S

and SE

CLUES DOWN 1. Resistance unit 2. One rejected from society 3. E. Central African nation

4. Mexican hat 5. Arboreal plant 6. Unkind 7. XVIII 8. Bundle (abbr.) 9. Characters in one inch of

tape (computers)11. Computer screen material13. Retain a printing correc-

tion16. Booed and18. Implements21. To the same extent24. Swat26. Musically vocalized27. Before29. Used for easing the foot

into a shoe30. Supporting stalk34. Future destiny35. Relating to an oracle

36. Salespersons37. Opaque gem38. 3rd largest Italian city39. Vessel used for washing43. Birds of prey44. One bound in servitude46. 41st state47. Denotes substance is pres-

ent in the blood50. Administer an oil52. What you scratch53. Relating to aircraft55. Swiss river56. Weight = to 1000 pounds57. Lyric poem

A: Council is presently providing the Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs with $15,000 annually. The Parks and Recreation Soci-ety has hired a dynamic employee in Carol Sheridan; she is full of new ideas to engage both youth and adults. The new youth cen-tre at the Air Cadet hangar is successful and the staff report increasing youth at-tendance.

Q: What have been your accomplish-ments as mayor?

A: My main accomplishment so far has been to encourage participation and facili-tating dialogue amongst Council and staff. I am demonstrating a cooperative style of leadership and a commitment to advocacy for positive, social and economic change.

Q: Why should residents vote for you again?

A: I am a person of my word and I value my integrity. I value and support our staff and I place them in high esteem for the ex-pertise they bring to our community. Every person who speaks to me receives my un-divided attention and receives it regard-less of who they are. No idea or comment is summarily dismissed as having no merit, and recognition goes to the person or per-sons who presented the idea or comment. The present Council has achieved more positive change in the past two years than during my previous two terms as a council-lor and I believe I have been instrumental in making that change happen.

Mayor seeks another go ...Continued from Pg B1

Hike for Hospice fundraiser planned May 1 at Lions Park

Join in the fun and walk for a good cause on May 1 when the annual Hike for Hospice takes place at Lions Park.

Whether you walk by yourself or in a group, everyone is welcome. This is a fam-ily event organized by the Desert Valley Hospice Society.

The society was formed in 2006 to sup-port excellence in the delivery of end of life care. Its mission is to be rooted in the com-munity and by partnering with others they support and facilitate the provision of end of life services for people in the Oliver and Osoyoos areas.

“We are very excited to have Interior Savings lend us their support in helping

to make our annual hike a more successful event,” said Janet Shaw, society president.

She also stated that the society’s role is to provide support, encouragement and as-sistance to persons with a terminal illness and their families.

They also hold a wine and cheese auction in late November and by having these two main fundraising activities each year they hope to improve end of life care in the area.

Each year the Desert Valley Hospice So-ciety raises funds by hosting the Hike for Hospice event. Nearly 100 people partici-pated last year.

The goal is to exceed that number this year and anyone who is interested is en-couraged to join the family event and show up on that date. The hike begins at 1 p.m.

Carol Ann QuibellSpecial to the Chronicle

Please note that no chairs allowed at concerts. Blankets & cushions are welcome.

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Get Your Camera Ready... We Are Having A...

PHOTO CONTESTYou Could Win$7500Gift Certificate

The Oliver Chronicle is looking for you to submit an entry to our “2011 Oliver and Area Visitor’s Guide” Contest.

This year’s cover of the Visitor’s Guide will promote one of our owntalented citizens with their very own photo.

We are looking for a photo that “Promotes Oliver”.

You Could Win A $75.00 Gift Certificate to a local restaurant of your choice!!

Submission Deadline: Friday, May 6th

Contest Rules:1. Each individual is permitted

5 photo submissions.2. All photos must be submitted

digitally by email.3. Photos need to have a resolution

of 300 dpi.4. Please put “Photo Contest” in the

subject line of your email. Don’t forget to add your name and contact information with your submission.

5. Send your submission to:[email protected]

6. Winner will be announced in theMay 11th issue of the Chronicle.


Page 19: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle B3COMMUNITY NEWS


BOX 160, 35616 - 97th STREETOLIVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA V0H 1T0 | PH: 250.498.3451

* Please send your coming events to: [email protected] *

Interior Health recognizes volunteers at ceremonyAt 98, Kathleen Jacobs is a force to be reckoned with at

the bake table at Sunnybank Centre.As a spry volunteer, she’s also on the phoning commit-

tee.“I want to do it . . . I like it,” she told the Chronicle dur-

ing an Interior Health volunteer recognition ceremony at Nk’Mip Canyon Desert Golf Course on April 14.

Jacobs and other volunteers from McKinney Place and South Okanagan General Hospital were recognized for their work as part of National Volunteer Week.

Lorraine Unruh, acute area director for the South Okan-agan, thanked the many volunteers for making the health care system as good as it can be.

She quoted US news anchor Tom Brokaw, who said it was easy to make a buck, but a lot tougher to make a differ-ence. And the volunteers in Oliver defi nitely make a differ-ence in people’s lives.

Mayor Pat Hampson said volunteers are literally the backbone of everything the Town does. He noted they wouldn’t be able to achieve what they do without these dedicated people.

“Oliver is very lucky to have you.”Kevin Andrews, coordinator of volunteer services, paid

special tribute to Dot Cranston and Gordon Kingsfi eld, vol-unteer gardeners who make McKinney Place so beautiful. He also mentioned Victor Barnson, who volunteers about 1,000 hours a year at McKinney Place by helping with physiotherapy, the walking program, and bingo calling. He’s a real jack of all trades.

“He comes in every day with a smile on his face, and nev-er complains about anything. He truly makes a difference,” Andrews said.

In addition, he thanked the South Okanagan Health Care Auxiliary for making such a huge impact on people’s lives. And he called the volunteers with Meals On Wheels truly inspirational.

Lyonel Doherty photo

Victor Barnson (front left) and Dot Cranston are recognized for making a difference in people’s lives at McKinney Place. From left in back are acute area director of the South Okanagan Lorraine Unruh, coordinator of volunteers Kevin Andrews, SOGH adminis-trator Cindy Crane, and McKinney Place rehabilitation assistant Lucy Rathgeber.

Lyonel DohertyOliver Chronicle


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APR 20 - Oliver/Osoyoos Aktion Club meets, 6 pm at Kiwanis Manor. 34822-99 St. Call 250-495-6617.APR 20 - Dance with Paul & friends at senior centre at 1:30 pm to 4pm. Call 250-498-6142.APR 23 - Osoyoos Easter Festival, 8am to 2 pm at Town square on Main street. Pancake breakie at 8 am. Entertainment for all ages. Easter egg hunt, Parade at 11am. Call 250-495-4008.APR 26 - Kiwanis club of Oliver meets at noon for lunch at comm. centre. Potential Kiwanians welcome. Call 250-498-0889.APR 29 -30 SOAP Players present � e Odd Couple ( female version) by Neil Simon. OSS minitheatre, 8 pm. Tickets at Sundance Video(Oliver) Your Dollar Store ( Osoyoos) or at the door. Call 250-498-3597.APR 30 - Breakfast & fashion show with the Soroptimists at McKia’s Rest. in Best Western in Osoyoos. Call Imperial O� ce Pro in Osoyoos for ticket pur-chase.

MAY 1 - Naturalists McIntyre Canyon walk with Greg Byron. 2.5 km each way. Return to SORCO for tour and lunch. More hiking above SORCO a� er lunch. Moderate to strenuous. Meet at CPR station at 9:30 am. Call 250-495-5018.MAY 1 - Children’s Wish Ride. Spon-sored by the Oliver Riding Club. To join or donate call Debbie at 250-498-4326 or Janice at 250-497-6437.MAY 3 - Lioness meeting. Call Linda at 250-498-3710.MAY 4 - Oliver/Osoyoos Aktion Club meets 11 am at Kiwanis Manor. 34822-99 St. Call 250-495-6617.MAY 6 - 7 SOAP Players present � e Odd Couple ( female version) by Neil Simon. SOSS theatre, 8 pm. Tickets at Sundance Video(Oliver) Your Dollar Store ( Osoyoos) or at the door. Call 250-498-3597.MAY 7 - Madden/Ripley lakes with Marianne Hutterli. Moderate to more strenuous if both lakes are visited. Meet at CPR station at 9 am. Call 250-498-2743.

Page 20: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

A4 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011


School trustee breaks silence in SOS campaign

Carol Ann Quibell photo

Oliver school trustee Tamela Edwards speaks during the meet-ing, while SOS chair Rachel Allenbrand looks on.

More than 100 concerned residents met the Save Oliver Schools commit-tee last weekend to discuss the poten-tial closure of Tuc-el-Nuit Elementary School.

The audience was given an expla-nation and descrip-tion of the funding protection provided by the provincial gov-ernment because of its relation to the budget and the closure of TEN by School District 53. There is no guarantee that funding protec-tion will be provided in the future and should not be relied upon for configuring school budgets.

The audience was told that the district’s projections of enrolment numbers are lower than the committee’s figures, which has used the statistics as projected by the overall numbers in BC.

Concerns raised regarding the clo-sure of TEN include the possibility for the need for portable classrooms if there is any future growth in student population. There was also a sugges-tion that there will be limited quiet space for special needs, counselling and individual coaching. Traffic con-gestion for pickups and drop-offs as

well as forcing 100 students to cross the busy highway are major concerns.

“It’s not a done deal,” was the mes-sage given by each speaker including Ron Rachinski, the South Okanagan Similkameen Teachers’ Union presi-dent, mayor Pat Hampson, school trustee Tamela Edwards, and the CUPE representative.

“The value of clo-sure is less than the money they are look-ing for and does not make financial sense,” said Hampson, who also wrote a letter to the Ministry of Educa-tion on behalf of the Town of Oliver in sup-port of the SOS com-mittee. He personally feels strongly that the potential closure cre-ates more disruption than benefits, but he

also asked the audience to be guided by the executive and reminded them that calmness prevails.

“Losing the funding protection is not a guarantee, giving the trustees a difficult job,” said Rachinski, suggest-ing that the government and not the school board or the trustees should be blamed. He asked that everyone attend the official meetings planned and also lobby their MLA by writing letters so the trustees are not forced into making the difficult decision.

Edwards responded to questions

asked by the audience and attempted to reduce some of the misconceptions regarding potential portables and staffing, and also reminded them that 2001 was the last year transportation funds were increased even though costs have gone up.

Public school funding is allocated largely using a student-based funding system, with the majority of funding allocated on an full-time equivalent basis. Funding protection was a sup-plemental grant provided to boards of education to address the variable costs associated with enrolment de-cline.

“If government refuses to sit down and fix the financial formula they have no business in refusing fund-ing,” stated Edwards, saying this was her own personal belief.

She also reminded the audience that hard decisions were made based on the facts known at that time and it is premature to assume a decision has already been made based on the knowledge that funding is still avail-able.

Edwards was adamant that people should be careful as to what is being said or written and asked that people make sure their concerns are legiti-mate and not based on anger.

A clear message was sent to all in-volved that the fight to keep TEN open is not over.

The school board is hosting its first public meeting on this topic on Wednesday, April 27 at 7 p.m.

Carol Ann QuibellSpecial to the Chronicle

Trustee Tamela Ed-wards was adamant that people should be careful as to what is being said or written, and asked that people make sure their concerns are legitimate and not based on anger.





Happy Birthday!!Wish your family member or friend a Happy Birthday or Wedding

Anniversary in the Oliver SuperValu Birthday Corner.

Call the Oliver Chronicle at 250-498-3711 before noon on Friday tohave your wish published at no charge the following week.

Look Who Is

Celebrating This


Congratulations To Sarah Nowicki

Sarah is this week’s cake winner!

Jean RippelApril 18thFrom your



April 19thLove your

Mom and Sisters

Leanne Nash

April 22ndFrom your Friends

at the Chronicle

Sarah NowickiApril 23rd

Age 14From Mom, Dad & Travis

Cole JacobsApril 23rd

Age 6Love Dad, Teri and Caleb

Jeremy McRaeApril 25th

Age 8Love Mom and the Kids

From The Bakery... Fresh Produce...

SLICED BACONNo NameRegular or Low Salt500 g

$149100 g

BEEF SAUSAGEFresh • Club Pack$4.39 kg



GOUDA CHEESEMild • Medium • OldBy the Piece $249

100 g

DINNER BUNSOvenfreshMade Fresh Daily“From Scratch”

Order yourEaster

Centrepieces Starting at... $16.99

• Easter Lillies• Planters• Roses • Gift Plants• BouquetsCall Direct 250-498-2636 Ext. 1

From The Meat Department...

Fresh From The Deli...

BANANASDel Monte • Premium$1.41 kg


TURKEYS• Frozen• Utility• $2.18 kg 99¢





We Are OPEN Easter WeekendGood Friday, April 22nd 8am - 7pmSaturday, April 23rd 8am - 7pmEaster Sunday, April 24th 8am - 7pm

Page 21: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle B5


We have a test that will quickly determine if your pet has been exposed to Heartworm disease. Any dog that has not been tested in the past three years or has missed some heartworm medication should be tested this year.

Testing starts April 18th, 2011


It is time to start heartworm prevention. We have monthly flavoured tablets as well as topical medication which should be given between June 1st and November 1st, 2011. If one is unable to remember the monthly prevention we have season long protection available as one safe and easy injection. The injection can be given between April 18th and July 20th, 2011.

Please phone the Oliver Veterinary Hospital @ 250-498-4575 to order your monthly heartworm preventive medication, or phone to book an appointment for the heartworm injection.

Savvios hosts charity event

Staff photo

A worthy cause The troops from Buy-Low Foods are all smiles as they serve up tasty hotdogs and ham-burgers over the lunch hour on Saturday during their fundraiser for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. With a non-stop lineup for hours, they made the Society a pile of cash.

P u r ve y o r o f Q u a l i t y


i s c e l e b r a t i n g 2 5 Y E A R S i n o u r 1 9 1 1 He r i t a g e B u i l d i n g

a t 1 2 F r o n t S t . , P e n t i c t o nMONDAY - SATURDAY

9:35 AM TO 5:25 PM (250.492.3011)

P u r ve y o r o f Q u a l i t y


i s c e l e b r a t i n g 2 5 Y E A R S2 5 Y E A R S2 5 Y E A R S2 5 Y E A R S2 5 Y E A R S2 5 Y E A R S2 5 Y E A R S2 5 Y E A R S i n o u r 1 9 1 1 He r i t a g e B u i l d i n g

a t 1 2 F r o n t S t . , P e n t i c t o nMONDAY - SATURDAY

9:35 AM TO 5:25 PM (250.492.3011)

Savvios Family Restaurant is hosting an Easter charity fundraiser for the pediatric department at Penticton Regional Hospital.

The “Have a Heart Radiothon” will be held on Sunday, April 24 at 2:30 p.m. The event will feature a barbecue (with the best

lamb in the country), belly dancers, and the voice of local performer Mikie Spillett.

Spillett said this spectacular Easter cel-ebration will help fund an incubator.

For more information and tickets, visit Savvios or call 250-498-4418.

Oliver’s Easter egg hunt is being held at the community park on April 23.

In addition to egg hunting, this special event for children ages three to 12 will feature face painting, craft stations, an in-fl atable “crawl zone” and a visit from the Easter bunny.

New this year is the Oliver Business As-sociation’s Easter Bingo Scavenger Hunt. Scavenger Hunt Bingo cards will be avail-able at the Oliver Community Centre start-

ing at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 23 and must be returned to the Oliver Bakery by 2:15 p.m. to be entered to win great prizes.

Look for participating businesses that have the yellow poster in their windows. Contact Maureen at [email protected] or Tracy at [email protected] for more information about this portion of the Oliver Easter celebrations.

Easter egg hunt April 23

All branches of the Okanagan Regional Library will be closed from Good Friday, April 22 through Easter Monday, April 25. Normal operating hours will resume at all branches on Tuesday, April 26. During the

closure, all book bins will be locked and items are not due over the closure period. Any items damaged or missing as a result of being left outside of branches will be the customer’s responsibility.

Library hours for Easter

Page 22: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

B6 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011




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Brandon Abel Cel: 250-498-9133

Page 23: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle B9

COMMUNITY NEWSNEWSa personalizedschool ring!

Brouwer wined, dined

Keira Faye Bohnet arrived April 9th, 2011 in Kamloops to Rachel (nee Bicknell) and Evan Bohnet. Pround grandparents are Floyd and Julie Bohnet of Savona, and Len and Jacquie Bicknell of Oliver.

Levi Robert Allen Scafe was born in Penticton Regional Hospital February 26th, 2011 to proud parents Shawna (nee Bicknell) and Conor Scafe of Princeton. Proud grandparents are Len and Jac-quie Bicknell of Oliver, and Barb and Gord Scafe of Salmon Arm.

Keira Faye Bohnet Levi Robert Allen Scafe

On Saturday, April 16, Ted Brouwer, a long-time resident of Oliver was recog-nized by the South Okanagan Winery As-sociation for his noteworthy contribution to and accomplishments with the British Columbia wine industry.

We all tend to take for granted that the Okanagan is known for its wine industry, prosperous vineyards and award winning wines. It wasn’t always that way. Thanks to many visionary people, the wine industry has not only fl ourished in this area, it has placed the Okanagan on the world’s map as a place of importance in regards to grape growing and wine production.

One of those visionary people is Ted Brouwer, an immigrant from Holland who in 1968 became the project manager for Inkameep Vineyards under a program for economic development. He worked with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and

was instrumental in the development of the Inkameep Winery project.

In addition to the management and de-velopment of the vineyard he served as a director with the Association of BC Grape Growers, was involved in promoting agri-cultural education in the South Okanagan and served as an advisor to the director for the Regional District of the South Okana-gan-Similkameen in relation to land use, ir-rigation and water pollution prevention for grape growers. He has worn many hats and without his involvement and dedication the grape industry would defi nitely not be where it is today.

“It is an honour,” said Brouwer when speaking with him just before he left for the event. He is proud to be this year’s Hon-ouree at the Banee 2011, a weekend event where South Okanagan winery owners, winemakers and guests met and enjoyed tasting local and international wines, good food and each other’s company.

Ted Brouwer was the man of the hour at a recent ceremony recognizing his contribution to the BC wine industry.

Carol Ann Quibell photo

Carol Ann QuibellSpecial to the Chronicle

Directory of ReligionsLIVING WAY

CHRISTIAN CENTRElive * laugh * dream * love

River Rd. & Hwy 97 - 3 miles north of Oliver

Pastors Mark & Rae PankratzSunday Service



OLIVER ALLIANCEJust north of town on Hwy 97

Lead Pastor: Jeremy CookAssociate Pastor: Steve McLeanPastor of Seniors: Henry Wiebe

Sunday Service 10:45 a.m.Kids FORCE & Adult Sunday school at 9:30

a.m.Nursery care available during the service.


Office : 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Mon. - Fri.


On 119 St. off of 350th Ave.Pastors Cameron

& Margaret OgilvieSunday Services:

Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m.(includes Children’s Church)

Wed. 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study at the Church

250.498.4020 (home)250.498.4434

PARK DRIVE CHURCH36672 - 79th St., Oliver

Sunday MorningWorship Service at

10:00 a.m.Affiliated with Pentecostal

Assemblies of CanadaPhone: 250.498.2322

Office hrs: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tues. - Thurs.


(Anglican/Episcopal)Welcomes you!

34660 - 103 St., OliverRev. Patrick Reid

Sunday Service: 11:00 a.m.

Information: 250.498.2559


All are welcome10450 - 346th Ave.Pastor: Oscar Halvorson

Services Saturday:Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m.Worship Service: 11 a.m.



All are welcome9915 - 358th Ave.

Minister: Ann WhiteServices Sunday:

Sunday School & ChurchService: 10 a.m.250.498.2781


CHURCH30850 Black Sage Rd.

Sunday Worship Gathering:9:45 a.m.


ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH (LCC)342nd Ave. at Airport Rd.

Holy Thursday: Communion Service: 1 p.mGood Friday Service: 11 a.mEaster Celebration: 11 a.m

Pastor Darren SiegleDivine Service: 11 a.m. Sunday

Sunday School: 11 a.m. during Worship ServiceAdult Bible Study: 9:45 a.m.

Page 24: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

B10 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Smile of the week


Charles and Judy love making a big difference

Charles and Judy GurrPhoto contributed

When and where did you begin volunteer-ing?(Charles) I grew up understanding volun-teering was an honour and a privilege; it was a family value. I have always invested my time to attempt to make a difference. Now that Judy and I are retired and have more time, we are attempting to make a larger difference. (Judy) I volunteered at a hospital in Comox, BC before landing a job there. I spent a lot of time reading to the folks, putting polish on the ladies’ nails and taking people for a walk. Then on to the in-termediate care facility a few years later,

which also turned into a job, as an activity director.

Where do you volunteer now?(Judy and Charles) SORCO and the Burrow-ing Owl Society. We took the International Wildlife Rehabilitation course to help care for and treat injured birds at SORCO. This also helps manager Ken Fujino have a day off. At the burrowing owl fi elds, we feed the birds that are being introduced and main-tain their burrows. (Charles) I also volun-teer at the Oliver and District Heritage So-ciety Museum and Archives.

What do you enjoy most about where you currently volunteer?(Judy) Of course, caring for the birds. I’m also interested in learning about the birds’ likes and dislikes; they all have their own personalities. But what I love most is the caring for the birds’ needs and getting them healthy enough to release back to the wild. (Charles) I need adventure and peo-ple in my life and these needs are met by the projects I get involved in, and with the interaction with the new and like-minded people I meet.

What do you expect from a great volunteer experience?(Charles) That I personally feel some suc-cess and feel valuable. I also like parties, games, dancing in the street and the feeling that I made a positive difference in some-one’s life.

What was your best ever experience as a vol-unteer?(Judy) While volunteering in the interme-diate care facility, I refused to give up on a lady who wanted nothing to do with any-one; she often threw things at me when I came into her room. Over months of read-ing to her, one day she got up out of her chair to sit beside me, and said, “Thank you.” She hadn’t spoken in years. She never threw things again. At SORCO I fell in love with a three-week old great horned owl chick, “Oban.” After months of feed-ing, caring, teaching him to hunt, etc., he was ready for release. At the release site, he looked right into my eyes for a few mo-ments and I got a huge smile on my face. “I love you, too, Oban, enjoy your freedom.” And off he fl ew.

Who inspired you to volunteer?(Charles) My parents were the fi rst to share the joy and values of volunteering, but all the hundreds of people who offer them-selves to the world are my mentors.

What would you say to people who aren’t sure about volunteering?(Judy) I fi nd it so rewarding to help those in need, and I’m thankful I have the time - just try it. (Charles) You are a unique individual and need to protect that. Ask questions and ensure your life values match those of the area that you are considering volunteering your time in. Be very clear as to the level of responsibility. And don’t burn yourself out.

Where do you think more volunteers are needed in Oliver?(Judy) Charles and I are new to Oliver but I think volunteers are needed in most areas, especially the care facilities, hospitals and SORCO. (Charles) I believe that, as citizens of the Oliver area, each person has a right and a responsibility to offer time, talent and treasure (tithe) into this area’s well-being. The joy is available everywhere.

If you could volunteer, at no personal cost, for anything in the world, what would it be?(Charles) There is always a cost, either in time, money or experience, but that is the point. When you can buy into doing some-thing that is emotionally challenging and physically costly, you are now a part of that endeavour.

What would your ideal volunteer recogni-tion event look like?(Judy) A community barbecue event could be held for all volunteers in a local park.

Page 25: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle B11

Naomi Garrish and her team of Shoppers Drug Mart Pharmacists are here to answer your questions and help you and your family achieve the best health possible.

Here for you when you need us.

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our community.”






We would like to thank you for your continued loyalty and we hope you will enjoy this exclusive offer.

**Original coupon must be presented at the time of prescription fill along with your personal Shoppers Optimum Card®. Offer is valid on or before July 3rd, 2011. Prescription must be filled on or before end of business day July 3rd to receive points. Coupon is non-transferable. The collection of points for prescription purchase may vary by province and is governed by provincial governments, provincial regulatory authorities and third party insurance plans. Excludes narcotics. No cash value. This coupon will not be replaced if lost, stolen, damaged, or used without permission. No facsimiles. Shoppers Drug Mart reserves the right to dishonor and confiscate any coupon which has been copied, altered, forged, or obtained through unauthorized sources and to cancel, suspend, amend, or withdraw this offer without notice in the event this occurs or for any other reason. Offer valid only in Shoppers Drug Mart at 9151 350th Avenue, Oliver, BC V0H 1T0 and 1260-34651 97th Street, Oliver, BC V0H 1T0.

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*Points are issued according to the purchase of eligible products. Excludes narcotics. The collection of points for prescription purchases may vary by province and is governed by provincial governments, provincial regulatory authorities and third party insurance plans. Void where prohibited by law. Some conditions apply. See store for details. ®911979 Alberta Ltd.


Page 26: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

B12 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011



has the following openings for the 2011/2012 season:-Tu/Thur. 3 yr. old non reli-gious (morning) : 3 spots.-Tu/Thur. 3 yr old Christian (afternoon) : 5 spots.-M/W/F 4 yr. old non reli-gious (morning) : 0 spots.-M/W/F 4 yr. old Christian (afternoon) : 5 spots.To register call Mrs. K at 250-485-2439. 43p2


Nicole Lawton, returns May 2. Available for afternoon appointments. Call 250-498-2005. 43p2

ROYAL LEPAGE Shelter Foundation Na-tional Garage Sale. 8 am to 2 pm. May 14 in the Oliver Place Mall parking lot. All proceeds go to the local Women’s Shelter and vio-lence protection programs. If you have any gently used (or new) items to donate, please call 250-498-6222 to arrange pick up or delivery. 43c4



will be holding its ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, 11:30 am, April 27, 2011. 35025 - 99 St. Oliver, BC. 43c1


Parents interested in en-rolling their child for 2011 school year in K-7, F/T Kin-dergarten Sept. 2011, Call 250-495-3549 (school), 250-495-5077 (home), or email: [email protected] 37ctf


2002 YELLOW FORD ES-CAPE. 4x4, AC, CD w/USB and AUX. Roof rack and tow pkg. Well cared for, good and clean inside and out. $10,300 OBO. Call 250-498-1137. 42f2

1991 PLYMOUTH SUN-DANCE good tires, $600. Call 250-498-9274. 43f2


GOLDSTAR FRUIT CO. needs 13 F/T seasonal work-ers for packing fruit. June 27 to end of Sept. 2011. $9.28 hr. Oliver, BC. Call 250-498-9777. 40v4

KHELA ORCHARDS LTD. in Oliver, BC needs 17 F/T seasonal farm workers. Start June 20, 2011. 7 work un-til end of August, 2011. 10 work until end of Septem-ber, 2011. $9.28 hour. Call 250-498-0127. 41v3

ATHINA’S DESERT DAY SPA is looking for full time/part time qualified estheti-cians, spa practitioners, and massage therapists to join our team. Must be will-ing to work hard, set goals for yourself, and be self-motivated. Students in the esthetics program are wel-come to apply. Please drop off resume & cover letter in person at Athina’s Located at 34214 Hwy 97, Oliver, BC. 42c2

THE OLIVER AND DIS-TRICT HERITAGE SOCI-ETY invites applications for the position of Museum and Archives Assistant for the term May 24 to September 2, 2011. This exciting oppor-tunity will introduce the suc-cessful candidate to several areas in the care and pre-sentation of museum and archives holdings. this posi-tion is dependent on funding through the Young Canada Works program, and appli-cants must meet eligibility under that program. Skills sought:1) Data management using both analog and digital sys-tems and programs2) Videotape, interview and video editing skills3) Research and problem solving skills.4) Communication skills, in-cluding public presentation.5) Ability to work well with others.

Ideally the candidate will be enrolled in a post-secondary program in a field consis-tent with the mission of the ODHS. A drivers license and access to a vehicle would be an asset. Wage: $12 + 4% vacation pay. Please submit applications to:Darryl MacKenzie, [email protected] or call 250-498-0490. 42c3

PINE BLUFF MOTEL is looking for part time, sea-sonal housekeepers. Experi-ence preferred but not nec-essary. Apply in person or submit resume to:[email protected] or call 250-498-3377. 42c3

THE MAPLE LEAF MO-TEL INN TOWNE requires CHAMBERMAIDS imme-diately. $10 to $12 hr., de-pending on experience. Please apply in person with a resume. Seniors welcome. 43c1

WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP VULNERABLE YOUTH?ARC Programs is accepting applications from couples with the aptitude to provide care to youth with behav-ioural challenges, with the intent to support these youth over the long term and on into their independence.The live-in caregivers will provide supervision, sup-port and individualized care for one youth as a member of a collaborative case man-agement team. Caregivers will be provided excellent compensation, scheduled respite, accommodation, with ongoing training, con-sultation, and extensive sup-port services for both the youth and caregivers. The caregivers will be part of a dynamic community based agency, with extensive ex-perience supporting care-givers to work with high-risk youth in care of the Ministry for Children and Family De-velopment. Applicants will be subjected to an extensive screening process, including a crimi-nal record check. ARC Pro-grams is an equal-opportu-nity employer, promotes the diversity of our workforce, and requires caregivers and employees to demonstrate cultural competence and sensitivity to the diversity of all populations of the com-munities we serve. Appli-cants must have a current BC Drivers License, and a sound personal vehicle. Please submit a resume and letter of application, describ-ing your suitability to pro-vide family-based care for children and youth, to : ARC Programs, Attention Patrick McIntosh, 513 Bernard Ave, Kelowna, BC, V1Y-6N9. 43v2

K/M ORCHARDS needs 2 F/T seasonal farm workers. May 1 to Oct. 31, 2011. Oli-ver, BC. $9.28 hr. Call 250-462-8241. 41p3

WALNUT BEACH RESORT at 4200 Lakeshore Drive in Osoyoos, is now accept-ing resumes for the follow-ing positions: F&B servers, cooks, dishwashers, house-keepers, house/bell per-sons, front desk and secu-rity personnel. Please e-mail your resume to: [email protected] to apply. 42c3

DRIVERS WANTED - Oliver taxi. Class 4 required. Call Subag 250-535-0137. 41p3

SINGH AND DHILLON OR-CHARDS, needs 2 F/T sea-sonal farm workers. July 1 to Sept. 30,2011. $9.28 hr. Oli-ver, BC. Call 250-485-0146 or 250-498-1836. 42v3

KARWASRA FARM need 2 F/T seasonal farm work-ers. June 15 to end of Sept. 2011. Oliver, BC. $9.28 hr. Call 250-498-0712. 42p3

KEWAL MANN OR-CHARDS needs 2 full-time seasonal workers from May, 2011 to end of November, 2011 in Oliver, BC. $9.28 hour. Call 250-498-9413. 43v3

OSOYOOS HUSKY needs - Cook, 3 to 4 afternoon shifts per week. Wages depend-ing on experience. Apply in person to Diane or Reena with resume. 43p4

0729928 BC LTD. needs 2 F/T seasonal farm workers. May 1 to Nov. 15. $9.28 hr. Oliver, BC. Call 250-498-0912. 43p3


WATKINS PRODUCTSFor more information or a catalogue, phone Inez & Ken 250-498-4450. 40p13

MARY KAY - SKIN CAREFinally, skin care that’s made for you. Call Margaret Ogilvie at 250-498-4020.Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. Jul01/11



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• Full Bobcat / Augering Service

• Decks

• Lawn Maintenance

• Snow Removal

• Pruning and Trimming

• Lawn and Yard Prep

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Page 27: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle B15

ORGANIC materials and top soil. Drott 40 HOE - $7500.00 OBO. JCB HOE - $7500.00 OBO. 1994 Ford F350 diesel 14’ cube van $5500.00 OBO. Call 250-260-0604. Ask for Greg. 41p3

EXCELLENT horse hay. Timothy, orchard grass mix, alfalfa grass mix. $7 per bale. Call 250-446-2080. An-archist Mtn, Osoyoos. 40p9

EDGING CEDARS - buy direct from grower. 6 ft - 10 for $200. We deliver. Call Budget Nurseries - toll free 1-866-498-2189 37vtf

ALFALFA – grass/hay on Road 18, in Oliver. $8/per bale. Call 250-498-2918. 1mctf

MAYTAG W/D, $650. Por-table dishwasher, $400. Kitchen table set, $75. Lawn mower $75. Call 250-498-6744. 42p3

SHOPRIDER Trailblazer scooter. Includes awning, charger, operator manual. Used very little. Cost new, over $5,300. Asking $3,000. Call 250-689-7787. 43f1

MOVING SALE OSOYOOS.Bdrm suite, table /chairs with matching hutch, treadmill, storage cupboards, shelv-ing units, coffee table, end tables, matching sofa table, office chair, garden cart, fil-ing cabinet, silk Christmas poinsettias, Christmas tree, patio bar & stools. 43v1

RENO SALE- Maple hard-wood flooring. 1272 sq. ft. $2,500. OBO.- Slate Tiles (gray, 1 ft.) Ap-prox. 420 sq. ft. $1,000 OBO.Kitchen Granite - 2 full sets. Each set includes:3 - 9’ sheets of counter top, back splash and 44” x 62” island. $1,500 each set or both for $2,500 OBO.- Frigi-daire Stove. White, new, only used 10 times. $250. OBO.Call Jamie 250-498-5598. 42p2

6’x8’ UTILITY TRAILER $100.00 OBO. Call 403-808-2405. 43p1

ROOM air conditioner, 12000 BTU, practically new w/ full one year warranty incl. Cost new $400. Asking $200.L.H. golf clubs, 3 woods #3,4,5,5,7,8,9, wedge 2P, extra new balls -$100.Moving dolly - $ 25.00. Call 250-498-2560. 43p2

INVACARE Panther LX-4 scooter. Includes char-ger, operating manual and video. Used very little. New cost $3,900. Asking $1,500. Call 250-689-1187. 43f1

1986 - 24 ft. TravelAire Class “C” motor home. New awning, fridge, roof and air. Other new parts. 109,000 km. $9,500. OBO.Heavy duty electric wheel chair. Half price, $5,000.4 ft deck lift. Battery oper-ated with charger, hardly used. $3,000. Call 250-498-4453. 43p4


FREE - 2 living room chairs. OK condition. ALSO ladies 5/6 speed bike. OK condi-tion. Call 250-498-2970. 42f2

FREE - Large garden space available for use. Call Nicole 250-498-2097. 43f2


EDGING CEDARS - buy direct from grower. 6 ft - 10 for $200. We deliver. Call Budget Nurseries - toll free 1-866-498-2189 37vtf


FOUND - Pewter metal framed, ladies near-sighted eye glasses. Contact the Oliver Post Office. 43f2

FOUND - GM Truck keys. North of Mike’s Auto. Con-tact the Oliver Chronicle. 42f2

FOUND - Pink girls bike on the hike and bike path. Can claim at Oliver RCMP Office. 43f2

FOUND - Ladies scarf on the hike and bike path. Con-tact the Oliver Chronicle. 42f2



Canada’s largest builder, SRI Homes, are offering un-believable discounts. Call or visit Lake Country Modular Homes Inc,. conveniently lo-cated next to SRI’s Winfield factory. Custom designs, factory tours, expert advice & service.

Call Alan or Robert toll free at 1-866-766-2214 40ctf


PRIVATE SALE First time offered. 2 bdrm semi-de-tached bungalow unit in


small complex surrounded by large green area. Ex-cellent condition, double carport, close to hike & bike trail & river. Priced 10k below assessment at $202,500. Call 250-498-3656 or 250-485-3989. 43v2

FOR SALE BY OWNER.4 bdrm., 3 bath family home. Flat 1/2 acre, fully fenced, in ground pool, walking dis-tance to Southwinds Cross-ing. Call for more info. 250-498-2669. 42v2


BC HOUSING is now ac-cepting applications for a wait list from families need-ing affordable housing in a 3 bedroom townhouse complex. The monthly rent is 30% of income. The eli-gibility criteria must be met. Please contact: 1-800-834-7149 or for applications 33c12

OVER 1100 SQ FT. OFFICE space available. Store front at 9336-348 Ave. Has sepa-rate entrance, utilities and bathroom. Great location at a reasonable rate.Available May 1, 2011. Call 250-498-4506. 35ctf


Terminal Bailiffs, Call 250-493-2618.


OLIVER,$950 month plus util, house, rural, 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Avail immed.

OSOYOOS$850 month - plus utilities. Condo - 1 bdrm, plus den - Desert Court - Avail. immed. (2 units avail.)$1100 month - plus util. - Condo- 2 bdrm plus den - Fuji Court - Fully furnished - Avail. May 1.

OK FALLS$1000 month - plus util. - 2 bdrm double wide mobile home - Avail. immed.$700 month - utilities shared - 1 bdrm. furnished bsmt. suite - avail. immed.

Amos Realty 35841-97th. St. Oliver, B.C.

Phone 250-498-4844 ONLINE APPLICATIONS

AND UNIT [email protected]

Check us out at


1278 SQ. FT. Casa Rio con-do, $975 per month. Call Karen Lewis RE/MAX WCR Call 250-498-6500. 23ctf




k of




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employment opportunities

CONCRETE FINISHERS. Edmonton-based company seeks experienced concrete finishers for work in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Subsistence and accommodations provided for out of town work; [email protected]. Cell 780-660-8130. Fax 780-444-7103.

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To donate In Memory or In Honour:online: www.cancer.caor mail to: PO Box 1872, Oliver, BC V0H 1T0

Let’s Make Cancer History

Please include: Your name & address for a receipt, the name of the person being remembered, and the name & address to send a card to.

You can remember someone special with your gift to the Canadian Cancer Society

Page 28: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

B16 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011


OSOYOOS - Long term ten-ants wanted. Newly renovat-ed interior. 2 bdrm house for rent. Close to lake with par-tial view. N/S, N/P, W/D in-cluded. $875 mth. plus utili-ties. Call Jay 250-495-7544. 40v4

AVAILABLE IN OLIVER.1) Great 2 storey, two bed-room, two bathroom condo in the heart of downtown Oliver. Lovely courtyard and balcony for outdoor enjoy-ment. All new paint and flooring, open concept living area. Available immediately. $850 plus utilities. N/P, N/S.2) One bedroom plus den, condo in Casa Rio. Views of the fountain. $850 plus utilities. Rent negotiable for good, long term tenant.Call Nita Neufield at Royal

LePage South Country Property Management. For more information on these rentals or properties avail-

able in Osoyoos at 250-498-6222.


2 BDRM SUITE in non-smoking building in Os-oyoos. Avail April 1st. $750 month. 1.5 bath, laundry, parking stall. Call 403-245-4103 or 403-870-4103. 41mc3

RETAIL SPACE. App. 1400 sq. ft. Main St. Osoyoos, BC. Call 250-446-2083. 35p10

1 1/2 ACRES FOR LEASE. Suitable for ground crop. Call 250-498-2109. 41p3

FOR RENT - 10 YR OLD CABIN. 2 Bdrm, good condi-tion. Avail. the end of April. $750 mth. Includes utilities. Call 250-485-8617 or 250-498-1903. 41p3

FOR RENT - 1 BDRM. Large suites, and 2 BDRM. suites. Close to downtown, very nice, freshly redone. Starting at $595 mth. + util. Call 250-498-0232. 40p10

AVAIL. MAY 1. 2 bdrm, 4 plex. Ground level in Oliver, walking distance to the new mall. Completely renewed hardwood floors and paint. 4 appliances, very clean. Prefer quiet mature tenants. $600 mth. Call 250-498-2817. 43mctf

2nd FLOOR CORNER unit condo for rent. Casa Rio, Oliver. $950 mth. N/P. For appointment to view call 403-980-0634 or contact [email protected]. 42vtf

2 BDRM BASEMENT suite. $750 mth. Avail. May 1. Call 250-809-1975 42v3

LONG TERM RENTAL WANTED starting July or ?? Senior couple, have rented at the same Oliver address since Sept. 2002. We require a 2 bdrm accommodation in town. We have our own ap-pliances and have excellent references. Email: [email protected] 42p2

36 FT. FIFTH WHEEL. Skirted, with deck. 6 km N of Oliver by Jackson Triggs. Access to OK River. $730 mth., includes utilities and cable. Damage deposit and ref. required. Call 250-495-2872 or cell 250-689-5045. 43v2

MOBILE HOME - 3 bdrm. Avail. May 1, 2011. Close to town. Call 250-689-4312. 42p3

AVAIL. MAY 1. $650 mth. plus util. Large, extra clean, 2 bdrm, N/S, N/P, 3rd floor walk up, includes parking and all appliances, close to Oliver mall, prefer long term, refs. required. Email:[email protected] or call 778-773-5825. 43v2

AVAIL. MAY 1. Clean, 2 bdrm house. Close to shop-ping, fenced, 4 appliances and garbage pickup includ-ed, small pet OK. Suitable for older couple. $750 mth. Plus hydro. Call 250-498-6946. 43f3

3 BDRM, 2.5 bath, garage, near airport, N/S, N/P. Refer-ences required. Avail. July 1/11. $900 mth plus utilities. Call 604-984-6043. 43v2



Residential - CommercialElectric Heating

DEAN MALMBERG250-498-4506

Contractor # 434749336 348 Ave. Unit A ctf



Yard and lawn prep., drive-way levelling. Prefer working with the homeowner to de-velop a satisfying and func-tional landscaped area.

Call 250-498-1033 or 250-498-2222.



Any 3 rooms for $250. Walls, minor repairs, 2 coats, interior - exterior.

Satisfaction guaranteed. 25 years experience.

Call Ray at 250-487-0840.

July 2011





Arrangements entrusted toNunes-Pottinger Funeral Service

& Crematorium, Oliver & Osoyoos,

In loving memory

ReginaldFrederick (Reg)

RobsonJun. 1, 1933 - Apr. 17, 2011

Reginald Frederick Robson passed away peacefully on April 17, at the age of 77, with his devoted wife Eunice at his side and surrounded by his loving family, at Moog and Friends Hospice in Penticton, BC. Reg was prede-ceased by his parents, Frederick and Mary Robson of Dauphin, Manitoba. He was born in Dauphin and raised on the pioneer homestead farm settled by his ancestors in the 1800’s. Reg met Eunice, the love of his life at a high school dance. Together for 57 years, they raised their three children in Manitoba where Reg led a successful career in public service, beginning in forestry, working as the assistant deputy minister of Northern Affairs, re-tiring from Municipal Finance in Winnipeg. Reg and Eunice re-tired to BC where he enjoyed golf at Fairview Mountain, playing pool at the Oliver Legion, gardening and travel with his wife and many good friends. Reg will be remembered for his exceptional generosity, his fine sense of humour and his commitment to fam-ily and friends. Reg lived his life with dignity and integrity, recognized by all who knew him as a man of his word, who was always willing to lend a hand to help others. Reg was proud to volunteer in recent years as a driver for the Masonic Cancer Car Program.

Cherished as a loving husband, father and grandfather, Reg leaves to mourn his wife, Eunice Robson; his children, Christine Robson of Winnipeg, Craig Robson of Burnaby, Alanna Robson and her husband Michael Pierce of Maple Ridge; his grandchil-dren, Kelsey and Brandon Pierce of New Westminster, BC. Reg is survived by his older brother and best friend, Walter Robson and his wife, Doreen Robson of Dauphin; a younger brother and two sisters, many nieces and nephews.

Great appreciation is extended to the caring physicians and nurses of Penticton Hospital, the Penticton Renal Clinic, and Moog and Friends Hospice. Respecting Reg’s wishes, crema-tion has taken place. A celebration of life will take place at the Oliver Legion Hall at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday April 21, 2011.

Our family’s chain is broken,And nothing seems the same.As God calls us one by one,The chain will link again.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Reg’s memory to Moog and Friends Hospice in Penticton, BC or to the Okanagan-Similkameen Hospital Foundation, or the Masonic Cancer Car Program.

Condolences and tributes may be directed to the family by visiting

In loving memory

Cornelia LouiseHenrietta (Loukie)

Schuurman1929 - 2011

On Thursday, April 7, 2011, Mrs. Loukie Schuurman of Oliver passed away suddenly but peacefully at her home in Willowbrook at the age of 81 years.

Loukie will be sadly missed and lovingly remembered by her children, Rick, Ronald (Angeline), Robin (Antho-ny) and Lesca (Alan) and her granddaughter Tamara.

Private family visitation was held.Donations are gratefully accepted to the BCSPCA, 2200

Dartmouth Dr, Penticton, BC, V2A 7W7.Condolences and tributes may be directed to the family

by visiting

Arrangements entrusted toNunes-Pottinger Funeral Service

& Crematorium, Oliver & Osoyoos,


$.90 Basket

Hanging Baskets$6.00 - $12.00 Each

37848 Hwy 97 (4 km north of Oliver)Hours 9 AM - 5 PM Daily

Phone: 250.498.6074

Arrangements entrusted toNunes-Pottinger Funeral Service

& Crematorium, Oliver & Osoyoos,

In loving memory

William Henry Anderson

Oct. 20 1913 - Apr. 18 2011

Henry Anderson was born at Port Reeve, SK in 1913 in a sod shanty. His parents

homesteaded there in 1910 as they raised three sons. The fam-ily moved to B.C. due to the depression in the 1930s, settling in the Oliver area in 1936.

Henry was predeceased by his wife, Margaret; his daughter, Elaine and two brothers, Norman and Oliver. He is warmly re-membered by his daughters, Ann and Audrey; grandchildren, Nikki (Jim), Carl (April), Jan (Kendra), Kristina; and great-grandchildren, Duncan and Gretchen.

Henry married Margaret Fleming in 1942. In 1951, they started farming at Meyers Flat. The family moved the farm-ing business to Inkameep in 1968 to grow the famous Netted Gems. Henry farmed there until age 75 when he retired as the potato king!

During his retirement years Henry and Margaret enjoyed traveling to many places such as New Zealand, Australia, Ha-waii and Alaska.

A special thanks to McKinney Place staff for Henry’s excel-lent care.

Funeral services will be held at the Oliver United Church, Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 12 pm. Reception to follow down-stairs in the lower hall.

Private graveside interment to take place at 11 am at Oli-ver cemetery. Condolences and tributes may be directed to the family by visiting

Page 29: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle B17



Get rid of unwanted hair permanently and safely with just a few treatments. Call 250-495-2782. 34mctf

A 1 LAWN CARE- lawns - gardens -

-snow removal - chimneys--power washing - irrigation-

-firewood - CALL 250-485-7916


HUTTON’S INTERIOR DECORATING & PAINTING SERVICES Painting, Colour Consulta-tions, Design Services and more.

Call ALLISON at 250-498-6428.



LANDSCAPING SERVICE.We have everything you need to get the job done! Dozers, loaders, hoe and trucks. Free estimates.

Call 250-499-2208. 38mc8


SERVICE. Rock picking, irrigation trenching, driveways, land levelling. Small tree and post removal.

Call 250-498-1033 or 250-498-2222.


SPRING IS HERETime to get rid of those

annoying stumps. Chipper, stump grinding

service.Serving the South

Okanagan since 1993.Tom Walsh


Seniors discount. 43v1

GREEN UP It’s time for a yard clean up.

From yard cleanups, scrap metal removal, little landscaping jobs to small

renovations. We’ll take care of all your needs for your

yard to be green. 2 reliable local guys work

for reasonable rates.Call 250-485-8919 Randyor 250-485-3766 Vincent.



FOR SALE2007 Dodge Caliber. Like new. Well cared for. Just over 28,100 km.Driven locally, by female. $14,000.00.(250) 689-1187. Oliver, BC

Your Home...

Is Your Castle

MCKINNEY PLACErequires a fully qualified, experienced and licensed hairdresser to provide on-site service to residents. Applications must be submitted by April 29th, 2011 to:

Doreen Strong, Manager, McKinney Place7139- 362 Ave. RR#3Oliver, BC, V0H [email protected]


Ski-doo, quad & bike seats. Boat interiors, RV’s, auto’s,

household furnishings. Call Julie



Visit my website to see my payouts.




KIWANIS MARKET 34782-91st Street

(Sawmill Road)Check us out. We accept clean, serviceable items. Please No clothing. Call 250-485-0242 or 250-498-0176. Drop off times: 9:00- 12:00 Wednesdays, and 9:00 - 12:00 Fridays. Open for sales: 8:30 to 12:30 Sat-urdays. Please leave a mes-sage, you will be answered. ctf

SELLING COLLECTIONS:Records, die-cast, hockey, comics, table hockey, bean-ies plus! SUNDAYS in April. Hwy 3, Osoyoos Fort Stor-age. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. No early birds. 41c3

BIG YARD SALE/Moving Sale. Lots of construction tools, knickknacks, office equipment, Kenmore sew-ing machine, Lowry organ and much more. April 23rd and 24th from 9 am to 1 pm. 8515-Kingfisher Drive, Osoyoos. For directions call 250-495-6232. 43p1

HUGE GARAGE SALE: Friday and Saturday. 7 am. Household, tools, fishing, plants, TV, fish ponds, fish tanks and aquariums, stere-os, guitars, old well pumps, beam scales, jewelry, roto tillers. Something for every-one. 36841 101 st. (off of 366 Ave.) 43p1

MOVING SALE: Saturday, April 23. (9:00 am - 3:00 pm) *More items added this week. 36215 77 St. Across from the Oliver curling rink. 43p1

YARD SALE - Sat. April 23. 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. #38 Tumbleweed Mobile Home Park. Sewing supplies, etc. 43p1

YARD SALE: Tradewinds MHP. #23 and #27. Sat-urday, April 23. 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. 43p1

YARD SALE: Saturday, April 23, 2011. 10906-352 Ave. 8:00 am No early birds please. 43p1

ROYAL LEPAGE Shelter Foundation National Ga-rage Sale for Shelter: 8 am to 2 pm. May 14 in the Oli-ver Place Mall parking lot. All proceeds go to the local Women’s Shelter and vio-lence protection programs. If you have any gently used (or new) items to donate, please call 250-498-6222 to arrange pick up or delivery. 43c4


Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Fun By The Numbers

Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test!

Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figurow, column and box. You can figurow, column and box. Y e out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Fun By The Numbers

Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test!

Page 30: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

B18 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Beware of ticks

Lyonel Doherty photo

Water rate woesRon Unger isn’t a happy guy when you talk about the issue of Oliver’s new water rates, which will see him paying an ad-ditional $800. But he’s more worried about low-income homeowners who may not be able to afford to keep their lawns green anymore.

As the weather warms, people across Interior Health will be spending more time outdoors in tall grass or wood-ed areas and this means an increased chance of getting tick bites.

“There are easy things you can do to protect yourself like covering up before you head outdoors and checking for ticks when returning from a walk, hike or bike ride,” says Medical Health Officer Dr. Rob Parker. “Most tick bites do not result in illness; however, any bite from a tick or other insect should be cleaned, as infection can occur whenever there is a break in the skin.”

While ticks are common in the Interior Health region, most are the wood tick species which does not carry the Lyme disease bacteria. Lyme disease-carrying ticks are more common in the coastal areas of BC.

Ticks have toxins that can cause temporary muscle weakness and paralysis if they are attached for several days, especially in children or seniors. The signs of many tick-borne infections can be quite similar and include fe-ver, headache, muscle pain and rash.

One of the most important ways to protect yourself from tick illnesses is to do a skin check on yourself and your children after being outdoors. Other precautions include: Walking on cleared trails when in long grass or wooded areas; wearing a hat, long sleeves, pants and light-coloured clothing; tucking pant legs into socks or boots; and aplying insect repellent containing DEET on all uncovered skin.

ContributedTo the Chronicle

Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Time: 1:00 pm

Location: Delta Grand Okanagan Resort 1310 Water Street, Kelowna, BC

11-245_BCUC_10.3125x8.5-PRESS.indd 1 11-04-15 11:15 AM

Page 31: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Oliver Chronicle B19


For all yourxeriscaping and

water wise gardening.water wise gardening.


5 minutes north of Oliver on Island Road (93rd St)

Please include your full name and phone number for verifi cation purposes

Send your letters to the editor to: [email protected]

*All letters must include your full name in order to be published.


Legion planning ‘VeteransDinner’ for next month

The Oliver Legion held its monthly gen-eral meeting on Monday, April 11 with president Kent Dagenais in the chair.

There were 25 members present and the attendance draw was won by Com. Denise Ujfalusi.

Victor Doucette was accepted as a new affi liate voting member of the branch.

Branch membership to date is 362. It is requested that all members who have not renewed their 2011 membership do so at the earliest possible time. Remember as of February 1 you are no longer a member in good standing.

During the Vancouver Canucks playoff games, the lounge will remain open for the duration of the games.

The fl ea market on April 9 was very successful with a total of $1,375 realized. Thanks to all volunteers, donors and buy-ers.

A total of $473.40 was approved for se-nior ball team expenses.

Certifi cates of merit were presented to Ron and Tara Hovanes for their efforts with the RCL literary and poster contest with the local schools.

A certifi cate of appreciation was pre-sented to Joan Smith, and a branch service medal to Bea Bird for all their volunteer ac-tivities within the branch.

Thirty new tables have been purchased for the upstairs hall.

If a Legion member wishes to have a

party and the upstairs hall is too big, upon request it might be possible to use the can-teen. This brings in revenue for the Legion.

Darts and pool as well as cribbage are all cancelled until the fall.

On Friday, May 13, the branch will hold its annual veterans dinner. Cocktails will be available in the lounge and a piper will pipe everyone upstairs to the hall. Tickets are on sale in the lounge. World War II and Ko-rean veterans will not be charged, but must pick up tickets in the lounge. Spouses are required to pay. All former Forces mem-bers will be recognized. World War II and Korean veterans living in the Oliver area do not have to be Legion members to attend. If you are not a Legion member you must inform the bartender with some form of evidence.

On Sunday, May 15 the branch will hold its annual candlelight tribute in the Oliver cemetery at 4:30 p.m. This is a ceremony of remembrance where a veteran (or adult) goes with a youth (young person) to each grave in the veterans section and places a lit red candle on each headstone. There is a brief ceremony. It is hoped many vet-erans and young people will attend. The candles stay lit overnight in the cemetery and the gates remain open so people can drive through and see the candles glowing through the night.

On Saturday, May 28, the Legion will host an Elvis impersonator show. Snacks and drinks will be available from 6 p.m. and the show will start at 8 p.m. Only 120 tickets will be sold. Next meeting is May 9 at 7p.m.

Chris YerburghSpecial to the Chronicle

Page 32: Online Edition - April 20th, 2011

B20 Oliver Chronicle Wednesday, April 20, 2011 SPORTS

Because the grass is always greener onBecause the grass is always greener onBecause the grass is always greener onDAN’S “THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE” MOWING

[email protected] Ph: 250-498-1137

OLIVER ELKSElks Lic. #861937

Everyone Welcome

JACKPOT is growing weekly. Need lots of players.

Sundays, 1:00 PM

OLIVER ELKSElks Lic. #861937

Everyone Welcome

JACKPOT is growing weekly. Need lots of players.




Lyonel Doherty photo

On the greenFrom left, Ed Beddome, Glenn Deobald, Ron Priest, and Bryan Giesbrecht play a round at Nk’Mip Canyon Desert Golf Course on a cool afternoon. Golfers are champing at the bit waiting for warmer weather.

Walk for dog guides coming to Oliver

Oliver residents can help change the lives of Canadians with disabilities by participating in the Purina Walk for Dog Guides on May 29 at Lions Park.

Registration will open at 11:45 a.m., with walk beginning at 12:15 p.m. There is no registration fee and 100 per cent of the funds raised will go towards providing dog guides at no cost to Canadians with disabilities. To register for the walk or to donate visit

Since 1983, Lions Foundation of Canada has provided specially trained dog guides at no cost to people of all ages

from coast to coast. Each dog guide costs approximately $20,000 to raise and train, yet they are provided at no cost to qualifi ed applicants. Lions Foundation of Canada dog guides does not receive any government funding and relies on the support of fundraising events and donations from service clubs, corporations, foundations, and individuals to continue its success.

The Foundation trains fi ve different types of dog guides: Canine vision dog guides; hearing ear dog guides; special skills dog guides (for people with a medical or physical disabilities; seizure response dog guides; and autism assis-tance dog guides for children with autism.

ContributedTo the Chronicle

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