Page 1: On Friday the 13th May 2017 we celebrate the 100 ......Lady appearing at Fatima and I have just began writing this called. TWO GREAT MEN – LED By Our Lady of Fatima. By Philip Illsley

On Friday the 13th May 2017 we celebrate the 100 Anniversary of Our Lady appearing at Fatima and I have just began writing this called. TWO GREAT MEN – LED By Our Lady of Fatima. By Philip Illsley. ( I felt the need to write this after going to the celebration and the crowning of The Statue of our Lady of Fatima at St David’s Cathedral in Cardiff and the Mass and veneration of the relicts of Bl Francisco and Bl Jacinta on Saturday 6th May 2017)

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On the 13th May 1981 it was on this date that Pope John Paul 2nd was shot in Rome and of course it was also on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima. Whilst he was recovering from this assignation attempt in the Gemelli Clinic in Rome he was immediately struck by the irony of these two dates “ The Two Thirteenths of May “

He would come to see a direct connection especially when he requested to read and see “ The Third secret of Fatima “ all his remaining

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doubts had gone and he recognised his own destiny that his life had been saved by Our Blessed Lady. On The 30th March 1981 43 Days earlier was the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan who was shot and seriously wounded outside the Hilton Hotel in Washington DC. The New York Times the following day recorded Reagan Wounded in the chest by Gunman – His Outlook Good after 2 hours surgery- Aid and two guards shot – Suspect held.

THESE TWO GREAT MEN became great friends and Led by Our Lady

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They worked together to fight against the great evil of Communism. The presence of Our lady in leading these two great men will not surprise Catholics and President Reagan’s interest in Our Blessed Lady and his interest in Fatima Specifically. Communism has had a dreadful effect on humanity with well over 100 million dead victims in the 20th century alone, more than double the combined death tolls of Word war one and world war two. Also The countless number of people who suffered persecution and torture and people like Pope PiusX11 who had his character assassinated by Moscow smearing him with the label as “ Hitler’s Pope”. John Paul 2nd and President Regan passionately new they had to defeat this evil of Communism.

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Both of these great men battled communism nearly all their lives Reagan did in Hollywood in the 1940’s and the1950’s he said when he was President in the 1980’s I still have the scars on my back from fighting communism in Hollywood. Karol Wojtyla had likewise been an actor in his early adult years, he encountered communism in an ever more vicious way as they took over Poland his beautiful homeland in the 1940’s. But what would have really rattled these men one a faithful Protestant one a faithful Catholic was the hatred of religion by these communists they both recognised that communists wanted to kill not

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just men but God not just the body but the soul. All of these crimes and errors were of course predicted By Our Lady at Fatima and all of them signalled how and why the Soviet Empire was truly described By Ronald Reagan as an Evil Empire.

Both of these great men were nearly killed in assassination attempts in the early 1980’s. They both believed that there lives had been spared for a special purpose which they translated into a Joint effort to take down atheistic Soviet Communism. Both of these met in The Vatican on June 7th 1982 a little over a year since their assassination attempts their meeting led to real action

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to sustain the Solidarity movement in Poland as a potential wedge that could split the USSR’S Empire. President Reagan saw Pope John Paul 2nd as his partner and his best friend

Their collaboration helped bring about the historic events of 1989- 91 from the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the communist block to the disintegration of the Soviet Union. They won the cold war without a missile fired along with key help from Mrs Thatcher, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Walesa.

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Theirs was a historic partnership and a historic victory and with Our Blessed Lady’s help this is the extraordinary story of the 20th century.

Pope John Paul 2nd said; Can the Mother who with all the force of love she fosters in The Holy Spirit and who desires everyone’s salvation Can She remain silent when She sees the very basis of Her children’s Salvation Undermined. The Pope answers his own question, No She cannot remain

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silent. It is impossible today to measure the extent to which the faithful Christian is confronted by these evil people who Pope Benedict 16th described as the wolves that encircle the flock the wolves even within the Church like Freemasonry the Illunaniti these secret sects within the Vatican today and others with their own agendas which cause much confusion and error and undermine the Church. Everywhere there is Apostasy the lack of “The Faith” “The Lack of The Love of Truth” foretold by Our Lady at Fatima.

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These wolves even in our schools today that devour the virtue the purity and goodness as they drag the innocent children through a Godless indoctrination that the child becomes a stranger to The Church and their Faith. These wolves in the family who feed on redefining marriage reversing gender roles and encouraging divorce and infidelity and raising same sex marriage to a level of a secular sacrament on par with Holy Matrimony. These wolves in the halls of Government who deny The rights of God, establishing Laws legalising the slaughter of millions of His Little Ones This is all out war my friends Against God and His Law of LOVE. Many Catholics have lost their Faith today or their faith hangs by a thread because of the Lack of Faith and the Lack of The Love of Truth.

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Pope John Paul 2nd said, There is a silent Apostasy in our Time and that is because of the lack of Faith and the lack of the love of TRUTH. Sacred Scripture tell us That the Great Apostasy The Lack of The Faith must come before The Antichrist but before you have the Great Apostasy YOU Must have the LOSS of The Love of THE TRUTH. Our Blessed Mother came to Fatima and Garabandal and gave the Truth But The Church has not passed it on

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On The 18th June 1965 this second formal Message for the world and the 18th June will be The 52nd Anniversary of this very important and powerful message and this message shows how upset God and our Blessed Lady are because The Messages she gave at Fatima and Garabandal have NOT been complied with and made known to the whole world. Our Blessed

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Mother was so upset She could not give this message Herself because of what had to be said of her Beloved Sons The Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests. She asked St Michael The Archangel to give this Message. This is this important Message : As My message of October 1961 Has not been complied with and made known to the world I am advising you today that this is the last one. Before the cup was filling up NOW it is flowing over. Many Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests are on the road to perdition and taking many souls with them, Less and Less importance is being given to the Eucharist. You should turn the wrath of God away from yourselves by your efforts. If you ask for His forgiveness with sincere hearts He will forgive you I your Mother through the intersession of St Michael the

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Archangel ask you to amend your lives. You are receiving the last warning’s I love you very much and do not want your condemnation. Pray to us with sincerity and we will grant your requests You should make more sacrifices Think more about the Passion of Jesus.

In spite of the serious pleas of Our heavenly Mother these serious warnings and events of Garabandal have largely been ignored by parties within the Catholic Church to whom these messages and events were directed The Cardinals, Bishops, and

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Priests, and many of these have been prone to ignoring or denying their reality! The Garabandal Warnings fill the mind with the most frightening images of what the whole world will experience if it does NOT obey Our Lady’s Messages.

IN THE END !! She said and I think these three words are the key to Her Understanding of our Human nature IN THE END My Immaculate Heart will TRIUMPH The Holy Father will Consecrate Russia to My

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Immaculate Heart and a Period of Peace will be given to the world. An Italian Stigmatist called Antonio Ruffini This Italian Lay Person who had the Stigmata in his hands for over 40 years.

Antonio Ruffini This saintly man who from an early age prayed with his heart, had his first vision of Jesus and Mary when he was seventeen. He went to Africa as a lay missionary and he was known in Africa “ As The Healer “ . In 1990 in Rome he was asked is John Paul 2nd the Pope who is going to do the consecration of Russia

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He Answered NO It Is Not John Paul 2nd and it will Not be his immediate successor either BUT The one after that – He Is the Pope who will consecrate Russia – This of course my friends is our present Pope Francis – We must all of us pray that Pope Francis is indeed the Pope who will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary – Because the Consecration of Russia is the only way the word will have PEACE. Bishop Joao Vencancio 1985- 1904 He was the Bishop of Leria in Portugal and he is the Bishop who handed over the famous 3rd secret of Fatima to the Papal Legate in 1957 Bishop Venancio said that Garabandal was a continuation of Fatima. He also described the 3rd secret as 20 to 24 lines handwritten on a single sheet of paper. The Vatican’s disclosure of the 3rd secret

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in the year 2000 was taken from 4 sheets of paper NOT one sheet thus causing much mystery and confusion It seems there were two versions or two parts of the secret. One was kept in a special office in the Vatican the other single sheet in a desk in the Popes Bedroom. Bishop Vencanico also named Fr Alonso in 1966 as the Official Expert on Fatima. Fr Alonso did great work and much study on Fatima he had access to Sr Lucia and the messages and the secrets of Fatima. Fr Alonso concluded that the 3rd secret refers mainly to a spiritual chastisement which is far worse and more fearsome than famine or wars and of persecution of the Church, for this concerns our souls and our eternal Salvation.

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All this major work of Fr Alonso consisted of 14 editions which he tried to publish But the Vatican forbid him to publish this great work. But before his death in December 1981 He was able to make known his conclusions through numerous pamphlets and theological journals

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Fr Alonso stated that the anti- Church bureaucracy in the Vatican and throughout the Church abhor anything savouring devotion to Mary, To Fatima, To Garabandal, and to any Private revelation, They have forsaken the Divine Faith of Catholicism of which Mary the Mother of God is an integral part.

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We do have some Idea of what the 3rd secret of Fatima that many believe has not been released and we can thank Pope John Paul 2nd and Fr Alonso for this vital information. We believe that it is an attack on Our Faith, On our immortal souls, on The Dogma of the Faith, and also am attack on the Catholic Priesthood. This is the testimony of individuals who have read the suppressed text of the 3rd secret of Fatima, and who had access to Sr Lucia and Her writings. And again we can thank Pope John Paul 2nd because he said quite clearly and openly in Fatima on May 13th 2000 that the Fatima messages and secrets are addressed to all Mankind NOT to follow the third of the stars of Heaven that are dragged down by the tail of the dragon. What many people believe is the 3rd secret

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That has not been released is this; The stars of heaven who are Catholic clergy and one third of them are in the service of the devil – John Paul tells us that this warning is to all people of this generation – He asks us all to take this verse to HEART because it applies TO OUR TIME This is why this important secret has NOT been released. This is why we must all pray for our priests and for Pope Francis they are under massive attack today and they all need our Prayers. Our Mother has given mankind the remedied to prevent this horrendous Evil but they have failed to be administered properly.

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At Garabandal Our Lady spoke about Communism – She said It Would come Back – These are Her words That it would come back and cause a very great Tribulation that Russia would gain dominion of the whole world before its reign of terror is Suddenly Ended.

Jesus speaks to the world about Garabandal; It Must be accepted by the Church authorities for all these years it has not is and insult to My Mother. I ask those who believe to

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place it in the world afresh. I tell the world that soon I will prove it by the completion of it !

The four visionaries at Garabandal were shown a very difficult brief period of time in Europe. Suddenly communism would overrun Europe Italy France and Spain would be overrun by this Great Tribulation Led by Russia. There would be persecution of the Church and The Holy Father would have to flee Rome. Our Lady said the Pope would visit Moscow and on his return all hell would be let loose. A key marker for us all to look out for is this

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IF POPE FRANCIS visits Moscow and when he returns hostilities will break out in Europe.

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A Great Chastisement of Fire awaits all mankind today because of our sins! Our Lady tells us our sins are far worse today than in the days of Noah, and Sodom and Gomorra and that our sins are getting more hideous Day By Day. Whatever happens in the future will come because of all of our sins and the sins of the whole world. There are NOT enough good people in the world PRAYING and making reparation for all of our sins. The world is on the verge of being

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overwhelmed by Evil and God must intervene to preserve the Good. This Tribulation of Communism led by Russia is all about The Woman and The Dragon ( Revelation 12)

The 1st Sign is that of THE WOMAN The woman today symbolises Our Lady. I am She says The Woman clothed with the Sun who has the task of Fighting against the Red Dragon and his powerful army to conquer him, to bind him, and drive him away into his kingdom of death That Christ alone may reign on earth

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The Sun that clothes the Woman is the TRINITY. She is bathed in their blazing Light for She is the Daughter of the Father who had her Conceived Immaculate. She is the Bride of the Holy Spirit and She is the Mother of Jesus the Son Of God. The Woman wears a Crown the sign of Her Royalty for She is Our Queen and Our Mother Our Celestial Queen. Scion Of King David and Mother of the King of Kings. The 2nd Sign in Revelation is that of a huge Red Dragon. A huge red dragon with seven horns and on its head were seven Diadems whose tail drags a third of the stars to the earth ( This is what Pope John Paul 2nd tells us NOT to follow the third of the stars of Heaven and he asks us to take this verse to HEART because it applies to OUR TIME NOW )

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This Huge Red Dragon My Friends TODAY represents Atheistic Communism RUSSIA which errors spread everywhere with the obstinate rejection of God. It Has ten horns using its power to lead humanity to disobey the Ten Commandments of God . It seeks to draw all humanity

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away from Glorifying The Most Holy Trinity. It seeks to obscure the work of The Father which is creation. It seeks to destroy the work of the Son which is His Church by spreading error and infidelity in her like a cancer. It tries to block the work of the Holy Spirit which is Sanctification. It is doing this by causing a Loss of the sense of sinning today where countless people AVOID and neglect frequent confession this great Sacrament so important in keeping us all in a state of Grace, so important in keeping us all close to God and we keep close to God by being faithful to the Seven Sacraments of The Holy Catholic Church. We Prepare for this coming Tribulation by doing all of the above and the Tribulation will hold no fear for all of us.

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This Tribulation and this battle between the Woman and the Dragon is for all of the souls of Her Children on Earth. Our Blessed Mother is clothed with the Sun of The Trinity to restore to its splendour the work of Creation, of Redemption, and of Sanctification in such a way that The Most Holy Trinity will receive Glory once more from us all. Our Lady has began this great battle today and will wage it through Her Faithful

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Children here on Earth all who LIVE Her Messages given at Fatima, Garabandal, Akita, and Medjugorje

Her Prayer Warriors who will form Her Heal that will crush the head of the Serpent Satan and help Her In the Triumph Of Her Immaculate Heart and the reign of the Era Of Peace – Click onto and learn more .

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