  • Old Yeller VocabularyQuiz Kristen HeadleeSeptember 2010

  • Question 1The birds eggs were speckled. Which of the following has the same meaning as speckled?:A. streaked

    C. slimy

    B. smudged

    D. spotted

  • Question 2Tamra slung her suitcase on the closet floor. Which of the following has the same meaning as slung?:A. found

    C. plopped

    B. approached

    D. threw

  • Question 3The puppies were romping in the backyard. Which of the following has the same meaning as romping?:A. yelping noisily

    C. sprawling lazily

    B. playing roughly

    D. cuddling lovingly

  • Question 4The sixth-grade students had become rowdy. Which of the following has the same meaning as rowdy?:A. disorderly

    C. anxious

    B. unfriendly

    D. grumpy

  • Question 5. The tall man was lunging through the crowd. Which of the following has the same meaning as lunging?:A. navigating himself

    C. squeezing himself

    B. thrusting himself

    D. sneaking himself

  • End of quiz

  • Key1) D2) D3) B4) A5) B6) D7) C

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