Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 7/Brooklyn NY...The light aud p*J*a»iug style of this music, the strange story of the Seveu Sleepers, the singing in the cave, ... yesterday


I l' ••<• >

r-TTKir w^^ww^^^^^W^l

(Sitjj ^eu)0 xm& (Btosirip* NOTICE-THB BTBBBT COMMaOTBIr* i?P THB Common Council will hold their rejjnlar n»«tln^e

TUB ORATHiU LlSf EVUHIKU.-—TUB fl»l-Jet" formanoo of an'oratorio. to Ihe Brooklyn public draw together a vory full audieage^tt'tho Fomttle Acad­emy, lit. Loowo'a oratorio o( tho Seveu Sleepers, was presented uudor tho auspices of tho Brooklyn Saored Alusic Society, which has bceu organize only two or three mouths, but which has i» that short time, tuado rapid .advancement, aud takcu a high position in tho musical world. Tho oratorio was given last night in as a good stylo throughout as it over was by tho New York Sacred Music Society, though the force employed on the occasion was not •o uumerous as that society can command, and perhaps this wis its moat oouiintjudable foalurc, as there wero a sufficient number of performers present lo euiljlie capacity of the room. Tho chiej'vocal parts wore lustaiucd by artists of acknowledged ability aud reputation, such as Mr.̂ Pdigu, Mrs Jyucs- The chorus and some of tho leading singers Vore sup­plied from the uiembftra of the Society, who consist of our best utnajuur vocalists, all bound together and sustained in the' instrumental parts by tho cele. brated baud of Uuug'l, thau whom there are probably no belter performers of orchestral music in the world. With all these aids aud helps, aud Mr. Zundel the experienced aud accomplished conductor to tho So­ciety, they would not have fulfilled tho expectations of tho public unless they had performed the oratorio in the truo aud spirited manner in which the author's music wen rendered. Tho audienco pave evidenco of their approbation by repeated applause, and the whole thing went oft' in good style. The light aud p*J*a»iug style of this music, the strange story of the Seveu Sleepers, the singing in the cave, whicn was last evening performed iu a side room, all combine to render this oratorio a fa­vorite with a popular audience. | l will bear frequent hearing, aud we trust the society will bo induced to perform it at an early day. Wo_are glad that througii the elForis and public spirit of Mr. Wy-nan, the ptesidout uf the society, Brooklyn has* started on her owu responsibility iu tho matter of an elevated, style of sacred music, and that we shall havelt in its perfection without the trouble of going to New York*. i

for the Eagle.

SHAMEFUL.—If rumor bo true, during the firo yesterday morniug, as No. 3's truck or jumper \vai

• goiug to the fire, two young men wero in company, oue of them fell, and said jumper ran over his body, the other to save tho life aud limb uf his uuforlunate comrade, seized the wheel and stopped the jumpers headway, and no soouer was this noble deod_doue thau he found himself in the clutches of ihtrMhyor aud two watchmen, who confined him in the cells until a late hour in the morning, whou ho was brought out and held to hail. 1 have seen go vera I pcrsuus who saw the whulo affair, and say tho above statement is true.

This is au outrage, aud there is a remedy, aud I hope it may be sought. JUSTICE.

OUTRAGE—Ueorgo Wilder, a respectablo colored man who on his way from Williatitsburgli to Hemp stead, on Tuesday of last week was Jiailed by another black fellow, who wanted to ride. In a few minutes after tho stranger got into tho wagon with Wilder he struck him several blows with a club and camo nf ar kilting him Hut Wilder rallied and turning on the villain ho became frightened Aud fled, lie has been taken up and lodged in jail. "

a7'"heeommitteerooin,ClljrHall, avery Wednesday i j i n i i , ) ^ , rrrPH- -»nnT«n,nhiifjnnn

PtvTa May,181V. n»yl3

Unction £Talt0. H.Tir t', AHrtlniiMT.

l l

T h o board of supervisor^havfi r.<snlvud,to contest

the c la im of "Judge Johnson to the salary of the

county judgsli ip while the bench was occupied by

J u d g e R o c k w e l l .

W E E K L Y R E P O R T of Deaths aud Interments in the

City of Brooklyn, lor the week eud iug J a n . 127lh Apoplexy , 1, Bronchitis, 2 , childbirth, 1, c o n s u m p ­tion, 2 , convulsions, 3 , croup, dropsy in h e a d , 2 dys ­entery, 2 , Erys ipe las , 1, fever puoipcral, 2 , do. t y ­phoid, 1. whooping c o u g h , 3 , luflainlaioti of brain, 3 , do ol luugs , 3 , do of throat, 1, marasmus , 1, pleurisy, 1, premature birth, 2 , stillborn, 2 , Variola, 3 , u n k n o w n . 1 , in f luenza ,3 .

Males , 19 ; females , 2 2 ; adults, 13 ; chi ldren, 2 8 ; total, 4 1 . C H A S . S . J . G O O D R I C H , t

Phys ic ian of the Board. N . B . — I n t e r m e n t s in• Greenwood aud other

Brooklyn grounds, from N o w York and other places .22.

A liA"V*/ la relatlon-to JbaUdlngi of brlcjLwESktQKTe. •rue Mayor'and Aldermen ol the cltyTTrBrobllyn

In common council convened do ordain as follows -$ 1. All dwelling houses, store housed and other build-

l»gs, which, fiom and after the expiration ot tl-ree calen dur months shall be erected and built within the city of Brooklyn ; that Is to say within that part of the said city, contained In the following bounds:—couiiuenclog at the east rlvor.'at the foot of Joralemon street, thence along Joraleruoa street to Fulton street, thence along Fulton to Washington street, thenco along Washington street to the east river, thence along the east river to the place of be ginning, shall be built of brick orstone, or of other mate­rial than wood.

$ 2. T h e outside and party walls of such bulldlugi shall not be less than twelve Inches thick,excopt .lues olchlm nles. In any p u t thereof, and tho party or end walls of kuch buldings shall rite and be extended to ihu roof, and so far through the same'as to uiuet aud be joined to the slate, tile or other covering thcreol, by a layer of mor­tar or cement. ,

<$ 3. All beams and other timbers In tho party walls of such buildings, shall be separated fr jui each other at least four Inches, by brick or mortar; and all plate pieces ID the front ttnd rear walls thereof, shall recede from the outside of the wall at least four inches; and such wall shall be built up and extended to the slate or other tire proof cover-lux of the roof.

<j 4. All discharging or arch pieces used In the chimneys of any such buildings, shall recede from any Hue in any such chlmnay, at least four Inches.

$ 5. No bond timber or wait strips in any wall of any building wriTiin such Ure limits, shall In width and thick­ness exceed the width and thickness of a course ot brick: and suclt bond timber or wall strips shall be laid at least ei^hteoa Inches apart from each other, on either sido of any wall respectively.

$ 0. All roots, st.epics, cupulas and spires ofchrches and oilier public building t, and all privies nut exceeding leu feel square ; all tire engine houses uf tho corpiratlon, and till lltiio houses, may be built of wood and board, or brick a u j stone, and covered w.ih board or shingles ; auy thing herein aforesaid uotwithsttudlng. — $ 7. If any dwelling house, storo house or building shall be erected or routed contrary to the provisions uf this ordi­nance, the proprietor or proprietors thtrcof, shall, for every suco oifuncu, forfeit and pay the sum ot Five Hundred Uol lars. Aud every such dwelling house, store house or other building, erec id or roofed In said district,contrary to this ordinance,shall be deemed a couiuiou nuisance.

$ o. Tiro lore going provisions of this ordinance shall nut apply to any baildin:; heretofore erected and covertd with board or shingle, within s.iid district, and which shall at any time renairo to be repine J of now roofed.

Adoptsd Jtnuary 22, 13U. EDWARD COPLAND, City Clerk.

Approved January 23. I8PJ. J.-tJ) 3uid FitA.SCIS B.STRYKKB.. Miyor.

A I J . V W In retaMon to buildings of brick or stone, in . i S L a c e r t i i n district therein named.

Ttie Mayor and" AlJerrrieh of the. cTty of "Brooklyn, in Ooinuion Council convened, do ordain as follows:

<*il. All duelling houses, store houses and other build­ings, which from aud after tboexp ration of threo calerdar months from the possugo of this ordinance shall bo erected aud builtwithln tho^ityof Brooklyn—thatis to say, with­in that part of the s*ia Clfr.pontalned in the following bounds: Ujg'uiniiig nt the interseclio i of Harrison and Hicks streets, and running nlo;iJ Hicks sl.eel to I'rosiilont street; Whence aluti-; President street to the centre of Clin­ton street; thenre along Clinton street to Harrison street; lliunco along Harrison street to the pta,co of be^lnnint— shall be built of brick or stone, or of other material than wood.

$ 2. The outsido and party walls of such buildings shall rot bo Ie3s than twelve Inches thick, except flue«of chlin-cys, in any part thereof; and the party ur end walls of uch buildings shall rise and be extended t i t h e roof, and

i ) fur through the same as lorriecl and he joined lo the slate, tile or other covering thereof, by a layer of mortar or cement.

$ 3 All beams and other timbers In the party walls of such buildings, shall bo sop irated from each other ul least four ioeties, by brick or mortar: and all plate pieces in tho front ami rear walls the roof, shall recede from the outside of the wall at least four inches; and such wall shall tit.* built up ami extended to the slate or other file p:oof cov­ering of thereof. . •

$ 4. Al discharging or arch pieces used in the chitonic ; of any such buildings, shall recede from any flue in anv such chimney at least four inches.

§ 5. No bond Umber or-wall strips in any wall of anv building within such fire limits,shall In width and tliictc ness exceed the width and thickness of a couise of brick : and such bond timber or wall srips shall be laid at .riches apart from each other, on either side u: any wall respectively.

vj 0. All roofs, steeples, cupolas and spires of churchr. -nd other public buildings, and all privies not exceedin: ten feet square: all fire engine houses of tho corporation, and ali lime houses, may be built of wool and board, or brick and'stone, and covered with board or shingles; an? thing horcln aforesai .notwithstanding.

§ 7. If any dwelling house, store house or building shut' be erected or roofed contrary to the provisions of thi3 ord: nance, the proprietor or proprietors thereof, shtil for ever; such offence forleit and pay the.sum of five hundred ii>;i lars. And every such dwelling house,store house brother building, erected or roofed in said district, contrary-to this ordinauto. shall bo deemed a common nuisance.

$ti . The foreiuin'g provisions of this ordinance shall no-apply to any building heretofore erected and covered with bjard or shingle, within said district, and which shall i.> any liuio require to be-repaired or new roofed.

Adopted November37th. 184B.

Approved November 2S)th, lcV{8. d7 3md FRANCIS B STRYKER, Mayor.

MOi'lC'JE—In the matter of the .application of th--Mayor and Common Council of th'ecity of Brooklyn,

OJte«,JV*e.43**K/t»i»«tr<«J,«#rji'er#/ rr«»t,Br«*ktyn.

i y J A M K I C O L K wi l l give his personal Htsntlon.lO salesof Household Furulmrt,and out doorsalesgenerally; a l so . tosa leso f RealE»tate,8tocks,*.c. atthrfExchange .New York •* ' " v *\ • At Private Sale—8 vacant lots on W i l l o w • t . o n e e a c h

side of the dwelling houselately owned and occupied by T h o s l Chew esq. deryj, each S5 by 100 feet, being two ol the best lots ont'hatilreet. Inqulreof Ci?.8uiUh, 138Ful­ton, or of theauct ioneer. 43 do.

- Thursday. February Jst , At 12 o'clock, e t t h e Franklin House—Positive sale.

Also, Washington 1'ntk Property.—Supeme Court In. Equity, undersarue direction", all those°V2 lots of ground, viz : it lots on Canton st, between Fulton and DeKalb avs and 1J lots on tUiupdenst. In rear of the above For full particularssc9 Sheriff*advertisement In Brooklyn Eagle.

Friday, February 2d, At 12 o'clock, at the Franklin Homo.

Supreme Court—In Equity—under tho direction of Dan'l Van Voorhls, Esq.—All that certain lot, piece or pared of land iu the Uth ward, city of Brooklyn, commencing a t a point on theN side of Wyckoffst distant 100 ft 8 Ins E from the NE corner of Vanderbllt av and Wyckoll'st, running In certain lines to the 3 side ot Bergen si, together with all tho tenoments, fce.&c, thereto belonglag. Fur full par­ticulars, see Sherill's advertisement In Brooklyn Eagle.

Also, same, under direction of tho same— >ll that cer­tain leasehold interest In a lot on the S side of Tillary st, distant 77 ft 0 in E from NE corner of Tearl and Tillary sis—said lot i s 2 j feet front und contains 2000 iqusre ft.— For full particulars see ShcrilV's advertisement in Brook

K i u « co court In equity—Under the direction of Daniel Van Voorhls, Ksq.—Ml that triangular piece of land on the south side of Water st, Brooklyn, adjoinlag land of the late Gilbert Van Mater, being 24 ft G ins front by 50 ft 8 lni on one side and 62 ft on tho other, more or less, for full par-ttculwssee sheriff's advertisement in Brooklyn Eagle.

Alio, Kin^s co. court In equity—same direction—All that certain east part of a dwelling house ur\d piece of land In the town ol Flatbush, bounded 8 and SE by Brook­lyn and Jamaica road, K and N by Und of Wui Howard, sun, to a certain mark or stake,and thence to the partition wa.l in a straight hue lo the rear, coaialulng 10 acres more or less.

Also, all that other piece of land In the town of Flatbush on the S side ot the Brookly n aud Jain ilea ro id ad olning and bounded Oy land of Trios Swan, Jacob Sncdiker, and Johtinue"s J Lott, coutilning 43 acres.. For full particulars sea sheriff's advertisement iu Brooklyn Eagle.

Tuesday, February Oih. At !2o'clock at the Franklin House, /

Supreme Court In Equity.—Under direction of Danlfcl Van Vouruls,,. Sheriff, All those 21 Lots of Ground In the Village of Williamsburg, bounded by Burruui, iVc Kibbln and Leonard streets, and known on .Mop of Jarott. Boeruiii, deceased, nuw Mc Kibbin and" Nichols, made Sept. lt?33, and on file in Kiugs Co. Clerks otfico by No 37o to 3'Jo, both inclusive, in parcel no 16, each lot 25 by 100 feet.

Thursday, February 22d. At 12 o'clock, at ttio Merchants' Exchange,

The Diunrs Farm, of about 81 acres, h ilf a inilo cast of Jamaica Village, .beautifully fronting on tho Jericho, Hempstead and Babylon turnpike, with a spacious man­sion house, barn and outbuildings; cholcoTand for hay and marketing'; flue young orch ird ; heav'ny timbered, wull watered; genteel neighborhood; churches acade­mies, 4-c, numerous; half an hour from N. railroad, a short walk from tho depot, will suit a genllenmn doing buiiutsi in ttie city daily. Three fourths ul tne purchase money can remain 11) years on mortgage, Mr. O. V. Leech, Jamaica will show ihe pioperty.

J O S K t ' i l : i i : « i ; . i l A N , A u c t i o n e e r . BROOKLYN PUBLIC SALES ROOM,

A*i> 1U1 IVaSkingtvn, near Cvncord street, Brooklyn.

toosreru HEOEMAN, Auctioneer, has removed his utlice to tho large building formerly known as the Classical Hall, on Washington st, opposite the Institute, which has been handsomely titled up expressly for a.Public Sales Room, and respectfully solicits from his friends and the-publlc a continuance of the liberal patronage which has hitherto bean bestowed npon him. Personal attention >\ill be uiv en to sales ol every description Ileal Estate, Furniture and Merchandise.

At Private J-aln—A Genteel Cottage House und Lot oh the South Side of Park next door to Carlton nveuue. Lot 23 by 100 feet, more or less, wilh grape vines and fruit trees yard digged, Cemented Cistorn wich pump, House in com­plete order, built in the very best, manner by a Master Mc chanic for his own residency,—ahd_ walls and painted throughout—with convenient ciosets fce — Basement ait;, enclosed with glass—Killed in Willi brick and Firo Hi ol Plate glass in Windows—and but a short distanco fn in Myrtle Avenue—§600 may remain on Bonil und Mortgage. Enquire of J. liegeman.—No. 11)1 Washington St.

Thursday. Feb. 15th At 1 lo'clock. A M, at No. 117 Henry st

A largo and general ns-iortnient of household furniture. Particnlori hereafter.

The HOUSE TO LET, possession Immediately after the sale Hent$»00. ~ .AT .

K. J . TOOD, Auctioneer. *' Store <$• Safe* Room, 88 Fulton jtrcrl

f t f O H P O R A T I O N N O T I C E . — S A L E UF LOTS 1/ffilK VITf UF BKOOK/,)'*Y> hUH MJCPArJiZJCT w*" ASSESSMENT*.—fs^titiu hflMby ' g t i w \ j to the owner or owners of the premises hereinafter mentioned, and all others whom Itiuay concern, that In pursuance of a resolution of tho Common CouncrHJftho City of"

CTWp" lyh, the said owner or ow ners are|iosed upon the said premises as Ure same or* hereinafter set forth, with. Inttrtst and ein*n.-« in th« tKiilBfuiiaiuL'»y,tiBii»uimmimOny mu.'uFiuuuAi, m mrnray CTAI'UIL, n s f e a : a noon. gng<BT>»titl^^ bile Auction at the time above specified, at the City Hall In said City, for the lowest term of years furwhlcli any person will take tho same, and pay thuamount of such ru-MK w " h »•> • Interest and expenses, pursuant to the provisions of the act entitled '* An Act to Incorporate the City of Brooklyn, ptused^Aprll 8th, 1834. and_ the^acu amends-

OJrwAlyn, Jajwftryl5tb, 184S. EDWARD COPLANP, City Clerk.

JOHN D; LAWRENCK, SUeet CommiMioncr.

When Confirmed. To whom assessed.

JameiL. Voorhets and others. do

. , . d o . . . . . ~ . . . . . do

Rodney S . Church do. .

Jaa. 3, 1813...

Jai. 17, 1843.

Hiy 22, 1848. do do do

. . . . . d o do

For what Improvement.

J. O'Donnol.


.do .

. d o .

.do .

.do .

. d o .


:fc .do .


William Jenkins. . .

Rodney 8 . Church.

« • aV

11. U. Butlerworfh • R.J.Brown

do Smith Morehout*t^j. v ."


On what street. | s ide| Between what Street*.

Hamilton avenue, grading from Clinton street to the Commits Toll Bridge

do do do do : do

. . d o . . do . . do do

:i::::::-:::::t::::^::::::::::±: . , do

do do

Duffield sL regulating fc paving from Myr tie to Fulton avenues Schermerhorn st grading and paving from Bond to Powers it . — v . . . . . . . . . Hamilton avenue grading and paving from Columbia to 8-Mlth street Well Pump corner Hicks er. Sackett street

I . . . . . d o . . . do d o . . . do. t do

Corner Smith street . . . . Smith and Bush

. . . . . . . . . d o |Corner Bush Comer Court. Court and M i l l . . . . - —

. . d o Corner M i l l . . . ,

do Mill and Centre

d o . , . ' . . . . . . do

Corner Court... . ."."..r: iCoartand Bosh 1 • • do Corner Bush Myrtle and Wllloughby.

White fc Johnson.-

y.'.'.'.'.y.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.io'. do. do.

U. H. Butlerworfh..

Thomas Hart.

i i


£ 3 U P i t 12.11 E C O U J I T . — J o h n Peebles against J 3 Samuel Fox Hall, executor, 4-c, aud others.

SMITH «c LOWRRV, Solicitors. In pursuance of a judgment rendered in this action on

the 30th day of January, 1849, I will soil at the Franklin House. No. 15 Fulton street in the city of Brooklyn, on the 2Jd day of February, 1819, at 12 o'clock at noon of that day, the fullo.ving lands and promises—

All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the city of Brooklyn, county oi l\ine» aforesaid, on tn • southerly sido of \ o r k street between Bridge and Jay streeis, beginning nt a point one hundred i nd nlioty-elgtit feel eleven und t half westward!)' from tha «uuih»vest corner of York and Bridge street*, rnnniiitf ttieiice westw.irdly along Y*rk street twenty s>ix feet and tine half inch to land now or late ot I. Harper, thence southwardly along the last mentioned land aud parallel with Bridge street one hundred i.nd twenty-lvvo feet to Ti lman street, teunco t-aslwardly along Talman street twenty-six feet and one half inch lo a lot of land conveyed to riainuol VValers. ihenco northwardly ulong tbo last meniioned lot one hundred md twenty-two feet lo he place ot beginning, be the said dimensions more or less.

Together with all and lingular the tone men ts , lie red ita meats anil appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining.plated Brooklynydtmow^y illsl, 1849.

j i3 t 2iWts DAN'L VA.S VODKHIS. Sliernl.

r fJ"Mt »•'. o i t l i i l M A i . f t i i i r u t i . u a -> A,\1> .M.IV i YORK. PACKAGE EXPRESS, ESTADLtSHEl)

li"44.—Principle olfices for tho reception of Orders, Ban dies, Ate,

A d i m s k c o . , IG Wall street, N. V. F. Blglows, 195 Pulton St., Brooklyn. Slates may be found at the follow ing places: III "Wall, Jour, of Coin, otfico. 10 Old Slip, New York.


Uroo/ lyn. .10 Fulton st c.:.,li •• " nil " " Haines grocery store, cor.

Pine ipple und llicks. II line's Montague Hall Post Olli.:c.

fi'J William. :iJ Liberty. 120 Maiden 18 Fulton. LY, Pearl. * \)i South, near FnUon

N. B.—This Fxpress ilclivers packages lioni one part of Brooklyn lo .inothci and to all parts ol New York, and to all put s of tho country w l u i e -ccess caii lie had by dis­tant expresses. This cxpreis nas no connect on with cither of the Brooklyn expresses and will not Tie answer­able for orders left on any other slates except those th it have tho original caption upon them.

jilt) 3,n i: C, SKDGF.WICK , Brooklyn M A l l i e s O l i c i i , COAL DEALER, Main sircoi —

VjP Yard near tho Citharino 1'rrry. Agent, II. R. STORY.25 Fulton .street.

J. l>. desires lo Inform the inhabitants of Brooklyn that ho Is selling the usual description of Coals used In f tinillai uf the best quality and at the usual market prices. Ho would particularly call attention to his Harletoti Conl, tyhlch l« tho bestadaptcd lohurn In hot air Furnaces, hall stoves, ht.. from its great heat and durability. n'J-J Cm

in relation to opening PORTLx\NU'av'enue from Myrtle to Flushing avenues in the city of Brooklyn.

Tu all ichom it may concern : *• Notice i3 hereby given that the repoit of the commission

ors of estimate and assessment In the above entitled uini-ter has been comp'.oted and filed in the office of the clerk of the county of Kings, where it is open for" li.e inspection of all persons interested, and lhatan application will bo umdo on behalf of the said comninn council to li.e Supreme court, at "the next special term thereof, to bv hjld at tho Court Hodse, In the city'of Brookl n,on the sixth day of Fobruary next, to h^ve said report confirmed. Dated Brooklyn, January 26th, 1819.

j i2adl0d , JAMES HUMPHREY, Attorney

NO T I C E — T o all persons Interested in the matter <-y opening Summit street, from Henry street to Ilamll

ton avenue. • The commissioners of estimate and assessment in whom was referred back their former Report in relation to the above Improvement will meet at the office of the counsel to the corporation, at the City Hall in the city of Brooklyn, on the third day of February next, at 3 o'clock in the after noon, to hear the proofs and allegations of all parlies inter ested in said improvement: and will continue lo meet I y adjournment from time to time, as may be necessary proper, for the purpose of making a new report pnrsimrt tn »n order of the" Supreme Court In the above niQtivr. Dated city of Brooklyn. January 24, lrf4"i),'


. PETER BERGEN, ) ja24 dtd JAMES HUMPHREY, Attorney.

A 1 1 T Y C l i U I t l t ' S O f t ' » i ; i ; . - J a n i m r y 2 3 , irtTi X V Nntico to owners ofsuch property in the 0th, 7th. Sth.and 9ih wards as is drained t>y lite Govvanus cicf k ;

A proposition is now beforo the comninn council o> alopt a system • f drainage In ihe words above mentioned according to apian now in the office of ihe city cleik wh*re it may bo seen. A contideratlon of tho motion will bo had at the nc i t meeting of tho common council on the 5th day of February, and this otlce is givcu that all ponons interested n u y uclacconlinrly.

(Signed) EDWARD COPLAND. j i^ l 3iwtd City Clerk.

£ l O K P O B A T l O V NOTICE-—Flagg ing side-^J walks southwesterly corntr of Clark a:.d Willow streets.

The assessors having returned their assessment li'.t Ui the above entitled matter, notlco is herehy alven that tr.r same will ho prescrlcd to the Mayor au1 Common Counril for confirmation .11 their rejnlar meeting on Monday, t!,e 5th day nf Fo'irmry. or as soon thereafter as they may con Venlently actopon the lame. Thel lst can beexaniinrrt ;ii the office of theclcrlt of the comrnoncouncll until the abovo date. Objections tn said list (if any) arc to he made In wri ling.and presented to thecomnioncouncllnn or bofnrelh.aS day. Dated Brooklyn, UMh, Jan 1849. E.COPLAND,

ji2G dtd Clerk ol the Common Council.

*** R.J . TODD and THOMAS BELL will give per­sonal and prompt attention to sales of Real Estate, Furnt ture, and all kinds of merchandise in New York, Willihini burgh, and all parts of Long Island.

Thursday February 1, At 10 o'clock, in tho sales rooms,,£8J"«\»nn o

Saturday morning, Keb. 3d. At 10 o'clock iuthe sales room, 88 Fulton street., a large

and valuable assortment of new and 2nd hand furniture ol every variety and style.

' Saturday evening. Feb. 3, At early candle light, in tho sales room, an extensive ai

sortrhent of cloths and casslmeres, a great variety of deif and china, to close sales,4 olegent 2d hand silver lever watches JO double and single barrel guns, diilereiit pieces, 2d hand furnliure, £0 clock! of different grades, table oil cloths, dry goods, 5 cases umbrellas, fancy goods travelling trunks, ect, also the balance of rueful and fancy articles from tho Ladies'Irish Relief Society of Dublin".

.do. .do. .do. • do. .do . .do. .do. .do.

Anson G . P h e l p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' do

d o . . . .do

do Estate of Margaret Davis Timothy Leary J.O'Donnell

do George Nlxcm Charles Lyon

do do

Boardman ' do do d o . . . do do. . . '

Samuel Phllbrlck Robert T. Hicks Frederick Grifflog

'.!"'.'.'.*.'.'."do".,.!!'.".r.r.'. J. 4ft J., and J. J. Van Nostrand

do « . . . . d o

do do do

.' . . .do do do do

Adam W. Spies, Isaac C. Delaplan, Wm. PostA-Caleb Woodhull .e iecu tor

do do

. . . . d o do do do do do do do do do. .

. . . . . . . . i do do do

; . . . . d o do do do do

William Hunter do

Frederick Grilling

!'.!'.'.!'.'.'.".'.'.'.".!do'.!!'.'.'.l!r.!!!'.!'. , do

Well and Pump cor Fulton avenue and Hunter street, Well and Pump corner of fiacketl and Court atreots. . . .

do do do do do do do v. .

i do . . . . . . . . . d o . . . . . . . .

do do

• ,»; - - i -do



• w Corner Powers.

Corner Smith. .

Columbia and Hicks I 1 d o . . .

Sackett and Union do do do


do do do

Grading and paving Doughty street, from Columbia street to Furman street. . . . Grading Flushing avenue from Hampden street to Clermontaveouo

do do do do d o . . . , ' . . . do do do do do do

Sackett and Degraw.. do d o . . .

, do do

Columbia and Hicks.. do do

Hunter and Downing.

Front As'm-ls

l\ o s

79 35 35 35 92 35 11

37 10̂ 35 98 7

35 35 35 35 20

350 200 33 209 33 200 33 414 00 200 33

8(100 425 00 200 00 20-1 30 560 93 50 00

205 18 200 33 200 33 200 33

18 80

. . . . d o i

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o '. ,•

. . . . d o . . . . .

. . . . d o

. . . . d o . . . ' do

. . . . d o . . . . d o . . . . do. . . . . d o . . . . d o .' . . . . d o . . . . d o . . . . d o . . . . d o ..[Oxford . . . . d o . . . . d o . . . . d o . . . .do ,. -. . . . d o . . . . d o • . . . . d o . . . . d o

Court and Smith Sackett and Degraw

do do

Corner Sackett Court and Smith

. . . . . .do Court and Clinton . . . .r do

. : do . . . . . d o

do do

Corner Sackett Sackett Union

do .-. do . . , do

J.. .I do Corner Furman Cor Furman Cor Hampden Portland and Hampden.. Cor Portland Cor Hampden Flushing and Park

do do do

Hampden and Portland.. do do

Flushing and Park . . . . . d o

d o . . Cumberland. Ade lphl . . . . . , do . . Flushing...-

do . . do . .


C O U P I . U I L ' J i T A U Y K A L E T O MR. D. J. LUCAS—Uy his s c h o l u s and friendt •»t Montague Hall, Brooklyn, on Monday evening,

_ Feb. 5th. Tickets one dollar, may be obtain cd at the principal hotels or of any of the undersigned co;:i mittee : . ,

Brooklyn. .1. D. Van Voorhls. A. H. Osborn. W.Campbel l , Robe'tSwan, W.J.Vanderhoof, CP .Ci .nck l in J. R. S'unonson, Chi s .S imonson , G. Temple , M u r m Whiting, George Abbott, W II. Foster, Joseph Simons., I .Uris , R.Boyle , tl. Harteau, P.Campbell, E Whitlosly, I. H. Wanda, Jas. Colgan, T .Coyle ,

New York. J i s . McMurray, David Frfster.

Williamsbitieh—A. McMfthon. WILLI AM AG A11. Chairman. R. M. WitiTlNO.Treasu er


Jnhn I f-iorhia, Secretary. ja22 13;

M < U J I l . M T I J I I E POR THE HOLIDAYS—Thesub„ L^ srrlbcr oilers lor sale on very reasonable tor ins, a bean I'lful assortment of Sofas. Sofa Bedsteads, Divans, Otto mans, Hocking. Arm and Sewing Chairs, In plush and hair i loth Centre, Ctrrt.Uuar let to and Extension tables, Dress In* and plain Bureaus with marble and wooden top«, So­lar, 11.11 and Astral Lamps, Girandoles, Looking Gl»«c«. T*hlo Cil lery, Beds. Mntlrnssrs, hair and leathers, nil qualities, Cabinet Furniture, House lurnUhlng Goods, fancy Articles, rtc. B - J , J J ' 2 . '

,14 ' 88 Pulton itrret.

f l M O Isaac W. Stewart.—Yon nrc hereby summoned to Jl. answer the complaint of James I), Stewart, of w hich

a copy li hereunto annexed, and to serve a copy of jour answer on mo at tho city of Brooklyn in iho tonnly of Kings within twenty days after ihe service of this sum­mons exclusive of the day of servire, or tho pUintnf \\ill take judgment against you for six hundred and two dollars ninety two rents with interest on il'J'i 92 from November 9th, 1818, and on $20* from November 22nd. lJt-', hermits costs. Yours, /cc.

JOS. M. GREENWOOD, PI dntilf's Attorney, • No. 3 Front st., Brooklyn, N. ^.

The foregoing summons Is published pursuant to an or dor this day luaifo Iry lion. P.. D. Hutthut. ono nf thi- Jus­tices of the Supreme Court, for the purpose ofscrvr.i' upon I'aac. W. ritevv^rt, ihe defendant therein named. Dated Januiry 9th, 1819.

JOS. M. GREENWOOD, j o n 30t.l Plaintiff's Attorney.

N E W Y O H K SUPREME COURT—Joshua Too, Union and Chalkley J. Wills against Allen Clark

Emily his wife, and others,defendants. Summons in moil. gai;o ra^rs.

To Allen CI irk,"Emily his v.ifc, Charles Wras .r ^;;d Jay McDonald, lour ol llio defendants in iho above en­titled s u i t -

Yon ure hereby summoned to answer tho complaint In this rau«e and serve a ropy of your'answer on urn at No. 53 Wall street, in the city of New York, t\l:h';n twrr.iy days after tho service hereof, exclusive of the IMT O| I such sorvlce, and if the defendants fall to answer llie | complrilr.t as aforesaid, the plaintiff* will apply to the r o o t at tho City Hall in the city of New York. on'l l i l^H ClUf H fourth d»v of February, ono thouiand eight hdniired and

r o i l S A N E l i A MCI S C O I J A i . Tho snperior Steam Ship SPITFIRE, ot 220 tons. Cnpt. Martin, will have quick dc

S f spalch for the above named Bay. She is ow being nrranjed to go out under ample sail and can be

tespatched In two weeks. Iter saloon and cabin will handsomely and with perie. i

-onifnrt accommodate lorly passengers rind none other thin cabin passengers will lie tiken, nor more than 4') ol these. « »

The Spitfire is but two years old—a first class vessel, 'milt in this city, under the inspection of Cnpt Martin, for •ea service—has proved herself a superior %rt\ boat and i« in perf.'Ct order. .She can pass the Straits of Magellan. If it should be found desirable and it is hclievcd a more favor idle oppirtunltv docs not offer for the voyage.

A moderate "quantity nf llahl freight'lnav be taken, for which, on PXSSAOJ:, apply to J. If, ilROWER U co.

j i 1 H 2 v * 45 South street.

ftrj »; . i > i ; i , i , > i > i t \ , t > M ) t l A T t o ", <>P Vl i IIROUKLYN.—Hon John Greenwood, Presidrnl

\t . P. Robliir.s. Esq.. Vic,c President ; C. P Prin le, Serre tary ; T. N. Doughty. Treasurer; G.(J. Rixford, Librarian Conduc or. } . L. Cumming*. _

Tliis Association, which is intended for the pcrfonnoncr • d classic S.-.crcd Music, with orchestral accompaniment, has been duly organized, and Is now in operation.

Persons desirous of becoming performing members may apply to any of the officers.

Subscribers Tickets, admitting four persons to one per forrninie in each month, may lie hid of the officers, and at the principal Hook and Music rflores.

By order, C. P. PKINHLE. jilG 2 i w l w Secretary.

~7̂ roil S \ N i i t . i M i x o . CM iniii--v-n^x M A AND THE G'H.D REGIONS - T h e nc\s

^ > ' | * r V i n d splendid last sailinc birk tlERSlt.l A . C.ipt. «Sr=riGll . \xter, 4:H) ions burthen, now laying it Pier fi. N'urth River, will positive y s-nl on Snturdiy, Janinrj »• \ | , r . ^ n , , r l ' . . n . . t^A^, c at ger<. IVi 1." lit find pissen^ers takiH at reasohalde rate?.

For further inform it Ion. upply to d:il tf E. W. KIMBALL U C(),84 Wall st.-

..«r.:::::::::::r:::!|8:: -.45} - do . .

46jRo'j«rt F. Manley. 47 , . . ' - ^ . . , . d o . . . .

. .48 d o . . . . 49J--- • d o . . . Samuel Bnuton

d o . . . . Robert F. Manley

. . . ' . d o . . . . Frederick Gnffi ing— Charles Rowland

...• d o . . . . Samuel Bouton

d o . . . . Henry L. Clark William Hunter Frederick Grilling

d o . . . . d o . . . . d o . . . . d o . . . .

William Hunter, d o . . . . d o . . . . do

o|Estato oi Cernellus Duryea, G. W. Jewett, <fc Sehoonmaker, executors


.do . .

1 irjp portion of'hcr passengers and cargo ur(» already en g<d. This ve'seVii leir.g lined up in thr Inost'Cnint. rt-de rmnnrr for rat\in, si'cond cabin and steer.ici' passen-

l is t are of about fivo by eight Inches, on llio upper half of which are maps of pans nf the earth, and on the hnser-eirel thfi lines of latllndr>»H'Mongitli.|e on which to topy Ihe iiiap above. Published nAd.for sale by •

A. M, W I L D R R . 5 1 Fulton, n 4 and WILDER*^- CO.

~lsSTi;S I'T.S' llVlrVIJS!—An nbumUnt Supply of Rings suitable for ChrisniM and New

" Ifti, for sale at moderate prl esby . W M . W l S R J a .

d « Wftt'h Maker and Jswerlei, 79 Fulton it


aimmruiaic pos«es«ion fhc abov* s»et| known an I old established Hotel—nnw doing a first r.sto rroti-

t.ahtis business. PeVsons wishing toemt>ark In lhatl ino hare now an opp.artunlty that seldom otfert.

The proprietor, II W Alesandor, bring alxint to rntcr Into other sprrnlailons. For particulars apply on tho premises. J.a21)3l

It i .u i i 'SEs or iiosir. i,irTf; or, c»mr-"i si."!!" r*nd Consequences.—By Mrs, 0 . Embury, Just published and for sale J>y

j»5 KLLIOTT tt CO., 47 Atlaoile «t.. Brooklyn.

f B ^ O T H E T l l O t ' f i l l l 1 1 1 , — W h a t ran you U think ol that will prove a better or more useful PRE­

SENT, than a tet of Stiver Simons. Forks, Butter Knives. Napkin Rings, Sucar 'Pongs, Sugar sitters, etr, o'r some-tllingof that style !

In ad li'ion to my usiiallj:. lsr;c stock of Silver Ware, I have briu manor ii f'.'Nng pirtirnbir.y for the Holidays.

I would invite ladies and gents that .ire in Want of Sil­ver W-sre to give ine a call licfore purchasing, and it is ill save them the trouble nf going to Now York.

JOHN D. CHASE, 187 Fulton st, M iniifactnrerof Jewelry,Silver Ware, Combs, etc.

N B.— t he same store with Mrs.Trumbull. Watches.and Clocks repaired ^ «11S

371 E E C ) A K T I I O E I D A V I ' H E S E M TS% A T fl^/ FORSYTH'S, 201 Fulton s i — We would rail the at li^lliaii of our citizens lo the new and elegant stork >>f Wntr.he*. Jewelry, and Silver Wn re. at tho above establish

and C W.Lynde, lessee . . . . . d o . . . . d o . . . . d o . . . . d o . . . . d o

Jonas Stono' ••• do

Mary Johnson . . , do Eliza Smith

do Jonaa Stone

do Eliza Smith

. . . d o John Browor... Estate W m . L. Degraw.

slEliza Sherman. . .

Estate.Wm. L. Degraw Wm. Powers, Genl. guardian of M.

P . a n l T P. Powers S.Cambrelllng Wm. PoWers7 general guardian ot

M.P. andT. P. Powdrs S. Cambrelling

do do

Harriet Hoyt ri.v...«»-—. Benjamin Aymar

CARTER, GAS ar FITTERS. No 31 Bowery, Now York, haMng been

engaged in the Gas Fitting business for Ihe last 15 year*, areenab'ed from their long uperienre to fit up Churches, Public Buildings and -•'tore*, Ar., In tho best manner. All kinds nf Grcs Flvtnres, Chandelier*, Biarken, Pendant*, fce.., madisto order and rep»lrcd. Orders for Gas Fixture* left at the ofTico of the Gas Company, 4fl Fulton street, np stairs, will meet with prompt attention. F. A. C, are about locating In this city. Reference* tun be given te various persons both In this city and New York. jal.lUni

i »e* ,.

3 K . . . 6 . . . 7 •7>i

. . . 9 Benjamin Aymar. . .

. .10 do.

. .12 . . . . d o .

. .18 do.

. .14 Eliza Towers, now Elira Tysen,

. .15 Wm. Powers Executor of Estate

. .16 Thomas Poole, deceased U 1 7 d o . . . . . . . .

. . • 1 8 do. . ' • . .19 d o . . . . r s ,

. .90 do • . .21 do • . .29 do . . . 2 J do ' . .StiThomas (5. Talmago.. .

, on 141 Maria Middlolon • • j..61 iTeonis Bergen. , 61 }i 'John T . Dcmarest . I..02 Tounls Bergen , ..GO William I^eo . i. .72 Ellzibelh Seaman, Guardian of I John WyckotT

. ' . .73 Deborah Carson

.I . .74 do • ' . .75 Rachel Berry, Elizabeth Rntledgc - ' . .76 and others, unknown owners . . .

. . eg John WyckotT, Mrs. E. Seaman Trustee

..B3 Piatt

..84,'H. M.Carpenter

. .Cfl'Jsmes Bellows

. .BS'John Bonham'JohnC. Hyde

..90[A. Wa*hbiirn

..01 E.Trlndle

. .03 A. H, Washburn

101 A.Clark k 9 . Anderson 10l|Wllllam Hatfield.

do do do do

.. .' . do do do •••• do . . . ' do

Grading Flashing av. front Hampden st to Clermont av

do do do do do ^ do do

. . . . . d o do do

• • • " . v u P v • • • • « • • » » • • • \i*XJ j(j»• • do do

FilUng lots on Raymond street, between Tillary street and Myrtle avenue

do d o . . ; do do do do

Flagging Schermerhorn street between1

Clinton and Boerum do do do do do do do do

Grading and paving Tompkln Place from the present pavement to Degraw street

do , . . . . . . .r. .: . . . .do

do do do do •

Grading and turnplklag Fifth av. from Flatbush av. to 37th street

do do do do

. . A do. do do do • • • - . . . .

. . . . d o

. , . . d o . - - - - -do.*..-..

. . . . d o

. . . .("6. d o . . . . . do

Cumberland ••• • do

Carlton do

Flushing do do

Carlton do

Flushing . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o . :

. . . . d o

. . . . d o :

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o .

. . . . d o

a i I S S SW K % w w SE «K s E I S SW K M NW NE NW SE i .

Raymond do do do ."- . . . . . do do do

Schermerhorn../.. do do do do do do

. . . i . . d o do do

Tompkins Place. . do do do do

-do do do


Fifth Avenne. d o . . . d o . . . d o . . . d o . . . d o . . . d o . . . d o . . .

, d o . . .

w w w w w w w N N I H N N a 8 s s w w w w . NW NE K E

w E W W


Tillary and Myrtle.... do do do do do do

Clinton and Court do do do do

••?r do C«art and Boerum...

•«« do d o . . . . - -do

Harrison and Degraw. do do do

corner Degraw I do Harrison and Degraw.

lOTJJohn F.'Drlapl&lne. ItVSj...- d o . . . .

, lf»0, d o . . . . 110 d o . . . .

IjStepheni Cambrelling. .do. do. do. do. lo.

Garret Vnndetieor.

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . d o

. . . . 0 0 d o . . . . . do

. . . . d o do do do

. . . . . d o do do do do

. . . . d o . . . .

. . . . d o . . . .

. . . . d o . . . .

. . . . d o . . . .

. . . . d o . . . .

. . . d o . . . . , . . . d o . . . . . . . . d o . . . . . . . . d o . . . . . . . d o . . . .

. . . . d o . . . . . . . d o . . . . . . . d o . . . . . . . d o . . . .

r-rrrarj-r. , . . . d o . . . .

. . . d o . . . . . . . . d o . . . . . . . . d o . . . . . . . d o . . . .

. . d o .

Warren 4- WyckotT.

Fifth avenue. . . d o . . . . d o . . . .

. . / . . . d o . - { . . . .do

do do d o . . . do do do do do do

11th street Fifth Avenuo Ilth and 12th streets Fifth Avenue




.do . . . . . .

.do do

. . . d o . .

. . . d o . .

. . d o . . .

. . d o . . .

. . d o . . .

. . d o . . .

. . d o . . .

. . d o . . .

. . . d o . . 7773077 . . . d o . . . . . d o . . . . . d o . . . . . d o . . . . . d o . . , . . d o . •

Flatbush and Dean s t . . • •••• .••« d o . . . . . . . . .

Dean and Bergen Bergen and WyckotT... Bergen and Dean comer of Bergen Bergen and WyckotT... Warren and WyckotT.. corner Warren

N . i




E W NW w S I I SW NW k_


4th and 5th avenues.

Warren and Baltic.. . corr.erBaltlc Warren and Baltic.. . corner Baltic corner Butler Butlerand Douglass.. corner Douglass corner Butler Butler and Douglass, corner Douglass.. .*, corner Degraw ,

do do do

th and 8th street 5th and Cth avenues. . Uth and 12th m e e t s . . 5th and 6th avenues. , ttth and 12th streets., corner 15th street



70 163 23 22 22 22

5 20 20 20 20

127 100 20 25

25 25 25

/*W 23 25 25 IB 26 11

134 16 8 16 8 16 s 18 18 18 18 18 9

82 67 62 10!

139 00

76 40

. 8 3 0 19 60 6 0 0 9 6 4 2 6 4 3 6 4 '

60 2 40 2 4Cf 3 40 3 40

15 24 12 00 3 40 4 17

5 50' 5 50 5 50 5 50

11 00 5 50 5 50 4 40 I 10

23 00 3 0 8 3 0 3 3 0 3 7 70 3 0 6 3 96 3U6 3 9 6 1 54

97 99 79 50

5G9 53 122 Xj 1100 53 19 lo1, 175 27

Portland and Oxford do do do do do do

Corner Oxford Flushing and Park.*.

do do

Corner Oxford Oxford and Cumberland • •

d o . . . . do do do

.' do CornorCumberland Flushing and Park

.' do do

.'. do do

Portland & Oxford Oxford and Cumberland— Cumberland 4. Carl ton— Cor Cumberland. f'uuiberland and Carl'""-.

'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. do'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. do

. . . . . d o . . . d o

corner of Carlton . . . Flushing and Park

do do do

corner Carlton do

Carlton and Adelphl j o s h i n g and Park

do Carlton and Adelphl corner of ^delphla Carlton and A^e'pW

. .do / corner of Adelphl •••

do. , corner Clermont corner Adelphl Adelphl and Clermont ..-.

do do

126 25 25 25 25 25 25 16 11 25 25

18 25 25 25 25 25 25 0 f i

" . 1 .

25 20-25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

20425,| 1851 ,2042!.) " " l204 2?i|

29 21

1'th and 10th street corner ICth street

do 10th st. and Hammond av. corner 16th street

17th and IFth streets do

corner lPth street I9lh and 20th street corner 19th street 19th and 20th streets confer 20th street rornerSlst -do ;»^nd^Ut_»JXKt U M »..».

25 25 25 25 25 25 25-25 25 25 25 46 10 2 9 2 18 1 25 25 25 7 ! 15 3

117 2 25 7 14 6

104 IK 100 1 ?3 3K 25 25 25

25 2 85 25 25 v 25 25 25 8 25 25 25 25 25 34 1 25" 25 25 25 40 6 27 2

141 4 41 50 65 5

140 2 23 4

93 5 46 4

200 200 150 50 09

1200 195 3

4 9 1


]:200 ] | 5G 9 I 200 II 56 8 1 143 3 p200 1,100 ]{143 4 1,200 0% lilOO * * l! 93 6 1 «7 I 98 0 j ! 31 10 ileoo i^o i'200 I'llO 1*200

72 0

1M 6 16 4 13 6

!l4(l 1|M9

Grading and paving Dean street from Go ^Dean. waans Ro toad to Washington av.

. . . . d o . . . .

. . . . d o . . . . d o . . . ,

. . . . d o . . . .

. . . . d o . . . .

. . . . d o . . . .

.do . ,

.do . ,


.do. ,

.do . .



SE NW N * NW W NE a N S N < N I

! < « >*

"]?oTriTr2ist street icorn«r24th do

do corner 26th street ?t*lh and27lh street* 'corner 26th s t r e e t . . . . . — 96th and 27th street Flatbush and 5th arennes.

do iPearsall and Flatbnsh a v . . ; do Tosrsall and Flatbush road I 'flu icorner Cetlton .Carlton anfl Vanderbllt... .

IH200 4 I 115 8 l! 50 1 200 4 lhno 2 1200 4 li *;.'» 1 125

417 24 118 00 103 00 93 00 S8 00 208 G2 208 C2 141 11 83 00 78 U0

66 76 203 62 206 62-208 02 203 62 203 62 208 62 208 62 73 00 83 00 78 00 213 40 203 62 203 63 208 69 203 62 203 52 203 63 203 63 88 00 78 00 88 00 88 00 77 60

16 1P51 10 1851 IS 243 40 203 frj 008 65 203 62 298 62 203 62 208 62 203 62 88-00 78 00 l?3 00 73 00 424 59 243 40 150 91 46 00 30 00 512 90 127 27 1062 12 231 91 126 91 944 12 007 20 235 06 "208 62

208 62

93 06 96 93 100 15 100 19 100 51 100 51 89 43 27 14 27 14 27 14 97 14 27 14 37 79 27 14 27 14 27 14 27'14 56 00 30 50 190 66 56 6a 69 15 90 50 195 06 39 16

131 68 61 38 281 90 231 90 211 42 :0 48 231 90 137 64 6 65

137 60

231 90 79 93 231 90 79 86 2C6 91 231 90 140 1>5 202 05 281 90 140 95 133 63 38 00 138 85 44 87 231 90 22 99 211 43 70 47 211 63 102 54

269 87 23 03 19 03

202 93 210 01

<ra 37 1*3 03 70 59

232 37 Mf 1S» 2*2 37 105 71 176 66

l^Wi. 0- i-'iH-i 37-— 11108 3

5 ll 8 4 lllfO 6 1-103 4 Hil l 2 11183 4 1] 69 11 1 158 1393 1325 1146 I "Ml li 66 1'IM

153 58 6 90

11 75 145 88 272 51 156 C9 265 48 118 44 297 67 739 71 611 31 276 JO 454 65 125 18 385 43


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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