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Western Mindanao (Zamboanga Peninsula)

P. Urro Street, San Francisco DistrictPagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur 7016Telephone no. (062) 215-1480 / 925-0038Cellphone no. 0908-8843404E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]: Facebook: PIA Region-IX

Northern Mindanao

Graces’ Building, Antonio Luna StreetCagayan de Oro City 9000Telefax No. (08822) 72-66-83Telephone no. (088) 856-8178 / 729-594Cellphone no. 0928-5204305 0917-3084969E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]:

Southern Mindanao (Davao Region)

2/F Kanto Motors Bldg.,Quimpo Blvd., New MatinaDavao City 8000Telephone no. (082) 297-0991 / 301-8580Telefax no. (082) 297-0992 / 304-2044Cellphone no. 0917-7053606 / 0918-9202950E-mail: [email protected]

Central Mindanao (SOCCSKSARGEN)

Provincial Capitol Compound Bautista Bldg., Zulueta St.Koronadal City, South Cotabato 9506Telephone no. (083) 520-0249Telefax no. (083) 228-9736 / 228-9739 / 520-0100Cellphone no. 0921-6873373 / 0928-5204307E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Northeastern Mindanao (Caraga)

Vice Mayors’ League of the Philippines Bldg.,J. Rosales Avenue, Butuan CityTelephone no. (085) 341-5285 / 360-1239Telefax no. (085) 341-2370Cellphone no. 0917-7188834Email: [email protected] , [email protected],phBlogspot: www.piacaraga.blogspot.comFacebook: PIA Caraga Updates, PIA Agusan del Norte, Pia Agusan del Sur, Pia Surigao del Norte, Pia Surigao del Sur



features the


Zamboanga Sibugay Province

Executive Editor ……......... EFREN F. ELBANBUENA Cluster Head, Southern, Western and Central Mindanao Regional Director, PIA Region XI

Managing Editor ……......... ABNER M. CAGA Cluster Head, Northern and Northeastern Mindanao Regional Director, PIA Caraga Region Officer-in-charge,PIARegionX

Associate Editors ……....... NOEMI B. EDAGA Regional Director, PIA Region IX

OLIVIA T. SUDARIA Regional Director, PIA Region XII

Regional Desk Editors …... Jocelyn P. Alvarez, PIA Region IX Elaine O. Ratunil, PIA Region X Rudolph Ian G. Alama, PIA Region XI Danny E. Doguiles, PIA Region XII Robert E. Roperos, PIA Caraga Region

Copy Editors ……………….. Robert E. Roperos, PIA Caraga Region Nora C. Lanuza Molde, PIA Caraga Region

Layout Artists ……………... Gerie Mae G. Coco, PIA Caraga Region Richard D. Atillo, PIA Caraga Region

Editorial Advisers ……….... ATTY. JOSE A. FABIA Director-General Philippine Information Agency

SEC. HERMINIO “Sonny” B. COLOMA PresidentialCommunicationsOperationsOffice

An Electronic News Magazineof the Phliippine Information Agency

Mindanao Clusters


Page 3: One Mindanao - November 29, 2011

In ThisIssue...

Tuesday, Vol. 1 No. 107

Cover StoryGRAJTREE: a centerpiece program of Zamboanga Sibugay Province

17 ‘PhilHealth Run’ targets kids with cancer as beneficiaries






Authorities rescue 5 trafficked Filipinos in China

ITC for oil palm industry organized in SK

1st Region 12 Coffee Congress, matagumpay

Surigao Norte to hold 1st Environment Summit

Search for Best Barangay and School is on

Frayn Abkilan Caraga Region

Gemma S. Millan Caraga Region

Rutchie Cabahug-Aguhob Region X

Mai Gevera Macapagat, Region XI

Region XII

Ac agad Region XII





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page 33

Claro A. Lanipa




Government working towards changing ‘mistaken notions’ towards people with disabilities – Aquino.....................................


page 4

18 PNP-10 heightens security measures this yuletide season

Alfonso T. Ruda, Region X

DepEd observes 18-day campaign to End Violence Against Women

Region IX

Zambo hosts 28th Area Assembly of Mindanao Geodetic Engineers

Jocelyn P. Alvarez Region IX33

Aquino meets congressmen’s wives; discusses collaboration.......................... 13

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GRAJTREE: a centerpiece program of Zamboanga Sibugay Province

Cover Story

by Claro A. Lanipa

Rubber is the key commer-cial crop of Zamboanga Peninsula (ZamPen) Region, specifically in the province of Zamboanga Sibugay. The province is considered as the “Rubber Capital” of the region and with its climatic advantage for its

propagation over the entire area of Region IX, ZamPen has become the main producer of natural rubber in the Philippines. However, in spite of the 458,000 hectares of land in Mindanao which are suitable for growing rub-ber as revealed by rubber research-


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ers, only closed to a hundred thou-sand hectares (92,000 has. thus far) has been cultivated and about 42,000 hectares of these are located in Zam-boanga Sibugay. Accordingly, the economic im-portance of rubber cannot be under estimated because undoubtedly, sev-eral sectors have benefited from this industry. In ZamPen, while rubber is only third to coconut and banana in terms of volume of production and second to coconut in terms of estimat-ed areas planted, it is the highest in terms of family income by crop. This is so because prices of rubber prod-ucts increased rapidly and the world market demand for rubber continued to increased also.

The Program : GRAJTREE is the acronym which stands for Governor Rommel Apoli-nario Jalosjos Tripartite Rubber Ex-pansion and Enhancement Program. The program is all about rubber expansion and enhancement in the province of Zamboanga Sibugay and the centerpiece program of the pro-vincial government under the leader-

ship of Honorable Rommel A. Jalos-jos as Provincial Governor from July 2010 to present. It shall be imple-mented in an estimated land area of 50,000 to 100,000 hectares lo-cated in the different municipalities of the province which are covered by the Socialized Integrated Forest Management Agreement (SIFMA) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and other areas which may be determined and cleared for inclusion in the program by DENR. It is a tripartite engage-ment of the government, the private sector and the cooperatives. The gov-ernment led by the Provincial Lo-cal Government Unit of Zamboanga Sibugay in coordination with the De-partment of Environment and Natu-ral Resources (DENR), Municipal and Barangay Local Government Units of the covered areas and other National Government Agencies (NGAs) which may have the interest on the program

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in the future.

Objectives of the Program: GRAJTREE program shall ex-pand the rubber production area of Zamboanga Sibugay and enhance its potentials in order to bring about progress and various livelihood op-portunities resulting from there from. Specifically, under technical and ag-ricultural component, the program shall determine an expansion area of 50,000 to 100,000 hectares, de-velop and establish rubber nurseries and bud wood gardens in a span of 20 years. It shall also introduce crops for intercropping and other livelihhod projects while waiting for the produc-tive stage of the project. Under the institutional, human resource and marketing components of the pro-gram, cooperatives shall play a sig-

nificant roles. While the processing and manufacturing component shall be the primary responsibility of the private sector composed of local, na-tional and international investors.

Program Component: Technical and Infrstructure Development component – which in-cludes technical survey by DENR,

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project location mapping and delin-eation of boundaries, improvement of access roads and bridges, construc-tion of market centers, cooperative buildings and other infrastructure re-quirements. Agricultural Development colmponent – which includes nursery and bud wood garden establishment and maintenance, area clearing and preparation, plantation, fertilization, production, intercropping and other agricultural related activities. Institutional Development component – which includes social preparation, cooperative pre-mem-bership education seminar, organiza-tion and registration, capability train-ing and strengthening technology, project and livelihood development and management, records and re-ports development and management,

financial grant and loan assistance and other institutional requirements thru cooperatives. Human Resource Develop-ment component- includes recruit-ment, hiring and training of devel-opment workers or employees in all component of the program. Marketing Development component- includes market re-searches and studies promotion, advertisement, packaging and mar-keting of rubber products and bi-prod-ucts, intercrops and other marketable products and services of the program through cooperatives. Processing and Manufactur-ing Development component- which includes processing of raw rubber and manufacturing of any product out of rubber.

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President Benigno S. Aquino III lauded on Tuesday participants to the 2nd Asia-Pacific Community-Based Rehabilitation Congress for showing to the world that every person counts towards achieving prosperity and growth.

Aquino lauds 2nd Asia-Pacific Community-Based Congress

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“Through this Congress, we are showing the world that we recognize the right of every person to be part of growth, but more importantly, that we recognize every per-son’s capacity to con-tribute in a meaning-ful way to moving the country forward,” the President said in his keynote speech at the Sofitel Plaza Ho-tel in Pasay City. The Congress aims to promote multi-sectoral part-nerships towards tak-ing effective and ap-propriate measures to enable persons with disabilities to attain and main-tain maximum in-dependence, full physical, mental, social and vo-cational ability and full inclu-sion and par-

t ic ipat ion in all as-

p e c t s o f

life as embodied in the United Nations Con-vention on the Rights of Persons with Dis-abilities (UNCRPD). The President challenged the 640 delegates represent-ing 63 countries who attended the three-day affair to forge on towards achieving equality for all includ-ing persons with dis-abilities (PWDs). “And even in a day as important as this one, we recog-nize that this is not the culmination of our work; rather, we re-invigorate ourselves to face the challeng-es that remain,” the President said. “Despite the positive develop-ments, we must not allow ourselves to be complacent. This is the attitude that all of us must adopt, not merely in improving the lives of persons with disabilities, but in improving the lives of people,” he added. He pledged gov-

ernment support to the goals of the Com-munity-Based Reha-bilitation Congress and vowed to work tirelessly -- “…so long as there are children who deserve an edu-cation but cannot get one, so long as there are Filipinos who want to work and provide for their families but cannot do so through no fault of their own, and so long as there are persons with dis-abilities that are pre-vented from living full and meaningful lives. “My message of today is clear: if we work hard, if we work together, if we work in the name of justice, if we do not stray from the straight and righ-teous path – we will arrive at the destina-tion we have all as-pired for from the very beginning: a Philip-pines, an Asia, and a world that prospers under the clear light of day,” the President said. (RCK)

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Government working towards changing ‘mistaken notions’ towards people with disabilities – Aquino

The government is working towards changing the “mistaken notions” people have against people with disabilities (PWDs), President Benigno S. Aquino III said on Tuesday.

President Benigno S. Aquino III focuses on the message delivered by Emmary Perez, a child with visual impairment, during the 2nd Asia Pacific Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Congress at the Grand Plaza Ballroom of the Sofitel Philippine Plaza in Pasay City on Tuesday (November 29). The 3-day Con-gress has the general theme: CBR: “Building Communities for Everyone” and sub theme: “Mainstream-ing Disability in the Development Agenda”. The Congress aims primarily to promote multi-sectoral partnerships for the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), Millennium Development Goals and other development initiatives. In photo are DSWD Secretary Corazon Juliano-Soliman, World Health Organization (WHO) Representative in the Philippines Dr. Soe Nyunt-U and WHO Disability and Rehabilitation Coordinator Alana Officer. (Photo by: Gil Nartea / Malacañang Photo Bureau).

In his speech keynoting the 2nd Asia-Pacific Com-munity-based Reha-bilitation Congress held on Tuesday at

the Sofitel Philippine Plaza Hotel in Pasay City, President Aqui-no said that his gov-ernment’s pledge to “guarantee” equi-

tability and g r o w t h was for all.

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“When we prom-ised inclusive growth, we prom-ised it to all Filipi-nos, including those who by virtue of certain limitations, tend to be thought of as being unable to contribute to so-ciety. This is not necessarily a mind-set that comes from cruelty, but one that perhaps only stems from ignorance and mistaken notions,” the President said. “And this is something that we want to change, because we know that to perpetu-ate this prejudice means not only depriving persons with disabilities of their rights, but, more im-portantly, de-priving them

of their dreams,”

he add-ed.

He said local and national govern-ment have already instituted measures to this end through the implementa-tion of community-based rehabilitation strategies. “Their mea-sures can be as simple as ensuring that someone in a wheelchair is able to move around freely, whether it be to at-tend school or to file paperwork at the municipal office, or as far-reaching as providing them with opportunities for education and liveli-hood,” the President said. On the nation-al level, the Presi-dent said, the gov-ernment has put up centers that can provide rehabilita-tion and care to per-sons with disabili-ties, and programs that can help them stand on their own

two feet, by pro-viding them with access to training and employment opportunities. “All of the steps we have taken so far, from institut-ing fair and honest business practices and good gover-nance in the Philip-pines, to ensuring the rights of per-sons with disabili-ties, are in line with our administration’s dream for the Phil-ippines,” the Presi-dent said. “It is not only growth we are af-ter, but inclusive growth; not only progress, but eq-uitable progress. I am sure that this is something you can understand and empathize with, as you too work for the same things in your respective countries and orga-nizations,” he said. (RCK)

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Aquino meets congressmen’s wives; discusses collaboration

President Benigno S. Aquino III had met the members of the Congressional Spouses Foundation Inc. (CSFI) in Malacanang Tuesday afternoon and discussed future collaboration on various projects with the group.

During their meeting, the Pres-ident and the con-gressmen’s wives had an informal discussion on proj-ects and concerns of the foundation. He said his admin-istration is open for cooperation on a wide range

of endeavors and the government is always willing to help. The discussion focused on educa-tion, livelihood and other issues. But the President said his government is particularly inter-ested in the agri-

culture sector and willing to co l laborate with organi-zations like the CSFI to help the sector. The a g r i -cul-

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ture sector is a top priority of the govern-ment after ty-phoons dev-astated wide areas of farm-lands that displaced a large num-ber of farmers, the Pres-i d e n t


According to the President, the agri-culture department is providing certi-fied seeds to as-sist farmers at this time. CSFI, which has advocacies on health, livelihood, social services, vio-lence against chil-dren, and women’s rights, was orga-nized to comple-ment the legislative initiatives of mem-

bers of the House of Representatives through various so-cio-civic actions. The organiza-tion particularly fo-cuses its advocacy on anti-violence against women and children. Its current project includes providing haven for abused and bat-tered women as well as street chil-dren. (AS)

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PCOO Secretary Coloma keynotes MindaComNet 2011 Congressby Rutchie Cabahug-Aguhob

Secretary Sonny B. Coloma, Jr., of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), visited General Santos City, today, Nov. 29, to grace the Mindanao

Communicators Network (MindaComNet) Congress, scheduled in the city, Nov. 28-30, this week. The PCOO Secretary reiterated that Communication for Development (C4D) stresses the need to support two-way communication system that enable

dialogue and allow communities to speak out. He also emphasized the concept of Bayanihan or building community founded on dialogue

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Such concept, he said, is an important element of the community for development. Focused on the theme: “Strengthening G o v e r n a n c e Communication Through the New Media,” the congress is attended by some 200 Information Officers (IO) coming from various government agencies, government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCC) and other government instrumentalities in Mindanao. Also taken up during the 2nd day of the congress are the topics: “Social Media for Social Change” by Jay Jaboneta, Founder, PHL for Kids, Former Head of OP New Media, “Mindanao Norture Our Waters Now (MindaNOW)” Program by Rey Tan, Technical Assistant of the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA). Presentations also includes the “Gen. Santos City’s Development Direction and Advocacy” by Engr. Nael D. Cruspero, City Planning and Development Coordinator and the “Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan (PAMANA)” by Asst. Secretary Howard B. Cafuguan of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP). Congressman Emmanuel D. Pacquiao, is likewise expected to address the MindaComNet participants during the dinner/

fellowship highlighting the 2nd day of the congress. On the last day, Atty. Jose A. Fabia, PIA Director General, who is expected to address the congress on the 3rd day will be introduced by Olivia T. Sudaria, Regional Director of PIA-12, host of MindaComNet. Fabia’s speech will be followed by the presentation of the “One Mindanao” Electronic Newsletter by Abner Caga, Cluster Head, PIA Northern and Northeastern Mindanao and Regional Director of PIA Caraga, concurrent Region X. Meanwhile, Sudaria said the culmination of the congress will be highlighted by the election of a new set of officers which will be handled by Romeo Montenegro, Secretary-General of MindaComNet. Before the end of the congress, the elected officers will be inducted into office by Secretary Luwalhati R. Antonino, Chairperson of MinDA, Sudaria added.

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‘PhilHealth Run’ targets kids with cancer as beneficiariesby Apipa Bagumbaran

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Misamis Oriental - The proceeds from the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) Run slated on February 5, 2012 will be given to centers that cater to the needs of children with cancer.

This was announced by Merlyn H. Ybañez, information officer of PhilHealth Regional Office 10, during the Regional Association of Government Communicators (RAGCOM), held recently at the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) office, here. She said the main beneficiary of the event is the Southern Philippines Medical Center (SPMC) Children’s Cancer Center and Blood Disease Unit in Davao City, the only facility in Visayas and Mindanao that can deliver multidisciplinary care for children with cancer. The event dubbed as “PhilHealth Run: The Mindanao Run for Hope “is the first simultaneous run in Mindanao scheduled to be held in six (6) run venues in the cities of Butuan, Davao, Koronadal, Zamboanga, Cagayan de Oro and Marawi. It is called run for hope because we are actually giving hope to the kids with cancer, Ybañez emphasized. She said aside from the main beneficiary, the PhilHealth-10 has also chosen the Pediatric Chemotherapy Unit of the Maria Reyna Xavier University Hospital (MRXUH) as a local beneficiary.

Meanwhile, interested runners can register at all PhilHealth services offices or at Smart Wireless Centers all over Mindanao. Ybañez said they can also register online at adding that the registration fee

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PNP-10 heightens security measures this yuletide seasonby Elaine O. Ratunil

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Misamis Oriental – Around 200 additional personnel are deployed here in preparation for the yuletide season.

PCSupt. Jufel C. Adriatico, regional director of the Philippine National Police (PNP) - Region 10, has ordered the deployment of PNP personnel performing administrative function to perform beat patrol duty in order to prevent crime volume increases this yuletide. These personnel are deployed on rotation basis starting November 4 to augment the forces of Cagayan de Oro city Police Office and directed to perform at least four hours of patrol

duty a day in addition to their usual tasks. “They were deployed in crime prone areas and in places of convergence such as school and mall vicinity. This is to prevent the occurrence of crime and to make

the people feel safe,” said Adriatico. He cited statistics that show crime volume increases during this season. Meanwhile, Chief PNP Director General Nicanor A. Bartolome said, “As what we always implement during holidays and special events, our intelligence, counter-intelligence and police operations will be intensified to pre-empt terrorist activities.

only P250, P300, P500, and P600 for the 3K, 5K, 10K, and 17K category, respectively. Runners will be provided with singlet and race kits given by our sponsors, she further said. Apart from the certificates, medals and cash prizes that will be

given to the runners and winners, raffle prizes of Smart Netphones and Smart Panalo Phones, as well as, other giveaways are also at stake during the event. Likewise, a special award for the biggest delegation will also be given during the run, she added.

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ARENA XI Serbisyo Caravan rolls out to Nabunturan

After holding it in the towns of Cateel and Bos-

ton in Davao Oriental, the Asso-ciation of Regional Executives of National Agencies (ARENA) XI will again roll out its caravan of services for the poor and disad-vantaged sectors. The ARENA XI Serbisyo Caravan has been held in Nabunturan, Com-postela Valley, today (Nov. 29) with various government services from 46 participating national government agencies based in the Davao Region. Among the major services be undertaken in the Nabunturan activ-ity are the pay-out of social pension funds for indigent senior citizens from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the medi-cal outreach jointly conducted by the Department of Health, Davao Region-al Hospital and the Provincial Health Office. The medical outreach activity has targeted 10 major surgeries, 10 medium surgeries and 30 minor sur-geries.

DOH has also turned over P20,000 worth of medicine to the Rural Health Unit of Nabunturan and will be con-ducting an orientation on various health programs regarding common diseases. The 10th Infantry Division has joined in conducting its separate den-tal services aside from providing se-curity of the one-day event. Other participating agencies are Philhealth, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, departments of agriculture, environment and natural resources, labor and employment, education, science and technology, trade and industry, justice, public works and highways, interior and lo

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cal government, energy. The Serbisyo Caravan also gets the support of the National Statistics Office, Professional Regulations Com-mission, Commission on Audit, Na-tional Economic and Dev’t. Authority, Land Transportation Office, Bureau of Internal Revenue, National Com-mission on Indigenous Peoples, Land Transportation Franchising and Regu-latory Board, Public Attorney’s Office, Technical Education and Skills Devel-opment Authority, National Irriga-tion Administration, Philippine Coco-nut Authority, Quedancor, Agricultural Training Institute, National Food Au-thority, Fiber Industry Development Authority. Other support agencies include the Commission on Human Rights, Philippine Information Agency, Land Bank of the Philippines, Commission on Higher Education, ARENA XI Board

member Shirley Angeles, Maritime In-dustry Authority, Government Service Insurance System, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, National Police Commission, Philippine National Po-lice and the Bureau of Plant Industry. Each government agency has done its share in delivering its respec-tive services at Nabunturan National Comprehensive High School where target beneficiaries will be gathered for the second round of the ARENA XI Serbisyo Caravan. ARENA XI President Achilles Ge rard C. Bravo of the Department of Budget and Management said that ARENA XI is taking such initiative to bring government services closer to those who badly them most, taking special attention on identified poor municipalities in the Davao Region. (Jean D. Abangan)

Authorities rescue 5 trafficked Filipinos in China by Mai Gevera Macapagat

DAVAO CITY- Authorities through the Regional Inter-Agency Coun-cil against Trafficking - Integrated Action Network (Riaction) recently rescued three women and two girls, all Filipinos, in Xiamen, Chi-na. Riaction through its agency members Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Bureau of Im-migration received an information about the story of trafficking on these victims, two of whom came

from Davao City. In a story published on Sun-star Davao yesterday, Regional State Prosecutor Antonio Arellano confirmed that these victims, some are minors, were forced for sex ser-vices. The information sent to the au-thorities revealed that the informant was asked to help bring sex workers to China. A female Filipino recruiter who has a Chinese national hus-band was believed to have brought

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Authorities rescue 5 trafficked Filipinos in China

the victims to China. Arellano said a partnership be-tween the Philippine Embassy and the Chinese Government with law enforcement agencies easily ad-dressed the problem raised by the informant. He added that the victims are now safe and in the protection of the Philippine Embassy in Xiamen. The Philippines remains a source, transit, and destination country for human trafficking. Data showed that the number of Philip-

pine and foreign child victims in the Philippines range from 20,000 to 100,000. Prioritizing to address anti-trafficking cases, the Philippine Government has strengthened ef-forts especially in prevention and prosecution. The government has 17 anti-trafficking prosecutors in the Department of Justice and 72 prosecutors in regional Department of Justice offices. The Philippine government is currently engaged in 107 prosecutions for trafficking.

regional gallery

Dept. of Labor and Employment XI Regional Director Joffrey Suyao leftmost turns over symbolic check worth P280,000 to provincial gov-ernment of Compostela Valley and the Municipality of Nabunturan for its employment assistance program for distressed OFWs in the town. receiving the checks are Governor Arturo Uy (rightmost) and Mayor Romeo Clarin (holding the check of Nabunturan

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Sarangani, a legacy of JLCby Beverly Paoyon

ALABEL, Sarangani – Vice President Jejomar Binay unveiled on Friday (No-vember 25) the marker naming the main Provincial Capitol building into Congressman James L. Chiongbian (JLC) Capitol Building in honor of the province’s founder.

Former and first Governor of the province, Priscilla Chiongbian, receives the copy of a resolu-tion naming the Capitol building as James L. Chiongbian (JLC) building in honor of her hus-band. The resolution was handed over to her by Governor Migs Dominguez (left) together with Vice Governor Steve Chiongbian Solon (right) and witnessed by Vice President Jejomar Binay during the installation of JLC building marker and tribute to the late Congressman. (Bon-Bon Quiño)

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The unveiling was made in time for the 9th MunaTo Festival and 19th Foundation Anni-versary.

Provincial Ordinance No. 2011-7-049 naming the JLC Capitol Building was jointly sponsored by Board Members Eugene Alzate, Cornelio Marti-nez, Elmer de Peralta, Al-exander Bryan Reganit, Hermie Galzote, Eleanor Saguiguit, Virgilio Clark Tobias, Limuel Gacula, Benedicto Ruiz II, Ab-dulracman Pangolima, George Perrett, Arman Guili and Victor James Yap Jr.

The ordinance noted the world-class coastal highway and the Pro-vincial Capitol Building as among infrastructure developments Chiong-bian initiated under his leadership.

Rep. James L. Chion-gbian, who passed away in 2004, was first elected during the special elec-tion for the lone district of South Cotabato in 1967. He was reelected in 1969 and served until Congress was abolished by the declaration of Martial Law in 1972.

From May 1987 to June 1992, Chiongbian

represented the 3rd Dis-trict of South Cotabato in Congress as Assistant Majority Floor Leader.

When Sarangani Prov-ince was created in 1992, Chiongbian represented the Lone District of Sa-rangani as Assistant Ma-jority Floor Leader and member of 10 commit-tees up to 1998. He was succeeded by eldest son Erwin as Sarangani con-gressman in 2001.

Incumbent Sarangani Rep. Emmanuel “Man-ny” Pacquiao recognized the “pioneering effort” of Chiongbian as “we look back in the legacy of the man who laid the foundation of Sarangani province.”

Pacquiao reminded constituents “to carry on the legacy of our found-ing leaders.”

As Sarangani turned 19 this year, Pacqui-ao anticipated “greater things are yet to happen, greater opportunities are coming our way.”

“With the strong foun-dation of history, with the blessings of our unity and harmony, and with the presence of our God, let us be excited to move forward,” Pacquiao add-

ed. Sarangani was created

in 1992 as a new prov-ince from the then 3rd District of South Cotaba-to by the landmark leg-islation of the late Rep. Chiongbian, Republic Act No. 7228, which spurred unprecedented develop-ment in the area.

On March 16, 1992, through RA 7228, the authority to create Sa-rangani was signed into law.

Thru majority of votes cast in a plebiscite on May 19, 1992, Sarangani was established as an independent province. Henceforth, it observed May 19 as the Charter Anniversary Day to com-memorate its proclama-tion.

In 2002, a Sangguni-ang Panlalawigan Reso-lution reset Sarangani’s Provincial Foundation Anniversary from May 19 to November 28.

“Upon its creation, its corporate existence only commences upon the election and qualification of its chief executive and a majority of the mem-bers of the Sanggunian,” according to the resolu tion.

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“The process of cre-ating the Province of Sarangani, as in a birth cycle was con-summated, when the first duly elected pro-vincial officials were sworn into office by His Excellency Presi-

dent Fidel V. Ramos on November 28, 1992,” the resolution stated. “Symbolically, founda-tion or birth anniver-saries must be based not on the day of its conception but on the day of its birth.”

Thus, the foundation

anniversary was reset to November 28 “in order to create great-er impact and signifi-cance and sounder legal basis to the cele-bration. However, May 19 shall be commemo-rated as Charter Anni-versary.”

ITC for oil palm industry organized in SKTACURONG CITY — Stakeholders of the oil palm industry in the region have recently organized the Palm Oil Industry Tripartite Council (ITC) that will supervise the directions of one of the fast-growing industries in Soccsksargen Region.

Under the direc-tion of the Department of Labor and Employ-ment – Sultan Kudarat field office, 33 oil palm

stakeholders met with DOLE 12 Regional Di-rector Atty. Ma. Gloria Tango to discuss im-portant matters that

affect the palm oil sec-tor.

During the meeting, Atty. Tango, empha-sized the importance of ITC, particularly in the maintenance of in-dustrial peace as well as in DOLE’s current labor and employment plan.

She said, various ITCs have already been organized in the region, including fishing ITC in General Santos City, ba-nana ITC in North Cota-bato, and the pineapple ITC in South Cotabato.

Recognized as a growing and poten tially

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important industry by the recognized by the Regional Develop-ment Council (RDC), oil palm industry should have leaders among its stakehold-ers that will ensure that improvements in the industry as a ma-jor contributor in eco-nomic development of the region and em-ployment generation are sustained, Tango explained.

In response to Direc-tor Tango’s challenge, participants decided to elect officers who will lead the ITC.

Elected officers of the Oil Palm ITC were: Mr. Gerry Calong of (KIDI), vice chairper-son for Management; Mr. Eduardo Gavileno of UKARBEMPCO, vice chairperson for Labor; Ms. SHiela Mae Jame-ro of Bernardo Farms , secretary ; Mr. Rogelion Tabat of Bagumbayan , Sultan Kudarat, trea-surer; Dr. Jerry Mar-quez of New Isabela, Tacurong City, Auditor; and Mr. Joesine Loyloy of M&S Co., Inc., public relations officer.

As in the other ITCs, Director Tango stands

as chairman of the ITC.

Among issues and concerns of the indus-try discussed during the meeting were skills and tools enhancement of the harvesters, need for additional mills, conditions of farm to market roads, and pro-liferation of illegal buy-ers and nurseries.

Officers believe the organization of an ITC will be a strong body to push for support from other agencies such as the Philippine Coconut Authority, Department of Agriculture,

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Department of Trade and Industry, Fertilizer and Pesticide Author-ity, Bureau of Plant In-dustry (BPI), and local

government units.In succeeding meet-

ings, the ITC hopes to create their consti-

tution and by-laws, and action plan (MJHok-suan /DOLE SKFO/DEDoguiles/PIA 12)

1st Region 12 Coffee Congress, matagumpay KORONADAL CITY – Ang katatapos lamang na 1st Region 12 Coffee Con-gress na ginanap sa bulwagan ng Kapitolyo ng Lalawigan ng Sultan Kudarat ay isa umanong napakalaking tagumpay, ayon kay Nelly Dillera, provincial director ng Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) sa lalawigan.

Ayon kay Dillera, ang ak-tibidad ay isa umanong mile-stone sa umuus-bong na indus-triya ng Kape sa lalawigan dahil iba’t-ibang mga p e r s o n a l i d a d mula sa ibang bayan at maging sa ibang ban-sa na dumalo at nagpakita ng suporta at com-mitment.

Kung pagbabatayan umano ang dami ng partisipante, benta at pamumuhunang na-likom, iba’t-ibang mga aktibidad gaya ng coffee toasting, val-ue chain tour, coffee cupping at business matching, isa ngang hindi matawarang

tagumpay umano ang kauna-unahang coffee congress na pinangu-nahan ng DTI-Sultan Kudarat, ani Dillera.

Kaugnay nito, pina-salamatan ni Dillera ang mga ekspertong Resource Speakers na nagpa-unlak sa kan-yang imbitasyon, mga sponsors at ang Pama-halaang Panlalawigan

ng Sultan Kudarat sa ilalim ng pamumuno ni governor Suharto “Teng” Mangudadatu.

Umaasa rin si Dillera na ang ginawang Con-gress ay magtataas ng kamalayan ng mga magsasaka at man-gangalakal ng Rehiyon Dose sa potensiyal ng industriya ng kape. (Ac Agad PIA12)

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CCAP-WIBI package, an enhancement for Agusan farmers, DTI official says

[email protected][email protected]

Due to climate change, farmers in the Caraga Region are vulnerable to risks relating to their production capability, according to Brenda Covera of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) – Climate

Change Adaptation Program (CCAP) Implementing Theme.

by Maria Rebecca C. Ayaton

1st Region 12 Coffee Congress, matagumpay

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With this, the Inter-national Labour Organiza-tion (ILO) has partnered with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), DTI and the lo-cal government of Agu-san del Norte, and came up with a CCAP-Weather Index-based Insurance (WIBI) Package. The CCAP-WIBI Package includes the fol-lowing: WIBI literacy, fi-nancial literacy training, crop insurance products for rice, and corn covering risks to low rainfall and excess rainfall; and pro-vision of agri-technology training support.Aside from crop produc-tion, the CCAP-WIBI Pack-age is also aimed in mak-ing the farmers capable in diverting into other form of livelihood. During the CCAP

Culmination Series: Activ-ity 1 “Presentation of Re-sults of Innovative Financ-ing Schemes Test Runs and WIBI Cycle 1 Grad-uation-Cycle 2 Kick-off”, held yesterday at Almont Hotel’s Inland Resort, this city, Corvera said that the project was especially created for those farmers who are identified to be climate change-vulnera-ble. The beneficiaries of the said project were the prioritized farmers from the province of Agusan del Norte in the municipalities of Jabonga, Las Nieves, Remedios T. Romualdez (RTR), and Buenavista. “Before we have come-up with the project, we conducted a thorough research studies with the collaboration of DTI and other agencies to know

the possible businesses and other alternative live-lihood of the farmers,” said Corvera.She added that it took almost two years in con-ducting several research studies just to make sure that the project will be a successful one”. “The project started in 2009 and has developed 3 models which undergo a test run. In Agusan del Norte the assigned test run is about Risk transfer mechanism, a test run on the Innovative Financing and Insurance Scheme. The three models of the innovative integrated fi-nancial scheme are the following: credit compo-nent, savings component, and social protection mechanism,” said Corve-ra. On the other hand, “the DOLE had disbursed almost half a million fund for the local government of Agusan del Norte to the municipalities of Jabonga, RTR, Buenavista and Las Nieves to start their or-ganic fertilizer produc-tion”, she added. Aside from the De-partment of Agriculture, the DOLE also wants the farmers to go into organic farming.

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Surigao Norte to hold 1st Environment Summit by Fryan E. Abkilan

The Surigao del Norte provincial government is all set to host its first ever Environment Summit today at the provincial convention center, with the theme “Building a Green Surigao: An Urgent Call”.

Provincial Environ-ment and Management Of-fice chief Ivonnie Dumadag said the summit will start with an inter-school liter-ary/musical competition with the Department of Education (DepEd) spear-heading the event. Department of En-vironment and Natural Resources (DENR) Sec. Ramon Paje will be guest speaker during the sum-mitPaje and Gov. Sol Matugas will lead the inauguration of the Provincial Eco-Park at the Provincial Gover-nor’s Mansion.

Gov. Matugas has called for the full partici-pation of non-government organizations, barangay leaders, sectoral advo-cates and political leaders of the province, according to Dumagdag. “During the summit, Gov. Matugas will present to Sec. Paje the province’s environment roadmap to-wards sustainable develop-ment,” Dumadag said. Dumadag further said that a memorandum of agreement (MOA) will also be conducted for the Surigao del Norte Integrat-ed Greening Program and

Surigao Green – a prov-ince’s Public-Private Part-nership program in support to R.A. 9003 also known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. Other significant ac-tivities to highlight the event include: the presentation of manifesto of commit-ment towards environmen-tal protection, the prov-ince’s recognition of Small Scale Miners (Nagkahiu-sang Gagmay’ng Minero – NAGAMI) and the ceremo-nial turn-over of land titles dubbed as “Handog Titulo” to the identified beneficia-ries of the province.

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Search for Best Barangay and School is onby Gemma S. Millan

HINATUAN, Surigao del Sur -- The Lo-cal Government Unit of this municipality, through the Ecological Solid Waste Man-agement Office, is embarking on a new environmental program aimed at involving barangays and schools in maintaining the cleanliness and greenness of their respec-tive premises.

Termed as “Search for Best Barangay and School,” the new pro-gram of the present administration headed by Mayor Candelario J. Viola, Jr. will continu-ously monitor the com-pliance of Republic Act

9003 by the concerned ba-rangays and schools, as the key determin-ing factor of the program’s winner. Through the search, ba-rangays and schools will be

evaluated and the one that continuously seg-regate, compost, and recycle waste materials will be awarded. The municipal-wide search will be evaluated by jurors

composed of the mem-bers of ESWMP Techni-cal Working Group. All participants go through four rounds of surprise inspection trips carried out on April, June, Sep-tember and December. Awarding will be conducted on July and December with P50,000 as first prize while P35,000.00 and P25,000.00 are the prizes for the second and third place. Certifi-cates of Appreciation shall also be awarded to the winners.

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MindaNOW launched in Dipolog

More than 300 turned up to join a tree growing activity at Barangay Sangkol in this city yesterday.

Officers and mem-bers of the Regional Development Coun-cil (RDC)-IX, baran-gay leaders, officials and employees of the city government of Di-polog, teachers and pupils of Sangkol El-ementary School, of-ficials and employees of the Department of Environment and Nat-ural Resources (DENR) and other stakeholders came and joined a tree planting activity spear-headed by the Min-danao Development Authority (MinDA) and DENR-IX to formal-

ly launch the project dubbed “MindaNOW.” MindaNOW, which stands for Mindanao Nurturing Our Waters,

is a collaborative en-deavor that aims to in-stitutionalize the sus-tainable development and management of

by Franklin P. Gumapon

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Mindanao”s natural resources. “It empha-sizes ecological value, capitalizes water as the most critical resource for human survival and shall optimize full po-tentials of natural re-sources,” said a flyer distributed by MinDA staff. In her message before the partici-

pants, Dipolog mayor and RDC-IX chair Eve-lyn T. Uy said “the city government is serious in its fight against de-struction of the en-vironment.” She also urged the public to help preserve and protect the natural resources “by getting only what is needed.” DENR-IX Region-

al Director Arleigh J. Adorable commended Mayor Uy for her im-mediate response to RDC’s call for the pro-tection and develop-ment of watersheds in the region. He also ap-pealed to everybody to be “more aggressive in planting trees.” (JPA/FPG/PIA-Zambo. Norte)

Dipolog City Mayor Evelyn T. Uy plants her tree during the launching of MindaNOW in Dipolog

PIA-9 Director Noemi B. Edaga and Dipolog City Mayor Evelyn Uy at the planting site

PIA-9 Director Noemi B. Edaga signs the pledge of commitment for the MindaNOW project.

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Zambo hosts 28th Area Assembly of Mindanao Geodetic Engineers Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines Inc. (GEPI) has

chosen Zamboanga as the host-city for the conduct of its 28th Mindanao Area Assembly held recently.

The two-day as-sembly attended by over 200 geodetic engi-neers all over Mindanao, anchored on the theme “Promoting Public-Pri-vate Partnership for ef-fective Land Governance in Mindanao,” discussed current issues, trends and best practices in the geodetic engineering profession. City Mayor Cel-so Lobregat during the opening program called the geodetic engineer-participants as ambas-sadors of goodwill as he urged them to help in

promoting the good, the best and beautiful about Zamboanga City. “Without question, land is increasingly be-coming an important governance issue espe-cially in the light of many complex challenges like climate change, rising population, rapid urban-ization, food security and peace and order,” Lobre-gat in his message said, as he cited the various efforts of his adminis-tration to ensure sound land governance. The mayor affirmed that to ensure sound

outcomes in land gover-nance, both public and private individuals and institutions “must work together to ensure land use policies and such are implemented and rights are protected.” The Mayor also ex-tended his gratitude to GEPI for holding its 28th Area Assembly here say-ing “I am very thankful for your decision to hold your convention in Zam-boanga City for it pro-vides us the opportunity to show you what Zam-boanga truly is.” (JPA/DTI/PIA9-ZBST)

by Jocelyn P. Alvarez

WESCOM participates in malaria prevention orientationMedical practitioners from government hospitals and private

clinics in Puerto Princesa City, including the Camp General Artemio Ricarte Station Hospital (CGARSH), the health

care service provider of the Western Command (WESCOM), gathered for a two-day orientation on new treatment protocol of and operation procedures for the malaria disease held recently.

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The 6th Civil Rela-tions Group of the AFP said the orientation, at-tended by a total of 23 doctors, was spearhead-ed by Kilusan Ligtas Ma-laria (KLM), a govern-ment organization under the Provincial Health Office advocating the campaign against the deadly mosquito-borne disease. Among the top-ics discussed during the orientation were the new available drug for malaria treatment and the proper way the dis-ease should be treated which aimed to further strengthen and intensi-fy the fight against ma-larial spread and reduce

the number of cases of malaria infection in the province. Malaria is an infec-tious disease that can be transmitted through a bite of a carrier mos-quito. Its symptoms in-clude flu-like illness, fe-ver, chills, muscle aches and headaches that come and go in a cycle. A parasite that causes malaria infects the red blood cells. Last year, the KLM recorded more than 10,000 cases of ma-laria-afflicted patients out of which five died. The number increased compared to its prec-edent year, where only 7,000 were recorded to

have acquired the dis-ease though 11 patients died. The recorded cas-es of malarial infection were mostly from the towns of Rizal, Batara-za, Brooke’s Point, Que-zon and Puerto Princesa City. The KLM hopes to better equip doctors in treating malaria by hold-ing the said orientation. The organization also continues distribut-ing free treated bed nets, conducting indoor resid-ual spraying and hold-ing seminars in baran-gays to teach residents about malaria preven-tion. (JPA/6CRGAFP/RVC-PIA9 ZBST)

Medical practitioners from government hospitals and private clinics in Puerto Princesa City, including the Camp General Artemio Ricarte Station Hospital (CGARSH), the health care service provider of the Western Command (WESCOM), gathered for a two-day orientation on new treatment protocol of and operation pro-cedures for the malaria disease

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